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      • KCI등재

        왜 BTS는 샤오펀홍(小粉红)의 타깃이 되었는가?

        金貞恩 ( Kim Jungeun ) 중국어문연구회 2024 中國語文論叢 Vol.- No.117

        BTS, South Korea’s leading idol, has become a global cultural icon. However, despite BTS’s global cultural prominence, its reception in China has been fraught with controversies, encompassing issues ranging from RM’s acceptance speech of the Van Fleet Award to Jimin’s birthday tribute to RM’s support to the short track speed skating at the Beijing Olympics. Since President Xi Jinping took power, the strategy of “Chinese Dream(中國夢)” has led to reinforcement of Chinese nationalism and patriotism. China’s aspiration to assert itself as a global center faces challenges in gaining external recognition. Especially in the cultural sphere, it is difficult to take the initiative even in East Asia due to the dominance and proliferation of the Korean Wave pose significant obstacles. After the implement of ‘Korea limitation order’, China pushed out the Korean wave and dominated domestic cultural industry and market with its own content, but it is still struggling to eliminate the influence of Korean wave. As a result, with its symbolic entity, BTS has emerged as a convenient target for China. Unlike other K-pop idols, BTS is not primarily aiming for the Chinese market and is exclusively composed of South Korean members, further exacerbating tensions. Originally indicating Chinese patriotic sentiments, ‘Little pink(Xiaofenhong, 小粉紅)’, now refers to a generation shaped by intensified patriotic education under Xi Jinping’s leadership, fervently idolizing China as ‘Brother China.’ Consequently, Little pink and ARMY(BTS fans) often clash over issues related to BTS. The battle between ARMY and Little pink for ‘Tannies (BTS fans’ term for BTS members)’ and ‘Brother China’ resemble a conflict between rival fandoms. But their conflict is deeply entrenched. It’s rooted in China’s fandom of patriotism through the objectification of the state as an idol, and rising ultra-patriotism in South Korea, which has been reinforced by the global spread of the Korean Wave. The Pyeongchang and Beijing Winter Olympics, where “cultural celebration” showcased the national identities of both countries, BTS as a K-Pop idol group became a “scapegoat” for Chinese patriotic netizens. The slander directed at BTS by these netizens, coupled with Chinese governmental sanctions, underscores the deep-rooted conflict between China and South Korea since the establishment of diplomatic relations three decades ago. The recent escalation in Korea-China relations can be attributed to ‘anxious nationalism,’ exemplified and magnified in the targeted assault on BTS led by China’s Little pink.

      • KCI등재

        소분홍(小粉红)과 사이버 민족주의의 새로운 경향

        김태연 한국중국학회 2022 중국학보 Vol.100 No.-

        This paper aims to examine in detail the "Littlel Pink", which has emerged as a synonym for the new generation of cyber nationalists in China, and to examine some problems related to hatred in Chinese cyberspace surrounding "Littlel Pink". What distinguishes"Littlel Pink" from existing online nationalists is that they grew up in online subculture such as web novels, cartoons, and games since the 1990s, mainly use SNS, including Weibo, and much prefer visual communication methods such as images and emoticons to long text arguments. This paper aims to examine in detail the background and characteristics of "Littlel Pink" groups, examine what they mean in China's online space, and critically examine how the existence of "Littlel Pink" is composed according to various interests in China's online public opinion. 본 논문은 중국 신세대 사이버 민족주의자의 대명사로 떠오른 ‘소분훙’에 대해 구체적으로 살펴보고, 소분훙을 둘러싸고 벌어지는 중국 사이버 공간 속의 몇 가지 혐오 관련 문제점들을 고찰하고자 한다. 대개 소분홍이 기존의 온라인 민족주의자들과 차별되는 것은, 대개 90년대 이후의 디지털 네이티브 세대로서 웹소설이나 만화, 게임 등 온라인 하위문화 속에서 성장하였다는 점, 웨이보를 비롯한 SNS를 주로 사용한다는 점, 장문의 텍스트를 통한 논쟁보다는 이미지나 이모티콘과 같은 시각적 커뮤니케이션 방식을 훨씬 선호한다는 점 등을 들 수 있다. 본 논문은 소분홍 집단의 등장배경과 특징을 구체적으로 살펴보고, 이들이 중국의 온라인 공간에서 어떤 의미를 가지는지 고찰하며, 나아가 소분홍의 존재가 중국 온라인 공론장에서 어떤 식으로 다양한 이익관계에 따라 구성되는지 비판적으로 살펴보고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        애니메이션 『그 해, 그 토끼, 그 일들 (那年那兎那些事兒)』 속의 한국전쟁 기억과 애국주의 욕망

        이경하 한국중국현대문학학회 2021 中國現代文學 Vol.- No.99

        “YEAR HARE AFFAIR(hear-in-after HARE)”, which is the representative main theme animation series, was first introduced in 2015 through the bilibili platform, the largest video sharing website in China. This animation series describes the path of hardship and struggle that China has walked since the Opium War, and contains the message of further unity under the leadership of the Communist Party to realize the Chinese dream. The first half of each episode consists of animation, and the second half consists of documentary materials such video, photos and explanations. As soon as “HARE” aired, its influence quickly spread throughout society and gained recongnition from government officials and mainstream media. “HARE”, a well-combined red culture and two-dimensional culture, effectively conveys the main message of promoting patriotism, unity, and realizing the Chinese dream through the Korean War, which the Chinese people call the The first half of each episode consists of animation, and the second half consists of documentary materials such video, photos and explanations. As soon as “HARE” aired, its influence quickly spread throughout society and gained recongnition from government officials and mainstream media. “HARE”, a well-combined red culture and two-dimensional culture, effectively conveys the main message of promoting patriotism, unity, and realizing the Chinese dream through the Korean War, which the Chinese call the ‘War to Resist US and Assist North Korea’. However, all of this is only from the perspective of the Chinese. Therefore, in this paper, as Koreans, we firstly examine the narratives of the Korean War in this animation, and secondly analyze how they remembered and reproduced the Korean War, and how they successfully drew patriotic discourse. Through this process, we will have a better understanding of how the Chinese view the Korean War and an opportunity to ponder the difference of viewpoint between Korea and China.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Causes and Background of Cultural Conflict between Korea and China

        ( Tae-shik Kim ) 경남대학교 인문과학연구소 2022 人文論叢 Vol.59 No.-

        올해는 1992년 한중 양국이 정식으로 국교를 수립한지 30주년이 되는 해이다. 그러나 한국의 사드배치와 중국의 한한령과 같은 정치적인 문제를 겪고, 코로나19 책임론 대두와 미중 전략 경쟁의 급격한 국제정세 변화 속에서, 최근 한중 양국 관계는 예전과 달리 원만하지 못한 실정이다. 특히 우리나라에서의 반중정서는 사상 최악으로 치닫고 있는 상황이고, 그 중에서도 젊은 청년층에서의 반중정서는 보다 더 심각한 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이에 본 논문은 청년층 반중정서의 주요 배경으로 지목되고 있는 한중 간 문화갈등을, 기원에서부터 출발하여 최근의 사례들까지 여러 각도에서 집중적으로 검토하였고, 산재된 원인과 배경을 유형화한 체계적인 분석을 통해 관련 시사점을 제시하였다. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the official establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and China in 1992. However, the relationship between Korea and China has not been as smooth as in the recent past, with political problems such as the deployment of THAAD in Korea and the ban on the Korean Wave in China, as well as the rise of the Corona 19 responsibility issue and the escalation of tension caused by the U.S.-China strategic agendas. In particular, sinophobia in Korea is reaching its worst levels ever, and sinophobia among young people seems to be the most serious. Therefore, this paper intensively reviewed the cultural conflict between Korea and China, which is pointed out as the main background of sinophobia among the youth, from various angles from its origin to recent cases, and presented relevant implications by categorizing the scattered causes and backgrounds. It is hoped that this will be of some help in improving Korea-China relations in the future.

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