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        문법교육 : 문법 교육에서 어휘 개념의 재정립 및 어휘소 개념 도입의 유용성

        윤천탁 ( Cheon Tak Youn ) 한국문법교육학회 2014 문법 교육 Vol.20 No.-

        The lexicon is defined as “assemblage of words, in other words, the aggregation of words” in school grammar. According to this definition, still there is much to be resolved; first, this definition can not cover ‘idioms’ and ‘adages’ under the category of the lexicon, and second, it is difficult that the elements that form words, such as the root and affix, etc. are emphasized in vocabulary education. One way to solve this problem is to explain minutely what elements are included in word set. Another way is to introduce new concepts and terms to define vocabulary. The lexeme is able to be defined as “individual item composing the lexicon, which is used like a word as some words congregate, such as not only simplex, compound word, derivative, but also component of words like root or affix, adages and idioms” These sorts of introduction of the notion of the lexeme can promote understanding of various expressive languages by getting learners to understand the meaning of the elements of words and to analyse semantic relations between the lexeme. Also, activities that learners find more new lexeme particular one is included can consult increase in their vocabulary.

      • KCI등재

        용언 어휘의미의 분석과 표상, 객관성 확보가 문제이다

        박철우(Chulwoo Park)(朴哲佑) 형태론 2012 형태론 Vol.14 No.2

        남(2008)은 용언 의미의 분석 방법으로 단의를 한정해 나가는 방식을 단계적으로 상정한다. 첫째, 상태성/동작성, 자동성/타동성, 물리성/정신성, 이동성/비이동성, 사동성/주동성, 피동성/능동성과 같은 범주 특성에 따라, 둘째, 유의어 혹은 반의어 대치에 의한 고유 특성을 포착함에 따라, 셋째, 논항 구조의 격틀이 다를 경우에도 단의를 구별하되 격 교체 구문인 경우에는 통합함으로써, 넷째, 논항의 의미 선택 제약을 살펴 동일한 의미 부류로 묶일 수 있는 최하위 결점을 포착함으로써 단의를 구분한다. 이어서, 이렇게 구분된 단의들을 서로 연관성이 있는 범위까지 통합하여 하나의 의소로 묶고, 유연성을 찾기 어려운 단의들은 동음의 다른 의소에 속하는 것으로 판정한다. 이 글에서는 우선 의소 설정의 효용에 문제를 제기한다. 공시적으로 이미 분화된 개념 의미를 유연성에 따라 통합하여 그 중 대표를 기본 의미로 제시하는 것이 의미 단위를 확인하거나 분화된 단의를 활용하는 데 어떤 유익이 있는지 알 수 없다는 것이다. 다음으로 남(2008)은 통사적 증거보다 의미의 차이를 확인해야 한다고 주장하지만, 이 글에서는 실제로는 직관으로 의미 차이를 확인하는 것으로는 객관성을 확보하기 어렵고 오히려 통사적 증거가 있을 때 의미 차이를 확인할 수 있음을 보였다. Nam (2008) offers four criteria for dividing presumed senses of a verbal lexeme. The first is the semantic difference between stative and dynamic, intransitive and transitive, physical and mental, locomotive and non-locomotive, causative and principal, and passive and active; the second the difference in semanticality after replacing the lexeme with a synonym or an antonym; the third the case-frame differences between them; and the fourth, the difference in the selectional restriction to the argument nouns between them. After establishing the senses of the lexeme, he suggests the incorporation of associable senses into the sememe of the lexeme and the separation of the remnantal ones from it. I doubt about the effectiveness of establishing the concept of a sememe and argue that syntactic evidence is more critical in establishing the senses of a lexeme than pure semantic criteria.

      • KCI등재

        말뭉치 기반 접미사 ‘-답-’과 ‘-스럽-’의 파생 양상과 의미 비교

        홍승혜 한국어의미학회 2023 한국어 의미학 Vol.82 No.-

        In this paper, we analyze some usage patterns and semantic differences of the suffixes ‘-dab-’ and ‘-seureob-’ based on spoken and written corpora. To do so, relevant sentences that include either suffix are extracted from the corpus, providing a rich set of authentic usage patterns of the two suffixes. We demonstrate that the two suffixes cannot be distinguished solely based on the semantic features of the expressions they attach to, nor can they be explained solely by differences in the relationship between the subject and the (preceding) lexeme. Alternatively, based on these observations, this study suggests that the suffix ‘-dab-’ signifies ‘not deviating from a generalized concept related to the lexeme’ and that the suffix ‘-seureob-’ signifies ‘evoking a sense or mood related to the lexeme’. Furthermore, this study explores the relationship between the derived patterns of ‘-dab-’ and ‘-seureob-’ based on semantic features found in the shared lexeme list. Lastly, it emphasizes that the inherent positivity or negativity of lexemes is context-dependent and not determined by the characteristics of the lexeme or the suffix alone. All in all, this study critically surveys some major analyses on the similarities and differences between ‘-dab-’ and ‘-seureob-’, mostly on the basis of the usage patterns found in one of the largest corpora currently available, and then a more comprehensive view of the phenomena is proposed, showing how it can explain examples not discussed in previous research.

      • KCI등재

        잠재어와 어휘부의 상호 관계에 대한 일고찰

        김명광(Kim Myoung-kwang) 한국어문학회 2007 語文學 Vol.0 No.98

        This study aims at clarifying the procedure with complementary correlationship between Words in lexicon and Word Formation Rules(WFR) which one s selected by psychological preference of speakers. The principle of coordinate order between rules and lexeme of lexicon are below. The unit laying before syntactic component is primarily the existing lexeme listed in lexicon. If there is no lexeme which refer to appropriate notion(mapped by form) to extract out from lexicon or in case the speaker forgets the existed lexeme, The WFR is operated. We can reduced the potential word, therefore, as we coordinate the Order Principle of ‘The first existed lexeme-The second potential one’(FL-SP) which makes the speaker not to derivate word that it is destined to disappear, compared with existed lexeme. The potential word can be reduced if the referent which refers designate object doesn’t exist in real word.(The principle 'No motivation of cognition', Unmarked cognition). The potential word can also be reduced in virtue of the factors that if the referent contains subjective manner or event oriented to speaker or listener, this one are against attribute of lexicon which is relevant only to generic objectiveness even if referent exist in real word. Even if the referent have the generic objectiveness, the potential words can be reduced with the respect of speakers will whether he strand the notion in syntax or operate it with WFR.

      • 교육용 어휘의 단위

        조창규 국어교육학회 2002 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.14 No.-

        어휘 교육에 대한 관심의 제고와 함계 다양한 논의가 있었으나 교육용 어휘의 단위에 대한 논의는 없었던 것으로 보인다. 따라서 이 글에서는 교육용 어휘의 단위로 이용될 가능성이 있는 언어 단위인 ‘형태소, 단어, 어휘소’가 각각 교육용 어휘의 단위가 되었을 때 발생할 수 있는 문제점을 검토하였다. 세 언어 단위를 검토한 결과. ‘형태소’는 공시성과 통시성이 고려되지 않은 언어 단위로, 교육용 어휘의 단위로서는 부적합 하다고 판단하였다. 단어는 형태소나 어휘소가 갖는 문제점 일부를 해결할 수는 있었으나, 여전히 ‘관용구 처리, 생산적 접사의 제외, 생산적 접사에 의해 생성된 단어의 개별적 등재와 교육’과 같은 문제점을 극복하지 못했다. 마지막으로 어휘소는 두 가지로 나누어 검토하였는데 ‘ 어휘소Ⅰ’는 ‘단어의 여러 변이형을 대표하는 추상적 단위’로, 앞선 언어 단위가 갖는 문제점을 대부분 해결하여 매력이 있었다. 하지만, 여전히 미해결 상태로 남겨두어야 할 문제점이 있음을 확인 하였다. 검토한 언어 단위들 모두 일정한 문제점이 있어서 피자는 어휘소의 개념을 보다 폭넓게 규정하여 그것을 ‘어휘소Ⅲ’이라 하고 이것을 어휘 교육의 단위로 제안하였다. ‘어휘소Ⅲ’은 부차적인 문제를 제외하면. 검토한 언어 단위가 갖는 문제점을 모두 극복한 것으로 보인다. The purpose in this paper is two. One is to examine units of educational vocabularly; morpheme, word and lexeme. The other is to seek out the best unit among these three as units of educational vocabulary. A morpheme is a linguistic unit which does not regard synchronic and diachronic one. Therefore it is excluded from an educational vocabulary unit. A word is excluded also, because it has many problems. A definition of the terminology :Lexeme" is two. One is "synchronically a meaningful minimal unit". The other is "an abstract unit that represents variations of words". But these concepts are not sufficient. Hence I revise the notion of lexeme and designate lexmeⅢ. It is defined as follows.(1) sysnchronically a meaningful minimal unit. (2) a unit that includes all of inflections of the rood word. (3) an item that functions as a single meaning unit, regardless of the number of words it contain. Excepting secondary questions lexemeⅢ settles all problems. Consequently, I conclude that lexemeⅢ is suitable as an educational vocabulary unit.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 이중언어사전 편찬을 위한 템플릿(Template) 제작에 대한 제안

        이상룡(Lee Sang-Yong) 한국사전학회 2005 한국사전학 Vol.- No.6

        This paper is my personal suggestion for making and using a template for a Korean Bilingual Dictionary. The Korean Bilingual Dictionary herein is a dictionary with Korean main lexemes and definitions in other languages of the world. So, this template for a Korean Bilingual Dictionary contains everything needed for each entry, including a main lexeme, pronunciation, part of speech, an illustration, and a cross-reference. All that is left is for field lexicographers to supply definitions for the main lexemes in their languages. There are many people in the field, either Korean or foreign dictionary makers, who try to compile Korean bilingual dictionaries in their national languages, but have lots of frustrations because of technical problems. Every lexicographer needs to start a dictionary from the first stage, which means from the selection of main lexemes and all required information for each entry. Everyone should follow the same procedure. This paper suggests some methodology for selecting main lexemes, as well as compiling the components for each lexeme. A user-friendly computer program essential for making a dictionary with many different kinds of fonts used around the world is also introduced.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 6학년의 접사 "-기"의 사용 실태 -일기문 말뭉치를 중심으로-

        김명광 ( Myoung Kwang Kim ) 배달말학회 2011 배달말 Vol.48 No.-

        이 글은 초등학교 6학년 아동들의 일기문 말뭉치1)에서 나타나는 접미사 ``-기`` 결합형을 살펴보면서 6학년 시기의 조어 현상의 한 단면을 밝히는 것이 목적이다. 접미사 ``-기``와 결합하는 단어는 등재어의 경우, [놀이]와 [물건]의 의미를 갖는 도출 형식, ``-기`` 결합체가 후행 형식과 임의적으로 결합하여 나타나는 자료가 매우 많이 나타난다. 아울러 선행 동사와 ``-기`` 결합체(최소핵결합체)의 빈도수를 볼 때, 그 순서는 자립형의 경우 ``달리기>읽기>내기 등의 순이며, 비자립형의 경우 ``넘기>차기, 잡기>짓기`` 와 같은 순서를 가진다. 또한 ``-기`` 결합 구조는 [[[N][V]]기]와 [[V]기] 구조가 우세하다. 미등재어의 경우 미등재어와 달리 [운동]의 경우 매우 생산적이며 ``[[NP]+[V]]기]``형, ``[[NP]+[V]]기]``형 문장형, [[AP]+[V]]+기]형과 같이 통사구 형식과 그 구조가 유사한 형식들이 많이 나타난다. 아울러 후행 형식과의 결합을 이룰 경우 필수적인 결합형이 존재하는 예들이 많으며 자립형 최소핵결합체는 그 구조 형식이 합성어 형식이 대부분이다. 다음에 6학년 초등학생들의 미등재어 구조가 등재어와 마찬가지로 [[[N][V]]기]와 [[V]기] 구조가 우세하지만 ``[[NP]+[V]]기]``형, ``[[[V]기][N]]``형, ``[[[[N][V]]기][N]]``형, ``[[[[NP][V]]]기[N]]``형, 문장형, ``[[V]면서[V]]`` 형, ``[[[N][V]]어[V]]`` 형 등과 같은 새로운 형식이 추가된다. This study is aims at clarifying a aspect of the actual condition of word formation, that is lexical form is corporated with suffix ``-ki`` of the 6th grade of elementary school with the reference to the corpus of diary. The existing lexemes(registrated lexemes) are predominant to ones have the meaning of [a kind of play], [a kind of thing]. And these are, in very often, co-occurred with accompany another forms even though very arbitrarily. The minimal head corporates are in order such as talriki(to run)> ilk`i(to write)>naegi(to go out) in independence form, and nΛmki(to go across)>chhaki(to kick), chapki(to grab)>chitki(to build). The corporated forms with ``-ki`` are high frequency are prior to [[[N][V]]ki]와 [[V]ki]. The unexisting lexemes(unregistrated lexemes) are predominant to ones have the meaning of [a kind of exercise] in addition of [a kind of play], [a kind of thing]. And There are very similar syntactic form of the type of [[NP]+[V]] ki]``, ``[[NP]+[V]]ki]`` And further these are, in very often, co-occurred with accompany another forms obligatorily. The minimal head corporates are many consisted in compound words. Unregistrated lexemes of the corporated forms with ``-ki`` are high frequency not only [[[N][V]]ki]와 [[V]ki] like existing form, but also the type of ``[[NP]+[V]]ki]``, ``[[[V]ki][N]]``, ``[[[[N][V]]ki][N]]``, ``[[[[NP][V]]]ki[N]]``, syntactic form ``[[V]myunsΛ[V]]``, and ``[[[N][V]]Λ[V]]`` in addition which is not appeared in registrated lexemes.

      • KCI등재

        독일어 성구어를 기저로 한 파생장 - 동사 성구어률 중심으로

        김원식 ( Won Sik Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 언어연구소 2008 언어와 언어학 Vol.0 No.42

        The aim of this paper is an analysis of derivation of Phraseolexem(phrasal lexeme) in German. First, the classes of derived words are discussed. The majority of derived words are nouns. Second, depending on their semantical categories, derived nouns can be classified in the following three types: 1. nomina agentis 2. nomia instrumenti 3. nomina actionis. Finally, Among them, the third type is divided into smaller groups depending on their structures of phrasal lexeme. There is a tendency that many of the derived nouns belong to the field of the social science, especially the legal terms. The word-formation rules are also examined and established, which can be applied to all the noun types discussed above.

      • KCI등재

        교체의 사전적 처리에 대하여

        이은경 한국사전학회 2017 한국사전학 Vol.- No.30

        In this paper we examined how to deal with lexemes and gramemes in the dictionaries. Alternants of lexemes have not been registered as separate headwords. In [Hakseup], the inflectional forms of verbs are listed, except for this the alternations of lexemes were described in the micro structure of the lexemes. Most of the alternants of gramemes are listed in separate headwords in the dictionaries. Some alternants of gramemes were not listed as separate headwords. This is because the dictionaries depend on the writing forms. If there are no standard written forms, or if it is difficult to write the proper forms of some gramemes, the alternants are not listed as headwords in the dictionary. Some of the alternants of words and fused forms seem to be missing intentionally during the compilation of the dictionary. These should be included in the micro structure of the dictionary through proper judgment and should be provided to the dictionary users appropriately.

      • KCI등재

        교체의 개념과 조건

        배주채 ( Bae Ju-chae ) 국어학회 2017 국어학 Vol.81 No.-

        그동안 교체는 형태소가 둘 이상의 발음형태를 가지는 현상으로 정의해 왔다. 그러나 표기형태의 변이도 교체에 포함해야 한다. 그리고 형태소 외에 어휘소·문법소의 교체도 교체에 포함해야 한다. 어떤 두 형태가 한 언어단위로 분석된다면 두 형태의 관계는 교체에 해당한다. 예를 들어 /뵙-/과 /뵈-/는 어휘소 {뵙-}의 교체형이다. 그러나 {않-}과 {말-}은 서로 다른 어휘소이므로 교체와 관계없다. 언어부문을 여섯 개(음성, 문자, 어휘, 문법, 의미, 화용)로 설정할 때 이 여섯 언어부문 모두가 교체의 조건에 관여할 수 있다. 그리고 한 언어단위의 교체에 둘 이상의 부문이 동시에 가담할 수도 있다. Alternation has been regarded as phonological variation of morphemes. But it should be defined as phonological or graphological variation of morphemes or lexemes or gramemes. /boeb-/ and /boe-/ are alternants of the same lexeme {boeb-} ‘to politely meet (one's elder or superior)’, while {anh-} ‘not to do or not to be’ and {mal-} ‘not to do or not to be’ are different lexemes. Language consists of six components, i.e. speech sound, writing, lexicon, grammar, meaning, pragmatics. All of them can condition alternations. We have not yet found alternations conditioned by writing, but it does not mean that graphological component cannot condition any alternation as a general rule. Two or more linguistic components may condition an alternation together.

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