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      • KCI등재

        부동산거래관련법의 이론적 접근

        정신교(Jeong, Shin Kyo),이창석(Lee, Chang Suck) 한국부동산학회 2011 不動産學報 Vol.44 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The transaction in the real estate is the legal act that occurs on the real estate right. The objective of this study is to examine the public regulations and the laws on the real estate transaction, and to review the their contents. (2) RESEARCH METHOD To achieve the research objective, this study performed the literature review. The literature included related books, papers and government publications. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS The results of this study indicated the significance and classification of the real estate, the background of the regulations on the real estate transactions and the theoretical approaches on the laws of real estate. 2. RESULTS The imposing the certain restrictions on the real estate transactions is to raise the unstable effects of land transactions, and is to intended to operate the real esate preferably. The details of the public regulations on the real estate include the various special laws on the real estate and government supervision and licensing/permission. The judicial regulations on the real estate transactions include civil laws and various special civil laws. Above all, the most important one in the real estate transactions is that a harmony should be preceded between the public and private parts. To do so, while ensuring the private autonomy on the real estate transactions, the public regulation should be supplemented.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 거래의 새로운 변화 - 부동산 전자계약시스템이 앞으로 나아갈 방향 -

        장완규 한국집합건물법학회 2020 집합건물법학 Vol.34 No.-

        Today we are living in the era of OOTech. It is creating new value and synergy by combining with technology in different areas such as Fintech, Millitech, Biotech, Agtech. In particular, the real estate sector has characteristics such as capital concentration, long fluctuations, and information asymmetry. Therefore, although there is a characteristic that the change of technological innovation appears late, a new wave is emerging worldwide in this real estate field. In other words, the movement of integrating blockchain technology into real estate transactions is actively taking place. Originally, real estate is expensive and very valuable among privately owned assets, so the method of trading is important and conservative. Nowadays, it is a time to pick and purchase foreign objects on the other side of the globe directly with one click of a computer mouse at home. The seller, buyer, and real estate agent meet in person, sign the paper contract, sign the contract, take the contract, go to the court (registry office), and handle the ownership transfer registration. This disconnected and inefficient method needs to be improved, and current real estate transaction practices require significant changes in the future. Carefully review the various advantages of using blockchain technology in the real estate transaction field. It is necessary to introduce blockchain technology into the current ‘Integrated Real Estate Trade Support System’. This will facilitate the transparency and revitalization of real estate transactions. The current ‘Integrated Real Estate Trade Support System’ is not yet a system that has introduced blockchain technology in earnest. However, as a first step of Proptech, you can get accurate and accurate transaction information in real time. This must be a very attractive system in that it can bring out more timely government policies if reflected in housing statistics. In the future, more efforts and efforts should be made to activate and upgrade the use of the Integrated Real Estate Trade Support System. 오늘날 우리는 OO테크의 시대를 살아가고 있다. 핀테크, 밀리테크, 바이오테크, 애그테크 등 서로 다른 영역에서 기술과 결합하여 새로운 가치를 창출하고 시너지효과를 내고 있다. 특히 부동산 분야는 자본 집중적이고 변동주기가 길며, 정보의 비대칭 등의 이유로 기술혁신의 변화가 늦게 나타나는 특성이 있지만, 최근 이 부동산 분야에도 전 세계적으로 새로운 물결이 일고 있다. 즉 부동산 거래에 블록체인 기술을 접목하는 움직임이 활발히 일어나고 있다. 원래 부동산은 개인이 소유한 자산 중 고가이며 매우 귀중한 자산이기 때문에 그 거래방법이 중요하고 보수적이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 요즘 집에서 컴퓨터 마우스 클릭 한 번으로 지구 반대편에 있는 해외 물건을 직접 고르고 구입할 수 있는 시대에, 매도인·매수인·공인중개사가 직접 만나고, 종이계약서에 서명을 하여 계약을 체결하고, 그 계약서를 들고 법원(등기소)으로 가서 소유권이전등기를 처리하는 등의 단절적이고 비효율적인 방식은 개선이 필요하고 이러한 현행 부동산 거래관행은 앞으로 큰 변화가 요구된다. 부동산 거래분야에 블록체인 기술을 활용함으로써 얻을 수 있는 여러 장점들을 신중히 검토하여 현행 ‘부동산거래 전자계약시스템’에도 블록체인 기술을 도입할 필요가 있다. 이는 부동산 거래의 투명화와 활성화를 촉진하게 할 것이다. 현행 부동산 전자계약시스템은 아직 본격적으로 블록체인 기술을 도입한 시스템은 아니지만 프롭테크의 첫 걸음으로써, 그리고 올바르고 정확한 거래정보를 실시간으로 얻을 수 있어 이것이 주택통계에 그대로 반영되면 보다 시의적절한 정부시책을 내놓을 수 있다는 점에서 아주 매력적인 제도임에는 틀림없다. 앞으로 전자계약시스템의 이용 활성화와 고도화를 위해 더 많은 고민과 노력을 경주해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        공인중개사법상 확인,설명제도에 관한 연구

        장동훈 ( Dong Hoon Jang ),양선희 ( Sun Hee Yang ) 한국부동산분석학회 2015 不動産學硏究 Vol.21 No.4

        This paper provides a legal analysis of residential real estate agents’ duty to provide confirmation and explanation to parties to a transaction. The authors conduct a legal analysis of real estate agents’ duties by interpreting relevant legal provisions and 7 comparatively recent court cases. The amended Act Governing Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Agents and the Enforcement decree of the Act obligate real estate agents to provide confirmatory and explanatory services regarding the property being transacted. Current state, location and ownership rights regarding the property must be provided. Restrictions on transactions and property usage are also part of the Acts and subordinate statutes. These legal provisions do not reflect market realities and are therefore unreasonable. Furthermore, existing laws are not sufficient to solve complicated and diverse problems present in actual real estate market transactions. In such situations, court decisions signal the government’s desire to establish a standard for real estate broker responsibilities as well as for the rights and responsibilities of parties to a transaction. Through case analyses, the authors conclude that Korean courts place a heavier responsibility on real estate brokers as evidenced by the ever-stricter standards of real estate practice. Modern contract law exhibits a trend toward strengthening standards of professional responsibility, but excessive regulation can discourage real estate brokerage, which is a loss to the national economy. The authors propose various corrective measures for reducing the excessive burden placed on real estate brokers in the hopes of reinvigorating the real estate transaction market and national economy.

      • KCI등재

        부동산명의신탁법리와 도시 및 주거환경정비법에 관한 소고

        김형진,정갑성 동의대학교 지방자치연구소 2011 공공정책연구 Vol.28 No.1

        대규모 공동주택을 건설하는 방법을 대별하여 보면, 주택법에 의하여 건설회사가 토지를 매입하여 건설하는 방법과 노후화된 지역에 거주하는 주거민들에 의하여 결성된 조합에서 건설하는 방법이 있다. 본 연구는 노후화된 지역에 거주하는 주거민들에 의해 공동주택이 건설되는 도시 및 주거환경정비법상의 재건축을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 주거민들에 의한 재건축은 조합의 결성, 관리처분계획인가, 건축물의 공사, 공사완료 등의 일련의 과정을 거친다. 그런데 조합의 결성 이전에 재건축대상 토지 및 건물이 명의신탁된 경우의 처리방법이 문제된다. 왜냐하면 재건축에 의한 소유권의 귀속은 신탁방식과 환지방식 두 가지가 존재한다. 도정법은 환지방식만 규정하고 있고 신탁방식에 대해서는 규정이 없다. 그러나 도시 및 주거환경정비법 시행 이전부터 신탁방식이 관행적으로 이루어져 왔고, 도시 및 주거환경정비법 시행 이후에도 여전히 선호되고 있다. 그렇다면 도시 및 주거환경정비법에서 신탁방식과 환지방식을 중첩적으로 규정하면 될 것을 환지방식만 규정한 데는 그만한 이유가 있다. 종전의 집합건물 소유에 관한 법률에 의한 재건축의 방식은 소유자들에 의한 재건축으로 사법에 해당하였다. 그러나 재건축과정에서 발생하는 비리와 사업지연을 방지하기 위하여 공법적인 규정을 도입하면서 공적인 규제도 같이 도입되었다. 아울러 환지의 개념을 차용하여 대인적 처분이 아닌 대물적 처분으로 보는 것이 통설과 판례의 입장이다. 따라서 종전의 토지 및 건축물에 대한 권리는 환지 후의 토지 및 건축물로 변환되기 때문에 신탁방식은 종전의 소유자와 사업완료 후의 소유자와 달라지기 때문에 논리적으로 적합하지 않기 때문이다. 이러한 이유 때문에 도시 및 주거환경정비법은 신탁방식은 지양하고 환지방식만 규정하게 된 것이다. 그러나 실무에서는 여러 가지 이유로 환지방식보다는 신탁방식을 선호한다. 오히려 신탁방식과 환지방식을 비교하였을 때 신탁방 식이 압도적인 우위를 점하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 그런데 문제는 재건축 대상 부동산이 명의신탁된 부동산인 경우 처리방법이 신탁방식과 환지방식에 따라 달라질 수밖에 없다는 점이다. 신탁방식은 재건축조합에 소유권이 이전된 후 위탁자에게 다시 이전되기 때문에 부동산실명법에 의하여 명의신탁자는 소유권을 상실하고 명의수탁자를 상대로 제공한 금원에 대한 부당이득반환을 청구하여 해결할 수 있다. 연구대상 대법원 판례도 같은 취지로 해석할 수 있다. 하지만 환지방식에 의할 경우 명시적인 대법원 판례나 학설이 존재하지 않는 것 같다. 이에 필자는 명의신탁된 부동산이 재건축될 경우 부동산실권리자명의등기에 관한 법률과 도시 및 주거환경정비법, 부동산등기법 등 관련 규정의 해석을 통하여 환지방식에 의한 재건축의 경우도 부동산실권리자 명의등기에 관한 법률 제4조 제2항에 의한 계약명의신탁의 법리가 적용된다고 주장한다. 이렇게 해석하는 것이 부동산실권리자명의등기에 관한 법률의 본래 규정취지를 살리면서 명의신탁을 금지하는 올바른 해석이라 믿는다. The construction of apartment houses in large scale can be divided broadly into two ways; one is the construction by a construction company’s purchasing land under the housing act and another is the construction by the association organized by the residents living in deteriorated area. This study is made focusing on the rebuilding of apartment houses by the residents living in deteriorated area under the Law of Urban and Residential Environment Arrangement (“Urban Arrangement Law”). Rebuilding by the residents has a series of courses such as the organization of the association, the approval of administration and disposal plan, the construction of buildings, and the completion of the construction. However, the treatment of the land and buildings to be rebuilt would be at issue, which title is trusted under the third’ party’s name prior to the organization of the association, since there are two ways of the ownership appertaining to the rebuilding: trust and replotting. The Urban Arrangement Law provides replotting solely, without defining trust.. But, trust has been used in practice prior to the enforcement of the Urban Arrangement Law, and it is still being preferred after the enforcement of the Urban Arrangement Law. Thus, there would be certain reason of providing relotting only without defining trust and replotting both in said law. Rebuilding by previous law of the possession of complex building pertained to private law, but public regulations have been also introduced, introducing the regulations in public law, in order to prevent any corruption or delay of the constriction project, which may occur in the course of rebuilding. In addition, the viewpoint from common theory and the precedents of it is not the disposal in personam but the disposal in rem, applying the concept of replotting. Accordingly, the previous rights of land and building is converted to the those of land and building after replotting, thus, trust is not appropriate logically due to the change from previous owners to the owner after the completion of the construction project. In consideration of such reason, the Urban Arrangement Law provides replotting solely, without trust. But, in practice, trust is preferred to replotting with some reasons. It seems that trust dominates replotting in comparing trust and replotting. However, the problem is, that the treatment of the real estate for rebuilding with title trust differs according to trust or replotting. In trust, the ownership is transferred to the rebuilding association, and then transferred to the truster again, thus, the truster of title under a third party’name loses its ownership pursuant to the law of real name for real estate transaction, and the lost ownership may be recovered by claiming the return of unjust enrichment against the money paid for the trustee of title under a third party’ name. The precedent by Supreme Court for the study can be construed with the same purport, however, it is little likely to exist explicit precedent by Supreme Court or legal theory. I, therefore, insist that the legal principle of contracted title trust, according to the law of registration of the title for real estate owner, clause 4, provision 2, can be applied to the rebuilding by replotting for the real estate with title trust through the interpretation of the regulations concerned such as the law of registration of the title for real estate owner, the Urban Arrangement Law, and Real Estate Registration Act. It is believed that such interpretation would be authentic interpretation of the prohibiting title trust to intend the regulations in the law of registration of the title for real estate owner.

      • KCI등재

        부동산 중개에 관한 비교연구 - 한국과 미국의 부동시장을 중심으로 -

        임정호 한국부동산경영학회 2011 부동산경영 Vol.4 No.-

        Real Estate market is very complicated and intrigued for its size and procedures. For an average people experience only a few times for their life times because of size of amount of the transactions. And for its rareness, mostly people does not familiar with its procedures and rules and regulations, which are rather complicated than average contract. Involuntarily loss and disadvantage are common for a average for their ignorance. Trust, clearness, and safety are key factors for real estate transactional market. Which is very important for national economy for its size and closeness of common people. The efficiency and effectiveness can be improved and achieved through trust, clearness, and safety. Korean real estate market is facing globalization and requiring enhancement of efficiency of its market domestically. Especially, due to the FTA (Free Trade Agreement) with US. The service market, including real estate transactional market, has to be open and compete with an international real estate agency corporation. The main purpose of this paper is to contribute and showing some guidelines for Korean real estate transactional market, which has to be adjusted and adopted with global standards which represent US. real estate transactional laws and rules and regulations, and customs.

      • KCI등재후보

        抵當權과 附從性

        卞煥喆(Byun, Hwan-Cheol) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2008 法學論文集 Vol.32 No.2

        Conclusion of this Supreme Court decision is in compliance with the actual reality of transactions but logical courses of making such a conclusion is not proper. It is reality that there are many cases established like the same method of the precedent in transactions of real estates with shortage of transaction prices. Therefore, if we make a precedent of validity or invalidity of mortgages established in this method only from the viewpoint of ‘numerus clausus der Sachenrechte’ and appendant nature, there are dangers to lack validity in specific cases. However, we cannot discuss about validity by making an inference of unclear deliberation of related parties indefinitely. Therefore, it seems like right to provide customary laws validity regarding establishment of such a mortgage. Of course, we may need to have more researches and discussions about its functions, requirements, and limits through investigation of realities of transactions.

      • KCI등재

        부동산중개업자의 확인·설명 의무에 관한 소고

        정충원 한국부동산경영학회 2011 부동산경영 Vol.4 No.-

        This paper analyzes the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers. The Section 1, Clause 25 in the law of the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Report of Real Estate Transactions prescribes the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers. The details are as follows: If a real estate broker receives a request for brokerage, before the completion of brokerage, he should be explain such matters faithfully and exactly to the brokerage client who desires to acquire a right concerning relevant object of brokerage, presenting the materials concerned such as the cadastre and the certified copy of register, after the confirmation of the matters provided for current state, location and right relationship of the relevant object of brokerage, matters relating to the restrictions of transaction or utilization by the Acts and subordinate statutes, other matters as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. However,the law of the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Report of Real Estate Transactions does not describe the sufficient provisions about the duty of confirmation and explanation on the object of brokerage of real estate brokers. So, it seems that the law of the Business Affairs of Licensed Real Estate Brokers and Report of Real Estate Transactions is amended suitably.

      • KCI등재

        일본 부동산광고 규제체계에 관한 연구

        나병진 한국집합건물법학회 2019 집합건물법학 Vol.31 No.-

        이 논문은 일본의 부동산광고규제의 현황과 체계를 연구한 것이다. 우리나라 현행 부동산광고규제체계가 정부중심의 타율규제중심인데 반해 일본의 부동산광고규제체계는 법률에 의한 타율규제와 업계에 의한 자율규제가 분리·보완된 체계이다. 택지건물거래업법에 의한 부동산광고규제는 우리나라의 분양, 개발, 중개 등의 분산된 부동산광고규제체계를 해소하는데 참고가 될 것이고, 부동산표시에 관한 공정경쟁규약은 업계에 의한 자율규제법규이다. 향후 우리나라 부동산광고규제의 체계적이고 종합적인 정비를 위해서는 일본의 부동산광고규제체계가 중요한 비교법적 전거가 될 것이다. This paper examines the current state and system of real estate advertising regulation in Japan. The current real estate advertisement regulation system in Korea is centered on government-centered rate regulation, whereas the real estate advertisement regulation system in Japan is separated and complemented by the regulation of the market by the law and the self-regulation by the industry. The regulation of real estate advertisement by Building Lots and Buildings Transaction Business Act will be a reference to solve the distributed real estate advertisement regulation system such as sale, development and brokerage in Korea, and Fair Competition Codes Concerning Indication of Real Estate is a self-regulation regulation by industry. In the future, in order to systematically and comprehensively improve Korea's real estate advertisement regulations, Japan's real estate advertisement regulation system will become an important comparative law systems.

      • KCI등재

        중국 토지 공유제하에서 부동산 보유세 징수 가능 여부에 관한 연구

        신금미(KeumMi Sin) 한국국제조세협회 2015 조세학술논집 Vol.31 No.2

        조세의 가장 중요한 기능은 재원을 확보하는 국고적 기능이다. 그러나 국가의 역할이 확대되면서 정책적 기능도 중요해지고 있다. 중국은 1978년 개혁개방 이전, 자산 국유화와 소련의 비세수론(非稅收論)의 영향으로 조세가 제 기능을 발휘하지 못했다. 그러나 개혁개방 이후 경제가 성장하면서 나타나는 사회적 문제들을 해결하기 위해 조세가 제 기능을 발휘할 수 있도록 세제개혁을 실시하고 있다. 특히 중국은 지방정부의 재정 부실과 부동산 가격의 급격한 상승 등의 문제를 해결하기 위해 부동산 보유세에 대한 전면 수정을 검토 중이며 상하이(上海)시와 충칭(重?)시에서는 일부 개정된 부동산 보유세를 시범적으로 실시하고 있다. 그러나 부동산 보유세가 이미 징수되고 있음에도 불구하고 중국 내에서 부동산 보유세 징수는 여전히 논란이 되고 있다. 논란의 핵심은 바로 중국의 토지공유제로, 토지공유제를 실시하고 있는 중국에서 부동산 보유세를 징수해서는 안된다는 입장과 토지공유제하에서도 부동산 보유세를 징수할 수 있다는 입장이 첨예하게 대립하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구의 목적은 토지공유제하에서 과연 부동산 보유세를 징수할 수 있느냐 없느냐의 여부를 살펴보는 것으로 부동산 보유세를 징수할 수 없다는 반대론과 징수할 수 있다는 찬성론을 살펴보았다. 그리고 연구를 통해 토지공유제하에서도 부동산 보유세를 징수할 수 있다는 연구 결과를 도출하였다. 즉 중국 정부가 2007년부터 시행된 물권법을 통해 부동산 보유세를 실시하는데 있어 논란이 될 수 있는 부분들을 상당히 상계시킴으로써 토지공유제하에서도 부동산 보유세를 과세할 수 있는 환경을 만들어 가고 있음을 알 수 있었다. Tax is very important in that it works to finance national budget. However, in line with expansion of a nation’s role, policy-related functions of tax have also become important. Before Chinese economic reform and opening up in 1978, China’s taxation was not effective due to state-owned real estate holding tax and influence of the non-tax revenue theory introduced from the Soviet Union. China, however, has implemented tax reforms to enable its tax regime to be fully functional in order to solve social issues arising out of economic growth after the economic reform. Especially, when facing the financial difficulties of the local government and rapid soaring of real estate prices, Chinese government actively conducted a research on real estate holding tax, and thereafter, Shanghai and Chongqing have collected real estate holding tax. However, real estate holding tax is still controversial even though the system has already been running. At the core of the controversy lies China’s public land ownership system, and there are two opposing viewpoints on this matter; one argues that real estate holding tax should not be allowed and the other contends that it should be allowed even under the public land ownership system. In this context, this study investigated the two conflicting viewpoints over whether real estate holding tax should be allowed or not. After research, we concluded that real estate holding tax can be collected even under the public land ownership system. The Chinese government has established the environment where real estate holding tax can be collected under the public land ownership system by offsetting possible issues in implementing the real estate holding tax system according to the Real Right Law of the People’s Republic of China passed in 2007.

      • KCI등재

        특별기고 2 : 부동산거래신고제도, 실태 분석 및 실효성 제고 방안에 관한 연구 - 남양주ㆍ구리를 중심으로

        송준호(Song Jun Ho),강병기(Kang Byung Gi),이국철(Lee Kook Chul) 한국부동산학회 2007 不動産學報 Vol.29 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  Actual price reporting system in real estate transaction has been introduced since early 2006 and is considered to be most powerful and effective government regulation for promoting advanced taxation system and eliminating the possibility of making incorrect transaction documents. However. real estate market participants are still trying to maintain the old rules and practices in real estate business and the effectiveness of the new reporting system is in jeopardy. This paper is to investigate the current status of the new system and to suggest some policy guidelines to make the system more fruitful.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  In this study, focused survey method has been introduced for the regions of Namyangju and Guri, Kyunggi-do as an empirical study. Descriptive statistical analysis is conducted to find out current status of the utilization of new reporting system and the major reasons of not using this system.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  Major reasons of low utilization of new reporting system are: difficulties in user interface of internet system, inadequate screening process by real estate agency, no incentives for keeping regulations, insufficient policy promotion and educational opportunity, market participants" intents for low tax payment, and etc.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  This paper suggest some policy guidelines such as stabilization of internet reporting system, nationwide governmental promotion and education, incentive systems for well-reporting market participants, revisions of related laws and regulations, introduction of in-depth screening and monitering system and other measures.

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