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      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on Chinese ‘有(you)’ and Korean ‘있다(issta)’ with Korean-Chinese Parallel Corpus

        Jiang Linghui 한국언어연구학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.19 No.3

        Jiang Linghui. 2014. A Comparative Study on Chinese ‘有(you)’ and Korean ‘있다(issta)’ with Korean-Chinese Parallel Corpus. Journal of Linguistic Studies 19(3), 255-280. This paper attempts to make a comparative study on Chinese ‘有(you)’ and Korean ‘있다(issta)’ through Korean-Chinese parallel corpus by implementing the usage analysis of sentences. In Chinese, ‘有(you)’ has many meanings, and the most frequently used is ‘to possess' or 'to own’ and ‘to exist’. Generally, Chinese-studying students think Chinese ‘有(you)’ is the same as Korean ‘있다(issta)’. It is because in many cases Chinese ‘有(you)’ is directly interpreted or translated to Korean ‘있다(issta)’ as a one-to-one correspondence. This paper reorganized the meanings of Chinese ‘有(you)’ through the existing dictionaries and grammar books, observed and analyzed the meanings by the sentences which were extracted from Korean-Chinese parallel corpus, and contrasted Chinese ‘有(you)’ with Korean ‘있다(issta)’ based on these sentences. (Yonsei University)

      • KCI등재

        경계에 선 정체성 — 개혁개방 이전과 이후의 중국 조선족 미술

        목수현 한국근현대미술사학회(구 한국근대미술사학회) 2012 한국근현대미술사학 Vol.23 No.-

        Since Korea and China formed diplomatic ties in 1992, a number of Korean-Chinese have visited Korea to meet their families or have job opportunities. Among them, there are many artists and significant numbers of them communicate with Korean art world through studying in Korea. The thesis attempted to briefly outline the history of Korean-Chinese artists living in China and especially, to examine the relation between Korean art world and the trends after the open policy of China. Ever since Han, Rak-Yeon, Korean-Chinese art in China has developed for 100 years. Seok, Hui-Man has played a great role in art education in Yenbian and under his educational influence, Lim, Mu-Woong, Kim, Yeong-Ho, Im-Cheon, Jang, Hong-Eul and etc. worked as painters and art educators. Those in their forties and fifties who currently work in Yenbian and Chinese art world are the third generation artists followed by them. They have been influenced heavily on Chinese modern history. Korean-Chinese art in China have submitted to the flow of China in the socialist regime since 1945. Therefore, artists make artwork, taking their roles in schools and artist groups to which they belong. Oil paintings were produced based on socialistic realism under the close relationship with Soviet Union. Gongbi paintings have been more prevailed than ink-and-wash paintings. based on socialistic realism. The painters mainly worked in national art exhibition, yet the markets were not established. They adopted realistic reproducing techniques and produced topicalized paintings that revealed historical consciousness. Among them, Korean-Chinese had a tendency to choose the materials that appealed the identity of minorities. However, according to the changes in social systems after the open policy, they began to work in a way to reveal their individuality and it related to the reorganization of art world, so called the establishment of art markets. Along with the changes, Korean-Chinese were much stimulated, staying or studying in Korea after 1992. Since 2000, their works have stayed out of realistic reproduction and have much less focused on topicalized paintings showing the emotion of Korean-Chinese. In addition, the number of painters who represent individuality has increased. Like Mun, Seoung-Ho, they show a tendency of abstract expressionism or like Choi, Heon-Gi, they are likely to use objets. The tendency of works becomes various while Park, Chun-Ja covers not only Korean-Chinese but minority people in her paintings, in the case of Lee, Cheol-Ho expresses his concerns about multi-identity as Korean-Chinese and etc. They do not try to work only in the Korean-Chinese society as well as expand their activities in Korean and Chinese art world such as Beijing or Shanghai.

      • KCI등재

        釜山韓國華人華文文學的實踐與意義 — 以身份認同爲中心

        梁楠,이보고,김혜준 한국중국현대문학학회 2021 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.96

        “Busan Chinese-Korean” refer to Han Chinese who have lived in the Busan area of South Korea for a long time and groups that have been assimilated or culturally integrated by Han Chinese. The literary works written in Chinese language by Busan Chinese-Korean is “Busan Chinese-Korean Chinese-Language Literature”. According to the different migration period, Busan Chinese-Korean can be divided into earlier group, later group, newcomers group, and relocating group (who moved to Busan and then relocated to other countries). The immigration history of Busan Chinese-Korean is unique from that of Chinese-Korean in other parts of Korea: First, there is perfect “mobility” among Busan Chinese-Korean. Second, Choryang area where most Busan Chinese-Korean stay is more “diversified” in terms of geographic environment. The “mobility” of Busan Chinese-Korean may cause instability in life and restrict the development of its literature or cultural activities. The environmental “diversity” in the areas where Busan Chinese-Korean mainly migrates may become an obstacle to their assimilation into locals, and ultimately affect their identity. The significance of Busan Chinese-Korean literature is that, as a platform for Busan Chinese-Korean to speak out, it brings us a lot of inspiration: Busan Chinese-Korean identity is already “diversified”, but from the perspective of acceptance by the immigrant society, it seems that it has not been synchronized. Regrettably, the understanding of Busan Chinese-Korean by the locals is still a product of South Korea-China relations formed under historical situations such as pre-modern, modern, and cold war era. In other words, it is to ignore Busan Chinese-Korean “existence” to imagine Busan Chinese-Korean. Therefore, Busan Chinese-Korean survival experience in the emigrated place made them never be able to integrate into the local area. With the urban redevelopment of Busan, the “China Town” with the closest relationship to Busan Chinese-Korean, has gradually lost its “historicality” and “relationship” which is the “sense of place” it should have. Busan Chinese-Korean identity can no longer be measured by the standard of “identity recognized by society (nationality)”, and it can be regulated as “Chinese”, “Korean” or “Taiwanese”. Busan should accept this new type of multiple identities based on “personal choice” to recognize and preserve the history that Busan Chinese-Korean and the local people in Busan have experienced and created together.

      • KCI등재

        중국 조선족 중학교 문학교육 현황 고찰 - 『조선어문(新編, 2014~2016年)』 교과서를 중심으로-

        김영 한국문학교육학회 2019 문학교육학 Vol.0 No.65

        The research aimed to determine the current status of literary education in Korean-Chinese middle schools in China through the analysis of Korean-Chinese Language textbooks currently in use and to make constructive recommendations based on the findings. We first determined the requirements of the language curriculum, to identify the complex role of Korean-Chinese Language textbooks. The language curriculum aims to develop four major skills. The first is the development of language skills. The second is the development of a socialist, moral character and patriotism. The third is to strengthen the national culture. The fourth is to acquire basic humanities skills by exploring the world’s best culture. Korean-Chinese Language is not only a language subject, but also a humanities subject. Next, we looked at the composition of the new Korean-Chinese Language textbook for Korean-Chinese middle schools. It was confirmed that the newly compiled textbook did not cut out the content of the Korean-Chinese language, but integrated it into reading, writing. listening and speaking. The method has shifted from the existing knowledge transfer class method to the learners-oriented class method, which values the learners’ thinking. Finally, we looked at the current status of literary education, based on Korean-Chinese Language textbooks and found the following features: Literature is a medium to confirm national identity; literature is a medium to promote Korean culture, and literature is a method to promote world culture. As a minority in China, the Korean-Chinese literary education fully respect the Chinese literary tradition. The Korean people’s identity and tradition is upheld in China’s education policy. At the same time, education of Korean-Chinese literature has found a way of embracing South and North Korean literature through integrating world literature. 이 연구는 현재 중국 조선족 중학교에서 사용하고 있는 『조선어문(新編, 2014~2016年)』 교과서 분석을 통하여 조선족 중학교 문학교육 현황에 대해 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 향후 문학교육에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육 현황을 파악하기에 앞서 『조선어문』 교과서의 복합적 역할을 규명하고자 한국의 ‘국어과 교육과정’에 해당하는 ‘조선어문과정표준(朝鮮語文課程標準)’을 살펴보았다. ‘조선어문과정표준’에서는 『조선어문』 교육을 통해 크게 네 가지의 능력을 기르는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 첫째는 언어 기능을 강조한 조선어문 사용 능력의 함양이고, 둘째는 사회주의 도덕 품성과 애국주의 사상 감정의 양성이며, 셋째는 민족문화를 이어가는 조선 민족의 일원이 되는 것이고, 넷째는 중국의 우수문화와 외국문화를 섭취하여 기본적인 인문적 소양을 갖추는 것이다. 이를 통해, 『조선어문』 교과는 조선어라는 모어이면서도 소수민족어, 계승어라는 정체성을 인식하게 할 뿐만 아니라 애국심을 심어주고 한민족 문화를 계승하며 세계의 우수문화까지 수용할 수 있도록 구성한 인문적 품성 교과의 역할도 지니고 있다는 점을 확인하였다. 다음으로 조선족 중학교 『조선어문』 교과서의 구성 방식을 살펴보았다. 새로 편찬된 『조선어문』 교과서는 ‘읽기’, ‘쓰기’, ‘듣기 말하기’, ‘종합성학습’ 영역으로 설정되어 있으며 기존의 ‘지식 전달식 수업’ 방식에서 학습자의 생각을 중요시하는 ‘학습자 중심 수업’ 방식으로 전환되고 있다는 점을 발견하였다. 마지막으로 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육 현황을 ‘국민적 정체성 확인으로서의 문학교육’, ‘한민족 문화 계승으로서의 문학교육’, ‘세계 문화 수용으로서의 문학교육’ 등 3개 차원으로 나누어 고찰해보았다. 조선족 중학교 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육은 중국의 교육정책 속에서 소수민족이라는 정체성을 인식하면서 중국의 문학 전통을 충분히 존중하고 남·북한 문학을 중개적(仲介的) 관점에서 수용하였으며 동시에 세계문학을 폭넓게 포용(包容)하려는 양상을 발견하였다. 이를 통해, 『조선어문』 교과서 중심의 문학교육은 조선족 청소년 학습자가 다양한 문학적 자양분을 섭취하여 문학 문식성 신장뿐만 아니라 건전한 인격을 형성하는 데까지 주력하고 있음을 확인하였다.

      • KCI등재


        김정훈 중국인문학회 2020 中國人文科學 Vol.0 No.74

        With the enhancement of China's comprehensive national strength and the spread of Chinese fever all over the world, more and more people are learning Chinese. Neologisms are a mirror of the development of contemporary Chinese society, which can directly reflect the most authentic Chinese language. The study of new words will help Korean students to understand contemporary China and improve their Chinese level. It is very important for Korean students to learn new words better through the acquisition of new words. After reading the literature, this paper finds that it is necessary for Korean students to learn new words, the current situation of their strong demand for new words and the existing problems in the teaching of new words in Chinese as a foreign language, which requires improvement in the acquisition of new words for Korean students. By using the questionnaire survey, this paper investigates the acquisition quantity, acquisition method and teaching of new words by Korean students. In terms of acquisition quantity, although the acquisition quantity of new words by Korean students has reached 50%, the proportion of new words that Korean students can master and use is very small; the acquisition quantity of new words by foreign students at primary and intermediate Chinese level is less than that of foreign students at advanced Chinese level, and the number of new words acquired by foreign students with long Chinese learning time is more. At present, the acquisition methods of new words for Korean students are mainly network, teachers, friends and dictionaries. With the improvement of Chinese level and the increase of Chinese learning time, the phenomenon of using network to acquire new words is more significant. In terms of the acquisition types of new words, Korean students have the best acquisition of life new words. The main way of acquiring new words for Korean students is network coincidence, which fully shows that the main and common way of acquiring new words for Korean students is network. In the aspect of teaching Chinese as a foreign language, the number of new words in the teaching materials is limited, and the teacher's teaching of new words is relatively scarce, so the number of new words acquired by foreign students through teaching methods is very limited, which can not meet the strong demand of Korean students for new words, so it is necessary to increase the strength of new words teaching.

      • KCI등재

        2000년 이후 韓中 블록버스터에 관한 一考察

        김정은 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2020 中國硏究 Vol.83 No.-

        The huge success of Shiri (1999) was a trigger of changes in Korean movie market ruled by Hollywood and Chinese/Hong Kong movies sparking off quantitative and qualitative growth of Korean film industry and market. This rapid growth also accelerated the production of Korean blockbuster movies. On the other hand, the hit of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000) opened a new chapter for Chinese movies. During the concerns of flooding Hollywood movies after China has joined WTO, it made an environment for active production of Chinese blockbusters and this trend lead the growth of Chinese film industry and market. Korean and Chinese blockbuster movies have been produced in order to fight against Hollywood movies and similarities can be found in position, status and development process in both Korean and Chinese film industry and market. This study aims to analyze Korean and Chinese blockbuster movies largely in three aspects with the view of comparative study. Firstly, it compares and contrasts the status of blockbuster movies in both Korean and Chinese film industry and market through various statistic analysis. Secondly, it identifies features and limitation of Korean and Chinese blockbuster movies by examining similarities and differences in materials, contents, genre, and narrative. Thirdly, it considers current status and features of interchange of Korean and Chinese blockbuster movies analyzing the performance of Chinese blockbusters in Korea and that of Korean blockbusters in China. Through these analysis, this study ultimately aims to explore the direction in which the blockbusters in both countries are heading. 1999년 <쉬리>의 성공은 할리우드 영화와 중국영화(홍콩영화)가 강세를 보이던 한국영화시장의 판도를 단숨에 뒤바꾸기 시작했으며, 영화산업과 시장의 양적인 성장과 더불어 질적인 성장을 이룩하였다. 이러한 급속한 성장 속에서 한국판 블록버스터의 제작 또한 가속화 되었다. 한편 <와호장룡>의 성공은 중국영화에 있어서 새로운 전환의 신호탄을 쏘아 올렸다. 중국의 WTO 가입으로 인한 할리우드 영화의 공세가 예상되는 상황에서 중국판 블록버스터의 본격적인 제작을 추동하였으며 이는 중국영화 산업과 시장의 성장을 주도하기 시작했다. 이처럼 한중 블록버스터 영화의 본격적인 제작의 배경에는 할리우드 영화의 대항마로써의 역할이 강하게 요구되었고, 한중 양국의 영화산업과 시장에서 블록버스터의 위치와 위상, 발전 양상 등은 유사한 면모를 보이고 있다. 본고는 비교연구의 시각에서 한중 블록버스터를 크게 세 가지 측면에서 분석한다. 첫째, 다양한 통계의 분석을 통해 한중 양국의 영화산업과 시장에 있어서 블록버스터의 현주소를 파악한다. 둘째, 한중 블록버스터의 소재와 내용, 장르, 서사 전개 등에서 나타나는 유사점과 차이점을 분석하여 특징과 한계를 파악한다. 셋째, 한국에서의 중국 블록버스터의 성과, 중국에서의 한국 블록버스터의 성과에 대해 분석하여, 한중 블록버스터 교류의 현주소와 명암을 고찰한다. 이를 통해 궁극적으로 한중 양국의 블록버스터가 나아갈 방향을 탐색해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        중국조선족과 문화산업

        임영상(Yim, Young-Sang) 백산학회 2010 白山學報 Vol.- No.86

        Since China adopted its reform and open-door policy in earnest in the 1980’s and in particular, since it launched its diplomatic relations with Korea in 1992, its Chinese-Korean community has faced a dilemma between development and dissolutions Many Chinese-Koreans left their rural villages to move to Beijing and the Southeastern littoral zones With the “Korean dream” spreading in their community, about 300,000 Chinese-Koreans currently live in Koreas With those living in Japan (80,000), Russia (50,000) and those in the United States, Europe, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and Australia combined, over 500,000 Chinese-Koreans live overseass Today, Chinese-Koreans are considered a global people living and working all over the world. In contrast, their Chinese rural area has increasingly faced significant challenges such as the dissolution of their village community, their “cultural territory” they have developed generation after generation, the shutdown of local schools due to the lack of school-age children and the dramatic decrease of fertile women. The objective of this paper is to suggest the cultural industry as a solution for the development of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture which is facing a crisis in the context of the dramatic transition from rural society→industrial society→information society→green culture economy society in only 20 years. In Chapter 2, the Chinese-Korean community’s cultural industry is discussed based on the paper related to the cultural industry from the “Academic Symposiums and Workshops” which have been led by the Korean Cultural Institute at Minzu University of China since 1994. What is noticeable was that the Chinese-Korean community’s scholars, political leaders, scientists and distinguished business leaders have participated in these meetings to discuss how to overcome the challenges faced by their community and how to ensure sustainable development. Chapter 3, “The Development Strategy and the Cultural Industry for Glocal Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture,” suggests two discussion subjects for the Yanbian Chinese-Korean community (encompassing its government, academia and business milieu): first, training professionals specializing in the performance industry and cultural content and second, collecting and digitizing cultural resources as well as creating an electrical culture map. Yanbian, located in the outskirts of Northeastern China, is sharing its borders with North Korea and Russia. Ships regularly go from there to Korea and Japan via Russian and North Korean ports. In short, Yanbian is located at the center of the so-called “Northeast Asia’s golden triangle.” As the Chinese government started its Tuman River Development Project in earnest in 2009 and as the historical and cultural resources of Chinese-Korean and Manchurian people and ecocultural tourism focused on the beautiful sceneries of Baekdu Mountain and Tuman River are considered important, Yanbian is drawing attention in this era of Northeast Asia. It is thus time for the government of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Yanbian University, local artists, business leaders and the local media including the region’s publishing company, newspaper and television to cooperate with each other to preserve the beautiful ecological environment of Baekdu Mountain and Tuman River and to use Chinese-Korean people’s proud historical and cultural resources as well as rich folk cultural heritage to transform this region into “Glocal Yanbian,” the center of tourism and culture in Northeast Asia. In this context, Yanbian needs to fully utilize its global Korean network composed of Chinese-Koreans living in China, Koreans in Korea and Korean people living in the entire world, in order to train professionals specializing in cultural contents and to collect and make use of cultural resources.

      • KCI등재

        한ㆍ중(韓ㆍ中) 사전 비교 연구

        황은하(Huang Yinxia) 한국사전학회 2006 한국사전학 Vol.- No.7

        The purpose of this study is to analyze Korean-Chinese dictionaries systematically and comparatively and to point out problems that many of the Korean-Chinese dictionaries contain inappropriate information and insufficient equivalents. This study categorizes the Korean-Chinese dictionaries into three groups (a Chinese learners' dictionary, a Korean learners' dictionary and both the Chinese and Korean learners' dictionary) through the systematic approach. The comparative analysis highlights strengths and weaknesses of six major Chinese learners' Korean-Chinese dictionaries, focusing on entry words, definitions, examples and Chinese equivalents of Korean entry words. It is often found that the bilingual dictionaries provide inappropriate and insufficient information especially on equivalents. This study examines the Chinese equivalents of the high frequency lexical item 'Gada(가다)' in Korean in each dictionary and analyzes students' errors in composition to explore some problems the Korean-Chinese dictionaries faces. In addition, the present study suggests that a Korean-Chinese bilingual corpus should be constructed to extract appropriate information on compilation of Korean-Chinese dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        논문(論文) : 韓國華人華文文學初探

        김혜준,량남 중국어문연구회 2012 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.55

        Chinese-Koreans(or Chinese diaspora in Korea) can be divided into following four groups, (A) Chinese-Koreans who immigrated early in the immigration period; currently most of these people have passed away or are senior citizens; (B) Chinese-Koreans who were born in the growing and settling period; these two groups can be called the “earlier immigrating Chinese-Korean group”; (C) Chinese-Koreans immigrating from mainland China to Korea in the changing period; these people can be called the “later immigrating Chinese-Korean group”; (D) Chinese-Koreans who are not included in (A), (B) and (C) and had moved into Korea after 1945. Most Chinese-Koreans published their literary works through newspapers and magazines. Meanwhile, they also published some separate edition off prints. There are also some Chinese-Koreans who moved to the United States and set up the website for “South California Chinese-Korean Union”(http: //www.hanhwa-la.org), which has a Chinese-Korean literature and an art column. Literary genres from Chinese-Korean include poetry, proses, novels, play scripts and so on. Among these genres, proses writing made the most remarkable achievements. There are not only colorful contents but also diversified writing modes such as expressive proses, narrative prose and commentary proses. Poetry writing which includes old poetry and modern poetry also plays an important role. Other literary genres cannot be found frequently, thus requiring more investigation in the future. Chinese-Korean research in Korea pays attention to immigration, settling down, cultural identification in political, economical, social and cultural fields. However, there is not one research paper in these literary fields. Chinese-language Literature produced by Chinese-Korean writers must have its own characteristics comparing with Chinese-language Literature by Chinese diaspora in other areas of the world. The reasons are as follows: (1) The world-wide immigration in the early period never got any support or attention from the Chinese government; however, Chinese-Korean immigration achieved strong support from Chinese government. (2) Most Chinese immigrants came from south-east region of China but more than 90% “earlier immigrating Chinese-Korean group” were from Shandong Province which is unique among all the overseas Chinese. (3) Since the middle of 20th century, Chinese-Koreans have kept their own strong national consciousness because of economic and political discrimination coupled with a traditional Chinese education system in Korea society.

      • KCI등재

        外國人을 위한 韓國語 敎育에 있어서의 漢字 敎育

        윤재민 한국한문교육학회 2012 한문교육논집 Vol.38 No.-

        With Korean economic growth, Korean language education is gradually attracted by the world. Now, the necessity of Chinese characters education in Korean language education becomes a problem at hand for not only Korean people but also Korean language education for foreigners It seems that. among many difficulties foreigners feel and face in learning Korean, the most difficulty problem would be a problem of vocabulary, that is, a problem related to Chinese characters and Sino-Korean words. For example, if a foreign can read Korean but can't read Chinese characters, he/she could not understand Korean sentences in which Korean and Chinese characters are mixed. Even if a foreign knows Chinese characters, if he/she reads Chinese characters in Chinese or Japanese pronunciation, it couldn't be said he/she properly reads Korean. Also, in case there are words composed of the same Chinese characters, if a foreigner differently understands the meaning of the words, it also couldn't be said that he/she properly understands Korean. Needless to say, it is easily expected that a foreigner belonging to cultural circle of Chinese characters can learn Chinese characters used in Korea more easily. Because there are many Chinese characters vocabularies together shared within the same cultural circle of Chinese characters. In view of this point, it would be necessary that teaching Chinese characters in Korean language education should be divided into two to some extent - 1) an education for foreigners belonging to cultural circle of Chinese characters and 2) an education for foreigners not belonging to cultural circle of Chinese characters. But, in respect of teaching foreigners Chinese characters in Korean language education, top priority should be given to Chinese characters education for foreigners not belonging to cultural circle of Chinese characters. Because, after this basic education is given, it is possible to take deep consideration of Chinese characters education for foreigners not belonging to cultural circle of Chinese characters, compared with the basic education. In this case, Chinese characters education for Korean could be utilized as a good exemplary example. Because, even in case of Koreans, there are so many Koreans who do not know Chinese characters vocabularies as well as Chinese characters in the same degree as the foreigners and the foreigners not belonging to cultural circle of Chinese characters. With regard to Korean words used as native language though they originated from Chinese characters, it would be no problem if we do not know the Chinese characters of such words. However, vocabularies that compose most of Korean words are Sino-Korean words that couldn't be easily understood unless we don't know Chinese characters. Of course, even if we know the meaning and pronunciation of Chinese characters, that does not mean we can automatically understand all words. This applies still more in words indicating abstract concepts, especially academic words. This is the very reason that an education in Chinese characters should be given for both Korean and foreigners. Similarly with Chinese characters education for Koreans, it is more required to give Chinese characters education in Korean language education for foreigners for the purpose of not only ordinary Korean words but teaching them Korean high-ranking culture and academic language. 한국의 경제적 성장과 함께 한국어 교육 또한 갈수록 세계의 관심을 끌고 있다. 한국어 교육에서 漢字 敎育의 필요성은 이제 한국인을 위해서만이 아니라 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육에서도 절실한 문제가 되고 있다. 한국어를 배우는 외국인이 느끼는 어려움이 여러 가지가 있겠지만 그 가운데서도 어휘의 문제 하면 바로 漢字, 漢字語 문제가 아닐까 한다. 가령, 한글로 표기된 한국어만을 읽을 줄 알고 한자를 읽을 줄 모르는 외국인이라면 한글과 漢字가 混用된 한국어 문장은 이해할 수 없을 것이다. 漢字를 아는 외국인이라도 그 漢字를 중국어나 일본어 발음으로 읽는다면 한국어를 제대로 읽는다고 하기 곤란할 것이다. 또한 똑같이 漢字로 이루어진 단어라 하더라도 그 단어가 가지는 의미를 다르게 이해한다면 이 또한 한국어를 제대로 이해했다고 하기 어렵다. 물론 漢字文化圈에 속하는 외국인이 아무래도 한국의 漢字語들을 보다 쉽게 익힐 것임은 예상하기 어렵지 않다. 같은 한자문화권으로서 서로 같이 공유하는 漢字 語彙들이 적지 않기 때문이다. 이 점에서 한국어 교육에서의 漢字 敎育 문제는 한자문화권에 속하는 외국인을 위한 것과 한자문화권에 속하지 않는 외국인을 위한 것이 일정하게 구별되어야 할 것이다. 그러나 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육에서의 漢字 敎育 하면 한자문화권에 속하지 않는 외국인을 위한 漢字 敎育을 최우선적으로 고려해야 할 것이다. 바로 이 基礎가 먼저 확립된 다음에 한자문화권에 속하는 외국인을 위한 漢字 敎育도 이 기초와의 비교 아래 보다 면밀한 고려가 이루어질 수 있을 것이기 때문이다. 한국인을 위한 漢字 敎育이 이 때 좋은 귀감으로 활용될 수도 있을 것이다. 漢字는 말할 것도 없고 한국어의 漢字 語彙 중에는 한국인이라고 해도 한자문화권에 속하지 않는 외국인 및 한자문화권에 속하는 외국인과 다를 바 없는 경우가 적지 않기 때문이다. 한국어 중에서 漢字語에서 유래하였지만 固有語로 쓰이는 단어들은 굳이 漢字를 몰라도 괜찮을 것이다. 그러나 한국어의 대다수를 차지하는 어휘는 漢字를 앎으로써 보다 쉽게 이해할 수 있는 漢字語들이다. 물론 漢字의 음과 뜻을 안다고 해서 모든 단어가 저절로 이해되는 것만은 아니다. 추상적인 개념을 나타내는 용어, 특히 학문 용어의 경우는 더욱 그렇다. 한국인을 위해서든 외국인을 위해서든 漢字 敎育이 필요한 이유가 여기에 있다. 한국인을 위한 漢字 敎育과 마찬가지로 외국인을 위한 한국어 교육에서 漢字 敎育이 단순한 한국의 일상어 교육을 위해서보다는 한국의 수준 높은 문화 및 학문 전공 언어 교육을 위해서 더욱 필요한 이유 또한 여기에 있다.

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