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      • KCI등재

        일제의 만주침략과 간도참변

        조원기(Cho Won-Ki) 독립기념관 한국독립운동연구소 2012 한국독립운동사연구 Vol.0 No.41

        Kando disastrous accident was occurred from October 1920 to May 1921, as a case for killing thousands of Koreans by about 20,000 Japanese troops in the area. Kando disastrous accident showed cruelness of Japan's imperialism invasion. Reinvestigating Kando disastrous accident as a Japanese invasion of Manchuria macroscopic analysis and reality of Japanese troops in Kando disastrous accident are can be the subject of research. Kando disastrous accident was not just crackdown on anti-Japanese movement but also a big framework Japanese invasion. In other words, Kando disastrous accident was genocide under invasion of Manchuria plan not just a military aggression for destruction of the Korean society. Japan promoted invasion of Manchuria step by step to achieve imperialism after Russo-Japanese War in 1905 for domination of Manchuria. Kando Convention in 1909, over two Russo-Japanese Conventions 1907, 1912, "Treaty on South Manchuria and eastern Inner Mongolia," in 1915 was showed a gradual strategy for invasion of Manchuria. Installation of the Kwantung Army and Joseon Army installed two divisions was the strengthening of its forces for the invasion of Manchuria. China's situation to the upside here, the Japanese invasion of Siberia, in collusion with Japanese and Chang Tso-Lin in Manchuria was opportunity to concur the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. Japanese invasion of Kando happened in this background was a processed thorough military plan. August 1920 to the so-called "genocide plan of Korean in Kando" to establish, 19th infantry division of Joseon Army, Kwantung Army, Japanese Army of Siberia and Japanese Army of north Manchuria was preparing for its invasion in August and September 1920. In the process 19th infantry division of Joseon Army illegally invaded North Kando. Japanese Army of Siberia and Japanese Army of north Manchuria were involved in this massacre. Kwantung Army invaded West Kando and massacred Korean. In addition, the Japanese was intended to prepare for invading of Manchuria through testing the power of Joseon Army and experience accumulated by cooperation with Kwantung Army, Japanese Army of Siberia and Japanese Army of north Manchuria. The purpose of Japanese invasion in Kando was dissolution of the existing Korean community and slaughter of Korean. Ultimately, however, Japanese Army of Korean massacre was to secure a foothold for invasion of Manchuria. After the sacrifices of the Korean society, society of Kando was totally changed, forward base of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. 간도참변은 1920년 10월부터 1921년 5월까지 간도 일대에서 일본군이 약 2만 명의 병력으로 한인 수 천명을 학살한 대 참변이었다. 일본 제국주의의 침략성과 잔혹성을 상징적으로 드러내는 간도참변은, 한인 학살 이라는 차원뿐 아니라 일제의 만주침공이라는 거시적 틀에서 재 규명할 필요가 있다. 즉 간도참변은 간도지역 한인과 항일운동에 대한 학살 및 탄압에 그치지 않고 일제의 대륙침략을 위한 과정에서 감행된 것이었다. 제국주의 팽창의 야욕을 불태우던 일제는 1905년 러일전쟁 이후 단계적으로 만주침략을 추진해 나갔다. 1907년 1차 러일협약, 1909년 간도협약, 1910년 2차 러일협약을 비롯하여 1915년 「남만주 및 동부 내몽고에 관한 조약」 등은 만주침략을 위한 일제의 단계적 전략을 보여주는 것이었다. 거기에 관동군 설치와 함께 1916년 한국에 2개 사단을 설치했던 군비 증강은 만주침공을 위한 군사력 강화였다. 이러한 일제의 군비 증강은 만주지역의 무력 침공에 대비한 전략적 준비이기도 했다. 여기에 혼란한 중국의 정세, 일본군의 시베리아 침공, 만주를 둘러싼 일제와 장작림과의 야합 등은 일제의 만주침략을 위한 호재로 작용하고 있었다. 일제의 간도침공은 철저한 군사계획 차원에서 진행되었다. 1920년 8월 소위 「간도지방불령선인초토계획」을 수립한 일제는 1920년 8월과 9월, 조선군 19사단과 포조 파견군, 북만주파견군, 관동군을 동원하며 침공을 감행해 갔다. 조선군 19사단은 북간도 지역을 불법 침공하였고, '포조 파견군'과 북만주 파견대 등도 북간도 지역 한인 학살에 가담하였다. 관동군은 서간도 지역을 침공하여 한인들을 대량 학살하였다. 일본군의 간도 침공의 1차 목적은 기존의 한인 사회를 해체하고 한인 학살에 그 목적이 있었다. 그러나 그 과정에서 일제는 상주군인 조선군의 위력을 시험하고 포조파견군 및 북만주파견대와 협동작전을 펼침으로써 후에 있을 만주침공에 대한 군사적 경험을 쌓으려 하였다. 궁극적으로 일본군의 한인 학살은 일제의 만주침략의 교두보 확보를 위한 전초전과 다름 아니었으며, 1932년 만주국을 세우기 위해 만주에 대한 일제의 군사적 지배력을 대외에 과시한 것이었다. 결국, 간도 참변은 일본 제국주의의 만주침략 구도 속에서 벌어진 만행이었고, 역사적 비극이었다. 일제는 이의 실현을 위해 간도를 그 전초 기지로 삼았고, 이에 간도의 한인들은 일본 제국주의에 의해 희생되었던 것이다.

      • KCI우수등재

        객관화된 의사침해설에 따른 주거침입죄 판단

        金智娟 ( Kim Jiyoun ) 법조협회 2024 法曹 Vol.73 No.3

        주거침입죄에서 침입은 특정한 공간에 출입하는 행위가 불법하다는 규범적 평가를 포함할 때 구성요건을 충족할 수 있다. 침입의 불법성을 판단하는 기준이 무엇이 되어야 하는지에 관해 의사침해설과 평온침 해설이 존재한다. 의사침해설은 거주자의 의사를 중심으로 침입을 판단하는 입장으로서 불법을 판단하는 기준이 주관화·관념화되고, 가벌성 범위가 확장된다는 비판을 받는다. 이에 반하여 출입 당시 행위태양을 기초로 침입을 평가하는 평온침해설은 침입 판단을 객관화할 수 있다는 장점이 존재하지만 거주자의 의사를 함께 고려한다는 점에서 의사침해설과 차이를 찾기 어렵다는 비판을 받는다. 2021년 대법원은 주거침입죄의 침입은 거주자의 의사가 아닌 ‘객관적·외형적 행위태양’에 비추어 불법하다는 평가를 받는 행위라고 견해를 변경하였다. 대법원이 의도한 바와 같이 주거침입죄의 침입을 판단하는 기준을 객관화하려면 위 기준은 객관적 평온침해설과 같이 이해되고 적용되어야 하지만, 실질적으로 대법원은 의사침해설에 가깝게 위 기준을 해석하고, 적용하였다. 그로 인해 ‘객관적·외형적 행위태양’의 문언상 의미와 실제적인 적용 사이에 간극이 생겨 최근에는 하급심과 대법원 사이에 ‘객관적·외형적 행위태양’에 대한 해석이 불일치하는 현상도 발생하였다. 대법원은 사실상의 평온을 보호법익으로 삼을 경우 ‘객관적·외형적 행위태양’에 기초하여 침입을 판단하여야 한다는 논리필연적 관계를 설정하였으나, 현행 대법원의 입장과 같이 정신적·심리적·잠재적 차원의 평온을 보호대상으로 삼을 경우 사실상의 평온설이라 할지라도 거주자의 의사를 중심으로 침입을 판단할 수밖에 없다. 나아가 대법원이 내세운 ‘객관적·외형적 행위태양’은 실질적으로 외부에서 인식가능할 것을 전제하는 ‘객관화된 의사침해설’에 해당하므로 판단기준을 수정할 필요가 있다. In the case of residential trespassing, a crime can be established when a normative evaluation is made that entering a specific space is illegal. There are two theories as to what the criteria should be for judging an intrusion: the home invasion against resident’s will theory and the tranquility invasion theory. The theory of the home invasion against resident’s will is a view that determines home invasion based on the will of the resident. This view is criticized for subjectivizing the criteria for judging intrusion and expanding the scope of punishment. In contrast, the tranquility invasion theory, which evaluates intrusion based on the behavior at the time of entry, has the advantage of being able to objectify the judgment of intrusion, but is criticized for being difficult to find a difference from the home invasion against resident’s will theory in that it does not exclude the resident's will. In 2021, the Supreme Court changed its opinion to say that the crime of trespassing is established when it is evaluated as illegal based on the ‘objective and external behavior’ rather than the will of the resident. In order to objectify the standards for judging home invasion as intended by the Supreme Court, the above standards must be understood and applied according to the tranquility invasion theory, but in reality, the Supreme Court applied the above standards according to the home invasion against resident’s will theory. As a result, a gap arose between the literal meaning of ‘objective and external behavior’ and its practical application. Recently, there has been a discrepancy in the interpretation of ‘objective and external behavior’ between the lower courts and the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court considered that when de facto tranquility is considered a protected legal interest in home invasion, there is an inevitable relationship that home invasion must be judged based on ‘objective and external behavior.’ However, the current Supreme Court must recognize the fact that it has no choice but to judge intrusion based on the will of the resident because the mental, psychological, and potential peace is included in the protection of home invasion. Furthermore, the standard of ‘objective and external behavior’ selected by the Supreme Court corresponds to the theory of home invasion against resident’s objectified will that presupposes recognizability from the outside, so there is a need to revise the judgment standard.

      • HCC : PE-069 ; C-reactive protein is closely associated with prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma with pathological portal vein invasion

        ( Jong Man Kim ),( Choon Hyuck David Kwon ),( Jae Won Joh ),( Jae Berm Park ),( Sung Joo Kim ),( Suk Koo Lee ) 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.1

        Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a high predilection for portal vein invasion. The objective of this study was to investigate clinicopathologic characteristics and outcomes of HCC patients with pathological portal vein invasion. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinicopathologic data and outcomes of 83 HCC patients with portal vein invasion and 1056 patients without portal vein invasion who underwent liver resection. Results: Increased serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels, increased maximum tumor size, and intrahepatic metastasis were predisposing factors for portal vein invasion by multivariate analysis. The median disease-free survival and overall survival of HCC patients with portal vein invasion was 4.5 months and 25 months, respectively. The 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year disease-free survival rates were 30.6%, 26.1%, and 21.2%, respectively, and overall survival rates in HCC patients with portal vein invasion were 68.6%, 54.2%, and 41.6%, respectively. The first detection site was lung in HCC patients with portal vein invasion and liver in HCC patients without portal vein invasion. C-reactive protein (CRP) was a significant independent predictor of tumor recurrence in HCC with portal vein invasion after surgery. Conclusions: Increased ALP levels, increased maximum tumor size, and intrahepatic metastasis were independent predictors of portal vein invasion in HCC. CRP level was closely associated with the predisposing factor of tumor recurrence in HCC patients with portal vein invasion after surgical resection, and lung metastasis was common.

      • HCC : PE-069 ; C-reactive protein is closely associated with prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma with pathological portal vein invasion

        ( Jong Man Kim ),( Choon Hyuck David Kwon ),( Jae Won Joh ),( Jae Berm Park ),( Sung Joo Kim ),( Suk Koo Lee ) 대한간학회 2012 춘·추계 학술대회 (KASL) Vol.2012 No.-

        Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) has a high predilection for portal vein invasion. The objective of this study was to investigate clinicopathologic characteristics and outcomes of HCC patients with pathological portal vein invasion. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the clinicopathologic data and outcomes of 83 HCC patients with portal vein invasion and 1056 patients without portal vein invasion who underwent liver resection. Results: Increased serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels, increased maximum tumor size, and intrahepatic metastasis were predisposing factors for portal vein invasion by multivariate analysis. The median disease-free survival and overall survival of HCC patients with portal vein invasion was 4.5 months and 25 months, respectively. The 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year disease-free survival rates were 30.6%, 26.1%, and 21.2%, respectively, and overall survival rates in HCC patients with portal vein invasion were 68.6%, 54.2%, and 41.6%, respectively. The first detection site was lung in HCC patients with portal vein invasion and liver in HCC patients without portal vein invasion. C-reactive protein (CRP) was a significant independent predictor of tumor recurrence in HCC with portal vein invasion after surgery. Conclusions: Increased ALP levels, increased maximum tumor size, and intrahepatic metastasis were independent predictors of portal vein invasion in HCC. CRP level was closely associated with the predisposing factor of tumor recurrence in HCC patients with portal vein invasion after surgical resection, and lung metastasis was common.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        임진왜란 초기의 전개상황과 그 배경

        민덕기 전북사학회 2011 전북사학 Vol.0 No.39

        At the initial stage of Hideyoshi’s Invasion of Korea (Imjin Waeran), Joseon was defeated by Japan in every battle, and Seoul was delivered to Japan only 20 days after the invasion. It is said that Joseon engaged in party strife and enjoyed a peaceful reign, so it was not possible to prepare for the invasion of Japan. But regarding its backgrounds, the followings are considered. First, small wars were occurring in northeastern areas in the 1580s and therefore Joseon was already in quasi-war. The 1583 January rebellion by Nitangeu from Yeojin against the Joseon government lasted until July, so Joseon was not peaceful and tranquil at all, which cannot make a full defensive preparation toward Japan. Second, there was a strategic mistake. That is, Joseon designated the whole areas of the southern coast as the virtual war zone, in particular, reinforced the security on the coastal areas of Jeolla province, because Joseon expected that the riots (similar with riots which happened in the year Ulmyo) would be happened again by Japan. Also, Joseon held fast its opinion on ‘Jeseungbangryak (military defensive system)’, because Joseon did not expect the invasion of the regular army by Hideyoshi. Third, the Ming dynasty doubted that Joseon connected to Japan, based on information from Okinawa 2 years before Hideyoshi’s invasion, and Joseon tried to explain that it is wrong, which does not concentrate on invasion of Japan. Fourth, at that time, the Japanese army was the most elite group in the world. Meanwhile, when reviewing the other data except for ‘the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty’, regarding the conditions in Gyeongsang Province at the initial stage of Hideyoshi’s invasion, it is shown that there are new and positive facts. For instance, Joseon made all efforts to deliver promptly information on invasion of Japanto the central areas or the neighboring regions, or Joseon tried to respond to the invasion by sending the armies of 13 towns in Gyeongsang Province. Therefore, if the officer or commander took the initiative in responding to the invasion, the initial development would be different. It is expected that Joseon secured huge military forces and provisions in the northeast regions until the eve of the Hideyoshi’s invasion. But, the regions did not play their role in defending the nation at the initial stage of invasion. Rather, two princes were sent to the Japanese general Kato-Kiyomasa. It is estimated that securing the military forces and provisions facilitated exploitation by the local officers and commander toward the general public, and when the invasion happened, the local people expressed hostility. However, righteous armies by Moon-Boo Jung started to turn the tide of the war.

      • KCI등재

        A PDMS-Based Interdigitated Platform for Trophoblast Invasion Study Under Oxygen Stress Conditions

        조혜란,fuwadahmed,고건,김기진,전태준,김선민 한국바이오칩학회 2021 BioChip Journal Vol.15 No.4

        In human pregnancy, successful invasion/migration of trophoblast cells under controlled oxygen pressure regulates the fetus development, while a defective invasion leads to obstetric complications including miscarriage, pre-eclampsia, placenta abruption, and intrauterine death. However, the underlying mechanism of defective cell invasion by hypoxia is still unknown. Conventional systems employed to study this cell invasion/migration have several limitations such as non-tunability, and absence of physiological conditions. Herein, we reported a polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) based simple interdigitated disk platform to study the cell invasion/migration under hypoxic (0.5% O 2 ) and normoxic (21% O 2 ) conditions. Human trophoblast cells (HTR-8/SVneo) and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were seeded on the interdigitated disk separated by an extracellular matrix (ECM) layer. The trophoblast invasion to the HUVEC side was analyzed and compared under both hypoxic and normoxic conditions. Furthermore, the secretion of biological factors, hypoxic induced factor 1-alpha (HIF-1α), and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) -2 and 9, involved in trophoblast invasion were also analyzed using western blot and zymography. The results showed that under long-term exposure to a hypoxic environment, cells secrete a high amount of MMP-9, which is responsible for ECM breakdown and enhanced trophoblast invasion. Hence, the long-term hypoxic exposure improves the invasion mechanism of trophoblast. Therefore, we suggest that a PDMS-based interdigitated device could be a useful tool to understand the mechanisms of cell-to-cell interaction as well as the invasion of trophoblast by oxygen pressure.

      • Invited Paper Session 6 (IPS 6) : Histopathological analysis of the progression pattern of subungual melanoma: late tendency of dermal invasion in the nail matrix area

        ( Dong Youn Lee ),( Hyun Tae Shin ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: Subungual melanoma is a rare subtype of melanoma that usually originates and spreads from the nail matrix. Because of its poor prognosis and short matrix-to-bone distance, amputation has been traditionally performed. Recently, conservative surgery has been attempted for early subungual melanoma, but the evidence supporting this practice is sparse. Objectives: As little is known about the progression pattern of subungual melanoma, further advances on the subject may provide better guidance on the optimal surgical approach. Methods: Histopathology slides, clinical records, and photographs of 23 cases of subungual melanoma were reviewed. For all cases, each area of the nail unit.proximal nail fold, nail matrix, nail bed, and/or hyponychium.in longitudinal sections was available for histological examination. Growth pattern, dermal invasion, and thickness were assessed in each area of the nail unit. Results: There were five cases of melanoma in situ. Eighteen cases showed dermal invasion in at least one area of the nail unit. There were no cases showing dermal invasion in the nail matrix area only. In four cases, dermal invasion involved areas of the nail unit other than the nail matrix. In 14 cases, dermal invasion involved the nail matrix area as well as other areas of the nail unit. Except for one case, the nail matrix area showed thinner dermal invasion compared with dermal invasion in other areas of the nail unit. Conclusion: Dermal invasion of subungual melanoma in the nail matrix area tends to occur later than other areas of the nail unit. Longitudinal incisional biopsy is necessary to accurately evaluate melanoma invasion. The findings of this study suggest that conservative surgical treatment for early subungual melanoma may be justified as the nail matrix area, an area of thin dermis and close proximity to the underlying bone, appears to be more resistant to invasion.

      • KCI등재

        융기성 피부섬유육종의 심부 침습정도에 대한 고찰

        김경훈,배용찬,남수봉,최수종,강철욱 대한성형외과학회 2009 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.36 No.4

        Purpose: Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(DFSP) is a moderate-degree malignant tumor of soft tissue from dermis to fat layer with high recurrences(11% to 73%) due to its local infiltrative characteristic. Many debates and controversies in deciding accurate surgical margin were presented before, but references about depth of invasion and appropriate surgical excision level were not properly made out. Therefore, we tried to identify the degree of tissue invasion of DFSP. Methods: Twenty patients, including 8 patients with recurrent lesions, over last 10 years were reviewed retrospectively. Different surgical margins were applied according to the location and based on histopathologic result, we have defined as a ‘deep tissue invasion’ if there were infiltration of tumor cell into fascia or underlying muscle layer was present. All invaded tissue including dermis, fat, fascia and muscle were excised until no tumor cell was found during intraoperative frozen section biopsy. And comparative analysis of deep tissue invasion according to age, primary site, duration of disease and recurrence was done. Results: Thirteen patients(65%) showed deep tissue invasion and incidence was found to be increasing with age (over 30 years old). All patients with DFSP on head and neck region revealed deep tissue invasion followed by trunk(54%) and lower extremities(50%). There was no relationship between duration of disease and deep tissue invasion. Conclusion: It is clear that many cases of DFSP had a deep tissue invasion. And high prevalence of deep tissue invasion with age, primary site was intimately associated. So, underlying deep tissue must be completely examined and excised sufficiently throughout the operation for clear resection of DFSP with no recurrences, especially when the age is over 30s and on head and neck region.

      • KCI등재후보

        Bile duct invasion can be an independent prognostic factor in early stage hepatocellular carcinoma

        Ye-Rang Jang,Kwang-Woong Lee,Hyeyoung Kim,Jeong-Moo Lee,Nam-Joon Yi,Kyung-Suk Suh 한국간담췌외과학회 2015 한국간담췌외과학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Backgrounds/Aims: In hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), bile duct invasion occurs far more rarely than vascular invasionand is not well characterized. In addition, the pathologic finding of bile duct invasion is not considered an independent prognostic factor for HCC following surgery. In this study, we determined the characteristics of HCC with bile duct invasion, and assessed the clinical significance of bile duct invasion. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 363 patients who underwent hepatic resection for HCC at Seoul National University Hospital (SNUH) from January 2009 to December 2011. Preoperative, operative, and pathological data were collected. The risk factors for recurrence and survival were analyzed. Subsequently, the patients were divided into 2 groups according to disease stage (American Joint Committee on Cancer/International Union Against Cancer 7<SUP>th</SUP> edition): early stage (T1 and 2) and advanced stage (T3 and 4) group; and risk factors in the sub-groups were analyzed. Results: Among 363 patients, 13 showed bile duct invasion on pathology. Patients with bile duct invasion had higher preoperative total bilirubin levels, greater microvascular invasion, and a higher death rate than those without bile duct invasion. In multivariate analysis, bile duct invasion was not an independent prognostic factor for survival for the entire cohort, but, was an independent prognostic factor for early stage. Conclusions: Bile duct invasion accompanied microvascular invasion in most cases, and could be used as an independent prognostic factor for survival especially in early stage HCC (T1 and T2).

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