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      • KCI등재

        몽골어, 만주어의 의문첨사 비교 -몽어노걸대, 청어노걸대를 중심으로-

        주수현,T.Otgontuul 이중언어학회 2018 이중언어학 Vol.70 No.-

        In this paper, interrogative sentences were abstracted from the 『蒙語老乞大』 and the『淸語老乞大』to compare questions and interrogative particles in the Mongolian language and the Manchu Language. The questions in the Mongolian language and Manchu language divided into those with and without interrogatives. We focused on the comparison of interrogative particles shown in interrogative sentences without interrogatives, because interrogative particles do not appear in sentences in the case of interrogative sentences with interrogatives. For the development of the discussion, the interrogative sentences without interrogatives were divided into the general interrogative sentences and the negative interrogative sentences and the forms that interrogative particles are combined with predicates and substantives were analyzed. In the study the following commonalities and differences were found. 1) In the Mongolian language and the Manchu language, present and past tenses are not distinctively distinguished. The same is applied to the questions and the present and future question form is the same. As it is applied to both general interrogative sentences and negative interrogative sentences, care must be taken of in the interpretation. 2) When asking about a certain event in the past at present, ‘nau/neu’ is used the Mongolian language and ‘mbi+o’ is used in the Manchu language. Those forms are generally used to make a present question and a future question, but the speaker can also use this form when asking the past event at present to make the listener recall the past. 3) ‘buyu(bui+uu)’ in the 28Mongolian language and ‘bio(bi+o)’ in the Manchu language can be used as the meaning of auxiliary verb and substantive verb. They can mean present or future according to the context. 4) When making a negative interrogative sentence, ‘ugei uu’ in the Mongolian language and ‘akūn’ in the Manchu language are the most common form. They are ① inclusive negatives to negate predicates and substantives ② the vowel deletion by the preceding verb is seen ③ alternative interrogatives are commonly used to make a negative interrogative sentence. Differences are as follows; it is common to have space between the preceding part of speech and the interrogative particle in the Mongolian language, while in Manchu language there is no space between the interrogative particle and the preceding part of speech. Additionally, the followings were identified; 1) when ‘ni’ combines with the interrogative particle ‘o’ in Manchu language, ‘nio’ is used to make an interrogative sentence or to distinguish meaning, 2) When ‘ra/re/ro’, which are known to future indicative particles, are used in negative interrogative sentence, they can mean both of present and future. 본고에서는 『蒙語老乞大』와 『淸語老乞大』에서 의문문을 추출하여 몽골어와 만주어의 의문문, 의문첨사를 비교하는 연구를 진행하였다. 『老乞大』는 본래 한어로 쓰였으나 내용과 어학 교재로서의 우수성 덕분에 몽골어와 만주어로도 번역되어 조선시대 외국어 학습서로 널리 쓰였다.(최동권, 2012:5) 이들은 구어체를 문어로 기록한 문헌이기에 당대에 사용되던 어휘나 생활상, 문화상을 파악할 수 있는 귀중한 자료가 되며 국내외에서 18세기 만주어, 몽골어, 한국어의 연구에 활용되어왔다. 노걸대 언해본들은 문헌 특징상 대화체로 된 회화교재이므로 대부분이 묻고 답하는 형식으로 되어 있다. 따라서 서술문과 의문문이 문헌 전반의 대부분을 차지한다.(김성란, 2006:19) 의문문의 사용 빈도가 높아 본 연구에 적합하고 『老乞大』라는 교재를 기준으로 몽골어와 만주어로 번역하였기에 기본적인 내용과 형태가 일치하므로 알타이어족에 속하는 양 언어의 비교연구 자료로서 사용하게 되었다. 본고에서는 의문첨사의 형태 분석을 위해 의문사의 유무에 따라 문장을 분류하여 의문사가 없는 의문문에 나타나는 의문첨사 비교에 중점을 두었는데, 이는 의문사가 있는 의문문의 경우 문장 내 의문첨사가 나타나지 않기 때문이다. 의문사가 없는 의문문은 크게 일반의문문과 부정의문문으로 구분하여 의문첨사가 용언과 체언에 결합하는 형태를 비교분석하는 방식으로 양 언어의 유사점과 차이점을 밝혔다. 용언의 경우 동사의 시제에 따라 분류하였으며 일반의문문-부정의문문의 순서, 용언-체언의 순서로 논의를 전개하였다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한·미 의문문 화행에 나타난 성별의 차이에 관한 연구

        임은영 ( Eunyoung Lim ) 사단법인 아시아문화학술원 2021 인문사회 21 Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to clarify the differences in I.S.S.A. (Interrogative-Sentence-Speech-Act) between Korean-American gender. To this end, this paper extracted discourses in the ‘same or similar context’ between Korean-American from the remake works, and then classified all interrogative sentence into four S.As. (Q, S, O, R: Question- speech-act of interrogative-sentence (Q), Statement-speech-act of interrogative- sentence (S), Order-speech-act of interrogative-sentence (O), Response-speech-act of interrogative-sentence (R)). And the chi-square test was conducted. As a result, there was no significant difference in Korean, but there was a significant difference in American, in particular, a high significant difference in the American ‘O’. This result implies the possibility of pragmatic failure in the Korean ‘O’ of the Americans learning Korean. Therefore, this paper suggests the need of the education on the Korean ‘O’ for Americans learning Korean and the future research tasks.

      • KCI등재


        飯干和也(Iihoshi, Kazuya) 한국일본문화학회 2019 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.80

        This article considers the differences and similarities among Korean students of the Japanese language (hereafter, “KR”) and native Japanese speakers (hereafter, “JP”) using both quantitative and usage analysis of interrogative sentences in essays they wrote in Japanese on the topic of “Your Opinion on Tobacco.” The focus was on interrogative sentences ending with “-desu ka” or “-masu ka” (hereafter, “-desu ka/-masu ka interrogatives”), examining the characteristics of how these -desu ka/-masu ka interrogatives were expressed and used. First, the quantitative analysis results showed that 1: KR used interrogatives less frequently than JP; 2: ten examples of -desu ka/-masu ka interrogative usage were seen in KR essays only, all of which were unnatural; 3: the KR students who wrote these -desu ka/-masu ka interrogatives had been learning Japanese for between 4 and 44 months. Next, the usage analysis results showed that 1: interrogatives were used by KR and JP in essentially the same way; 2: the -desu ka/-masu ka interrogatives seen in KR essays were found in all three classifications of interrogatives; 3: -desu ka/-masu ka interrogatives tended to be found most commonly in the usage where the writer was expressing a negative development of the proposition. Future studies will need to examine why KR use unnatural -desu ka/-masu ka interrogatives.

      • KCI등재후보

        수사절차상 진술왜곡의 원인과 개선방안에 관한연구

        이재경 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2010 法學論文集 Vol.34 No.2

        Finding the substantive truth, the purpose of criminal procedures, is done by re-organizing a case on the basis of evidence by a judge. However, if the judge relies on contaminated evidence in re-organizing the case, an error may occur in the judge’s search for truth. An analysis of foreign misjudgment cases revealed that two-thirds of them were due to wrong testimonies of eyewitnesses. Thus, the cause of misjudgments is not so much material evidence as it is statement evidence. Once a criminal case occurs, the first obtainer of statements is the investigator. If an interrogation is conducted inappropriately, distortion of statements may occur as a natural result. Even if the statements are not coerced, they may be distorted by an inappropriate interrogative method. If an investigator questions using a strong hint, or interrupts free recollection, the interviewee may give a distorted statement following the investigator’s question. If the interrogation is uniformly applied without distinction between interrogation of a suspect (discriminating a real culprit from an innocent person) and interrogation of an eyewitness (obtaining information related to the case), the information obtained from the interrogation will be negligible. These instances occur because the investigator did not understand the possible distortion of information during the interrogation. I would like to suggest a plan that secures truthful statements by preventing the distortion of statements that may occur during the process of an interrogation. First, the investigator, prior to interrogation, should lessen the stress of the person to give a statement. If the person begins to trust the investigator, he will try to give related information as accurately as possible. With this basis of trust, if the interrogation is conducted using appropriate questions with language the person can easily understand, accuracy will be high. And in order to acquire true information from the statement, an interrogative method suitable for the case should be applied. For suspects, I would like to suggest the Behavior Analysis Technique, which can discriminate the real culprit from the innocent, and for eyewitnesses, I would like to suggest the Shortened-Type Cognitive Interview Technique, which can effectively acquire accurate information. Of course, these interrogative methods should be backed by a good understanding of the importance of the investigator’s interrogative techniques. If accurate information is acquired in the process of interrogation through these effective methods, substantive truth, the purpose of criminal procedures will be found through correct judgment, guilty or not guilty, by the judge during the trial stage.

      • KCI등재

        한국어와 불어에서의 의문형 문장의 실현과 대응구조

        박영옥,한영목 이중언어학회 2013 이중언어학 Vol.53 No.-

        The interrogative sentence in French occurs by the inversion of subject and verb, while that of Korean expresses the interrogative by agglutination in the terminative of discourse verb. In this context, we can say that the interrogative sentence in French expressed syntactically, while the Korean interrogative sentence is manifested in a morphological way. So the French native speakers should know how to choose the correct termination depending on the situation and sense of purpose. Hence this paper is intended to help them understand the morphological structure, function and meaning of sentence ending through a comparative and contrastive explanation with the French. Also, the sentence ending has two forms namely; the simple form and the complex form. When terminative -eo, -ji is used in the interrogative sentence, -eo is used in the simple interrogative indicatively, -ji in the affirmative interrogative. This results from the combination of grammatical meaning of the given morpheme and the modality of enunciation. We analyzed -neun ga and -eul gga that each particle contains -neun- and -eul-. And we have identified the particle -neun- corresponds to the indicative mood, while the particle -eul- conditional mood in French. -Neun- has a value present, then the particle expresses its proposal as real in terms of the attitude of the speaker. This particle is used to operate querying the meaning of judgment. If the sentence ending contains the particle -eul, the speaker expresses his proposal so it’s uncertain since it assumes and queries in an uncertain attitude. From there it expresses the hypothetical result. This is why -eul- expresses the value of the conditional mode. The complex sentence ending block is used, it reveals the speaker’s attitude towards the proposal. The identification of each morpheme component complex sentence ending is to understand its overall meaning. This will help to choose the appropriate sentence ending in the situational context. Now if we would propose the complex sentence ending depending on the structure and meaning, it would be useful in the field of teaching Korean as a foreign language learners of French.

      • KCI등재

        <전체부정> 레토릭의 의미구조 모델 - 의문형반어문을 중심으로-

        김수진 한국일본어교육학회 2023 日本語敎育 Vol.- No.104

        This research investigates the use of interrogative-rhetorical sentences as a means for speakers to convey negative assertions by adopting the surface form of positive interrogative statements while conveying underlying negations. With a focus on the rhetoric of <complete negation> employed in interrogative-rhetorical sentences, this study examines the process of communication by integrating insights from cognitive linguistics, aiming to propose a semantic structure model of <complete negation>. Through the analysis of grammatical and syntactic characteristics found in uttered interrogative-rhetorical sentences, this study establishes their relevance to semantic communication. It suggests that a cognitive process known as "expansion by inference" enables the evocation of negative events behind positive events and positive events behind negative events. Furthermore, it describes how the utterance of interrogative-rhetorical sentences prompts listeners to recall <complete negation>, attributing this phenomenon to the activation of a cognitive domain termed "base" in relation to the communication of individual negations delivered from the base of <complete negation> through "profile." In conclusion, this research provides insights into the semantic structure model of <complete negation> within interrogative-rhetorical sentences, offering a clear understanding of the communication process involved in conveying negative assertions by employing the guise of positive interrogative sentences. 본 연구는 발화자가 부정적인 주장을 전달하기 위해 표면적으로는 긍정적인 의문문 형태를 빌려내면의 부정적 의미를 전달하는 의문형반어문에 초점을 두고 조사하였다. 특히, 의문형반어문에서 사용되는 '전체부정'의 수사학적 특징을 명확하게 이해하기 위해 인지언어학적 관점을 통합하여 '전체부정'의 의미구조 모델을 제안하였다. 본 연구에서는 발화된 의문형반어문에서 나타나는 문법 및 구문적 특징을 분석하여 의미전달과의 관련성을 제시하였다. 이에 따라 긍정적 사건 뒤에는 부정적 사건이 연상되고, 부정적 사건 뒤에는 긍정적 사건이 연상되는 것을 '추론에 의한 확장'이라는 인지과정으로 설명하였다. 또한, 의문형반어문 발화를 통해 청자가 '전체부정'을 상기시키는 것은 인지 영역과 관련하여 '베이스'의 활성화로 이해되며, 그러한 '전체부정'이라는 베이스에서 개별 부정의 주장이 '프로파일'에 의해 전달되는 결과로 볼 수 있다고 기술하였다. 총론적으로, 본 연구는 의문형반어문을 통해 발화자가 부정적 주장을 전달하는 과정을 다루면서, 표면적으로 긍정적 의문문 형태를 빌려내면의 부정적 의미를 전달하는 전체부정의 의미구조 모델을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 의문사와 부정사의 긍·부정 극성 표현―‘누구’와 ‘아무’를 중심으로

        김서형 국제언어문학회 2018 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.39

        In Korean, interrogatives is also used as undetermines and indefinitives in addition to the function of unknowns that represents the question and constitutes the content question sentence. In this paper, I have found in many ways the grounds of unknowns in interrogatives, which are derived as undetermines and indefinitives.  It can be said that interrogatives can be expressed meaning positive and negative polarities by having the function of indefinitives in combination with auxiliary particles ‘na, do, deun’ and ‘jocha, majeo, kkaji’ as undetermines. I looked at this trough interrogatives ‘nugu’ and indefinite words ‘amu’ among interrogatives. The realization of this polarity is possible only in the conjunction of interrogatives and infinitives in the function of interrogatives, not a general noun. In addition to these auxiliary particles, interrogatives has also the function of indefinitives when doing co-occurence with verbal endings, ‘-euna, -eodo, -deun, -deunji, -eundeul, -deorado, -euljirado, -doe’ , and interrogatives can express polarity as like as the fuction of indefinitives. These verbal endings only express concessions when doing co-occurence with common nouns, not indefinitives or interrogatives. This type of auxiliary participates in the realization of the polarity and the these ending forms are common. 한국어에서 의문사는 내용 의문문을 이루는 미지칭 기능 외에 미정칭과 부정칭으로도 쓰인다. 본고에서는 의문사에서 미지칭 기능이 기본이 되어 미정칭과 부정칭 기능으로 파생되는 근거를 여러 면에서 찾았다. 의문사는 미정칭으로서의 보조사 ‘나, 도, 든’ 그리고 ‘조차, 마저, 까지’ 등과 결합하여 부정칭 기능을 가져 부정뿐만 아니라 긍정의 ‘극성’을 나타낼 수 있음을, 의문사 ‘누구’와 부정사 ‘아무’를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이러한 극성 실현은 일반적인 명사가 아닌 부정칭 기능의 의문사와 부정사와의 결합에서만 가능하였다. 의문사는 역시 미정칭으로서 이들 보조사 외에 ‘-으나, -어도, -든, -든지, -은들, -더라도, -을지라도, -되’ 등의 활용 어미를 가진 서술어와 공기하면서도 부정칭이 되어 극성을 나타낼 수 있다. 이들 어미는 부정칭 의문사나 부정사가 아닌 일반적인 명사와 공기할 때에는 양보성 의미를 나타낼 뿐이다. 이처럼 극성 실현에 참여하는 보조사와 활용 어미는 그 형태가 상통한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 의문사와 부정사의 긍·부정 극성 표현

        김서형(Kim, Seohyung) 국제언어문학회 2018 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.39

        한국어에서 의문사는 내용 의문문을 이루는 미지칭 기능 외에 미정칭과 부정칭으로도 쓰인다. 본고에서는 의문사에서 미지칭 기능이 기본이 되어 미정칭과 부정칭 기능으로 파생되는 근거를 여러 면에서 찾았다. 의문사는 미정칭으로서의 보조사 ‘나, 도, 든’ 그리고 ‘조차, 마저, 까지’ 등과 결합하여 부정칭 기능을 가져 부정뿐만 아니라 긍정의 ‘극성’을 나타낼 수 있음을, 의문사 ‘누구’와 부정사 ‘아무’를 중심으로 살펴보았다. 이러한 극성 실현은 일반적인 명사가 아닌 부정칭 기능의 의문사와 부정사와의 결합에서만 가능하였다. 의문사는 역시 미정칭으로서 이들 보조사 외에 ‘-으나, -어도, -든, -든지, -은들, -더라도, -을지라도, -되’ 등의 활용 어미를 가진 서술어와 공기하면서도 부정칭이 되어 극성을 나타낼 수 있다. 이들 어미는 부정칭 의문사나 부정사가 아닌 일반적인 명사와 공기할 때에는 양보성 의미를 나타낼 뿐이다. 이처럼 극성 실현에 참여하는 보조사와 활용 어미는 그 형태가 상통한다. In Korean, interrogatives is also used as undetermines and indefinitives in addition to the function of unknowns that represents the question and constitutes the content question sentence. In this paper, I have found in many ways the grounds of unknowns in interrogatives, which are derived as undetermines and indefinitives. It can be said that interrogatives can be expressed meaning positive and negative polarities by having the function of indefinitives in combination with auxiliary particles ‘na, do, deun’ and ‘jocha, majeo, kkaji’ as undetermines. I looked at this trough interrogatives ‘nugu’ and indefinite words ‘amu’ among interrogatives. The realization of this polarity is possible only in the conjunction of interrogatives and infinitives in the function of interrogatives, not a general noun. In addition to these auxiliary particles, interrogatives has also the function of indefinitives when doing co-occurence with verbal endings, ‘-euna, -eodo, -deun, -deunji, -eundeul, -deorado, -euljirado, -doe’ , and interrogatives can express polarity as like as the fuction of indefinitives. These verbal endings only express concessions when doing co-occurence with common nouns, not indefinitives or interrogatives. This type of auxiliary participates in the realization of the polarity and the these ending forms are common.

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