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        The impact of organizational innovation climate on employee innovation behavior in emissions control enterprises: an empirical study in China

        김동주,Wang Shuyang,Jia Hongda 부산대학교 중국연구소 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.26 No.3

        To mitigate climate change, emissions control enterprises need to innovate to strike a balance between corporate economics and the environment. Businesses are the mainstay of innovation in the marketplace, but innovation has its roots in employees, and the ability of employees to effectively implement individual innovative behavioral activities within the organization is an essential factor affecting a business's ability to innovate. Then how to promote employee's innovative behavior in emissions control enterprises? Research has shown that a positive climate for organizational innovation stimulates employee creativity, encouraging them to introduce fresh ideas and solutions to problems. Organizational commitment can increase employees' sense of belonging and identity and motivate them to contribute to the organization's growth. Psychological empowerment can increase employee autonomy and decision-making power, demonstrate creativity and initiative, and make them more willing to introduce fresh ideas and try different approaches. To promote the low-carbon development of China's emissions control enterprises and improve the innovation behavior of their employees. The study intends to provide practical policies and practical recommendations for improving employee innovation behavior, while providing some references for related industries. To this end, a total of 607 effective questionnaires were collected from emissions controls enterprises' employees in China. SPSS 26.0 and AMOS 24.0 were used for confirmation reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmation factor analysis, path analysis and mediation effect analysis. The results show the organizational innovation climate of Chinese emission control enterprises has a positive (+) effect on employee innovation behavior; organizational commitment and psychological empowerment have a positive (+) effect on employee innovation behavior. In an organizational innovation climate, organizational commitment and psychological empowerment have a moderating effect on employee innovative behavior.

      • KCI등재

        Kano모델을 활용한 지방공기업 혁신과제 속성분류 및 중요도 분석

        현승현 ( Seunghyun Hyun ),원구환 ( Gu-Hwan Won ) 한국정책학회 2015 韓國政策學會報 Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구는 행정자치부가 추진 중인 지방공기업 혁신과제 속성과 중요도를 분석하여 정책적 시사점을 제시하는 데 목적이 있다. 이해집단인 지방공기업을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였으며, Kano모델을 활용하여 혁신과제 속성과 중요도 분석을 실시하였다. 분석한 결과, 지방공기업 혁신과제 총 14개 과제 중에서 8개 과제는 매력적 품질요소, 4개 과제는 일원적 품질요소, 2개 과제는 역품질에 해당하는 것으로 나타났다. 현재 행정자치부에서 추진 중인 대부분의 혁신과제는 지방공기업에서 수용할 수 있는 정책으로 분류된 반면에, 매년 부채비율 10% 감축과 임금피크제는 오히려 불만을 일으키는 역품질 과제로 분류되었다. 특히, 부채비율 감축은 중앙정부의 주도의 정책추진에 입장 차이가 있음을 보여주고 있으며, 임금피크제는 기존 인력의 정년연장이 이루어지기 때문에 청년일자리 창출이 부정적인 입장이 있음을 볼 수 있다. 또한, 가중치를 고려한 혁신과제 우선순위에서도 지방공기업의 내적 성장을 도모할 수 있는 혁신과제에 대해서는 매우 중요하다고 인식하고 있으나, 지방공기업 구조개혁과 설립타당성 강화 등은 우선순위에서 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 중앙정부와 지방공기업 간의 명확한 사전 기준을 설정하고 추진할 수 있도록 정책협의과정이 필요한 시점이다. As the ultimate goal of the local public enterprises changes from profit maximization to the value maximization, managers come to have an interest in the management innovation of local public enterprises. Innovation is useful tool that can help the local public enterprises achieve greater conduction to the society in the current dynamic and competitive environment. The purpose of this study is to suggest policy implications of local public enterprises innovation tasks by analyzing the innovation task properties and importance. 14 innovation tasks are extracted, which are to determine the efficient management of local public enterprises. Moreover, survey focused on incumbents of local public enterprises was included. Kano Model was methodologically used. As a result, 8 tasks attributes were classified as 'attractive', 4 tasks as 'one-dimensional', and 2 tasks as 'reverse'. Innovation tasks of the central government have been classified as the most acceptable to local public enterprises policy. On the other hand, '10% debt reduction' and 'wage-peak system' are appeared as policy tasks that can lead to complaints to the interest groups. In addition, the WPCSI index has higher priority to recognize an organizational internal growth tasks. However, local public enterprise reform tasks have lower priority. There is a difference perception of innovation between the central government and local public enterprises. Therefore, the innovation policy requires a sufficient consultation between the central government and local public enterprises.

      • KCI등재


        李京勋,(Li, Jing-xun),金莹,(Jin Ying),李龙,振(Li, Long-zhen) 글로벌경영학회 2019 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        Innovative orientation is a kind of value and organizational culture of high tech enterprises. However, the process of innovative orientation on innovation performance has been controversial and remains not fully conclusive or consistent. Based on the organizational culture-organization behavior-organization performance framework, we explore the roles of ambidextrous innovation and network embeddedness in the process. Using data from the questionnaires of 148 high-tech enterprises in China, We find that innovative orientation has positively effect on explorative innovation, exploitative innovation, and network embeddedness, which in turn are positively associated with innovation performance. Furthermore, we find that network embeddedness is an asset to reinforce the impact of explorative innovation on innovation performance, but there is no moderate effect of exploitative innovation on innovation performance. More results and implications are discussed toward the end.

      • KCI등재후보

        Innovation Performance of Social Enterprises: An Empirical Study in India

        Revendranath Tirumalsety,Anjula Gurtoo 아시아기술혁신학회 2019 Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy Vol.8 No.2

        Social enterprises pursue innovation to create socio-economic impact for the marginalized communities. The founders of social enterprises drive goal-oriented innovation, whereas, interactions with ecosystem is crucial to create and diffuse innovation. However, studies are scant on creation as well as diffusion of innovation emerging from social enterprises. This paper attempts to understand innovation emerging from social enterprises through an exploration of innovation focus, interactions with ecosystem, and measurement of innovation performance. A cross-sectional study is performed to understand the relationship between founders’ orientation and innovation performance, and the mediating role of innovation focus and ecosystem interactions. A cluster sampling across four states in India - Karnataka, Telangana, Maharastra and Tamil Nadu - resulted in participation from 207 social enterprises. The results of partial least squared structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) demonstrate the positive complementary mediating role of innovation focus in the relationship between founders' orientation and innovation performance. Moreover, this paper illustrates that founders’ persistent focus on innovation creates positive results for social enterprises as well as beneficiaries.

      • KCI등재

        Innovation Performance of Social Enterprises: An Empirical Study in India

        Tirumalsety, Revendranath,Gurtoo, Anjula Asian Society for Innovation and Policy 2019 Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy Vol.8 No.2

        Social enterprises pursue innovation to create socio-economic impact for the marginalized communities. The founders of social enterprises drive goal-oriented innovation, whereas, interactions with ecosystem is crucial to create and diffuse innovation. However, studies are scant on creation as well as diffusion of innovation emerging from social enterprises. This paper attempts to understand innovation emerging from social enterprises through an exploration of innovation focus, interactions with ecosystem, and measurement of innovation performance. A cross-sectional study is performed to understand the relationship between founders' orientation and innovation performance, and the mediating role of innovation focus and ecosystem interactions. A cluster sampling across four states in India - Karnataka, Telangana, Maharastra and Tamil Nadu - resulted in participation from 207 social enterprises. The results of partial least squared structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) demonstrate the positive complementary mediating role of innovation focus in the relationship between founders' orientation and innovation performance. Moreover, this paper illustrates that founders' persistent focus on innovation creates positive results for social enterprises as well as beneficiaries.

      • KCI등재


        이경훈,김영,이용진 글로벌경영학회 2019 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        Innovative orientation is a kind of value and organizational culture of high tech enterprises. However, the process of innovative orientation on innovation performance has been controversial and remains not fully conclusive or consistent. Based on the organizational culture-organization behavior-organization performance framework, we explore the roles of ambidextrous innovation and network embeddedness in the process. Using data from the questionnaires of 148 high-tech enterprises in China, We find that innovative orientation has positively effect on explorative innovation, exploitative innovation, and network embeddedness, which in turn are positively associated with innovation performance. Furthermore, we find that network embeddedness is an asset to reinforce the impact of explorative innovation on innovation performance, but there is no moderate effect of exploitative innovation on innovation performance. More results and implications are discussed toward the end. 创新导向是高新技术企业的一种价值观和组织文化。然而,创新导向转化为创新绩效的过程一直存在较大的争议,没有取得一致的结论。基于组织文化-组织行为-组织绩效分析框架,本文探讨了双元创新活动和网络嵌入性在创新导向和创新绩效之间发挥的作用。研究结果表明,创新导向对探索式创新、利用式创新和网络嵌入性均有显著的正向影响。同时,探索式创新、利用式创新和网络嵌入性对创新绩效同样具有显著的正向影响。网络嵌入性在探索式创新和创新绩效的关系中起正向调节作用,表明高新技术企业与各经济主体之间的联系越密切,探索式创新对创新绩效的影响越强。文末对研究结果进行了讨论并提出了相应的管理建议。

      • Efficiency Management of the Enterprises Activity Based on the Principles of Innovative Development

        Chernoivanova, Hanna,Kozlova, Inna,Kryvobok, Kateryna,Nemashkalo, Karina,Yermolenko, Oleksii International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.12

        The article examines the economic essence and approaches to determining the efficiency of the enterprise. The author in the study considers the effectiveness and from the standpoint of qualitative analysis of the effectiveness of change and implementation of enterprise development goals. It is established that the tool for ensuring qualitative impacts on the efficiency of the enterprise is the innovative development of the economic space of the enterprise. The article considers the dominant innovations that have influenced the means and methods of production. An organizational and economic mechanism has been recommended to coordinate the costs of innovation activities in order to ensure the efficiency of enterprises. The object of management in the organizational and economic mechanism is the innovation process in the enterprise: from the design of strategic goals of innovation, search and commercialization of innovations, to building and implementing innovation potential. The efficiency of the enterprise under the condition of realization of innovative potential will be characterized by steady competitive advantages and strategically-oriented behavior in the market.

      • Methods for Assessing the Innovative Capacity of Agri-food Enterprises

        Orlova-Kurilova, Olga,Liubimov, Ivan,Yaremovich, Petr,Safronska, Iryna,Voron'ko-Nevidnycha, Tetiana,Dziuba, Mykola,Serhiienko, Serhii,Tkachenko, Volodymyr International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.12

        The article proposes a methodical approach to assessing the innovative capacity of agri-food enterprises. This approach is based on the calculation of personnel, investment, technical and technological, information components of the ability of agri-food enterprises to innovate. The algorithm of search of production, intellectual, financial, information resources reserves, which are necessary for functioning of the enterprises of agro-food sphere, is defined. The approach developed by the authors, in contrast to the existing ones in the scientific world, allows the tools of mathematical modeling to identify shortcomings in the development of agri-food enterprises, to forecast the development of these enterprises and on this basis to form different models of market stakeholders. The method proposed by the authors to assess the innovative capacity of agri-food enterprises allows market participants to assess the current state of agri-food enterprises and form the necessary management levers to influence its activities to eliminate market failures and pitfalls.

      • A Study on the Impact of Digital Transformation and Intellectual Capital on the Innovation Performance of Chinese Listed Companies: Based on the Moderating Role of Organizational Slack

        Jiayuea Kong,Jianlin Li 한중경제문화학회 2024 한중경제문화연구 Vol.27 No.-

        Innovation is a key element and inevitable choice for every enterprise to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. How to enhance the independent innovation capability of enterprises and improve innovation performance has always been a key issue in the academic community. This study utilizes data from Chinese listed companies spanning 2008 to 2021 and empirically examines the impact of digital transformation on the innovation performance of companies. The research results indicate that digital transformation can enhance the innovation performance of enterprises; Intellectual capital plays a mediating role between the two; Organizational slack is beneficial for companies to improve their risk resistance and positively moderate the relationship between digital transformation and the innovation performance of companies; The heterogeneous impact of digital transformation on the innovation performance of enterprises varies depending on the nature of ownership and type of enterprise. The research conclusion provides micro evidence for the intrinsic mechanism of digital transformation promoting the improvement of enterprise innovation performance, and gives relevant suggestions for guiding enterprises in digital transformation, leveraging the value-driving role of intellectual capital, and improving innovation performance.

      • Methods for Assessing the Innovative Capacity of Agri-food Enterprises

        Orlova-Kurilova, Olga,Liubimov, Ivan,Yaremovich, Petr,Safronska, Iryna,Voron'ko-Nevidnycha, Tetiana,Dziuba, Mykola,Serhiienko, Serhii,Tkachenko, Volodymyr International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2021 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.21 No.spc12

        The article proposes a methodical approach to assessing the innovative capacity of agri-food enterprises. This approach is based on the calculation of personnel, investment, technical and technological, information components of the ability of agri-food enterprises to innovate. The algorithm of search of production, intellectual, financial, information resources reserves, which are necessary for functioning of the enterprises of agro-food sphere, is defined. The approach developed by the authors, in contrast to the existing ones in the scientific world, allows the tools of mathematical modeling to identify shortcomings in the development of agri-food enterprises, to forecast the development of these enterprises and on this basis to form different models of market stakeholders. The method proposed by the authors to assess the innovative capacity of agri-food enterprises allows market participants to assess the current state of agri-food enterprises and form the necessary management levers to influence its activities to eliminate market failures and pitfalls.

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