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        ‘반논항’과 ‘잠재논항’의 개념 규정 방식에 대한 재고

        조진수 택민국학연구원 2019 국학연구론총 Vol.0 No.24

        The purpose of this study is to identify the distinction between ‘semi-argument’ and ‘implicit argument’ which has been previously recognized as being a similar concept. For this purpose, related studies were reviewed. In the case of semi-argument, we examined the issue of how to handle the case when it was realized as phonetic form in the sentence, and critically discussed how the theoretical model called ‘Variable Media Projection Hypothesis’ influenced the concept of semi-argument. In the case of implicit argument, it was revealed that the previous discussions have defined implicit argument on the basis of arbitrariness unlike the definition in general linguistics. Based on the results of this review, it is revealed that the semi-argument is a concept based on arbitrariness, and implicit argument is a concept based on implicitness. We discussed how the arbitrariness and implicitness of the argument are conceptually distinguished. In addition, by suggesting that the implicitness of implicit argument is a matter of degree, this paper suggests a way to resolve the debate about semi-dispute and implicit argument. 본 연구는 그간 국어학계에서 유사 개념으로 처리되어 온 반논항과 잠재논항이 구분되는 개념임을 규명하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 우선 반논항과 잠재논항에 관한 기존 논의를 검토하였다. 반논항의 경우 문장에 실현되었을 경우의 처리 방식에 관한 쟁점을 살피고, ‘가변중간투사론’이라는 이론적 모형이 반논항 처리에 어떤 영향을 끼쳤는지를 비판적으로 논의하였다. 잠재논항의 경우 그간의 논의가 수의성을 기반으로 잠재논항을 규정하는 방식을 취해 왔음을 밝히고, 이러한 방식이 일반언어학에서 잠재논항을 규정하는 방식과 어떤 차이가 있는지를 논의하였다. 이러한 검토 결과를 바탕으로 반논항은 수의성에 기반한 개념이고, 잠재논항은 잠재성에 기반한 개념이라는 점을 밝히고, 논항의 수의성과 잠재성이 개념적으로 어떻게 구분되는지를 논의하였다. 아울러 잠재논항의 잠재성이 정도성의 문제라는 점을 밝힘으로써 반논항, 잠재논항의 처리 방식에 관한 그간의 논행을 해결할 수 있는 방안을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        학생번역자의 한중 번역에 나타난 명시화와 암시화

        김혜림 한국중국언어학회 2018 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.78

        본 연구는 한중 번역 시 번역 경험량이 상대적으로 부족한 학생번역자의 번역 명시화와 암시화가 어떤 특징을 보이는지 알아보기 위해 학생번역자 5명의 번역을 분석하였다. 정량분석 결과, 학생번역자 번역에서 명시화 빈도가 암시화보다 현저히 높았으며, 추가가 구체화보다 더 많이 관찰되었다. 또한, 텍스트적 명시화가 약 52% 비율로 가장 높은 비중을 차지하였는데, 특히 텍스트적 명시화에서 추가가 월등하게 많았다. 암시화는 삭제만 관찰되었으며, 경험적 암시화가 약 56% 비율로 가장 높은 비중을 차지하였다. 명시화와 암시화 경향은 학생 별로 차이를 보였는데, 명시화 경향은 5명 학생이 비교적 균일한 반면, 암시화 경향은 학생 간 편차가 컸다. 정성분석 결과, 경험적 정보의 명시화와 암시화는 맥락 상 유추 가능한 명사(구), 수식어, 동사, 부사를 추가, 구체화, 삭제하는 경우, TT에 ST에 없는 새로운 내용을 추가하거나 ST의 전체 구를 삭제하는 경우가 관찰되었다. 대인적 정보의 명시화는 TT에서 양태의 구체화와 평가어와 강조어가 추가되는 경우가 있었다. 대인적 정보 암시화는 모두 평가어와 강조어가 삭제되는 경우였다. 텍스트적 정보의 명시화는 맥락에서 유추할 수 있는 논리관계의 접속사를 TT에 추가하거나 지시어가 구체화 또는 추가되는 겨우였다. 텍스트적 명시화에서 추가는 주로 접속사가 추가되며 나타났다. 텍스트적 암시화는 모두 ST의 접속사가 TT에서 삭제되며 나타났다. 본 연구 결과는 소수 사례 분석이라는 점에서 탐색적 결론의 성격을 띠며, 이곳에 소개된 학생들의 반응을 일반화하기 어렵다. 하지만, 한중번역에서 학생번역자의 명시화 암시화 경향과 유형을 살펴본 첫 연구로서 의미를 가지며, 번역 교육과 훈련에 참고가 될 것으로 기대된다. In this study, translations of five trainee translators were analyzed to observe the use of explicitation and implicitation in Korean-Chinese translation of the trainees who have relatively less translation experiences. According to a quantitative analysis, the translations of the trainee translators had remarkably more explicitation than implicitation and more addition than specification. Besides, textual explicitation accounted for about 52%, which is the largest percentage, and particularly had significantly more addition. On the other hand, experiential implicitation recorded the largest percentage at around 56% and deletion only was observed in it. The tendency of explicitation and implicitation varied by trainees. The five trainees presented relatively even explicitation tendency while showing substantially different implicitation tendency among them. A qualitative analysis suggested that the trainee translators added, specified or deleted noun (phrases), modifiers, verbs and adverbs that were inferable from the context, added to TT new contents that did not exist in ST or deleted the entire phrase in ST in explicitation and implicitation of experiential information. It was also observed in explicitation of interpersonal information that they specified modality or added appraisals or intensifiers in TT. In implicitation of interpersonal information, all of them deleted appraisals and intensifiers. They added to TT conjunctions that were inferable from the context or specified or added referents in explicitation of textual information. Meanwhile, they generally added conjunctions in textual explicitation and deleted conjunctions in ST from TT in all textual implicitation. As the study analyzed a small sample, it brought an exploratory result and it was difficult to generalize the response of the trainees covered by the study. However, it is meaningful as the first study that observed the use of explicitation and implicitation in Korean-Chinese translation of trainee translators and expected to serve as a great reference for translation training.

      • KCI등재

        부재하지만 암시적인: 이야기 치료를 통한 이야기의 반전

        최민수 한국기독교상담심리학회 2011 한국기독교상담학회지 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper describes Michael White’s recent idea of the “absent but implicit”in narrative therapy. Michael White introduced the term “absent but implicit”to narrative practitioners in order to let them apply to their therapeutic practices. This concept of therapeutic work of the “absent but implicit”suggests the understanding that there is a discernment we make between known realities and other realities that have already been given meaning in our lives. In therapeutic conversations, we can use the notion of the“ absent but implicit”to process the narrative therapeutic enquiries. The concept of the “absent but implicit”enables us to enquire into the rich story of self that lie beyond the problem story and to support the new alternative story that lie outside of the problem story. Furthermore, the presentation of the “absent but implicit”takes a further step a line of enquire that can support people to live with a sense of being active in their lives as personal agency. This paper also presents work done with a woman who was dealing with relational conflict. Drawing on the concept of the “absent but implicit,”this paper attempts to explore and convey how the concept and practice of the “absent but implicit”can be used in therapeutic conversations through suggesting eight steps as the “absent but implicit”map of narrative practice. Thus, I am looking forward to be meaningful foundations to share and develop these ideas with many interested practitioners and others who are engaged in therapeutic research. Furthermore, I hope that this paper contributes to offer new ideas and practices in the field of a narrative practice.

      • Everyday conversation requires cognitive inference: Neural bases of comprehending implicated meanings in conversations

        Jang, Gijeong,Yoon, Shin-ae,Lee, Sung-Eun,Park, Haeil,Kim, Joohan,Ko, Jeong Hoon,Park, Hae-Jeong Elsevier 2013 NeuroImage Vol.81 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In ordinary conversations, literal meanings of an utterance are often quite different from implicated meanings and the inference about implicated meanings is essentially required for successful comprehension of the speaker's utterances. Inference of finding implicated meanings is based on the listener's assumption that the conversational partner says only relevant matters according to the maxim of relevance in Grice's theory of conversational implicature. To investigate the neural correlates of comprehending implicated meanings under the maxim of relevance, a total of 23 participants underwent an fMRI task with a series of conversational pairs, each consisting of a question and an answer. The experimental paradigm was composed of three conditions: explicit answers, moderately implicit answers, and highly implicit answers. Participants were asked to decide whether the answer to the Yes/No question meant ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Longer reaction time was required for the highly implicit answers than for the moderately implicit answers without affecting the accuracy. The fMRI results show that the left anterior temporal lobe, left angular gyrus, and left posterior middle temporal gyrus had stronger activation in both moderately and highly implicit conditions than in the explicit condition. Comprehension of highly implicit answers had increased activations in additional regions including the left inferior frontal gyrus, left medial prefrontal cortex, left posterior cingulate cortex and right anterior temporal lobe. The activation results indicate involvement of these regions in the inference process to build coherence between literally irrelevant but pragmatically associated utterances under the maxim of relevance. Especially, the left anterior temporal lobe showed high sensitivity to the level of implicitness and showed increased activation for highly versus moderately implicit conditions, which imply its central role in inference such as semantic integration. The right hemisphere activation, uniquely found in the anterior temporal lobe for highly implicit utterances, suggests its competence for integrating distant concepts in implied utterances under the relevance principle.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Everyday conversation requires cognitive inference for implicated meanings. </LI> <LI> We examined neural correlates of inferring the meaning of relevance implicature. </LI> <LI> The anterior temporal lobe activity increased with respect to the degrees of implicit. </LI> <LI> Conversational implicature required both language-related and other extended areas. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 광고 속에 드러난 함축의미의 화용론적 연구 -Grice의 대화격률 위배사례를 중심으로-

        최윤선 ( Yun Son Choi ) 한국불어불문학회 2009 불어불문학연구 Vol.0 No.78

        L`implicitation est l`un des domaines les plus importants dans l`etude pragmatique. D`apres Grice, l`implicitation se manifeste surtout quand il y a de la transgression des maximes conversationnelles. Il nous parait d`interessant de decouvrir la signification implicitee dans la transgression. Pour cela, nous avons choisi, comme corpus d`analyse, des publicites francaises, puisque la publicite est l`une des spheres les plus representatives ou se manifestent tres compactement divers exemples d`implicitation. Notre analyse a ete centree sur l`implicitation conversationnelle qui releve du domaine pragmatique. Dans le cadre de l`implicitation conversationnelle generalisee, nous avons examine comment sont employes les operateurs argumentatifs de la scalarite quantitative. Ils sont constitues des lexiques situes en haut de l`echelle argumentative (tous, toujours, le plus, etc.), et orientent l`argumentation publicitaire vers la direction positive (+). Dans le cadre de l`implicitation conversationnelle particuliere, nous avons analyse les cas qui violent expres des regles conversationnelles de Grice. La transgression de la regle de qualite, consideree la plus inviolable parmi les 4 regles, s`opere pour produire des effets discursifs inattendus au detriment du sens vericonditionnel. La violation de la regle de quantite se produit au cas ou l`on offre trop d`(ou peu d`)informations dans la publicite. La strategie publicitaire de BENETTON montre de bonnes exemples de la transgression de la regle de relation. Ses publicites exploitent commercialement des images socialement choquantes, pour attirer les regards des consommateurs. La violation de la regle de modalite est la plus souvent enregistree dans des publicites francaises. L`ambiguite d`expression ou l`ambivalence sont deployes pour produire des effets discursifs interessants. Ainsi, constatons-nous clairement que la communication est accomplie plus par la base de la valeur argumentative ("par ce qui est implicite") que par celle de la valeur informative ("par ce qui est dit"), comme le souligne Grice dans sa theorie d`implicitation.

      • KCI등재

        명시적,암시적 어휘 학습법의 절충 비율에 따른 아랍어 어휘 학습 효과 비교 연구

        문지영 ( Ji Young Mun ) 한국외국어대학교 중동연구소 2013 중동연구 Vol.32 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to effectively organize Arabic vocabulary learning activities in the field of education by comparison of Arabic vocabulary comprehension and expression with different compromise ratio of explicit and implicit learning methods. Comparative experiment was performed for total 36 second year students of Arabic language department at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. The result showed that: (1) the group with 66.6% of explicit activities had a greater impact on learning than the group with 66.6% of implicit activities with regard to comprehension, while the latter group only had a significant effect on learning with regard to expression, (2) the group with 66.6% of explicit activities showed significant improvement in comprehension for both short- and long-term compared with the group with 66.6% of implicit activities, while there was no significant difference between groups in expression. Compromise should be required on both learning activities since effective vocabulary area varies depending on focused approaches even in one session consisted of compromised activities. (3) For the differences between the groups in vocabulary as time passed, the class with 66.6% of explicit activities showed consistent effect of learning on comprehension with time. The class with 66.6% of implicit activities provided short-term effect of learning on expression, but not for the long-term. These results suggest that effective implicit vocabulary learning activities should be provided continuously with regard to expression in order to maintain the effect on expression for long-term. Based on the above mentioned results, suggestions have been made as follows. Firstly, when discussing the effect of vocabulary learning activities, a compromise of explicit and implicit learning methods should be recognized as an effective teaching method rather than discussing which is more effective seeing both learning methods as mutually exclusive alternatives. In addition, more focus on explicit learning technique will be effective in elementary and intermediate levels with compromising both explicit and implicit learning methods since the study results showed that explicit activities provided more positive results in vocabulary comprehension and short- & long-term memory. Secondly, teachers should apply appropriate methods to each vocabulary area in the teaching field, based on the recognition that effective learning methods vary by vocabulary comprehension and expression. Thirdly, this study was performed for only one session consisted of compromised methods, therefore the further study will be needed on a variety of effectively compromised learning methods and the development of various explicit/implicit learning activities which can be used in the learning field will also be needed.

      • KCI등재

        1차원 자유경계문제의 해석을 위한 Implicit 이동최소제곱 차분법

        윤영철,Yoon, Young-Cheol 한국전산구조공학회 2012 한국전산구조공학회논문집 Vol.25 No.5

        This paper presents an implicit moving least squares(MLS) difference method for improving the solution accuracy of 1-D free boundary problems, which implicitly updates the topology change of moving interface. The conventional MLS difference method explicitly updates the moving interface; it requires no iterative solution procedure but results in the loss of accuracy. However, the newly developed implicit scheme makes the total system nonlinear involving iterative solution procedure, but numerical verification show that it dramatically elevates the solution accuracy with moderate computation increase. Through numerical experiments for melting problems having moving singularity, it is verified that the proposed method can achieve the second order accuracy. 본 논문은 1차원 자유경계문제 해석의 정확도 향상을 위해 이동최소제곱 차분법을 이용하여 이동경계의 위상변화를 implicit하게 추적하는 기법을 제시한다. 기존의 이동최소제곱 차분법은 이동경계의 위치를 explicit하게 진전시켜 반복계산은 필요없지만 해의 정확도 감소를 피할 수 없었다. 그러나 본 연구에서 제시한 implicit 기법은 전체 계방정식이 비선형 시스템이 되어 반복계산 과정이 필요하지만, 실제로 수치예제를 통해 검증해 본 결과 계산량의 큰 증가없이 해석의 정확도를 획기적으로 향상시켰다. 이동하는 미분불연속 특이성을 갖는 융해(melting)문제를 수치계산한 결과, implicit 이동최소제곱 차분법을 통해 2차정확도를 얻을 수 있음을 보였다.

      • Development of Step-Wise Combined Implicit-Explicit Finite Element Method

        Jung, Dong-Won 제주대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.12 No.1

        A combined implicit-explicit scheme for the analysis of sheet forming problems has been proposed in this work. In the finite-element simulation of sheet metal forming processes, the robustness and stability of computation are important requirements. since the computaion time and convergency become major points of consideration in addition to the solution accuracy, due to the complexity of the geometry and boundary conditions. The implicit scheme employs a more reliable and rigorous scheme in considering the equilibrium at each step of deformation, whilst in the explicit scheme the problem of convergency is eliminated at the cost of solution accuracy. The explicit approach and the implicit approach have both merits and demerits. In order to combine the merits of these two methods. a step-wise combined implicit-explicit scheme has been developed. Computations are carried out for the deep drawing of an oil pan by implicit. explicit and combined implicit-explicit schemes. From the comparison between the methods the advantages and disadvantages of the methods are identified and discussed.

      • Development of Step-Wise Combined Implicit-Explicit Finite Element Method

        정동원 濟州大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        A combined implicit-explicit scheme for the analysis of sheet forming problems has been proposed in this work. In the finite-element simulation of sheet metal forming processes. the robustness and stability of computation are important requirements. since the computaion time and convergency become major points of consideration in addition to the solution accuracy. due to the complexity of the geometry and boundary conditions. The implicit scheme employs a more reliable and rigorous scheme in considering the equilibrium at each step of deformation. whilst in the explicit scheme the problem of convergency is eliminated at the cost of solution accuracy. The explicit approach and the implicit approach have both merits and demerits. In order to combine the merits of these two methods. a step-wise combined implicit-explicit scheme has been developed. Computations are carried out for the deep drawing of an oil pan by implicit. explicit and combined implicit-explicit schemes. From the comparison between the methods the advantages and disadvantages of the methods are identified and discussed.


        Jung, D. W. 제주대학교 공과대학 첨단기술연구소 2001 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.12 No.2

        A combined implicit-explicit scheme for the analysis of sheet forming problems has been proposed in this work. In the finite-element simulation of sheet metal forming processes, the robustness and stability of computation are important requirement, since the computation time and convergency become major points of consideration in addition to the solution accuracy, due to the complexity of the geometry and boundary conditions. The implicit scheme employs a more reliable and rigorous scheme in considering the equilibrium at each step of deformation, whilst in the explicit scheme the problem of convergency is eliminated at the cost of solution accuracy. The explicit approach and the implicit approach have both merits and demerits. In order to combine the merits of these two methods, a step-wise combined implicit-explicit scheme has been developed. Computations are carried out for the deep drawing of an oil pan by implicit, explicit and combined implicit-explicit scheme. From the comparison between the methods the advantages and disadvantages of the methods are identified and discussed.

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