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        학생건강체력평가 프로그램(Physical Activity Promotion System)을 통한 비만도와 건강체력의 관계

        이양구,오수학 한국초등체육학회 2010 한국초등체육학회지 Vol.15 No.3

        The present studies to have researched the difference of factors related physical fitness of local area were proceeded, which had the limitation that these results could not represent the a population. Therefore, The purpose of this study was to research the relationship between obesity and health-related physical fitness of whole country teenagers. For the purpose, we choose the 18 elementary schools 820 students including which were located in 6 city. With the students' PAPS(physical activity promotion system) records, we analyzed the relationship between obesity and health-related physical fitness according areas. We used SPSS 12.0 program for data management. To analyze the difference of %fat mass according to the level of health-related physical fitness and to research the difference of health-related physical fitness according to the valuations(NYC & ACSM), one-way ANOVA was used and for the relation between obesity and health-related physical fitness logistic regression was used. The results were followed as below :On the %fat mass according the level of health with two valuations(NYC & ACSM), it showed that %fat mass of distribution from 1 to 3 magnitudes were belonged to normal group or overweight group, which indicated that students who were not obesity had more health-related physical fitness than obese group. On the health-related physical fitness according to the valuations(NYC & ACSM), There was some different %fat mass patten on factors of health related physical fitness. Test of hypothesis result about statistical significance about relation by body condition and health & fitness factor. On the relation between obesity and health-related physical fitness, there was model which might indicate health-related physical fitness with obesity in male students, but not females. However, obese group of cardiorespiratory endurance in elementary school had lower health level than normal students, which showed that obesity might affect the health-related physical fitness in schoolchild.

      • KCI우수등재

        체육측정평가 : 성인 남성의 건강체력수준의 평가: 판별분석의 적용

        이미숙(LeeMi-Sook),강상조(KangSang-Jo),田中喜代次(KiyojiTanaka) 한국체육학회 1998 한국체육학회지 Vol.37 No.1

        일상생활 중 신체활동의 감소에 따른 건강체력 수준의 저하가 활력있는 건강한 장수를 위한 잠재 능력을 쇠퇴 시킨다는 이론적인 배경 하에, 개개인의 체력수준에 대한 폭 넓은 검토가 고령화 사회의 중요한 과제로서 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 이 연구의 목적은 건강체력 (health-related physical fitness) 검사 결과로부터 일반군, 운동군, 비만군으로 분류된 세 집단을 통계적으로 가장 적절하게 판별할 수 있는 추정식을 작성하는데 있다. 신체활동 수준이 다른 성인 남성 75명을 연구 대상으로 하였으며 성인 남성의 체력을 건강체력 관점에서 정의하고, 선행연구의 결과를 기초로 하여 근력, 전신지구력, 유연성, 신체구성 요인을 건강체력수준 평가에 필요한 체력요인 및 항목으로 선정하였다. 이들 각각의 체력요인을 대표하는 항목은 타당성 및 신뢰성을 고려하여 악력, 최대산소섭취량, 체전굴, 체지방 등의 검사항목을 선택하였다. 판별분석을 적용하여 검토 한 주요 분석내용은 1) 선정된 체력검사 결과에 근거하여 집단 구성원은 우연에 의한 예언보다 어느 정도 높은 수준에서 정확하게 해당 집단에 소속된 것으로 예언할 수 있는가?, 2) 유의한 판별함수의 수와 각 집단별 판별함수 점수의 평균 즉 집단평균치, 3) 어떠한 체력검사가 판별함수와 높은 상관이 있는가?, 4) 해당 집단에 정확하게 분류하기 위해 각 독립변인의 점수에 어떤 가중치를 주어야 하는가? 등이다. 건강관련 체력측정 항목 상호 간의 상관 행렬을 검토하고, 판별분석을 적용하여 4항목으로 구성된 판별함수를 산출한 결과 세 집단이 복수의 체력측정 항목에 있어서의 성적으로부터 정확하게 판별 될 확률은 86.6%였다. 이 결과는 신체활동 수준별로 정확하게 분류된 성인 남성들은 우연에 의해 분류될 수 있는 확률 33.5% 보다 현저하게 높은 수치를 나타냈다. 또한, 판별함수를 이용하여 산출한 각 개인의 판별득점을 신체적 건강도로 간주하였으며 그 득점과 각 체력 항목 간의 상관계수를 산출한 결과, 전신지구력 및 신체구성 지표와 신체적 건강도 간에 높은 관련성이 시사되었다. 따라서 성인 남성의 경우 일상생활에 있어서 전신지구력과 신체구성의 변화가 신체적 건강도의 지표로서 공헌도가 크고 중요하다는 것이 시사되었다. 향후 이 연구에서 제시한 판별함수를 이용하여 교차타당도에 대한 검토가 후속되어야 할 것이다. The purposes of this study were; 1) to discriminate the three different groups categorized by physical health status and physical activity level using discriminant function analysis, 2) to examine the degree of relationship between physical health status and physical fitness and the contribution of each element of physical fitness to the physical health status of middle-aged men. This study was achieved by classifying the original subject pool into three different experimental subgroups based on physical examination results and self-reported activity levels; a normal group (I), a regularly exercise group (II), and an obese group (III). The health status was assessed by physicians. Physical fitness tasks were selected from health-related physical fitness components; maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max; X1), grip strength (X2), body fat (X2), and trunk flexion from a standing position (X4). Discriminant function analysis was applied to determine if the selected physical fitness tasks were sensitive to differentiate among the three groups and successfully classify individual in the appropriate physical activity levels and physical health status. Correct discriminant probabilities of multiple discriminant functions to discriminate the I, II,and III group were 86.6%. These results suggested that there was a relatively strong relationship between physical health status and the level of physical fitness. The contribution of each element of physical fitness to physical health status was evaluated by correlation between the discriminant score representing physical health status, and performance on each element of the physical fitness test. It was concluded that discriminant function provided a valid model for evaluating differences among the three different physical health status and physical activity levels. Therefore, our data suggests that commonly used measures of health-related physical fitness can be utilized as a valid index of physical health status in exercise and health science.

      • KCI등재

        학령기전 아동의 신체활동태도와 건강체력의 연관성

        한연오,김명 알코올과 건강행동학회 2017 알코올과 건강행동연구 Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to discover the level of attraction to physical activity and health-related physical fitness in pre-school children and to analyze the relativity between these two factors as a way to provide the base data for health promotion in children. Method: Health-related physical fitness measurements were obtained for the subjects (224 children, 5-6 years of age), by facilitating the measuring devices and attraction to physical activity using a survey questionnaire to collect pertinent information. An analysis was implemented for mean and standard deviation of each variable and an independent t-test was conducted for gender differences. Two-way ANOVA was performed to analyze the relationship between attitude toward physical activity and health fitness. Result: The attraction to physical activity of pre-school children on average is displayed with a preference of 14.28 points, self-confidence of 15.23 points, and enjoyment of 14.55 points. As for health-related physical fitness, the muscle strength endurance was 9.33 times, flexibility 9.85 cm, muscle strength endurance and flexibility 20.73 cm, and body composition 15.86 kg/m2. Attraction to physical activity and health-related physical fitness showed no difference according to gender; however, physical muscle strength endurance and muscle strength endurance and flexibility were found to be different according to age. Flexibility and body mass index did not correlate with attraction to physical activity but the preference and self-confidence of attraction to physical activity were related to muscle strength endurance. Furthermore, muscle strength endurance and flexibility and the enjoyment of physical activity were also related to muscle strength endurance development. Conclusion: The attraction to physical activity is definitely related to health-related physical fitness. There is a need for development, research and dispersion of an education program for physical activities that consider the attraction to physical activity for preference, enjoyment, and self-confidence regarding physical activities.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of bone-specific physical activity on body composition, bone mineral density, and health-related physical fitness in middle-aged women

        ( Sung-woo Kim ),( Sung-woo Jung ),( Myong-won Seo ),( Hun-young Park ),( Jong-kook Song ) 한국운동영양학회 2019 Physical Activity and Nutrition (Phys Act Nutr) Vol.23 No.4

        [Purpose] The study aimed to determine the effects of bone-specific physical activity on body composition, bone mineral density (BMD), and health-related physical fitness in middle-aged women. [Methods] One hundred eighty-six middle-aged women aged 31-49 years participated in this study. The subjects were divided into tertile groups according to the level of physical activity (low-score group, n=62; middle-score group, n=62; high-score group, n=62). Bone-specific physical activity participation was assessed using the bone-specific physical activity questionnaire. Body composition and BMD were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Health-related physical fitness test included isometric muscle strength (grip strength), muscular endurance (sit-ups), flexibility (sit and reach), and cardiorespiratory fitness (maximal oxygen uptake [VO<sub>2max</sub>]). [Results] The high-score group had a significantly higher fat-free mass (p=.045, partial eta-squared value [ηp <sup>2</sup>]=.033) than the middle- and low-score groups, whereas the high-score group had significantly lower percent body fat (p=.005, ηp <sup>2</sup>=.056) than the other two groups. Whole-body BMD (p=.034, ηp <sup>2</sup>=.036) and lumbar BMD (p=.003, ηp <sup>2</sup>=.060) were significantly higher in the high-score group than in the low-score group. The high-score group performed significantly better for grip strength (p=.0001, ηp <sup>2</sup>=.101), sit-ups (p=.0001, ηp <sup>2</sup>=.108), and VO<sub>2max</sub> (p=.0001, ηp <sup>2</sup>=.092) than the other two groups. [Conclusion] The present study suggests that bone-specific physical activity could be useful in improving body composition, BMD, and health-related physical fitness in middle-aged women, significantly enhancing their BMD and health conditions.

      • KCI등재

        Physical Activities and Fitness of College Students by Obesity

        Choi Hak Jin 한국생활환경학회 2019 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to define the relationship between obesity, physical activity, health-related variables, and figure out physical activity and health-related fitness of college students by obesity. To achieve this goal, 77 students (45 males and 32 females) at a University in Gyeongsang Province were selected as the study subject by convenience sampling method. As the variables, obesity (BMI), subjective physical activity, health-related physical fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance) were measured. As the analysis method, descriptive statistics and independent t-test were used to analyze the general characteristics of the gender of subjects. Descriptive statistics and 2-way ANOVA were used to analyze the characteristics of physical activity and health-related physical fitness by gender and obesity. Pearson"s correlation was used to examine the relationship between obesity and physical activity and health-related fitness. As a result of examining physical activity and health-related physical fitness of college students by obesity, male college students showed higher physical activity and physical fitness than female college students in general, and the college students in the low weight-normal group spent longer time in moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity and showed higher muscle endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance than the overweight-obesity group. In other words, the more physical activity they do and the better physical fitness they have, the lower obesity they have. This result suggests that improvement of physical fitness through physical activity may play an important role in prevention of obesity.

      • KCI등재

        청각장애와 비장애 학생의 신체활동 수준에 따른 건강체력 비교

        윤지운 ( Jiwun Yoon ),한민규 ( Minkyu Han ) 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2014 스포츠사이언스 Vol.31 No.2

        The object of this study is to analyse and compare health-related physical fitness of hearing-impaired and non-disability students according to their physical activity level· This research was performed on two groups of 80 students(40 male and 40 female) each, one for hearing impaired group, whose members were attending at a hearing disability school in the metropolitan area, and the other for non-disability group, whose students were recruited from B middle school in Gyunggi-do· To estimate frequency of physical activity participation, method of Goldin Leisure-Time Exercise Questionnaire(GLTEQ) was introduced, and cardiorespiratory endurance(PACER), muscular strength(grip), and flexibility(sit and reach test) were selected as health fitness test items from Physical Activity Promotion System(PAPS) list· Collected data was processed by SPSS 18·0 statistics package, and data analysis included mean and standard deviation of each items· Two-way ANOVA was performed for physical activity level according to gender difference and disability presence, and verification of average difference of health fitness items between groups, and also, for examining correlation effect· The results of the study showed that hearing- impaired students`` physical activity participation level was higher than non-disabled students(p<·001) and, however, hearing-impaired students`` health-related physical fitness level was lower then non-disabled students(p<·001)· The results indicate that health-related physical fitness decline was caused by inappropriate physical activity program rather than physical activity participation level·

      • KCI등재

        건강관리를 위한 테니스평생교육 프로그램 참여가 건강관련체력과 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        김보균,김종오 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2023 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the tennis lifelong education program for health management on health related physical fitness and mental health of adults. Participants in the study were 18 adults, 9 in the tennis lifelong education program group, and 9 in the individual tennis lesson program group. The participants performed an tennis lifelong education program with warm up, plyometric training, health-related physical fitness and cool down for 12 weeks. We measured health-related physical fitness and mental health. To analyze effects of the measured results, two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (RM-ANOVA) and contrast test was carried out by each variable. The statistical significance level was set for α=.05. The results of this study are as follows: the health-related physical fitness significantly were increased in the cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength, muscular endurance, power after the 12 week's tennis lifelong education program(p<.05). And the mental health score significantly were decreased in the anxiety, depression, social maladjustment score after the 12 week's tennis lifelong education program(p<.05). In conclusion, the 12 week's tennis lifelong education program would be helpful in improving the health-related physical fitness and the mental health for lifetime health management in adults.

      • KCI등재

        Physical Activities and Fitness of College Students by Obesity

        최학진 한국생활환경학회 2019 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.26 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to define the relationship between obesity, physical activity, health-related variables, and figure out physical activity and health-related fitness of college students by obesity. To achieve this goal, 77 students (45 males and 32 females) at a University in Gyeongsang Province were selected as the study subject by convenience sampling method. As the variables, obesity (BMI), subjective physical activity, health-related physical fitness (muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, cardiorespiratory endurance) were measured. As the analysis method, descriptive statistics and independent t-test were used to analyze the general characteristics of the gender of subjects. Descriptive statistics and 2-way ANOVA were used to analyze the characteristics of physical activity and health-related physical fitness by gender and obesity. Pearson's correlation was used to examine the relationship between obesity and physical activity and health-related fitness. As a result of examining physical activity and health-related physical fitness of college students by obesity, male college students showed higher physical activity and physical fitness than female college students in general, and the college students in the low weight-normal group spent longer time in moderate and vigorous intensity physical activity and showed higher muscle endurance and cardiorespiratory endurance than the overweight-obesity group. In other words, the more physical activity they do and the better physical fitness they have, the lower obesity they have. This result suggests that improvement of physical fitness through physical activity may play an important role in prevention of obesity.

      • KCI등재후보

        장기간 국민건강증진센터 운동 프로그램에 참여한 중․노년 비만인의 건강관련체력 변화 -서울, 경인지역을 중심으로-

        장형채,조준용 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2019 스포츠사이언스 Vol.37 No.1

        Obesity is a major risk factor for cardiovascular and metabolic disorders in all age groups. We examined the associations between physical exercise and health-related physical fitness among obese adult aged <50 years. The study comprises obese 78 adult men [% body fat (27.5%), BMI < 25) and 782 adult women [% body fat (34.7%), BMI < 25), who participated in 6 months of physical exercise program of health care center during the years 2015-16 which included assessments of health-related physical fitness and physical exercise. 6 months of physical exercise significantly reduce body weight, % body fat, abdominal body fat and BMI in both obese adult men and adult women. In addition, health-related physical fitness profiles were improved in post-exercise, with improved VO2max, flexibility, muscle strength and muscle endurance. Therefore, we found that 6 months of physical exercise program positively changes body composition and significantly improved health-related physical fitness. Findings from this study have significant implications for future design of targeted lifestyle interventions. 비만은 모든 연령대에서 심혈관질환과 대사성질환을 일으키는 가장 위험한 인자이다. 이 연구는 50세 이상의 중,노년 비만인을 대상으로 신체활동과 건강관련체력과의 관련성을 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 대상은 2015년부터 2016년까지 국민건강증진센터에서 6개월간의 운동프로그램에 참여한 78명의 남성비만인 (체지방률 27.5%, BMI<25)과 782 명의 여성비만인(체지방률 34.7%, BMI<25)을 대상으로 두 집단으로 구분하였다. 6개월간의 운동프로그램은 두 비만집단 모두에서 체중, 체지방률, 복부체지방, BMI의 유의한 감소를 가져왔다. 또한 최대산소섭취량, 유연성, 근력, 근지구력과 같은 건강관련체력은 운동 후에 향상된 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 6개월간의 운동프로그램이 신체구성성분을 긍정적으로 변화시켰으며, 건강관련체력은 유의하게 향상시킨 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구에서는 비만을 해결하기 위해서는 운동과 같은 적극적인 생활습관 중재가 꼭 필요하다는 사실을 확인할 수 있게 하였다

      • KCI우수등재

        과학기반 건강지식 통합 체육교육과정 설계원리 및 실행 프로그램(SPEM, SHL) 탐색

        홍덕기(HongDeockki),이규일(LeeGyuil) 한국체육학회 2017 한국체육학회지 Vol.56 No.6

        최근 미국을 중심으로 청소년의 생애전반에 걸친 신체활동습관을 기르기 위해서 학교체육수업이 신체활동과 함께 건강지식을 교육내용으로 해야 한다는 주장이 설득력을 얻고 있다. 하지만, 학교체육에서 청소년의 건강교육은 그 주제의 중요성에 비해 소외되어 온 것이 사실이다. 따라서, 본 연구의 목적은 학교체육에서 청소년의 건강교육을 위한 과학기반 건강지식 교육과정을 소개하고 이의 활용방안을 탐색하는데 있다. 이를 위해 2장에서는 건강교육의 이론적 가정인 사회인지이론, 구성주의이론, 개념변화이론을 소개한다. 3장에서는 과학기반 건강지식 교육과정의 구성원리에 대해 목적, 내용, 방법, 평가의 측면에서 살펴본다. 4장에서는 과학기반 건강지식 통합체육교육과정의 한 예로 북미에서 초등학생과 중학생을 대상으로 개발된 SPEM(Science, PE, and Me)와 SHL(Science of Healthful Living)의 운영방법과 중재효과를 소개한다. 마지막으로 5장에서는 과학기반 건강지식 통합 체육교육과정의 시사점과 국내적용방안을 탐색한다. Physical education pedagogy researchers have recently argued that K-12 physical education needs to teach health-related fitness knowledge as well as fitness activity to serve students to be physically active for their lifetime. However, teaching health education in K-12 physical education has been marginalized. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the principle of K-12 science-based health-related fitness knowledge physical education curriculum development and its implementation. First, social cognitive theory, constructivist theory, and conceptual change theory were examined as theoretical assumptions for youth health education. Second, founding principle of science-based health-related fitness knowledge physical education curriculum was examined based on its’ purpose, content, instructional method, and assessment. Third, SPEM(Science, PE, and Me) and SHL(Science of Healthful Living) physical education curricula were introduced as a role model of science-based health-related fitness knowledge physical education curriculum. Lastly, implication for SPEM and SHL were discussed.

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