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        기업조직재편제도에 관한 비교법적 연구- 미국법제를 중심으로 -

        윤은경 부산대학교 법학연구소 2020 법학연구 Vol.61 No.2

        A merger in the U.S. Corporate law is a transaction whereby two or more corporations are combined into one of the corporations, referred to as the surviving corporation. When the merger is effected, the legal existence of all constituent corporations, other than the surviving corporation, ceases. By operation of law, the surviving corporation assumes the assets and liabilities of both constituent corporations, and the outstanding shares of stock in the disappearing corporations are canceled. Shareholders of the disappearing company receive shares of the surviving corporation in exchange for their disappearing shares. However, the consideration may be cash or other securities as specified by the planners in the merger agreement, flexibility that leads to triangular merger, which transfers the merger consideration{the shares of the parent(A) of the acquiring company(S)} to T(the acquired company or target company) through S(a wholly owned subsidiary corporation of A). There are two forms of triangular mergers. In a forward triangular merger, T merges into S. In a reverse triangular merger, S merges into T. The strong incentive to preserve the liability shield of A through S, and to eliminate the voting and appraisal rights that the shareholders of A would otherwise have are the principal reason to be more used than a compulsory share exchanges in the U.S. corporate section. As noted, a compulsory share exchange, like a reverse triangular merger, permits one corporation to acquire all the shares of another while leaving the acquired corporation in existence. The consideration of compulsory share exchange may be cash or other securities, which leads to triangular compulsory share exchanges. The Korean Commercial Code (the “KCC”) introduced only the forward triangular merger in 2011 and the forward triangular share exchange in 2015. However, in so far as the KCC accepted the increasing flexibility of merger considerations and share exchanges, the KCC should be amended to introduce the reverse triangular merger in order to facilitate the corporate reorganization. On the other hand, from a corporate governance perspective, the elimination of voting and appraisal rights of A would be criticised to be unfair, although A is the true party in interest with respect to the reverse triangular merger. Therefore, to address such concern, the adequate remedies against the elimination of voting and appraisal rights of A should also be introduced with the reverse triangular merger.

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