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      • KCI등재

        학습자 언어분석 –구어체에서 일인칭대명사의 경우를 예로–

        장희주 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2015 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.63

        This paper focuses on the usage of the first person pronoun and studies how the first person pronoun is being used in the articulation of a Korean student in KY-corpus. It also studies whether or not the usage of the first person pronoun is being learned or not. As a result how the first person pronoun is being used in KY-corpus, the usage of the first person pronoun can be sorted into the following three cases. 1. A situation where the learner knows which predicate it is connected to but even if it’s not mentioned, is able to understand and therefore it can be eliminated. 2. A situation where the learner misuses vocabulary and directly translates Korean expressions into Japanese. 3. A situation where the learner cannot find which predicate responds with the first person pronoun within the sentence. If you look at the usage of the first person pronoun according to the Japanese Language proficiency among Korean students, the beginner learners have 1) a situation where the learner know which predicate it is connected to but even if it’s not mentioned, is able to understand and therefore it can be eliminated and 2) a situation where the learner misuses vocabulary and directly translates Korean expressions into Japanese. But from the beginner to advanced level, as the learner improves their Japanese language proficiency, the sentence structure in demand expands from a sentence to a paragraph and can be thought to cause the increase in the cognitive load. In other words, the tendency of misuse in the first person pronoun increases with the increase in the level of Japanese language. But the learner who has been judged to be the highest level has been proven to be using the first person pronoun naturally. Through this research, it has been proven that as the Japanese language learner goes from the beginner level to the advanced level, the misusage of the first person pronoun increases but as the Japanese language proficiency improves, the usage of first person pronoun becomes similar to the native Japanese speakers and the misusage decreases.

      • KCI등재

        스페인 아동의 모국어 문법 습득 과정

        양성혜 이중언어학회 2008 이중언어학 Vol.38 No.-

        This study investigates how Spanish children acquire their first language based on the longitudinal studies realized in 90 years. The utterances of María in López Ornat et al.(1994) and Magín in Aguirre(1995) show a determinate sequence of grammatical categories in their language acquisition. First of all, in terms of Verbal Phrases, Spanish children acquire infinitive verb forms, imperatives and present tense forms in first and third person at VP level. And then they can distinguish all present verb forms in agreement with subject and acquire past tenses like pretérito perfecto, pretérito indefinido and pretérito imperfecto gradually at IP level. Finally they acquire Wh-questions and subordinate clauses at CP level. In terms of Noun Phrases, they show adquisition of DP at early stages and later PP. In summary, they start precategorial stage and pass to lexical stage and finally to functional stage culminating their first language grammar. The result of this investigation can provide possibility of posterior contrastive studies with other first language acquisition process as well as with second language acquisition process.

      • KCI등재

        제2언어 습득에서의 전이 현상 연구

        조아라 중국인문학회 2023 中國人文科學 Vol.- No.85

        국제화 다문화 사회에서 두 가지 이상의 언어를 습득하는 일이 자연스러운 현상인 시대에 살아가고 있다. 국제 사회에서 제2언어로서 표준중국어는 여전히 많은 관심을 받고 있는 언어 중 하나이다. 본 연구는 제2언어로서 중국어 학습 과정에서 제2언어가 모국어에 미치는 영향성을 고찰하였다. 구체적으로 중국인 모국어 화자와 중국에서 유학하는 한국인 유학생들을 대상으로, 표준중국어와 한국어의 폐쇄음의 산출 실험을 진행하여 발성유형의 음향적 특징(H1-H2)을 비교, 분석하였다. 분석결과 제2언어를 표준중국어로 사용하는 고급 수준의 화자 집단이 모국어인 한국어 폐쇄음의 H1-H2 실현에서 유의미한 변화들이 발견되었다. 본 연구의 이러한 결과는 이중언어 사용자가 처한 언어 환경이 제2언어의 산출에 끼치는 영향과 제2언어 습득 중의 모국어의 역행 전이 현상을 뒷받침하는 또 하나의 근거로서 연구 의의가 있다. We are living in an era of acquiring more than two languages in an internationalized and multicultural society. As a second language in the international community, standard Chinese is still one of the languages that receives a lot of attention. This study examined the influence of the second language on the first language in the process of learning Chinese as a second language. Specifically, an experiment was conducted on the calculation of closed sounds in standard Chinese and Korean for native Chinese speakers and Korean students studying in China to compare and analyze the acoustic characteristics (H1-H2) of the vocal type. As a result of the analysis, significant changes were found in the realization of H1-H2 of the Korean stop, which is the native language, by a group of high-level speakers using a second language as a standard Chinese. These results of this study are significant as another basis for supporting the impact of the language environment faced by bilingual users on the output of second languages and the backward transfer phenomenon of their first language during second language acquisition.

      • 한국인의 영어 시제ㆍ상 습득 연구

        朴澈 한국영어교육연구학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.29

        The purpose of this study is to detect the influence of L1 in Korean learners' acquiring English tense and aspect and to make some suggestions for teaching and learning English as a second language. 111 Korean students and 18 native speakers participated in the experiment. The tense and aspect of English tested in this experiment were limited to past tense and perfect aspect. Also, a placement test was performed to group the participants into three levels (beginning, intermediate, and advanced). The result through the experiment was that Korean students obtained higher scores in the simple past tense use, but obtained lower scores in the perfect use. In Korean, there is a distinct past tense ending '-었-', and it indicated the event happened in the past. Therefore, Korean students could associate it with' -ed' in English and show higher scores in the simple past use. It was concluded from the results that the first language of EFL learners has an influence on the acquisition of tense and aspect of English. Therefore, the first language of learners must be considered before English is taught and learned, and the teaching models considering learners' first language have to be made and introduced into the classroom.

      • 한국인의 영어 시제·상 습득 연구

        朴澈(Chul Park) 한국영어교육연구학회 2004 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.29

        The purpose of this study is to detect the influence of L1 in Korean learners’ acquiring English tense and aspect and to make some suggestions for teaching and learning English as a second language. 111 Korean students and 18 native speakers participated in the experiment. The tense and aspect of English tested in this experiment were limited to past tense and perfect aspect. Also, a placement test was performed to group the participants into three levels (beginning, intermediate, and advanced). The result through the experiment was that Korean students obtained higher scores in the simple past tense use, but obtained lower scores in the perfect use. In Korean, there is a distinct past tense ending ‘-었-’, and it indicated the event happened in the past. Therefore, Korean students could associate it with ‘-ed’ in English and show higher scores in the simple past use. It was concluded from the results that the first language of EFL learners has an influence on the acquisition of tense and aspect of English. Therefore, the first language of learners must be considered before English is taught and learned, and the teaching models considering learners’ first language have to be made and introduced into the classroom.

      • KCI등재

        어간 재구성 현상을 통해 본 유아의 용언 활용 규칙 습득 과정

        이삼형 ( Sam Hyung Lee ),김태경 ( Tae Kyung Kim ),임정남 ( Jeong Nam Im ) 한국어교육학회(구 한국국어교육연구회) 2009 국어교육 Vol.0 No.130

        Dissociating the stem of verb forms is one of the main challenges facing the young children in first language acquisition. This study is concerned with the reconstruction of the stems in the natural speech of young children. Our analysis is based on the natural speech data collected longitudinally from 4 monolingual Korean-speaking subjects ages 2;06 to 3;06. Results show that (1) the children overall reconstruct irregular verbs more often than regular verbs, (2) the stem reconstruction takes place when the inflected form of a word contains an ellipsis or a contraction, (3) the children tend to substitute the variants which precede the universal ending `-아/어` morpheme. The implications of these findings are that young children consider the word forms that they are frequently exposed to as a basic form, and tend to change irregular paradigm to regular one. This provides evidence of the children`s capacity to dissociate inflectional features from a verb and to locate them in some other verb inflection.

      • KCI등재

        日本語學習者の現場指示の 習得に關する硏究

        安龍洙 한국일본근대학회 2007 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.18

        This paper examines the acquisition of spatial demonstratives in Korean learners of Japanese (KL) and Chinese learners of Japanese (CL). The study showed the following results: (1) Both KL and CL learn spatial demonstrative usages that translate directly in their own languages easier, but CL experience great difficulties when they face a discrepancy. (2) When relating to a question, used by the other interlocutor, both KL and CL, having different demonstrative systems in their languages, tend to use demonstratives of the so‐type instead of ko and a types, and a‐type instead of so‐type. (3) If we try to arrange spatial demonstratives from easier to harder to acquire we will get ko=a>so for KL and ko>so≧a for CL, which shows that KL encounter greatest difference with spatial demonstratives of the so‐type and CL with demonstratives of the a‐type. (4) An overall comparison shows that KL tend to use more a‐type demonstratives, while CL use more demonstratives of the ko‐type. Besides, as they improve, KL tend to use less sotype demonstratives, while CL use more. (5) From a second‐language acquisition point of you the study showed that even if experiencing certain first‐language interference both KL and CL actively accumulate skill in the second language while encountering the same troubles on the way, or developing learner‐specific incomplete systems.

      • KCI등재


        안용수 한국일본근대학회 2007 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.18

        This paper examines the acquisition of spatial demonstratives in Korean learners of Japanese , KL and Chinese learners of Japanese , CL. The study showed the following results: , 1 Both KL and CL learn spatial demonstrative usages that translate directly in their own languages easier, but CL experience great difficulties when they face a discrepancy. , 2 When relating to a question, used by the other interlocutor, both KL and CL, having different demonstrative systems in their languages, tend to use demonstratives of the so-type instead of ko and a types, and a-type instead of so-type. , 3 If we try to arrange spatial demonstratives from easier to harder to acquire we will get ko=a>so for KL and ko>so≥a for CL, which shows that KL encounter greatest difference with spatial demonstratives of the so-type and CL with demonstratives of the a-type. , 4 An overall comparison shows that KL tend to use more a-type demonstratives, while CL use more demonstratives of the ko-type. Besides, as they improve, KL tend to use less so-type demonstratives, while CL use more. , 5 From a second-language acquisition point of you the study showed that even if experiencing certain first-language interference both KL and CL actively accumulate skill in the second language while encountering the same troubles on the way, or developing learner-specific incomplete systems.

      • KCI등재

        Роль речи взрослого в усвоении ребенком прилагательных (на материале русского и литовского языков)

        В.В. Казаковская,И. Балчюниене 한국슬라브어학회 2013 슬라브어연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Несмотря на то, что верификация высказанной гипотезы, без сомнения, потребуетпривлечения большего количества языков, различающихся в типологическом отношении, а также сбалансированного в гендерном отношении увеличения корпусов внутри каждого изязыков, наши результаты позволяют сделать предварительный вывод о том, что получаемыйребенком адъективный инпут богат и хорошо структурирован в диалоге. Возможность адекватной оценки роли инпута в усвоении прилагательных предоставляетанализ коммуникативного поведения взрослых, реализующегося в инициативном иреактивном контекстах. В частности, было установлено, что и литовские, и русские взрослыезначительно чаще используют прилагательные (и поддерживают содержащие ихвысказывания ребенка) в своих реактивных репликах. Следовательно, есть основанияпредположить, что основной механизм воздействия речи-источника на складывающуюсяадъективную систему ребенка проявляется в разнообразных тактиках реагирования взрослого. Полученные результаты позволяют сформулировать некоторые выводы, касающиесясходств и различий в тактиках кеагиверов (безусловно, при учете того обстоятельства, чтозаключения, сделанные на основе анализа «один ребенок – один язык», экстраполировать накультурно-специфические особенности практик общения с ребенком, свойственныхнационально-этническим группам, преждевременно). Сходство между русским и литовскимкоммуникативным поведением заключается в совпадении общего «лингвистическогорисунка» реактивного и инициативного контекстов. Реактивная стратегия обоих взрослыхявляется, скорее, невопросительной (хотя доля вопросов-реакций достаточно высока); в товремя как их инициативная тактика сводится к использованию вопросов, «извлекающих»прилагательные. Одинаковы и «структурные» предпочтения взрослых: чаще всего детскоеприлагательное включается в более широкий контекст реактивной реплики. Повторы являютсявторым по частоте типом структур. Наконец, взрослые реагируют, главным образом, насодержание, а не на форму детских прилагательных, и делают это обычно в нейтральной илипозитивной манере. Между тем, при существенном сходстве тактик обоих взрослых, направленных на у... This paper deals with adult conversational strategies used in order to stimulate the early acquisition of the semantics and grammar of adjectives. Since the adjective is considered one of the most complex and non-conceptual salient linguistic categories to acquire, we can hypothesize that adult support towards adjective acquisition is necessary and, consequently, linguistic input should be not only rich, but also well-structured in the flow of conversation. The aim of the present study is to compare caregiver strategies relative to early adjective acquisition in the morphologically rich and strongly inflected Russian and Lithuanian languages. The study is based on the longitudinal corpus data of a Russian boy and a Lithuanian girl. Both subjects are typically-developing monolingual children, similar in age (1;8–2;8), social characteristics and linguistic age (MLU development). The transcribed corpus of conversations between the children and their caregivers was annotated for multipurpose automatic linguistic analysis, using tools of the program CHILDES (B. MacWhinney). During the investigation, the positional, pragmatic, structural,and semantic features of caregiver utterances relative to the children’s adjectives were analyzed (see also Kilani-Schoch et al. 2008, Kazakovskaya 2011). The additional criterion of the caregivers’positive, negative or neutral feedback to the children’s early adjectives was also taken into consideration. After the analysis the following can be stated. All parental support, both in Russian (RU) and Lithuanian (LT), occur in both initiative and reactive situations. Initiative utterances (RU – 11%, LT – 27%) can be described as attempts to elicit the child’s adjective (e.g., caregivers use definite semantic types of question or ask a child to say a particular adjective), while reactions (RU – 89%,LT – 73%) are special structural modifications (e.g., expansions, reformulations, direct/indirect corrections or pure/focus repetitions) of the child’s previous adjectival utterance. Initial caregiver utterances can contain either a target adjective (RU – 27%, LT – 93%), or merely stimulate (RU – 73%, LT – 7%) their emergence (in particular, special qualitative questions, such as What color is the ball? vs. What do you call this color?). Although both corpora caregiver support include all typical communicative types of utterances (statements, questions, exclamations or requests), interrogatives and statements are the most frequent types: Interrogatives dominate in initial context (RU – 79%, LT – 63%) and statements prevail in the reactive one (RU – 50%, LT – 59%). The distribution of pragmatic turns revealed the dominance of conversational reactions (RU – 82%,LT – 83%) towards the semantics of early adjectives (i.e. adults react to the content of the child’s utterance), whereas metalinguistic reactions (when adults react to the form of the child’s utterance)were rare (RU – 18%, LT – 17%) and mainly focused on the incorrect morphology (e.g., erroneous derivational forms, such as diminutive adjectives, synthetic comparatives and superlatives) and syntax (e.g., agreement errors or inappropriate word order). The structural types of reaction to the child’s adjective production were identified:a) expansions, e.g.: CHILD: Here is big [ball]. ADULT: Here is big ball;b) pure repetitions, e.g.: CHILD: [It is] heavy. ADULT: [It is] heavy;c) reformulations, e.g.: CHILD: Good dog. ADULT: Right, the dog is good;d) corrections, e.g.: CHILD: Green sausage. ADULT: The sausage is pink, not green;e) focus repetitions, e.g. CHILD: Black cat. ADULT: Black [cat];f) clarifications, e.g.: CHILD: Hot pot. ADULT: What did you say?Expansions (RU – 29%, LT – 31%), pure repetitions (RU – 26%, LT – 25%), and reformulations (RU – 14%, LT – 14%) predominate in both corpora, while corrections (RU – 12%, LT – 13%), focus repetitions (RU – 11%, LT – 5%), and clarif...

      • KCI등재

        제2 언어 교실에서 학습자 모국어의 효용 -협동적 과제 수행을 중심으로-

        류혜진 국제한국어교육학회 2015 한국어 교육 Vol.26 No.2

        The use of the first language (L1) in the second language (L2) classroom remains a controversial issue in communicative language teaching approaches. Although the first language has been widely used as a cognitive or communicative tool in the second language classroom interaction, its importance or function has been rather ignored or undervalued or even sanctioned in the discussion. This study aims to find a way to utilize or foster the first language by affirmatively understanding its existence and efficacy. It is hoped to enable learners’ merit of using the first language to be optimized by investigating the purpose and context of the first language use in language learning. The experiment shows that the use of first language has been decreased in higher level interactions and cognitively less demanding tasks and the purpose and aspects of the first language use varies depending on the characteristics of tasks given to students. This study will conclude that the first language plays a role as an tool for learning not an obstacle in the second language classroom and be followed by investigating its pedagogical implications.

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