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      • KCI등재

        ‘가족’이라는 이름의 전장(戦場) :일본국헌법 제24조 개정 및 ‘가족보호’ 주장을 중심으로

        이은경 ( Lee Eun-gyong ) 한국일어일문학회 2022 日語日文學硏究 Vol.121 No.-

        この研究は 「家族」 をキーワードとして現代日本社会の保守化傾向を把握しようとするものである。憲法24条とその改正をめぐる論争、 「家族保護」 条項新設主張の内容、そしてそのような主張を続ける日本の保守·右翼が目指す家族とはどのようなものか、彼らの言説を通じて内容を具体的に把握しようとした。この過程を通して、彼らが第24条改正を通して追求する 「家族保護」 の主張が、現代日本の家族をめぐる病理現象を解決するための模索の結果ではなく、国家と社会の利益のため、家族に責任と役割を強要するために 「家族強化」 を意図していることを明らかにした。また、彼らが描く 「理想的な家族」 の姿も究極的には愛国心強化を目的とする近代家族国家と変わらないことを確認した。結局、第24条改正をはじめとする家族保護の主張は、人間と家族のためではなく、国家の利益のためのものであると考察する。個人の尊厳と自由、平等と平和を根幹とする戦後民主主義に対する真っ向からの挑戦であり、ひいては過去への回帰であることを明確にした。 This article aims to understand the trend towards a more conservative society in modern Japan with “family” as a keyword. This paper reviews Article 24 of the Constitution of Japan which defines marriage and family, the controversy surrounding its amendment, and the argument for the establishment of the “family protection” clause as a specific direction for the amendment. These reviews are being performed to understand in detail what kind of family the right-wing conservatives in Japan are aiming for. Through this process, they have stated that the claim of, “family protection” pursued through the revision of Article 24 is not the result of a search to solve the pathologies surrounding the family in modern Japan, but rather an intention to "strengthen the family" in order to impose responsibilities and roles on the family for the benefit of the state and society. In addition, the image of the "ideal family" they portray is no different from the modern family state, which ultimately aims to strengthen patriotism. In the end, the argument for family protection, resulting in the amendment of Article 24, is for the benefit of the state and not for the sake of human beings and families themselves. This paper makes it clear that such an attempt is a direct challenge to postwar democracy, one based upon individual dignity, freedom, equality, and peace. Rather, it is an effort to return to the past.

      • KCI등재후보

        다문화가족의 혼인에 관한 헌법적 보호

        이지현(Lee, Ji-Hyun) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2011 法學論文集 Vol.35 No.1

        As international marriage has increased rapidly in Korea, multicultural family also has increased radically. Therefore, it is necessary to settle down the suffering of multicultural family and improve its quality of life. It seems to be meaningful to protect multicultural family and maintain its equal family life from the aspect of laying the foundation of realizing a cultural state. In addition, the constitutional right of marriage and family life is a principle norm which must be equally realized in multicultural family. The current nature of multicultural family reflects domestic gender relations. The conventional patriarchal system is enforced on domestic multicultural family as well and it makes the equality of marriage and family life difficult to be realized. And due to the inequality in the relationship of marriage formation, the problem of female marriage immigrants’ human right is severe for the present. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome the patriarchal multiculturalism which is currently come to the fore as a new problem of multicultural family, and form a gender equality-oriented multicultural family from gender perspectives. In particular, it is urgent to provide legal values to multicultural family in order to realize the protection of the marriage of multicultural family. Recently, the law that is related to the management of matchmaking business has been revised partly, but the provision of punishment that is related to providing personal information is still insufficient and therefore the effective enforcement of law is not realized so far. So, the problem of matchmaking business entities has occurred endlessly and become a sample of human right violation. Therefore, it is necessary to reconsider the problem of matchmaking business from gender perspectives and guarantee female immigrants’ right to live and right of gender self-determination. Regarding the multicultural family support law, its scope of beneficiaries is very narrow and its provision is excessively arbitrary, thus guaranteeing no practical legal effectiveness. On account of this, female marriage immigrants cannot have the right to request the practical support and protection of such universal right as the right of health and reproduction. Domestic Constitutional Court has clarified the fact that foreigners must be the subject of pursuing the dignity, value and happiness of human beings. In this regard, the well-being of all the people who live in Korea must be guaranteed. If so, the settlement of problem of human right infringement of female marriage immigrants who come to Korea to marry cannot be neglected, in particular. Regarding the issue whether female marriage immigrants are family members or not before they acquired nationality, they must be provided with appropriate status in order for their human right to be protected. The discrimination by the difference of race, religion and nation must not be allowed any more. It is also necessary to realize multiculturalism in domestic society as a principle of harmony and coexistence.

      • KCI등재

        中國의 家族關係保護를 위한 婚姻法制에 대한 檢討

        李鍾吉(Jong-Khil Lee) 한국가족법학회 2008 가족법연구 Vol.22 No.2

          Family relations is the basic unit composing social relations. Therefore to understand social changes we need to study family relations, and we have to inquire into the changes of family relations and legal system owing to the significance of ‘Family’ itself. If we pay due regard to such factors that there is the functional relations between family and society in social development, it is essential to have the legal system for family protection.<BR>  In this essay with critical mind as above, I aim to understand the system of family protection in China. The principal laws concerning family protection system is marriage law, inheritance law and general provisions of civil law. For this study I exmime these laws and additionally constitutional law, criminal law, population and family planning law, child welfare law, women rights safeguard law, old-age rights safeguard law etc. Especially in this article I pay special attention to custody and aliment.<BR>  In conclusion through the theory and practice of these laws, I make an attempt to understand the method of marriage and family relations protection in Chinese society.

      • 아동·청소년·가족 보호체계 개선방안 연구

        김지연,좌동훈,박세경,한미경,최수정 한국청소년정책연구원 2015 한국청소년정책연구원 연구보고서 Vol.- No.-

        이 연구는 사회보장, 사회서비스, 평생사회안전망의 맥락에서 현행 아동·청소년·가족보호체계를 진단하고 정책개선을 위한 과제를 도출하는데 목적이 있다. 연구목적에 따른 주요 연구내용은 첫째, 아동·청소년․가족 보호체계 현황 및 여건 분석, 둘째, 공공복지 전달체계 현황 및 여건 분석, 셋째, 보호체계 관련 국내·외 사례 및 현황 고찰, 넷째, 아동·청소년․가족 보호체계 개선을 위한 정책과제 도출 등이다. 이를 위해 국내·외선행연구와 행정자료를 분석하고, 자치구 단위 아동·청소년·가족 보호업무 추진여건을 파악하기 위하여 2차 자료분석과 시·군·구 희망복지지원단 대상 실태조사, 전문가 의견조사(AHP), 포커스그룹인터뷰(FGI), 전문가자문, 정책연구실무협의회, 콜로키움 등의 연구방법을 활용하였다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 각각의 보호체계가 분절적으로 구성·운영되어 있어 보호대상 아동·청소년․가족의 진입관문(gate-way)이 어디인지에 따라 지원내용과 서비스에 차별이 발생하고 있어 개선이 요구된다. 18세 미만 아동·청소년 가운데 보호지원이 필요한 아동은 10명 중 2명에 달하는 것으로 추정되나 보호체계에 진입하더라도 보호조치를 담당하는 아동복지전담공무원의 배치기준이 부재하여 보호조치 시 전문성이 담보되지 않고, 아동복지시설 이외의 시설에서 대안돌봄 중인 아동·청소년은 보호조치를 위한 심의대상에서도 제외되는 등 누수가 발생하고 있다. 이에 시·군·구 단위 아동·청소년·가족 보호·복지 통합게이트웨이를 단계적으로 구축하고, 현행 사회보장정보시스템의 이용범위 확대와 취약계층 발굴을 위한 공통사정도구 개발·활용, 사례관리 전담인력을 확충할 필요가 있다. 특히 자치구 단위의 통합사례관리업무를 포함한 공공, 민간의 다종 다양한 사회서비스를 조정하고 총괄하는 컨트롤타워 기능을 강화하는 전략이 필요하다. 이와 함께 보호사무와 관련하여 지방정부의 사업설계 자율권을 보장하고 기존 운영방식을 전면 개편하는 방안으로, 중앙정부 사회보장사업 중 아동·청소년·가족 보호사업목적과 기능을 고려하여 포괄보조(block grants)가 가능한 사업군을 도출하고 성과관리체계와 연동하여 시행가능성을 면밀하게 검토해 볼 필요가 있다. 연구결과를 토대로 법률 개정, 아동·청소년·가족 보호기반 강화, 제도 및 서비스 개선을 위한 세부추진과제를 제안하였다. The purpose of this research is to investigate the current status and system of the protection of children, youths and families and to identify the tasks for policy and practice improvement in the context of Social Security, Social Service and Social Safety Net. In order to accomplish this purpose, the current project involves the following these components: 1. Analyzing the current state and condition of the system for the protection of children, youths and families; 2. Examining the present state and situation of the public welfare service delivery system; 3. Evaluating domestic and international status and cases of protection system; 4. Identifying policy and practice tasks to improve the current system for protection of children, youths and families. A variety of methods including comprehensive review of literature and the government reports from domestic and international resources were utilized to address these four components. In addition, several data collection and analysis methods such as the administrative data, a survey with participants of Hope Welfare Support Teams, Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP), Focus Group Interview (FGI), Expert Advice, Policy Researchers Conference and Colloquium were employed to better understand the current challenges and needs of the local government agencies. The research identified the several major challenges and areas of improvement to reform the protection system and to promote the well-being for children, youths and families. The first major finding is that based on the current structure, each protection system for children, youths and families is separated and operated independently. As a result, discrepancy exists in the level of support and services depending on where the children, youths and families“Gate-Way”are. This may be one of the most significant and urgent improvement areas in the current protection system to provide comprehensive and streamlined services. The second major finding is when children in need, enter the protection system, receiving adequate professional support is not guaranteed. This is a serious concern since it is estimated that two out of ten children under 18 years are subject to need for the protection support. The lack of professional support in the system can be attributed to the following two reasons. First, there is no systematic national standard for a Child Welfare Dedicated Public Official who is in charge of protection support. In addition, children and youths who receive the alternative care from the institution are not considered as a target for protection support under the current system. Therefore, to address the current challenge, each local government needs to work toward establishing the Integrated Gate-Way for children, youths and families. Also, expanding the range of current Social Security Information System, developing common assessment instrument to detect risk of harm to vulnerable children, youths and families, and increasing the number of case management professionals are critical to improve the protection system. Especially, a strategy to reinforce functions of Control Tower that operate and adjust various public and private social service including tasks for integrated case management is essential. The third finding is the necessity of making changes to the operation of the system. For instance, it is important for the government to reorganize the existing operation method and to ensure autonomy for local government to have a business plan for the development of a protection system relevant to them. Also, based on the purpose and function of the protection system, certain programs and services within Central Government-Controlled Social Security Services can be identified as potential programs for Block Grants. Thus, in conjunction with Performance Management System, it is critical to evaluate the possibility of creating Block Grants programs for local government to develop locally relevant social services. Bas

      • KCI등재

        가족중심실천에 관한 중요성인식과 현재실천의 차이 연구:IPA기법 활용 -아동보호전문기관 상담원을 중심으로-

        정은주 한국아동가족복지학회 2011 한국가족복지학 Vol.16 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to develop strategies which can overcome the gap between knowing the importance of and the actual implementation of family-centered practices for effective child protection intervention, with service workers in child protection agencies especially in mind. The results of this study can be summed up as follows: First, although workers at child protection agencies knew the importance of family-centered practices the level of the actual implementation of such practices was low. Secondly, the results showed that six factors of family-centered practices and all of the 18 items had statistically significant meanings. Also, in the process of protection, workers recognized the importance of family-centered practices, but field conditions made it hard for them to actualize the knowledge. Thirdly, the results of Importance-Performance Analysis(IPA) -which was used to identify the strategies of organizations which could overcome the gap- showed that partnership in families, comprehensive services, and family decision making were high in importance but low in implementation; these results indicate the need for intensive efforts toward closing the gap between knowledge and practice. On the other hand, individualized family focus, and a strength-based approach were low in importance but high in implementation, being served over the appropriate amount. In order to overcome the gap between knowing the importance of and the actual implementation of family-centered practices for effective child protection intervention, organizational strategies such as increasing community networks, job-training, and supervision are needed. 본 연구는 전국 아동보호전문기관 상담원들을 대상으로 가족중심실천에 대한 중요성 인식과 현재 실천과의 차이를 비교하여 이를 극복할 수 있는 조직전략을 탐색하기 위한 목적으로 수행되었다. 분석결과와 제언은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 상담원들의 가족중심실천에 대한 중요성 인식수준은 높게 나타났으나, 현재실천의 수준은 상대적으로 낮은 것으로 조사되었다. 둘째, 가족중심실천에 대한 차이검증 결과, 가족중심실천의 6개의 하위요인 및 18개 세부 항목 모두에서 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 학대피해아동의 보호과정에서 상담원들은 가족중심실천이 중요하다고 인식함에도 불구하고 여전히 현장여건은 가족중심실천을 수행하기에는 어렵다고 인식하고 있었다. 셋째, 가족중심실천의 중요성인식과 현재 실천 사이에서 차이를 보이는 요인들에 대한 관리전략을 수립하기 위하여 IPA 기법을 활용하여 분석한 결과, ‘가족과의 협력’, ‘포괄적 서비스’, ‘가족의사결정’요인은 중요성에 대한 인식정도가 높은 것에 비하여 현재 실천정도는 낮아 앞으로 집중노력을 요하는 조직전략이 필요하였으며 반면 ‘개별화’, ‘가족초점’, ‘가족강점’요인은 중요성 인식이 낮은 것에 반하여 현재 실천은 높게 나타나 과잉영역에 속하였다. 특히 세부적으로 중요성과 현재 실천 모두에서 가장 높은 점수를 차지한 항목은 ‘가족이 편안함을 느낄 수 있는 분위기를 조성’하는 것으로 앞으로 현재와 같이 지속적으로 잘 유지해나갈 수 있는 관리전략을, 그리고 양쪽에서 가장 낮은 점수를 차지한 ‘프로그램 및 서비스 등에 가족은 물론 가족지지집단까지도 참여 권장’에 대해서는 가족중심실천을 수행하기 위해 전국의 기관차원에서 지역사회 네트워크 활성화 전략마련을 통해 차이가 개선될 수 있도록 전략적인 방안이 요청된다.

      • KCI등재

        국가의 가족, 가족의 국가 — ‘조선인사조정령’을 통해 본 가족보호정책의 이중성 —

        이정선 한림대학교 한림과학원 2017 개념과 소통 Vol.0 No.20

        This paper explores what kind of relationship between the state, family and individual was considered desirable in Korea during Japanese colonial rule, by examining the family protection policy. The ideological background of this policy was the family-state ideology, according to which the family is more important than the individual, but both the individual and the family should exist only for the state. During wartime this ideology was strengthened, as the state sought to increase the fertility rate and also to resolve family disputes to support the war effort. The family protection policy was introduced to address these state-centered ideological and practical needs. Although its primary intent was to mobilize the family for state purposes, it did also acknowledge that the state had a responsibility to support the family and to mediate in disputes between family members, and this allowed the policy to be utilized for the benefit of the family and its members. In the application of the Choson Family Disputes Mediation Ordinance, however, the state failed to protect either the individual or the family, because the family was construed as a community in which family disputes were exceptional. This failure demonstrates that the relationship between the state and family must be considered from the perspective of the individual. 본 논문은 일제 말 식민지 조선에 가족보호정책이 도입된 배경과 그 특징을살펴봄으로써 국가, 가족, 개인의 바람직한 관계를 모색하기 위한 단서를 제공하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 가족보호정책이 도입된 이념적 배경은 가족국가관이다. 가족국가관에서 가족은 국가를 구성하는 단위이자 원리로서 개인보다 중시되었지만, 개인과 가족 모두 국가를 위해 존재해야 한다고 설정되었다. 이러한 국가관이 전시체제기에 강화되었다. 동시에 국가는 출산율을 높여 부족해진 인구를 확충하고, 후방의 가족 간 갈등을 해결해 전선의 병사들이 안심하고 싸울 수 있게 해야 하는 실질적인 필요에 직면했다. 이 시기 가족보호정책이 도입된 것은 이처럼 국가 위주의 이념과 필요가 결합되었기 때문이다. 하지만 가족보호정책은 가족을 유지·부양하고 가족구성원 간의 갈등을 조정할 책임이 국가에 있음을 인정한 것이었다. 따라서 국가를 위해 가족을 동원하려는 의도와 달리 실제 가족 및 가족구성원을 위해 활용될 수도있다는 이중성을 지녔다. 그러나 조선인사조정령의 적용양상을 보면, 가족을공동체로 보고 구성원의 이해관계 충돌을 비정상적·예외적 상황으로 간주하는 방식으로는 개인을 보호할 수도 가족을 지탱할 수도 없음이 드러난다. 국가와 가족의 관계도 개인을 전제로 사고해야 하는 이유이다.

      • KCI등재

        심리적인 보호/위험 요인과 가족 구조 요인 그리고 청소년의 인터넷 이용 행동간의 관계: 성별 모형에 의한 접근

        문성원 한국여성심리학회 2009 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.14 No.4

        This article examined a gender-based differntial relationship between psychological protective/risk factors, family factors, and adolescent Internet use. The daily login duration, main login area, the presence of specific family members, and the level of protective/risk factors of 657 adolescents were assessed. The multiple regressions of protective/risk factors and family factors to login duration and the logistic regression of protective/risk factors and family factors to login content were studied. The results showed that the girls' Internet login duration was negatively related to perceived peer support, social competence, anger control, and the existence of elder sisters in the semester. The girls' Internet login duration vacations was negatively related to peer support, family support, and the existence of elder sisters and younger brothers. The results for the boys did not display a significant relation between the protective/risk factors, family factors, and Internet login duration for both periods: semesters and vacations. The results of logistic regression indicated that the girls' login to specific websites was not related to any family factors, but their chatting and game use were related to low family support, their messenger use was related to the low family support and high problem-solving ability, and their web community use was related to high self-efficacy and low family support. The results indicated complicated results for the bots' relationship between protective/risk factors, family factors, and login content. The differential meaning and the role of Internet use based on gender and the importance of a gender-based apporach in the intervention and prevention of adolescent Internet use were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        Protection for Marriage and the Family in a German Context: Focusing on the Implications on the Discussion of Same-sex Marriage in South Korea

        이현정(Hyun Jung Lee) 전남대학교 공익인권법센터 2023 인권법평론 Vol.- No.30

        현재 한국의 법제에는 동성 관계를 법적으로 인정하고 있지 않다. 동성 관계를 어떻게 법적으로 인정할 것인지, 나아가 동성간의 혼인을 인정하는 문제는 한국 헌법이 향후 해결하여야 할 과제이다. 사회 갈등을 유발하는 복잡한 문제가 정치적으로 해결되지 않을 때 그 문제는 사법부를 통하여 해결하여야 한다. 법원의 판결은 사법 행동주의, 사회운동, 인권 운동을 연결하는 시민적 담론의 형태로 나타났으며, 이러한 법, 권리, 정의에 관한 시민적 담론은 더 이상 전문가만의 영역에 머무는 것만은 아니다. 사법적 판단이 더 이상 개인들 간의 제한된 이익에 관한 판단에 국한되지 않고 국민과 국가 간의 민주적 소통으로서 기능하고 있기 때문이다. 현대 사회에서 가족의 개념과 가족의 구조는 큰 다양성을 띈다. 헌법에서 보호하고 있는 가족의 개념은 다양한 가족 형태의 발전과 함께 가족의 개념이 끊임없이 변화하고 진화하고 있기 때문에 어떠한 특정한 가족 형태와 관련한 것으로 정의하는 것은 어렵다. 독일의 바이마르 헌법 제119조와 기본법 제6조의 차이점을 통하여 진화하는 가족 개념을 발견할 수 있다. 첫째, 기본법 제6조에 규정된 가족의 개념에서 더 이상 혼인을 가족을 이루는 기초로 보지 않는다는 점이다. 둘째, 양성 평등은 혼인제도 내에서뿐만 아니라 사회 전반에서 평등을 촉진하는 역할을 수행하였으며 실제로 모두에게 평등한 혼인할 권리를 향한 기초를 마련하였다. 모두에게 평등한 혼인할 권리는 이성 관계의 커플뿐만 아니라 동성 관계의 커플에게도 혼인할 권리를 부여한다. 한국의 헌법은 혼인의 법적 개념을 명시적으로 규정하고 있지 않지만, 동성 간에 혼인할 권리는 혼인이나 출산과 같은 개인의 생활양식이나 개인의 인생 계획으로서 보호되고 존중되어야 한다. 다양성을 보호하는 것을 목표로 하는 민주주의 사회에서는 다양한 형태의 가족 또한 인정해야 하기 때문이다. 나아가 동성 결혼을 인정하는 것은 국제인권법 하에서 소수자 인권 보호로서도 인정될 수 있다. There has been very little progress in guaranteeing the rights of sexual minorities in South Korea, and the general situation in terms of recognizing same-sex relations is much worse than in the EU or Germany in that the acceptance level is extremely low. The issue of same-sex relations, particularly same-sex marriage is a challenge in Korean society. When the political process does not work properly, complex political problems must be solved by means of the judiciary. The judgment of the court appeared as a form of civil discourse linking judicial activism, social movements, and the human rights movement. In this way, the civil discourse regarding law, rights, and justice no longer remains solely in the area of specialists. Judicial judgments initiate democratic communication between the people and the state, without being restricted to simply being the judgment about an individual’s limited interests. There is great diversity in modern family structure: heterosexual or same-sex couples who assume responsibility for children in marriages, registered partnerships, or de facto relationships; and children who are conceived naturally or by methods of assisted reproduction, and are related to both, only one or none of the two or more people they are raised by. In general, the concept of family that is protected under the Constitution is difficult to define as a specific family type because the concept of family is constantly changing amid the development of various family forms. From the perspective of the evolving concept of family in a German context, differences between Article 119 of the Weimar Constitution and Article 6 GG can be pointed out. Firstly, marriage is no longer seen as the foundation of a family under the concept of family stipulated in Article 6 GG. Equality of both sexes has served to promote equality not only within the institution of marriage but also in society in general, which actually provided steps toward equal marriage rights. Equal marriage rights grant the right to marry to couples in different-sex relationships as well as same-sex relationships. The Korean Constitution does not explicitly define the legal concept of marriage. The right to same-sex marriage should be protected as an individual life plan, and lifestyle including marriage or childbirth are respected. A democracy whose aim is to protect diversity should recognize a diversified form of the family. In respecting diversity, same-sex marriage should also be recognized as a minority protection of human rights.

      • KCI등재

        가족돌봄청소년의 돌봄경험: 위험요인과 보호요인을 중심으로

        김보경,최유석 한국청소년학회 2024 청소년학연구 Vol.31 No.7

        이 연구의 목적은 가족돌봄청소년의 돌봄경험에서 위험요인과 보호요인을 개인, 가족, 사회적 수준에서 규명하는 것이다. 최근 돌봄대상으로만 여겨졌던 청소년이 가족돌봄의 주체가 될 수 있다는 점이 새롭게 부각되었다. 이 연구에서는 가족돌봄청소년 8명을 대상으로 가족돌봄경험을 주제로 심층면접을 수행하였다. 분석결과, 위험요인과 보호요인은 개인, 가족, 사회적 수준에서 차이를 보였다. 먼저 개인적 위험요인은 청소년의 스트레스와 정신건강 악화, 돌봄노동의 일상화로 나타났다. 가족구조의 취약성, 이로 인한 돌봄공백의 발생, 아동학대의 위험성 등이 가족수준의 위험요인이었다. 사회적 위험요인으로는 청소년의 발달권과 교육권 침해, 돌봄대상자에 대한 사회적 낙인, 돌봄 지원체계의 사각지대였다. 한편 보호요인의 경우 자립기술 향상, 대처전략의 계발 등이 개인적 보호요인이었다. 가족수준 보호요인은 돌봄대상자와의 긍정적 애착관계, 가족내 적극적인 돌봄지원군이었다. 사회수준 보호요인은 또래의 지지, 교사의 인식과 지원, 공식지원체계와의 연계였다. 위험요인을 완화하고 보호요인을 증진할 수 있도록 가족돌봄청소년 통합지원센터 설치 등 가족돌봄청소년에 대한 지원방안을 제안하였다. The purpose of this study is to identify risk factors and protective factors in the family care experience of young carers. Recently, it has been highlighted that youth, usually considered as the objects of care, can become subjects of family care. In this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with eight young family carers regarding their family care experiences. Results showed that risk factors and protective factors differed at the individual, family, and social levels. First, personal risk factors were adolescent stress, worsening mental health, and substantial volumes of care work. The vulnerability of the family structure, care gaps, and the risk of child abuse were risk factors at the family level. Social risk factors included violations of youths' right to development and education, social stigma against these young carers, and blind spots in the family care support system. Regarding protective factors, personal protective factors included the improvement of self-reliance skills and the development of coping strategies. Family-level protective factors were positive attachment relationships with the person receiving family care and active care support within the family. Social level protective factors were teachers' awareness and support, supportive peer relationships, and connection with the public support system. Based on these findings, we suggested policies and programs to alleviate risk factors and improve protective factors, which included the establishment of a service center for young carers.

      • KCI등재

        한국 아동보호체계에 있어서의 가족의사결정모델 적용가능성에 관한 연구: 뉴질랜드의 패밀리그룹컨퍼런스 제도를 중심으로

        정은주 한국아동복지학회 2008 한국아동복지학 Vol.- No.27

        The model of family decision-making in child protection has been widely discussed and adopted in many countries. The purpose of this study was to introduce the model and, then, investigate whether this process is applicable in child care and protection services in Korea. The main goal in the study has been to explore the philosophical and practical foundations of the family involvement approach in decision-making and describe the international applications of the model. Family group conferencing, originally developed and enacted in New Zealand, has been critically examined. The potential contributions of the study may include seeking a more effective intervention for child protection through determining whether the model is appropriate or desirable in issues of philosophy, practice and policy within the Korean culture. 최근 세계 각국 아동복지분야에서 가족의사결정개입프로그램이 활발하게 운영되고 있다. 가족의사결정모델은 학대받는 아동을 보호하는 과정에서 가족문제중심, 치료적 개입방식, 전문가가 이끌어가는 의사결정방법에 대한 반성과 이를 위한 대안으로 가족강점과 가족임파워먼트, 가족친밀성 회복을 강조한 실천모델이다. 가족의사결정개입방법은 뉴질랜드에서 개발되어 세계 300여 개 지역에서 성공적으로 실시되고 있다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라 아동보호체계 안에 가족의 참여를 통한 가족의사결정개입제도를 적용할 수 있는지에 대한 가능성을 고찰하였다. 이를 위해 가족의사결정모델의 실천 철학적 가치, 국외 가족의사결정프로그램의 현황 및 처음으로 법제도로 실시한 뉴질랜드 패밀리그룹컨퍼런스 제도를 살펴보았다. 또한 아동보호 실천에서 가족의사결정모델의 한국 적용가능성에 대한 논의로 실천철학적 측면, 문화적 측면, 실행시 수반되어져야 할 가족참여방법과 담당기관 및 지역아동네트워크개발의 측면을 제시하였다.

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