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      • KCI등재

        Explicitation and Implicitation in Translation for Children

        Sung, Seung-eun 한국통역번역학회 2006 통역과 번역 Vol.8 No.1

        Children's books cover a wide range of target age brackets. In this regard, translation of children's books needs to focus on the particular age group of their readers. This paper is an attempt to categorize explicitation/implicitation in translation for children so as to observe how explicitation/implicitation differs (if it does) according to the age group of target readers. Klaudy's explicitation types will be used as the basis for categorization to this end. First, previous studies on explicitation will be briefly discussed, including that in translation of children's literature. This will be followed by an initial categorization of explicitation types used in translation for children. Then examples of each type will be introduced from different TTs of the same ST. The TTs each cover different target readership in terms of age. It is hoped that the categorization can lead to a better understanding of the nature of children's book translation, a field that is growing rapidly in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        대중과학의 영한 번역에 있어서 인간 번역과 ChatGPT 번역의 명시화(explicitation) 양상 고찰– <BBC Science>의 표제 분석을 중심으로 –

        최효은 이화여자대학교 통역번역연구소 2024 T&I review Vol.14 No.1

        Hyoeun Choi (2024). Explicitation in English-Korean popular science translation by human and ChatGPT: Focusing on the titles of the magazine BBC Science. This study examines patterns of explicitation in human and ChatGPT translations of 184 article titles from BBC Science. The analysis highlights three main reasons for explicitation: enhancing reader comprehension, engaging interest, and bridging cultural differences, with strategies of addition and specification. Results show 35 instances of explicitation in human translations and 73 in ChatGPT translations, indicating that ChatGPT employs explicitation strategies much more actively than human translations. There were also differences in the specific reasons for the explicitations: while the primary reason for explicitation in human translations was to enhance reader comprehension, over half of the explicitations in ChatGPT translations were aimed at engaging the reader's interest. Notably, ChatGPT's strategies for capturing interest were more focused on using flashy expressions to grab the reader's attention, unlike human translations where explicitation was used to bring the reader closer to the text. While effective explicitation can engage readers, excessive use may lead to misrepresentation, which is known as the "hallucination" effect. This study is significant as it explores ChatGPT's translation patterns, aiming to inspire further research on the topic.(Sookmyung Women‘s University, Korea)

      • KCI등재

        영화 자막의 중한 번역 명시화 전략 - 명시화 기반 축소 유형과 기법

        權雪鵝 중국어문학연구회 2020 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.122

        In translation, explicitation strategy usually brings on expansion. However, in translation of film subtitles which involve restrictions in the number of letters, explicitation strategy poses difficulty performing not only explicitation itself but reduced translation as well. First, with division into 4 types of explicitation, 185 sentences were selected where explicitation reduced the length of sentences. Then analyzed both explicitation and reduced sentences by dividing into 5 explicitation-based reduction types and 3 types of technique. This result of the study suggests that in film subtitling, characteristically unlike the explicitation in general translation, it is possible to reduce the target text using diverse explicitation-based reduction strategies. The results could be the starting point to decide that explicitation-based reduction translation contributing to the reduction is uniquely for film subtitling.

      • KCI등재

        번역 보편소의 한 사례

        김정우(Kim, Jeong-woo) 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2015 한국학연구 Vol.53 No.-

        본고에서는 번역 보편소들 가운데 하나인 명시화 현상이 텍스트 유형에 따라 달리 나타날 수 있다는 가설을 세우고, 일정 규모의 말뭉치 자료에서 이를 검증해 보았다. 〈가설 1〉 선택적 명시화는 문체 선호도와 텍스트 구성전략 차이에서 비롯된 것이므로 비문학 텍스트와 문학 텍스트에서 유의미한 차이가 있을 것이다. 〈가설 2〉 의무적 명시화는 SL과 TL의 언어구조 차이에서 비롯된 것이므로 번역의 대상이 되는 텍스트 유형이 문학이든 비문학이든 유의미한 차이가 없을 것이다. 우리는 위와 같은 두 가지 가설을 검증해보기 위해 약 17만 어절씩으로 구성된 영어 원문과 한국어 번역문의 병렬 말뭉치 자료를 활용했다. 즉, 영어 원문의 영형태에서 번역된 한국어 번역문의 의존명사 ‘때문’을 선택적 명시화의 용례로 보고, 영어 원문의 사역동사와 일반동사 구문에서 번역된 장형사동 구문을 의무적 명시화의 용례로 보았다. 문학 텍스트를 대상으로 조사한 선택적 명시화 용례의 총합은 74(/217)회로 대략 가 되고 비문학 34.1% , 텍스트를 대상으로 조사한 선택적 명시화의 총합은 95(/470)회로 대략 20.2%가 된다. 문학 텍스트와 비문학 텍스트에서 보이는 선택적 명시화 비율의 차이는 13.9%로 나타났다. 한편 문학 텍스트를 대상으로 조사한 의무적(구조적) 명시화 용례의 총합은 84(/168)회로 대략 50.0%가 되고, 비문학 텍스트를 대상으로 조사한 의무적(구조적) 명시화의 총합은 186(/383)회로 대략 48.5%가 된다. 양자에서 보이는 선택적 명시화 비율의 차이는 1.5%로 나타났다. 위에서 조사한 선택적 명시화의 텍스트 유형별 편차와 의무적(구조적) 명시화의 텍스트 유형별 편차를 비교해본 결과, 문체 선호도와 텍스트 구성전략 차이에서 비롯된 선택적 명시화의 경우는 비문학 텍스트와 문학 텍스트의 편차가 크게 나타난 반면, SL의 TL 언어구조 차이에서 비롯된 의무적 명시화의 경우는 비문학 텍스트와 문학 텍스트의 편차가 거의 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 조사 결과는 우리가 앞서 수립한 두 가지 가설의 내용과 일치하는 것으로 판단할 수 있다. This paper aims at testifying the hypothesis that the explicitation, one of the translation universals, varies depending upon text genres in a certain amount of corpus. As a starting point, the author established the following two hypotheses related to the explicitation. 〈Hypothesis 1〉 Selective explicitation, considering the fact it is derived from the preference of stylistics and text strategy of construction, reveals the significant difference between non-literary text and literary text. 〈Hypothesis 2〉 Obligatory explicitation, considering the fact it is derived from the different structure between the source language and the target language, reveals no significant difference, however source text may be literary one or non-literary one. To verify the above hypotheses, the author made use of 17 thousand parallel corpus composed of English original and Korean translated texts. He regarded a Korean bound noun ‘ttaemun’ translated from zero form in the English original texts as a typical example of selective explicitation, and a Korean long form causative construction translated from causative verbs and general verbs in the English original texts as a typical example of obligatory explicitation. The total number of selective explicitation amounted to 74(217), 31.4% in literary texts, and 95(470), 20.2% in non-literary texts. The ratio gap between literary and non-literary texts was revealed as 13.9%. In the other hand, the total number of obligatory or structural explicitation amounted to 84(/168), 50.0% in literary texts, and 186(/383), 48.5% in non-literary texts. The ratio gap between literary and non-literary texts was revealed as 1.5%. The above results could be understood as follows. The deviation of selective explicitation between literary and non-literary texts was big, which largely originates from stylistics preference and text construction strategy. The deviation of obligatory explicitation between literary and non-literary texts was very small, which largely originates from the structural difference between SL and TL. These results could be estimated parallel to the core contents contained in the two hypotheses, which he established at the outset of this research.

      • KCI등재

        Explicitation and Implicitation in Translation for Children

        성승은 한국통역번역학회 2006 통역과 번역 Vol.8 No.1

        Children's books cover a wide range of target age brackets. In this regard, translation of children's books needs to focus on the particular age group of their readers. This paper is an attempt to categorize explicitation/implicitation in translation for children so as to observe how explicitation/implicitation differs (if it does) according to the age group of target readers. Klaudy's explicitation types will be used as the basis for categorization to this end. First, previous studies on explicitation will be briefly discussed, including that in translation of children's literature. This will be followed by an initial categorization of explicitation types used in translation for children. Then examples of each type will be introduced from different TTs of the same ST. The TTs each cover different target readership in terms of age. It is hoped that the categorization can lead to a better understanding of the nature of children's book translation, a field that is growing rapidly in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        Reconceptualizing Explicitation as Informativity Control

        피터리 한국번역학회 2014 번역학연구 Vol.15 No.4

        Explicitation is an indispensable part of the translator’s arsenal and an essential topic in translation studies. The past few decades have seen a dramatic proliferation of studies on the subject, but the concept is still curiously unsettled and there are ambiguities that have yet to be dispelled. This paper aims to provide some clarity by reconceptualizing explicitation in terms of informativity, one of the textual standards studied in text linguistics. After reviewing the relevant literature, including works by Blum-Kulka, Klaudy, Pym, Saldanha, and Beaugrande and Dressler, we will redefine explicitation as a means of controlling informativity. Informativity can change during translation and shift to a higher or lower level in the target text. Explicitation can be viewed as a means of controlling the relationship between a text and its translation with respect to informativity. Once we make this functional connection, we can further identify explicitation with downgrading and implicitation with upgrading informativity, and distinguish the way both processes either maintain or change the informativity level of the source text by labelling them type-m and type-c processes. This finer distinction should allow us to furnish more detailed predictions and to better explain the phenomenon of explicitation.

      • KCI등재후보

        Actualité de… Pierre Vermersch L’entretien d’explicitation: Un outil performant pour l’analyse des compétences

        Isabelle Vidalenc,Monique Malric 고려대학교 응용문화연구소 2013 에피스테메 Vol.0 No.9

        In this article, the question of the performance of the interview of explicitation of Pierre Vermersch for the analysis of the competences is put by leaning on the educational experiment of realization of portfolios of competences made by the students of DUT (two-year technical degree). The interview of explicitation is a technique of help to the verbalization a posteriori of an activity / task realized by a person, both at the level of the actions material and mental. The concept of action is fragmented in five facets according to a vertical axis: context, procedural and opinion, and a horizontal axis: declarative, procedural (in the center) and intentional. Once the concept of competence was specified, in particular its relationships with the experience and the knowledge, we emphasize the propagation of the logic of the competences in all the current society. The transferability of the competences, stemming from a fine analysis of the experiences, seems considerable in any situation. After the presentation of two examples, we arrive at the conclusion that the interview of explicitation, by helping to extract competences of its diverse experiences, is a precious tool to become aware of possibilities of reinvestment and of valuation of the previous activities. Dans cet article, la question de la performance de l’entretien d’explicitation de Pierre Vermersch pour l’analyse des compétences est posée en s’appuyant sur l’expérience pédagogique de réalisation de portefeuilles de compétences faite par les étudiants de DUT. L’entretien d’explicitation est une technique d’aide à la verbalisation a posteriori d’une activité/tâche réalisée par une personne, tant au niveau des actions matérielles que mentales. Le concept d’action est éclaté en cinq facettes selon un axe vertical : contexte, procédural et jugements, et un axe horizontal : déclaratif, procédural (au centre) et intentionnel. Une fois le concept de compétence précisé, notamment ses rapports avec l’expérience et la connaissance, nous mettons en valeur la diffusion de la logique des compétences dans toute la société actuelle. La transférabilité des compétences, issue d’une analyse fine des expériences, apparait appréciable en toute situation. Après la présentation de deux exemples, nous en arrivons à la conclusion que l’entretien d’explicitation, en aidant à extraire des compétences de ses expériences diverses, est un outil précieux pour prendre conscience des possibilités de réinvestissement et de valorisation des activités antérieures.

      • KCI등재

        한중 번역에 나타나는 명시화 현상 고찰 –은희경의 <소년을 위로해줘>를 중심으로

        신지언 중앙대학교 외국학연구소 2017 외국학연구 Vol.- No.41

        This study compares and analyzes Korean to Chinese translations of Eun Hee-kyung’s “Comfort the Boy.” We analyze the explicitation that describes the process for translating Eun Hee-kyung 's "Comfort the Boy" and "AnweiShaonian" that translated it. This study analyzes the optional explicitation offered by the translator. First, we look at the explicitation in sentence units. Sometimes a translator adds a subject or adds a predicate. These translated sentences are closer to natural Chinese sentences to make it easier for readers to understand the text. The subject or predicate supplemented by the translator clearly reveals the meaning inherent in the original text. Second, we examine the explicitation in lexical units. This is related to the expressive characteristics of language. Korean expressions are often illogical and indirect. Translator added an explanation of these expressions to make the meaning concrete and direct. Third, we analyze errors in the explicitation. Misinterpretation occurs when the lexical meaning is exaggerated, when an object is misidentified, or when a subject is mistakenly omitted.

      • KCI등재

        영한 게임 번역에서의 명시화에 관한 고찰 - 게임 ‘리그 오브 레전드’를 중심으로 -

        김홍균(Hong-kyun Kim) 한국게임학회 2021 한국게임학회 논문지 Vol.21 No.3

        본 연구는 원본 텍스트의 특정 정보를 번역 텍스트에서 더욱 명료하게 드러내기 위해 활용되는 번역 전략인 ‘명시화’가 게임 번역에서는 어떻게 활용되어 게임 이용자에게 게임 이용에 필요한 정보를 제공하는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 명시화를 실행하기 위해 활용될 수 있는 ‘추가’와 ‘대체’ 번역 방식이 게임 번역에서는 어떠한 방식으로, 어떠한 정보를 명시화하고 있는지를, 게임 ‘리그 오브 레전드(League of Legends)’의 등장인물의 대사, 등장인물의 능력, 장비 아이템에 관한 설명 텍스트를 사례로 하여 살펴보았다. 그 결과 게임 이용자 간의 대결이 주가 되는 장르의 게임 번역에서는 어휘의 삽입 혹은 대체를 통해 게임 조작과 관련된 정보를 명시화하는 것을 우선시하고 있으며, 게임 조작과 관련된 정보를 명시화하기 위해 게임 세계관, 문화와 관련된 정보는 일부 희생될 수 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. This paper investigates how information game users needs to play game is offered to game user by applying the notion of explicitation toward translated game texts. By using League of Legends" Character lines, Character Abilities and Equipment Description texts as a case, this paper focused on how "Insertion(addition)" and "Replacement" method are applied toward game translation and which information is being explicitated. As a result, this paper found out that translation on Player vs. Player genre game, explicitation occurs by adding or replacing words containing information needed, and information about game control was prioritized among other information related with game universe and culture.

      • KCI등재

        한중, 중한 번역방향에 따른 명시화: 학부번역자의 번역과정 분석

        김혜림 한국중국언어학회 2019 중국언어연구 Vol.0 No.83

        This study aims to explore the motivation for explicitation in Korean to Chinese translation and Chinese to Korean translation of undergraduate trainee translators and the similarities and differences between two translations. To this end, this study analyzes translation diaries. Translation diaries herein refer to a written record of problems and inquiries that occur during the translation process, solutions for those problems, and the reasoning behind the decisions made by trainees. The motivations of translation were classified into strategic explicitation and norm-governed explicitation according to the description of translation diaries. The present study shows that strategic explicitation is the most common in Chinese to Korean translation, while norm-governed explicitation is the majority in the Korean to Chinese translation. Specifically, strategic explicitation of experiential information is prominent in the Chinese to Korean translation, and norm-governed explicitation of textual information is prominent in the Korean to Chinese translation. Regardless of the translation direction, undergraduate trainee translators add or specify experiential information strategically in consideration of the request of the translation brief or the background knowledge of TT readers. However, in Chinese to Korean translation, there are further strategic explicitations when literal translation is awkward or translation of Chinese complex sentence is unreadable. Textual information explicitation shows a distinct norm-governed tendency in Korean to Chinese translation. Undergraduate trainee translators add or specify demonstratives or conjunctions without being aware of the problem during Korean to Chinese translation. On the other hand, in Chinese to Korean translation, both strategic and norm-governed explicitations account for a similar proportion. All cases of the interpersonal information explicitation in Chinese to Korean translation is norm-governed, the frequency of strategic explicitation in Chinese to Korean translation is significantly higher than norm-governed explicitation as a whole, but only the interpersonal information explicitation shows a strong norm governed tendency. Undergraduate trainee translators strengthen the speaker's degree of confidence or argument by adding an emphasis without recognizing it as a problem in Chinese to Korean translation. On the other hand, no clear strategic or norm-governed tendency is observed in Korean to Chinese translation. 본 연구는 학부번역자가 중한번역과 한중번역 시 어떤 점을 문제로 인지하고, 어떤 점을 문제로 인지하지 않은 채 명시화하며, 번역방향에 따라 어떠한 차이점과 공통점이 있는지 고찰하기 위해 번역과정 분석을 진행하였다. 번역과정 분석을 위해 번역자가 번역과정에서 맞닥뜨린 문제에 대한 기록, 해결과정에서 채택한 전략과 방법, 스스로 발전에 대한 평가 등을 자유롭게 작성하는 번역일지를 활용하였다. 분석 시 번역일지의 기재 내용에 따라 학부번역자가 문제라고 인지한 전략적 명시화, 문제로 인지하지 않은 채 진행한 규범 지배적 명시화로 분류하고 구체적 양상을 관찰하였다. 분석 결과, L2→L1인 번역인 중한번역에서는 전략적 명시화가 다수를 차지한 반면, L1→L2 번역인 한중번역에서는 규범 지배적 명시화가 다수로 나타났다. 이는 학부번역자가 중한번역에서는 전략적으로 명시화하고, 한중번역에서는 규범 지배적으로 명시화하는 경향이 있다는 것을 보여준다. 구체적으로 보면, 중한번역에서는 경험적 정보의 전략적 명시화가 두드러졌으며, 한중번역에서는 텍스트적 정보의 규범 지배적 명시화가 두드러졌다. 학부번역자는 번역방향에 상관없이 번역브리프에 제시된 예상 독자나 번역 요청사항을 문제로 인지하고 경험적 정보를 구체화나 추가를 선택하였다. 하지만, 중한번역 시 부자연스러운 직역 표현, 중국어 ST 복문 구조의 가독성을 문제로 인지하고 추가적으로 명시화하는 현상이 관찰되었다. 텍스트적 정보 명시화는 한중번역에서 모든 사례가 규범 지배적 명시화로 나타나며 뚜렷한 규범 지배적 경향을 보였다. 학부번역자는 한중번역 시 문제로 인지하지 않은 채 지시어나 접속사를 추가나 구체화하였다. 반면, 중한번역에서는 전략적 명시화와 규범 지배적 명시화가 혼재되어 나타났다. 대인적 정보 명시화는 중한번역에서 모든 사례가 규범 지배적 명시화였다. 중한번역은 전체적으로 전략적 명시화 빈도가 경험적 명시화 빈도보다 현저하게 높았으나, 대인적 정보만은 강한 규범 지배적 명시화 경향을 보였다. 학부번역자는 중한번역 시 문제로 인지하지 않은 채 강조어 추가 등 화자의 확신이나 주장의 정도를 강화하였다. 반면, 한중번역에서는 뚜렷한 전략적 또는 규범 지배적 경향이 관찰되지 않았다.

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