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        사고실험 - 상상의 작용과 한도에 대해

        황희숙 대한철학회 2018 哲學硏究 Vol.146 No.-

        The use of thought experiments has a long history in many disciplines including science. In the field of philosophy, thought experiments have frequently appeared in the pre-existing literature on the contemporary Analytic Philosophy. A thought experiment refers to a synthetic environment where the designer of the experiment-with his or her intuition and imagination-tests common-sense knowledge. It can be understood as a conceptual tool for testing the validity of the common understanding of an issue or a phenomenon. However, we are not certain about the usefulness or efficacy of a thought experiment in knowledge production. The design of a thought experiment is meant to lure readers into believing as intended by the experiment itself. Thus, regardless of the purpose of a thought experiment, many readers who encounter the experiment could feel deceived. In this paper, to analyze the logic of thought experiments and to seek the source of uneasiness the readers and critics may feel about thought experiments, I draw lessons from three renowned thought-experiments: Thomson’s ‘ailing violinist’, Putnam’s ‘brain in a vat’, and Searle’s ‘Chinese room’. Imaginative thought experiments are usually constructed around a gap between the reality and the knowledge/information at hand. From the three experiments, several lessons can be learned. First, the evidence of the existence of a gap provided via thought experiments can serve as arguments for counterfactual situations. At the same time, the credibility and efficacy of the thought experiments can be damaged as soon as the thought-experiments are carried out with inappropriate and/or murky directions regarding the procedures of the experiment or the background of the study. According to D. R. Hofstadter and D. C. Dennett(1981), the ‘knob setting’ in a thought experiment can be altered in the middle of a simulation of the experimental condition, and then the implications of the thought experiment change altogether, indicating that an entirely different conclusion can be deduced from thought experiment. Lastly, some pre-suppositions and bias of the experiment designers play a considerable role in the validity and the chances of success of a thought experiment; thus, it is recommended that the experiment-designers refrain from exercising too much of their imagination in order to avoid contaminating the design of the experiment and/or wrongly accepting preconceived/misguided conclusions. 과학을 비롯한 여러 학문분야에서 사고실험(thought experiments)의 사용은 오랜 역사가 있다. 특히 현대 분석철학의 문헌들 속에서 빈번하게 등장하는 사고실험들은 반사실적인 상황에 대한 시나리오로 구성되는데, 여기서 직관과 상상이 상식적 지식과 결합하여 작동하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 사고실험은 논변 구성자에게 필요한 결론을 유도해 내기 위한 개념 분석적 장치다. 그런데 과연 철학의 사고실험들이 지식의 생산에 기여하며 불가피하고도 유익한 것인지에 대해서는 의문의 여지가 있다. 특정한 사고실험이 제시되었을 때, 이를 대면하고 있는 우리가 그 논변의 유도방향에 대해 어떤 무력감이나 속임수의 느낌을 받는다면, 이는 주목해야할 현상일 것이다. 필자는 이에, 사고실험의 적절성 문제를 유명한 사고실험 세 가지 즉, 톰슨의 ‘병든 바이올리니스트’, 퍼트남의 ‘통속의 뇌’, 설의 ‘중국어 방’ 사고실험을 놓고 논의한다. 사고실험에 대해 느끼는 불편함의 원인은 무엇일까? ‘상상적인 사고실험’들은 실재에 대한 판단 및 정보가 틈새를 보이는 상황에서 구축되어 제시되는 바, 가상적 상황에 대한 논변이다. 그런데 사고실험에서 유관한 배경적 조건들에 대해 부적절하거나 불확실한 바가 있거나, 임의적으로 기술된 요소가 있다면 그 사고실험은 의구심을 불러일으킬 수 있다. 사고실험의 추론이 실제 철학적 문제들에 어떤 적실성과 유효성을 가질 수 있는지를 따져보아야 한다. 호프스태터가 보여주듯이 사고실험의 시뮬레이션 속에 포함된 여러 요소들의 설정을 바꿈으로써 즉 ‘노브 설정(knob setting)’을 달리함으로써 구성자의 결론과는 다른 결론이 나올 수도 있다. 이렇듯 사고실험의 시나리오에는 철학자의 상상과 이론적 편향이 들어있으며, 그 상상이라는 도구는 오직 제한적으로만 사용되어야 한다는 것이 이 글의 주장이다.

      • KCI등재

        과학 실험의 목적에 대한 초등 예비 교사들의 인식

        정용재 ( Yong Jae Joung ),장명덕 ( Myoung Duk Jang ),김한제 ( Han Je Kim ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2011 초등과학교육 Vol.30 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the elementary pre-service teachers` views about the purpose of science experiments. For the study, the views about the purposes of scientists` experiments and school science experiments were surveyed from 227 pre-service teachers. And the responses were analyzed based on their gender, intensive majors and school science test scores. The main results of the study are as follows. First, in relation to the purpose of scientists` experiments, the pre-service teachers considered internal values of doing experiments were more worthy than the external values of it. In particular, the pre-service teachers responded that the most important purpose of the science experiments is ``to get the evidences for the theories and arguments``. On the other hand, the views from the women and social studies major pre-service teachers were more diverse than those of the man and science major pre-service teachers. Second, in relation to the purpose of school science experiments, the pre-service teachers excessively considered that the internal values of school science experiments were more worthy than the external values. In particular, only few pre-service teachers were aware of social and personal aspects of the experiments, though they considered well that the experiments are useful tools for the school science study. Third, there were quite different aspects of pre-service teachers` views between the purposes of scientists` experiments and school science experiments. For example, the views about the scientist`s experiments were relatively broad concerning the nature of scientific experiments, but the school science experiments were just regarded as an educational tool for the science study. Based on the results from the study, some science educational implication were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        과학 실험을 왜 할까?: 초등과학 영재아들이 생각하는 과학 실험의 목적

        정용재 ( Yong Jae Joung ),장명덕 ( Myoung Duk Jang ),김한제 ( Han Je Kim ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2011 초등과학교육 Vol.30 No.2

        The object of this study is to investigate the views of scientifically gifted children about the purpose of scientists` experiments and school science experiments. The children`s views were examined using a open-ended questionnaire survey. And then the responses from the children were analyzed with categorization. The results from the study are as follows: First, the children`s views about the purpose of scientists` experiments and school science experiments were classified to 2 top-level, 5 mid-level and 21 sub-level categories. Second, it was found that the children considered internal values of doing experiments are more worthy than the social and personal usefulness of the experiments. Third, the gifted children mentioned most frequently that the purposes of the scientist experiment is `to get the evidences for their theory and argument which is unusual in the regular children`s views. Also the discovery of new phenomena and materials, and the generation of new theories and ideas were mentioned as purposes of the scientist experiments. Fourth, the students frequently stated that school science experiments support effective learning of science subject enhancing subject interests and better explanation/understanding. Fifth, relatively many students thought that the purposes of school science experiments are different with those of scientist experiments. Based on the results from the study, some educational suggestions are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        과학 동아리에서 경험한 자기 주도적 실험 학습에 대한 초등학생들의 인식

        주은정 ( Eun Jeong Ju ),김흥태 ( Heung Tae Kim ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2016 초등과학교육 Vol.35 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate implications of self-directed learning experiments in elementary science education through understanding elementary school students`` awareness of their experiences in self-directed learning experiments. Twenty students joined the school science club voluntarily and conducted self-directed learning experiments. We collected data through observation of the experiments, interviews, and questionnaires. The students who participated in the club showed high satisfaction with self-directed learning experiments. The participants were aware that their scientific interest and knowledge, and the confidence in conducting experiments were increased. The students felt positive about the inquiry process of conducting self-directed learning experiments with their own subjects. They also felt a sense of achievement in attempting their experiments in defiance of several failures. The participants realized that the self-directed inquires led to increased declarative and procedural knowledge of science. The students stated that they had some difficulties in coping with the different results contrary to expectations and preparing laboratory materials and instruments. Nonetheless, they showed the promotion of their scientific literacy during overcoming those difficulties. We suggest that self-directed learning experiments can be a more effective way in science learning to make students experience the nature of science than existing school experiments. This can be implemented through a creative experience activities such as science clubs.

      • KCI등재

        사고실험 - 상상의 작용과 한도에 대해

        황희숙(Hwang, Hee-sook) 대한철학회 2018 哲學硏究 Vol.145 No.-

        과학을 비롯한 여러 학문분야에서 사고실험(thought experiments)의 사용은 오랜 역사가 있다. 특히 현대 분석철학의 문헌들 속에서 빈번하게 등장하는 사고실험들은 반사실적인 상황에 대한 시나리오로 구성되는데, 여기서 직관과 상상이 상식적 지식과 결합하여 작동하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 사고실험은 논변 구성자에게 필요한 결론을 유도해 내기 위한 개념 분석적 장치다. 그런데 과연 철학의 사고실험들이 지식의 생산에 기여하며 불가피하고도 유익한 것인지에 대해서는 의문의 여지가 있다. 특정한 사고실험이 제시되었을 때, 이를 대면하고 있는 우리가 그 논변의 유도방향에 대해 어떤 무력감이나 속임수의 느낌을 받는다면, 이는 주목해야할 현상일 것이다. 필자는 이에, 사고실험의 적절성 문제를 유명한 사고실험 세 가지 즉, 톰슨의 ‘병든 바이올리니스트’, 퍼트남의 ‘통속의 뇌’, 설의 ‘중국어 방’ 사고실험을 놓고 논의한다. 사고실험에 대해 느끼는 불편함의 원인은 무엇일까? ‘상상적인 사고실험’들은 실재에 대한 판단 및 정보가 틈새를 보이는 상황에서 구축되어 제시되는 바, 가상적 상황에 대한 논변이다. 그런데 사고실험에서 유관한 배경적 조건들에 대해 부적절하거나 불확실한 바가 있거나, 임의적으로 기술된 요소가 있다면 그 사고실험은 의구심을 불러일으킬 수 있다. 사고실험의 추론이 실제 철학적 문제들에 어떤 적실성과 유효성을 가질 수 있는지를 따져보아야 한다. 호프스태터가 보여주듯이 사고실험의 시뮬레이션 속에 포함된 여러 요소들의 설정을 바꿈으로써 즉 ‘노브 설정(knob setting)’을 달리함으로써 구성자의 결론과는 다른 결론이 나올 수도 있다. 이렇듯 사고실험의 시나리오에는 철학자의 상상과 이론적 편향이 들어있으며, 그 상상이라는 도구는 오직 제한적으로만 사용되어야 한다는 것이 이 글의 주장이다. The use of thought experiments has a long history in many disciplines including science. In the field of philosophy, thought experiments have frequently appeared in the pre-existing literature on the contemporary Analytic Philosophy. A thought experiment refers to a synthetic environment where the designer of the experiment-with his or her intuition and imagination-tests common-sense knowledge. It can be understood as a conceptual tool for testing the validity of the common understanding of an issue or a phenomenon. However, we are not certain about the usefulness or efficacy of a thought experiment in knowledge production. The design of a thought experiment is meant to lure readers into believing as intended by the experiment itself. Thus, regardless of the purpose of a thought experiment, many readers who encounter the experiment could feel deceived. In this paper, to analyze the logic of thought experiments and to seek the source of uneasiness the readers and critics may feel about thought experiments, I draw lessons from three renowned thought-experiments: Thomson’s ‘ailing violinist’, Putnam’s ‘brain in a vat’, and Searle’s ‘Chinese room’. Imaginative thought experiments are usually constructed around a gap between the reality and the knowledge/information at hand. From the three experiments, several lessons can be learned. First, the evidence of the existence of a gap provided via thought experiments can serve as arguments for counterfactual situations. At the same time, the credibility and efficacy of the thought experiments can be damaged as soon as the thought-experiments are carried out with inappropriate and/or murky directions regarding the procedures of the experiment or the background of the study. According to D. R. Hofstadter and D. C. Dennett(1981), the ‘knob setting’ in a thought experiment can be altered in the middle of a simulation of the experimental condition, and then the implications of the thought experiment change altogether, indicating that an entirely different conclusion can be deduced from thought experiment. Lastly, some pre-suppositions and bias of the experiment designers play a considerable role in the validity and the chances of success of a thought experiment; thus, it is recommended that the experiment-designers refrain from exercising too much of their imagination in order to avoid contaminating the design of the experiment and/or wrongly accepting preconceived/misguided conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        철학적 사고실험을 적용한 상담사례 분석

        김선희(Sun Hie Kim) 철학연구회 2012 哲學硏究 Vol.0 No.97

        In this paper, I will discuss practical effects of philosophical thought- experiments by analyzing philosophical counseling cases which apply thought experiments in practice. So I will argue that philosophical thought-experiments model is an important way which we can use rich philosophical thoughts in the process of counseling. The method of philosophical thought-experiments applies abstract thought to concrete level of actual situations in the counseling process. It connects the philosophical thought of general-abstract level and a more concrete level in client`s specific problem situations. Philosophical thought-experiments stimulates counselees to reexamine their own desire-belief-value system, and to formulate their problems clearly. Philosophical thought-experiments I applied to these cases in practice are ``thought experiment of eternal life``, ``to overcome the fear of death``, Nietzsche`s eternal recurrence thought experiment, ``to regret in the future viewpoint``, ``to maintain a sense of self-worth``, ``to find the reason of life, and so on. I used these thought experiments in the group counseling and individual counseling, then I analyzed the results of cases of counseling and examined practical effects of philosophical thought experiments. The results of the analysis are quite interesting. The analysis shows that practical effects of philosophical thought experiments depend on clients`s situations. A thought experiment offers various practical effects to clients/visitors: to deepen their own understanding, to switch their thinking structure, to provide new insights, or to reflect on their values and worldview, and so on. As a result, they could have found a clue to solve their own problems. In a sense, a thought experiment functions effectively in a manner necessary to each of the visitors/counselees.

      • KCI등재후보

        Measuring the Earth's Size Using the Sun's Altitude and The Responses

        채동현 대한지구과학교육학회 2012 대한지구과학교육학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        This study was created to resolve the problems embedded in the formal measuring experiments to determine the earth’s size in the current curriculum, to develop an updated measuring experiment to determine the earth’s size and to establish its effect. For this study, pre-service elementary teachers, who had attempted the experiment of measuring the size of the earth when they were in middle school, performed the experiments in the existing national curriculum, and their responses, collected through in-depth interviews, were examined. To begin with, the pre-service elementary teachers conducted the experiment of measuring the earth size and they recorded the problems while performing it. At the end, an in-depth interview was administered. Based on the problems, an updated measuring experiment to determine the earth’s size was suggested to be applied to the same contents and be analyzed through the in-depth interviews. Common themes which were mutually categorized and analyzed by the two researchers were obtained based on the records produced while conducting the experiment and the in-depth interview data. The teachers mentioned that the experiments for measuring the size of the earth in the current curriculum gave rise to difficulties in measuring precisely the angles between the string and the post. Also, there has been a scientific contradiction that solar altitudes were increased in a high latitude region, instead of decreased. For this reason, an alternative method has been developed to measure the earth’s size using the distance and the solar altitude difference of two places. The teachers all agreed that by using the updated measuring experiment, they can acquire more precise measurements and it is easier, faster and consequently more effective than the existing methods. Through the results of this study, I suggest that the newly developed experiment by the researchers can overhaul the problems of the current experiments and it can be an effective alternative to the current experiment.

      • KCI등재

        온라인 물리 실험 지도 방안에 대한 논의

        박종원,김학태,김민경,이경선,홍행화 한국물리학회 2022 새물리 Vol.72 No.7

        This study was conducted to alleviate the difficulty of teaching online physics experiments. To this end, five methods for teaching online physics experiments based on a literature review are summarized: experiments using simulations, experimental videos, remote experiments, experiments focusing on data analysis, and hands-on experiments at home. In this study, the advantages and disadvantages of these five online experimental methods and the conditions for effectively using online physical experiments are summarized. Therefore, the results of this study should be useful for teaching actual online physical experiments. Although this study was initiated because of complete online education caused by COVID-19, online physics learning should continue to expand in ordinary learning situations. Therefore, the results of this study can be meaningfully used even after the COVID-19 pandemic. 본 연구는 온라인 물리실험 지도의 어려움을 돕기 위해 수행되었다. 이를 위해 문헌조사를 통해 가능한 온라인 실험지도 방안을 다음 5가지로 정리하였다: 시뮬레이션을 이용한 실험, 실험 비디오, 원격실험, 데이터 분석 중심의 실험, 가정에서의 직접 실험. 본 연구에서는 5가지 온라인 물리실험 방법의 장점들과 단점을 정리하고, 효과적인 활용을 위한 조건들을 제안하였다. 따라서 본 연구결과은 실제 온라인 실험지도에 유용하게 활용될 것으로 본다. 본 연구는 COVID-19에 의한 전면적인 비대면 수업 때문에 시작되었으나, 미래에는 일상적인 학습 상황에서도 온라인 물리학습이 계속 확대될 것으로 예상되므로, COVID-19 상황이 종료된 후에도 본 연구결과는 의미있게 활용될 수 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        기계공학 분야 실험교육 현황과 향상방안

        원윤재(Yun-Jae Won) 한국공학교육학회 2011 공학교육연구 Vol.14 No.4

        In this paper, the present state of the experiments in the mechanical engineering education is analyzed and the improving methods of the experimental education are presented. Data at twelve universities are collected. In spite of the general understanding of the importance of the experiments, the portion of the experiments is less than 10%. It shows the need to increase the experiments. Experiments for basic mechanics are fairly well performed, but experiments for applied subjects would be strengthened. Several improving methods such as systematic support for experiments, use of the exclusive assistants for experiments, and so on are discussed.

      • KCI등재

        피드백 연결 과정을 활용한 중국인 중고급 학습자의 단모음 오류 분석

        조양 ( Cao Yang ),유환일 ( Liu Huanyi ) 한말연구학회 2023 한말연구 Vol.64 No.28

        The purpose of this study is to elucidate the patterns of monophthong examination exhibited by intermediate and advanced Chinese learners during the 'feedback link' process and propose a closed-circle error analysis methodology. This research centers around 'self-perception experiments' and comprehensively analyzes the learners' perception of their own speech by supplementing general perception experiments and listening experiments, where native speakers evaluate the learners' speech. The results showed that in the general perception experiments, Chinese learners, regardless of their proficiency levels, demonstrated the lowest accuracy rates for /ə/ and /o/, which significantly differed from other monophthongs. Moreover, more error patterns were observed for /o/. Through this, it was possible to find that there is an overlap of the perceptual category of /o/ with other monophthongs in the monophthong system of Chinese learners. In the self-perception experiments, significant differences were found among proficiency levels only for the monophthong /u/, with advanced learners exhibiting higher accuracy rates. This suggests that advanced Chinese learners displayed greater sensitivity to /u/ in the feedback process compared to intermediate learners. The significant differences in the accuracy of monophthong /u/ observed in the listening experiments based on the proficiency levels of Chinese learners could be explained by the previous findings. In the self-perception experiments, Chinese learners, regardless of their proficiency levels, particularly showed significant differences and high sensitivity in perceiving the monophthong /o/ compared to other monophthongs. Therefore, it can be concluded that Chinese learners, regardless of their proficiency levels, face considerable difficulty in learning /o/ rather than /ə/, emphasizing their categorical perception over pronunciation. Additionally, the significant difference observed for the monophthong /ə/ in the listening experiments, despite not showing such differences among proficiency levels, can be attributed to the discriminative abilities between neighboring monophthongs /o/ and /u/, with the advanced learners' discriminative ability for /u/ playing a crucial role.

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