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      • KCI등재

        유고슬라비아의 해체와 신 민족 소수자 집단의 출현

        고이코식 마티아즈(Gojko?ek, Matja?),정문수(Jeong, Moon-Soo),정진성(Chung, Chin-Sung) 한국해양대학교 국제해양문제연구소 2017 해항도시문화교섭학 Vol.0 No.17

        이 논문은 1991년 유고슬라비아 해체에 따라 하루아침에 국민의 신분에서 민족 소수자 집단으로 전락한 구 유고슬라비아 국민들에 관한 연구이다. 이 주제에 접근하기 위한 방안으로 필자들은 공간적 범위를 슬로베니아로 국한하고, 다양한 민족 소수자 집단이 거주라는 이스트리아 해안에 위치한 코페르를 연구필드로 선택하였다. 신 민족 소수자 집단은 유고슬라비아 국민국가 형성과정에서 발행한 구 민족 소수자 집단과 구별하기 위해 필자들이 선택한 용어이다. 슬로베니아에서 민족 소수자 집단은 구 민족 소수자 집단과 신 민족 소수자 집단 순으로 서열화되어 있으며, 구 민족 소수자 집단은 이탈리아인과 헝가리인, 그 다음에 집시 순으로, 신 민족 소수자 집단은 크로아티아인, 그 다음에 마케도니아인과 몬테네그로인, 그 다음에 보스니아인과 세르비안인, 최종적으로 알바니아인 순으로 서열화된 이유를 규명하였다. 해항도시 코페르의 필드연구를 토대로 다음과 같은 결론을 도출하였다. 첫째, 코페르에서의 신 민족 소수자 집단의 서열화는 슬로베니아 일반의 상황과 비슷하다는 것을 확인하였다. 둘째, 구직, 신앙 활동, 모국어 사용과 교육을 포함한 일상에서의 차별 여부와 관련하여 코페르의 신 민족 소수자 집단은 차별을 거의 느끼지 못하는 것으로 파악하였다. 이는 슬로베니아에서의 일반적인 상황과는 다르다. 필자들은 이러한 현상이 해항도시의 사회적 특성에 기인한 것이라는 점을 확인하였다. 셋째, 언론에서의 차별, 문화 정체성 보전을 위한 재정 지원의 차별 여부, 정치적 대변을 포함한 법적·제도적 차별 여부와 재원 배분의 차별여부와 관련해서 코페르의 신 민족 소수자 집단의 상황은 슬로베니아 전국의 상황과 크게 다르지 않다는 것을 확인하였다. 최종적으로 신 민족 소수자 집단의 법적·제도적 차별과 재원 배분의 차별을 해소하기 위해서는 정치적 대변이 가장 중요하며, 그 해결책을 제안하였다. This article is a study on the people of the former Yugoslavia, who lost their sole common national identity and fell into a number of different national minorities in one day according to the dissolution of Yugoslavia in 1991. To approach this topic, Koper has been chosen as a research field, with a spatial range limited to Slovenia, where a diverse ethnic minorities are residing on the coast of Istria. The new ethnic minorities are a term that contrasts with a group of ethnic minorities in the formation process of Yugoslavian national states. In Slovenia, ethnic minorities are ranked in order of old ethnic minorities and new ethnic minorities. The old or autochthonous minorities are not only ranked as Italians, Hungarians, and Roma, but also the new ethnic minorities are ranked as Croatians, then the Macedonians and the Montenegrins, then the Bosnians, the Serbians, and finally the Albanians Following conclusions has been drawn based on the field study of the seaport city of Koper. First, the rank order of the new ethnic minorities in Koper is similar to the situation in Slovenia. Second, in relation to discrimination in daily life, including job opportunity, faith activities, and the use and education of mother language, Koper"s new ethnic minorities don"t feel very discriminated. This is different from the general situation in Slovenia. The authors have confirmed that this phenomenon is due to the social characteristics of the seaport city. Third, regarding to the discrimination in the media, the legal and institutional discrimination, including the distribution for funding, the situation of the new ethnic minorities in Koper is not so different from the situation in the whole country. Finally, in order to resolve the discrimination between the legal and institutional discrimination and the allocation of resources among the new ethnic minorities, political representation is the most important solution and it was proven in this article.

      • KCI등재

        러시아의 소수민족 정책과 한계

        김혜진 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2012 국제지역연구 Vol.16 No.1

        Russia has approximately 180 ethnic groups. Included in this number are various ethnic minorities - the population of which is not over 50,000 in Northern regions. The Russian government is focusing attention on the destiny of their ethnic minorities and working to protect their rights and interests. Also, in conjunction with this ethnic movement wave, ethnic minorities themselves are speaking upon their own matters. The purpose of this paper is first to examine the current situation of ethnic minorities and the Russian policy toward them as well as to note the struggle of these minorities for their own survival and protection of their traditional economic activities and indigenous territory. This paper argues that the various laws and regulations for ethnic minorities have a myriad of problems such as lack of consistency, contradiction between the ethnic laws and other federal laws and so on. It reveals that the current policy has a vague criteria for the identification of ethnic minorities which includes the ethnic subgroups in the official list of ethnic minorities in Russia. This criteria leads many other ethnic groups to ask the government to accept them as official ethnic minorities. 러시아는 180여개의 민족을 가진 대표적인 다민족 국가이다. 그러나 1억 4천만 명 가량의 전체 인구 중 러시아인이 차지하는 비율은 80%에 이른다. 그 나머지 20%는 다양한 민족들이 차지하고 있는데, 그 중에서도 5만 명 이하의 인구를 가진 민족들을 소수민족이라고 칭한다. 러시아 정부는 자국 내 소수민족 범주를 재정립하고 이들의 보호를 위한 대책을 마련하고 있다. 러시아 정부가 소수민족과 관련된 여러 법안들을 채택했다는 사실은 정부가 그들의 고유영토와 자치에 대한 정당한 권리를 인정해 주고 있다는 것을 알 수 있다. 러시아의 소수민족 정책은 소수민족들의 정치, 경제, 사회문화적 측면에서 여러 권리를 보장하려는 목적을 가지고 있지만, 그 법적인 근거가 마련된 지 많은 시간이 흐른 지금에도 다른 법들과의 충돌, 개정 전후의 일관성 부족, 무효력성 등 여전히 많은 논란과 한계를 가지고 있다. 소수민족에 대한 국가적인 지원과 각종 혜택은 소수민족과 같은 영토에 사는 다른 민족들의 입장에서는 역차별이라는 논란을 낳기도 했으며, 소수민족들의 정체성 교체라는 새로운 문제를 야기했다. 국가의 소수민족 정책은 여러 문제점과 논쟁점들을 낳았지만, 분명 소수민족들의 정체성 강화와 그로 인한 소수민족 보호에 일조하고 있음은 틀림없는 사실이다. 여러 민족들이 소수민족들로 인정받기를 원하는 지금, 러시아는 소수민족 정책수립에 있어 면밀한 검토와 점검의 과제를 안고 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 민족구역자치법의 주요내용과 문제점

        손영기,이정향 가천대학교 법학연구소 2013 가천법학 Vol.6 No.1

        중국은 56개 민족으로 이루어진 다민족 국가이다. 현재 56개 민족 가운데 한족(漢族)이 절대다수를 차지하고 있으며, 한족을 제외한 나머지 55개 민족들은 모두 1억1천379만 명 남짓한 8%에 불과하기 때문에 관습상 55개 민족들을 가리켜 소수민족(少數民族)이라고 부른다. 그러나 소수민족들이 점유하고 있는 면적을 모두 더하면 중국 전체 면적의 64%나 되며, 특히 이들 지역에 매장되어 있는 많은 지하자원의 경제적 가치와 변방이라는 특수성 때문에 중국 정부로부터 줄곧 관심을 받아오고 있다.중국의 소수민족정책은 중화인민공화국이 성립되기 직전 1949년 9월 29일 전국인민정치협상회의 제1기 전체회의에서 통과된 <중국인민정치협상회의 공동강령(中國人民政治協商會議共同綱領)>의 근거를 시작으로 1954년 제정된 최초의 <헌법>에서 같은 내용을 규정하였고, 1982년 개정된 <헌법>에서는 “중화인민공화국 각 민족은 모두 평등하다. 국가는 각 소수민족의 합법적 권리와 이익을 보장하고, 각 소수민족의 평등, 단결, 상호협조 관계를 유지하고 발전시킨다. 어떠한 민족의 차별과 억압을 금지하고, 민족단결을 파괴하고 민족분열을 조장하는 행위를 금지한다.”라고 규정했다. 이러한 규정은 중국 정부의 소수민족 문제에 대한 원칙적 입장과 정책이 소수민족에 대한 민족차별을 금지하고 각 민족 간의 평등과 단결을 실시하는 정책임을 제시하고 있다. 그러나 무엇보다도 소수민족정책을 법률적으로 제도화 한 것은 1952년 2월 통과된 <민족구역자치실시강요(民族區域自治實施綱要)>를 기초로 하여 1984년 5월 제정된 <민족구역자치법(民族區域自治法)>이라 할 수 있다. <민족구역자치법>은 중국 소수민족자치지역의 정치, 경제, 문화 등 각 영역의 발전을 추진하는데 원동력이 되었을 뿐만 아니라 민족 간의 평등, 단결, 상호협조 등을 통해 새로운 사회주의적 민족관계를 형성하는데 토대를 마련했다.따라서 1949년 중화인민공화국 성립직전부터 현재에 이르기까지 국가의 공존을 위해 “하나의 중국(只有一個中國)”이라는 소수민족정책을 기반으로 제정된 <민족구역자치법>에 대한 주요 내용과 문제점 등을 구체적으로 짚어봄으로써 중국의 소수민족정책을 이해하는 데 필요한 또 다른 시각이 될 수 있을 것이라 기대해 본다. China, with its 56 different ethnic groups, is a unified multi-ethnic country. The Han Chinese (汉族) represents the absolute majority of China’s population, and the remaining 55 minority groups accumulate with approximately 114million people which takes8 percent of the Chinese population. Though, these so called “ethnic minorities” are highly outnumbered by the Han Chinese (汉族), they yet occupy 64 percent of the national territory, especially on the border areas, most of which are rich in natural resources. Therefore, Chinese government has always been sensitive towards ethnic related issues and the possible cause of antagonism.However, since the late 1980s, secessionist movements have frequently occurred in Tibet and Xinjiang area. Unlike Soviet Union, and some other Eastern European countries, it did not cause separation but led “ethnic minority friendly” policies. Moreover, the policies carried out by the Chinese government directly gave impact on the development of socialist market economy of China and political stability. The acknowledgement of ethnic minorities by law is by no means a new concept for Chinese Authorities. Even before the founding of PRC(People’s Republic of China), the Common Program of CPPCC(Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; held in 29 September, 1949) set a keystone for enactment of laws gearing toward the ethnic minorities. The first Constitution, enacted in 1954 also retains regulations related to the former. Furthermore, through the revised Constitution, China declared that, “every ethnic in PRC are all equal, a nation guarantees the legitimate rights and interest of each minority, sustaining, and further developing the equality, solidarity, and mutual cooperation of minority ethnics. Any kind of ethnic discrimination or act of breaking ethical unity is there by forbidden.”This regulation clearly presented Chinese government’s policy principles toward ethnic minorities- against ethnical discrimination and emphasizing equality and unity between different ethnic groups. Nevertheless, the ultimate impetus to promote Chinese ethnic minorities’ equality, unity, and mutual cooperation, was the enactment of The Regional National Autonomy Region Law in May, 1983. It laid basis for new socialist ethnical relationships.To align the “social reality” with to the fundamental changes caused by the economic reform, and the western development policy in the late 1990s, in 2001 certain amendments were made in the Constitution. Now the Constitution consists of 74 provisions of Chapter 7 related to the ethnic minority law. Thus, The Regional National Autonomy Law is a basic legal system that regulates and solves problems of ethnic minorities.Last but not least, the Chinese minority law would be progressive on governing minorities not in uniform but with more diversified ways which will lead to a new socialist ethnic relations.

      • KCI등재

        중국 소수민족자치현에 있어서의 소수민족비율과 지리적, 경제적 특징들

        송재두 ( Song Jeado ) 한국외국어대학교 중국연구소 2016 中國硏究 Vol.69 No.-

        Ethnic minority autonomous counties are not evenly scattered but concentrated in western region in China, while only few of them are located in eastern and north-eastern region. Ethnic minority autonomous counties in western and central region show high percentage of ethnic minority, while those of other regions show low percentage. Ethnic minority autonomous counties of high percentage of ethnic minority are, in a rough way, located at inter-country or inter-region border. Mineral resources such as iron, coal, copper, bauxite, natural gas, tin, zinc, mercury, and antimony are buried in ethnic minority autonomous counties. Rare earth and petroleum, however, are not buried in the counties. Ethnic minority autonomous counties in Wingui Highlands and Jiangnan Hilly Districts of southern region have plenty of water resources. Growth rate of GDP, GDP per capita and fixed assets investment in ethnic minority autonomous counties is higher than that of China. The growth and investment is focused only in the autonomous counties that show low percentage of minority. Budget deficit is extrinsic to percentage of minority, but local governments of ethnic minority autonomous counties are making use of budget deficit for their economic growth.

      • KCI등재후보

        Chinese Government’s Ethnic Minorities Policy and TERRORISM: Focusing on Uyghur s Separation-Independence Movement

        Sungtaek Cho J-INSTITUTE 2021 International Journal of Human & Disaster Vol.6 No.2

        Purpose: The reality is that ethnic conflicts exist in a multi-ethnic society. After the Cold War, the issue of ethnic identity and discrimination, which had been suppressed under the socialist system, was rapidly highlighted, and national division began. However, from the perspective of a dominant nation seeking international status as a powerful nation, the separation of ethnic minorities is considered a crisis of national dissolution, so it tries to thoroughly prevent the separation of minorities. In this process, terrorism occurs and government control and pressure become intense. This phenomenon is considered in this paper. Method: Under the socialist system, the Soviet Union and China have controlled multi-ethnic societies with ideology. However, after the Cold War, an independent state began to be established as a wave of separatist nationalism spread in Eastern Europe, including Russia. China has implemented a strengthened one China policy to nip this phenomenon in the bud at home. In particular, it sought to undermine separatist nationalism against the Uyghurs and Tibetans. We examine China s strategy for ethnic minorities and Uyghur s resistance from a historical perspective. Results: Xinjiang is a geopolitical important area. The Chinese government wants to defend against potential Western threats by controlling the region. Some extremist groups of ethnic minorities are also implementing multidimensional policies to fundamentally block armed struggles and attempts to carry out terrorism for secession. The politics of suppression of minorities will continue for the time being because it is not easy to dismantle the cultural and religious identity of minorities. Conclusion: It is a matter that cannot be coerced into assimilating minorities by a dominant ethnic group. If there is no prerequisite for recognizing ethnic differences and policies for national reconciliation, a coercive system will only produce conflict. To ensure that terrorism is not a means of expressing resistance to discrimination, imperial political behavior must be abandoned.

      • KCI등재


        원숙화 한중법학회 2022 中國法硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        The scattered distribution of ethnic minorities in China has increasingly deepened, and the protection of the rights and interests of scattered ethnic minority has become more and more important. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China has implemented the system of regional national autonomy, and has gradually formed a system of national laws, including Constitution, the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, departmental laws, administrative regulations and local rules, as well as autonomous regulations and separate regulations. In order to ensure the equal status of the scattered ethnic minorities, the measures safeguarding scattered ethnic minorities have been stipulated for the election of deputies to the National People's Congress, the right to perform official duties, the right to equal employment, the right to operate, the right to use spoken and written language, the right to education, customs and religious beliefs in the three aspects of politics, economy and culture. However, there are still some problems to be solved in the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities. For example, the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities is not clear; The provisions of local regulations on the protection measures for the rights of local scattered ethnic minorities are simply restated or transformed from the provisions of the upper law, which is failed to formulate corresponding measures according to the actual situation of this place, so the operability is not strong. In order to better protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, we should strengthen the legislative work of local regulations related to the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, improve the operability of rights protection measures. At the same time, formulate a special law on the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities to unify the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities, and clarify the minimum standards or directions for the formulation of measures to protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities.. 中国少数民族分布散居化日益深化,散居少数民族权利保障问题越发 重要. 中国自建国以来实行民族区域自治制度,逐步形成了以宪法为根本 法,以民族区域自治法为基本法的包括各部门法、行政法规、地方性法 规和规章以及自治条例和单行条例在内的民族法体系. 为保障散居少数民 族平等地位,在政治、经济、文化等三个方面,针对人大代表选举、公 务担任权、就业平等权、经营权、语言文字使用权、受教育权、风俗习 惯与宗教信仰等七项权利规定了相关保障措施. 但是散居少数民族权利保 障工作还存在一些问题. 如对散居少数民族概念的界定不明确,地方性法 规对本地方散居少数民族的权利保障措施规定存在简单复述或转换上位 法的规定,没有做到根据本地方实际情况制定相应措施等. 为了更好地保 障散居少数民族的权利,应当强化散居少数民族权利保障相关地方性法 规立法工作,提高权利保障措施的可操作性,同时制定专门的《散居少 数民族权利保障法》,统一界定散居少数民族概念,明确散居少数民族 权利保障措施的最低标准和方向.

      • KCI등재

        중국 산거(散居) 소수민족 권리 보장에 관한 연구

        원숙화,박성민 한중법학회 2022 中國法硏究 Vol.49 No.-

        The scattered distribution of ethnic minorities in China has increasingly deepened, and the protection of the rights and interests of scattered ethnic minority has become more and more important. Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China has implemented the system of regional national autonomy, and has gradually formed a system of national laws, including Constitution, the Law on Regional Ethnic Autonomy, departmental laws, administrative regulations and local rules, as well as autonomous regulations and separate regulations. In order to ensure the equal status of the scattered ethnic minorities, the measures safeguarding scattered ethnic minorities have been stipulated for the election of deputies to the National People's Congress, the right to perform official duties, the right to equal employment, the right to operate, the right to use spoken and written language, the right to education, customs and religious beliefs in the three aspects of politics, economy and culture. However, there are still some problems to be solved in the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities. For example, the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities is not clear; The provisions of local regulations on the protection measures for the rights of local scattered ethnic minorities are simply restated or transformed from the provisions of the upper law, which is failed to formulate corresponding measures according to the actual situation of this place, so the operability is not strong. In order to better protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, we should strengthen the legislative work of local regulations related to the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities, improve the operability of rights protection measures. At the same time, formulate a special law on the protection of the rights of scattered ethnic minorities to unify the definition of the concept of scattered ethnic minorities, and clarify the minimum standards or directions for the formulation of measures to protect the rights of scattered ethnic minorities. 중국 소수민족의 분산 거주화가 날로 심화되어 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장문제가 갈수록 중요해지고 있다. 중국은 건국 이래 민족 구역 자치 제도를 실시하여 점차 헌법을 근본법으로 하고 민족구역자치법을 기본법으로 하는 각부서법, 행정 법규, 지방 법규와 규정, 자치조례와 단행 조례가 포함된 민족법체계를 형성하였다. 산거 소수민족의 평등한 지위를 보장하기 위해 정치, 경제, 문화 등 3개 방면에서 인민대표대회 대표 선거, 공무담임권, 취업 평등권, 경영권, 언어문자 사용권, 교육권, 풍속 습관 및 종교 신앙 등 7가지 권리에대하여 관련 보장 조치를 규정하였다. 그러나 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장에는일부 문제가 있다. 예를 들면, 산거 소수민족 개념의 정의가 명확하지 않고, 지방성 법규는 본 지방 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장 조치에 대한 규정에 간단히복창하거나 상위법을 전환하는 문제가 존재하며, 해당 지역의 실정에 맞는 대응책 등을 마련하지 못하고 있다. 산거 소수민족의 권리를 더 잘 보장하기 위해서는 산거 소수민족의 권리 보장과 관련된 지방성 법규 입법 업무를 강화해야 하고, 권리 보장 조치의 조작성을 높이는 한편, 「산거 소수민족 권익 보장법」을 제정하여, 산거 소수민족 개념을 통일적으로 정의하고, 산거 소수민족권리 보장 조치의 최소 기준과 방향을 명확히 해야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        중국 비(非)-한족(漢族) 영화 연구를 위한 논의들

        임대근 한국중문학회 2011 中國文學硏究 Vol.42 No.-

        There are two tendencies in Chinese film after Kekexili(可可西裏, 2004) directed by Chuan Lu(陸川): one is minor ethnic film, another is documentary. These tendencies remind us of Root-Seeking Literature(尋根文學) syndrome in the mid-1990s. The Root-Seeking Literature was recognized that had influences on the Fifth Generation films, however, those films had devoted some ways otherization(objectification) of minor ethnics. Therefore, we can say the most conservative tendency among the wide spectrums of Chinese minor ethnic films today is the extension of the Fifth Generation film. However, at the same time, some other films are making a new viewpoint and position. Chinese minor ethnic film has gone through the four periods since 1905: the first was ``exclusion`` from 1905 to 1949, the second was aggressive ``identification`` from 1949 to 1976, the third was passive subjectifying, and the last is the period of vitality today after the mid-2000. This study is trying to call Chinese minor ethnic the non-Han ethnic, and Chinese minor ethnic film the non-Han ethnic film. It explains three premises of the argument: first, the studies on minority has depended on achievements of cultural studies and post-colonialism, therefore it is very important that reveals falsity of some ways Han ethnic centrism deals with minor ethnics; second, we should consider the concept of ``minor ethnic film`` as an argument, and discuss availability of the concept of ``films representing minor ethnic`` for avoiding some confusions and colonial hierarchies of ``ethnic film``(sometimes it is misunderstood for ``national film``), or ``minor ethnic material film`` etc; third, the socio-cultural contexts of Chinese minor ethnics could resist colonial power relationship are different from the other minorities, because they are not only qualitative minority but quantitative minority. It is a problem comes from original politics of the concept of ``minor ethnic``; fourth, we raise the concept of non-Han ethnic with the way decontextualizing the naming of ``minor ethnic``. (1) It can bring in a possibility that exists other ethnics exempted from official approval by Chinese government, denying the hystoricity of the concept of ``minor ethnic``. (2) It also can bring in non-Han and many ethnics, reconsidering situation that unify internal differences by the concept of ``minor ethnic``. (3) It can deny that the quantitative significant own premise a power relationship as the concept ``minor`` in ``minor ethnic`` represents ``quantitative`` layer, and the opposite could be ``majority ethnic``. Finally, this study sets four categories for discussion Chinese ``non-Han ethnic`` film. First, the language of ``non-Han ethnic`` films: we should argue (self-) colonialization through identification of language, discussing the problem of post-colonial. Second, the capital and the nationality of ``non-Han ethnic`` films: we can find out the identity of coloniality of those films, looking for the capital roots of films, and it is also related to nationality. Third, scapes of ``non-Han ethnic`` films: it would be a problem the layers on otherization(objectification), exhibition, representation, reconstruction, and problematizations. Fourth, the identity of ``non-Han ethnic`` films: there are two ways included the identities ``non-Han ethnic`` films representing or reconstructing, and the identity itself as minority films.

      • KCI등재후보

        중국 소수민족 정책에 대한 SWOT분석

        전일욱 사단법인 한국평화연구학회 2009 평화학연구 Vol.10 No.4

        The change and the key contents of Chinese policy on the minorities are analyzed using SWOT method. The Chinse policy on the minorities was changed greatly after the establishment of the People's Republic of China. Before the establishment, the government was willing to allow independence of the minorities in the future. However, after the People's Republic of China was established, the policy of allowing independence of the minorities dwindled to Ethnic Autonomous Area system. From Year 1975 to Year 1978, the minority policy was changed to Ethnic Integration policy. Currently, it is changed to Ethnic Autonomous Area system again. The analysis result of SWOT shows that the strength factors of Chinese policy on the minorities are equalitarianism, conservation of tradition and culture for the minorities, and priority on the minorities. The weakness factors are '과계민족(?) and the resistance of Han Chinese. The opportunity factors are enlargement of reformation and openness, and co-prosperity. Lastly, the threat factors are political instability and gap between regions. Accordingly, the Ethnic Autonomous Area system, which the Chinese communists hold to solve the problem on Chinese minorities, can be regarded as Ethnic Appeasement policy. Also, the policy is a necessary and realistic approach for Chinese to step forward under the socialist state. If the policy is consolidated, the many minorities can be assimilated. Hence, in the long view the policy can be evaluated as Ethnic Assimilation policy. 중국소수민족 정책의 변화과정과 중요 내용을 SWOT분석을 통하여 정책이 가지고 있는 강점요인과 약점요인, 그리고 기회요인과 위협요인을 분석해 보았다. 중국의 소수민족정책은 중화인민공화국 성립 이전과 이후가 완전히 다르다. 즉 건국이전에는 국민당정부와의 관계 때문에 중국 내 소수민족들에게 미래에 분리 독립할 수 있는 권리까지 허용하겠다는 매우 파격적인 ‘분리 독립 인정정책’을 가지고 있었다. 그러나 건국이후 소수민족정책은 ‘민족구역 자치제도’로 축소되었다. 그 후 정치적 혼란기인 1957년부터 1978년까지는 ‘흡수통합정책’으로 급변하게 된다. 현재는 다시 ‘민족구역 자치정책’으로 재정립하고 변화 진행되고 있음을 알 수 있었다. SWOT분석결과는 중국소수민족정책의 강점요인으로 평등주의 요소와 소수민족 우선주의 요소 그리고 각 소수민족의 전통문화 보존요소를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 약점요인으로는 과계민족 요소와 한족에 대한 저항요소를 가지고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 기회요인은 개혁개방 확대요소와 공동번영요소를 가지고 있었다. 마지막으로 위협요인으로는 정치 불안요소와 지역 간 격차요소가 있음을 알 수 있었다. 따라서 중국공산당이 중국소수민족문제를 해결하기 위해 가지고 있는 ‘민족구역 자치정책’은 ‘민족유화정책’이라고 평가할 수 있다. 즉 통일국가를 공고히 한다는 점과 지속적인 국가발전을 가능하게 한다는 점에서는 효율적인 정책으로 평가할 수 있다. 또한 다원일체로 구성된 중화민족이 사회주의 조건하에서 더욱 높은 단계로 발전하기 위해서도 필요한 정책이자 현실적인 정책으로 볼 수 있다. 다만. 이것이 공고하게 되면 많은 소수민족이 동화될 수 있다. 따라서 장기적으로 보면 ‘민족동화정책’이라고 평가 할 수도 있다.

      • KCI등재

        문화중국의 타자, 중국 소수민족의 정체성

        임춘성 한국중국현대문학학회 2010 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.54

        This study concentrates on the identity of Chinese minor ethnic as the other of culture China. The identity of Chinese minor ethnic is consisted of the relation with Han ethnic. Han ethnic(漢族), which occupied 94% of population, and Chinese nation(中華國族) and China(state) are the ‘Other’ that have named and summoned the minor ethnic. In fact, 55 minor ethnics were historically distinguished by Han ethnic―Chinese nation―China. The Chinese minor ethnic has the plural identities. One is in conflict with Han ethnic identity, the other is included in Chinese nation's identity. The problem is, Chinese nation's identity is mainly consisted of Han ethnic identity, as a result the minor ethnic identity is located on the periphery of Chinese nation's identity. Therefore, in the view of nation-state, minor ethnic identity is the ultimate target of integration. In this spot, there are two kinds of nation, the political nation and the cultural nation. In the political nation, the nation claims to be neutral about the right, power and culture of all ethnics, try to make enormous whole which compromise all. On the contrary, the cultural nation is consisted of the people with the same language, life style, history, hometown, enhance the power of the ethnic myth. Two kinds of nation is contradictory. Because the real politics oppress the cultural nation and support the political nation, there has been a long-standing conflict between Han ethnic and minor ethnics. For the sake of investigation into the minor ethnic identity, we have to make a vision of ‘culture China’ which oppress the political nation and support the cultural nation and dissolve the mechanism of marginalization and othernization. This study is a part of “Identity of Ethnic Minority and Cultural Politics Represented in Chinese Ethnic Minority Films in Post-socialism China”.

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