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        중국의 국가긴급권

        백윤철(Baek, Yun-Chul),정성범(Chung, Sung-Bum) 한국토지공법학회 2015 土地公法硏究 Vol.68 No.-

        2003년 원인불명의 폐렴으로서 SARS가 아시아를 중심으로 창궐하였다. 2002년 11월 광동성 부쓰잔시(仏山市)에서 발생한 병이 최초의 것이라고 하지만, 그 이후 2003년 7월 종식될 때까지 중국 국내뿐만 아니라 세계 29개의 나라·지역으로 확대되었고, 감염자 수는 8,098명, 사망자는 774명에 이르렀다. 이러한 사태를 일으켰던 원인의 하나로 중국 정부의 초동조치 지연을 들 수 있다. 중국에서는 이것을 계기로 돌발사건이 발생한 경우에 대한 위기관리의 중요성이 인식되었고, 응급대처, 위기관리의 체제의 정비를 진행하는 것이 국가의 중요한 과제로 되었다. 2004년 3월 헌법 개정 시에는 긴급사태에 관한 규정을 헌법에 두었으며, 2005년부터 2006 년 1월 사이에는 국가돌발 공공사건 종합응급대책계획을 시작하여 몇 가지의 응급대책계획의 제정, 공포가 행해지는 등 정비가 시작되었다. 2006년 6월에는 응급대응의 전면적인 강화에 관한 국무원의 의견이 공포되어 제11차 5개년 계획기(2006년∼2010년)에 실시할 것을 목표로 하여 각 지역, 업계, 단체 등을 포함하는 응급대책계획의 체계를 구축할 것, 응급 대응체제의 구축, 돌발사건의 방지조치, 돌발사건에 대한 대처능력의 향상, 관련 법령의 정비 등을 행할 것 등 구체적인 24개 항목이 언급되었다. 그 후의 응급대책계획의 책정의 움직임에 눈부신 변화가 있었고, 2006년 말까지 책정된 응급대책계획의 총 건수는 135만건, 2010년에는 240 만건이 되었다. 한편 법제정비에 관해서는 헌법 개정과 동시에 긴급사태법의 제정이 제10기 전국 인민대표 대회 입법계획에 편입되어 이루어졌다. 그러나 긴급사태법의 제정준비는 진행되었지만 이 법률은 제정되지 않았고, 돌발사건에 대한 대처를 정한 돌발사건 대응법이 2007년 8월 30일 제10기 전국 인민대표대회 상무위원회 제29회 회의에서 채택, 같은 날 공포를 거쳐 같은 해 11월 1일 시행되었다. 중국에서는 자연재해에 관한 법률은 지진, 홍수 등 개별적 재해에 대한 방어와 대처를 주로 한 개별 법률이 정해져 있지만, 재해대책법, 재해구조법 등의 기본법은 정해져 있지 않다. 그러나 돌발사건대응법은 자연재해만을 대상으로 한 법률은 아니지만 자연재해를 포함한 돌발사건의 대응을 정한 기본법으로 되어 있다. 본 논문에서는 긴급사태에 관한 헌법의 규정, 돌발사건대응법의 제정경위 및 그 개요, 국가의 자연재해 구조 응급대책계획을 중심으로 응급대책계획에 관하여 논의를 전개했다. The SARS, an unexplained pneumonia, broke out in Asia in 2003. From the disease that occurred in Guangdong in November 2002, it was extended to 29 countries and regions in the world as well as in China until July 2003, reaching 8,098 infected and 774 dead toll. One of the causes of this was the delayed first response by the Chinese government. China became aware of the importance of risk management in the event of unforeseen events, and the maintenance of emergency response and risk management system became an important task of the state. The regulations regarding the emergency were added in the Constitution when there was constitutional amendment in March 2004. From the enactment of the state public emergency response plan, some of the emergency response plans were established and published from 2005 to January 2006. In June 2006, the opinion of the State Council on strengthening emergency response was announced for the goal of its implementation in the 11th five-year plan period (2006-2010), so that the establishment of a system covering each region, industry, and organization; protective measures; improvement of the emergency response; and maintenance of relevant laws and regulations were discussed mentioning 24 specific items. The movement of the subsequent development of emergency response plans was accelerated, amounting to 1.35 million by the end of 2006 and 2.4 million in 2010. In regard to the legal system maintenance, the establishment of the emergency law and the amendment of Constitution were incorporated to the 10th National People's Congress legislative plan. However, although the emergency law was prepared for the enactment, this law was not enacted. Then the emergency response law was adopted in the 29th annual meeting at the 10th National People's Congress Standing Committee in August 30, 2007, with its promulgation in November 1 of the same year. Although individual laws for the individual defense and measures such as earthquakes and floods were established in China, the fundamental law for disaster response and recovery was not determined yet. The emergency response law is not only for natural disasters, but is the basic law for the emergency including natural disasters. In this paper, the emergency measure planning is introduced around the provisions of the Constitution relating to emergency state, the overview of the enactment of emergency response law, and the state plan related to natural disaster relief emergency response.

      • 서울시 정신응급대응 현황조사 보고서(2022년)

        이중수,조연정,양선혜,김지영,이승연,이해우,나은진 서울시정신건강복지센터 2023 정신건강연구집 Vol.13 No.-

        • 조사목적: 본 조사는 서울지역 정신응급 데이터를 통해 정신응급 근거자료를 생성하고자 25개구 기초정신건강복지센터와 보건소, 서울경찰청 데이터를 기반으로 시행하였으며, 2022년 조사에서는 서울시 정신응급합동대응센터에서의 정신응급대응 현황이 추가되어 서울시의 24시간 정신응급대응 현황을 조사하고자 하였다. • 조사방법: 조사대상에 따라 별도 문항을 구성하여 조사하였다. 첫째, 정신응급 대응업무를 수행하고 있는 자치구 기초정신건강복지센터에 조사표를 발송하여 2022년 1월부터 2022년 12월까지의 정신응급대응 현황을 익월마다 서면 모니터링하였고, 둘째, 서울경찰청 생활질서계 정신질환자 보호조치부서에 2023년 4월 서면조사를 실시하여 2022년 연간 응급입원 모니터링 데이터를 수집하였다. 셋째, 서울시정신건강복지센터 데이터정보운영팀에서 실시한 ‘서울시 정신건강 관련 기관 및 서비스 현황조사’를 통해 자치구 보건소의 정신응급대응 업무 관련 현황을 파악하였으며, 넷째, 서울시 정신응급합동대응센터 개소 시점인 2022년 10월 17일부터 2022년 12월까지의 정신응급대응 실적을 분석하였다. • 조사결과: 2022년 연간 기초정신건강복지센터의 평일 주간 정신응급 출동 현황은 총 1,060건으로 ’21년 1,268건 대비 감소하였다. 출동 요청 기관 중 행정기관이 767건(72.4%)으로 가장 많으며, 그 중 경찰 요청이 655건(85.4%)으로 제일 높은 비율을 차지하고 있다. 이는 ’21년과 동일한 추세이다. 응급개입 소요시간은 평균 2시간 45분, 최장 9시간 18분이며, 1시간 이상~3시간 미만이 613건(57.8%)로 가장 많았다. 이는 작년 평균 소요시간 3.8시간보다 1.05시간 단축되었다. 전체 응급출동 건 중 출동인력 2인이 출동한 건수는 909건(85.8%)이며, 1인 출동의 경우도 151건(14.2%)으로 나타났다. 이는 ’21년 2인 출동인력 비중 83.1%보다 2.7% 상승한 수치이다. 개입 대상자는 남성(51.6%), 50대(24.3%), 건강보험(48.6%)이 많았으며, 정신건강 문제로는 조현병이 426건(40.2%), 기타 우울 225건(21.2%), 알코올 및 물질중독문제 194건(18.3%) 순으로 나타났다. 이 중 자살 문제가 있는 경우는 452건으로 42.6%를 차지한다. 이는 ’21년과 비교하였을 때 비중 차이가 다소 있으나 동일한 개입 대상자 특성 순 을 보이고있다. 정신건강복지센터 미등록 대상자인 경우가 843명(79.5%)로 높은 비율을 차지하고있 다. 정신응급 출동의 주요조치는 정보제공이 324건(30.6%), 응급입원 연계 214건(20.2%) 순으로 나타났다. 정신과적 입원연계 건은 총 436건으로 서울지역 내 입원된 건은 248건(56.9%), 서울 외 지역 입원연계 건은 186건(42.7%)로 조사되었으며 이는 ’21년과 비교하였을 때, 서울 내 입원 51.6% 대비5.3% 증가한 수치이다. 서울경찰청의 응급입원 모니터링 현황을 보면 정신응급 신고 건 중 응급입원건이 ’21년 881건에서 ’22년 1,162건으로 증가하였다. ’22년 1,162건 중 953건(82.0%)이 응급입원이 수용된 건으로 나타났는데 이는 ’21년 77.3% 대비 2.7% 높아진 수치이다. 응급입원 불가사유는 ’21년 진료 후 퇴원(137건, 68.5%) > 병상부족(33건, 16.5%) 주요원인으로 나타난 것에 비하여, ’22년에는 병상부족(68건, 32.5%) > 타 질환(48건, 23.0%) > 진료 후 퇴원(37건, 17.7%) 순으로 나타났다. 25개 자치구 보건소의 진단 및 보호신청 건은 2022년 한 해 741건, 외래치료지원제 청구 및 결정 건은 각 0건으로 조사되었다. 정신질환에 대한 치료비 지원은 ’21년 연인원 874명에서 ’22년 연인원 1,121명으로 247명 증가하였고, 주요 증가 요인은 발병초기 치료비의 연인원이 ’21년 대비 ’22년에 185명(65%) 상승하였고, 응급입원 치료비 지원 연인원은 ’21년 대비 ’22년에 135명(52%) 상승하였다. 서울시 24시간 정신응급대응 현황을 보면 2022년 주간(22.10.–22.12) 정신건강복지센터에 요청된 정신응급 의뢰는 252건, 야간 및 공휴일(22.10.17.-22.12.) 442건 총 694건으로, 의뢰 건수는 주간(252건)< 야간·공휴일(442건)으로 야간·공휴일에 의뢰 건수가 높게 나타났으나 출동 건수는 주간(114건) > 야간·공휴일(114건)으로 주간에 출동 건수가 높게 나타났다. 이는 328건 미출동 의뢰 중 전화 안내를 통한 ‘현장 자체처리’ 55.8%, ‘단순 보호조치대상자’ 37.5% 등 정신응급합동대응센터 전화 상담을 통한 현장 지원, 개입 대상이 아닌 경우들로서 이러한 이유로 야간 및 공휴일에는 의뢰 건수 대비 출동 건수가 낮은 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 월별로 평일 주간과 야간 및 공휴일의 출동 비중의 평균은 주간 6.5 : 야간·공휴일 3.5로 균일하게 나타나고 있다. 주간 응급개입소요시간은 3시간 미만인 경우가 132건(63.4%) 차지, 야간·공휴일에는 39건(34.2%)로 나타나고 있다. 주간보다 야간·공휴일에 개입 시간이 오래 걸리고 있음을 확인하였다. • 결론: 이번 조사를 통해 첫째, 정신응급대응 시 정신건강복지센터와 경찰의 협력 강화가 필요하다. 둘째, 외래치료 지원을 활성화할 수 있는 제도 및 환경이 마련되어야 한다. 셋째, 입원치료를 위한 정신과 병상 확보를 해야한다. 더하여 서울시 정신응급합동대응센터의 운영으로 공백 없는 24시간 정신응급 대응을 실현하고 있음을 확인하였고, 주간/야간·공휴일에 월 평균 6.5:3.5의 비중으로 출동이 진행되고 있으며, 주간보다 야간·공휴일에 개입 시간이 오래 걸리고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 서울시정신건강복지센터에서는 야간·주말의 정신응급 대응을 통해 정신응급 현황 정보를 축적하고 있으며 이를 기반으로 기관 간의 정신응급 대응체계 구축, 정신응급 대상자에 대한 정신건강 서비스 유입 방안 마련 등을 위한 노력을 지속할 예정이다. • 주요용어: 정신응급, 정신응급대응체계, 정신건강복지센터, 서울시 정신응급합동대응센터, 지역사회 정신응급대응 ▪Purpose: The survey was conducted using data from the local mental health welfare centers and public health centers of 25 districts and the Seoul Metropolitan Police agency. The primary objective was to gather evidence-based data on psychiatric emergencies in Seoul. In 2022, the survey expanded its scope to include the assessment of the psychiatric emergency response status at the newly established Seoul Psychiatric Emergency Response Center. This expansion allowed for a comprehensive examination of the 24-hour psychiatric emergency response system in Seoul. ▪Methods: Distinct questionnaires were developed for each survey subject. First, a survey sheet was dispatched to the local mental health centers in the districts responsible for psychiatric emergency response tasks. This involved monthly monitoring of the psychiatric emergency response status from January to December 2022. Second, a documentary survey on the Life Order Section of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, the department handling a protective action on a mental patient, in April 2023 to collect the annual emergency hospitalization monitoring data for 2022. Third, the currents status on the work on the psychiatric emergency response of community health centers of autonomous districts was identified through the ‘survey on the current state of mental health agencies and services in Seoul’ done by the Data & Information Management Team of the Seoul Mental Health and Welfare Center.. Fourth, we conducted an analysis of the performance of psychiatric emergency response, covering the period from October 17, 2022, when the Seoul Psychiatric Emergency Response Center opened, through December 2022. ▪Findings: In 2022, there were a total of 1,060 weekday psychiatric emergency calls made to local mental health centers, a decrease from the 1,268 calls received in 2021. Among the organizations making these requests, administrative bodies accounted for the largest share with 767 calls (72.4%), while the police made up the largest proportion, contributing 655 calls (85.4%). This trend closely mirrored that of 2021. The average duration of emergency interventions was 2 hours and 45 minutes, with the longest intervention extending to 9 hours and 18 minutes. A significant portion, 613 cases (57.8%), fell within the range of 1 to less than 3 hours. This average duration was notably 1.05 hours shorter than the previous year’s average of 3.8 hours. Of the total number of emergency calls, 909 (85.8%) received responses from a two-person crew, while 151 (14.2%) were attended to by a single individual. This marked a 2.7% increase from the previous year, where 83.1% of the responses were carried out by two-person teams. Regarding the characteristics of the individuals in need of intervention, a higher proportion were male (51.6%), in their 50s (24.3%), and possessed health insurance (48.6%). The mental health issues encompassed 426 cases of schizophrenia (40.2%), 225 cases of other forms of depression (21.2%), and 194 cases related to alcohol and drug addiction (18.3%). Notably, 452 cases were related to suicidal behaviors, accounting for 42.6% of the cases. This distribution exhibited a slight difference compared to 2021 but maintained similar intervention target characteristics. An important observation is that 843 cases (79.5%) were not registered at a mental health welfare center, indicating a significant portion of individuals in need of assistance were not previously engaged with such centers. The main actions taken by psychiatric emergency dispatch services were as follows: providing information in 324 cases (30.6%), initiating emergency hospitalization in 214 cases (20.2%), a total of 436 psychiatric hospitalizations were recorded, with 248 cases (56.9%) and 186 cases (42.7%) occurring in and outside of Seoul, respectively. This marked a 5.3% increase compared to the 51.6% hospitalization rate in Seoul in 2021. According to the Seoul Metropolitan Police agency’s monitoring of emergency hospitalizations, the number stemming from psychiatric emergency calls increased from 881 in 2021 to 1,162 in 2022. Of the 1,162 cases in 2022, 953 cases (82.0%) were approved for emergency hospitalization, reflecting a 2.7% increase from the 77.3% rate in 2021. The main reasons for emergency hospitalization shifted from discharge after treatment (137 cases, 68.5%) and a lack of available beds (33 cases, 16.5%) in 2021 to a lack of beds (68 cases, 32.5%), other conditions (48 cases, 23.0%), and discharge after treatment (37 cases, 17.7%) in 2022. In 2022, the number of diagnosis and protection applications at 25 borough health centers reached 741, while the number of claims and decisions within the outpatient treatment services was reported as 0. Significantly, treatment assistance for mental illness increased by 247 individuals, rising from 874 individuals in 2021 to 1,121 in 2022. The main increases were attributed to a rise of 185 individuals (65%) receiving initial treatment assistance from 2021 to 2022 and an increase of 135 individuals (52%) receiving emergency hospitalization assistance during the same period. In terms of Seoul’s 24-hour psychiatric emergency response status for 2022, the data revealed 252 psychiatric emergency referrals to mental health welfare centers during daytime hours (from October 10th to December 12th) and 442 referrals during nighttime hours and holidays (from October 17th to December). This added up to a total of 694 referrals. Interestingly, while the number of referrals was higher during the daytime (252) compared to nighttime and holidays (442), the number of dispatches showed a different trend. During the daytime, there were 114 dispatches, which was higher than the 114 dispatches during nighttime and holidays. The discrepancy in dispatch numbers was primarily due to the nature of the referrals. Among the 328 referrals that were not dispatched, 55.8% were related to “on-site self-treatment” through telephone guidance, and 37.5% were for “simple protective measures.” These cases did not qualify for on-site support or intervention through telephone consultation with the Seoul Psychiatric Emergency Response Center, resulting in fewer dispatches during nighttime and holidays. When examined on a monthly basis, the average ratio of dispatches on weekdays to those on nights and holidays was 6.5 for weekdays and 3.5 for nights and holidays. This indicated that more dispatches occurred during the daytime and on weekdays. Additionally, during the daytime, 132 emergency interventions (63.4%) required less than 3 hours, whereas during nighttime and holidays, 39 interventions (34.2%) took longer. This suggested that intervention times tended to be longer during nighttime and holidays compared to daytime hours. ▪Conclusions: The findings suggest that several key actions are required: First, there is a need to enhance collaboration between mental health welfare centers and the police for an improved response to psychiatric emergencies. Second, it is essential to establish a system and environment that facilitates outpatient treatment support for individuals facing mental health challenges. Third, efforts should be directed toward securing sufficient psychiatric beds for inpatient treatment to meet the demands of individuals in mental health crises. Furthermore, the Seoul Psychiatric Emergency Response Center effectively provides 24-hour mental emergency response without any gaps. Dispatches occur at a monthly average ratio of 6.5:3.5 during the day, night, and holidays, with intervention times being longer during nighttime and holidays compared to daytime hours. The Seoul Mental Health Center continues to accumulate information regarding the status of psychiatric emergencies during nighttime and weekends. Building on this data, the center plans to persist in its efforts to establish a comprehensive psychiatric emergency response system across agencies and develop a strategy to provide mental health services to those in need during psychiatric emergencies. ▪Keywords: psychiatric emergency, psychiatric emergency response system, mental health center, Seoul Psychiatric Emergency Response, community psychiatric emergency response

      • KCI등재

        정신과적 응급대응 현장출동 및 심리적 외상 실태연구

        박현숙(Hyunsook Park),김은아(Eunah Kim),이미령(Miryeong Lee) 사회복지정책실천회 2022 사회복지정책과 실천 Vol.8 No.3

        본 연구는 부산지역 정신건강복지센터를 중심으로 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동 경험 및 심리적 외상에 대한 실태를 파악하고 현장출동 인력의 업무수행을 위한 지원 방안을 제안하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위해 부산지역정신건강복지센터에서 근무하고 있으며 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동 경험이 있는 현장출동요원을 대상으로 실태조사를 실시하였으며 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동을 위한 준비 과정이부족한 상태에서 현장출동에 투입되는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동요원이 경험한 어려움 중 현장출동 관련 유관기관 담당자와의 업무 소통 및 관계가 가장 많은 비중을 차지하는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동요원의 정신건강은 심리적 외상의 차원에서 위험 수준으로 나타났다. 마지막으로 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동요원을 위한지원에 대해 요구도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 정신응급 대응체계 및 현장출동 인력 지원과 개선 방향에 대한 제안점은 다음과같다. 첫째, 정신건강복지센터의 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동에 대한 구체적인 실태조사가 체계적·정기적으로 이루어질 필요가 있다. 둘째, 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동을 위한 교육과 훈련 체계가 마련되어야 한다. 셋째, 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동요원들의 정신건강에 대한 개입 방안이 모색되어야 한다. 이를 위해 추후 현장출동요원의 경험에 대한 질적 연구와 훈련 및 교육과정 개발을 위한 후속연구가 필요하다. The purpose of this study is to identify the situation of psychiatric emergency response and psychological trauma focusing on the mental health welfare center in Busan, and to establish of support plan for performing manpower. To this end, a fact-finding survey was conducted targeting performing manpower who are working at the Mental Health Welfare Center in Busan and have experience in psychiatric emergency response. The main results of the study are as follows. First, first, it was found that the preparation process for psychiatric emergency response was insufficient, and they were put into the filed. Second, among the difficulties experienced by psychiatric emergency response performing manpower, it was found that communication and relationships with related organizations and personnel related operations. Third, the mental health of psychiatric emergency response performing manpower appeared to be at a risk level in terms of psychological trauma. Finally, the demand for support for psychiatric emergency response performing manpower was found to be high. Based on these results, the mental emergency response system and performing manpower are supported and suggestions for improvement are as follows. First, it is necessary to systematically and regularly conduct a detailed survey on the psychiatric emergency response. Second, an education and training system for psychiatric emergency response should be prepared. Third, an intervention plan for the mental health of psychiatric emergency response performing manpower should be sought. To this end, qualitative research on the experiences of field personnel and follow-up research for the development of training and education courses are needed.

      • Review of the Linkage Between Accident Management Plan and Radiation Emergency Plan

        Juyoul Kim,Hyeong-Ki Shin 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.2

        The correlation between accident management plan and radiation emergency plan of Shin-Kori Units 3 and 4 was compared and analyzed from the point of view of the adequacy of facilities, equipments, organization and manpower which are necessary for the related emergency response. It was found the equipment of accident management plan and emergency response facility of radiation emergency plan had different technical contents and scope of application, so there was no risk of mutual conflict and overlapping functions. However, since the accident impact assessment code in accident management plan and computer program of radiation emergency plan were different, it was necessary to ensure the agreement or linkage of the evaluation between them. When a radiation emergency is issued in accident management plan, the composition and mission of the accident response organization were mostly consistent with the contents of the radiation emergency plan, but some corrections and improvement items were identified. Accident management plan specified that the disaster response safety center belonged to the emergency operations facility (EOF), but the radiation emergency plan did not mention it at all. The main tasks of disaster response safety center were the movement, arrangement and connection of mobile emergency response facilities, on-site construction of other emergency response facilities, and on-site road restoration. According to the accident management plan, the movement, arrangement, and connection of mobile facilities (i.e., mobile generators, mobile pumps, multi-purpose communication relay facilities), which were considered very important for the prevention and mitigation of serious accidents, were under the supervision of the disaster response safety center. It was stipulated that the operation was carried out with the cooperation of a regular emergency organization, and that the start, operation and stop of mobile equipments were to be performed under the supervision of the emergency operation team supported by the regular emergency organization. Since this organization structure and assignment of duties could not be confirmed in radiation emergency plan, it was necessary to revise and improve the radiation emergency plan for the successful operation of mobile equipments and to link them with the accident management plan.

      • KCI등재

        선의의 응급의료의 형사책임의 검토

        정도희(Jeong, Do-Hee) 대검찰청 2012 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.37

        “선한 사마리아인 법률”로 불리는 현행 응급의료에 관한 법률(이하 응급의료법)은 응급환자가 발생했을 때 일반인에게 신고와 응급의료에의 협조 의무를 부과하고 있다. 또한 일반인이 순수하게 “도와주려는 생각”에서 한 응급 처치, 즉 선의의 응급처치에 대해서 형사책임을 감면하도록 한다. 응급의료법은 간단히 응급환자 발생 시 일반인의 응급의료 기관 신고와 응급의료에의 협조를 의무로 선언하고(제5조) 일반인이 한 선의의 응급의료에 대한 면책을 규정한다(제5조의2). 이러한 조문을 보면, 일반인은 제5조에 의해 신고와 협조의무를 부담하고 있으며, 응급처치의 결과 환자가 상해를 입으면 형사책임을 지지 않고, 사망하면 형사책임을 “감면”받을 수 있다. 물론 고의나 중대한 과실이 없는 때 이와 같은 조치가 취해질 수 있다. 문제는 일반인이 선의로 한 응급처치로 환자가 불가피하게 사망하면 형사책임을 부담 할 가능성은 열려 있다는 것인데, 그렇다면 과연 누가 길에 쓰러진 자를 구하려고 할지 의문이다. 본고에서는 이 문제를 응급처치로 인한 악결과를 긴급한 상황에서의 법익 침해로 보아 형법상 긴급피난의 법리를 적용하여 응급처치로 인한 사망의 결과에 대해 완전히 면책의 가능성을 찾아 해결하고자 하였다. 우리 형법은 긴급피난 규정을 하나만 두고 있어, 독일 형법이 정당화적 긴급피난과 면책적 긴급피난으로 나누어 규정하는 것과는 입법 양태가 달라 면책적 긴급피난의 입법 여부가 논의되고 있는데, 면책적 긴급피난은 이미 형법 제22조로 해석을 통한 해결이 가능하다고 보고, 응급 사항에서 선의의 구조행위에 대한 면책은 우리 형법 제22조 긴급피난 규정을 통해서 해결할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 면책적 긴급피난은 절대적 면책사유이고 성립되면 충족된 행위는 책임비난을 포기하게 된다. 따라서 면책적 긴급피난의 요건을 충족하는 응급상황에서의 일반인의 응급의료와 처치는 형사책임이 면제된다. Good Samaritan Law are laws offering legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise incapacitated. The protection is intended to reduce bystanders' hesitation to assist, for fear of being sued or prosecuted for unintentional injury or wrongful death. According to current Emergency Medical Service Act regulates, individual or amateur can be punished if the injury or death is caused because of his emergency response in good faith before emergency. But the criminal liability of doer in good faith is illogical, the exemption of criminal responsibility is logical. We can find the solution in current penal code. The German Penal Code has two articles about the Emergency Doctrine. But there is only one provision in the article 22 in Korean Penal Code. We have serious problem that the interpretation of the Emergency Doctrine. The Article 22 in Korean Penal Code includes two types of Emergency Doctrine. In our Penal Code there is no explicit distinction between Emergency Doctrine in No Accountability and in Justification. We can use the article 22 in all cases about emergency. Therefore, we have no need to legislate another provision about Emergency Doctrine. And we can understand the theory of Forced Activity is one of the Emergency Doctrine in No Accountability. In short, the emergency medical response by non-professional in good faith must not be punished. Through proper application of penal code, individual in good faith can be exempted.

      • KCI등재

        긴급신고 공동대응 제도의 운영 현황과 개선방안

        박종철 한국치안행정학회 2021 한국치안행정논집 Vol.18 No.4

        긴급신고 공동대응은 그간 긴급신고 대응기관의 잘못된 판단으로 인한 초기대응 과정의 부실과 중요성 부각에 따라 새롭게 만들어진 제도이다. 위 제도는 「긴급신고전화 신고이관·공동대응 처리규 정」에 근거하며 2016년 10월 긴급신고 전화번호가 통합되면서 시행되었다. 그러나 공동대응 제도를 실시한 지 벌써 5년이 지났지만, 기관 간의 여러 이견이 존재하고 이로 인한 갈등도 발생하면서 많 은 문제점이 지적되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이와 같은 문제점 파악을 위해 2016년부터 2021년까지의 5년 간의 누적 자료와 2021년 2월 한달 간의 통계를 통해 경찰·소방·해경 간의 ‘긴급신고 공동대응제도’ 운영 현황을 비교· 분석하였다. 분석결과, 지난 5년 간의 전체 신고건수 중에 공동대응을 요청하는 비율은 ‘소방’이 3.5%로 가장 높은 비율을 나타냈다. 또한 2021년 2월 한달 간의 공동대응 요청 비율 역시 ‘소방’이 64.2%로 가장 높았다. 반면, 2월 한달 간의 공동대응 요청에 가장 많이 대응하는 기관은 ‘경찰 (60.8%)’로 나타나서, 경찰이 자체 신고 외에도 상당히 많은 건수의 공동대응 요청 신고를 처리하고 있음을 알 수 있었다. 위의 분석을 토대로 긴급신고 공동대응 제도의 활성화를 위해서는 먼저 접수자의 자의적이고 주 관적인 판단에 의한 긴급신고 공동대응 요청방법을 객관적인 기준에 의해 판단하도록 개선하여야 하며, 긴급신고 공동관리센터를 공동대응의 실질적 타워로서 기능할 수 있도록 위상과 권한을 강화 해야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 공동대응 요청 사건에 실제 출동하는 기관에 대한 과감한 인센티브를 부여 하여 자발적인 공동대응 자제 및 협조를 이끌어내야 할 필요가 있고, 경찰과 소방의 장비 및 기술 지원 등 유기적인 협업을 강화하기 위한 기반 마련의 노력이 매우 필요하다. Joint response to emergency reports has been newly created due to the poorness and importance of the initial response process caused by the wrong judgment of emergency report response agencies. The above system was implemented in October 2016 when emergency report phone numbers were integrated based on the 「Regulations on Transferring Emergency Report Calls and Handling Joint Response」. However, five years have already passed since the joint response system was implemented, but many problems have been pointed out as there are differences between institutions and conflicts arising from it. In order to identify such problems, this paper compared and analyzed the operation status of the 'emergency reporting joint response system' between Police, Fire and Coast Guard through accumulated data for five years from 2016 to 2021 and statistics for one month in February 2021. According to the analysis, among the total number of reported cases over the past five years, ‘Fire’ showed the highest rate of 3.5%. In addition, the ratio of joint response requests for a month in February 2021 was the highest at 64.2%. On the other hand, the largest number of joint response requests for the month of February was ‘Police(60.8%)’, indicating that the police were handling a considerable number of joint response requests in addition to their own reports. Based on the above analysis, in order to activate the joint emergency report response system, the request method shall be improved to determine the joint emergency report response request based on arbitrary and subjective judgment based on objective data, and the status and authority shall be strengthened to function as a practical tower for joint response. In addition, it is necessary to induce voluntary restraint and cooperation by giving bold incentives to organizations that actually respond to the joint response request case, and efforts to strengthen organic cooperation such as equipment and technical support from ‘Police’ and ‘Fire’ are very necessary.

      • Response Capacity of the Supply Chain Management in Emergency based on a New Multiple Attribute Decision Making Approach

        Zebo Li 보안공학연구지원센터 2016 International Journal of u- and e- Service, Scienc Vol.9 No.1

        The emergency often has the characteristics of explosiveness and population diffusion. It is easy to lead to the creation of the public crisis. Once the emergency occurs, it often produces the negative influence on the supply chain which is well-designed and running well. And even it leads to paralysis of the supply chain. To respond to the emergency, we need the effective emergency management of the supply chain to ensure the unblocked of the supply chain. In this paper, we establish the evaluation system for the response capacity of the supply chain in emergency according to analyzing the response capacity of the supply chain in emergency. Then we put forward a new TOPSIS method which is based on the relative coefficient. This method can express the preference of the experts better. At the same time, this method considers the advantages and disadvantages of the decision scheme. We use the method to evaluate the response capacity of the supply chain in emergency. The experimental results show that the method is feasible and effective.

      • The Search for Collaborative Emergency Management: Thailand Emergency Response

        Tavida Kamolvej 위기관리 이론과 실천 2007 Crisisonomy Vol.3 No.2

        The importance of public safety has gained recognition from governments of all countries around the world. Public safety includes how well communities cope with extreme phenomena, such as natural disasters and threats of manmade hazards, as well as how effectively emergency response agencies respond to such crises. The uncertainty and unexpected consequences of these extreme events create severe conditions such as large scale destruction of buildings, dramatic change in geography, destruction of communication and electrical infrastructure, exacerbated by a lack of understanding of risks to which communities are exposed. Natural disasters may create heavy damage across wide areas that require public agencies to work together nationally and locally to manage states of emergency. Such crises require a clear understanding of risks and skillfully coordinated operations to return the situation to normal. Under urgent constraints of time and threat to life, information and communication facilities are critical to enable multiple agencies to coordinate their actions simultaneously and make timely informed decisions. In states of emergency, all participating response agencies need to work together and communicate with each other. This study examines how emergency management policies are implemented in Thailand at national and local levels separately and cooperatively, and what information and communication processes are essential to emergency management.

      • KCI등재

        정신건강전문요원의 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동 경험 - 초점집단인터뷰(FGI)를 중심으로 -

        김은아,박현숙,이미령 사회복지정책실천회 2023 사회복지정책과 실천 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate in depth the experiences of mental health professionals who perform the task of psychiatric emergency response and to explore their needs for practical support. Two focus group interviews were conducted to collect data from mental health professionals who experienced the task of psychiatric emergency response at a mental health welfare center in Busan, South Korea. Qualitative data analysis extracted three theme clusters and 10 sub-themes and the key findings include the following: 1) ‘the primary experience of psychiatric emergency response - being thrown into barren ground’; 2) ‘the growth through experiences of psychiatric emergency response - what matters is the invincible spirit’; and 3) ‘preparation for psychiatric emergency response - building the ground to stand firm’. Findings highlight the importance of establishing standard guidelines that can be applied to the arrangement of mental health professionals for psychiatric emergency response, expanding support for the workforce, building education and training systems, and developing institutional support plan for effective response. 본 연구의 목적은 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동업무를 수행하는 정신건강전문요원의 경험을 심도 깊게 살펴봄으로써 이들을 위한 실질적 지원에 대한요구를 탐색하는 것이다. 이를 위해 부산지역 정신건강복지센터에서 근무하고 있으며 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동 경험이 있는 정신건강전문요원을 대상으로 2개 집단의 초점 집단 인터뷰(Focus Group Interview)를 실시하였다. 그결과 3개의 범주와 10개의 하위범주를 도출하였다. 3개 범주는 ‘정신과적 응급대응 현장출동의 초입: 척박한 땅에 내던져짐’, ‘정신과적 응급대응 현장출동에 따른 성장: 중요한 것은 꺾이지 않는 마음’, ‘정신과적 응급대응 현장출동을 위한 대비: 단단하게 서기 위한 땅 만들기’로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과를 토대로 정신과적 응급대응 현장출동 인력 배정에 있어서 공통적으로 적용할 수 있는 지침 마련, 현장출동 정신건강전문요원에 대한 지원 확대, 교육과훈련체계 마련, 효과적인 대응을 위한 제도적 지원 방안을 제시하였다

      • Medical Response to the Injured in a Radiological Emergency at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute

        Sewon Park,Sohyeon Lee,Young-suk Jeoung,Hyunki Kim 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.2

        The nuclear licensee must ensure that the nuclear or radiological emergency preparedness and response organization is explicitly defined and staffed with adequate numbers of competent and assessed personnel for their roles. This paper describes the responsibilities of medical and support personnel for the medical action of casualties in the event of a radiological emergency at the KAERI. Currently, there is one medical personnel (nurse) in KAERI, and a total of eight medical support personnel are designated for medical response in the event of a radiological emergency. These medical support personnel are designated as one or two of the on-site response personnel at each nuclear facility, operating as a dedicated team of A, B (4 people each). In the event of a radiological emergency, not all medical support personnel are mobilized, but members of the dedicated medical team, which includes the medical support personnel of the nuclear facility where the accident has occurred, are summoned. Medical and support personnel will first gather in the onsite operational support center (OSC)/technical support center (TSC) to prepare and stand by for the medical response to injured when a radiological emergency is declared. They should take radiation protective measures, such as wearing radiation protective clothing and dosimeters, before entering the onsite of a radiological emergency, because injuries sustained during a radiological emergency may be associated with radioactive contamination. In the event of an injury, direct medical treatment such as checking the patient’s vitals, first aid, and decontamination will be carried out by medical personnel, while support personnel are mainly responsible for contacting the transfer hospital, reporting the patient’s condition, accompanying the ambulance, filling out the emergency medical treatment record, and supporting medical personnel. In order to respond appropriately to the occurrence of injuries, we regularly conduct emergency medical supplies education and medical training for medical support personnel to strengthen their capabilities.

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