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      • KCI등재

        국가수준 교육과정의 교육목표에 대한 고찰

        박창언 ( Chang Un Park ),정영근 ( Young Keun Jeong ) 한국교육과정학회 2009 교육과정연구 Vol.27 No.4

        This study is attempted to explore issues and problems related with aims and objectives of education in legal aspects and national curriculum. To accomplish this goal, the constitution related to aims and objectives of education and educational freedom of the people are reviewed. It is found that constitution guarantees the autonomy of education. Also, the educational freedom of the people includes the rights to decide on the educational objects permit teachers to protect the rights includes the rights of children in learning and educational freedom. Second, educational aims and objectives in legal regulation and national curriculum are discussed. The ideal education of the people is prescribed to the `Framework Act on Education` and the aims of education are provided for the `Elementary Act on Education`. The educational objectives of elementary and secondary are prescribed in the national curriculum. Third, legal regulation and notification of educational aims, the system of educational aims and objectives according to the rules, overlapping educational aims and objectives in legal regulation and notification, a lack of flexibility in subjects` objectives are discussed. In conclusion, It is designated to harmonize the regulation of nation and education freedom of the people.

      • KCI등재

        목적 기반 교육평가의 적용 가능성 탐색: 존 화이트 이론에 근거한 고찰

        정정철 ( Jeong Jeongcheol ) 한국교육철학학회(구 교육철학회) 2021 교육철학연구 Vol.43 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 대안적 평가 관점으로서 ‘목적 기반’ 교육평가의 개념과 실제를 밝히고, 그 적용 가능성을 탐색해 보는 데 있다. 시험을 중심으로 전개되는 현행 평가는 ‘교육’평가로서의 그 교육적 위상과 기능에서 상당히 멀어져 있으며, 교육과 관련한 다양한 문제들의 원인이 되고 있다. 연구자는 현행 교육평가의 문제를 교육의 목적과 평가 방법의 측면에서 밝혔으며, 이에 대한 대안적 평가 관점으로서 목적 기반 교육평가를 제안하였다. 뿐만 아니라 목적 기반 교육평가의 준거와 실제에 대한 논의를 통해 목적 기반 교육평가의 구체적인 모습을 제시하였으며, 이를 토대로 우리 교육에의 적용 가능성에 대해 논구하였다. 목적 기반 교육평가는 평가 이론 측면에서의 논리적 일관성, 평가 정책 측면에서의 진보성, 평가 방법 측면에서의 타당성 등 세 가지 면에서 우리 교육에 적용될 수 있는 가능성을 지닌 것으로 판단된다. 반면 표준화된 교육과정 적용에의 어려움, 평가 범위 및 평가자로서 교사의 전문성 문제, 실효성의 문제 등이 실천적인 부분에서 보완되어야 할 난점으로 지적되었다. 논의를 종합해 볼 때, 목적 기반 교육평가는 실천적인 부분에서 생겨날 수 있는 몇 가지 난점들에도 불구하고 그것이 내포하고 있는 철학적 타당성과 적용 가능성으로 인해 현행 교육평가를 개선 또는 대체할 수 있는 적절한 대안적 평가 관점으로 볼 수 있다. This study explores the practical implications of ‘aims-based’ educational evaluation. The examination-based evaluation system in its current form have caused various problems in education. I identify the problems of the current practice in school in terms of educational aims and methods, and suggest an alternative idea that is the aims-based educational evaluation by John White. The paper discusses the practical implications of this in school with the three specific aspects: The aims-based educational evaluation has 1) logical coherence in terms of educational theory, 2) an improved perspective on the educational policy, and 3) clear methods of evaluation that are validated by the educational aims. On the other hand, there are difficulties in applying to a standardized curriculum. It shows less clear aspect on the scope of evaluation and teachers’ expertise as professional evaluators. And it guarantees less of its effectiveness in practice. Having these difficulties aside, however, the paper concludes that the aims-based educational evaluation can improve the evaluation system and practice in Korea based on its philosophical validity and feasibility.

      • KCI등재

        홀리스틱 교육철학의 방향과 과제

        최관경(Choi, Kwan-Kyung) 한국교육사상연구회 2006 敎育思想硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        홀리즘과 홀리스틱 교육은 생명을 죽이고 교육을 붕괴시키고, 지구와 우주의 황폐화를 가속화 시키는 전통적인 기계론적 패러다임에서 과감히 벗어나, 생명을 살리고 교육을 살리고 지구와 우주를 살리는 새로운 생태학적 패러다임으로의 전환을 지향한다. 더욱이 본질적으로 ‘전체성’과 ‘관계성’을 지향하는 ‘홀리스틱 교육’과 ‘교육철학’은 전통적인 기존의 교육 패러다임에 결코 만족하지 않고, 항상 새로운 문제의식 아래 기필코 생명과 교육을 살려 결국 행복한 학교와 행복한 세계를 창출하는 새 패러다임으로의 전환이라는 공통점을 갖는다. 따라서 이 논문에서 ‘홀리스틱 교육철학’이란 용어로 통일해서 사용하였다. 홀리스틱 교육철학은 첫째 전통적인 기계론적 패러다임을 새로운 전일적인 패러다임으로의 전환 둘째, ‘부분’이 아닌 ‘전체성’과 ‘분리’가 아닌 ‘관계성’의 강조 셋째, 홀리즘의 생활화를 통한 교육과 사회, 생명과 지구를 되살려 결국 홀리스틱 교육을 통해 학교와 교육을 살리고 나아가 개인과 인류의 행복과 평화를 구축하자는 교육사상이다. 이런 관점에서 볼 때 그동안 절대적인 불문율처럼 우리 교육을 지배해 온 전통적인 교육원리와 교육관을 비판하고 그 대안을 제시하는 것이 이 주제에 부과된 책무이다. 결국 본 논문은 우리의 교육을 일방적으로 좌우해 온 ‘될성부른 나무는 떡잎부터 알아본다’는 아동관의 오류와 ‘성공지향적 교육목적관’의 역기능을 홀리스틱 교육철학의 관점에서 분석한 다음 그 대안으로서 ‘행복지향적 교육목적관’을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study is both to identify the philosophical functions of holistic education and to improve the paradigm of Korean schooling. In this research, the philosophy of holistic education is presented as a new schooling paradigm and it transforms our success-oriented educational teleologism into happiness-oriented one. The philosophy of holistic education has three principal methods - balance, inclusion and connection. Balance is to maintain not to lose the sense of whole child development. Inclusion explains how to understand three educational directions - transmission, transaction and transformation - in holistic viewpoint. Transmission is one-sided knowledge and flow of the function that there is no chance to consider or analyze. Transaction puts an emphasis on interaction, but mainly on knowledge. Transformation recognizes the whole characteristic of child and presents the whole development as aim, so it includes transmission and transaction. Moreover, the philosophy of holistic education endeavors to exuviate the fragmentary and unholistic schooling culture and to orientate the trend of wholeness and relationship. In general, there is to be found a general lack of basis where the classification of educational aims is concerned whether it be the educational philosopher or educator who is involved. In order to minimize such errors which may arise from a lack of principles, three categories of educational aims are logically inferred from the relations between the ends of means, and manipulatively defined as 1) intrinsic aims, 2) instrumental aims and 3) integrated aims. The educational views advocating each of these three categories are respectively named ‘intrinsic educational teleologism’, ‘instrumental educational teleologism’ and ‘integrated educational teleologism’. Having governed Korean schooling culture and atmosphere, current success-oriented educational teleologism is a model of instrumental educational teleologism. On the contrary, the philosophy of holistic education begets integrated educational teleologism, which overcomes the dysfunctions of instrumental educational teleologosm and creates happiness-oriented educational teleologism after all.

      • KCI등재

        『팜패디아』(Pampaedia)의 구조를 통해 본 코메니우스의 교육목적론 탐구

        나현규,이병승 韓國敎育思想硏究會 2012 敎育思想硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        그 동안 『팜패디아』에 대한 연구가 있어 왔지만, 『팜패디아』에 대한 세부적인 구조 분석은 본격적으로 이루어지지 않았다. 이러한 점에서 본 논문은 『팜패디아』의 구조를 보다 체계적으로 분석함으로써 코메니우스의 교육목적론의 의의를 밝히고, 나아가 그의 사상에 대한 이해의 지평을 넓히는데 목적을 두었다. 『팜패디아』의 세부 구조는 표제, 서론부, 1-4장(교육목적), 5-7장(교육방법), 8-15장(실행 : 8단계 학교), 결론부으로 이루어져 있다. 『팜패디아』의 구조적 특징으로 첫째, 그것은 나선형적 구조로 되어 있다. 둘째, 핵심 개념들이 3분법으로 제시되고 있다. 셋째, 『팜패디아』의 중요한 장들(1-4장, 5-7장, 8-15장)이 ‘연결고리’(4장 19-24절, 7장 34절)에 의해 논리적으로 연결되어 있다. 넷째, 3가지 핵심 개념들이 3가지 관점에 의해 구체화 되고 있다. 『팜패디아』의 구조분석을 통해 우리는 코메니우스가 제시한 교육목적의 두드러진 특징 네 가지, 즉 명료성, 일관성, 균형성, 포괄성을 발견하게 된다. 첫째, 『팜패디아』는 교육목적을 간단하면서도 명료하게 제시하고 있다. 둘째, 『팜패디아』의 교육목적은 표제부터 시작하여 실행단계인 8단계 학교에까지 일관되게 관통하고 있다. 셋째, 『팜패디아』의 교육목적은 3중 형식으로서 균형감 있게 제시되고 있다. 마지막으로 『팜패디아』의 교육목적은 단순한 지식의 전달에 그치는 것이 아니라 삶에서의 사용(활용)까지 나아가는 포괄성을 내포하고 있다. The aim of this study is to analyze the structure of Pampaedia written by J. A. Comenius and to suggest some meaningful implications to educational aims. Conclusions are as following: Pampaedia composed to three parts: title, introduction, educational aim(chap. 1-4), educational methods(chap. 5-7), and practice(chap. 8-15). Characteristics of this work are as follow: firstly, this work composed to spiral structure, secondly, essential concepts of this work divided into three parts, thirdly, main chapters(chap1-4, 5-7, 8-15) in this works linked to mutually by logical linkage and lastly, core three concepts in this work were scrutinized by three perspectives. After analyzing systematic structures of Pampaedia, researchers found that his work suggested some important implications to establishment and description of educational aims. Firstly, Pampaedia came out educational aims more simply and clearly than works written by many educational thinkers. Secondly, educational aims passed through the whole work consistently from title to practical stage(stage 8). Thirdly, educational aims were suggested as triple forms harmoniously and equilibrately. Lastly, educational aims implied broad comprehension. So, they were not concerned with transmission of simple fact or inert knowledge, but with using of practical life.

      • KCI등재

        교육목적에 대한 오해와 이해

        김희봉(Hee-Bong Kim) 한국도덕교육학회 2020 道德敎育硏究 Vol.32 No.4

        이 글은 교육 활동에서 교육목적에 대한 바른 이해의 중요성을 논의하기 위한 것이다. 교육목적은 그 자체가 교육활동 전반을 통제하는 중요한 역할을 하기 때문에 여러 맥락에서 강조되어 왔지만, 이와는 달리 교육목적의 불필요성을 주장하는 입장들도 있다. 이는 교육목적에 대한 오해를 불러일으키는 ‘기술주의적 모형’ 등의 영향 때문이다. 연구자는 기술주의적 모형이 교육목적에 대한 개념적, 실제적 오해에서 비롯되었다고 생각하면서, 교육목적을 몇 가지 개념틀로 구분하여 그 오해를 불식시키고자 하는 논의를 시도하였다. 목적-수단의 인과관계와 포함관계, 최종적 목적과 계속적 혹은 출현하는 목적, 닫힌 목적과 열린 목적, 교육과정 설계의 하향식 설계와 상향식 설계 등의 개념적 구분과 논의를 통해서 교육목적에 대한 바른 이해의 기반을 마련하고자 하였다. 우리가 교육목적에 대한 총체적이고 바른 이해 없이는 매우 편협하거나 오해에 기인한 교육목적관을 통해 교육을 왜곡할 위험이 존재할 것이다. This article is to discuss the importance of proper understanding of the aims of education in educational activities. Although the aims of education have been emphasized in various contexts because it plays an important role in controlling the overall educational activities, however, there are also objections to educational aims. These are due to the influence of technocratic model which causes misunderstanding about educational aims. I tried to discuss the misunderstanding by dividing the educational aims into several conceptual frames, thinking that the technocratic model is derived from conceptual and practical misunderstandings about the educational aims. The purpose of this study was to establish a foundation for proper understanding of educational aims through conceptual clarification and discussion such as causal and subsumption relationship between aims and means, final aims and continuous or emerging aims, closed aims and open purpose, top-down approach and bottom-up approach of curriculum design. Without a comprehensive and proper understanding of the aims of education, there will be a risk of distorting education through a very narrow or misunderstood educational aims.

      • KCI등재

        A Research on Aims and Objectives of Christian Education

        Shin, Hyun-Kwang 한국실천신학회 2020 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.70

        This paper discusses the aims and objectives of Christian education. The aims of Christian education is to bring people to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, to train them in a life of discipleship, and to equip them for Christian service in the world today. It is to develop in believers a biblical world-view that will assist them in making significant decisions from a Christian perspective. It is helping believers to ‘thinking Christianly’ about all areas of life so that they can impact society with the message of gospel. In essence, it is development of a Christian world-view. Worship, evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and service are all drawn from the Scriptures and are included in any purpose and value statement for Christian education. Effective Christian education can be measured upon the accomplishment of these important functions. An objective needs to meet theological standards, and these have to have enough relevance to provide guidance. It needs to be within the teaching possibilities of those responsible for the educational program. It must allow room for the work of God, of the teacher, and of the pupil, with a rationale for each. Aims, objectives, and values of Christian education are derived from a theological foundation that is biblically based.

      • KCI등재

        The Asian Information Society and the Aims of Education

        ( Soraj Hongladarom ) 범태평양 응용언어학회 2005 Journal of Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Ling Vol.9 No.1

        This paper discusses the intersection between technology, culture and philosophy as it pertains to the problems surrounding on-line learning and the aims of education. The introduction of information technology into society prompted many to think that they have already found a panacea, a tool for educating the entire population effortlessly and effectively, all seemingly without the need for human teachers. However, as information technology actually begins to permeate the existing strata of society, problems start to emerge, ranging from the macro one of how to bridge the ``digital divide`` between those who are able to enjoy the benefits of the technology and those who are not, to the micro-level one of how best to utilize the technology in teaching and learning in the classroom setting. All these problems, I contend, are but aspects of the larger problem of how to conceive of the aims of education in the context of the information society. To my mind there has not been much discussion of this very important topic among the educators, for it seems that the aims of education are often presupposed and they are left tacit without actually being spelled out for investigation. However, in the context of the information society, which many societies in Asia nowadays are rapidly becoming, there should be more discussion of what we educators should aim at when we educate our younger generations. I contend that cultural factors have to playa significant role in our attempts to delineate the aims of education in the context of the information society. I will spell out some aims of education, including those of language education, in the paper, as well as how culture and philosophy playa role. The chief question is: How should we conceive of the aims of education in the context of the Asian information society.

      • KCI등재

        세계 시민의식 함양으로서의 교육목적 논의와 독도교육

        이주하 한국교육철학회 2020 교육철학 Vol.76 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to reveal educational basis for Dokdo Education innovation by analyzing the meanings of education and educational aims. The discussions of educational aims as educating citizens for global awareness are useful for the detecting about now educational view and practice of Dokdo Education. In this case, The morality and rationality as educational aims is to provide the basis for diagnosis of Dokdo schooling and to introduce educational contents and methods. Dokdo Education is not the training for protecting Dokdo domain and the education for global minds to view of points for personal flourishing as well as public life. The method for teaching is to add the chance of discussion learning in view of the pedagogy.

      • 교육대학원의 교육목표 설정과 진술 : 개념 분석적 고찰

        안정수 경희대학교 부설 교육문제연구소 1999 論文集 - 경희대학교 교육문제연구소 Vol.15 No.-

        이 연구는 현하 한국 교육대학원들이 학칙에 진술되어 있는 교육 목표를 분석하고, 이 특수대학원의 존재 이유를 만족시켜 주는 합리적인 목표의 설정 및 진술에 도움이 되고자 착수되었다. 이론적 고찰에서 최소공배수적 개념으로 교육목표는 교육을 통해서 그 교육을 받는 사람에게 실현될 것을 의도하는 바 인격적 상태 또는 특성으로 이해되는 것임이 확인되었다. 교육 목표는 피교육자의 인격의 당위적 상태를 나타내는 것인 바, 여기서 '인격'이란 윤리적 개념이 아니라 심리적 개념이요, 인격의 상태란 한 인간의 심적 성향, 곧 경험과 행동에의 준비성 내지 단초(端初)를 일컫는 것이다. 분석의 주요 대상은 서울과 지방 소재 몇 교육대학원들의 학칙에 진술되어 있는 목표들이었고, 법적 준거 기준으로 「고등 교육법」의 관련 조항들을 해석하여 그 결과를 참고하였다. 분석의 결과는 다음과 같이 간추려 진다: 교육 목표 개념과의 일치 여부, 진술 방식의 타당성, 법적 준거와의 부합성 등의 조건을 충족시키는 사례는 극히 드물다. 오류가 만영하고 있는 것이다. 이는 무엇보다 '교육'의 본질과 '교육 목표'의 개념에 대한 몰이해, 정향 상실에 기인하는 것으로 풀이된다. 고등교육법과 학칙 등 텍스트의 해석을 근거로 하여 교육대학원의 교육목표의 내용 구조를 도출해 보았던 바 그 결과는 다음과 같다: 궁극적인 교육 목표는 교직이라는 전문직의 요구에 부응하는 최선의 교육적 능력 - 간단히 줄여 교육 전문가적 유능성 - 이라는 것이고, 이것은 심원한 교육적 지식, 교직 에토스(교직 종사자로서의 윤리적 태도), 그리고 교육 방법론적 숙련이라는 3차원의 인격 특성들이 고루 형성될 때 도달될 수 있는 것이며, 이들 3차원의 목표들은 다시 교사자격 소지 여부, 초등과 중등의 구분, 전공 분야 등 교육 수취자(원생)들의 특성에 따라 위계적(位階的)형식으로 - 최종적으로 특정의 학습 과업의 설정에 이르기까지 - 하위 분류가 가능하다는 것이다. This study is intended to contribute to clarifying the educational aims which are stated in the School Regulations of the Graduate Schools of Education and further identifying the reasonable general objectives satisfying their very raison d'etre. As an educational aim, in the sense of the minimal concept, is understood a conceived personality state or attribute which is willed, pursued or prescribed to be realized through education in the person to be educated. Educational aims designate ought-states of educands' personalities, i.e. psycic dispositional structures which means a person's readinesses to experience and behave. The main subjects of analysis were the educational aims as stated in the School Regulations. As legal frame of reference was interpreted the related articles and clauses of the Law of Higher Education. The result of analysis was that a number of errors prevail in the aim statements, first and formost owing to the ambiguous concepts of both education and educational objectives. On the basis of interpretation, the ultimate educational aim of the Graduate Schools of Education can be identified as the best educational competence meeting the requirement of teaching profession. And in accordance with this ultimate aim could be formulated three dimensions of the educational goals : broad and deep educational knowledge, educational ethos, and methodological proficiency. Each of these three categories can be further sub-classified respectively in a higherarchical pattern, until it can be stated as specific learning tasks.

      • 창조성의 교육본질에 관한 논의

        이용길 ( Yong Gil Lee ) 창조교육학회 2010 창조교육논총 Vol.12 No.-

        This study is a discussion on the educational nature of creativity. The basic of creativity in human nature is man who has all characteristics and capabilities of human. Creativity is presented by human existence value and has goal orientation to be the subject for the creation of personality and cultural values. The nature of creativity is love. Love brings about desire, and desire shows creativity as goal orientation. Showing creativity through education is done by the educational love, and educational love forms educational self. The realization of creativity, therefore, is the realization of love, and it is, educationally, the realization of personality through the accomplishment of educational self. The activities of educational self are subjective and conscious educational activities that are made to create values. Through educational self, humans pursue the activities of values, create personality and social and cultural values. Hence, creative values are made by the actions and activities of education by educational self. Education is to cultivate human capabilities comprehensively. Human capabilities are shown in every area since the nature of education is to cultivate various abilities of humans. Accordingly, whether education is to maintain social system, mainly aims to personal improvement of individuals, or promotes intentional change of human behaviors, all those would have common goal to accomplish human creative capabilities. The actions of education is to maintain human life, social order and system, promote harmonious development of humans, succeed to and develop cultural heritage, and make personal foundation of historical creation. Common attribute of the actions of education, in hoc, is based on human creativity and educational self. Ultimate worth of human is creative value, and such value can be obtained by the experiences of educational self through education. Considering what should be taught and learned in every area of humans, the premise would be creativity and educational self. Since education aims for creative humans by the cultivation of human capabilities, the nature of education is to cultivate creative capabilities of humans. Creativity is an area of universal activities of human life in the nature of education, and it can be divided into physical/physiological area, social area, rational area, moral area, artistic area, and religious area, and the nature of education is to cultivate universal creativity of entire human beings by presenting the elements of capabilities in the values as the educational goal of the cultivation of creative capabilities.

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