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        Jean Rhys’s Racial Disorientation: “The Imperial Road” and the Question of Racial Identification in the 1970s

        이정화 한국영어영문학회 2009 영어 영문학 Vol.55 No.3

        “The Imperial Road” is Jean Rhys’s unfinished manuscript, rejected by publishers for its openly racist tone. Although it describes Rhys’s actual visit to Dominica in 1936, it is not a transparent recollection of the travel but a recreation informed by racial dynamics of the 1970s when she wrote the text. This paper examines the manuscript as a troubled (and troubling) response to what Rhys perceived as racial rejection from Dominica at the wake of political independence. Rhys’s representation of white Creole womanhood significantly depends on an interwoven configuration of racial dynamics and sexual politics, where an oppressive white European man facilitates a white Creole woman’s cross-racial identification with Afro-Caribbeans. However, the political and literary landscape of the West Indies in the 1970s made such cross-racial identification untenable. As a result, “The Imperial Road” is full of disturbing racial hatred, prejudice, and resentment. And yet, it also reflects Rhys’s honest and serious concern over a white Creole’s racial identity in postcolonial Dominica, raising a difficult question: How would a postcolonial age change a white Creole identity that belongs neither to the colonized nor to the colonizer (or both)? In “The Imperial Road,” unable to identify with Afro-Caribbeans, the white Creole is disoriented in time and space, lost at home, stuck between the past and the present, not knowing how to participate in a postcolonial homeland. Through the narrator’s racial disorientation, “The Imperial Road” exposes the white Creole’s fundamental dependence on other Creoles. “The Imperial Road” is Jean Rhys’s unfinished manuscript, rejected by publishers for its openly racist tone. Although it describes Rhys’s actual visit to Dominica in 1936, it is not a transparent recollection of the travel but a recreation informed by racial dynamics of the 1970s when she wrote the text. This paper examines the manuscript as a troubled (and troubling) response to what Rhys perceived as racial rejection from Dominica at the wake of political independence. Rhys’s representation of white Creole womanhood significantly depends on an interwoven configuration of racial dynamics and sexual politics, where an oppressive white European man facilitates a white Creole woman’s cross-racial identification with Afro-Caribbeans. However, the political and literary landscape of the West Indies in the 1970s made such cross-racial identification untenable. As a result, “The Imperial Road” is full of disturbing racial hatred, prejudice, and resentment. And yet, it also reflects Rhys’s honest and serious concern over a white Creole’s racial identity in postcolonial Dominica, raising a difficult question: How would a postcolonial age change a white Creole identity that belongs neither to the colonized nor to the colonizer (or both)? In “The Imperial Road,” unable to identify with Afro-Caribbeans, the white Creole is disoriented in time and space, lost at home, stuck between the past and the present, not knowing how to participate in a postcolonial homeland. Through the narrator’s racial disorientation, “The Imperial Road” exposes the white Creole’s fundamental dependence on other Creoles.

      • KCI등재

        성향정기산가미방을 중심으로 한 한의약 치료를 통해 단기간에 호전을 보인 전순환계 뇌경색 후 발생한 지남력장애 및 현훈을 주소로 한 환자 1례에 대한 보고

        추홍민,김광호,이영웅,임현서,신희라,양무학,강건희,박찬종,김철현,성강경,이상관 대한한방내과학회 2020 大韓韓方內科學會誌 Vol.41 No.6

        Introduction: The aim of this study was to report the effect of Korean medicine treatments on a stroke patient with acute cerebral infarction. Method: A 63-year-old male with anterior and middle cerebral artery infarction had symptoms of dizziness and disorientation. The patient was treated with Korean medicine therapy, including the herbal medicine “Sunghyuangjunggi-san-gamibang.” Treatment progress was assessed using the Korean version of the Modified Barthel Index (K-MBI) and the Korean dizziness handicap inventory (K-DHI). Results: After 14 days of treatment, the K-DHI score decreased from 78 to 7 and the K-MBI score increased from 18 to 24. The patient’s main symptoms were improved after the treatment, and no side effects were observed. Conclusion: Korean medicine treatment, including Sunghyuangjunggi-san, might be a recommended therapeutic option for dizziness and disorientation in stroke patients.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        웹 네비게이션과 인지부하

        이인성(Insung Lee),이수영(Sooyoung Lee) 한국언론학회 2007 한국언론학보 Vol.51 No.5

        인지부하이론은 이용자가 새로운 웹을 접할 때 기존 웹 경험을 통한 스키마를 구축하지 못한 경우 더 많은 인지적 자원을 사용하게 되며, 더불어 방향상실감을 일으킬 수 있음을 논의하고 있다. 본 연구는 웹 오리엔테이션 과정에서 스키마에 영향을 미치리라 예측되는 인터넷 경험에 관심을 가진다. 이를 위해서 독립변인인 인터넷 경험의 차이가 종속변인인 인지부하 즉, 인지적 소모량과 방향상실감에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지, 또한 인지부하에 가장 큰 영향을 미치는 변인은 무엇인지를 발견하고자 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 인지적 소모량의 정도와 방향상실감 모두 질적인 인터넷 경험 변인인 인터넷 경험수준이 높은 사람일수록 적은 인지적 소모량을 투여하고 방향상실감도 적게 경험하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 인지적 소모량과 방향상실감을 가장 많이 예측할 수 있는 변인도 인터넷경험수준이었다. 본 연구를 통해서 웹 이용이 따른 이용자 간의 정보격차는 웹 경험연수나 이용시간과 같은 양적차원의 인터넷 경험이 아닌 어떻게 사용하고 있는지를 보여주는 질적 차원의 인터넷 경험이라는 인지적 격차에서 발생됨이 논의되었다. This study examines the relationship between the prior internet experience and cognitive load. For the study, the prior internet experience is divided into quantitative(i. e., the average daily internet using time and a period of internet usage) and qualitative experience(i. e., how much the users know about navigation tools such as URL, JAVA Script, etc. and feel comfortable to use those tools while they are navigating on the web). The cognitive load is operationalized as cognitive efforts and disorientation. As a results, only those who have high degree of qualitative internet experience are less likely to experience cognitive load.

      • KCI등재

        소음의 도시공간, 불협화음의 소설 -박태원의 『천변풍경』에 나타난 무질서의 도시-

        유인혁 구보학회 2017 구보학보 Vol.0 No.17

        이 글은 박태원의 『천변풍경』을 ‘소음’의 원리에 입각해 분석했다. 이를 통해 『천변풍경』이 단순히 도시의 풍경을 세부적으로 묘사하는 데 집중한 소설에 그치는 것이 아니라, 도시 자체의 구성 원리를 재현하는 텍스트임을 밝히고자 했다. 도시의 각 부분들은 모두 계획과 의도의 산물이지만, 그것들이 모여 구성하는 형태는 혼란스러운 미로와 같다. 도시의 소리 역시 각각의 단위는 계획의 결과물이다. 하지만 그것들이 밀집되어 만들어내는 뭉치는 거대한 무질서를 형성한다. 이는 “모든 디테일을 관통하는 통일”이 부재하는 『천변풍경』의 형식적 원리와 맞닿아 있다. 그러니 『천변풍경』의 비-통일성, 비-전체성은 약점이기 보다는, 도시의 형태와 원리를 가장 깊숙이 통찰했다는 증거다. 한편 『천변풍경』이 묘사하고 있는 인정세태(人情世態) 역시 도시와 소음의 원리를 따른다. 소음이 서로 무관한 음들의 우연한 집합인 것과 마찬가지로, 천변의 공동체는 서로 무관한 개인들의 혼거(混居) 양상을 띤다. 그리하여 천변의 사람들은 서로에게 적당히 무관심한 태도를 계발한다. 이는 혈연이나 지연과 같이 분명한 원리에 의해 만들어지는 전통적 공동체와 상이하다. 즉 천변은 사회적 이질성이 뚜렷한 도시사회가 형성되는 근대적 공간으로 재현되고 있다. 이러한 『천변풍경』의 형식과 내용을 통해, 박태원은 진정으로 과거와 결별했으며, 낯설고, 위험하고, 또한 예측불가능한 근대적 시공간을 제시하고 있다. 이것은 도시적 무질서의 폭력과 가능성을 동시에 포괄하는 양의성의 재현이다. 이것이야말로 박태원이 포착한 모더니티의 진경(眞景)이라 할 수 있다. This article analyzes Scenes from Cheonggye stream based on the principle of 'noise'. This means the work would not merely describe the city's detailed scenery, but also reproduce the city's own principles. Every single part of the city is cleary the planned and intended product, but when they are grouped, it becomes a chaotic maze. The sound of city is also the result of intent. However, the gathering of sound become a noise which causes disorientation. This feature is linked to the formal principle of Scenes from Cheonggye stream, described as ‘the absence of unity’. Meanwhile, ways of the world in the work follow the principles of city and noise as well. The community of the riverside is groups of individual who are ignorant to the others. It differs from the traditional blood-tied or regional community. As a result, the author presents us a modern time-space which is strange, dangerous, unpredictable and truly estranged from the past. This is the representation of duality embracing violence and possibility that urban disorientation brings up. This was the true modernity that Park captured in Modern cityscapes.

      • KCI등재

        Disorientation and Multiple-identities in John Marston's The Malcontent

        남장현 한국중세근세영문학회 2010 고전·르네상스 영문학 Vol.19 No.1

        This study attempts to examine John Marston’s The Malcontent with regard to his unique characterization and the concept of identity in Elizabethan and Jacobean England. He has been regarded as one of the most idiosyncratic dramatists of his era. His characterizations are allegedly flawed in the sense that each individual, like the playwright himself, lacks coherence and consistent stability throughout his works. However, this lack of coherence in his characters can be said to be quite intentional, since there is evidence to support Marston paid a great deal of attention to human mutability in his verses and dramas. Human mutability, when it is dramatized on stage, opens the possibility that Marston may not have believed one integrated harmonious identity but the coexistence of multiple identities in a human being. In this hypothesis, the first party of this study investigates the social disorientation and disjunction that a group of characters in The Malcontent experience and their mental state in which they cannot sustain their own consistent self. Consequently, each character wishes to annihilate his/her own identity, by eroding their self and yearning for death. Through such an unbearable experience, the characters start to assume multiple identities in one self which are incompatible, or sometimes entirely contradictory. Therefore, the second part highlights the course that the characters adopt various identities through dramatic devices such as disguise, deceit and role-playing. In particular, the character Malevole can be shown to portray a number of identities as a direct result of the turmoil and strife to which he finds himself subjected. Examining Marston’s play The Malcontent in terms of the possibility of multiple identities may not only illustrate Marston’s unique idea of human nature and his own perplexing character but also many critics’ diatribes of his character’s inconsistency. Marston leads us to think that, perhaps, living in his Jacobean world is akin to having the capability of possessing multiple identities, should they need or wish to do so. At the conclusion of the performance, the audience is left believing that any character could metamorphose into new contradictory identities at any time, and that they can achieve anything they put their minds to. Such potential flexibility certainly parallels the reality of human nature of the Jacobean era in which courtiers needed to adapt in order to survive.

      • KCI등재후보

        경도인지장애에서 길찾기장애의 임상적 의의

        문소영,박다혜,이상미,김소영 대한치매학회 2009 Dementia and Neurocognitive Disorders Vol.8 No.2

        Background: To evaluate the prevalence of topographical disorientation (TD) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and compare demographic features, neuropsychological findings between MCI patients who complained of TD and did not. Methods: We defined MCI according to the revised Petersen’s criteria. Patients with MCI were divided into two groups depending on the presence of TD. Results: Out of 41 patients with MCI (age, 69.0±6.8; men:women, 12:29) in this study, seventeen patients (41.5%) admitted that they had TD. Patients with TD showed no difference in age, sex distribution, education, and their neuropsychological findings as compared to those of patients who did not complain of TD. However, instrumental activities of daily living in patients with TD were worse than those in patients without TD (7.3±4.8 vs. 4.8±2.5, p<0.05). Conclusions: This study suggests that patients with MCI who complain of TD may be on the side closer to Alzheimer disease in the cognitive spectrum. A further longitudinal study is needed to validate this speculation. In addition, objective measures to assess the TD are necessary in the dementia clinic. Background: To evaluate the prevalence of topographical disorientation (TD) in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and compare demographic features, neuropsychological findings between MCI patients who complained of TD and did not. Methods: We defined MCI according to the revised Petersen’s criteria. Patients with MCI were divided into two groups depending on the presence of TD. Results: Out of 41 patients with MCI (age, 69.0±6.8; men:women, 12:29) in this study, seventeen patients (41.5%) admitted that they had TD. Patients with TD showed no difference in age, sex distribution, education, and their neuropsychological findings as compared to those of patients who did not complain of TD. However, instrumental activities of daily living in patients with TD were worse than those in patients without TD (7.3±4.8 vs. 4.8±2.5, p<0.05). Conclusions: This study suggests that patients with MCI who complain of TD may be on the side closer to Alzheimer disease in the cognitive spectrum. A further longitudinal study is needed to validate this speculation. In addition, objective measures to assess the TD are necessary in the dementia clinic.

      • KCI등재

        조종사 경력별 공간정위상실(SD) 회복 차이 분석을 통한 효율적인 훈련방안에 대한 연구

        김세준,조영진 한국항공운항학회 2023 한국항공운항학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        According to the results of a survey by Boeing, LOC-I (Loss of Control in Flight) was the highest in the number of deaths by fatality accident category in the past 10 years from 2012 to 2021, and the number of deaths worldwide due to LOC-I accidents was 757. It turned out to be the biggest cause of aircraft fatalities, with a figure close to twice the sum of UNK (Unknown or Undetermined), which is the 2nd place, and CFIT (Controlled Flight Into or Toward Terrain), which is the 3rd place. This study set six scenarios related to spatial disorientation that may occur during sensory-dependent flight targeting student pilots and instructor pilots at domestic designated specialized educational institutions using flight simulation training equipment, and in each scenario, the pilot's. The need for SDRT (Spatial Disorientation Recovery Training) is verified by analyzing the flight experience and recovery ability by qualification, and SDRT is repeatedly performed to verify and present the training cycle and time.

      • KCI등재

        비행안전을 고려한 조종사의 비행착각에 관한 연구

        강한태,윤봉수 한국국방경영분석학회 1999 한국국방경영분석학회지 Vol.25 No.1

        Statistical data have shown that most of aircraft accidents attributed to the spatial disorientation result from visually restricted environments such as a flight amid clouds or a night flight, in particular during roll maneuvering. This study investigates the time necessary for a flighting pilot to recognize a sloped status as a horizontal status on the condition that the roll maneuver is operating when the visual sense is blocked In this study, aspects which affect such disorientation phenomena are examined. The result of this study shows that a pilot is rushed into a somatogyral illusion when a certain time elapses with visual sense blocked, and that as a speed of the flight increases and a bank of aircraft decreases, so a rushing time increases rapidly.

      • KCI등재

        비행착각에 의한 헬리콥터 사고 예방 프로그램 개발에 관한 연구

        조영진 한국항행학회 2023 韓國航行學會論文誌 Vol.27 No.1

        According to the results of a survey of pilots, 92% or 230 out of 252 respondents said they had experienced flight errors during flight. As so many pilots are experiencing Spatial Disorientation, and this is one of the main causes of aircraft accidents and loss of life, so it is important to understand accurately. However, in Korea, training equipment for fixed-wing pilots has already been developed and trained, or recently developed, and some equipment for helicopter pilots is available in the Korea Air Force, but there is no environment for helicopter pilots to receive training in Spatial Disorientation prevention. Therefore, we intend to produce a helicopter-only simulator, present a program to prevent possible Spatial Disorientation during flights for helicopter pilots, and propose legal and institutional measures based on future training data.

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