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        『당신 좋으실 대로』의 로잘린드의 변장

        최숙자(Sook-Ja Choi) 신영어영문학회 2009 신영어영문학 Vol.42 No.-

        Although Disguise May be traced back to Greek and Rome Comedy, and romantic plays, in none of these does to the play’s central vision come to be embodied in the heroine and her disguise in Shakespeare. In opposition to the strong Puritan critics of the day for sexual disguise, Shakespeare has used this female sexual disguise and according to the dramatic custom, the Boy actor has played the disguised heroin in his comedies. However It is simply not imitated but adjusted to match with Shakespeare’s unique organic structure. This suggests that Shakespeare deliberately came to realize the literal embodiments of two-in-one in the heroin’s disguise. So the purpose of this paper is to investigate how to embody “two-in-one” through Rosalind’s disguise as Ganymedy, Jove’s own page in As You Like It. In no other play by Shakespeare does a woman stand so centrally as Rosalind does in and her sexual disguise as Ganymedy represents the transformed otherness of the lover even as it liberates her to be more truly herself. And Rosalind may be beyond the boundaries of her femininity and masculinity in the play through the disguise, as other Shakespeare’s disguised women in Comedy.

      • KCI등재

        로뻬와 띠르소의 희극에 나타난 변장의 기능적 역할 분석

        윤용욱 ( Yoon¸ Yongwook ) 한국스페인어문학회 2021 스페인어문학 Vol.- No.100

        Through the comedy works of Lope and Tirso, the representative playwrights of Spain in the 17th century, we study the disguise that was one of the representative means of drama at the time in detail by type. There are three main types of disguise in comedy at the time: the heroine's disguise as a man for the use of force, the disguise for the formation and resolution of dramatic conflicts, and the disguise for the enjoyment of the audience. The play at the time could not rely on the poor and crude stage settings and stage effects of the time to set up and develop unconventional content and complex and shocking dramatic conflicts, and the only dramatic means that the playwrights of the time could take for this was disguise.

      • KCI등재

        『당신 좋으실 대로』에서 남장에 함의된 셰익스피어의 여성인식

        김재학 ( Jae Hak Kim ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2014 현대영어영문학 Vol.58 No.2

        As You Like It (around 1598.1600) belongs to the literary tradition known as pastoral and develops many of the traditional features. There was a culture full of contradictions with conflicting status of gender roles in the Elizabethan period. Shakespeare reflected the intellectual influences of Renaissance time through cross-dressed disguise. Under the structure of a male-dominated society, Rosalind reveals her ability to subvert the limitations that society imposes on a woman, choosing alternative identities in her male disguise. Shakespeare used her male disguise to redefine the ideological position of woman in the hierarchical patriarchy. Rosalind fully realizes the complexity of her emotions and thoughts, and the fullness of her character through male disguise. The play ends up to the formation of a community of exiles in politics and love coming together to soothe their various wounds. Rosalind experiences subversive alterations of class and sexual identities through cross-dressing and transformation based on changes in costumes of male and female characters on the stage with reconstructed true female identities against Elizabethan patriarchy society. (Hannam University)

      • 제임스 스코트의 ‘정치적 위장’을 통해 본 마가복음의 권위 논쟁(11:27-33)

        정혜진(Hye-jin Jeong) 한국Q학회 2018 예수말씀연구 Vol.11 No.-

        정치학자 제임스 스코트가 복음서 연구에 끼친 영향은 막대하다. 농민 저항의 문화적 원천인 ‘소전통’ 외에도, 그가 저항의 담론이 취하는 여러 형식을 구분한 것은 반란과 묵종이라는 극단 사이에 존재하는 피지배 민중의 저항적 실천과 담론을 풍성하게 조명해 주었다. 피지배계급이 지배계층의 감시로부터 자유로운 그들만의 공간에서 표현하는 진심을 가리키는 ‘숨겨진 기록’은 복음서 연구에 활발하게 적용되고 있다. 또한 ‘정치적 위장’은 숨겨진 기록을 발설할 수 있는 안전한 상황이 아닌 곳에서 약자들이 위장을 통해서라도 자신들의 권리를 주장하려는 의도적이고 적극적인 담론방식이다. 특히 이 두 개념은 지배계급과 피지배 계급의 불평등한 관계 안에서 일어나는 의사소통의 역동성을 고려하여 복음서 본문을 분석하는 장치로서 매우 유용하다. 본 연구는 이러한 맥락에서 제임스 스코트의 ‘정치적 위장’을 활용하여 마가복음의 권위 논쟁(11:27-33)을 분석하고자 한다. 이 본문은 예수가 적대자들인 유대당국자들을 그들의 홈그라운드인 성전 안에서 만나 처음으로 나누는 대화이다. 이 장면에서 산헤드린 공의회원들은 성전 체제의 핵심 기능인 제의를 중지시킨 예수의 시위에 대해서 과연 그에게 ‘권한’이 있는지를 문제삼는다. 그들의 질문에는 성전과 제의의 운영에 책임을 맡은 이들은 자기들이라는 특권적 주장이 담겨 있다. 이에 예수는 요한의 세례에 대한 반문을 던짐으로써 자신의 권위에 대한 직접적 답변을 회피한다. 그러나 이러한 회피는 일종의 ‘정치적 위장’으로서 자기의 권위를 주장하고, 권력자들을 비판하기 위한 일종의 안전장치였다. 마가의 예수는 이를 통해서 지배자들의 면전에서 하늘로부터 온 자신의 권위를 방어하고, 동시에 예언자적 비판과 경고에 귀를 기울이지 않는 그들을 비판하였다. James C. Scott has had a huge impact on Gospel studies. He shed light on the various modes of communication between the rulers and the ruled (“hidden transcripts,” “political disguise”) as well as the cultural matrix where a resistance discourse is rooted (“little tradition”). His ‘hidden transcript’ refers to the weak’s real intention expressed in the spaces which are free of their superiors and it has been applied actively to study on the texts of the Gospels. And ‘political disguise’ is a deliberate discursive mode that makes subordinates assert their dignity in front of the rulers even by using a safety device. These two is useful to analyze the scenes where Mark narrates dialogues between the upper classes and the lower. This study explores the conflict dialogue on authority of Mark’s Gospel (11:27-33) through the lens of ‘political disguise.’ This scene represents the first conversation between Jesus and the Jerusalem elites in the temple. They raises the issue of whether Jesus has the authority to put a stop to temple sacrifices. This question shows their self-assertion that they have the privilege to control and manage the temple and the sacrifices. When replying with a counter-question about the baptism of John, Jesus seems to avoid giving an direct answer to them. However, this avoidance is a safety device that makes possible for Jesus to claim his authority and criticize the elites. It is through this ‘political disguise’ that Mark’s Jesus defends his own authority and, at the same time, criticizes the opponents who refuse to attend to his prophetic warning before their faces.

      • KCI등재

        『십이야』에 나타난 변장을 통한 성 정체성과 신분 상승

        채유순 ( Chae Yoo-soon ) 대한영어영문학회 2011 영어영문학연구 Vol.37 No.1

        This paper aims to examine the gender identity and the social mobility through disguise. After being focused on the queer studies in the academy, the criticism on Twelfth Night has been treated in many different ways such as gender problems(i.e, homoerotic love, heterosexual marriages, and bisexuality), and the social mobility to compare with the traditional criticism, which focused on the triangular relationship of Orsino, Viola, and Olivia, and the happy ending of the protagonists’ love affairs. Viola’s cross-dressing provokes Olivia’s homoerotic love, and her girlish face and voice brought Orsino Homoerotic love. Viola’s disguise and Malvolio’s transformation create confusion and pleasure. Malvolio’s false desire and ambition to marry up and dominate over his household are mocked by Sir Toby’s gang. The proclamation of the joint wedding ceremony between Orsino and Viola, and between Olivia and Sebastian will be indefenitly delayed, until the captain provides Viola’s maid’s garments. Everybody expects a happy marriage but Malvorio isolates himself from the joyful and comic festival because of his proclaiming revenge against all of his victimizers. (Hanseo University)

      • KCI등재

        전남지역 잡색놀이 속의 탈의 의미

        정혜정 ( Hye Jeong Jeong ) 남도민속학회 2011 남도민속연구 Vol.23 No.-

        이 글은 전남지역 잡색놀이 속의 탈의 의미를 살펴본 글이다. 본 글에서는 전남지역의 잡색놀이의 분포현황을 좌우도 농악과 기타의 지역까지 정리하였다. 그 중 영광농악과 그 영향을 받은 지역의 탈은 가면극의 영향을 받아 형성되어진 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그 외 전남지역의 잡색놀이 속의 탈의 의미는 풍물굿이 마을제의에서 행해졌음을볼 때 풍요다산을 상징하는 제의성을 지닌다. 전남 장흥지역의 탈의 모양을 볼 때 풍요다산을 상징하는 이목구비를 형상화하고 있다는 점에서 알 수 있다. 그러나 풍물굿의 제의성의 약화로 인해 탈의 의미 또한 제의성이 약화되고, 분장의 의미를 갖게 된다. 전남 지역에서 사용하는 광대라는 용어가 탈과 연희자를 동시에 지칭하는 중의성을 갖는다는 점과 탈의 용어로써 가면, 덧뵈기, 딴낯 등의 표현이 있는 것에 주목할 때전남지역 잡색놀이에서의 탈은 등장인물이 되기 위한 변장의 한 요소라는 걸 알 수 있다. 이는 꼭 탈이 아니더라도 담양군 남면 지곡리의 각시가 단순한 화장과 의상만으로 등장인물의 특징을 드러내는 것에서도 알 수 있다. 전남지역 잡색놀이 속의 탈이 이러한 의미를 지니게 된 이유는 제의성의 약화와 더불어 잡색놀이가 극 위주의 공연은 극히 일부분이고, 극을 위한 배역이 중요시되지 않으며, 그 역할이 등장인물과 관람자로써의 역할까지 기능하기 때문이다. This article is to review the meaning of Tal in Jabsaeknori in Jeonnam area. In this article, the distribution status of Jabseaknori was sorted including Jwaudo Nongak (traditional music performance by farmers) and other areas. Among them, Younggwang Nongak and masks in the influenced area seem to be compoased with the influence of mask play in the area. The other meaning of Tal in Jabsaeknori is rituality symbolizing richness and fecundity considering Pungmulgut was performed in village rituals. In Tal from Jeonnam Jangheung area, we can see the shapes symbolizing wealth and fertility from its eyes, nose and ears. However, the rituality of Pungmulgut became weakened and consequently the meaning of mask or rituality was weakened to be a disguise. Considering that terminology of Gwandae in Jeonnam area has two meanings of mask and entertainer and that there are other expressions such as Gamyeon (disguise), Deotboigi (double sight) and Ddannat (another face), Tal in Jabsaeknori is an element of disguise to be a character in the play. The same is shown in Gaksi in Jigok-ri, Nam-myeong, Damyang-gun which shows characteristics of the character with simple make-up and costume. The reasons why Tal came to have such meaning in Jabsaeknori in Jeonnam are because play was a small part of Jabsaeknori with the weakened rituality and the role in the play was not important and the character could play the role of audience at the same time.

      • KCI등재

        청소년성보호법상 수사특례제도의 문제점 및 통제방안

        이근우(Keun-woo Lee) 한국형사정책학회 2022 刑事政策 Vol.34 No.1

        우리 아동․청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률에 새롭게 도입된 신분비공개, 신분위장수사는 국민적 공분을 초래했던 사건에서 알 수 있듯, 적극적 수사의 필요성은 매우높은 분야라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 수사는 그 자체로서 대상자의 기본적 인권을 침해할 우려가 매우 높은 작용이므로 필요성만으로는 모든 수사 방식이 정당화되는 것은아니며, 형사소송법과 통신비밀보호법 등은 이를 엄격하게 통제하는 제도를 발달시켜왔다. 현재 특별한 제도 설정이 되어 있지 않은 경우라고 하더라도 그 수사방식의특성에 비추어 일반적 임의수사라고는 볼 수 없는 경우에는 특별한 허용, 절차 규정이 필요하다. 이러한 측면에서는 개정 법률이 신분비공개, 신분위장 수사의 근거를명확히 한 점은 진일보한 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 그러나 현행법에서의 절차 보장은 형사소송법상 원칙적 수사방식이라고 할 수 있는 임의수사 원칙에 비추어 신분비공개, 신분위장 수사가 초래할 수 있는 기본권 침해적인 속성을 충분히 반영하지 못한 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 보다 상세한 법령 정비와 아울러 실제의 수사가 적법절차 원칙의 범위 안에서 진행되어 범죄자 처벌에 기여하기 위해서는 경찰뿐만 아니라, 법무부, 검찰, 법원이 함께 사전에 수사적법성 가이드라인을 마련할 것이 시급히 요구된다. 수사자의 악의가 아니라 단순히 과도한수사열정만으로도 위법 수사로 이어질 소지가 다분한 수사방식이기 때문이다. 시행초기에 발생할 수밖에 없는 혼란 상태를 조속히 정리해야 할 것이다. 또한 수사기관의 내부적 통제, 결재 과정의 세밀화와 아울러 경찰위원회의 실질적 사후 통제가 이루어질 수 있도록, 기록 의무를 규정하는 등 관련 규정과 조직을 보완할 필요가 크다. 나아가 신분비공개, 신분위장 방식의 수사과정에서 발생할 수 있는 위법적 수사방식이 사용될 가능성을 차단하기 위하여 ‘(위장)수사 지침’을 제정하고, 이를 감독할 수 있는 가칭 ‘수사심의위원회’를 설치할 필요가 있다. 이를 통하여 수사의 책임성, 적법성을 제고하고, 수사담당 경찰관을 지원할 수 있을 것이다. As can be seen from the case that caused public outrage in the investigation of identity confidentiality and identity disguise, newly introduced in our Children s and Youth Sexual Protection Act, the need for an active investigation is very high. However, since investigation itself is highly likely to infringe on the basic human rights of the subject, necessity alone does not justify all investigation methods. Even if no special system is currently established, special permission and procedure regulations are required if it cannot be regarded as a general voluntary investigation in light of the characteristics of the investigation method. In this respect, the fact that the revised law clearly clarifies the basis for the investigation of identity secrecy and identity falsification can be evaluated as a step forward. However, in view of the principle of voluntary investigation, which can be said to be a principled investigation method under the Criminal Procedure Act, it can be evaluated that the guarantee of procedures in the current law does not sufficiently reflect the nature of the infringement of basic rights that can result from an investigation of identity confidentiality and identity disguise. It is urgently required to prepare guidelines for investigative legality in advance by not only the police, but also the Ministry of Justice, the prosecution, and the courts in order to contribute to the punishment of criminals as the actual investigation proceeds within the scope of the due process principle as well as more detailed legislation. This is because it is an investigation method that has the potential to lead to an illegal investigation simply because of the investigative passion, not the investigator’s malice. The confusion that inevitably arises in the early stages of implementation should be sorted out as soon as possible. In addition, there is a great need to supplement related regulations and organizations, such as stipulating the obligation to record, so that the investigation agency s internal control and approval process can be refined, and the police committee can have actual follow-up control. Furthermore, in order to block the possibility of using an illegal investigation method that may occur in the investigation process of identity confidentiality and identity disguise, it is necessary to establish the ‘(disguise) investigation guidelines’ and establish a tentative name ‘Investigation Deliberation Committee’ to supervise them. there is Through this, accountability and legitimacy of the investigation will be improved, and the police officer in charge of the investigation will be supported.

      • KCI등재

        중가산세제도의 부정행위에 관한 고찰

        길용원 ( Yong Won Kil ) 연세대학교 법학연구원 2014 法學硏究 Vol.24 No.2

        The Basic Law for National Taxes which was revised as the Law No. 11124 on December 31th, 2011, a Requirement of Heavy Additional Tax was newly changed. “Unjustified Way” changed the name of the “Illegal Activity”. Heavy Additional Tax is applied the principle of no taxation without law. Because It is one type of taxation. Heavy Additional Tax needs to be determined By the clearness of the tax law. Due to the uncertainty of the concept of “concealment and disguise”, Previously there was a discussion about the meaning of it. For example, in order to impose Heavy Additional Tax on taxpayers whether ‘concealment and disguise’ of awareness. Even if the taxpayer``s passive behavior can be included in the act of “concealment and disguise” is whether. As a result, Heavy Additional Tax for abuse of the tax authority was concerned. The revised Basic Law for National Taxes on “Illegal Activity” is also unclear. Thus, the interpretation of its meaning is an important issue. Limited to the subject of “Illegal Activity”, whether the taxpayer or his family or representatives whether the problem is to be included. “Fraud and Other Illegal Activities” on the Law of Punishment on Tax Criminal and “Illegal Activity” on the Basic Law for National Taxes are discussing whether the same meaning when considering the effect of the amendment, which is thought to be synonymous. Due to “Illegal Activity” and “Fraud and Other Illegal Activities” on the same concept to grasp, The taxpayer is likely to be double punishment. Legislative improvements are needed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        대구 북구 이슬람사원 갈등을 통해 본 인종주의의 위장술

        육주원,이소훈 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2022 아시아리뷰 Vol.12 No.1

        On February 16, 2021, the Bukgu District Office in Daegu City suspended the construction license of the Daruleeman Kyungpook Islamic Centre (Daruleeman Mosque) based on the petitions submitted by the neighbouring residents. Subsequently, the residents set up a task force to interrupt the construction process, by guarding the construction site, distributing anti-Islamic leaflets, and hanging banners and placards throughout the neighbourhood and the city. This paper focuses on the emergence of ‘regular people’ who engage in racism instead of a state body or specific individuals to analyze 93 pieces of writings extracted from the banners and placards. These banners and placards may appear as if residents are rightfully protesting a construction project in their neighbourhood, a common form of protest observed in other parts of the country, and not an act of racism. The paper uses the concept of ‘racism in disguise’ to show how a racially motivated conflict takes the appearance of other preexisting social conflicts. Moreover, this paper starts from the perspective that Islamophobia is inherently multi-scalar in investigating the Daruleeman Mosque conflicts, paying keen attention to dynamics at global, national and local scales. Through this case study, the paper shows that Islamophobia in South Korea is not just ‘imported’ from the West but re-reinvented through an ethnic Korean-based, exclusive notion of citizenship-making and materialized according to the local context. 2021년 2월 16일, 대구시 북구청은 주민들의 탄원서를 근거로 삼아 다룰이만경북앤드이슬라믹센터(대구 북구 이슬람사원) 공사를 중단시켰다. 이후 사원건축을 반대하는 주민대책위원회는 근 1년여 간 공사장 앞을 순번제로 지키고, 집회를진행하며 현수막, 팻말, 유인물 등의 게시물을 제작하여 곳곳에 게시하고 유포하였다. 본 논문은 이 사례에서 적극적인 인종차별 행위의 주체로 국가나 특정 개인이 아니라 일반 주민 집단이 등장한 점에 주목하고, 2021년 2월 말부터 11월 초까지 반대 주민 집단의 게시물에서 추출한 문구 총 93건을 분석했다. 이 자료들은 지역개발사업을 둘러싸고 흔히 볼 수 있는‘탄원의 정치’를 닮아 있지만 본 논문에서는 이를 여타 유사한 현상들과 묶어 님비 등으로 손쉽게 뭉뚱그리는 것을 지양하고 ‘인종주의의 위장술’이라는 개념을 활용하여 인종주의가 어떻게 이미 존재하는 사회갈등의 외형을 띠고, 우리에게 자연스럽고 익숙한 어법들을 활용하여 나타나는지를 보여 주고자 한다. 또한 이슬람혐오 및 인종주의가 다중스케일적으로 발현된다는 관점에서 대구 북구 이슬람사원 갈등을 분석하고 글로벌, 내셔널, 로컬 스케일의 역동을 살핀다. 이를 통해 현재한국 사회의 이슬람혐오가 단순히 ‘서구에서 수입된’ 개념이 아니라 ‘국민’을 중심으로 한 배제적 권리담론이 결합하면서재발명되며, 지역적 맥락에 따라 발현된다는 점을 드러낸다.

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