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      • Factors Related to Paternal Disciplinary Practices of U.S. Families

        ( Hyuk Jun Moon ) 대한가정학회 2010 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.11 No.1

        This study examined the complex process of paternal disciplinary practices and identified the factors related to paternal disciplinary practices in an examination of the effects of cumulative risk factors on the ineffective disciplinary practices of fathers. The subjects for this study consisted of 200 fathers of six-year-old children attending childcare centers in Los Angeles. Self-report questionnaires were used to collect data for the following variables: 1) family background characteristics; 2) child temperament; 3) marital & job satisfaction; 4) quality of life; 5) social support; 6) intergenerational transmission of parenting; and 7) paternal disciplinary practices. Descriptive analysis, zero-order correlations, multiple regression analyses, and chisquare analyses were used for data description and analysis. This study indicates that the characteristics of the child, father, and contextual factors contribute to paternal disciplinary practices.

      • KCI등재

        미국과 영국의 MDP 동향

        이전오 대한변호사협회 2010 人權과 正義 : 大韓辯護士協會誌 Vol.- No.412

        Multi-disciplinary Practice(hereinafter MDP) refers to the practice of lawyers and nonlegal professionals engaging in a business partnership. The approval of MDP and its extent differs in each country, depending on factors such as the country’s legal system, lawyer system,and legal environment. A typical country that disapproves MDP is the United States, while England is a representative case that approves the practice. In 1998, American Bar Association’s Commission on Multidisciplinary Practice was organized in the United States, and the commission filed two reports each in June 1999 and May 2000. The core points of both reports were that the approval of MDP was necessary, but the American Bar Association’s House of Delegates turned down both reports and dissolved the commission in July 2000. With this, the country’s discussion on MDP and the other remaining latent problems were closed. However, as England passed The Legal Services Act in 2007, the United States was stimulated to set up the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20 in August 2009, where studies are in progress to devise plans for such circumstances where MDP should be approved, as one of the preliminary issues of legal profession. Discussions in England on MDP were made around the government, especially the Office of Fair Trading. The Clementi Report(Review of the Regulatory Framework for Legal Services in England and Wales), which was announced in 2004, first distinguished Legal Disciplinary Practice(the practice of business partnership among lawyers, or between lawyer and paralegal professionals) from MDP(the practice of business partnership between lawyers and nonlegal professionals), and went on to suggest that LDP should be approved and adopted first, and the approval of MDP should wait until proper safety device has been set up. However, the Legal Services Act, which was passed in 2007 and went into effect from March 7,2008, did not take the two-step approach of LDP and MDP as the Clementi Report did, but rather used the term Alternative Business Structure to approve both LDP and MDP. With this, it is expected that MDP will first be practiced in England in 2011. The need and call for an one-stop service from the market will likely increase more and more,consequently resulting in the global trend of MDP’s approval. At this point, Korea should immediately launch studies and discussions on MDP to come up with a ‘Korean MDP’ and systemize the practice. Not only would this be a means to provide the people a service that well suits the changing phases of time, but it would also be an opportunity to expand Korea’s legal market as well as increase the country’s legal competitiveness. Korea is a country with an unified lawyer system, but also one that has an unusual variety of paralegals unlike any other country in the world. Therefore, discussions in Korea on MDP should be mainly focused on business partnership between lawyers and paralegals, and business partnership between lawyers and non-lawyer professionals such as CPA, financial consultants,should be studied and reviewed discretely over a sufficient period of time. MDP(Multidisciplinary Practice)는 변호사와 변호사 아닌 다른 직역의 전문가가 동업하는 것을 가리킨다. MDP를 허용할 것인지 여부와 허용한다면 어느 범위에서 허용할 것인지는 각 나라의 법률체계나 변호사 제도, 법률환경 등에 따라서 다르다. 미국은 MDP를 허용하지 않는 대표적인 국가이고 영국은 정반대로 MDP를 허용하는 대표적인 국가이다. 미국에서는 1998년에 미국변호사협회 MDP 위원회(ABA Commission on Multidisciplinary Practice)가 조직되어서 1999년 6월과 2000년 5월 등 두차례에 걸쳐서 보고서를 제출하였는데, 핵심적인 결론은 MDP를 도입할 필요가 있다는 것이었다. 그러나 미국 변호사협회 대의원회(American Bar Association’s House of Delegates)는 두 번 모두 MDP 위원회 보고서의 결론을 채택하지 않았고, 2000년 7월에 MDP 위원회를 해산시켰다. 이로써 미국에서의 MDP 논의는 끝이 나고 잠재된 문제들은 수면 아래로 가라앉게 되었다. 그러나 영국에서 2007년에법률 서비스법(The Legal Services Act 2007)이 통과되자 미국도 이에 자극을 받아서 2009년 8월에20/20 윤리위원회(the ABA Commission on Ethics 20/20)를 만들어서 법률 서비스 시장에서 MDP를허용하는 경우의 대처방안을 법조직역의 기본적인 쟁점의 하나로 연구하고 있다. 영국에서의 MDP 논의는 정부 특히 공정거래위원회를 중심으로 하여 이루어졌다. 2004년에 발표된 Clementi 보고서에서는우선 변호사와 변호사 간 또는 변호사와 다른 법률 전문가 간의 동업형태인 LDP(Legal Disciplinary Practice)를 실시하고, 변호사와 법률 영역 이외의 다른 전문자격사 간의 동업형태인 MDP (Multidisciplinary Practices)는 추후에 안전장치가 확실하게 갖추어졌을 때에 실시할 것을 제안하였다. 그러나, 2007년 성립되어 2008. 3. 7.부터 시행된 법률서비스법(The Legal Services Act 2007)에서는Clementi 보고서처럼 LDP와 MDP라는 2단계 접근방식을 취하지 아니하고, ABS(Alternative Business Structure)라는 용어를 쓰면서 LDP는 물론이고 MDP도 허용하였다. 이에 따라 영국에서는 2011년에MDP가 최초로 출현할 것이라고 예상하고 있다. One-stop service의 제공을 요구하는 시장의 목소리는 앞으로도 점점 커질 것이고 따라서 MDP를 허용하는 것이 세계적인 추세가 되리라고 생각한다. 우리나라도 하루빨리 MDP에 관한 연구와 논의를 시작하여 우리에게 알맞은 한국형 MDP를 모색하여이를 제도화 시켜야할 것이다. 이것이 국민들에게 변화하는 시대상황에 맞는 서비스를 제공하는 길일뿐만 아니라, 법률시장을 확대함과 동시에 우리 법조의 경쟁력을 키우는 길이라고 생각한다. 우리나라변호사제도는 통일적이지만, 변호사 이외에 세계에서 유례를 보기 드물 정도로 다종다양한 법률 인접직종이 존재하고 있다. 따라서 우리나라에서의 MDP 논의는 무엇보다도 변호사와 이들 인접 법률직종 간의 동업문제에 초점이 맞추어져야 할 것이고, 변호사와 법률 이외의 다른 전문가(예컨대 공인회계사․금융전문가․인사전문가 등) 간의 동업문제는 보다 시간을 가지고 신중하게 검토하여야 할 것이다.

      • Factors Related to Paternal Disciplinary Practices of U.S. Families

        Moon, Hyuk-Jun The Korean Home Economics Association 2010 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.11 No.1

        This study examined the complex process of paternal disciplinary practices and identified the factors related to paternal disciplinary practices in an examination of the effects of cumulative risk factors on the ineffective disciplinary practices of fathers. The subjects for this study consisted of 200 fathers of six-year-old children attending childcare centers in Los Angeles. Self-report questionnaires were used to collect data for the following variables: 1) family background characteristics; 2) child temperament; 3) marital & job satisfaction; 4) quality of life; 5) social support; 6) intergenerational transmission of parenting; and 7) paternal disciplinary practices. Descriptive analysis, zeroorder correlations, multiple regression analyses, and chisquare analyses were used for data description and analysis. This study indicates that the characteristics of the child, father, and contextual factors contribute to paternal disciplinary practices.

      • KCI등재

        Factors Related to Paternal Disciplinary Practices of U.S. Families

        문혁준 대한가정학회 2010 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.11 No.1

        This study examined the complex process of paternal disciplinary practices and identified the factors related to paternal disciplinary practices in an examination of the effects of cumulative risk factors on the ineffective disciplinary practices of fathers. The subjects for this study consisted of 200 fathers of six-year-old children attending childcare centers in Los Angeles. Self-report questionnaires were used to collect data for the following variables: 1) family background characteristics; 2) child temperament; 3) marital & job satisfaction; 4) quality of life; 5) social support; 6) intergenerational transmission of parenting; and 7) paternal disciplinary practices. Descriptive analysis, zero-order correlations, multiple regression analyses, and chi-square analyses were used for data description and analysis. This study indicates that the characteristics of the child, father, and contextual factors contribute to paternal disciplinary practices.

      • KCI등재

        Overview of disciplinary data sharing practices and promotion of open data in science

        김지현 한국과학학술지편집인협의회 2019 Science Editing Vol.6 No.1

        The present study specifies the historical development of data sharing practices in three disciplines—oceanography, ecology, and genomics—along with the evolving progress of movements—e-Science, cyberinfrastructure, and open science—that expedite data sharing in more diverse disciplines. The review of these disciplinary data-sharing practices and the movements suggests opportunities and challenges that would serve as a basis for implementing data-sharing practices. The increasing need for large-scale and interdisciplinary research provides momentum for initiating data sharing. In addition, the development of data repositories and standards for metadata and data format facilitates data sharing. However, challenges need to be addressed, in regard to conflicting issues of patenting data, concerns about privacy and confidentiality, and informed consent that adequately enables data sharing. It is also necessary to consider the needs of the various stakeholders involved in data sharing to incentivize them to improve its impact.

      • KCI등재

        Practice-based Teacher Development in Its Mathematical Context: Lessons and Their Representation in Approximations of Practice

        Patricio Herbst,Amanda Brown,Daniel Chazan 대한수학교육학회 2024 수학교육학연구 Vol.34 No.3

        Addressing the need for practice-based teacher education to attend to context, we describe anticipations of a lesson as a case of approximations of practice that may anchor practice to its disciplinary context. After providing a general framework for how to think about anchoring practice in context we consider the StoryCircles process as an approximation of practice and illustrate the variability in anticipations of a lesson that can be generated by different StoryCircles. We use this variability to propose a conceptualization of lesson which is of particular value to practice-based teacher education.

      • 변호사업무광고의 규제에 대한 고찰

        주강원 ( Kangwon Joo ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2007 홍익법학 Vol.8 No.3

        본 논문은 경쟁이 심화되고 있는 변호사업계에서 광고의 현황 및 그 윤리적 문제점을 살펴보기 위하여 변호사업무광고의 허용 범위와 한계에 대하여 고찰하고자 한다. 이를 위해 개정 변호사법 및 변호사업무광고규정과 신규 제정된 인터넷등을이용한변호사업무광고기준의 규정의 내용을 일별해 보고, 또한 최근 대한변호사협회의 변호사업무광고와 관련된 징계의 사례를 분석하여 이를 바탕으로 변호사업무광고의 규제의 합리성 및 그 개정의 필요성에 대하여 논하고자 한다. For the purpose of a study on present situation and its ethical problem of the advertisement of attorneys` practice, this paper focuses on the scope and limitation upon advertisement of the legal profession. In this light newly revised provisions of `Attorney-at-Law Act`, `Rules on Advertisement of Attorney Practice` and newly established `Standards for Advertisement of Attorney Practice Using Internet and the like` will be presented and the recent cases of disciplinary measures related with advertisement of attorney practice, which were ordered by Korean Bar Association, will be analyzed. Then the reasonableness of present regulation on advertisement of attorney practice and the necessity of its revision will be discussed.

      • KCI등재후보

        법률시장 개방과 변리사의 역할

        김성배 유럽헌법학회 2012 유럽헌법연구 Vol.11 No.-

        기존의 세계무역질서를 대변하던 GATT체제가 막을 내리고 1995 년 WTO체제가 출범하였으며 우리나라는 1996년 10월 OECD에 가 입하여 신자유주의 물결에 합류하였다. 신자유주의가 빈곤의 확산시 키고 빈부의 격차를 심화시켰는지 논란의 대상이 되고 있지만, 우리 나라의 지리적 위치와 무역의존도와 세계경제현실을 감안하면 WTO 의 가입과 FTA는 피할 수 없는 선택이었다. 문제는 우리의 경제영 토를 넓히고자 일부 피해산업이 있지만 전체적인 국익차원에서 선택한 WTO와 FTA라고 하면, 내부적인 피해산업의 구제와 FTA로 발 생한 전체이득의 형평적 배분이 필요할 것이다. 다른 법률서비스분 야에 비하여 변리사직역은 한미 FTA에 의한 시장개방에서 제외되어 있기에 3단계 개방에 따른 충격을 비교적 적게 받게 되거나 경우에 따라서는 일시적으로 지적재산권분쟁의 증가로 수혜를 볼 수 있을 것이다. 하지만, 한미 FTA를 기점으로 제도적으로 변리사제도와 변 호사제도를 개혁할 필요가 있다. 그 개혁의 기준은 세계적 경쟁력확 보, 국가산업발전, 국가적 첨단기술의 보호 그리고 이런 서비스의 수 혜자인 국민의 이익을 고려해야 할 것이다. 우리나라 변리사법은 명 시적으로 특허관련소송대리권을 변리사에게 부여하여 있다는 점에서 보면, 다른 법률전문직종과 달리 전문변호사의 기능을 해야 하는 법 적 당위성이 있다. 사실적 측면에서 보면, 현대사회에서 특허를 비롯 한 지적재산권의 중요성은 점점 강조되고 있으며, 한 나라의 국력은 단순히 군사력과 인구로 가름하던 시대에서 그 국가가 보유하고 있 는 최첨단 기술의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 이런 모든 점을 고려한 다면 우리의 변리사제도를 미국의 특허전문변호사제도로 개편해야 하고 그 중간단계로 변리사에게 특허관련 소송대리권을 현행 법률취 지와 변리사제도취지에 맞게 현실적으로 부여해야 한다. 또한 법학 전문대학원을 통해 양질의 법교육과 자연과학과 공학지식을 공유한 법률전문대학원 출신 변호사와 기존의 변호사에 대해서도 특허관련 법령과 공학적 지식의 검증을 통해서 변리사등록을 하도록 제도를 개선해야 할 것이다. 변리사회자체에서도 법학전문대학원, 법과대학, 공과대학 등 학계와 산학협력차원에서 변리사의 재교육위탁프로그램 을 개발하고 변리사자격 갱신심사제도를 도입하여 빠르게 변동하는 과학기술과 법률환경에 능동적으로 변화할 필요성이 제기된다. Legal market opening is one part of globlalization of service and the globalization of services is closely related to other economic problems facing the world today. The world economy is now move interconnected than at any time in its history. There have been hot debate whether WTO and FTA is good for general welfare and for Korea. It, however, is impossible that Korea goes other direction against globalization movement. One of part of globalization, Korean and US government were started the negotiation on February 2, 2006, and concluded on April 1, 2007. The treaty was first signed on June 30, 2007, with a renegotiated version signed in early December 2010. Through long debate and renegation finally the KORUS FTA went into effect on March 15, 2012. A major part of the KORUS FTA is that it opens up the legal services market. There are tree steps of opening legla sercives in Korea. First, from March 15, 2012, U.S. firms can open up offices in Korea to advise on U.S. and international law, as well as arbitration. Second, two years later, U.S. firms can partner with Korean firms (profit sharing). Third, three years after that (five years from the effective date), U.S. firms can hire Korean attorneys directly. Legal market opening do not affect Korean patent attorney directly like other legal profession because of the exception of KORUS. Despite of benefit from FTA, current patent attorney or agent system has many problem. One of the problem is Korean patent attorney cannot perform their right to present client in the patent lawsuit. Korean patent attorney system and legal practice should be reformed and innovated according with global standard and practice.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Korean National Defense Student Defense Corps and the Manufacturing of Warrior-type Students in Its Incipient Days

        임종명 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2012 International Journal of Korean History Vol.17 No.1

        Before and after the official inauguration of the Republic of Korea (ROK), not a few South Korean students opposed the polity, resisting it even at the cost of their lives. They vehemently inveighed against the polity for its factionality and regionality. In other words, they criticized the ROK for not being a nation-state from the standpoint of nationalism. Their ardent nationalist activism drove them to a variety of acts of opposition to the establishment of the ROK. Sometimes they engaged in actual, physical resistance, such as the Yŏ-Sun Uprising of October 1948. This not only gave a great shock to ROK authorities but also created an atmosphere of terror among ROK supporters. Seized with terror, ROK authorities desperately came up with counter-measures,putting them in action for the sake of the security of the ROK. As could be expected, the authorities went to every length to muzzle their opponents, to suppress all the subversive activities, and to eradicate dissident elements in schools. As a part of such efforts, they developed numerous and varied countermeasures in cooperation with related official agencies. The police, the Counter Intelligence Corps, and even the armies waged a campaign of purging all nonconformist elements from schools. They arrested suspicious students at will,severely interrogated them, and put some of them on trial while releasing others. The purge campaign pulverized almost all organized dissidences and critical student organizations, driving them out of schools. Then, ROK authorities established the Korean National Defense Student Corps (KNDSC) in middle schools and colleges across the country. After preparatory works such as organizing KNDSC units at the school level, the ROK Department of Education officially inaugurated the KNDSC in April 1949. The KNDSC was a typical example of a highly centralized top-down state institution in terms of its organizational process and structure. Also, it expressed other characteristics of a paramilitary organization in its primary motive for institutionalization, military drills as its primary activity, collective training in military ways, and other military-fashion practices. These characteristics of the KNDSC helped ROK authorities construct a system of surveillance over individual students and schools and to maintain strict control over them. Also, these characteristics facilitated the official agenda of manufacturing political subjects loyal to the ROK. KNDSC authorities tried to remold South Korean students for the sake of the ROK. For this purpose, authorities used military discipline and also collective training methods such as mass rallies and athletic meetings. These programs were developed to let students acquire military knowledge and skills and practices required for a warrior as well as healthy bodies. As important as, or more important than, practical training were the effects that collective training produced. All kinds of mass rallies and school ceremonies were exploited to transform an individual student into a collective being and ultimately collectivize all students. What draws our attention was that the collectivization of students called on the exploitation of elements of Korea’s past, such as hwarang of ancient Silla and the March First Movement of 1919. The authorities, referring to Korea’s past history, tried to nurture students as self-sacrificing warriors willing to die for the ROK. In this way, the KNDSC used every available means to fashion warriortype students in tandem with the contemporary ROK agenda of producing warrior-kungmin (國民). This constituted the contemporary political implication of the KNDSC in its incipient days from its inauguration to the outbreak of the Korean War.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Korean National Defense Student Defense Corps and the Manufacturing of Warrior-type Students in Its Incipient Days

        Chong-myong Im(임종명) 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2012 International Journal of Korean History Vol.17 No.1

        대한민국의 공식 출범 전후 시기에, 적지 않은 남한 학생들은 그것에 반대하고, 심지어 목숨을 바쳐 저항하였다. 그들은 민족주의적 관점에서 그 정치제를 지역적, 도당적 정권이라는, 즉 민족국가가 아니라는 이유로 격렬히 비판하였다. 그들의 강렬한 민족주의적 활동성 속에서 그들은 대한민국의 수립을 다양한 방식으로 반대하였고, 또 때로는 1948년 10월 여순항쟁의 적극적 참여에서처럼 실제적인, 즉 물리적으로 저항하였다. 이러한 것은 대한민국 당국에게 커다란 충격을 주었을 뿐만 아니라 대한민국 지지자들 사이에 공포의 분위기를 자아냈다. 대한민국 당국은 공포에 사로잡혀 대한민국의 안전을 위한 대항 조치들을 생각해내고, 그것들을 실행에 옮겼다. 예상할 수 있듯이, 당국은 그들의 반대자들을 침묵시키고, 또 모든 반항적 활동을 억누르고, 학교 내 저항적 요소들을 뿌리뽑고자 모든 노력을 다하였다. 그러한 노력의 일환으로, 당국은 관계 당국들의 협력 속에서 무수히 다양한 대항 조치들을 발전시켰다. 경찰과 방첩대, 심지어 군은 학교 내 모든 체제 비순응적 요소들을 숙청하는 작업을 수행하였다. 그들은 자신들의 눈에 의심스러운 학생들을 자의적으로 체포하고, 가혹하게 심문하고, 그들 중 일부는 재판에 회부하였다. 이와 같은 숙청 작업을 통해, 당국은 체제 저항적인 모든 활동들과 비판적 학생 조직 모두를 분쇄하고, 모든 관련 학생들을 학교로부터 몰아내었다. 그리고 나서, 대한민국 당국은 전국의 중학교와 대학교에 대한학도호국단을 설립하였다. 학교 단위에서 학도호국단을 조직하는 준비 작업에 이어, 대한민국 문교부는 1949년 4월 대한학도호국단을 공식으로 출범시켰다. 조직 과정과 조직 구조에서 볼 때, 학도호국단은 고도로 중앙 집중화된 하향식 국가 조직의 전형적 예였다. 또한 그것은 그것의 애초 출범 동기와 그것의 주된 활동인 군사훈련, 또 여타의 군대식 방식에서 자신의 준(準)군사 조직적 성격을 보여주었다. 이러한 성격의 학도호국단의 통해, 대한민국 당국은 개별 학생들과 학교에 대한 감시 체제를 구축하고 또 그들을 엄격하게 통제할 수 있었다. 또한 당국은 학도호국단을 통해, 당국은 자신에게 충성스러운 정치적 주체의 생산이라는 자신의 과제를 용이하게 실행할 수 있었다. 학도호국단 당국은 대한민국의 안전을 목적으로 남한의 학생들을 다시 개조하고자 하였다. 이러한 목적으로, 호국단 당국은 군사 훈련과 집단훈련-대중 집회와 체육 대회와 같은-을 이용하였다. 이러한 프로그램들은 학생들로 하여금 군사 지식과 기술과 행동 양식들을 익히게 하고, 또 신체를 건강하게 만들고자 개발된 것들이었다. 이러한 실제적 훈련들 못지 않게 중요한, 또는 그 보다 더 중요한 것은 집단 훈련이 낳는 효과였다. 모든 종류의 대중 집회와 학교 행사들은 학생 개별을 집단적인 존재로 변형시켜 궁극적으로 학생들을 집단화하도록 활용되었다. 여기에서 주목되는 것은 학생들의 집단화 과정에서 고대 신라의 화랑도와 1919년의 삼일운동이라는 한국의 과거가 활용되었다는 점이다. 학도호국단 당국은 과거 역사를 참고점으로 하여 학생들을 대한민국을 위해 기꺼이 죽을 수 있는, 자기 희생적인 전사로 육성하고자 하였다. 이와 같이, 학도호국단은 전사형 국민 생산이라는 당대 대한민국의 의제에 따라 가능한 모든 방법을 사용해서 건강하고 정력적이며 또한 불굴의 자기 희생적인 전사형 국민을 만들어내고자 하였다. 바로 이것이 초창기 대한학도국단의 당대 정치적 의미이다. Before and after the official inauguration of the Republic of Korea (ROK), not a few South Korean students opposed the polity, resisting it even at the cost of their lives. They vehemently inveighed against the polity for its factionality and regionality. In other words, they criticized the ROK for not being a nation-state from the standpoint of nationalism. Their ardent nationalist activism drove them to a variety of acts of opposition to the establishment of the ROK. Sometimes they engaged in actual, physical resistance, such as the Y?-Sun Uprising of October 1948. This not only gave a great shock to ROK authorities but also created an atmosphere of terror among ROK supporters. Seized with terror, ROK authorities desperately came up with counter-measures, putting them in action for the sake of the security of the ROK. As could be expected, the authorities went to every length to muzzle their opponents, to suppress all the subversive activities, and to eradicate dissident elements in schools. As a part of such efforts, they developed numerous and varied countermeasures in cooperation with related official agencies. The police, the Counter Intelligence Corps, and even the armies waged a campaign of purging all nonconformist elements from schools. They arrested suspicious students at will, severely interrogated them, and put some of them on trial while releasing others. The purge campaign pulverized almost all organized dissidences and critical student organizations, driving them out of schools. Then, ROK authorities established the Korean National Defense Student Corps (KNDSC) in middle schools and colleges across the country. After preparatory works such as organizing KNDSC units at the school level, the ROK Department of Education officially inaugurated the KNDSC in April 1949. The KNDSC was a typical example of a highly centralized top-down state institution in terms of its organizational process and structure. Also, it expressed other characteristics of a paramilitary organization in its primary motive for institutionalization, military drills as its primary activity, collective training in military ways, and other military-fashion practices. These characteristics of the KNDSC helped ROK authorities construct a system of surveillance over individual students and schools and to maintain strict control over them. Also, these characteristics facilitated the official agenda of manufacturing political subjects loyal to the ROK. KNDSC authorities tried to remold South Korean students for the sake of the ROK. For this purpose, authorities used military discipline and also collective training methods such as mass rallies and athletic meetings. These programs were developed to let students acquire military knowledge and skills and practices required for a warrior as well as healthy bodies. As important as, or more important than, practical training were the effects that collective training produced. All kinds of mass rallies and school ceremonies were exploited to transform an individual student into a collective being and ultimately collectivize all students. What draws our attention was that the collectivization of students called on the exploitation of elements of Korea’s past, such as hwarang of ancient Silla and the March First Movement of 1919. The authorities, referring to Korea’s past history, tried to nurture students as self-sacrificing warriors willing to die for the ROK. In this way, the KNDSC used every available means to fashion warriortype students in tandem with the contemporary ROK agenda of producing warrior-kungmin (國民). This constituted the contemporary political implication of the KNDSC in its incipient days from its inauguration to the outbreak of the Korean War.

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