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        박정희경제학 : 한국적 경제발전 이론과 정책

        좌승희 한국제도∙경제학회 2021 제도와 경제 Vol.15 No.4

        한국경제의 지난 60여년은 세계 경제발전사에서 대단히 흥미로운 역사적 경험이다. 5.16 혁명으로 시작된 전반 30년 동안은 인류 경제발전사에 유례없는 초고속 성장과 분배의 지속적 개선으로 당대 ‘최고의 포용적 동반성장’을 실현했다. 반면, 1987년 정치민주화 이후 30여년은 지속적인 성장률 하락과 동시에 분배의 악화를 경험해 왔다. 본고는 이를 배경으로 전반 30년의 한강의 기적을 이끈 박정희경제정책패러다임을 새로운 발전경제학으로 정립하여 현재 한국경제는 물론 세계경제가 직면하고 있는 저성장과 분배악화 문제를 해결할 수 있는 처방으로 제시하고자하는 목적을 가지고 있다. 제II장에서는 지난 60여년의 한국경제 발전사를 박정희경제학 지우기의 정치경제학적 관점에서 개관한다. 제III장에서는 박정희경제학이 실현한 한강의 기적을 중심으로 지난 60년간의 한국경제의 성과를 간략하게 개관한다. 제IV장에서는 주류경제학을 포함한 현대적 경제발전이론들의 경제발전 처방으로서의 취약성을 간략히 언급한다. 제V장에서는 박정희시대의 경제정책의 성공원리를 ‘경제 적 차별화원리, 정치의 경제화, 기업주도 성장원리’ 등 세 가지로 추출하여 그 시사점을 살펴본다. 이를 기초로 제VI장에서는 박정희경제학을 자본주의 경제발전의 ‘일반이론’으로 구현하고 그 의의 와 시사점, 나아가 새로운 경제발전정책에 대한 공헌에 대해 논의한다. 제VII장에서는 박정희시대의 성공경험과 세계 자본주의경제 발전사를 간략하게 비교사적으로 검토하여 박정희경제학의 세계성 과 보편성을 논증한다. 마지막으로 제VIII장에서는 한국경제학계에 박정희경제학의 심화를 통해 한국경제와 세계경제가 직면한 성장정체와 분배악화 문제의 해결책 모색에 나설 것을 제안한다. 본고는 경제발전의 노하우에 관한 한 ‘가장 한국적인 것이 가장 세계적’이며, 따라서 경제학이 박정희경제학에 길을 물을 때가 됐다고 주장한다. The past 60 years of the Korean economy are an exciting historical experience in the history of global economic development. During the first 30 years that began with the 5.16 Revolution, “Park Chung Hee Economics” realized the most inclusive and shared growth of the time through rapid growth and continuous improvement of the income distribution, probably unprecedented in the history of human economic development. On the other hand, during the 30 years after political democratization in 1987, Park Chung Hee Economics was denied in earnest, and the economic growth rate continued to decline with income distribution deteriorating at the same time. With this background in mind, this paper aims to present the “Park Chung Hee economic policy paradigm”, which led the miracle of the Han River in the first 30 years, as new development economics, and to present it as a prescription to solve the problems of low growth and worsening income distribution now facing the world economy as well as the Korean economy. Section Ⅱ provides an overview of Korea’s economic development history over the past 60 years from a political-economic perspective. This section examines how today’s anti-capitalist policies emerged under the guise of democracy in the process of discarding Park Chung Hee Economics by the economics academia, polities, and intellectual circles of Korea. Section Ⅲ provides a brief overview of the achievements of the Korean economy over the past 60 years, focusing on the miracle of the Han River realized by Park Chung Hee Economics. Section Ⅳ briefly mentions the vulnerabilities of modern economic development theories, including mainstream economics, as economic development prescriptions. It is pointed out that they are difficult to explain the history of economic development in Korea and also have problems as a general economic development prescription. In Section Ⅴ, the principles of economic policy success in the Park Chung Hee era are categorized into three themes: (1) the economic differentiation principle, (2) the economization of politics, and (3) the business-led growth strategy, and their implications are examined. Based on this, Section Ⅵ gives shape to Park Chung Hee Economics as a general theory of capitalist economic development and discusses its significance and implications, and furthermore, its contribution to economic development policy. Section Ⅶ demonstrates the universal applicability of Park Chung Hee Economics by briefly and comparatively examining the success experience of Park Chung Hee Economics and the history of world capitalist economic development. Lastly, Section Ⅷ proposes to the Korean economics academia to seek solutions to the problems of stagnant growth and worsening distribution now facing the Korean economy and the world economy by deepening the economics of Park Chung Hee. This paper argues that “the most Korean is the most global” as far as the know-how of economic development is concerned, and therefore the time has come for the world economics academia to inquire into Park Chung Hee Economics.

      • 제7장 중학교『기술,가정』과목의 영역별 교육내용 및 활동 체계 분석

        최영이 ( Young I Choi ),정찬기오 ( Chan Gi Oh Chung ) 경상대학교 중등교육연구소 2011 중등교육연구 Vol.23 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 중학교 기술·가정 교과 영역의 학습 과제의 체계를 구체적으로 분석하여 제시하는 것이다. 본 연구의 결과를 요약하면, 중학교의 기술·가정 영역별 교육내용 및 활동 체계는『청소년의 이해 및 청소년기의 생활』,『기술의 발달과 미래, 그리고 발명』,『가족 관계와 가정생활의 실제』,『정보 통신 기술과 제조 기술』,『생애설계와 진로탐색, 그리고 가족 복지』,『전자·기계·건설 기술과 생명 기술』로 대별할수 있다. 『청소년의 이해 및 청소년기의 생활』은 청소년의 발달 이해, 청소년의 성과친구 관계 이해, 청소년의 자기 관리 이해, 청소년의 영양과 식사, 옷차림과 자기표현, 청소년기의 소비 생활이 중심이 된다. 『기술의 발달과 미래, 그리고 발명』은 기술의 발달과 생활, 전통 기술의 이해, 미래 사회의 기술, 기술과 발명 아이디어의 구상, 발명 기법과 실제가 중심이 된다. 『가족 관계와 가정생활의 실제』는 변화하는 가족, 가족 관계, 식단과 식품의 선택, 의복의 선택과 관리, 주거와 거주 환경, 식사 준비와 예절, 옷 만들기와 고쳐 입기, 주거 공간의 활용이 중심이 된다. 『정보 통신 기술과 제조 기술』은 정보 통신 기술과 생활, 정보 통신 기술의 활용, 정보 보호와 공유, 제조기술의 이해, 제품의 구상과 설계, 제품 만들기가 중심이 된다. 『생애 설계와 진로탐색, 그리고 가족 복지』는 생애 설계와 실제, 가정생활과 직업생활, 생애 단계와 가족복지, 가족 복지 서비스가 중심이 된다. 『전자·기계·건설 기술과 생명 기술』은 전기·전자의 이해, 기계 운동의 원리, 운동 장치 만들기, 건설 기술의 이해, 건설 구조물의 이용, 건설 구조물 모형 만들기, 생활과 생명 기술, 생명 기술의 활용이 중심이 된다. The purpose of this study was to examine the content elements and activity systems of Technology & Home Economics in the middle school curriculum. Six research questions were posed to serve the purpose ; First, How are the system of learning activity, the content of life education of adolescence based on understanding of adolescents constructed? Second, How are the future of technology, the development of technology, the content of invention education of adolescence constructed? Third, How are the relationship of adolescents with their family, the system of learning activity, and the content of education constructed as a form of real home education? Forth, How are the system of learning activity and the content constructed in both information and communication technology and manufacturing technology education? Fifth, How are the system of learning activity and the content constructed in both life and career planning and the family welfare education? Sixth, How are the system of learning activity and the content constructed in both bio technological education and the education of technology of electronic, machine, and construction? The main materials used for this study are as follows; Proclamation No. 2007-79 of Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development Elementary and Secondary School Practical Arts(Technology & Home Economics) Curriculum(Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, 2007: Annex 10), Proclamation No. 2007-75 and No. 2007-79 Middle School Curriculum Explanation Ⅲ-Mathematics, Science and Technology & Home Economics(Ministry of Education and Science and Technology, 2008), Teacher`s Guide 1 for Middle School Technology & Home Economics(Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent, 2010), Teacher`s Guide 2 for Middle School Technology & Home Economics(Seoul Metropolitan Superintendent, 2011), Teacher`s Guide 3 for Middle School Technology & Home Economics(Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development, 2002), Textbook of Technology & Home Economics Education-1 (Ministry of Education and Science Technology, 2009), Textbook of Technology & Home Economics Education-2(Ministry of Education and Science and Technology, 2009), and Textbook of Technology & Home Economics Education-3(Ministry of Education and Science and Technology, 2002). The summary of the study results were as follows; the system of learning activity and the content of technology and home economics education in middle school are the understanding for adolescents and the life of adolescence, the development of technology, its future and the invention, the relationship with the family and the practice of real home life, the information, the communication technology and the manufacturing technology, the life and career planning and the family welfare, the technology of electronic, machine, construction and bio-technology. The understanding for adolescents and the life of adolescence, which dealt with the understanding of adolescents development, the sexuality of the adolescents, the relationship of adolescents with their friends, the understanding of adolescents in self-management, the nutrition and the meals of adolescents, the garment of adolescents and self-expression, the consumption life of adolescents. The development of technology, its future and the invention, which dealt with the life and the development of technology, the understanding of traditional technique, the technique of the future, ideas for the technology and invention, the technique of the invention and the practice. The relationship with the family and the practice of real home life, which dealt with changing trend in family, changing relationship in family, choice of food and diet, the choice of clothing and the management, housing and residential environment, the preparation of meals and the table manners, making and reforming clothes, utility of the residential space. The information, the communication technology and the manufacturing technology, which dealt with the life and information and communication technology, the utility of communication technology, the security of the information, and the sharing of the information, the understanding of manufacturing technology, ideas for the products, the designs of the products and the making products. The life and career planning and the family welfare, which dealt with the planning and practice for the life of adolescents, home life of adolescents, the career life of adolescents, the stages of life, the welfare of family and the welfare system of family. The technology of electronic, machine, construction and bio-technology, which dealt with the understanding of electrical and electronic, the principle of movement in machine, making a device for movement, the understanding of the construction technology, the utility of construction structures, making models of construction structures, life and bio-technology and the utility of bio-technology. The directions based on the discussed content and the results are as follows. The domain, the understanding for adolescents and the life of adolescence, which should focus on helping adolescents get to know their physical development phenomenon and their sexual traits which enable adolescents to make sound relationship with their friends. On the ground of that, it should let adolescents analyze their daily life and put adolescents into practice their planned activities and leisure activities in accordance with their aims. The domain, the development of technology, its future and invention, which should focus on how technology can affect the life of human being and make adolescents take pride in their traditional technique and adapt themselves in the change for the new technology. The education should focus on forming practical attitudes, which enables adolescents to solve the problem in their real life by using their daily invention products and getting new ideas. The domain, the relationship with the family and the practice of real home life, which should focus on making adolescents cope with the family conflict. It means adolescents should have positive ways of thinking, which include controling their feelings and needs as well as revealing their true expressions. Through this education, firstly, adolescents should know not only how to make good diets according to the taste of their family but also how to match good dress code in clothing. Secondly, adolescents should experience the procedure of making clothes. Thirdly, adolescents should know how to clean and arrange their living products. The domain, the information, the communication technology and the manufacturing technology, which let adolescents know the procedure of the technology and how it has changed our life. Also through the internet education, adolescents should learn how to get information and share the information. Furthermore, this domain enables adolescents to make the practical products through observing and evaluate their products after completion. The domain, the life & career planning and the family welfare, which make adolescents plan their life and career. And it helps adolescents to find proper ideas for breakthrough against their conflict in their home life and career life. Lastly, it gets adolescents to participate in the programs for the family welfare service in their local community. The domain, the technology of electronic, machine, construction and bio-technology, which convey the principles of electrical the development of technology, its future and the invention electronic appliances in homes to adolescents, and it should give adolescents opportunities to check the real parts of electrical. The development of technology, its future and the invention electronic appliances and make simple controling device. Also, it should let adolescents find the examples of construction structure and building structure. Then, it should let adolescents make the model of construction structure. Besides, it should have adolescents notice the real cases that use the bio-technology and make suggestions about the results, which resulted from the development of the bio-technology in a way of either positive side or negative side.

      • KCI등재

        발전과 양호한 거버넌스(good governance)

        김달현(Kim, Dal-Hyun) 국제개발협력학회 2009 국제개발협력연구 Vol.1 No.1

        This paper is to explore several important issues in the process of aggregate development process. The concept of aggregate development covers the more comprehensive concept than those of economic and social development. In other words, development means the progress or process of all the sectoral society such as economy, society, politics, science, culture and technology. Ultimately, it is to make better world over time. In the recent, sustainable human development was appeared in line with the holistic view of development. Sustainable human development means the process of meeting the present human needs without endangering the opportunities of the future generation. Hence, it has the nature of political, economic, social, and environmental dimensions. While economic development is concerned with the material-oriented welfare, sustainable human development is concerned with human-oriented(or human-centered) welfare. The role of governance in connection with development is widely and increasingly recognized in international development cooperation arena. Governance means the aggregate structure relevant to the allocation and management of economic and social resources, and is to achieve the goalssuch as socio-economic development, social order and peace, political freedom and participation. The actors of governance are state, private sector and civil society. The characteristics of governance are participation, accountability, transparency, rule of law, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equity, and effectiveness and efficiency. When these elements are successfully established, we will be able to achieve good governance, through which sustainable development can be attained. Good governance can provide us with political, economic, social and environmental benefits. This paper also attempts to explore the relationship between governance and development through the analysis of comparative study by using World Bank s country-specific governance indicators (i.e. U.K, Korea, Botswana, China, India, Columbia, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe). There has been no generally agreed view on the relationship between governance and economic development. However, there is some supporting evidence that there is a close linkage between governance and economic development from the cross-section analysis of many countries. For instance, the empirical evidence shows that Eastern European countries pursued market economy and democracy, so they achieved successful development. (i.e. the cases of Poland, Hungary and Czeco Republic in Eastern Europe. However, China adopted the socialist market economic development scheme under authoritarian government (gradual approach), so that China achieved rapid economic development without expanding political freedom of the people. On the other hand, Russia experienced social order and economic collapse by adoption of Big Bang approach, because she used open-door policy with excessive political freedom and without institution building. In contrast to China, India has experienced sustainable development under democratic regime. On governance and development, there are two theories; growth-enhancing governance and market-enhancing governance. In 1960s and 1970s, growth-enhancing governance was prevailed while marketenhancing governance was popular after the 1980s. There have been disagreed views on economic development of developing countries. In order to promote development, the reforms of both administrative /judiciary governance and economic governance (institution building and capacity development) are essentially required, and they eventually can contribute to enhancing political and socio-economic development, if successful. It is concluded that development can not be attained without reforms of governance.

      • KCI등재

        How Does Fiscal Decentralization Affect Economic Development?* -Empirical Evidence from Cross-Country Data-

        구정태,김렬 대한정치학회 2009 大韓政治學會報 Vol.17 No.2

        A large number of empirical studies show a mixed picture of the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic development. While strong support is drawn for a positive association (Yilmaz, 2000; Akai and Sakata, 2002; Desai, Freinkman & Goldberg, 2003; Feltenstein and Iwata, 2005; Iimi, 2005), there is also evidence suggesting that a negative or no such relationship exists nonexistent (Enikolopov and Zhuravskaya, 2003; Feld, Baskaran and Dede, 2004; Bodman and Ford, 2006; Feld, 2007). In this study we contribute to the ongoing discussion about the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic development, by addressing the criticisms of the previous bi-variate empirical studies and developing a model that links fiscal decentralization with economic development in direct/indirect channels. Based on maximum likelihood estimation using AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures), we empirically investigated how fiscal decentralization relates directly and, more importantly, indirectly to economic development. The structural equation modeling analysis demonstrates partial support for the proposed model, in which fiscal decentralization affects economic development through macroeconomic conditions and the “basic components of growth equations.” This result shows the possibility that fiscal decentralization, as Bahl and Linn (1992) noted, was not an outcome or a by-product of economic development, but rather a key element to increase efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the public sector. A large number of empirical studies show a mixed picture of the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic development. While strong support is drawn for a positive association (Yilmaz, 2000; Akai and Sakata, 2002; Desai, Freinkman & Goldberg, 2003; Feltenstein and Iwata, 2005; Iimi, 2005), there is also evidence suggesting that a negative or no such relationship exists nonexistent (Enikolopov and Zhuravskaya, 2003; Feld, Baskaran and Dede, 2004; Bodman and Ford, 2006; Feld, 2007). In this study we contribute to the ongoing discussion about the relationship between fiscal decentralization and economic development, by addressing the criticisms of the previous bi-variate empirical studies and developing a model that links fiscal decentralization with economic development in direct/indirect channels. Based on maximum likelihood estimation using AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures), we empirically investigated how fiscal decentralization relates directly and, more importantly, indirectly to economic development. The structural equation modeling analysis demonstrates partial support for the proposed model, in which fiscal decentralization affects economic development through macroeconomic conditions and the “basic components of growth equations.” This result shows the possibility that fiscal decentralization, as Bahl and Linn (1992) noted, was not an outcome or a by-product of economic development, but rather a key element to increase efficiency, transparency, and accountability in the public sector.

      • Supporting Role of Transportation for Economic Development of Shandong Province in China

        장엔수,장타이코오 대구대학교 경제경영연구소 2013 경제경영연구 Vol.9 No.1

        As a basic industry of the national economy, the transportation industry provides important support and strong safeguard for regional economic development. The highway transportation as one way of comprehensive transportation, are developing rapidly these years. The study on support function of highway transportation to regional economic development thus is believed to meaningful and important. Shandong province in measure of both highway and economic development is one of the top ranking provinces in China. In the past years, the highway traffic mileage of Shandong province increased from 3,152 km in 1949 to 229,858 km in 2010, which has a CAGR of 7.39%. At the same time, it’s economy is developing rapidly. As of 2010, GDP of Shandong province amounted to 3.9 trillion yuan. The CAGR of Shandong ’s GDP from 1952 to 2010 is around 9.30%. This paper studies the support function of highway transportation to economic development, taking Shandong Province as an epitome of the country, with the purpose to provide not only advices for Shandong Province in the future development but also advices to those areas which are under developed. This paper uses the method of quantitative analysis. Research background and meaning is firstly discussed in the paper, the mutual influence between highway transportation and regional economic development is analyzed in the middle part. Especially four aspects which are the impact of highway transportation to the total economic, impact on the industrial structure, the impact of the industrial layout, and the impact of area border connection effect are discussed detailed in this part. In the last part of the paper, Shandong province highway transportation and economic development status are discussed and regional differences within it are analyzed by using a quantitative analysis on a historical data set. By doing the studies and analysis above, conclusions of this research are derived. As a province, the highway transportation in Shandong province played a significant supporting role in economic development, and the next two years the role of momentum remains strong. In terms of small economic units such as cities and towns within the Province, comprehensive transportation played most significant role. The policy advices of this paper are development of the highway transportation especially sustainable development should be strengthened, highway transportation layout and structure should be improved, and coordinated development between different methods of transportation with other areas should be more emphasized.

      • The Semiconductor Industry and High-Quality Economic Development: An International Perspective

        남은영,Xiao-Long Wang 한국무역학회 2022 Journal of Korea trade Vol.26 No.7

        Purpose – This paper is an empirical investigation of the mediation effect of innovation activity in industry transformation considering the relationship between the semiconductor industry and highquality economic development. The research questions are whether the semiconductor industry drives high-quality economic development and if so, what is the semiconductor industry’s role in high-quality development? We found that the semiconductor industry has clearly improved the quality of economic development, and its comparative advantage has significantly increased per capita national incomes. Furthermore, innovation activity proved to be an intermediary factor for the semiconductor industry to promote high-quality economic development. The world economy should aim to reasonably develop the international semiconductor industry and cultivate innovation markets. Design/methodology – Our empirical model considers the relationship between the semiconductor industry, innovation activity, and high-quality economic development. We constructed an analysis framework based on data from 199 World Bank economies between 1995 and 2019, and we used a mediation effect method to calculate the total effect of the semiconductor industry on promoting highquality economic development, the indirect effect of the semiconductor industry on promoting innovation activity, and the mediation effect of these innovation activities on the promotion of highquality economic development. Findings – The results show that the semiconductor industry has significantly promoted high-quality economic development. This is true even after the robustness test of grouping and alternative variables was applied. An analysis of the mechanism shows that promoting patents, scientific research, efficient government, and urban management innovation are important mechanisms for the semiconductor industry to release high-quality development dividends. Originality/value – Although it has been shown that specific industries like semiconductors can affect high-quality economic development through industrial upgrading, few researchers have attempted to empirically test the impact of the semiconductor industry on high-quality economic development. In this paper, we use a mediation effect model, alternative variables and a grouping test to find the internal mechanisms of the comparative advantage of the semiconductor industry in high-quality economic development from the perspective of innovation activity.

      • KCI등재

        진로교육 집중학년・학기제에서 진로개발역량 강화를 위한 교과통합 진로교육 방안 연구 - 2015 개정 기술・가정교육과정을 중심으로 -

        김서현 한국가정과교육학회 2017 한국가정과교육학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to activate Home Economics integrated career education for strengthening career development competency in a career education intensive semester & grade system. To do this, the trend of subjects-integrated career education, and the relationship between achievement standards of Home Economics in high school and career development competency were analyzed, methods for Home Economics subjects-integrated career education were investigated, then a case study was developed. The main research results of this study are as follows. First despite the importance of subjects-integrated career education, there are much rooms to improve in operation of the career education intensive semester & grade system. Therefore, the systematic preparation for subjects-integrated career education is required at the time of application of the 2015 revised curriculum and the expansion of the career education intensive semester & grade system. Second, all achievement criteria in three domains of Home Economics were shown to be highly related to career development competency. Eventually it could be confirmed that the Home Economics is a core subject that meets the goals of career education and hones career development competency to be prepared as future human resources. Finally, in order to strengthen the career development competency, a case study of Home Economics integrated career curriculum focusing on the association with curriculum-teaching & learning-evaluation was developed and proposed. Even though the developed case study of curriculum has not been proven yet in the class, this study is expected to contribute to the enlargement of career education of Home Economics in the career education intensive semester & grade system as fundamental data for integration of Home Economics and career education. 본 연구는 진로교육 집중학년・학기제에서 진로개발역량 강화를 위한 가정교과통합 진로교육을 활성화하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 진로교육 집중학년・학기제에서 교과통합 진로교육의 동향, 고등학교 가정과 성취기준과 진로개발역량과의 관계 분석 및 가정교과통합 진로교육 방안을 탐색하고, 수업 사례를 개발하였다. 이 연구의 주요한 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진로교육 집중학년・학기제에서 교과통합 진로교육의 중요성에도 불구하고 운영에 미흡한 점이 많다. 이에 2015 개정교육과정의 적용과 진로교육 집중학년・학기제의 확산을 앞두고 있는 시점에서 교과통합 진로교육을 위한 체계적인 준비가 요구된다. 둘째, 가정교과 3개 영역의 모든 성취기준은 진로개발역량과 관련성이 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 가정교과는 학교 진로교육의 목표를 달성하고, 미래 인재로서 갖추어야 할 진로개발역량을 길러주는 핵심적인 교과임을 확인할 수 있었다. 셋째, 진로개발역량 강화를 위해 교육과정-교수・학습-평가의 연계를 중심으로 가정교과통합 진로수업 사례를 제시하였다. 본 연구의 제한점은 개발된 수업 사례를 현장에 적용하지 못해 그 효과를 확인하지 못한 것이다. 하지만 본 연구는 가정교과와 진로교육의 통합을 위한 기초 자료로서, 진로교육 집중학년・학기제에서 가정교과의 진로교육 활성화에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        Whether Environmental Regulation Can Improve the Quality of Economic Development – Taking Shandong Province as an example

        Wang Shuyang,Chen Chao 부산대학교 중국연구소 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.26 No.3

        Since the implementation of the reform and opening-up policies, Chinese economy has rapidly advanced towards the second-largest in the world. However, at the same time of rapid economic development, environmental pollution, excessive energy consumption and other problems have also become increasingly prominent. Environmental pollution, in particular, contributes approximately 8-15% of China's economic losses. Shandong, a northern Chinese province with a heavy industrial presence, is also grappling with severe environmental pollution challenges. To solve the problems, Shandong has to get rid of the "high energy consumption, high pollution, high emissions and low efficiency" type of economic development mode, then turn to the stage of high-quality economic development. In this process, how to achieve the coordinated development between the improvement of the quality of economic development and environmental improvement has become the focus of attention of all sectors of society. Bring environmental regulation into force is one of the important means to improve environmental problems. Whether the role of environmental regulation contributes to the improvement of the quality of economic development, and how environmental regulation affects the quality of economic development are the key research directions in the field of environmental economics at present. Therefore, this study takes Shandong Province of China as the research object, attempting to answer the above questions through theoretical research and empirical analysis. To calculate the comprehensive index of economic development quality and environmental regulation, the statistical index data of Shandong Province from 1994 to 2019 is used by means of the entropy weight method. Besides, an empirical model was also established in order to verify the impact and internal mechanism of environmental regulation on the economic development quality of Shandong Province. The research shows that there exists a U-shaped relationship between environmental regulation and the quality of economic development in Shandong Province, that is, strengthening environmental regulation at the beginning will inhibit the quality of economic development in Shandong Province, but when the intensity of environmental regulation is increased to a certain extent, environmental regulation will promote its improvement, instead. In addition, the core conclusion still holds after the explanatory variable environmental regulation was replaced. The transmission mechanism analysis shows that environmental regulation can improve the quality of economic development in Shandong Province through green technology innovation effect, industrial upgrading effect and productivity effect, but among of which the green technology innovation effect is relatively more significant. Therefore, it is suggested that the government departments of Shandong Province should further improve the environmental regulation policy, rationally formulate the intensity of environmental regulation; it should improve the independent innovation system, guide the upgrading of industrial structure, raise production efficiency, and give full play to the effect of environmental regulation in promoting the quality improvement of economic development.

      • KCI등재

        An Econometric Model for Assessing the Asymmetry of Urban Development as a Factor of Regional Economic Growth: The Case of Kazakhstan

        Svetlana O. Mukhametzhan,Gulsara A. Junusbekova,Marat Ye. Daueshov 대한산업공학회 2020 Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems Vol.19 No.2

        Given the trend of increasing imbalance in the economic development of administrative-territorial units and ensuring their innovative development, the issue of upgrading the effectiveness of the anti-crisis regional policy is becoming urgent. The research aim is to develop an econometric model for assessing the impact of asymmetries in the develop-ment of urban economies on the regional socio-economic development based on the case of Kazakhstan. The article establishes a sample of indicators of socio-economic development of cities and regions in Kazakhstan in 2014-2018. The governance indicators of the influence of the asymmetry in urban development on the regional socio-economic development in Kazakhstan have been determined based on the Granger causality test, the creation of a cognitive map and the identification of hierarchy levels. The asymmetry in regional development has been estimated applying the coefficient of variation of the relevant indicators of socio-economic development of cities and regions, taking into account the lagged variables. The developed model allows determining the convergence model of regional develop-ment, the nature of the influence of asymmetries in the development of cities on the regional economic development in the context of economic growth and recession, as well as identifying the key factors in the asymmetry of regional development. The results are based on reliable data; they are of practical importance and can serve as the basis for the elaboration of effective preventive measures for anti-crisis regional development policy, not only to neutralize asymmetries, but also to achieve economic growth under the conditions of unbalanced regional development.

      • KCI등재

        Research on Coupling Coordination Evaluation of Sustainable Land Use and Economic Development: A Case Study of Guangdong Province, China

        호쌍우,양리,이종인 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.8

        Sustainable land use is an essential part of the regional natural ecosystem. Likewise, economic development is needed for national prosperity, societal progress, and the high living standards of people. However, some regions blindly pursue economic development and ignore sustainable land use, reducing the level of sustainable land use and hindering economic development. Hence, exploring the coupling coordination between sustainable land use and economic development is conducive to the overall economic development and land protection in any region. Hence, this study collected data on the land use and economic development in Guangdong Province, China for 2008 and 2019 and established the evaluation index system of sustainable land use and economic development for the province. Further, a coupling coordination model of sustainable land use and economic development was established to measure and analyze the level of coupling and coordination between sustainable land use and the land use subsystems, and economic development in the province, respectively. The results of the measurement and analysis were as follows. The sustainable land use and regional economic evaluation values of the province changed during 2018 - 2019. In addition, the respective coupling coordination levels of the two sustainable land use subsystems maintained an upward trend during the period. Meantime, the contribution of the overall development of the two subsystems to their respective coupling coordination degree had been increasing during the period. In particular, this coupling coordination degree had changed from a low to a good coupling coordination stage. Hence, the construction of environmental facilities should further be improved to realize the ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable development of land resources in the province. In particular, the province should promote the optimization of industrial structure and develop tertiary and high-tech industries to coordinate sustainable land use and economic development in the province.

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