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        역사과 핵심역량 중심의 창의ㆍ인성 교육 수업 모델 개발

        李鍾京(Lee, Chong-Kyung),李承實(Lee, Seung-Sil),吳姃炫(Oh, Jeong-Hyun) 역사교육연구회 2013 역사교육 Vol.128 No.-

        This study aims at cultivating the communication skills among the key competencies through developing the education model of the re-enactment. The students are involved in the re-enactment of historical events where they experience the thinking and behavior of the people in the past and think them over again. They read various materials and infer the situation under the title of ‘The invention of letters and printing elicited communication,’ and find out the answers of the questions they have during their active discussion. This education model shows the possibilities of improving the students’ communication skills and divergent thinking skills with imagination and consideration for others, but it also has a limitation that it can strengthen only a part of the key competencies required for the students and it was applied to a small number of classes. Besides, it lacks the link of the lesson to its assessment. Therefore, it is needed to develop the firm rubric about what has to be observed in the assessment and it is also recommended to develop various teaching-learning plans accessible to history classes with its characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        Survival is the Least of My Desires: Testimony, Shame, and Desire in Dorothy Allison`s Bastard Out of Carolina

        ( So Young Park ) 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2010 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.18 No.2

        In her autobiographical novel Bastard Out of Carolina, Dorothy Allison utilizes storytelling to bear witness to the complicated truth of her trauma as a white trash incest survivor. While her fiction provides a brutally honest testimony to devastating effects of sexualized violence taking place in a working-class home, Allison feels compelled to speak about the concurrence of erotic desire and violence through the pre-adolescent protagonist Bone`s masochistic fantasies. In response to her stepfather`s sexual and physical abuse, Bone reenacts sexual trauma. In this essay, I closely read these reenactments of violence and argue that the inventive use of real in her fantasies allows her a certain degree of empowerment and consolation; more importantly, fantasies become a locus where Bone constructs and articulates her complex desire. Bone`s fantasy-making, I believe, is analogous to Allison`s fiction writing. By staging the sexual fantasies in Bastard where she reenacts her sexual trauma, Allison explores the areas of conflict in her life. Allison`s use of storytelling rearticulates her childhood trauma in a medium that creates a possibility of witnessing to the connection between violence and desire in her life.

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