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      • KCI등재

        대조분석을 위한 말뭉치의 타당성 연구 -한중 대조분석을 중심으로-

        황은하 이중언어학회 2021 이중언어학 Vol.82 No.-

        This study aims to analyze and verify the bilingual corpus used in the Korean-Chinese contrastive analysis. To this end, Chapter 2 describes the problems of the corpus construction and corpus used in contrastive linguistics. Chapter 3 analyzes the characteristics of the two kinds of the bilingual corpus - parallel corpus and comparative corpus used in Korean-Chinese contrastive analysis. In Chapter 4, in order to examine the validity of the parallel corpus used in the Korean-Chinese uni-direction contrastive study: the corpora used in five different studies on the Korean particle ‘e(에)’ and ‘eseo(에서)’ and their correspondences in Chinese were compared, and the results of the study were compared. As a result, the corpora used in these five papers were different, and the research results for the study subjects were different, which proved the effect of parallel corpus structure in contrastive studies. Furthermore, we conducted a replica study focusing on the comparative study of Korean-Chinese suffixes. Focusing on the large difference in corpus size between the Korean and Chinese sub-corpora of the comparative corpus, we resized the Korean sub-corpus and conducted a replica study on the suffix. As a result of increasing the Korean corpus size, it was confirmed that the study results on the Korean suffix significantly depend on the corpus size. In summary, it is vital to apply strict standards for representativeness, balance, and size in constructing parallel and comparative corpus in contrastive linguistics studies. 이 연구는 대조분석 연구에 사용되고 있는 말뭉치의 구조적 특성을 파악하고 말뭉치의 구조가 대조분석 연구에 미치는 영향이 어느 정도인지를 사례 연구를 통해 입증하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2장에서는 대조분석용 말뭉치에 관해 제기되는 문제를 자세히 기술하고 3장에서는 말뭉치 기반 한외 대조분석 연구 중 논의가 가장 활발한 한중 언어쌍 연구에 초점을 맞추어, 그에 사용된 말뭉치의 구조적 특성을 정리하여 문제점을 짚어 본다. 4장에서는 병렬말뭉치와 비교말뭉치를 나누어 일부 연구 사례를 중심으로 비교 분석과 재연(replica) 실험을 통해 말뭉치의 구조가 대조분석 연구에 미치는 영향을 입증해 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        対照研究に関する一考察 -研究傾向と展望-

        이덕영 한국일본어학회 2016 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.47

        At a setting of the foreign(or second) language education, understanding(dis)similarities between a target language and the students’ mother tongue is not only useful for predicting the tendencies of errors that the students may typically make, but the degree of such(dis)similarities(i.e. how far and in what aspects the two language are different each other) would greatly influence the contents and approaches of a curriculum. If a teacher understands such(dis)similarities he/she would be able to manage his/her courses more effectively by preparing teaching materials and conducting classes in the way to avoid students’ typical errors. Contrastive study of linguistics aims to clarify the(dis)similarities between two languages in connection with the foreign language acquisition. The aim of the current study is to detail the background of contrastive study, its development and changes, and future prospect. Contrastive study may, from a macro perspective, indicate a sub-discipline of linguistics as in Contrastive Linguistics, while it may, from a micro perspective, indicate a variety of investigations at various units/levels of linguistics as in contrastive analysis. Further, It has two aspects. One is its close relation with foreign language learning, as noted above. The other is its close connection with linguistics, that is, the research trend of contrastive study has changed along with those in(applied) linguistics. In this regard, it is important to note that an approach based on a large size of data or corpus is already a strong trend in linguistics, and that this trend is also appearing in contrastive studies. It is expected that such a trend will continue and further be expanded in contrastive studies in future. 외국어학습에 있어서 학습자의 모어가 학습대상인 목표언어와 어떤 점이 어느 정도 상이한가 하는 점은, 그 언어를 학습하는데 있어서 학습자가 자주 틀릴 수 있는 경향은 물론, 학습내용, 학습의 초점 등의 커리큐럼을 구성하는 과정에도 많은 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 또, 교사가, 학습자의 취약한 사항을 예측할 수 있다면 수업을 보다 효율적으로 운용할 수도 있을 것이다. 본 연구는, 보다 효율적인 외국어학습을 염두에두고, 두 언어이상상이점을 명확히 하는 것을 궁극적인 목적으로 하는 언어의 대조연구에 관하여, 그것이 제창되어진 배경과 그 후의 변천, 그리고 이후의 전망에 대해 고찰하려는데 그 목적이 있다. 언어의 대조연구는, 넓은 의미로는 언어학의 한 분야로 대조언어학을 칭하고, 좁은 의미로는 언어학의 특정항목 혹은 범주를 비교하는 대조분석을 칭하는데, 위에서 언급한대로 한편으로는 외국어교육이라는 측면과 관련이 있으며, 다른 한편으로는 언어학과 밀접한 관계를 갖는다. 즉, (응용)언어학의 발전 혹은 연구경향의 변천에 따라 대조연구의 경향도 변하는 연관성을 보이고 있다. 이러한 관점에서, 대조연구의 가까운 미래에 대해 한마디로 간략히 언급하자면, 급격히 발전한 IT를 이용하여 대량의 데이터를 손쉽게 구축하고 분석할 수 있다는 것은 대단히 매력적인 점으로, 이미 언어학연구에 널리 사용되고 있으며, 대조연구에도 서서히 대량의 데이터 혹은 코퍼스를 이용한 연구가 이루어지고 있어, 앞으로도 이 경향은 계속되리라고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재


        Lee, Duck-Young(이덕영) 한국일본어학회 2016 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.47

        외국어학습에 있어서 학습자의 모어가 학습대상인 목표언어와 어떤 점이 어느 정도 상이한가 하는 점은, 그 언어를 학습하는데 있어서 학습자가 자주 틀릴 수 있는 경향은 물론, 학습내용, 학습의 초점 등의 커리큐럼을 구성하는 과정에도 많은 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 또, 교사가, 학습자의 취약한 사항을 예측할 수 있다면 수업을 보다 효율적으로 운용할 수도 있을 것이다. 본 연구는, 보다 효율적인 외국어학습을 염두에 두고, 두 언어이상상이점을 명확히 하는 것을 궁극적인 목적으로 하는 언어의 대조연구에 관하여, 그것이 제창되어진 배경과 그 후의 변천, 그리고 이후의 전망에 대해 고찰하려는데 그 목적이 있다. 언어의 대조연구는, 넓은 의미로는 언어학의 한 분야로 대조언어학을 칭하고, 좁은 의미로는 언어학의 특정항목 혹은 범주를 비교하는 대조분석을 칭하는데, 위에서 언급한대로 한편으로는 외국어교육이라는 측면과 관련이 있으며, 다른 한편으로는 언어학과 밀접한 관계를 갖는다. 즉, (응용)언어학의 발전 혹은 연구경향의 변천에 따라 대조연구의 경향도 변하는 연관성을 보이고 있다. 이러한 관점에서, 대조연구의 가까운 미래에 대해 한마디로 간략히 언급하자면, 급격히 발전한 IT를 이용하여 대량의 데이터를 손쉽게 구축하고 분석할 수 있다는 것은 대단히 매력적인 점으로, 이미 언어학연구에 널리 사용되고 있으며, 대조연구에도 서서히 대량의 데이터 혹은 코퍼스를 이용한 연구가 이루어지고 있어, 앞으로도 이 경향은 계속되리라고 생각된다. At a setting of the foreign(or second) language education, understanding(dis)similarities between a target language and the students’ mother tongue is not only useful for predicting the tendencies of errors that the students may typically make, but the degree of such(dis)similarities(i.e. how far and in what aspects the two language are different each other) would greatly influence the contents and approaches of a curriculum. If a teacher understands such(dis)similarities he/she would be able to manage his/her courses more effectively by preparing teaching materials and conducting classes in the way to avoid students’ typical errors. Contrastive study of linguistics aims to clarify the(dis)similarities between two languages in connection with the foreign language acquisition. The aim of the current study is to detail the background of contrastive study, its development and changes, and future prospect. Contrastive study may, from a macro perspective, indicate a sub-discipline of linguistics as in Contrastive Linguistics, while it may, from a micro perspective, indicate a variety of investigations at various units/levels of linguistics as in contrastive analysis. Further, It has two aspects. One is its close relation with foreign language learning, as noted above. The other is its close connection with linguistics, that is, the research trend of contrastive study has changed along with those in(applied) linguistics. In this regard, it is important to note that an approach based on a large size of data or corpus is already a strong trend in linguistics, and that this trend is also appearing in contrastive studies. It is expected that such a trend will continue and further be expanded in contrastive studies in future.

      • KCI등재

        프라트(Praat)를 활용한 한국어 연구 동향 분석 -국어학, 한국어교육학, 대조언어학 분야를 대상으로-

        임현진(Lim Hyon-Jin),이쌍(Li Shuang),이지은(Lee Ji-Eun) 우리말학회 2019 우리말연구 Vol.59 No.-

        이 연구는 한국어를 실험음성학적 방법으로 논의한 연구에서 프라트를 사용한 연구 동향을 살펴보기 위한 목적으로 진행되었다. 이를 위해 2000년부터 2019년 6월까지 국내에서 발표된 학위논문과 학술지에 게재된 논문 269편을 대상으로 연도, 논문 유형, 연구 대상, 프라트 기능을 분석하였으며 국어학, 한국어교육학, 대조언어학으로 분류하여 분석하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 프라트를 사용한 연구 중 한국어교육학이 141편으로 가장 많았으며 국어학 75편, 대조언어학 53편으로 나타났다. 논문 유형으로 보면 학위논문은 석사학위논문이 156편, 박사학위논문이 24편이었고 학술지논문은 89편이었다. 연구 대상은 분절음 연구가 180편으로 가장 많았으며 운율 연구가 83편, 혼합 연구가 6편으로 나타났다. 최근 한국어 연구 분야에서 구어에 대한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 개인 연구자들에 의한 프라트를 활용한 연구가 증가하고 있다. 이 연구는 이러한 시점에 프라트를 활용한 실험음성학적 연구 동향을 살펴본 첫 시도이다. 이 연구를 통해 전반적인 연구의 흐름을 파악하고 앞으로의 논의 방향을 제공한다는 점에서 의의를 지닌다. This study aims to analyze the domestic research trends on Korean language which using Praat to provide basic data of acoustic phonetic study. In order to approach this, we selected total 269 articles in the domestic journals from 2000 to June 2019, And categorizing each text according to research type, research subject, function of Praat and yearly trends. The analysis results are as follows. Among the studies using Praat, The most common studies were Korean language education founded by 141 studies, and followed by 75 Korean language studies. And to be last, there were 53 studies in Contrastive linguistics. In terms of research type, there were 156 master s thesis, 89 journals, and 24 doctoral dissertations. Also, For the research subject category, Segmental sound research was the most common with 180, and 83 studies were founded in Intonation and Prosodic units, and 6 studies founded in mixed studies. Recently, as interest in spoken language issue has increased in the field of Korean language research, the number of studies using Praat by individual researchers has increased. This is the first attempt to look at experimental phonetic research trends using Praat at this point in time. To the study is meaningful in that it will identify the overall trend of research and provide a direction for future discussions.

      • KCI등재

        한 · 중 공간형용사 의미 대조 연구 : {깊다/深}를 중심으로

        주송희(Ju,Song-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.28

        This paper discusses the research direction of the contrastive study on meanings of Korean and Chinese spatial adjectives focused on the meanings starting from the importance of spatial adjectives. Based on this, vocabulary ‘deep’ is selected to be done the concrete contrastive study. This paper shows that the information of meanings of dictionaries is insufficient through the analysis of dictionaries, which the existing study is mostly based on the information of dictionaries and only gives the simple contrast whether the vocabulary has the meaning or not. And also it points out that based on the materials of language, the meaning system of vocabulary should be grasped and the contrast should be provided if the contrastive study is done in depth. This paper also proposes that it is necessary to establish the contrast of meaning system and the frame of meaning contrast from the broader point of view. It also discusses that the frame of meaning contrast should be established on the basis of the original attributes of spatial adjectives and the appearance of meaning extension which is based on the direction of meaning extension of general vocabulary. Based on the above discussion, 16058 examples of ‘deep’ and 53497 examples of {深} among 60 million eojeol of modern primitive corpus from 21st Century Sejong Project which is established by the National Institute of the Korean and 700 million eojeol from Modern Chinese CCL Corpus (online version) which is established by Center for Chinese Linguistic PKU are chosen in this paper. According to this, the meaning system of {deep/深} is grasped and the frame of meaning contrast is established. This paper tries to clarify general commonness and distinct characteristics of the meaning of {deep/深} by contrasting the meaning.

      • 신장이식예정 환자의 대장조영검사 시 전처치 개선을 통한 재검 감소와 영상의 질 개선

        이양섭(Yang Sub Lee),이원홍(Won Hong Lee),이진학(Jin Hak Lee),손은영(Eun Young Son),강성호(Seong Ho Kang),이용문(Yong Moon Lee) 대한영상의학기술학회 2006 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2006 No.1

        There are many cases of poor preparation in examining double contrast colon study of recipient a kidney transplant, because the patient with renal failure is limited in intake of water. This study is to improve problems to be caused by poor preparation in examining double contrast colon study of the patient with renal failure by changing the laxative. Of total objective 142 patients with renal failure, 77 patients by Magcorol (250ml) and Dulcorax 2 Tablets and 65 patients by Colonlyte (4ℓ) were examined double contrast colon study. The images were classified into 4 groups including good, common, poor, and fail according to residual feces and mucosal coating by two radiological technologist. Of 77 patients by Magcorol (250ml) and Dulcorax 2 Tablets used for evacuation, Good, common, poor, and fail group were in 11(14.3%), 18(23.4%), 35(45.4%), and 13(16.9%), respectively. Of 65 patients by Colonlyte (4ℓ), Good, common, poor, and fail group were in 10(15.4%), 33(50.8%), 22(33.8%), and 0(0%). In conclusion, to improve a repeat examination and image quality of double contrast colon study of the patient with renal failure, Magcorol (250ml) and Dulcorax 2 Tablets used for the laxative are changed by Colonlyte (4ℓ).

      • 대장이중조영검사에서 Magcorol과 Sodium phosphate(Fleet??)로 전처치 준비 시 대장점막의 도포정도에 관한 비교 고찰

        윤석환(Seok Hwan Yoon) 대한영상의학기술학회 2006 대한영상의학기술학회 논문지 Vol.2006 No.1

        This study was carried out to obtain the fundamental data in selecting an appropriate pre-treatment medicine for the colon disease in future by comparing the pre-treated data about the degrees of coating when Magcorol and Sodium Phosphate were applied on mucous membrane of the colon respectively in the colon double contrast study. Colon double contrast study was performed against the patients who had the colon double contrast between May 1 and May 31, 2005 in S hospital. They were divided into one group who took Magcorol (Taejoon Pharmacy Co., Ltd. Seoul Korea) and the other group who took Oral Sodium phosphate (Fleet??), and colon double contrast was carried out after they took the pre-treatment before investigation. Methods of pre-treatment and investigation for the patients were same. After x-ray exposure was taken by positions, independent estimations were made by three (3) doctors in the x-ray Diagnostic Radiology Department respectively within the specific categories of Very Good (3 Points), Good (2 Points), Common (1 Point) and Bad (0 Point) on the degree of coating of Barium, for the final comparison data. With respect to the degree of cleanness per regions in the colon, it showed the highest value in T-colon, while it showed lowered value in A-colon. On the other hand, even if the colon’s degree of cleanness was influenced by the degree of colon’s flexure, no significant difference was shown between the pre-treatment saline cathartics. The result of difference per ages from the patients who took Magcorol showed the value of 1.50% at 20s - 30s, 2.14% at 30s - 40s, 2.10% at 50s- 60s and 2.64% at 60s - 70s, representing comparatively lower degree of cleanness at the younger ages while higher at the older ages. In case of the patient who took Fleet?? however, the degrees of cleanness were 1.50% at 20s - 30s, 2.44% at 30s - 40s, 2.23% at 50s - 60s and 1.83% at 60s - 70s, showing the highest value at the 30s - 40s while lowest value at the 20s - 30s. From the data of the patient who got colon study after taking Oral sodium phosphate (Fleet??), colon’s degree of cleanness showed little bit lower value compared with that shown in the case of Magcorol, However, it was thought to be a method to reduce inconvenience and unfavorable side effects. Furthermore, although it was sometimes difficult to take Magcorol, in view of excellent effect in the cleanness of colon, it was thought to effective to select appropriate pre-treatment medicine based on the type of patient.

      • KCI등재

        千字文의 受容과 텍스트에 관한 韓日比較硏究

        오미영 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.60

        This study deals with acceptation of Cheonjamun in Korea and Japan in side of its text, selectes presentative texts, compares and considers about original text. By considering it can estimate when original texts of the two nations are established. In case of Japan, almost existing texts have annotation and all of Japanese texts in this study deals with Cheonjamun annotated by Li Seom. However it is common that Korean Cheonjamun texts have not annotation, there is one meaning and one sound of Hanzi each characters. Moreover in the two nations Cheonjamun are used to elementary study of Hanzi, but in Korea it is regarded as importance comparison with Japan. Cheonjamun, in side of contents and difficulty, is not easy to understand. Althought Korean considers as book for beginner. This consider result from way and purpose of studying of Chosen era. This study deals with Ueno-bon, the oldest text of Japan when it is written and put Kunten(punctuation mark on Chinese text) 13th century and Tōdai-bon(15th century) as Japanese Cheonjamun texts. In result of comparison with contents of these two texts, there are 26 different points. There are 4 different points result from avoiding True name, it is changed original text. I found through this study, original text of Ueno-bon is established in the mid-tenth century, original text of Tōdai-bon established after end of eleventh century. In result of comparison with Kwangju text and Seokbong text what are Korean Cheonjamun texts and Difference between Ueno-bon and Tōdai-bon, it is considered that Korean texts are established before mid 10th century. I will deal with traditional study of Cheonjamun in Japan and Korea on the basis of this study.

      • KCI등재

        한·중 대등 접속문의 통사 특징 대조 연구

        션스린,백미경 한국문법교육학회 2022 문법 교육 Vol.44 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to reveal the commonalities and differences by contrasting the syntactic features of Korean and Chinese coordinate conjoined sentences. Syntactic features play an important role in understanding the meaning of sentences and their structures. Therefore, it is necessary to classify coordinate conjoined sentences in Korean and Chinese by type and examine each syntactic feature. The syntactic features were analyzed by type by dividing Korean and Chinese coordinate conjoined sentences into listing, selection and opposition conjunctive. Discussions were conducted by focusing on the use and appearance of conjunctive markers for each type, the order of preceding and following clauses, the realization of topichood, and the omission of verb phrases. It was confirmed that the syntactic differences between Korean and Chinese coordinate conjoined sentences were mainly caused by linguistic factors such as agglutinative language and isolating language, and word order. The coordinate conjoined sentences of Korean and Chinese show significant differences in terms of the use and location of the conjunctive markers and combination with the topic particles, showing the specificity of each. However, it showed general linguistic universality in terms of the omission phenomenon. Most of the previous studies discussed the semantic relationship between Korean and Chinese conjunctive sentences focusing on the conjunctive endings. However, this study is meaningful in that it classified the coordinate conjoined sentences in Korean and Chinese by type and analyzed syntactic characteristics through examples. This study can be used as basic data for contrastive linguistics in Korean and Chinese studies. Furthermore, it is expected that the results of this study can help improve the accuracy of Korean and Chinese translation in machines or online.

      • KCI등재

        An acoustic and aerodynamic study of four-way stop contrast in Marathi

        Hyunjung Lee 한국음운론학회 2020 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.26 No.3

        The present study examined the acoustic and aerodynamic properties of the four-way stop contrast in Marathi. This study focused on classifying ‘voicing and aspiration’, clarifying the disagreement across previous studies regarding acoustic measures. Three native Marathi speakers participated in both acoustic and aerodynamic studies. In the acoustic study, measures included CD (closure duration), ACT (after closure time), SA (superimposed aspiration), f0 of the following vowel portion, and the amplitude differences between the first harmonic and the second harmonic (H1-H2) at the vowel onset. The acoustic findings suggest that the combination of the durational properties CD and ACT distinguish the stop category, indicating that CD distinguishes voiced stops from voiceless ones, and that ACT distinguishes aspirated from non-aspirated stops. For the measures of f0 and H1-H2, while f0 did not effectively differentiate the four-way stop contrast, the measured H1-H2 values confirmed the breathiness of the voiced aspirated stop in addition to the SA measurement. The aerodynamic study also supports the distinct properties across the four stop categories, providing information on the subglottal and supraglottal systems. The results suggest that multiple acoustic cues, CD and ACT, distinguish the atypical four-way stop contrast in Marathi.

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