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      • KCI등재

        구봉 송익필 직(直)사상의 기호유학에서의 전승연구

        김창경 ( Chang Gyung Kim ) 한국동서철학회 2015 동서철학연구 Vol.78 No.-

        직(直)사상은 유가철학의 종지요 심법이며 지결이라 일컬어진다. 『주역』에서 ‘경이직내’라 하였고, 공자는 『논어』에서 인간의 태어남은 직이라 하였다. 맹자도 호연지기를 직으로써 기른다고 하였다. 정명도는 천지사이에 정정당당한 직이라 하였으며, 주자는 성현이 상전한 심법은 직 한 글자라 하여 유언으로 남겼다. 조선의 유학자 가운데 구봉 송익필은 제자인 김장생에게 「김은자직백설」의 글을 주면서 직에 대해 전승하고 있다. 이러한 직은 기호유학의 송시열, 권상하, 윤봉구, 김원행, 박윤원, 홍직필, 전우 등 근대 기호유학자들에게까지 사승(師承)되어 전해지고 있다. 고려 말부터 조선의 유학자들이 직에 대해 언급하고 있지만, 대부분 『주역』과 『심경』에 대한 설명에서 벗어나지 않는다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 본 연구에서 고찰한 바, 구봉 송익필로부터 기호유학으로 전승되고 있는 직사상은, 공·맹·정·주의 직사상을 온전히 담고 있으면서도, 이름, 호, 자, 서재명 등에 직에 대한 자신들의 견해를 붙여서 상전(相傳)하고 있다. 이런 특징은 스승과 제자 사이에 학문의 요체를 상전하는 학문적 수수(授受)방식이라 할 수 있으며, 특수한 전승(傳承)방식을 지니고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이런 점에서 조선유학자들 가운데 공·맹·정·주의 직사상의 맥은 구봉 송익필이 계승하고 있으며, 또한 그를 비롯하여 기호유학에서 학문적 특수성을 지닌 전승방식을 지니면서 근대 기호유학자들에게까지 사승(師承)되어져 온다고 할 수 있다. 이와 같은 구봉의 직사상에 대한 기호유학에서의 학문적 위상 정립과, 한국유학사상사에서의 재조명이 필요하다고 하겠다. The thought of Jik(直) is called as a fundamental teaching(宗旨) of Confucian thought, the heart of heart study(心法), and the best important methodology of teaching(旨訣). In addition, it was called as ‘respecting inner side of the mind through Jik(敬以直內)’ in 『Zhouyi(The Book of Changes)』 and Confucius said human`s being born was the Jik in 『Analects of Confucius』. Also, Mencius said that developing great spirit(浩然之氣) was nurtured through the Jik. Another definition of the Jik is from Jeongmyeongdo who said a fairly contested Jik between the earth and the sky. In addition, Juja left Dharma of mind which was bequeathed by the sages as a Jik letter by his will. Among Confucian scholars of the Joseon Dynasty, Gubong Ikpil Song(1534~1599) inherited the Jik to one of his disciples, Jangsaeng Kim, by giving him a writing of 「KimEunJaJikBaekSeol」. Even more, the Jik was succeeded by a few scholars of the Confucianism of Giho School including Siyeol Song and by modern era scholars of the Confucianism of Giho School such as Sangha Kwon, Bonggu Yun, Wonhang Kim, Yeounwon Park, Jikpil Hong, and Woo Jeon. Even though scholars of the Joseon Dynasty mentioned about the Jik from the end of Goryeo, most was not off the point of description of 『Zhouyi(The Book of Changes)』 and 『Simgyeong(The Mind)』. However, a comprehensive analysis of this study shows that the thought of Jik succeeded from Gubong Ikpil Song to the Confucianism of Giho School not only fully covers the thoughts of Jik from Confucius, Mencius, Cheng, and Zhuxi but also is succeeded with adding their own opinions about title, nick name, letter, and the name of rooms for reading(書齋名). These characteristics can be seen as an academic way of give and take, succeeding the essence of a discipline between teachers and students, showing unique way of succeeding. In this sense, among Confucian scholars of the Joseon Dynasty, the legacy of the thought of Jik from Confucius, Mencius, Cheng, and Zhuxi is continued by Gubong Ikpil Song. Moreover, the academic distinct characteristics of its legacies can be said that they have been learned and succeeded from Confucianism of Giho School to scholars of modern "Confucianism of Giho School. In conclusion, it is necessary to establish correct academic status of Gubong`s thought of Jik on the perspective of the Confucianism of Giho School and to explore it again on the perspective of Korean Confucianism history of thought.

      • KCI등재후보

        茶文化와 儒家의 中和 思想 (Ⅰ)

        변정희,박문현 한국차학회 2009 한국차학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        The key words of the Confucian School’s thought reflected the most bigger influence to the East Asia culture is neutralization. The concept of neutralization is the thought commonly shown from the Confusion, the Buddha and Taoism, and it appears with a mutual mixes in the tea culture. We are now seeking for the spirit world of the tea culture in center of neutralization of Confucian School. The spirit of neutralization is the most important concept in the all courses of realization of tea events after recognition of the main nature of tea. The spirit of neutralization will improve the original nature through the tea life and also it will harmonize to himself together with society. And the neutralization spirit will pursue harmony of the cosmic dual forces and will gain the principle of the nature of the universe. the tea life is one of the method to be attained to neutralization and it will come to the same meaning of the persons who control himself and the person who lead the nation said by the confusional system, such as it is the ultimate purpose to be said that it is the individual completion and social completion.

      • KCI등재

        교육 : 한국 유학사상 대계 교육사상 분야 서술의 문제점과 대안

        박연호(Park Youn-ho) 한국국학진흥원 2003 국학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        발표자는 우선 한국국학진흥원의 ‘한국 유학사상 대계’ 사업 전체에 해당되는 문제점과 해결 방안을 지적하였다. 이 ‘대계’의 기획은 유학을 바퀴 통으로 삼으면서 유학과 연결시킬 수 있는 다양한 현대적 관심사들을 바퀴 살처럼 망라하고 있다는 점에서 다양성과 통일성을 아울러 갖추고 있어서, 기왕의 어떤 출판물들보다 더 나은 결과를 기대할 수 있는 기획이라고 평가했다. 다만 집필자가 해야 하는 일의 성격이 다소 불명확하다는 것, 각 분야별 연구책임자가 없다는 점 등이 중요한 기획 목표인 ’일관된 관점의 유지’를 어렵게 만들 수 있음을 지적하고, 그 해결 방안을 제시하였다. 특히 「교육사상」편과 관련해서는, 전근대시기의 교육과 유학이 맺고 있는 불가분리의 관계 때문에 이 편의 집필이 거의 우리 교육의 역사와 전통을 학문적으로 정리하여 줄기를 세우는 일에 맞먹는 의의를 갖고 있음을 의식하고 사명감을 가져 줄 것을 당부하였다. 체제와 구성에 관해서는, 먼저 지배적인 학풍에 따라 훈고/사장학 시기와 성리학 시기, 근대적 상황 속에서의 유학 등으로 구분한 바탕 위에서 왕조별로 고찰할 것을 제안하였다. 또 유학의 교육사상을 현대적 관심에 맞추어 ① ‘대상에 따른’ 교육목적론敎育目的論, ②교육단계敎育段階 및 교육과정론敎育課程論, ③교육방법敎育方法 및 수양론修養論, ④ 교육제도론敎育制度論 등으로 나누어 고찰하되, 이 네 가지 세목들을 모두 상당한 분량으로 충실히 다룰 수 있는 시기는 유학의 전성기인 조선시대뿐이므로, 그 이외의 시대에 대해서는 네 세목을 참고 사항 정도로만 활용하도록 하고 시대별 특성을 중심으로 한 융통성 있는 서술의 여지를 충분히 허용할 것을 제안하였다. First of all, this paper pointed out some difficulties and their solutions for the entire project of the "Series of Korean Confucian Thoughts" designed by Korean Studies Advancement Center. The paper highly estimated the project as being able to produce better outcomes than any other previous attempts, because it secures diversities and unity in that various modem domains of concern center around one single unifying theme id est Korean Confucianism However it also pointed out that there is some obscurity about the character of the writer's job, and there is no coordinator of domain, and these two flaws could render the maintenance of consistent point of view very difficult, which is an important objectives of this project, and then suggested it's solution. Concerning particularly the domain of 'educational thoughts', the author of paper stressed the importance and significance of this part as a groundwork for revealing mainstream of Korean history of education. About the selection and organization of topics, it suggested the double dimension periodization according to dominant academic trend, that is first exegetical and literary age, second neo-Confucian age, third Confucianism in the modem situation, and then division of period according to dynasty. It also suggested to classify Korean Confucian educational thoughts as four headings, namely ① thoughts on educational aims 'along to estates', ② thoughts' on educational stages and curricula, ③ thoughts on educational method and cultivation of one's mind, ④ thoughts on institutional arrangements, which reflects modem interests respectively as far as possible. But since sufficient historical materials and studies for writing could be available only in Choson dynasty as a matter of fact, so in other dynasties and periods these four headings would not be insisted upon rigidly, and enough flexibility for writing should be allowed.

      • KCI등재후보

        茶文化와 中和 思想

        변정희(Jeong Hee Byeon),박문현(Moon Hyun Park) 한국차학회 2010 한국차학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        This essay proposes the moral purpose to come to respect, correct, light, frugality, courtesy to the neutralized thought. The tea life will be made mutually respect and harmony in the human relations. The simple tea that we will drink with a safe and calm mind may accomplish to the world of harmony book as keeping ceremony together with tea friends through the simple tea place, fine and clean tea dish. This will do the realized harmony of the personal cultivate, harmony of human relations, together with the universal nature in advance. In short, in the foundation of neutralization spirit having the tea culture, it is laid the neutralization culture of the Confucian School, and the spirit world of tea works may be explained the virtual goodness of respect, correct, light, frugality, courtesy of the Confucian School.

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