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        Haunting the London Streets: Virginia Woolf’s Urban Travelogues Re-appraised

        최영순 한국영어영문학회 2009 영어 영문학 Vol.55 No.3

        Woolf’s preoccupation with the interplay between gender, commercialism, and the modern city is exposed in higher relief by her feminist remapping of the city through a discourse of flânerie, which is epitomized in her singular urban travelogues such as ‘Street Haunting’ and The London Scene essays. A fanatical London-adventurer herself, she assumes the persona of the flâneuse in exploring the street of modern London and especially the public sphere of the marketplace, as represented in ‘Oxford Street Tide’. Living and working in the quarter of Bloomsbury, in close proximity to the capital’s famous sites of tourism, entertainment, and mass consumption, Woolf was placed at the heart of urban spectacle. In spite of the lack of critical analysis of this high-profile writer’s interest in such quotidian matters as shopping, fashion and appearance, which would be informed by a hierarchy of value within literary criticism, it seems that they are inextricably intertwined with her quest into more serious-minded topics that revolve around the twin pillars of her literary project: feminism and modernism. Her essays, in particular, suggest this point in one way or another, mirroring her extraordinary susceptibility to such concerns. For Woolf, street sauntering is synonymous with an act of ‘creative mobility’, by which she plays with the notion of shifting identities, rediscovers the urban rarities and splendors, and ultimately pins them down in her literary output. By adopting the identity of a masterly rambler/observer/explorer with an omnipotent gaze, she firmly anchors herself as an active interpreter of urban modernity and viewer of its spectacle. She thus challenges the idea of public space as a male domain, which is central to the classic androcentric discourse of loitering, spectatorship and urban modernity. Woolf’s preoccupation with the interplay between gender, commercialism, and the modern city is exposed in higher relief by her feminist remapping of the city through a discourse of flânerie, which is epitomized in her singular urban travelogues such as ‘Street Haunting’ and The London Scene essays. A fanatical London-adventurer herself, she assumes the persona of the flâneuse in exploring the street of modern London and especially the public sphere of the marketplace, as represented in ‘Oxford Street Tide’. Living and working in the quarter of Bloomsbury, in close proximity to the capital’s famous sites of tourism, entertainment, and mass consumption, Woolf was placed at the heart of urban spectacle. In spite of the lack of critical analysis of this high-profile writer’s interest in such quotidian matters as shopping, fashion and appearance, which would be informed by a hierarchy of value within literary criticism, it seems that they are inextricably intertwined with her quest into more serious-minded topics that revolve around the twin pillars of her literary project: feminism and modernism. Her essays, in particular, suggest this point in one way or another, mirroring her extraordinary susceptibility to such concerns. For Woolf, street sauntering is synonymous with an act of ‘creative mobility’, by which she plays with the notion of shifting identities, rediscovers the urban rarities and splendors, and ultimately pins them down in her literary output. By adopting the identity of a masterly rambler/observer/explorer with an omnipotent gaze, she firmly anchors herself as an active interpreter of urban modernity and viewer of its spectacle. She thus challenges the idea of public space as a male domain, which is central to the classic androcentric discourse of loitering, spectatorship and urban modernity.

      • KCI등재

        마비된 도시와의 사랑: 「애러비」에 대한 정신분석학적 독해

        임경규 ( Kyeong Kyu Im ) 한국제임스조이스학회 2013 제임스조이스저널 Vol.19 No.1

        This paper aims at reading James Joyce``s "Araby" from the Lacanian psychoanalytic perspective. It argues that the boy``s unrewarded love toward Mangan``s sister is the boy``s effort to inscribe his desire and subjectivity within the urban space of Dublin that is paralyzed and alienated/alienating. In contrast to the boy``s uncle who represents Dublin bourgeois life in "brown imperturbable faces," Mangan``s sister symbolizes the promise of the urban life, luring the boy into the commercial culture of the city. However, his love with Mangan``s sister or the desire for seamless integration into the space of Dublin is structurally unattainable because Dublin, the paralyzed city, does not allow such a thing as a harmonious unity between its space and its citizens. Joyce expresses this impossibility by framing the story in the form of courtly love. According to Lacan, courtly love is parasitic on the fundamental impossibility because the lady in question is not a woman with materiality but what he calls das Ding-or a screen on which a man projects his narcissistic fantasy. The boy``s fantasy should disguise the traumatic truth-his love is not impossible but just is impeded by the "throng of foes" that are "hostile to romance." The boy``s misrecognition leads him into an endless cycle of desire and lack, or what he calls "vanity."

      • KCI등재

        Demystifying the Inter-war Rive Gauche - Representation of Commercialized Urban Culture in The Left Bank

        Young Sun Choi(최영순) 한국영미어문학회 2007 영미어문학 Vol.- No.82

          This paper purports to examine the ways in which the modern city and the world of commercialized urban culture are envisaged in Rhys"s The Left Bank. It  considers, in particular, the author"s tackling of the issue of the commodification of bohemian lifestyle in the supposedly liberal quarter of Montparnasse of Paris of the 1920s, suggesting that her representation of the city is essentially at odds with the city delineated in the fiction and memoirs of mainstream modernist writers and especially the American expatriates, who tended to define inter-war Paris as a gay, glamorous epicentre of the Jazz Age. Unlike them, Rhys was prone to delve into and unmask the grim aspects of modern existence trapped in that specific commercial district. She thus calls into question the nature of the capitalist culture, engaging us to reconsider the strains and tensions inherent in urban modernity.

      • KCI등재

        경성(京城) 상업공간의 식민지 근대성

        박선희(Seon-Heui Park) 대한지리학회 2006 대한지리학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        본 논문은 한국 경제가 식민지 경제 체제로 이행되는 과정에서 식민지 도시 경성의 상업공간이 도시 내부에서 어떻게 식민지 근대성을 표출시키고 있었는가를 상업회사를 중심으로 분석하고자 하였다. 경성의 상업회사에 대한 1920년대와 1930년대의 시계열적 분석을 보면, 상업회사의 수와 규모 면에서 본정2정목의 성장이 활발하였다. 민족별로 보면 일본인 상업회사 수는 본정1정목에서 가장 많이 증가하였고, 규모 면에서는 황금정2정목의 상업회사가 크게 성장하였다. 조선인 상업회사의 변화를 보면, 종로2정목이 회사 수나 규모 면에서도 가장 많이 성장하였다. 일제강점기 경성에서 일본인의 상업활동이 활발하고 규모가 컸지만 조선 상인들은 이에 대해 대처하려고 노력하였다. 조선 상인들의 근대적 경영 방식의 회사 설립과 운영 등을 시도하였고 종로2정목의 화신연쇄점을 비롯한 여러 상업회사가 비교적 규모가 큰 상업회사를 유지하면서 근대성을 담지하고 있었다. 그러나 상업회사의 규모에서 조선인 회사는 일본인 회사에 비해 영세하였고 상업회사를 중심으로 분석한 식민지 도시 경성 상업공간의 식민지 근대성은 상업활동과 상업공간의 민족별 격리와 조선인 상업자본의 영세성이라는 이중구조를 보였다. The purpose of this paper is to study on colonial modernity of commercial space in the case of commercial companies in Kyungsung(Seoul) during Japanese colonial period. Commercial companies in Bonjung2jungmok had the greatest growth in the numbers and the scale of company’s capital from 1920s to 1930s. Japanese’s commercial companies had concentrated in Bonjung1jungmok and the scale of Japanese’s capital had been the greatest in Hwanggumjung2jungmok. Korean merchants had tried to change their commercial organization to modern and capitalistic system in the face of infiltration of Japanese merchant capital in Kyungsung. They had established some modern stock companies and had managed a few companies of large capital such as Hwashinyeonshejum(a multiple shop) in Jongro2jungmok. We may observe the modernity of commercial companies in some modern stock commercial companies and the activities of commercial merchants in Kyungsung. But Korean’s commercial companies had been small-scale businesses in comparison with Japanese’s commercial companies. Colonialism in commercial space in Kyungsung had been appeared doubly in ethnical segregation of commercial activities and the scale of commercial capital.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 문학의 한량 캐릭터와 한양

        류수열 ( Su Yeol Ryu ) 한국언어문화학회 2010 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.43

        The word ``hallyang`` in Korean means originally the jobless man or honorary soldier in Joseon Dynasty. But these days it means a prodigal playboy, libertine, or debauchee. This word is considered to have this meaning from 18th century fell into Post-Joseon Dynasty. In those age, Hanyang(the present name is Seoul) was switched over from administration capital to commercial capital. This study aims to investigate its concrete relation between the hallyang character and commercial capital Hanyang. So the different paragraphs describing the hallyang in the genre of gasa, sijo, novel works was focused on. The feature of hallyang is as follows; They belong to middle class. They enjoy alcohol and music with gisaeng in a flock, and pursuit pleasure in different way on the base of rich and affluent environment. The middle class gained commercial power in the age of waving status system. Hanyang having changed into full-scale commercial city was their strong background. In the history of Korean pre-modern literature, almost of the character or their life was described as ideal man or ideal life. They was almost sacred hero or specially talented people. But since 18th century there was remarkable change in literature. It was the birth of profane people hallyang. It can be considered as a token of modern literature. The character of hallyang is worthy of notice as an modern character.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 마산 상남동 지역에서 전개된 사회변화와 근대교육의 여러 양상

        유장근 ( Jang Keun Yu ) 대구사학회 2016 대구사학 Vol.122 No.-

        마산의 역사에서 각 공간은 그 공간이 만들어졌던 시대를 상징한다고 할 수 있다. 곧 조선 후기에 도시의 모습을 갖춘 도심지인 원마산(혹은 구마산), 개항기 이후에 개항장에서 발전한 신마산, 그 중간 지역에 생겨난 중앙마산, 그리고 1960년대 중엽 이후의 산업화 시기에 탄생한 동마산 등은 마산의 각 시대를 반영하고 있다고 할 수 있다. 이 연구의 대상이 된 상남동은 원마산과 농촌부였던 동마산 사이에 존재하고 있었던 오랜 역사의 동네로써, 뒷날 북마산권의 중심으로 성장하였다. 이 글은 바로 이 상남동(현 노산동) 지역에서 전개된 사회변화와 근대교육을 상호 관련시켜 검토한 것이다. 사회변화는 농촌사회에서 산업사회로 변화하는 과정을 검토하였고, 이것을 근대형 교육기관의 출현과 연계시켜 보았다. 교육기관의 경우 인문계 기독교학교인 창신학교, 관민합동의 실업학교인 마산상업학교, 그리고 지역민에 의해 세워진 빈민층 여성교육기관인 선화고등공민학교를 대상으로 삼았다. 앞의 두 학교는 개화기의 기독교적 문명 세계와 식민지 시기의 실업사회를, 후자는 1960년대의 산업화 사회에 각각 조응하는 근대교육을 상징하였다. From a perspective of the history of Masan, every place stands for the time when the place was built. For instance, four particular places in Masan including the old Masan area that was developed as a city in the late Chosun dynasty era, the new Masan area that was built in the port area after the opening port era, the middle Masan area that was formed between the Old and New Masan area, and the eastern Masan area that was constructed during the industrialization era of the late 1960s reflect their times of Masan. As the subject of this study, Sangnam-dong is a historic downtown area located between the old Masan and the eastern Masan area, which was originally a farming settlement. Later, this area has been developed as a center in the area of northern Masan. This paper is a comparative study of two particular aspects (i.e., social change and modern education) that were unfolded in the area of Sangnam-dong (currently, Nosan-dong) in the last century. Regarding the aspect of social change, the changing process from rural society to industrial society has been reviewed, and then this process has been compared with the emergence of modern education institutions. In particular, three historic schools have been investigated for the study, and these are Changshin School, an academic Christian missionary school, Masan Commercial School, a civil and public vocational school, and Sunhwa Higher Civic School, a higher educational institution for poor women which was established by local residents. The first and second schools of them stand for modern education conducted in this area during the opening port era and the Japanese colonial era, respectively. The last represents modern education corresponding to the industrialized society of the late 1960s. (Kyungnam University / yufei21@naver.com)

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