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      • KCI등재

        송이 균환내 토양수분의 시공간적 변화

        구창덕 ( Gu Chang Deog ),김재수 ( Kim Jae Su ),이상희 ( Lee Sang Hui ),박재인 ( Park Jae In ),안광태 ( An Gwang Tae ) 한국산림과학회 2003 한국산림과학회지 Vol.92 No.6

        Water is critically important for Tricholoma matsutake(Tm) growth because it is the major component of the mushroom by over 90%. The mushroom absorbs water through the below ground hyphal colony. Therefore, the objectives of our study were to investigate spatio-temporal water changes in Tm colonies. This study was carried out at Tm fruiting sites in Sogni Mt National Park, where the below-ground fairy-ring colonies have been irrigated. To identify spatial water status within the Tm soil colony soil moisture and ergosterol content were measured at six positions including a mushroom fruiting position on the line of the colony radius. To investigate temporal soil moisture changes in the soil colony, Time Domain Reflectometry(TDR) sensors were established at the non-colony and colony front edge, and water data were recorded with CRlOX data logger from late August to late October. Before irrigation, whereas it was 12.8% at non-colony, the soil water content within Tm colony was 8.0% at 0-5cm from the colony front edge, 6.2% at 10-15cm and 6.5-7.5% at 20-40cm. And the content was 12.1% at 80cm distance from the colony edge, which is similar to that at the non-colony. In contrast, ergosterol content which is proportional to the live hyphal biomass was only 0.4pg/g fresh soil at the uncolonized soil, while 4.9 ㎍/g fresh soil at the front edge where the hyphae actively grow, and 3.8 .㎍/g fresh soil at the fruiting position, l.l ㎍/g at 20cm distance and 0.4㎍/g in the 40cm rear area. Generally, in the Tm fungal colony the water content changes were reversed to the ergosterol content changes. While the site was watered during August to October, the soil water contents were 13.5-23.0% within the fungal colony, whereas it was 14.5-26.0% at the non-colony. That is, soil water content in the colony was lower by 1.0-3.0% than that in the non-colonized soil. Our results show that Tm colony consumes more soil water than other parts. Especially the front 30cm within the hyphal colony parts is more critical for soil water absorption.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 체험자의 기억 속의 ‘제국’과 ‘식민지’

        이규수(Yi Gyu-Soo) 부산경남사학회 2011 역사와 경계 Vol.79 No.-

        이 글에서는 전후 일본의 식민지 기억을 한일회담 전후에 결성된 후지카이 관련자들이 남긴 식민지 체험 기억을 담은 회고록과 수기를 바탕으로 귀환자의 식민지 체험에 대한 인식이 어떻게 전이되고 왜곡되었는지를 검토했다. 제국의 일반 서민이 식민지를 기억하는 회로는 다양하다. 식민지 기억은 ‘식민지 권역’과 ‘비식민지 권역’이라는 기억 대상에 따라, 또 본국으로의 귀환과 현지 억류 등 원체험의 차이에 따라 재편되었다. 제국 서민의 조선에 대한 기억은 식민자로 살아온 역사를 봉인한 채 ‘경계인’으로 살아갈 수밖에 없었지만, 제국과 식민지의 관계는 여타 식민지 권역과는 다른 양상으로 기억되었다. 후지카이를 비롯한 많은 식민지 귀환자들은 패전 이후 억눌려 왔던 기억을 한일회담을 계기로 ‘재생’시켰다. 전후 일본사회가 귀환자에게 던졌던 ‘싸늘한 시선’에 억눌려 살아온 자신들의 모습에 정당성을 부여하기 위한 시도였다. 한일회담을 통한 조약 체결은 식민지로부터의 귀환자들을 ‘식민지 개발 공로자’가 아니라 ‘침략자의 첨병’으로 인식하게 했지만, 후지카이를 비롯한 많은 귀환자들은 이에 반발하여 식민지에서의 자신들의 족적을 합리화하는 ‘언설의 공간’을 만들어 나갔다. 전후 일본사회의 귀환자에 대한 따가운 시선과 식민지에 대한 향수, 자기합리화의 감정은 새로운 제국의식으로 형태를 바꾸어 표출되었다. 그것은 단순히 자기합리화의 감정을 넘어 신생 한국에 대한 차별적인 고정관념의 고착화라는 ‘기억’의 역전으로 나타난다. 귀환자들은 식민지 체험에 대해 천황제 이데올로기로 상징되는 ‘사악한 국가권력’으로부터 외지로 밀려난 ‘선량한 서민’이라는 허울 좋은 도식으로 굴절시킨 심층의식을 형성했다. 식민지 시대를 언급한 수기의 공통성은 수기의 주인공인 자신이나 자기 육친은 하나같이 조선인에게 차별의식을 품지 않은 ‘착한 일본인’으로 형상화되었다. 한일 간의 ‘기억을 둘러싼 역사전쟁’은 아직 ‘휴전’ 상태이다. 완전한 ‘정전’ 상태를 맞이하기 위해 우리는 기억을 공동으로 재생시킬 수 있는 장치가 필요하다. 후지카이의 식민지 기억에 관한 검토는 해방 전후 연속과 단절의 문제와 관련하여 한국인의 식민지 기억과 비교 작업을 바탕으로 이루어져야 한다. In this thesis, I examined how the colony recognition of the japanese returned was transferred and distorted after the 2nd World War. on the center of the memoirs and manuscripts of the Fujikai related persons. The circuits in which the general japanese citizens remembered were various. The colony memories were reorganized according to the memory subject such as the colony district or the non-colony district, and the difference of original experiences like the return to the country or local detention. Though the empire citizens as the colonizers must have lived as ‘the bordered people’. their memory on the relation of the empire and the colony. Chosun was very different with on that of other colony districts. Many colony returned japanese have revived the suppressed memories after the war, with the talks of Korea and Japan as a momentum. It was the trial that the returned, who have been repressed in the cold gaze of the japan society, would have to justify their own attitudes. Though the agreement concluded through the talks of Korea and Japan recognized the returned as not ‘colony developers’, but ‘advance guard of the invasion’. they, resisting to this, have built ‘the justifying space of their traces’ in the colony of Chosun. In the Japan society after the war, the colony returned people’s homesick on the colony and the self-justifying feeing were changed as a new empire consciousness. In the manuscripts on the colony. the returned people and their family have been depicted as ‘a good people’ who have never had discriminatory consciousness to the korean. It was not simply the feeling of justification, but was ‘the reversal of the memories’. the adherence of the discriminated and fixed idea to the newly-born Korea. The historical war on the memory between Korea and Japan has been ‘a suspension state’ so far. To face with the complete ‘cease-fire’. we have to take the procedure in order to revive our common memories between Korea and Japan. The examination of Fujikai’s memories on the colony should be compared with that of the korean. And also I would go on inquiring into this problem.

      • Year-Round Production System of the Korean Native Bumblebee Bombus ignitus for Crop Pollination

        Hyung Joo Yoon 한국응용곤충학회 2010 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.05

        The bumblebee is an important pollinator of various greenhouse crops, especially for tomatoes and there has been increasing interest in commercial use of the insects for pollination. Recent advances in commercial rearing of the European bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) made it possible to package bumblebee for crop pollination. Bumblebees are distributed world widely including alpine, cool temperate and even arctic environments of the northern continents. We chose B. ignitus out of seven Korean native bumblebees, because the species showed the best results both in artificial multiplication and in pollinating ability. Now, we are studying an artificial year-round mass rearing of B. ignitus selected as the most reliable native species in crop pollination. Therefore, we investigated the optimum temperature and humidity, effect of photoperiod and CO2-treatment, facilitating effects of helper, and artificial hibernation of B. ignitus to establish year-round mass rearing of B. ignius. The experimental regimes of temperature and humidity were defined as 23℃, 27℃ and 30℃ under a constant humidity of 65% R.H., and 50%, 65% and 80% R.H. under a constant temperature of 27℃, respectively. Among the temperature regimes, 27℃-rearing showed the best results, i.e., the rates of colony initiation, colony foundation and progeny-queen production at 27℃ were 83%, 63% and 46%, respectively, which corresponded to 2.2-5.5 times the respective values at other temperature regimes. The numbers of progeny produced at 27℃-rearing, 164±33 workers, 553±174 males and 33±48 queens were also higher, corresponding to 21.8 and 1.5 times those at 23℃ and 30℃, respectively. In terms of humidity, 65% R.H. was favorable for big colony formation. Under the same humidity, the rates of colony initiation, colony foundation and progeny-queen production were 85%, 70% and 50%, respectively, and the number of progenies reached 180±30 workers, 578±179 males and 35±38 queens. Therefore, 27℃ and 65% R.H. were determined to be the favorable environmental conditions for colony development of B. ignitus in indoor rearing. It was investigated whether developmental characteristics of foundation queens of B. ignitus collected in the 4 localities in Korea would be affected by the first oviposition days of them. The first ovipostion day was classified as 1 - 4 days (immediate early), 5 - 6 days (early), 7 - 10 days (delayed early), 11 - 20 days (medium), 21 - 40 days (late), and above 41days (very late). The queen that had the early first oviposition day, i.e., laid eggs so early after starting to be raised indoors, showed much higher rate of colony foundation and progeny-queen production and much shorter period of colony foundation and worker emergence. Besides, the numbers of worker and progeny-queen emerged from the queen that had the early first oviposition day were higher than those of the queen that had the late first oviposition. In results, the queen that had the early first oviposition day could make colony stronger and could make colony formation period shorter, therefore, the first oviposition day of foundation queen was proved to be a criterion for the selection of super colonies when B. ignitus is raised indoors. It was investigated whether or not such helpers as worker bee, bee-cocoon and egg-cup etc, have any effects on oviposition and colony foundation of the bumblebee queen, B. ignitus. Among the helpers tested, the callow workers of B. ignitus and B. terrestris showed the most remarkable effects on the oviposition rates to 92% and 88%, respectively. The live cocoon as a helper improved oviposition rate over 60%. A narcotized old worker 10 days-aged after emergence, showed similar effects to a callow worker on the colony development such as oviposition rate, colony foundation and progeny-queen production. On the other hand, dried cocoon, callow honeybee worker or egg-cup did not show a positive effect as a helper. In the number of workers recruited to a foundation queen, two workers showed better effect than one worker on the colony development, with no difference between two and more. The effect of photoperiodic regimes on the oviposition and colony development of B. ignitus queens was examined with 0L, 8L, and 16L under 2 7℃ and 65% R. H. Among these photoperiod regimes, the oviposition rate at 8L and 16L was 80.2% and 83.1%, respectively, which was 12-15% higher than that at the dark condition (0L). Duration up to first oviposition at 8L and 16L was 17.5 days and 16.5 days, respectively, which was 2-3 days shorter than that at 0L. The colony foundation rate at 8L and 16L was 9.2% and 10.4%, respectively, which corresponded to 1.7-2.0 fold the value at 0L. In addition, the rate of progeny-queen production at 8L and 16L was also two fold higher than that at 0L. Taken there together, the light conditions (8L and 16L) rather than dark condition (0L) were more suitable for oviposition and colony development for B. ignitus in the indoor rearing condition. We investigated mating conditions of photoperiod, illumination and temperature during mating periods, care temperature of queen before mating, mating period and number of queen per mating cage to improve mating rate of B. ignitus. Among photoperiodic regimes of 12L, 14L and 16L during mating periods, queen mated at 14L showed better results than at 12L and 16L in egg-laying characteristics and colony development. In case of illumination during mating periods, intensity of 1000 lux was more effective than at intensity of 100 lux and 2000 lux in mating B. ignitus queen. Mating temperature and care temperature of queen before mating favorable for B. ignitus queen were 22-25? and 19?, respectively. The period need to mating B. ignitus queen was 3 days, and the number of queen suitable per mating cage of 55× 45× 65 ㎝ was 30. The effect of CO2-treatment on interrupting diapause of B. ignitus was examined to provide a means for year-round rearing of the bumblebee. When mated young queens were exposed to 65% or 99% CO2 for 30 min daily during two consecutive days, oviposition rate increased to 75% and 77%, respectively, comparing 50% in CO2-untreated queens. At the same time, the days needed to first oviposition shortened to 17-18 days in CO2-treated queens, comparing to 30 days in CO2-untreated queens. CO2-treatment at the second day after mating was appropriate to the oviposition and colony development. CO2-treatment showed a positive effect on the oviposition and colony development, but less than them of over-wintered queen in numbers of produced progeny. It can be concluded that CO2-treatment to B. ignitus is insufficient to produce commercial grade bumblebee colony in spite of its capability for promoting oviposition, because the treatment failed to form a big colony. Artificial hibernation is essential for year-round rearing of the bumblebee, B. ignitus that undergoes one generation per year. It is known that keeping the queens in low temperature for two or three months is effective to terminate their diapause and develop the colony. Temperature, time and surroundings to keep the queens during artificial hibernation were investigated. Among the tested temperatures, -2.5°C, 0°C, 2.5°C, and 5°C, the optimum temperature was 2.5°C. At the temperature (2.5°C), survival rate after chilling of the queens was high and colony development thereafter was enhanced. The proper time to initiate chilling queen was 10 to 14 days after adult eclosion, and the survivability of the queens after chilling was good during the upper period. For the surrounding to keep the queen during artificial hibernation, we proposed the method to preserve them in a bottle filled with perlite and keep it around 80% R. H.

      • KCI등재

        동화, 정복, 번역

        김주리(Jue-lee Kim) 중앙대학교 문화콘텐츠기술연구원 2010 다문화콘텐츠연구 Vol.8 No.-

        본고는 식민지 시대 혼혈 연애-결혼 서사에서 젠더와 시선의 위계가 어떤 방식으로 작동하는지 분석해 보려 한다. 식민지 시대 소설에서 혼혈 연애-결혼이란 식민지와 제국, 보는 자와 보이는 자, 남성과 여성 사이의 복잡한 상호작용 가운데 서사화되고 있다. 이를 분석하기 위해 본고에서는 피식민 남성-제국 여성의 결합, 피식민 여성-제국 남성의 결합이 어떤 차이를 나타내는지 분석하고, 진정한 소통을 가능케 하는 혼혈 연애-결혼은 어떠한 방식으로 서사화되는지 검토할 것이다. 먼저, 피식민 남성-제국 여성의 서사에서는 피식민 남성의 제국에 대한 강한 동일시가 나타난다. 이효석의 「벽공무한」이나 한설야의 「그림자」 등이 보여주듯, 피식민 남성지식인은 자신의 정체성을 식민지(출신지)의 풍토가 아니라 서구제국의 교양으로부터 직조해내며 제국 여성과 자신 사이의 환상적 동일성(세계주의)을 강조한다. 그러나 교양에 입각해 결합했다고 착각하는 피식민 남성의 서사는 이면에서 제국 여성의 환멸을 동반하고 있다. 한편 염상섭의 「이심」이나 이광수의 「소녀의 고백」에서 보듯, 피식민 여성-제국 남성과의 연애-결혼 서사에서는 피식민 여성에 대한 제국 남성의 이국취향이 전제된다. 즉, 제국 남성과 피식민 여성의 연애와 결혼은 제국 남성의 피식민 여성에 대한 이국취향에서 기원하는 차이의 확정행위, 전시되고 정복되는 여성의 육체라는 문제를 보여준다. 피식민 여성은 제국 남성이 부과하는 이국적 환상을 자기화함으로써 제국 남성의 정복과 전시를 수용하게 된다. 환상적인 동화와 차이의 확정이라는 두 서사와 달리, 식민과 제국의 혼혈 연애-결혼에서 차이로서 소통하는 결합은 경계상의 주체로서 식민/제국, 남성/여성의 혼혈 연애와 결혼이 이루어질 때 가능하다. 이광수의 「진정 마음이 만나서야말로」나 김사량의 「빛 속으로」 등에서 보듯 경계상의 주체는 경계를 넘나드는 번역을 수행함으로써 두 세계 사이에 존재하며 소통을 모색하는 것이다. ??This study aims to analyze how worked the order of ranks by gender and one's eye in the narratine on mixed blood love-marriage in the age of colony. In modern Korean novels, the mixed blood love-marriage is narrated in complicated interaction between colony and empire, man of see and man of be seen, man and woman. We analyze the difference between the union of man of colony - woman of empire and the union of woman of colony-man of empire, and examine how narrated the mixed blood marriage as a genuine communication. At first, the narrative on the union of man of colony -woman of empire shows the man of colony identified himself with a man of empire. In Yi, Hyo-seok's 「Unlimited Blue Sky」 and Han, Seol-ya's 「Shadow」, a man of colony produced his identity from not colony (his climate) but the culture of the Empire and emphasized the fantastic sameness (cosmopolitanism) between the woman of empire and himself. But, the narrative of the man of colony which misapprehended the union of woman of empire-himself with their common culture, accompanies empire woman's disillusion on the other side. On the other hand, the narrative on the marriage of woman of colony -man of empire supposed an empire man's exoticism about a waman of colony like Yeom, Sang-seop's 「Two minds」 and Yi, Gwang-su's 「A girl's confession」. This union shows the point that the empire man's exoticism concluded the difference between the woman of colony and himself, exhibited and conquered her body. Apart with the narrative of fantastic assimilation and concluded difference, the union of the communication with accepted difference realizes when the mixed blood marriage is accomplished as a subject stated at border of colony/empire, man/woman.Like Yi, Gwang-su's 「Until Minds Meet」 and Kim, Sa-ryang's 「Into the Right」, the subject at border accomplishes the translation frequent the border and searches the communication between colony and empire.

      • Mycobacterium fortuitum-chelonei complex 및 신속발육 Mycobacteria 10개 균집합체의 거대집락형태

        최철순,전호진,양용태,Choi, Chul-Soon,Jeon, Ho-Jin,Yang, Yong-Tae 대한미생물학회 1986 大韓微生物學會誌 Vol.21 No.3

        We developed a giant colony test system with rapidly growing mycobacteria by stab-culture with a loopful inoculum of cells into Middlebrook 7H10 agar medium containing soluble extracts of the fruits of Gardenia jasminoides(7H10-crocin agar medium) and assessed the significance of the giant colony test with 28 strains of 10 clusters of rapidly growing mycobacteria classified by the simple biological 5-test characters. Of the 10 clusters of mycobacteria tested, some of strains which belonged to cluster No. 1a, 5a and 11a did grow as gravis types, whereas most of other clusters gave mitis or intermedius types in their colonial sizes at 12 days culture. By this test, pathogenic strains of M. fortuitum-chelonei complex which belonged to cluster No. 5a, b, 7a and 8a, b could be divided into gravis, intermedius and mitis colony types and the gravis ones were characterized by bluish-white "mushroom-shaped" colonies with central complexes in the texture, whereas the intermedius gave grayish-white "flower-shaped" colonies with radiated folds, but without any central complexes. The mitis colonies were characterized by grayish-white smooth or smooth mucoid colonies and were common among the clusters in their shapes. The colony of M. chelonei was bluish-white mitis type and was characterized by its hilly rhizoid colony. The gravis colony of cluster No. 1a identified as M. phlei was characterized by yellow "round straw- mat-shaped" or "chrysanthemum-shaped" colony with whole complexes in the texture, and the gravis colonies of the cluster No. 11a gave grayish-white "flower-shaped" colonies with central stamens, radiating trough and fine cup-shaped strands in the texture. The four colony types of pathogenic species of M. fortuitum-chelonei complex on 7H10-crocin agar medium were distinctive from those of other clusters of rapidly growing mycobacteria and these results indicated that the giant colony test, in conjunction with the simple 5-test characters, would be of value in the differentiation of M. fortuitum complex from other clusters of rapidly growing mycobacteria.

      • KCI등재

        오사카시 스미노에구 기타카가야 지구에 의한 아티스트 집적지 형성과 도시재생의 영향

        김태훈 ( Taehun Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 일본연구소 2020 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.83

        본 연구는 오사카시 기타카가야 지구의 사례를 통해서 쇠퇴지역이 아티스트 집적지로 변화하게 된 요인과 그 과정 속에서 젠트리피케이션을 수반하지 않고 아티스트 집적지를 유지할 수 있는 조건은 무엇인가, 또한 그것이 도시재생에 어떠한 영향이 있는가. 이 물음에 대해서 하비의 공유재의 개념과 각 활동 주체의 인터뷰를 통해 고찰한 것이다. 그 결과, 다음과 같다. 첫째, 쇠퇴지역이 아티스트 집적지로 변화하게 된 요인은 아티스트의 경제적 요인, 빈 공장과 빈 집을 문화공간으로 재활용, 아트프로젝트와 관계된 사회적 특수성, 부동산 회사의 개입 등, 이 네 가지 요인이 기타카가야 지구를 아티스트집적지로 변화시켰다. 둘째, 아티스트 집적지와 기타카가야 지구의 도시재생 관계에서 부동산 회사의 주도적 역할이 작용하는 한편, 아티스트의 활동 거점의 확산, 아트프로젝트의 사회적 관여, 아티스트와 커뮤니티 단체와의 협동도 기타카가야의 도시재생에 있어 중요한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 셋째, 기타카가야 지구가 젠트리피켄이션에 이르지 못한 요인과 지역사회 영향에 대해서는 공간을 공유재화, 그리고 목적지 문화를 통한 기타카가야 지구의 재활성화이다. 공간을 공유재화로 하는 것은 기타카가야 지구가 젠트리피케이션에 영향을 받지 않는 근본적인 요인이며, 공유재를 통해서 아티스트 집적지의 유지, 아티스트의 작업환경 조성, 그리고 외부 아티스트의 이주촉진이 가능하게 되었다. 목적지 문화로써 기타카가야 지구의 재활성화는 각 주체의 상호관계와 그들의 문화, 예술적 활동이 지역주민뿐만 아니라 방문객에도 긍정적인 영향을 미쳐, 기타카가야 지구를 아티스트 집적지라고 할 수 있는 이미지 전환의 촉진, 이것이 소비, 체험의 대상이 되는 목적지 문화로서 기타카가야 지구가 재활성화 되고 있다. The purpose of this study is to investigate influence of urban regeneration without gentrification forming an artist colony in Kitakagaya District, Suminoeku, Osaka, Japan. It uses a qualitative method based on Harvey's theory of Common and in-depth face-to-face interviews with local residents including planners, artists, and visitors as well as document analysis to present the district’s urban regeneration and gentrification. Accordingly, the study addressed the following four factors: 1) formation factors giving rise to the artist colony, 2) impact factors of urban regeneration, 3) ineffective factors of the gentrification, and 4) impact of artist colony formation on the district’s image as a cultural destination. It is possible to provide a conclusive, four-point explanation for these four major factors. First, the study highlights the important reasons for converting Kitakagaya District into an artist colony, as follows: artist poverty, possibility of reusing vacant factories and houses as cultural spaces, the potential social benefits of art projects, and realtor interest in regenerating the locality. Second, the expansion of the artists' activity basis and art projects enabled the broader community to collaborate with the artists in the urban regeneration of Kitakagaya District into a cultural destination with the readership of the Real Estate Company. Third, the artist colony has become common in the locality by gentrefication. The common maintain the artist colony, create the work environments for the artists, and encourage more artists to move into the district. Fourth, the revitalization of Kitakagaya District as a cultural destination represents the artist colony’s impact on the district. Artistic and cultural activities encourage social and cultural interaction that positively influences visitors and residents alike. Thus, Kitakagaya District’s artist colony has been revitalized as a cultural destination at which visitors are able to buy artists’ products and experience local culture. In conclusion, in the case of Kiatakagaya District, it has a different aspect from traditional artist colony as artists’ displacement and rise in property prices due to gentrification in that the distric's urban regeneration involved in an artist colony had been maintained and managed as common by controal the real estate company.

      • Visualization of Biosurfactant Film Flow in a <i>Bacillus subtilis</i> Swarm Colony on an Agar Plate

        Kim, Kyunghoon,Kim, Jung Kyung MDPI 2015 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES Vol.16 No.9

        <P>Collective bacterial dynamics plays a crucial role in colony development. Although many research groups have studied the behavior of fluidic swarm colonies, the detailed mechanics of its motion remains elusive. Here, we developed a visualization method using submicron fluorescent beads for investigating the flow field in a thin layer of fluid that covers a <I>Bacillus subtilis</I> swarm colony growing on an agar plate. The beads were initially embedded in the agar plate and subsequently distributed spontaneously at the upper surface of the expanding colony. We conducted long-term live cell imaging of the <I>B. subtilis</I> colony using the fluorescent tracers, and obtained high-resolution velocity maps of microscale vortices in the swarm colony using particle image velocimetry. A distinct periodic fluctuation in the average speed and vorticity of flow in swarm colony was observed at the inner region of the colony, and correlated with the switch between bacterial swarming and growth phases. At the advancing edge of the colony, both the magnitudes of velocity and vorticity of flow in swarm colony were inversely correlated with the spreading speed of the swarm edge. The advanced imaging tool developed in this study would facilitate further understanding of the effect of micro vortices in swarm colony on the collective dynamics of bacteria.</P>

      • KCI등재

        ‘탈’식민 해방 투쟁과 제국의 문화 정치 -주변부 식민지의 ‘식민지성’과 혁명의 ‘유산’을 딛고

        공임순 상허학회 2008 상허학보 Vol.24 No.-

        이 논문은 탈식민주의가 한국 인문학에 지대한 영향력을 끼쳤다고 보고, 탈식민주의가 일상의 식민주의를 날카롭게 파헤치는데 일익을 담당했음을 전제로 탈식민주의의 기본적 문제의식을 새롭게 조명하고 환기하고자 했다. 탈식민주의는 식민주의의 전세계적이고 근원적인 영향력을 정치·경제뿐 아니라 문화와 관련해 식민주의의 지구화와 지역화의 변증법적 역학인 ‘자기의 이국화(self-exoticization)’와 ‘자기의 오리엔탈화(self-orientalization)’를 비판적으로 규명하고 탐구해왔다. 이 과정에서 제국과 식민지간의 비대칭적이고 불평등한 관계가 문제시됨은 물론 제국과 식민지간의 차이와 동일성에 대한 보다 복잡하고 다면적인 독해가 이루어졌다. 그러나 한국의 인문학 연구는 때로 탈식민주의를 내셔널리즘에 대한 비판과 직결시켜 식민주의의 일차 과제였던 제국의 ‘제국성’에 대한 첨예한 문제의식은 사장해버린 채 주변부 식민지인이 얼마나 ‘식민지적’인가를 매번 재확인하는 자기 고백과 폭로로 일관하는 감이 없지 않다. 이는 현재 식민지 말기에 대한 과잉열기의 연구붐으로도 충분히 입증되는데, 이러한 탈식민주의의 부분적 전용과 탈취는 탈식민주의의 급진적 문제의식을 오히려 희석시킬 수 있다는 점에서 에드워드 사이드의 대위법적 독해에 대한 재인식이 필요하다. 에드워드 사이드의 대위법적 독해는 식민주의의 전지구적이고 근원적인 영향력을 규명하기 위해 제국과 식민지간에 동시 병행적으로 이루어지는 식민주의의 파괴적 영향력을 비교의 관점에서 접근하는 탈식민주의의 이론적 방법론이자 실천적 인식론이다. 이 논문은 이러한 에드워드 사이드의 대위법적 독해의 문제틀을 공유하며, 2장에서 식민지 출신 탈식민주의의 이론가이자 실천가였던 세제르와 파농 그리고 멤미를 중심으로 그들이 제기했던 식민화 시스템의 총체적인 감시체제와 인종주의의 전면적 도래 그리고 이 식민화 시스템의 파괴와 청산을 지향했던 반식민지 해방 투쟁의 ‘유산’과 의미를 재점검해보았다. 반식민지 해방과 저항 투쟁에서 식민지인들은 자기를 옭매던 식민주의의 흔적을 제거하고자 욕망하지만 그것이 쉽지 않다는 점에서 탈식민 해방 투쟁의 때늦은 도래를 목도하고 좌절한다. 그러나 바로 이 반(탈)식민 해방 투쟁의 때늦은 도래야말로 식민지인들의 해방을 위한 중요한 사회정치적 자산으로 기능 변환되는 문화의 세속화와 지역화(토착화)의 새로운 가능성을 도래시킨다. 에드워드 사이드는 이러한 반식민지 해방과 저항 투쟁의 혁명적 ‘유산’을 제국의 중심부로 옮겨놓는 대위법적 독해를 통해 제국의 ‘제국성’이 식민지를 은폐함으로써 기능했음을 폭로한다. 그는 제인 에어의 『맨스필드 파크』를 하나의 전범으로 삼아 제국의 문화가 제국의 정치경제적 식민주의를 성별화된 섹슈얼리티의 가정화 전략으로 매개하고 굴절시킴으로써 식민지가 제국 문화에서 어떻게 은폐/삭제되고 있는지를 보여주고 있다. 이러한 에드워드 사이드의 대위법적 독해는 탈식민주의의 기본적 문제의식이 제국의 ‘제국성’과 식민지의 상호 의존적이고 동시적인 연루와 착종을 규명하는 유효한 방법이 될 수 있음을 새삼 일깨워준다. 이 논문은 2장과 3장의 이론적 고찰을 통해 주변부 식민지였던 구식민지 해방국가들의 유사하지만 다른 반식민지 해방 투쟁의 역사를 탈식민주 ... Considering Postcolonialism a great effect in Korean humanities, this paper focuses on a basic critic perspective of Postcolonialism on the assumption that it has helped keenly understand for Colonialism of the daily life. Postcolonialism critically has analyzed and examined ‘self- exoticization’ and ‘self-orientalization’ as dialectic dynamics of globalization and localization in relation to politics, economy and culture which have been a result of Colonialism. But the existing studies of Korean humanities have consisently pursued self-confession and disclosure reconfirmed how much the peripheral intelligent is colonialism rather than tried to make clear ‘Imperialism’ of Empire in global colonialism. This can be proved numerous studies about the end of colonial period, they sometimes have blurred out sharp awareness of Postcolonialism by partly appropriating and usurping Postcolonialism. Thus nowadays contrapuntal criticism of Edward Side needs to define newly. Contrapuntal criticism of Edward Side has an theoretical methodology and practical theory of knowledge approaching a destructive result of Colonialism in terms of comparative studyto examine global and basic influence of Colonialism which run parallel between Empire and Colony. While this paper shares the issue of contrapuntal criticism of Edward Side, it also reexamines not only a total surveillance regime of Colonialization system and a full-scale coming of racism proposing such as Cesaire Aime, Fanon Frantz, Memmi Albert previously said in this paper two chapter but also ‘heritage’ and meaning of anti-colonial liberation struggle intending for this destruction and clearing of Colonialization system. Colonial people wanted to eliminate the trace of Colonialism tied themselves, but because of not easy to it and too late coming of anti-colonial liberation struggle they felt frustration. However this belated coming of anti-colonial liberation struggle brought about new possibility of secularization and regionalism of culture translated as a important political-social property for liberation of Colonial people. Edward Side showed that ‘Imperialism’ of Empire has been at working by suppressing Colony through contrapuntal criticism which put this revolutionary ‘heritage’ of liberation and resistance struggle in metropolis of Empire. For example Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, he argued, contributed to suppress and eliminate Colony in culture of Empire by mediating and displacing political-social Colonialism with domestic strategy of gendered sexuality. This contrapuntal criticism of Edward Side awakes us how basic critic view of Postcolonialism effectively define interdependent and coincident implication and connection between ‘Imperialism’ of Empire and ‘Colonialism’ of colony. Through theoretical examination of two and three chapter, this paper provides a stepping stone for developing a concrete and open view about anti-colonial liberation struggle which can embrace threefold temporality of the past, the present and the future rising from ‘Colonialism’ of the peripheral colony and ‘heritage’ of revolution as an example Oh, Gi-Young’s earnest wish of nation(1946).

      • Ant Colony System: An Approach for the Design of a Single Database to Establish Any Node-to-node Connectivity for Robot Path Planning in a Robot Colony

        보안공학연구지원센터(IJHIT) 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Hybrid Information Techno Vol.8 No.3

        In Ant Colony System, the agents or the ants travel in search of foods by following one another that is they show the swarming behavior along the searching path of the food source and return path towards the hive. In the artificial ant system or the robot system, the same operation of the robot can be observed by the suitable design of the travelling path. The path design and the travelling technique are already proposed in my two previous works. Those designs include different types of algorithms for different opeartions. Kruskel’s algorithm is applied to find the shortest path in between any two nodes, one is the source and another is the destination node. But the disadvantage of this design is the longer simulation time as three algorithms is required to travel from one node to another node and naturally several numbers of the databases are required to hold all the information about the entire robot colony. In this paper, a single database is proposed that can hold all the connectivity and which can be driven with a single algorithm. The proposed method is compared with the other previous techniques of finding the shortest path and the result set represented here showing the efficiency of the proposed method.

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