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      • KCI등재

        신체적활동 참여 기독교인의 교회만족도, 조직헌신도, 충성도, 구전의도와의 인과관계

        전정우(Jeon, Jeong-Woo),김정모(Kim, Jung-Mo) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Korean churches have introduced and utilized physical activity programs in taking pastoral duties so that various programs, in which christians and non-christians participate, have been carried out. The physical activity programs help to increase the organizational force of church followers and improve the church image through the natural promotion to non-christians, and have been used as a tool of missionary work. But, the way to follow the programs unconditionally without professional knowledge or concrete methodology is considered negative in a society, and leads to the decrease in church followers’ satisfaction with church. Therefore, this study was intended to define the structural relations with church satisfaction and loyalty, organizational devotion, and word-of-mouth intention according to the physical activity participation of christians, and consequently propose a method to help each Korean church properly apply the physical activity programs utilizing sports to pastoral duties and utilize them as an effective tool of missionary work. Accordingly, to investigate the relation of cause and effect on church satisfaction, loyalty, organizational devotion, and word-of-mouth intention through christians’ participation into physical activities, this researcher selected as the population group mid-and large-sized churches with more than 1000 to less than 2000 registered followers and physical activity program facilities located in the Metropolitan area in 2011, and extracted samples by using systematic cluster sampling. Through the preliminary survey, factor analysis was performed, and survey questions were modified and supplemented. A total of 600 people participated in the questionnaire survey, but 8 people who didn’t respond to the survey was excluded so that 592 copies were distributed. Also, 16 copies, which had some questions omitted or insincerely responded so that it was hard to conduct statistical analysis, were excluded. As a result, valid 576 copies of the questionnaire were finally used for empirical analysis. As for the analytical materials, SPSS Windows V17.0 program and AMOS 16.0 program was used for analysis. This study used the following statistic schemes for data processing. First, to verify the validity and reliability of questionnaire copies collected in this study through the preliminary survey. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and reliability test were performed. Secondly, to analyze the relation of cause and effect on church satisfaction, organizational devotion, loyalty, and word-of-mouth intention through christians’ participation into physical activities, AMOS 16.0 was used to apply the measurement errors of main theoretical variables to a model so that Structural Equation Model (SEM) analysis, which helps to investigate the direct and indirect effects of variables, was performed. And, to prove that each one of theoretical hypotheses set in this study was discriminated empirically, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CAF) was conducted. Sixthly, to analyze christians’ perception of participation into physical activities, Frequency Analysis through Multiple Response Group analysis was conducted. After analyzing the materials on the basis of the study methods described earlier, this researcher drew the following conclusion. The result of the analysis on the relation of cause and effect on church satisfaction, organizational devotion, loyalty, word-of-mouth intention through christians’ participation into physical activities presented that, regarding the relation between the satisfaction with external factors of church and word-of-mouth intention, the factors of organizational devotion and loyalty were found to have statistically significant indirect effects, and, regarding the relation between the satisfaction with internal factors of church and word-of-mouth intention, the factors of organization devotion and loyalty were found to have no statistically significant indirect effects.

      • KCI등재

        건강한 교회를 위한 교회행정과 실천적 과제

        박진경 한국실천신학회 2019 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.66

        본 연구의 목적은 유기체적 관점에서 건강한 교회를 위해 필요한 교회행정의 주요 이론과 실제를 탐색하는 것이다. 이전에는 교회행정을 ‘교회’와 ‘행정’ 조합으로 된 교회 마케팅으로만 이해하여 세속적인 영역으로 간주하였지만, 21세기에 교회는 교회행정을 목회의 필수적인 한 분야로 재발견하고 있다. 교회행정을 하나님, 교회, 그리고 행정 간의 유기적 관계성 속에서 재평가하면서, 이는 교회의 목적을 이루며 교회 성장과 건강을 도모하는 하나의 주요 목회 영역으로 여기고 있다. 이러한 교회 상황에 따라, 목회자의 교회행정 능력까지 필수적으로 요청하고 있다. 그런 의미에서, 독일의 신학자이자 NCD(Natural Church Development, 자연적 교회성장) 주창자인 크리스티안 슈바르츠(Christian Schwarz, 1960-현재)의 “자연적 교회성장론”을 모색하면서, 건강한 교회행정을 지향하는 목회자에게 필요한 교회의 원리와 실제를 살펴볼 필요가 있다. 교회 성장 접근방식을 신학적으로 논의한 “교회 성장 신학”(1984)을 중심으로, 슈바르츠는 자연적 교회성장 패러다임을 발전시키며 세 가지 주요 원칙 - 여덟 가지 질적 특성, 여섯 가지 생명체적 원리, 최소치 전략 - 들을 제시하면서 건강하게 교회가 성장할 수 있도록 돕는다. 본 연구에서는 건강한 교회를 위한 교회행정을 논하기 위해 다음과 같은 순서로 진행한다. 첫째, 슈바르츠의 유기체로써의 교회 이해와 더불어, 자연적 교회성장론에서 말하는 주요 핵심 세 가지 ㅡ 교회의 여덟 가지 질적 특성들, 여섯 가지 생명체적 원리들, 최소치 전략 ㅡ 를 간략하게 모색할 것이다. 둘째, 유기체로써 교회에 대한 정의와 더불어, ‘행정’과 ‘교회행정’의 전반적인 이해를 다룰 것이다. 셋째, 교회와 교회행정의 목적을 살펴보면서 자연적 교회성장 패러다임에 근거하여 교회행정의 여섯 가지 원리들을 제시할 것이다. 넷째, 목회자가 수행해야 할 주요 핵심 실천적 과제들을 행정의 다섯 가지 단계(목표, 계획, 조직, 조정과 통제, 평가)로 나누어 간략하게 제안할 것이다. 그러므로 본 연구는 건강한 유기체로써 교회가 지속적으로 수행해야 할 교회행정의 미래지향적인 모습을 제안하는 데 큰 의의가 있다. This paper explores major theories and practices of church administration necessary for a healthy church when considered from an organic point of view. Until recently, theologians considered church administration to be a secular field, understanding it only as church marketing or a clumsy combination of "church" and "administration." In the twenty-first century, however, the church is rediscovering church administration as an essential ministry. Considered in the organic relationship among God, the church, and administration, church administration becomes a major pastoral area that serves the purpose of the church by promoting its growth and health. Thus, it demands that each pastor attend to the church's environmental context while cultivating its development. The fundamental principles and practical applications of church administration received a powerful articulation from Christian Schwarz (1960-present), a German theologian and proponent of Natural Church Development(NCD), who presented the idea to help healthy- church- oriented pastors. Focusing on the notion of "church growth”from his 1984 Theology of Church Development, Schwarz developed the NCD paradigm in order to grow healthy churches by incorporating eight "quality characteristics," six "growth forces," and a "minimum factor." In this paper, I discuss administration for healthy churches. First, I briefly explore the core concerns of the NCD theory - quality characteristics, growth forces, and minimum factor - within Schwarz's understanding of the church as an organism. Second, I discuss the notions of "administration" and "church administration" as well as the notion of the church as an organism. Third, I present the principles of church administration from the NCD paradigm, examining the purpose of the church and church administration's contribution to that purpose. Fourth, I concisely suggest the main practical tasks of the pastor for healthy churches in five phases of administration(purpose, planning, organizing, co-ordinating/controlling, and evaluation). Therefore, this paper opens ways that church administration can help churches continue to flourish as they look toward the future.

      • KCI등재

        초대교회 세례준비자(Catechumen) 교육과 한국교회에의 함의점

        정두성(Du Sung Chung) 고신대학교 개혁주의학술원 2018 갱신과 부흥 Vol.21 No.-

        초대교회의 세례준비 교육은 교회교육의 핵심이었다. 교회는 세례준비 교육을 통해 기독교로 개종한 사람들을 준비시키고 훈련시켜서 교회의 정식 멤버가 되게 했다. 그 과정은 길었고 또 엄격했다. 이 교육의 과정을 통해 교회는 개종자들의 삶과 가치관을 변화시켰을 뿐 아니라 그리스도인으로서 새로운 신분에 대한 확실한 정체성을 확립시켰다. 이러한 훈련 위에 세워진 초대교회는 그 자체로 기독교의 변증이었고, 전도와 선교의 열매는 풍성했다. 반면에 초대교회는 다음세대 교육에는 다소 부진한 모습을 보이기도 했다. 또한 성경과 초대교회의 모습의 회복을 통해 교회를 개혁하려 했던 종교개혁자들이 형식적이고 의식적으로 전락한 사순절을 폐지하면서 초대교회 사순절의 교육적인 요소를 살려내지 못한 것도 또한 사실이다. 이러한 초대교회의 세례준비자 교육이 현대 한국교회 신앙교육에 주는 함의점은 충분히 생각해 볼만한 가치가 있다. 초대교회가 그랬던 것처럼 한국교회도 세례준비자들에게 그리스도인으로 사는 것이 무엇인지를 실제 삶을 통해 가르쳐내야 한다. 세례와 성찬의 의미를 바로 가르쳐 성도들이 진정한 천국잔치의 맛을 볼 수 있도록 해야 한다. 새신자와 학습교인들에게 그리스도인으로서 그들의 정체성을 각인시켜야 한다. 유아세례를 받은 다음세대 성도들을 위해 가정신앙교육이 강화되도록 가르쳐야 한다. 뿐만 아니라 교회는 다시 한 번 사순절의 교육적인 요소를 회복해야 할 필요가 있다. The Education for Catechumen in the early church was the core of church education. The Church trained and prepared them to be real church members through the special educational approach, especially for the Baptism. The course was rather long and strict. During this course all catechumens were educated to establish the identity about their new status as Christians. The early church built on this training system for not only the apology of Christianity but also the fruits of the work of mission of church. On the other hands there was a tendency of lacking in the education for the next generation in the early church. Furthermore, it was also true that the reformers failed to succeed in taking advantage of the educational aspect of Lent in the early church by demolishing the Lent which was spoiled into formalism and ritualism. Therefore, it is thought to be valuable to think of the implication of the catechetical education in the early church for the contemporary church in South Korea. As the early church did, the Korean Church needs to teach catechumens to change their previous life style into that of Christians through the examples of actual lives of church members. All catechumens as well as church members have to be taught to taste the heavenly feast in their church through the education of the Sacrament and the Baptism. Our churches have a necessity to encourage their catechumens to get strong identity of their new status as God’s Children. Christian family education should be reinforced for those who have infant baptism in order to avoid the failure in the early church. And finally, the Korean contemporary church needs to restore the educational aspect of the Lent in the early church which was ignored by the Reformers.

      • KCI등재후보

        교회 조직행정과 교회 성장의 상관관계 분석

        양영태 한국교회법학회 2022 교회와 법 Vol.9 No.1

        Correlation Analysis between Church Organization Administration and Church Growth Yang, young tae * This article is relationship of how the administration of church organization affects the quantitative growth of the church. It is Jesus Christ himself who founded the church. The church is a place where there is no choice but to grow. Because God is the one who builds and leads the church. Of course, growth here does not mean only quantitative growth. However, since it is difficult to measure qualitative growth or spiritual growth, this paper focused on quantitative growth. An important fact in the quantitative growth of the church is that the administration of the church organization is closely related. As an example, the Yeouido Full Gospel Church, the most representative of the quantitative growth of the church, is the most representative church that has grown by effectively utilizing the administration of district organization. Second, the rapid growth of global churches in a short period of time is ranch organization administration. In addition, Gwacheon Church is a church that has grown through regional organizational administration and evangelism. As such, it shows that the church is growing according to how to manage organizational administration. At the moment when the growth of the church has stopped, the need for more management of the church organization administration is raised. However, it should not be forgotten that pursuing only this quantitative growth can lead to damage to the nature and spirit of the church. In addition to quantitative growth through administration, the church should have a mission of church organization administration to restore the true nature of Jesus Christ, the spiritual essence of the church. True church growth can be achieved when administration is carried out by the center of God's sovereignty, which is a true church organization administration. The administration of church organization is God-centered, and it is hoped that the church will grow more quantitatively through more strategic church organization administration. ■ 초록 “교회 조직행정과 교회 성장의 상관관계 분석” 본 논문은 교회 조직행정이 교회의 양적 성장에 어떠한 영향을 미치고 있는지에 대한 관계성에 대해 살펴보고 있다. 교회를 세우신 분은 예수 그리스도 자신이시다. 교회는 성장할 수밖에 없는 곳이다. 왜냐하면 교회를 세우시고 이끌어 가시는 분이 하나님이시기 때문이다. 물론, 여기서 성장은 양적 성장만을 의미하는 것은 아니다. 다만, 질적 성장 혹은 영적 성장은 측정하기 어려움이 있기 때문에 본 논문은 양적 성장에 초점을 맞추어 연구하였다. 교회의 양적 성장에 있어서 중요한 사실은 교회 조직행정과 밀접한 관련이 있다는 것이다. 그 사례로, 교회의 양적 성장의 가장 대표적인 여의도 순복음교회는 구역조직행정을 효과적으로 활용하여 성장한 가장 대표적인 교회라 하겠다. 두 번째로, 짧은 시간에 급성장한 지구촌교회의 양적 성장은 목장 조직행정이라 하겠다. 또한, 과천교회는 구역조직행정과 전도를 통하여 성장한 교회라 하겠다. 이렇듯이 교회는 조직행정을 어떻게 운용하느냐에 따라 성장하고 있음을 보여준다. 교회의 성장이 멈춰진 현시점에서 교회 조직행정을 좀 더 어떻게 운영할지에 대한 필요성이 제기된다. 다만, 이러한 양적 성장만을 추구한다면 교회의 본질과 영적인 훼손으로 이어질 수 있음을 잊어서는 안 된다. 교회는 행정을 통한 양적 성장과 더불어 교회의 영적인 본질인 예수그리스도의 본 모습을 회복해야 하는 교회 조직행정의 사명을 가져야 한다. 진정한 교회 조직행정인 하나님 주권 중심에 의한 행정이 이루어질 때 진정한 교회 성장을 이룰 수 있다. 교회 조직행정은 하나님 중심적이며, 좀 더 전략적인 교회 조직행정을 통하여 교회가 더욱 양적으로 성장하기를 바란다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of Becoming a Healthy Breakout Church

        박현신 한국실천신학회 2013 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.37

        Recently, one of the most significant issues in church management and growth is about traditional churches in a state of plateau or decline. Becoming a breakout church or a comeback church is, however, not a matter of church quantity (number) but of church quality (health). Why is a healthy-breakout church paradigm necessary (the why)? What essential factors should be revitalized to become a healthy-breakout church (the what)? What are essential strategies for becoming a healthy-breakout church (the how)? The primary aim of this study is to claim traditional churches can be breakout churches by revitalizing church health. For this purpose, this study is to discusses about the necessity of a healthy-breakout church paradigm, to synthesize vital factors of healthy churches, and to suggest essential strategies for the purpose of becoming a healthy-breakout church in the context of North American churches. On the assumption that Rainer’s model is one of the most well-balanced models for becoming a breakout church, the researcher suggests vital factors and essential strategies. In order to become a healthy-breakout church, essential components that are confirmed by scientific researches (i.e. Rainer’s model) need to be implemented and contextualized in the contemporary Korean context. In sum, revitalization of health in traditional churches is the pathway to achieve the vision of healthy breakout/comeback churches.

      • KCI등재

        제3세계 전(全) 성도의 선교사화를 통한 교회개척 사역과 선교 : 2010년 제3차 로잔대회 공식 문서를 중심으로

        장훈태 ( Chang Hun Tae ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2016 복음과 선교 Vol.36 No.-

        Africans have a distinctive culture that they love peace, are satisfied with their present situations, so hand down others blessings through them. Cote d`Ivoire Abidjan Church based on this social psychological strong point are carrying out their missions` responsibility for the Kingdom of God with steps of `change, maturity, devotion.` The greatest vision of Abidjan Church is “local church planting ministry”, so they have to make the basis of church planting with universal validity of the Bible for specific practice. Church planting and missional basis of Lausanne Covenant are harmony and combination between loving God and neighbors. As John Stott`s missional cry, passionate zeal for planting a church are`burning and passionate zeal for the glory of God`. In this point, Cote d`Ivoire having a social characteristic converted from Roman Catholic to Islam is the best urbanization mission area in an efficient perspective of mission, and now is the best time. We need to enquire and study about Lausanne documents in order to implement this. Especially, the Cape Town Commitment in 2010 emphasizes that the power of God presents to everyone who believer by recording `We love the assurance the gospel brings and the transformation the gospel produces. Abidjan Korean Church is in the lead about local society`s revolution in this regard. Pastor Back SeongCheol said that helpers of prayer and networking synergy effect for mission visually appeared as a result of these efforts. As mentioned above, the spirit of Lausanne Movement brings changes in mission fields and shows more creative and remarkable missional phenomena. At present, Africa is the best place for the chance of evangelism all over the world. There is appropriateness to have to devote all one`s energy for mission of Africa which is the last field for salvation of souls. It is the mind of Lausanne that is the most effective theological idea to unite missional mind together in these situations. Lausanne theology emphasizes that evangelism and social responsibility, political neutrality and resistance to injustice and irrationality are the mission of church. In conclusion, Abidjan Korean Church have to pray for mission. Furthermore, it have to make the mind of Lausanne a goal to easily win various plans of mission and the demands of the times, and Islamic political and social pressure with regional specific feature. The mind of Lausanne Movement focuses on God doing with power, not theories or words.

      • KCI등재

        교회교육의 개념 변화에 대한 이해

        박은혜 한국기독교교육학회 2012 기독교교육논총 Vol.29 No.-

        This study is to help the understanding of a new concept of Church education. Through the history of Sunday school in Korea, the concept of Sunday school has been changed to the concept of Church school. After 1980’s, church education in Korea has been gradually declined. In this situation, it is needed to find out the reasons of decline of church education and direction towards recovery and revival for that. Therefore,this study is to point out the necessity of the change of the concept of church school and suggest theoretical foundations for new concept of church education. And then, it explains new concept of church education,“church” according to 7 components of teaching: teacher, students, aims of the lesson, curriculum, educational environment, educational methods, and evaluation. The theories of faith community and people community of the Kingdom of God for the new concept of church education are suggested. They are applied to the concept of “church”. The teacher in this concept is a little minister who exists together as a person in the Kingdom of God, responds to God’s calling, and tries to establish each student to a person in the Kingdom of God. The students in this concept are precious people and are subject to respond in front of God. The educational contents have to be fully constructed of all resources in the church. The educational aim is to establish every member in the church for the subject of faith by responding to God’s calling. The educational environment means all educational contexts which transcend time and space and share common experiences of faith in the respect of expansion of the Kingdom of God. Sharing and participating of teachers and students in the community have to be used for educational methods. Considering the number of people in the Kingdom of God and their quality of changes in their lives, qualitative and quantitative evaluation should be planned and performed in both aspects of teachers and students. 본 연구는 주일학교에서 교회학교로의 개념 변화를 주일학교의 역사를 통해 살펴보고,교회학교에서 교회로의 개념의 변화에 대한 필요성과 이론적 고찰, 교육의 7가지 요소에따라 설명함으로 새로운 개념에 대한 이해를 돕고자 하였다. 한국 선교 초기에 주일학교가 시작되면서 많은 부흥을 가져오다가 침체 및 쇠퇴의 시기를 겪으면서 주일학교의 개념에서 교회학교의 개념으로 변화하게 되었다. 90년대 이후교회교육이 위기를 겪게 됨에 따라 새로운 개념으로 변화에 대한 필요성을 지적하고, 교회학교에서 교회로 개념의 변화를 시도하는 이유를 설명하였다. 이러한 개념의 변화를 위해 이론적 배경이 되는 웨스터호프의 신앙공동체 이론과 은준관의 하나님나라 백성공동체이론을 소개하고, 이를 적용하여 어린이/청소년 교회로의 개념으로 교회교육의 개념 변화에 대한 이해를 제공하였다. 교육의 7가지 요소-교사, 학습자, 교육 목적, 교육 내용, 교육 환경, 교육방법, 교육의결과 및 평가-에 따라 새로운 개념에 대해 설명하였다. 교사는 작은 목회자로 학습자와함께 하나님나라 백성으로 하나님의 부르심에 응답해야 하는 존재로 자신뿐 아니라 학습자 한 사람 한사람을 하나님나라 백성으로 세우는 역할을 해야 하는 존재이다. 학습자는하나님의 소중한 백성으로 하나님 앞에 응답할 수 있는 주체적 존재이다. 교육내용은 교회의 여러 기능인 예배, 교육, 교제, 선교, 봉사의 자원들을 통전적이고 통합적으로 구성하여야 하며, 구성원 모두가 하나님의 임존과 부르심 앞에 응답하는 신앙의 주체로 세우는것이 교육목적이 되어야 한다. 시간과 공간의 개념을 벗어나 교육의 기관들이 분리되는것이 아니라 하나님나라의 확장이라는 면에서 통전적으로 연계된 신앙교육의 경험의 공동체로서 교육환경을 고려해야 한다. 학습자와 교사가 함께 공동체 안에 참여하고 나누는교육방법이 사용되어야 하고, 하나님나라 백성의 수와 그들의 삶의 질의 변화를 교사와학생들의 측면에서 양적 및 질적인 평가를 계획하고 실행해야 한다. 신앙교육의 장으로서 교회는 아동과 청소년들, 성인들에게도 중요한 위치를 차지하고있다. 따라서 부흥과 회복을 위한 시도는 고통이 수반되더라도 실천해야 하는 기독교교육자들의 사명이다. 새로운 개념에 맞는 교사훈련의 내용과 방법, 교육 구조, 과정 등 과제들이 남겨진 과제들이다.

      • KCI등재

        A Strategy for Nomad Missions Utilizing Church Music.- Centered on Mongolia -

        김은호 한국실천신학회 2013 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.37

        Mongolia is a blessed country, from AD635 the Gospel has been spread, the quickening period(AD1206-AD1368) when the great task of mission was involuntary, crossing the restoration period(AD1798-AD1923), and currently the glory days(AD1990-AD2010). God has sent Nestorian missionaries in the early days, Catholic missionaries in the middle, and protestant missionaries nowadays to plant Churches, medication, documentation, education, and NGO ministry not only to spread the Gospel in the land, but also to assign the great task of global mission work. In 1990 when there was not even one christian in the land of Mongolia, 20 years past, over 450 Churches were found, and more than 40 thousand christians believe in God. But Mongolia even though they were blessed, they also had the time of abyss. As the history of mission work tells us, Mongolia lost it's two opportunities to follow the great task that God has prepared for them. Mongolian Churches should be listening to the message that God is sending, the message that tells them to protect this revival against the abyss they were in. Even though, I'm thankful for their ethnicity of love towards music and that we have plenty of professors and missionaries to teach them. If the Korean missionaries abandon their apathy and prejudice towards Church Music, and abandon a Church or a denomination centered into a unified one community, and use music as a tool to help the Mongolian Churches, God will show us much great grace and will be largely glorified through Korean missionaries and Mongolian Churches. Korean missionaries must remember this and put their efforts and passion not on the growth of the outside, but in the inside teaching liturgy and Church Music theology to Mongolian Churches, so that they might worship God with the proper concept. Therefore, the writer, through this research, suggests two methods in changing the catharsis of obtaining with strength into serving and giving, alteration of dedication through worship and preaching, and an alliance between the Korean missionaries that are currently in utter disruption. First, Training Program for Nomadic Church Leaders. Second, Producing Music Documents for Mongolian Music Leaders. Third, Characterizing Education Program for Worship and Church Music. Music is the biggest gift that God has given to Mongolia, and also it is a outstanding resource for God's mission. Ministers train and work hard to find local ministers for succession, as this missionaries should study the upright Church Music and liturgy for the growth of the Church within God's presence, and not only missionary himself but also he should put in effort and passion in training Church Music leaders with true faith.

      • 교회갈등의 원인에 관한 연구

        안은찬(Ahn, Eun-Chan) 신학지남사 2016 신학지남 Vol.83 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to clarify the causes of church conflicts. So, We can put basis for a more accurate and comprehensive solution of this conflict and dispute of church. I assume that church conflicts are caused by common and special causes of the churches. Such a premise I was tracked a variety of church causes as follows. First, I believes that the spiritual causes of conflict in the church are Johovah’ shalom and Satan’s artful schemes, such inevitability of spiritual collision for the protection of truth and confrontation ministry of church. Second, I cleared that the theological causes of church conflicts can occurred when parties’ core identities are at risk in church. Third, I suggested that psychological and cultural causes of church conflicts were the factors of potential culture, whether or not acceptance of cultural diversity and distortion of communication. Fourth, I have indicated that causes of the political administration of the church conflicts were excessive separation and intervention of politics and administration, ambivalence, good and bed a double-edged sword of these, identity confusion about the polity of church and administrational causes of church. Finally I presented that the cause of the church conflicts were limits of the state legal system, unconformity between church constitution and articles of association of individual churches, and imperfection of these. In conclusion, the conflicts of the churches are multiple factors are combined with the potential factors. church conflict, and so such multiple factors of church conflicts are amplified the level of conflict in the wake of the triggering events.

      • KCI등재

        고령자를 위한 교회건축 편의시설 개선방안

        이종희(Lee, Jong-Hee),김주연(Kim, Ju-Yeon) 한국실내디자인학회 2010 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.19 No.6

        This study, for church architectural amenities for the aged, with a base of ‘laws on securing promotion of convenience for the disabled, aged, and pregnant women,’ would like to propose improvement program after figuring out church worker (priest)’s willingness for amenities improvement, request of the aged church members, and level of request by different ages of the aged church members and total number of church members. The scope of geographical range for the study is limited to Northern side of Han River in Seoul and the churches with its own building having 500 to 3,000 people attending services, and implementation range, with a base of laws on promotion of convenience, separates specific items into mediation facility, interior facility, sanitary facility, and other facilities. The study selected 40 workers in church and 339 aged church members as subjects. As analysis method for the study, we have measured reliance level of questions by performing reliance test on each question, and performed frequency analysis in order to observe church worker"s willingness to improve and request level of the aged church members. And, in order to find out the difference on opinion by the aged church members and total number of church members, we have performed “One way ANOVA,” that verifies average difference. For evidence analysis we have verified all of them in attention level of p<.05, and for statistics analysis we have analyzed them using SPSSWIN 12.0 program. We are proposing improvement program based on study and analysis as next: First, since most of church workers have strong willingness to improve amenities we have learned that it is very optimistic to see improvements on church’s amenities in the future. Second, since the aged church members’ level of request was high on 3 of mediation facilities, elevators, and restrooms, it is desirable to improve mainly with these facilities. Third, the result on level of request for facilities based on the total number of church members revealed that the churches with 1,000-2,000 members have the highest level of request. Thus, we feel that the churches with 1,000-2,000 members should try harder to improve compared with churches with different number of members. Fourth, since the level of request on church amenities by different age group showed that the age group with 65-70 had the highest level of request on all facilities, except elevators, there are needs to apply the opinions of this age group more in depth based on this result.

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