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        장애인의 문화예술복지 정책과 무용공연 활동

        백현순 한국스포츠학회 2011 한국스포츠학회지 Vol.9 No.4

        This study is intended to explore the interface between dance art and culture and art welfare policy for the physically challenged, and furthermore, to suggest the ways in which the quality of their life can be enhanced by means of dance performing activities. To accomplish these objectives, I would like to look into three major points: first and foremost, overviewing the trends and shifts of culture and art welfare policy for the physically challenged; secondly, exploring the ways in which dance performing activities are conducive to quality of life for the physically challenged; and eventually, considering, from the perspective of public welfare, how to vitalize dance performances for the physically challenged. The results of research can be summed up as follows. To date, in the discussion of culture and art welfare policy for the physically challenged, cultural welfare has been by and large neglected, as ‘culture’ tended, more often than not, to be regarded as ‘beneficiary’. As of now, however, it becomes increasingly important to set and put into practice culture and art welfare policy for the physically challenged. When it comes to the physically challenged, the experience of physical activities through dance performing activities, which is supposed to develop their potential to the full extent, will help them acquire a balanced and integrated sense of self, at physical, mental and spiritual levels. With this in mind, I would like to propose some possible ways of activating dance performances for the physically challenged, which are as follows; first, setting culture and art welfare policy for the physically challenged; second, organizing a committee for dance art for the physically challenged, which is expected to support and implement relevant activities; third, suggesting the establishment of performing arts theatres for the physically challenged; finally, encouraging art and culture exchanges between the handicapped and non-handicapped dancers.

      • Investigating Pedestrian Experiences of the mobility-challenged

        Dong Yeong Jeong,Jiyoung Kwahk,Sung H. Han,Joohwan Park,Mingyu Lee,Kyudong Park,Ju Hwan Kim,Hyeji Jang,Youngin Koh,Dawoon Jeong 대한인간공학회 2017 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2017 No.11

        The aim of this study is to identify broad pedestrian experiences of the mobility-challenged. Walking is major physical activity of human, which affect health and quality of life. However, the mobility-challenged feels difficult to walk outside because of their physical and cognitive weakness. Although there are social opinions that the mobility-challenged has right to walk and attempts to make pedestrian-friendly environments, pedestrian cannot still walk outside freely. It is essential to identify experiences of the mobility-challenged while walking and support them appropriately. Diary methods and focus group interview (FGI) were selected as user survey methods to collect pedestrian experiences of the mobility-challenged. We recruited twenty-seven participants; eight visually challenged, eight aurally challenged, and eleven physically challenged. They were asked to daily write one positive and one negative experiences while walking on diary for one week. After that, they were participated in FGI. They were grouped according to type of disability. They discussed about their experiences, which are written in diaries. Discussion sessions were made by the principles of pedestrian experiences. Pedestrian experiences collected were identified as the principles of pedestrian experience. Seeing that most of the experiences were negative, it seems that the mobility-challenged usually undergoes discomforts while walking outside. To improve their pedestrian experiences, effort based on their experiences should be made from various perspectives. The experiences can be baseline data of the design guidelines for pedestrian-friendly environments. Also, they can be opportunities of developing supportive tools of the mobility-challenged.

      • 지체장애인을 위한 편의시설 실태조사 연구 : 대구광역시 건축물을 중심으로

        추명희,최창길 대구대학교 2006 대구대학교 학술논문집 Vol.1 No.2

        자본주의 경제질서의 정착과 급속한 산업화 등으로 빈부격차, 소외계층을 가져오고 있는 현대산업사회는 선천적 장애인뿐만 아니라 산업재해, 교통사고, 문명의 발달에 따른 여러 가지 원인에 의한 다량의 후천적 장애인이 발생하고 있다. 어느 누구도 장애인의 지위에 있어 자유롭지 못한 것이 오늘날의 현실이며 장애인의 문제는 사회적·국가적 과제이다. 우리나라에서도 장애인의 날을 지정하고 장애인·노인·임산부 등의 편의증진보장에 관한 법률을 제정하는 등 장애인들의 복지증진과 사회적 관심을 기울이기 시작했다. 장애인에게 평등한 사회참여의 기회를 제공하기 위해서는 개인적 장애뿐만 아니라 물리적·비물리적 사회장애 등 모든 장애가 제거되어야 한다. 바람직한 편의시설은 장애인들이 갖고 있는 신체적 불리를 보완·보정하여 각종 이용시설을 정상인들과 동등하게 이용할 수 있게 하는 기능을 가지고 있어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 전체 장애인 중 가장 많은 비율을 차지하는 지체장애인을 중심으로 대구광역시의 공공시설과 민간시설 33개소의 편의시설을 조사하고 실태현황을 분석하고자 한다. Over the last 20 years, South Korea has enjoyed a tremendous amount of economic prosperity. This is due in large part to Korea’s policies of rapid industrial growth along with the expansion and development of various technological and manufacturing industries. As a result, Korean cities not only became more modern, but their infrastructure also improved. With this improved infrastructure came the large-scale public systems, services, and facilities of Korean cities that are necessary for economic growth. These include such things as public transportation, roads, schools and public and private buildings. However, these modern cities with improved infrastructures lacked many of the basic, fundamental and essential facilities that are needed by the physically challenged or people with disabilities. Not only were public buildings in need of improvements, but private buildings as well. This research study offers a comparative analysis of how well various public and private buildings around Daegu are in their development of various facilities for the physically challenged.

      • 맥락적 해석을 통한 민화(民畵) 「효제문자도(孝悌文字圖)」의 이해 : 국립민속박물관 ‘점자도·문자도’ 프로그램 분석을 중심으로

        김윤정,엄정순 미술사문화비평학회 2013 미술사문화비평 Vol.4 No.-

        This article is based on the observation of <Braille Painting·Munja(Character) Painting>, an educational program for the culturally underprivileged people for the first half of 2013 by the National Folk Museum of Korea, and provides observation and analysis of the process how the visually challenged people experience and apprehend traditional art through the museum’s education program that focuses on Hyoje Munjado(character painting), traditional Korean folk painting. The <Braille Painting·Munja(Character) Painting> program helped the attendees with visual disability to learn about the folk painting, Hyoje Munjado, exhibited in the museum, and re-interpret and visualize the meaning of eight characters of Hyo Je Choong Shin Ye Ui Yeom Chi (filial piety, brotherly love, loyalty, sincerity, etiquette, fidelity, integrity, and shame) based on one’s unique experience, and create an art work of their own. This program was distinct as it allowed those with visual disability to learn about the ethics and culture of the Chosun society through the contents of Hyoje Munjado, while at the same time helped them experience the process of art creation by making an art work of one’s own. Hyoje Munjado is a special type of painting in which eight Chinese characters of Hyo Je Choong Shin Ye Ui Yeom Chi, the key ethical virtues of the Chosun society, were written and old sayings and figures are symbolized and drawn into the strokes in the eight Chinese characters. The ethical virtues expressed in the painting are still considered socially important and the program attendees can understand the meaning of the Hyoje Munjado reflected in their life and create their own munjado based on such contextual understanding. The program demonstrates how suitable a contextual understanding from constructivism perspective is in the exhibition and education of museums for the museum visitors with diverse cultural background, knowledge, and environment as well as the visually challenged. Furthermore, the program clearly indicates the effects of a constructivism education that creates a new meaning through a contextual interpretation of experiences in the education for the visually challenged. Although the program started out of an exploration into how to enable those with visual disability experience art, it also appears to be effective in allowing people with rare access to art and history of art experience art in their daily life experience.

      • KCI등재

        대학생의 장애도우미 활동 전ㆍ후의장애 인식과 수용태도에 관한 질적 연구

        정문주,조한익 한국청소년학회 2016 청소년학연구 Vol.23 No.12

        This study is to explore the meaning how effect the challenged people awareness and receptive attitude of the university students through the challenged support experience in college on the challenged people acceptance attitude. For this, 7 students and the 4 challenged studentsof top university in Seoul, total 11 research participants were selected. The collected data used the framework in experience research of van Manen (1990s) of the Phenomenological research methods. The study result extracted 3 elements and 7 sub-elements. It apprears 3 elements consisting of 'attitude toward the challenged people in high school', 'attitude change after the challenged people support experience' and 'insight since the challenged people acceptance attitude change'This study is significance re-suggestions the needs of education for the change of the challenged acceptance attitude for social integration and integration education between the challenged students and students and change of the challenged acceptance attitude and the meaning of that through the challenged people support experience. 본 연구는 대학생의 장애인 인식과 그 수용 태도가 대학에서의 장애도우미 활동의 경험을 통해 장애인 수용 태도에 어떠한 영향을 주었는지 그 의미를 탐색하고자 하였다. 이를 위하여 서울시내 상위권 대학의 비장애 대학생 7명, 장애대학생 4명으로 총 11명을 연구 참여자로 선정하였다. 수집된 자료는 현상학적 연구 방법중 van Manen(1990) 체험연구의 분석틀을 이용하여 시행하였다. 연구 결과 3개의 구성 요소와 7개의 하위 구성요소가 도출되었다. 3개의 구성요소는‘고등학교 때까지의 장애에 대한 태도’, ‘장애도우미 활동 이후의 태도 변화’,‘장애 수용태도 변화 이후 통찰’로 나타났다. 7개의 하위 구성요소로는 태도(회피적, 위악적), 정서, 인지부조화, 태도(적극적, 위선적), 정서(긍정,부정), 인지조화, 교육 요구 였다. 본 논문은 대학생의 장애 도우미 활동 체험을 통하여 장애인 태도의 변화와 그 의미를 탐색하고 이후 장애와 비 장애 학생간의 통합교육과 사회통합을 위해 장애 수용태도의 변화를 위한 교육의 필요성을 재시사한 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • KCI등재후보

        장애인 생활환경실태 조사연구

        이성규,정은영 한국의료복지시설학회 2006 의료·복지 건축 Vol.12 No.3

        This study was from the survey on the items related to the challenges, the activity frequency of the challenged people and the places where these activities take place and the satisfaction and the demands on the facilities for the challenged people from 1,284 challenged people over the age of 20 living in Korea nation wide. From the survey, it was shown that the biggest demand lied in the improvement of the facilities related to the transportation and access for their residence and social activities. They felt they are inconvenient for the perspective of the implementation rate. Additionally, they had high desire for culture and physical educational activities. Improvements to provide convenient environments where the challenged people can access to and use the facilities as conveniently as unchallenged people do by minimizing the physical hindrances are urgently needed. For time being, many facilities for the challenged people was supplied to improve the physical environments for challenged people, however, foreign regulations had to be adopted for these job due to insufficient date on physical conditions of the challenged people in Korea. Moreover, current facilities for the challenged people emphasized more on physical aspect and the facility itself without the considerations on the overall environments, as result the improvement satisfaction and efficiency were low. More flexible and humane design approaches are needed instead of relying on supply rate and try to fully consider the characteristics of the challenged people without any discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        지체장애 아동을 위한 옥외 놀이시설

        김학범,이은희 한국조경학회 2002 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.30 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to study and propose playground facilities for physically challenged children to cultivate adaptability in society and advances the opportunity of participate in physical exercise. This study carried out site investigations by visiting and inspecting various facilities: a recreational walking path for physically challenged people, a care facility for physically challenged children, a special school for physically challenged children, and "Madel Park", a private-use playground for physically challenged children. The result of the site investigation found that, overall, play facilities are difficult to use for physically challenged children. In addition, because park space is often small and narrow, children who are restricted to wheelchairs find it impossible to access such facilities. By carefully inspecting each of the facilities, the author found suitable elements to apply for outside play space. These elements include the introduction of an essential slope way to allow for safe movement, the provision of special seats which support the body to outside play equipment and the adaptation of treatment room instruments that assist balance to outdoor playground facilities. On the basis of the site investigation the interview and the indoor education program for physically challenged children the author completed an outside play program. Each item in this program was classified as belonging to either a "sense play" program or and "exercise play" program. Finally, the author designed suitable play equipment for physically challenged children corresponding to each item in the exercise programs in order to research the appropriateness of the equipment to its intended use. This research is the first step. From this point the author expects that specific applications will be developed through a practical space plan and sufficient clinical experiments involving use of the new equipment.

      • KCI등재

        지체장애 중학생과 일반 중학생의 과학탐구활동에 대한 교사와 학생의 실태 인식 및 요구 비교

        박상용 ( Sang Yong Park ),김홍정 ( Hong Jeong Kim ),박승재 ( Sung Jae Pak ),임성민 ( Sung Min Im ) 대구대학교 한국특수교육문제연구소 2012 특수교육저널 : 이론과 실천 Vol.13 No.1

        Recently, there are some domestic and foreign studies about science education for disabled students. However, there are no specific studies and action plans for physically challenged students. In this study, we investigated the real conditions of science inquiry activities in formal science class and needs of physically challenged students, regular students, and some of special education teacher and regular teachers. After doing a survey, we analyzed practical science inquiry activities of science and needs based on the survey from teachers and students in 8 special schools for physically challenged students and 10 regular schools. Survey results indicated that there are less science inquiry activities of science in the special school for physically challenged students than in the regular schools. Also, activities usually take place at the laboratories in the regular schools, but, in the special schools, most of activities perform in the regular classrooms. When compared in the regular schools, there are less proper science tools and educational materials prepared in the special schools. Also survey showed that, the science inquiry activities of science does not take place considering of student’s needs and characteristic. Physically challenged middle school students answered that they relatively do not participate actively and they are not relatively satisfied with the places and facilities of science inquiry activities of science than regular students did. While teachers in the regular schools answered fostering experts of science inquiry activities of science and changing class schedules as needs of science inquiry activities of science, teachers in the special schools for physically challenged students said experimental equipment for physically challenged students should be developed. As a result of this study, we could diagnose the real conditions of science inquiry activities of science that physically challenged students are relatively alienated than regular students. Also, this will be a basic material for development of meaningful science study plans and materials.

      • 보행 약자의 보행 경험을 기반으로 하는 보행 지원 도구 아이디어 개발 방법

        장혜지(Hyeji Jang),한성호(Sung H. Han),정동영(Dong Yeong Jeong),김주환(Ju Hwan Kim) 대한인간공학회 2018 대한인간공학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2018 No.11

        Walking has many positive effects on daily life. Various products, services, and policies are being proposed to support mobility-challenged as the population of mobility-challenged increases. However, most of the existing solutions only aim to improve walkability. In addition, it is difficult for designers to understand the experience of mobility-challenged. The purpose of this study is to develop a service idea to improve overall walking experience of the visually, aurally and physically challenged based on their inconveniences during walking. The process of this study consists of three stages: experience collection, idea generation, and idea concretization. Focus group interview was used to collect and understand the experience of mobility-challenged, and morphological analysis was used to supplement the experience. Ideas for improving walking experience were derived using the methods such as why-why diagram and SCAMPER. Details of the derived ideas are developed using service description. In each process, the validity of the results was enhanced by the evaluations of target users and expert. A total of 21 walking support service ideas was derived. These ideas could develop into an assistive device for enhancing the walking experience of mobility-challenged. The results of this study suggest the importance of close cooperation between target users and experts. The proposed idea development process is applicable to the process of deriving a service idea for minorities.

      • KCI등재

        Effects of immune-challenged domestic silkworm hemolymph on the regulation of SIRT5 and PRDx1 expression

        Jin Ha Yun,김성렬,Seung Won Park 한국잠사학회 2023 International Journal of Industrial Entomology Vol.47 No.2

        SIRT5 and PRDx1 play crucial roles in cancer and are involved in the basic mechanisms of reactive oxygen species detoxification. In our previous studies, we showed that hemolymph extracts of immune-challenged Bombyx mori have antioxidant properties. Following H2O2 stimulation, immune-challenged B. mori hemolymph extracts elicited SIRT5 downregulation activity, reaching effective activity at the highest concentration of 100 ppm. Additionally, cells treated with immune-challenged B. mori hemolymph extracts demonstrated increased PRDx1 mRNA expression compared to that of PBS-treated cells. Therefore, immune-challenged B. mori hemolymph extracts offer a potential auxiliary means of treating drug-resistant tumors through downregulation of SIRT5 and upregulation of PRDx1 expression. Nevertheless, further studies on the effects of B. mori hemolymph on SIRT5 and PRDx1 regulation are pertinent for using it as a food or pharmaceutical material and understanding its therapeutic effect on tumors, including those that are drug-resistant.

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