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      • KCI등재


        Jang, Lee-Chae 한국전산응용수학회 1999 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.6 No.1

        In this paper we define generalized concepts of cardinal-ity of a fuzzy-valued function and obtained some properties of these new concepts.

      • KCI등재

        집합피복 문제의 개선된 탐욕 알고리즘

        이상운(Sang-Un Lee) 한국정보기술학회 2015 한국정보기술학회논문지 Vol.13 No.2

        This paper presents a linear time algorithm to the set cover problem (SCP), which remains NP-complete because there has been unknown polynomial time algorithm. The greedy algorithm (GA) does not obtain the optimal solution all the time but is the simplest algorithm. The improved greedy algorithm (IGA) remedies the two shortcomings of GA. Firstly, I propose a selection criterion to choose one subset for multiple subsets with maximum cardinality. Secondly, I propose a deletion method that a subset is deleted as proper subsets to the sum of other subsets obtained by the GA. When tested on 6 general cases and 2 applied cases, the proposed IGA can be obtain the optimal solutions within polynomial time. Accordingly, I show that the SCP is no longer NP-complete but rather a P-problem as from IGA.

      • KCI등재

        On entropy for intuitionistic fuzzy sets applying the Euclidean distance

        Hong, Dug-Hun Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems 2002 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.12 No.6

        Recently, Szmidt and Kacprzyk[Fuzzy Sets and Systems 118(2001) 467-477] proposed a non-probabilistic-type entropy measure for intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Tt is a result of a geometric interpretation of intuitionistic fuzzy sets and uses a ratio of distances between them. They showed that the proposed measure can be defined in terms of the ratio of intuitionistic fuzzy cardinalities: of $F\bigcapF^c and F\bigcupF^c$, while applying the Hamming distances. In this note, while applying the Euclidean distances, it is also shown that the proposed measure can be defined in terms of the ratio of some function of intuitionistic fuzzy cardinalities: of $F\bigcapF^c and F\bigcupF^c$.

      • KCI우수등재

        4, 5세 아동의 기수성 발달과 인지 발달의 관계

        이귀옥(Kwee Ock Lee),이혜련(Hae Ryoun Lee) 한국아동학회 2005 아동학회지 Vol.26 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate children``s acquisition of cardinality in terms of a framework that isolates two cognitive components, analysis of knowledge and control of processing. The subjects were 30 4-and 5- year-olds who were asked to solve three problems that required an understanding of cardinality. The problems were designed to place different demands on these processing components and examine their involvement in specific problems. The results show the 5-year-olds performed on the tasks than the 4-year-olds and correlastion among scores on the three tasks show that there is no correlation between the tower task assessing control and the two tasks that assessed analysis. The implications of the results are that aspects of symbolic development may be a broadly based process that extends beyond domain-specific boundaries.

      • KCI등재

        Defining and Discovering Cardinalities of the Temporal Workcases from XES-based Workflow Logs

        윤재영,안현,김광훈 한국인터넷정보학회 2019 인터넷정보학회논문지 Vol.20 No.3

        Workflow management system is a system that manages the workflow model which defines the process of work in reality. We can define the workflow process by sequencing jobs which is performed by the performers. Using the workflow management system, we can also analyze the flow of the process and revise it more efficiently. Many researches are focused on how to make the workflow process model more efficiently and manage it more easily. Recently, many researches use the workflow log files which are the execution history of the workflow process model performed by the workflow management system. Ourresearch group has many interests in making useful knowledge from the workflow event logs. In this paper we use XES log files because there are many data using this format. This papersuggests what are the cardinalities of the temporal workcases and how to get them from the workflow event logs. Cardinalities of the temporal workcases are the occurrence pattern of critical elements in the workflow process. We discover instance cardinalities, activity cardinalities and organizational resource cardinalities from several XES-based workflow event logs and visualize them. The instance cardinality defines the occurrence of the workflow process instances, the activity cardinality defines the occurrence of the activities and the organizational cardinality defines the occurrence of the organizational resources. From them, we expect to get many useful knowledge such as a patterns of the control flow of the process, frequently executed events, frequently working performer and etc. In further, we even expect to predict the original process model by only using the workflow event logs.

      • Cardinality estimation using collective interference for large-scale RFID systems

        Park, Jonghoon,Moon, Cheoleun,Yeom, Ikjun,Kim, Yusung Elsevier 2017 JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND COMPUTER APPLICATIONS - Vol.83 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Estimating the number (cardinality) of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags is a principal problem for large-scale RFID systems. This paper proposes a novel protocol for RFID cardinality estimation using synchronized response signals. For every estimation round, we need a single time-slot to parse multi-bit information from the synchronized signals that are concurrently transmitted from tags. Our protocol guarantees satisfaction of an arbitrary accuracy requirement within the smallest number of time-slots compared to existing estimation protocols. The efficiency of our protocol is based on two components: tags' synchronization and random number generation from a geometric distribution. We design these components to be feasible without heavy computation or memory overhead, and our protocol can be applied to low-cost and resource-constrained passive RFID tags. We have implemented a proof of concept prototype using software defined radio and programmable RFID tags. By conducting large-scale simulations, we have shown that our protocol outperforms the existing cardinality estimation protocols.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재


        Rezvani, Salim Korean Mathematical Society 2014 대한수학회논문집 Vol.29 No.1

        In this paper, we want to represent a method for ranking of two exponential trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. In this study a new Cardinality between exponential trapezoidal fuzzy numbers is proposed. Cardinality in this method is relatively simple and easier in computation and ranks various types of exponential fuzzy numbers. For the validation the results of the proposed approach are compared with different existing approaches.

      • KCI등재

        카디널리티 제약 선형 계획법에 대한 유한 수렴 절단 알고리즘

        김진학(Jinhak Kim) 한국경영과학회 2024 한국경영과학회지 Vol.49 No.2

        The current studies finitely convergent cutting plane algorithm for a cardinality constrained linear program (CCLP), which is a linear program defined over the hypercube [0,1]<SUP>n</SUP> with an additional constraint that the number of non-zero components in the decision variable does not exceed a specified positive integer K . The construction of the cutting planes is based on the fact that a solution to the linear relaxation that violates the cardinality constraint must have K+1 nonzero components. Based on this observation, the cardinality constraint can be written as a conjunctive normal form, thereby providing a facial disjunctive formulation for the feasible set of the CCLP. Leveraging this facial structure of the CCLP, we develop a specialized cutting plane algorithm that terminates within a finite number of iterations.

      • KCI등재

        선수제약 다기간 선형계획 배낭문제

        원중연(Joong Yeon Won) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2015 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.38 No.4

        In this paper, we present a multi-period 0-1 knapsack problem which has the cardinality constraints. Theoretically, the presented problem can be regarded as an extension of the multi-period 0-1 knapsack problem. In the multi-period 0-1 knapsack problem, there are n jobs to be performed during m periods. Each job has the execution time and its completion gives profit. All the n jobs are partitioned into m periods, and the jobs belong to i-th period may be performed not later than in the i-th period, i=1, ⋯, m . The total production time for periods from 1 to i is given by bi for each i=1, ⋯, m, and the objective is to maximize the total profit. In the extended problem, we can select a specified number of jobs from each of periods associated with the corresponding cardinality constraints. As the extended problem is NP-hard, the branch and bound method is preferable to solve it, and therefore it is important to have efficient procedures for solving its linear programming relaxed problem. So we intensively explore the LP relaxed problem and suggest a polynomial time algorithm. We first decompose the LP relaxed problem into m subproblems associated with each cardinality constraints. Then we identify some new properties based on the parametric analysis. Finally by exploiting the special structure of the LP relaxed problem, we develop an efficient algorithm for the LP relaxed problem. The developed algorithm has a worst case computational complexity of order max[O(n2logn), O(mn2)], where m is the number of periods and n is the total number of jobs. We illustrate a numerical example.

      • KCI등재

        아동의 이중언어경험과 상위인지능력의 관계:기수성을 중심으로

        이귀옥,이혜련 한국심리학회 산하 한국발달심리학회 2005 한국심리학회지 발달 Vol.18 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of bilingualism on children's cognitive ability by comparing Korean-Chinese bilingual with Chinese monolingual children in Yanji, China. The subjects were 111 children of 4 and 5 years of age, 58 of whom were bilingual and 53 were monolingual in Yanji. Bilingual children spoke Korean at home but Chinese in the community and at preschool. These children's Chinese fluency that assessed chinese reading and speaking level by parents questionnaires revealed that they were fully bilingual. The instruments used to measure children's cognitive ability were Visually-Cued Recall Task, cardinality task. Cardinality task was consisted of a knowledge analysis task and a control of processing task(Bialystok & Codd, 1997). A 3(age) by 2(mono-bilingual) ANCOVA was performed for cardinality task and memory task scare as the covariate because monolingual children performed memory task better than bilingual children. The results show that the older children performed on the knowledge analysis task and the controllcontrol of processing task better than the younger ones, but there was no significant difference between two language groups. 본 연구의 목적은 언어 외 영역에서의 상위인지능력발달과 이중언어의 관련성을 살펴보고자 기수성 과제를 실시하여 이중언어아동과 단일언어아동의 차이를 비교하는 것이다. 이를 위해 중국연길의 조선족 4, 5, 6세 아동 58명과 중국어 단일언어 아동인 한족 4, 5, 6세 아동 53명을 대상으로 기본적인 인지능력인 기억검사와 상위인지능력을 측정하고자 지식분석 과제와 처리통제과제로 이루어져있는 기수성 과제를 실시하였다. 그 결과 기억검사에서 한족 아동들이 조선족 아동들보다 기억력이 더 뛰어난 것으로 나타나 기억검사점수를 공변인으로 하여 아동의 연령과 언어집단에 따른 기수성 과제 수행에서 차이가 있는가를 살펴보았다. 공변량분석 결과 연령에 따른 차이가 유의하여 연령이 높을수록 지식분석 과제를 더 잘 수행하고, 처리통제과제도 더 잘 수행하는 것으로 나타났으나 언어집단에 따른 차이는 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 이중언어아동의 상위인지능력이 단일언어아동과 비교하여 더 뛰어나지 않음을 증명하는 것이 아니라 기수성 개념자체의 영향 때문인 것으로 볼 수 있다. 즉, 본 연구의 이중언어아동들은 한국어 수개념 체계인 한글과 한자의 2가지 체계와 중국어 수개념 체계 등 총 3가지 수개념 체계를 학습하는 아동들로서 이 아동들을 중국어 수개념 체계 한가지를 획득하는 중국어 단일언어아동들과 비교하였으므로 두 집단의 차이가 없었던 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그러므로 후속연구에서 다양한 수개념 체계를 학습하는 아동들에 대한 포괄적인 연구가 필요할 것이다.

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