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        소그룹리더 훈련을 통한 학원선교 방안에 관한 연구

        김남일 ( Kim Nam Il ) 한국복음주의선교신학회 2017 복음과 선교 Vol.37 No.-

        Campus Evangelism is getting more and more difficult every year. Some of the reasons are as follows: the spread of egoism, individual schedules, job preparation, even for Christian school. Even though the leaders are doing their best for campus mission, it is not easy. And one area worthy of close attention is the decrease of the Christian communities. In these crises, what shall we do for a campus mission? According to the founding idea on evangelizing, each Christian school has a mission focus. Nowadays is the time to get a new paradigm for campus mission. We have to begin a new mission strategy that is proper for this time and mission trend. This is the small group mission. Small group mission is not strange to the Korean campus mission organization but was lost a long time ago for the entertainment mission strategy. In the early of 1980`s, campus mission was the real enlightenment of the small group. A campus was full of small groups and Christian organizations were also full of youth. This means the Bible centered campus movements can create a revival in campus, for the small group movements focus on the Bible itself. To propose the way to evangelize a campus, I described this article by the order of below. In chapter 1, I proposed the tensions of now day`s campus mission and the meaning of the leader in a campus small group. And in chapter II, I wrote briefly about conception on the small group leader`s training include biblical background, necessity, ways and the benefits of it. In chapter III, I introduced the application to campus mission by myself at Baekseok University. Finally, in chapter IV, I wrote the conclusion with positive and constructive advice.

      • 청년선교의 현재와 미래

        석종준(Jong-Joon Seok) 전남대학교 종교문화연구소 2023 종교문화학보 Vol.20 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the current meaning of youth mission and the biblical outlook for the future, based on the sharing and analysis of data for youth mission for some of the so-called MZ generation. In order to approach the purpose of this paper, the author intends to organize the following contents in order and reflect on their meaning. First, it is a reflection on the data that can confirm the religious consciousness of Korean youth in our time. The author argued the results and the meaning of a survey on campus youth commissioned by Campus Evangelization Network to a specialized organization in 2022, namely, <2022 Youth Trend Report>. Among the data presented, we extract and organize the results of the survey data of the 10 items judged to be the most important and reflect on their meaning. Second, the author introduces the current activities and situations of mission communities on the Seoul National University that have been conducting missionary activities directly to young people from 2012 to the present. Through this, we can confirm that although it is true that the number of members and drivers who are passionate about missions on campus has decreased compared to before, many organizations, Christian students, missionaries, professors, and employees are still continuing their activities. In addition, the author will argue that, as the situation of youth missions on university campuses has become very diverse and complex recently, there is a continuous need to seek comprehensive and organic communication and unity between various mission entities. Third, the author will argue for the necessity of establishing a university church as a platform to effectively carry out organic activities and role division among youth missionaries on university. In other words, we will specifically discuss why the establishment of a university church is requested within a non-Christian foundation university and how it is meaningful in complementing the limitations of previous missionary organizations and local church-centered campus youth missions. In conclusion, the author makes a proposal for the future of youth missions. The future solution for youth missions in our time is not a proposal of any novel new method, but a return to the Bible and the mission field of the early church and “Ad Fontes” I would like to suggest that it is in. Accordingly, the youth mission of our time does not change much just because it is mainly targeting Generation Z, who are broadly distinguished by the characteristics of ‘digital natives’, ‘individualistic tendencies’, and ‘present-oriented tendencies’. In other words, missions in all times seek to assert that the essential principles of the ministry of spreading the “gospel” do not change even though the conditions of the world and the positions of life in which the missionaries live change. 이 논문은 이른바 일부 MZ 세대 청년선교를 위한 자료의 공유와 그 분석을 토대로, 그것이 함축하고 있는 청년선교의 현재 의미와 미래 전망의 성경적 전망을 모색해 보는 데 있다. 논자는 이 논문의 목적에 다가가기 위해 아래 내용을 차례로 정리하고 그 의미를 성찰하려 한다. 첫째, 우리시대 대한민국 청년들의 종교의식을 확인할 수 있는 자료의 성찰이다. 논자는 학복협(학원복음주의협의회)이 지난 2022년 전문기관에 의뢰하여 캠퍼스 청년들에 관한 조사 결과물, 즉 <2022 청년 트렌드 리포트>라는 자료집에 나타난 데이터 중 가장 중요하다고 판단한 10개 항목의 조사 데이터 결과를 발췌 정리하고 그 의미를 성찰한다. 둘째, 논자는 지난 2012년부터 현재까지 청년들에게 직접 선교활동을 하고 있는 서울대 캠퍼스의 선교 주체 또는 선교 공동체들의 현재 활동 내용 및 상황을 소개한다. 이것을 통하여 우리는 비록 이전에 비교하면 캠퍼스 내에서 선교에 열심을 내는 동력과 구성원들의 수가 작아진 것은 사실이지만, 여전히 많은 단체와 그리스도인 학생, 선교사, 교수, 직원들이 활동을 이어가고 있음 확인하게 된다. 또한 저자는 최근 대학교 캠퍼스의 청년선교가 상황이 매우 다양하고 복잡해졌기에 다양한 각 선교 주체들 사이의 총체적이고 유기적인 소통과 연합의 모색도 지속적으로 필요하다고 주장할 것이다. 셋째, 논자는 이러한 대학교 캠퍼스 내의 청년 선교 주체들 사이의 유기적 활동과 역할 분담을 효과적으로 감당할 플랫폼으로서 대학교회 설립의 시대적 당위성을 주장할 것이다. 즉 특별히 왜 비기독교재단 대학교 안에 대학교회 설립이 요청되는지, 이전의 선교단체와 지역교회 중심의 캠퍼스 청년선교의 한계를 어떻게 보완하는 의미가 있다는 것인지를 논의하려 한다. 결론적으로 논자는 청년 선교의 미래를 위한 제안으로 우리 시대 청년선교의 미래적 해법은 어떤 기발한 새 방안의 제안이 아니라 다시 성경과 초대교회 선교현장의 의식과 “근원의 자리로 돌아가는 정신”(Ad Fontes)에 있음을 제안하고자 한다. 따리서 우리 시대 청년선교 역시 ‘디지털 원주민’(Digital Native), ‘개인주의적 성향’, ‘현재 지향적 성향’이라는 특징으로 대별 되는 Z 세대를 주요대상으로 하는 것이라고 해서 크게 달라지지는 않는다는 것, 즉 모든 시대 선교는 선교 주체들이 거하는 세상의 조건과 삶의 자리는 달라져도 “복음”을 전하는 사역의 본질적 원리는 변하지 않는다는 것을 주장하려 한다.

      • KCI등재

        한국복음주의 학생선교운동: 1960-1990년대 학생선교단체의 활동을 중심으로

        백종구 한국실천신학회 2009 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.19

        본 연구는 한국 복음주의 학생들이 주체가 되어 캠퍼스에서 수행한 선교활동을 기술하는 것이다. 이 글은 세부분으로 나누어진다.첫 부분은 현재 한국에서 활동하고 있는 주요 학생선교단체들을 유형별로 나누고 복음주의 학생선교단체의 기원과 현황을 살펴본다. !940년 후반부터 한국 복음주의교회에는 교단을 배경으로 한 학생선교단체와 교단 배경을 갖지 않은 초교파 학생선교단체가 나타난다. 이 중 후자의 선교단체는 설립배경에 따라 국제 학생선교단체의 연장으로 설립된 단체와 자생적으로 설립된 단체로 구분할 수 있다. 둘째 부분은 복음주의 학생선교단체들이 수행한 활동, 즉 캠퍼스 전도, 해외선교, 문화사역을 시기별로 서술한다. 학생선교단체들이 설립된 이 후 처음부터 항구적으로 겨냥한 주요 선교대상은 캠퍼스 학생이었다. 1970년대 일부 선교단체는 선교 대상을 민족으로 확대하고, 1980년대에는 해외선교에 관심을 갖기 시작했다. 또 문화활동에 주의를 돌리고 기독교문서 발간, 복음성가 소개 등을 통하여 기독교 대학문화 창조에 힘을 기울였다. 셋째 부분은 학생선교단체와 지역 교회 사이의 관계 및 전자가 후자에 미친 영향을 조사한다. 한국의 경우 대부분의 선교단체는 선교단체와 교회는 서로 구분되어야 하며, 두 단체는 서로 협력하거나 혹은 전자가 후자를 보완하는 역할을 하는 것이 바람직하다고 생각한다. 그러나 실제로 구조적으로 서로 다른 두 공동체 간에는 긴장이 있었고 바람직한 관계는 현실화되지 못했다. 지역 교회와의 불편한 관계에도 불구하고 학생선교단체는 전도와 양육, 양육교재와 세계관, 복음성가의 보급 등으로 한국 교회에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 이 연구로부터 1960-90년대 복음주의 학생선교운동을 다음과 같이 정리 할 수 있다. 첫째, 1970년대 이후 복음주의 초교파 학생선교단체가 전도/선교, 문화활동을 통해 캠퍼스 선교활동을 주도하였다. 둘째, 학생선교단체는 지역 교회와의 불편한 관계에도 불구하고 한국 교회가 영적, 양적으로 성장하는데 공헌하였다. 마지막으로 학생선교단체는 영적으로 균현잡힌 리더를 배출하여 한국 교회와 사회의 견인차 역할을 감당했다. The present study aims to describe the origin and developments of the mission movement conducted by evangelical students in Korea, focusing on the activities of the student mission societies located in the university campus. This study is divided into three main parts. The first part following the introduction is to distinguish the evangelical type of the student mission society and examine its present status. From the latter part of 1940s the student mission societies have developed into the two type, the mission society affiliated with specific denominational church and the interdenominational mission society. The interdenominational student mission societies, which are evangelical in terms of faith, are classified into the two sorts by origin: one established as a regional extension of the international mission society and the other developed from within Korea. The interdenominational student mission society developed fast during 1970-1980. The membership of this society decreased temporarily in the middle of 1990s but soon returned to the increase in the first decade of the 21st Century. The second part gives an overview of the activities shared by the student mission societies. The main objective mission of the student mission societies is primarily the university students. In 1970s the student mission societies like CCC(Campus Crusade for Christ) extended their mission objective to the Korean nation as a whole. By the 1980s they were beginning to pay attention to the mission in foreign nations. Foreign mission activities by the student mission societies took a new momentum with 'Mission Korea' (Seon'gyo Han'guk) organized jointly by various student mission societies. In 1980s these societies were concerned with cultural activities besides evangelization and mission, and made certain efforts to create a Christian university culture, for example, publishing Christian writings and introducing a new style of the Christian song, known as Gospel Song. The third part examines the relation between the student mission societies and the local churches in Korea, and traces out the effects the former has had on the latter. Although the student mission societies are uneasy with the local churches these mission societies have exerted great influences on the Korean church. In particular the education program introduced by the student mission societies had provided a model of education program in the Korean church. The interdenominational student mission societies saw a decline in their membership to some extent in the mid 1990s. Being conscious of certain changes in the campus, these societies are responding to the campus by various new mission strategies. The desired relation between the student mission societies and the local church is under discussion. The student mission societies are justified in the Bible and in history have served to complement and revitalize the established churches. Viewed from this, to evangelize the students in the campus, the student mission societies and the local churches should work together and support each other.

      • KCI등재

        한국 기독교대학의 선교현황과 과제 ―전주대학교를 중심으로

        김은수 한국선교신학회 2008 선교신학 Vol.18 No.-

        Today, a lot of schools aim for open education and school. In the same context, Christian university can’t be equal to academy mission, building a high wall of a doctrine. As Paul confesses that I can do everything through him who gives me strength for the Gospel under any circumstances, Christian university must be open for the Gospel. Above all, open school is open for all students and must be always ready for a meeting. Open Christian school is to ask a meaning of life and to meet students asking a question of existence, receiving them with a open mind and help them welcome Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit. This is possible to be one in the center of Christ. School personnels who work in Christian university are to serve faithfully. They must take part in the faith training program actively and positively as ripe christians. Students who work in missionary organizations and christian groups have to cooperate each other in university. Because of spiritual superiority and arrogance of faith, we must not be separated and repeat past mistakes. On the contrary, we must receive in a humble way the comment that missionary organizations were a obstacle to academy mission. In the case of a part of missionary organizations, officials and core members used to build a wall and blame a church. And so, we have to improve this negative attitude. When members in campus as a God people have to cooperate each other and live in a place of life as the witness of the Gospel, the future of the campus mission will be better and brighter. We will get the vision of the future, conversing past history with present situation. First, we will examine the missionary history of christian university briefly and diagnose the situation of campus mission. On the basis of this diagnosis, we should present several important tasks to practice for mission. This paper will give a direction of campus mission with a limitation of research range. We will examine this paper in the center of Jeonju University .

      • KCI등재후보

        Campus Ministry in New Paradigm : Missio Dei and Religious Plurality

        연요한 한국기독교교육정보학회 2005 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.7

        The purpose of this paper is concern about a new campus ministry style in under the light of Missio Dei. A multi-religious situation, where student have their own several religious faiths, not just one Christian faith, gives a strong challenge to rethink campus ministry. The time of hostility and coercive evangelism against other religious persons has changed into deep inter-understanding and dialogue. Pagan are no longer an enemy, But persons all member have to serve in love. To revise the campus ministry, several major theological theme are necessary. The theology of Missio Dei has changed the concept of mission, and it also has affected campus ministry. Seen under the Missio Dei, the campus is a mission field, faculty and staff are instrument of God's mission. This paper summarizes recent theory of religious pluralism and ask what campus ministry is shown in the light of Missio Dei. The Missio Dei changed concept of mission and makes one able to rethink the church not as subject but as object in mission. Only God is the subject of mission. and the church is an instrument of God's mission, the university community is also an instrument of God's mission. So the campus should participate in God's mission with a variety of activities.

      • Toward Improving the Effectiveness of Campus Ministry at Universities

        ( Wonyoung Bong ) 삼육대학교 선교와사회문제연구소 2013 Asia-Africa Journal of Mission and Ministry(AAMM) Vol.7 No.-

        Campus ministry is important because campuses are global gathering places where students from around the world, who study together now, will be providing leadership in years to come. Campuses are ethnically and culturally more diverse than ever before. In spite of this perception about the importance of campus ministries, it is true that the church could not have a satisfactory result. In other words, the church has failed to utilize the university effectively as a golden field for expanding the kingdom of God and the most fruitful field of evangelization. Therefore, in this study, the importance and necessity of youth evangelism in the campus is discussed first. Then, the characteristics of their generation are described and effective missional suggestions for youth evangelism on the basis of campus settings are followed. In college ministry, it is no longer enough to attract a crowd. As people who are engaged in campus ministry, we have to mobilize our students for mission. We need a missional and intentional shift for reaching this crucial people group because the future health and vitality of the church will depend on it.

      • KCI등재후보

        학원복음화 위기 극복을 위한 기독교대학 선교의 신학과 효율적 방안: 한남대학교 사례를 중심으로

        최영근 한국대학선교학회 2014 대학과 선교 Vol.26 No.-

        This paper investigated the relationship between the church growth andcampus evangelization, and examined the crisis of the Korean church fromthe perspective of campus mission. It aimed at suggesting theology and strategyfor an effective campus ministry of the Christian university by presentinga case of Hannam University. The Korean Church rapidly grew in number between the 1960s and the1980s. The campus evangelization led by campus missionary groups was theone of the most important factors in the church growth. The church growth,however, came to decelerate sharply in the 1990s, and the Korean churchbegan to decrease in number in the 2010s. Accordingly, campus evangelizationcame into crisis. It was the same situation in the Christian universityfacing identity crisis after secularization. Christian universities as well as theKorean churches failed to respond efficiently to the shift in society and culturewhile holding fast to old paradigms. They stuck to dogmatism, proselytism,and cultural exclusivism, and therefore became isolated and marginalizedfrom Korean society and university culture in particular. The collapse ofcampus mission would endanger the church's spiritual integrity and institutionalsoundness, and dim hopes for the future of the Korean Church. Thus for theology of an effective campus ministry of the Christian university, this paper suggested holistic mission and incarnational theology. TheChristian worldview and morality should shape and inspire all the spheres ofthe life and culture in the university. For this regard, Christian universityshould reestablish Christian educational goals, foster Christian worldviewwithin the community, and integrate faith and knowledge to build upChristian scholarship, morality, and spirituality. For successful evangelization,furthermore, Christian university should focus on training ofChristian students into leaders of campus ministry and utilize all the possibilitiesas missionary opportunities. 이 논문은 한국교회 성장과 대학선교의 상관관계를 살펴보고, 당면한 캠퍼스 선교의 위기와 한국교회 위기를 상호검토한 후에, 한남대학교의 사례를 중심으로 바람직하고 효율적인 기독교대학 선교의 신학과 방안을 모색하는 것을 목표로 하였다. 1960년대와 1980년대에 이르는 한국교회 급성장의 중심에는 대학선교단체들의 활발한 학원복음화가 있었다. 한국교회 부흥의 시대에 학원복음화가한국교회 부흥과 성장에 커다란 영향을 끼쳤고 한국교회의 성장은 대학선교의 발전으로 이어졌다. 그러나 1990년대 이후 성장감소와 2010년대의 교세감소에 직면한 한국교회의 위기상황은 대학선교의 위기를 동반하고 있다. 진리와 도덕적 가치가 상대화되고 다양한 문화와 개성이 공존하는 변화된포스트모던의 사회 환경 속에서, 특히 학문과 지성의 전당인 대학에서, 위기에 직면한 대학선교는 새로운 신학과 전략을 요구받고 있다. 이는 설립정신의 쇠퇴로 정체성의 위기를 경험하며 효율적인 대학선교의 방향을 모색하는 기독교대학도 예외가 아니다. 일방적 교리전달과 문화적 배타주의, 하나님나라를 교회로 환원하는 개종과 이식 유형의 선교방법은 이미 한계를 노출시키며 복음을 대학사회에서 고립시키고 대학문화의 주변부로 내몰고 있다. 효율적인 기독교대학 선교의 신학으로서 이 논문은 하나님 나라의 가치와 삶을 대학의 학문과 삶과 문화 속에 이루어가는 통전적 선교를 제시하였다. 곧 기독교의 진리가 구성원들과 학생들의 신앙과 지성과 인격을 형성하는 성육신적 선교가 되어야 한다. 이러한 신학에 기초한 기독교대학 선교의효율적 방안으로서, 구성원들 가운데 창학이념과 교육목적을 분명하게 확립하고, 기독교적 세계관으로 신앙과 학문을 통섭하고, 전공교육과 학교활동을 통해, 특별히 채플과 기독교 교과목의 효율적 운영을 통해, 기독교정신에기초한 인성과 도덕적 탁월성과 봉사정신을 겸비한 인재를 길러내는 전인격적, 통전적 기독교 교육을 지향해야 함을 주장하였다. 기독교대학은 교목실을 중심으로 구성원들의 비전과 소명의식을 회복시키고, 기독학생들을 양육하고 훈련하여, 이들을 대학 선교의 자원과 주체로 양성하면서, 기독교대학이 가진 다양한 기회와 여건들을 충분히 활용하여 종합적인 대학선교를 추진해 나가야 한다.

      • 세계 종교의 흐름 속에서 본 중국교회의 선교전략

        정경호(Gyeong ho Jung) 신학지남사 2017 신학지남 Vol.84 No.1

        Although China is considered to be one of the largest mission fields world, the Chinese Church of the future could be the main player of global mission. In this paper, I myself have designated China, particularly its western provinces as vital strategic regions for global missionary work and I have focused my research on the appropriate principles and methodologies of mission for these particular circumstances. Religions of the world are at the center of change that could significantly impact lives in relation to the political background. The missional situation northwestern China has also changed according to political changes and is even now under its influence. In these circumstances, it is important for the Church to fully comprehend the new environment generated by the Muslims and the local government’s policy towards religion and thereby apply the appropriate missionary strategies. Campus ministry is a strategic method for the theological training of the leaders of domestic churches of northwestern China and their response to cults as well as the pioneering of additional churches. The Korean Church must form a network with these Chinese churches and coordinate strategically. Such missional work could be done in Korea as well. For instance the Church could teach Korean-born Chinese men and women Gospel who can then potentially take the Good News back to China where they could pioneer new spiritual communities. An alternative would be to invite the leaders of local Chinese churches to Korea for theological training. If mission in China’s northwestern provinces should bear fruit, then the Gospel could potentially be spread to neighboring nations. This makes this region a gateway for the Good News to spread out to the world. The next step is to utilize the Chinese communities that are spread across the globe as potential ministry partners. Overseas Chinese churches will act as the stepping stone for the Chinese Christian community to reach out into the world and the local domestic churches will allow these communities to enter China. One thing to note is that the Northwestern provinces act as a kind of buffer zone where Western Christianity and more Oriental Muslim collide which is another reason why the region is so crucial for missionaries, All churches are missionary communities. In other words, the Church is a community where God’s missionaries and the living Christ coexist which makes its very nature missional. Therefore, the Korean Church must be prepared to appropriately modify the current paradigms of missionary work to win China and the Chinese Church. In order for Chinese mission to be strategic and successful, we must first utilize both domestic and international fields as sites for both training and ministry.

      • KCI등재

        21세기 기독교와 학원선교 ; 한국교회의 대학선교 협력과 그 전망

        이상직 한국대학선교학회 2005 대학과 선교 Vol.8 No.-

        Has God forsaken the Korean church? Many ardent minds may say yes. When Jesus said, My God, My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?(Mark 15:34), he seemed to have been certain the forsakeness of God. But it is the irony of God``s providence that only the forsakeness of God can save the church and the sinners. Facing the crises related to the decrease of the church members last ten years, the Korean church may have felt the forsakeness of God. However, despair is not the final word; hope is. Campus mission is an endeavor to communicate this simple truth to the church and the campus. The purpose of the mission is to glorify not the church, but God. The rapid growth of the church is not the final aim of the mission, but the spread of the good news to the world and making Him known to the whole nations is the aim of the mission(Missio Dei). We may illustrate three elements which are essential for the successful campus mission, the selection of working agendas for the campus mission in terms of evangelism and humanization, Leadership Training, and the establishment of the cooperative system among the church, the mission bodies, the university chaplain. University chaplain is expected to coordinate the conflicting interests between the church and the student mission bodies and to draw the support from them to fulfill God``s mission.

      • KCI등재

        학원 복음화를 위한 크리스천 리더십프로그램의 도입

        강용현 한국대학선교학회 2015 대학과 선교 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to propose a ‘Christian Leadership Program’ for campus evangelization. Colleges are facing dire situations: structural reforms due to the decrease of college student population and youth unemployment, a new emerging issue. The Christian colleges that stood at the forefront of campus evangelization are facing in a situation of giving up on their original founding philosophy and reducing christian education programs. These actions are causing the loss of identity in the colleges, leading to the crisis of campus missions. Students who are in missionary group or Christian clubs are, as graduation approaches, lose motivation in missions because of problems in career path. The ‘Christian Leadership Program’ is a proposed solution to solve simultaneously the problems in the current campus evangelization and youth unemployment. Based on the Bible, the Christian Leadership Program is a research model that will, through the use of talent consulting and talent community, achieve campus evangelization. Talent consulting is finding the talent God has given, choosing the right career path based on said talent, establishing a vision, the ministry of professionals, and business missions. Talent community is a business friendly program applying the process of establishment of a business and business management and also a gospel friendly program through the combination of business practices and Jesus’s leadership. Also talent community strategically uses the fusion of talent metaphors, leverage, and the domino theory. If the effects of ‘Christian Leadership Program’ can come close to a model ‘the talents that business’s want’, one including the NCS core competency, then this program will be an effective method to solve both youth unemployment and campus evangelization. 본 연구는 학원 복음화를 위한 ‘크리스천 리더십프로그램’을 제안한다. 학령인구의 감소에 의한 대학구조개혁과 청년실업이라는 새로운 이슈의 등장으로 대학은 위기를 맞고 있다. 지금까지 한국 학원 복음화의 선봉에 섰던기독교대학이 기독교 정체성을 상실하여 건학이념을 포기하고 신앙교육 프로그램을 축소하는 등의 방향으로 나아간다. 이것은 학원 선교의 위기로이어진다. 대학의 선교단체와 기독동아리에서 활동하는 학생들의 경우, 진로문제의 압박으로 인해 졸업이 다가올수록 선교 동력이 떨어지고 있다. 본 논문은 청년실업과 학원 복음화의 문제를 동시에 해결할 방안으로 ‘크리스천 리더십프로그램’을 제안한다. 성경에 근거한 크리스천 리더십프로그램은 달란트 컨설팅과 달란트 커뮤니티를 통해 학원 복음화를 이루는 연구모델이다. 달란트 컨설팅은 하나님이 주신 달란트의 발견, 달란트에 근거한직업의 선택, 비전수립, 전문인 사역, 비즈니스선교를 포함한다. 달란트 커뮤니티는 창업과 기업경영의 프로세스를 도입한 기업 친화적 프로그램으로서 예수의 리더십을 결합한 복음 친화적인 프로그램이다. 전략적으로는 달란트 비유의 융합, 지렛대, 도미노 이론을 채택한다. ‘크리스천 리더십프로그램’이 NCS의 직업기초능력을 포함한 ‘기업이 원하는 인재상’에 근접한 인재를 양성한다. 따라서 ‘크리스천 리더십프로그램’이 청년실업과 학원 복음화의 문제를 동시에 해결하는 효과적 수단이 될 수 있다.

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