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        건축법상 ‘접도요건’의 문제점 검토 - ‘건축법상 도로’ 및 대법원 2017. 10. 26. 선고 2017두50843 판결 검토를 중심으로 -

        박성연 법조협회 2019 法曹 Vol.68 No.1

        건축법은 건축물 대지가 도로와 일정 부분 접해야 한다고 규정하고 있다. 이를 소위 ‘접도요건’이라 한다. 도로법 등 법령상 도로와 접하지 않은 대지에 경우 ‘접도요건’은 건축을 하는데 커다란 장애가 된다. 이에 건축법에서는 건축물 출입에 지장이 없는 경우 예외로 본다. 하지만 이를 인정받기 위해서는 인근 토지 소유자 동의가 없다면 어렵다. 또한 건축법은 ‘건축법상 도로’를 이용해서 해결할 수 있는 길을 열어두고 있다. 하지만 이해관계가 다른 건축물 대지 소유자와 인근 토지 소유자 간의 분쟁요소를 건축법은 제대로 해결하고 있지 못하여, 실무에서는 적지 않은 분쟁이 발생하고 있다. 더구나 1962. 1. 20.에 시행된 최초 건축법 시행 당시부터 ‘접도요건’이 있었음에도 분쟁을 해결하거나 줄일 수 있도록 제대로 개정되지 못하였다. 본 연구는 현행 건축법 규정상 분쟁의 원인이 무엇인지 ‘건축법상 도로’를 중심으로 먼저 살펴보고, 최근 ‘접도요건’과 관련하여 주목되는 대법원 2017. 10. 26. 선고 2017두50843 판결을 검토하여 ‘접도요건’과 관련된 분쟁 해결의 실마리를 제시하고자 한다. ‘건축법상 도로’의 경우 현행 건축법은 ‘건축법상 도로’로 지정되는 부지 소유자의 의사에 반하여 지정될 수 있는 길을 열어두고 있다. 이 때문에 ‘건축법상 도로’부지 소유자와 이를 이용하는 건축물 대지 소유자 혹은 이를 지정하는 행정청과 분쟁이 발생할 여지가 많다. 더구나 현행 건축법령은 ‘건축법상 도로’ 부지 소유자의 의사에 반하여 지정할 수 있는 구체적인 경우를 지방자치단체 조례로 정하도록 하고 있다. 지역별로 달리 판단될 내용이 아니므로 조례 위임을 폐지하고 건축법령에서 구체적인 경우를 정하는 것이 타당하다. 더 근본적으로는 현행 건축법 규정은 ‘건축법상 도로’ 부지 소유자의 손해를 보상하는 규정이 없다. 이에 대해서는 ‘건축법상 도로’ 부지를 이용하여 건축하는 사람이 정당한 사용료를 지급하도록 하고, 이를 전제로 ‘건축법상 도로’ 예정부지 소유자가 권리를 남용하는 경우 동의 없이 지정할 수 있도록 양자의 이해관계를 조정할 필요가 있다. 최근 대법원은 대법원 2017. 10. 26. 선고 2017두50843 판결에서 ‘접도요건’과 관련하여 주목되는 판시를 하였다. 그 구체적인 내용은 첫째, 이전에 건축허가 등이 있었다고 하더라도 ‘건축법상 도로’ 지정이 추정되지 않는다는 기존 판례를 재확인 하였다. 둘째로는 진입로 토지 소유자의 동의가 없다면 건축 불허가는 적법하다는 입장을 명확히 한 점이다. 대상판례 사안은 진입로 토지 소유자의 권리남용적 측면이 있는 것을 부인할 수 없으나, 현행 건축법이 ‘건축법상 도로’ 부지 소유자의 손해 보상에 대해 침묵하고 있으므로 타당한 것으로 생각된다. 이는 오히려 ‘건축법상 도로’에 대한 건축법 조항이 개발지 소유자와 이용지 소유자의 이해를 조정할 수 있도록 개정해야 할 필요성을 보여준다. 더불어 대상판례는 실제 건축허가 담당자에게 구체적 허가기준을 제시했다는 의의도 있다. The Building Act stipulates that a part of a building site should face a road, which is referred to as ‘road adjoining condition.’ For a site that does not face a road defined by the laws and regulations, including the Road Act, the ‘road adjoining condition’ is a huge obstacle to construction. Therefore, the Building Act allows exceptional cases where the ‘road adjoining condition’ is not applied if the access to a building is not hindered. However, recognition of the exceptional cases requires the consent of the owner of an adjacent land. In addition, the Building Act opens the way to solving the issue by using the ‘road according to the Building Act.’ However, since the conflicts between the owner of another building site and the owner of an adjacent land may not be appropriately resolved by the Building Act, many conflicts occur in practice. Moreover, the ‘road adjoining condition,’ included in the first Building Act enforced on January 20, 1962, has not been appropriately amended to resolve or reduce the conflicts. This article reviews the causes of the conflicts involving the road adjoining condition by focusing on the ‘road according to the Building Act,’ and provides a clue for resolving the conflicts by reviewing the Supreme Court Decision, 2017Du50843, October 26, 2017 that is recently drawing much attention. With regard to the ‘road according to the Building Act,’ the current Building Act opens a way for designating a road against the site owner’s will. Therefore, potential conflicts may occur between the owner of the site including a ‘road according to the Building Act’ and the building site owner using the road or the administrative agency designating it. Moreover, the current Building Act stipulates that the specific cases where a ‘road according to the Building Act’ may be designated against the site owner’s will should be stipulated by the ordinance of municipal governments. However, since the designation is not dependent on local conditions, it is reasonable that the designation should be implemented by the Building Act, abolishing the entrustment to the ordinance of municipal governments. A more fundamental problems is that the current Building Act does not include a regulation that compensate the damage to the owner of the site including a ‘road according to the Building Act.’ The interest conflicts of both parties should be mediated by having a person constructing a building by using a site including a ‘road according to the Building Act’ pay the right amount of utilization charge and allowing, based on the premise of paying the utilization charge, the designation a ‘road according to the Building Act’ against will of the site owner who abuses the rights. The Supreme Court recently made a noticeable decision about the ‘road adjoining condition’ in the Supreme Court Decision, 2017Du50843, October 26, 2017. The decision reconfirmed the precedent that the designation of a ‘road according to the Building Act’ is not assumed despite a past building permit. The decision also verified that disapproval of a building is legitimate in the absence of the consent of the land owner about the access road. The case of the Supreme Court Decision undeniably involves the site owner’s abuse of right regarding the access road, but the decision is reasonable because the current Building Act is silent regarding the compensation of the damage to the owner of a site including a ‘road according to the Building Act.’ The decision well demonstrates the need for amending the article of the Building Act about the ‘road according to the Building Act’ to mediate the interest conflicts between the owner of a land to be developed and one of a land to be used. In addition, the decision has the significance that it has provided the specific permission criteria to those who are practically in charge of building permit.

      • KCI등재

        재건축에서 상가단체의 법적 성질과 상가의 관리처분

        김종보 행정법이론실무학회(行政法理論實務學會) 2017 행정법연구 Vol.- No.51

        재건축사업의 경우, 재개발사업 현장과 달리 철거대상에 대부분 복리시설로서 상가건물을 포함하고 있었기 때문에 이해관계를 공유하는 크고 작은 상가단체가 사업초기부터 등장하게 된다. 상가소유자들의 이해관계는 전체 재건축사업과 충돌하는 경우가 많아 재건축에서 상가는 사업의 진행에 커다란 장애물로 받아들여졌다. 그러나 상가와 관련해서는 재개발사업에 참고할만한 선례가 거의 없었고, 특히 재개발의 관리처분계획에서 상가에 대한 특별한 기준을 찾을 수 없었기 때문에 초기 재건축에서 상가는 새로운 관리처분의 기준을 찾아야 했다. 2003년 재개발사업과 재건축사업을 하나의 법률로 통합하는 도시정비법이 제정되었고 도시재개발법과 주택건설촉진법이 적용되던 시대(이하 ‘구법시대’라 한다)는 종료되었다. 도시정비법은 재건축사업에 대해서도 관리처분의 절차를 도입했으므로 재건축사업도 관리처분계획의 인가를 받아야 하고 그 속에 상가의 관리처분도 포함되어야 한다. 그간 재건축조합과 상가단체간의 모호한 합의에 의해 진행되던 상가의 관리처분이 관리처분계획이라는 처분의 구성요소가 되고 행정소송의 대상으로 편입되었다. 이에 따라 상가단체의 정체와 재건축조합과 상가단체의 법적 관계 등을 해명할 필요성은 점점 높아지고 있다. 아파트단지 내 독립된 별동 형태의 상가의 경우, 재건축에 대한 동의를 이끌어 내기도 어렵고 상가 자체의 권리배분에 대한 합의를 이끌어내기도 어렵다. 재건축으로 인해 손해를 보는 것으로 생각했던 상가는 대체로 사업을 반대하는 경우가 많았기 때문이다. 주택은 재건축사업을 통해 개발이익이 보장되었던 반면, 재건축된 상가는 분양률이나 분양이익을 기대하기 어려워 개발이익이 그리 높지 않았다. 재건축이 진행되는 기간 영업을 못하는 불이익을 받지만 이에 대한 보상도 없다는 점은 불만을 더욱 크게 만드는 요인이었다. 이에 따라 상가단체는 사업이 진행되는 과정에서 다양한 형태로 재건축사업을 반대해왔고, 도시정비법의 규율은 이에 대처하며 상가의 제척이나 동별 동의율 제도 등 수동적 변화를 겪었다상가단체가 속한 재건축조합은 구법시대부터 조합적 성격을 보였고 이를 반영하고 있는 판례들도 누적되어 있다. 상가단체 또한 동일한 사업목적을 위해 맺어진 사람들의 결사이고, 가입과 탈퇴가 자유롭지 않다는 점 등에서 그 자체가 다시 조합적 성격을 띤다. 상가단체의 법적 성격을 조합이라고 보면 재건축조합이라는 조합속에 다시 하나의 조합이 속하게 되므로 이를 ‘조합속 조합’이라 부를 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 본조합인 재건축조합과 상가조합이 맺는 독립정산의 약정은 상가조합이 재건축조합에 속해 있음을 인정하고 동시에 상가조합이 재건축조합과는 별개의 독립적 이해관계를 가지고 있음을 확인하는 계약이다. 상가조합이 가지고 있는 고유한 특성과 이를 구체화하기 위해 재건축조합과 상가조합 사이에 맺어지는 약정은 상가조합에 법적인 독립성을 보장하게 된다. 이렇게 보장된 상가조합의 독립성은 가급적 존중되어야 하며, 또 정당한 사유가 없는 한 재건축조합에 의해 임의롭게 회수될 수 없다. 상가의 독립성을 보장하는 것은 상가 관리처분의 내용과 절차를 보장하는 데 핵심이 있으며, 이를 훼손하는 재건축조합의 관리처분계획은 위법한 것으로 평가될 수 있다. Unlike the site of redevelopment projects, reconstruction projects have included commercial buildings as the removal target, therefore, large and small commercial building associations with independent interests appeared from the beginning of the projects. Since the interests of the owners of commercial buildings often compete with the whole reconstruction project, commercial buildings were accepted as a big obstacle in the progress of the project. However, there are few precedents for reference to solve this situation in redevelopment projects, especially because it was not possible to find special criteria for the management and disposal plan of commercial buildings in redevelopment projects, The early reconstruction projects needed to find a new standard for the management and disposal plan of commercial buildings. As the Act on the Maintenance and Improvement of Urban Areas and Dwelling Conditions for Residents (“the Urban Improvement Act”), integrating both the redevelopment and the reconstruction projects into one law was enacted, the management and disposal plan, which had been only applied to the redevelopment project, was adopted to the reconstruction project. Thus, like the redevelopment project, the reconstruction project also must be approved for the management and disposal plan by the administrative agency, including the plan for commercial buildings. Therefore, the management and disposal plan of commercial buildings, which had been made by the ambiguous agreement between the reconstruction and commercial building associations, became the subject of the administrative litigation. Consequently, the necessity has increased to elucidate the identity of commercial building association and the legal relationship between reconstruction and commercial building associations. For independent commercial buildings located in the apartment complex, it is hard to bring out the consensus of reconstruction project and the agreement on the right allocation of commercial buildings. That is because in most of reconstruction projects, development profit was guaranteed for the housing, whereas it was not for the commercial building. Furthermore, the owners of commercial buildings could not be compensated for the loss incurred during the reconstruction period in which they could not run their businesses. As a result, the commercial building association has opposed the reconstruction project in various ways, which made passive changes in the Urban Improvement Act. The reconstruction associations where the commercial building associations belonged to, have shown the legal nature of the association since before the Urban Improvement Act was enacted, and the precedents reflecting it are accumulated. A commercial building association is also an association of people who are made for the same business purpose, and it also shows the legal nature of the association in that it is not free to join to and leave from the association. If the legal nature of a commercial building association can be regarded as an association, then it will be the association which belongs to the other association(reconstruction association), so it can be called 'association in association'. From this point of view, the contract to calculate profit and loss independently made between the reconstruction and the commercial building associations, confirms that the commercial building association belongs to the reconstruction association and the commercial building association has a separate independent interest from the reconstruction association. The contract and the unique characteristics of the commercial building association will guarantee the legal independence of the commercial building association. Such independence of the commercial building association should be respected as far as possible and can not be arbitrarily taken by the reconstruction association unless there are justifiable reasons. It is crucial to assure the independence of the commerc...

      • Comparative Study on Biotope Area Index through Ground Condition for the Existing Apartment Complexes

        Deokseok, Seo,Junmo, Park,Sangkweon, Um,Changsung, Kim 한국생태환경건축학회 2020 한국생태환경건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.20 No.2

        It was encouraging that the green building certification system was established in Korea for the existing buildings in view of the interest about ecological environment and activation of the system. Nonetheless, it was not known that if the standard sufficiently considered the conditions of the existing buildings. The residential buildings occupy the most in Korea among the total, of which apartments are numerous. Therefore, it is needed to review whether the green building certification system can be well applied for the existing apartments in order to expand the green building certification system. A case study was conducted for the ground conditions that affected the estimation of the biotope area ratio for the existing apartments buildings which have not received the green building certification. The case study results showed that the artificial ground ratio was higher than natural ground ratio in the existing apartments complexes. The highest artificial ground ratio was found in the new towns in the capital region among the buildings constructed by the private sectors. Whereas, for the case of the buildings constructed by public sectors, the natural ground ratio was more. As a conclusion, since the existing apartments complexes had higher artificial ground ratios, these are disadvantageous than the buildings developed by the public sectors in the assessment of the biotope area ratio.

      • KCI등재

        민법 제366조의 법정지상권의 성립요건에 대한 소고 : 「저당권 설정 당시 건물의 존재」를 중심으로

        김정태(Kim Jung-Tae) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2005 법학연구 Vol.46 No.1

        In our legislation, land and buildings are treated as a separated real estate. Under Civil law 366, when the land and building belong to the each other owner by auction of pledge, the superficies is legally justly admitted. That superficies is called the legal superficies. Legal superficies is a peculiar system that regulates utilization relation of land and building. But By the article 366, it is not clear when the legal superficies is established and not concrete what situation and conditions are necessary. Therefore, the conditions and contents of the legal superficies have been arranged by the existing theories and precedents, and theories and precedents show a tendency to expand the conditions. There are four the conditions of legal superficies recognized in theories and precedents. First, existence of building at the time of laying pledge, second, owner of land and building identical, third, laying in pledge to land and building which one or both, forth, separation of possession by practice of auction. The most important and questionable thing is whether the legal superficies can be expended on party's expectation. The party's expectation presents the legal problem to be various. Especially, If conclusion of legal superficies system is changed as land mortgagor's expectation, it will be so confused. so The legal superficies is based the existence of the building and must be interpreted strictly.

      • KCI등재

        설비공학 분야의 최근 연구 동향

        이대영(Dae-Young Lee),김사량(Sa Ryang Kim),김현정(Hyun-Jung Kim),김동선(Dong-Seon Kim),박준석(Jun-Seok Park),임병찬(Pyeong Chan Ihm) 대한설비공학회 2015 설비공학 논문집 Vol.27 No.7

        This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2014. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The research works on the thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of heat and mass transfer, cooling and heating, and air-conditioning, the flow inside building rooms, and smoke control on fire. Research issues dealing with duct and pipe were reduced, but flows inside building rooms, and smoke controls were newly added in thermal and fluid engineering research area. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for thermal contact resistance measurement of metal interface, a fan coil with an oval-type heat exchanger, fouling characteristics of plate heat exchangers, effect of rib pitch in a two wall divergent channel, semi-empirical analysis in vertical mesoscale tubes, an integrated drying machine, microscale surface wrinkles, brazed plate heat exchangers, numerical analysis in printed circuit heat exchanger. In the area of pool boiling and condensing, non-uniform air flow, PCM applied thermal storage wall system, a new wavy cylindrical shape capsule, and HFC32/HFC152a mixtures on enhanced tubes, were actively studied. In the area of industrial heat exchangers, researches on solar water storage tank, effective design on the inserting part of refrigerator door gasket, impact of different boundary conditions in generating g-function, various construction of SCW type ground heat exchanger and a heat pump for closed cooling water heat recovery were performed. (3) In the field of refrigeration, various studies were carried out in the categories of refrigeration cycle, alternative refrigeration and modelling and controls including energy recoveries from industrial boilers and vehicles, improvement of dehumidification systems, novel defrost systems, fault diagnosis and optimum controls for heat pump systems. It is particularly notable that a substantial number of studies were dedicated for the development of air-conditioning and power recovery systems for electric vehicles in this year. (4) In building mechanical system research fields, seventeen studies were reported for achieving effective design of the mechanical systems, and also for maximizing the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included energy performance, HVAC system, ventilation, and renewable energies, piping in the buildings. Proposed designs, performance performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data which can improve the energy efficiency of the buildings. (5) The field of architectural environment was mostly focused on indoor environment and building energy. The main researches of indoor environment were related to the evaluation of work noise in tunnel construction and the simulation and development of a light-shelf system. The subjects of building energy were worked on the energy saving of office building applied with window blind and phase change material(PCM), a method of existing building energy simulation using energy audit data, the estimation of thermal consumption unit of apartment building and its case studies, dynamic window performance, a writing method of energy consumption report and energy estimation of apartment building using district heating system. The remained studies were related to the improvement of architectural engineering education system for plant engineering industry, estimating cooling and heating degree days for variable base temperature, a prediction method of underground temperature, the

      • KCI우수등재

        설비공학회 분야의 최근 연구 동향

        이대영(Dae-Young Lee),김현정(Hyun-Jung Kim),김동선(Dong-Seon Kim),박준석(Jun-Seok Park),임병찬(Pyeong Chan Ihm) 대한설비공학회 2018 설비공학 논문집 Vol.30 No.6

        This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2017. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) In building mechanical system research fields, twenty studies were reported for achieving effective design of the mechanical systems, and also for maximizing the energy efficiency of buildings. The topics of the studies included energy performance, HVAC system, ventilation, renewable energies, etc. Proposed designs, performance tests using numerical methods and experiments provide useful information and key data which could be help for improving the energy efficiency of the buildings. (2) The field of architectural environment is mostly focused on indoor environment and building energy. The main researches of indoor environment are related to the ventilated cavity of curtain-wall system for enhancing insulation and preventing condensation, the improvement plans of condensation defect examples in apartment building and the calculation method for the transmitted solar irradiance using the total horizontal irradiance. The subjects of building energy are worked on the energy consumption characteristics in office buildings, energy performance analysis for energy saving potentials in a hospital building, outdoor air cooling system operated with load prediction, building energy efficiency rating changes by enhanced building envelope standards, energy saving effect for the external insulation construction, energy reduction of a heating network through the application of an absorption heat pump, analysis of thermal load profile according to the window retrofit in an old school building, calculating regional balance point temperature for heating degree-days in korea, short-term load prediction using artificial neural network models, the simple window model applied to EnergyPlus, possibility of building energy saving through the building data, optimal cooling operation of a single family house model equipped with renewable energy facility by linear programming. The remained studies are related to the comparison between korea and china evacuation laws in office building, the effect of cold air stimulation during the driver’s drowsiness, the calculation of the attachedpiping-material rate for the building mechanical-service system in office buildings, the development of a modularlightweight steel ceiling system and the evaluation of local loss coefficients for different waveguide-below-cutoff (wbc) arrays of electromagnetic pulse. (3) Various studies were published in the categories of refrigeration cycle, alternative refrigeration/energy system, system control. In the refrigeration cycle category, research subjects include the improvement of Type II and double-effect absorption heat pumps, the seasonal performance of compression heat pumps, a vertical receiver in a compression heat pump, the performance of a domestic built-in ice maker and the performance characteristics of a surface water heat pump system. In the alternative refrigeration/energy system category, subjects include a membrane dehumidification system, a CO₂-hydrate circulation system, a Zeolite 13x chemical thermal energy storage system and the performance criteria for heat pumps as a renewable energy device. In the system control category, subjects include a defrosting control system using photoelectric sensors and the control method for an organic thermal storage-chiller system. (4) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for prediction of stratification model for diffusers in underfloor air distribution system using

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        기후요소 및 심리적 반응에 따른 고층건물 작업자 관리를 위한 기초연구

        김대영(Kim, Dae-Young) 대한건축학회 2013 大韓建築學會論文集 : 構造系 Vol.29 No.3

        This is a fundamental study for the physiological and psychological responses of construction workers by climate elements change on the unfamiliar high-rise building job conditions. This study is based on the hypothesis that the construction workers, especially steel workers and towercrane operators, should experience more difficulties doing their job on high-rise building job conditions than doing on general building job conditions related to the climate, physiological and psychological elements. This study focuses on the analysis of former literature and research related to the high-rise building and climate to establish the frame of the further research. The study tried to find out major climate elements, construction tasks, and anticipated physiological and psychological symptoms that may have critical effects on the workers of high-rise building. This study is anticipated to provide basic data-based processing the research on safety management for high-rise building construction workers.

      • KCI등재

        Effect analysis of U-shape exterior walls on energy consumption of building: the case of Morocco

        Srhayri Imane,Hafs Hajar,Bah Abdellah 대한설비공학회 2022 International Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refr Vol.30 No.1

        The building architecture significantly affects the energy consumption of buildings. In this paper, we study the effect of using U-shape exterior walls on energy consumption. The main target is to evaluate the impact of this parameter on heating and cooling loads for a small building model in Tetouan, Morocco (an administrative building divided into 2 zones, the effective area is 27 m 2 ). In this context, a parametric study was carried out by the TRNSYS software 18, in order to evaluate the efficiency of using this form of exterior walls according to two selected criteria: the orientation of the exterior wall and the depth of the U-shape. More precisely, five values of the U-shape depth were studied for each orientation (South, North, South-east, and South-west), in six climate zones in Morocco presenting different climate conditions. In this sense, 126 simulations were done to have as a result the heating and cooling load for each scenario. The results showed a significant difference in the total load of the building model using different depths of the U-shape exterior walls in different orientations. We found that the U-shape parameter modified in the exterior walls is more efficient in zones characterized by a cold to moderate climate, namely, Ifran, Rabat, and Tangier (the maximum reduction of heating and cooling demand varies from 3.6 to 14% depending on the climate zone). Also, a maximum reduction in the total heating and cooling consumption is noticeable in zones with a hot climate which fluctuates between 1.9 and 3.1%.

      • KCI등재

        공조설비 운전방법 및 시설개선을 통한 에너지절약 효과분석

        김용기(Yong-Ki Kim),이태원(Tae-Won Lee) 대한설비공학회 2012 설비공학 논문집 Vol.24 No.4

        The major goal of building energy management is to minimize the energy consumption while maintaining the comfortable environment condition. Nowadays building energy management to save HVAC energy and so on is the most critical issue for existing building service branch with high efficiency equipments and their optimal operation. The effects on the building energy savings of the building equipment retrofit and the improvement of its operation method, especially in the field of HVAC system, were analyzed in this study for domestic small and/or medium sized buildings. Over 8.8% of energy saving was achieved compared withe total energy consumption in commercial building. These results could be used for reasonable maintenance and efficient management of the various building service equipments and related systems.

      • KCI등재

        연돌효과 저감을 위한 회전문 적용 시 건물 조건에 따른 공기유동량 변화 특성 검토

        왕문희,이중훈,김용식 한국생활환경학회 2008 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.15 No.4

        Recently, Building heights have been higher and higher. Stack effect in building has been bigger in its size by this tendency and has caused various problems which are obstructions in aspects of dwelling satisfaction and building performance in high rise-building. Two main causes of stack problems are focused on pressure difference and air flow rate partially on composition elements of building, of which air flow rate is apt to become a important influence item on efficiency of heating, cooling and ventilating by increased its volumes. The understanding such as "Adopting the revolving door at an entrance can decrease stack effect problems" is generally accepted. But adopting the revolving door as a local solution is not adequate for decreasing total air flow rates in building. This study executes the simulations about variable characteristics of air flow rates according to the kinds of building stories, airtightness of envelope and adapting locations of the revolving door on air flow paths. And the results are described quantitatively and clearly.

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