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        苏丹,이우철 한국중국언어학회 2022 중국언어연구 Vol.- No.98

        Previous studies have always summarized the features of indirect negation speech acts based on a certain perspective, but there are still some unresolved problems. Previous studies have shown that they have overlooked an important aspect, that is, indirect negation requires the joint efforts of both communicators, and the combination of utterance and response is a whole.Therefore, we propose a hypothesis: Can the study of indirect negation speech act shift from a single perspective to a bidirectional perspective? In terms of the bidirectionality of perspective, the language game theory is exactly the same.Language game theory emphasizes attention to all factors of language use, including all the practices and forms of language game participants, and the speaker and listener. Therefore, this article regards the indirect negation of speech act as a whole strategy, the features of indirect negation speech act can be summarized as follows: the basic feature is the emphasis on context and game, the communicators have strong interaction, the form of expression is flexible, the information transmission is rich, and the development and change are dynamic. 以往研究者们总是基于某一视角提出间接否定言语行为的性质特征,但是仍存在一些尚未解决的问题。以往的研究显示,研究者们忽视了一个重要的环节,那就是间接否定意义的产生是需要交际双方共同努力的,发话语和应答语合起来才是一个整体。于是,我们提出一个设想:对间接否定言语行为的研究,是否可以由单一化视角向双向性视角转变?在视角的双向性上,语言博弈思想体现的正是如此。语言博弈论强调关注语言使用的一切因素,包括说话者和听者在内的语言游戏参与者的所有实践和形式,因而本文将从间接否定言语行为看作一个策略整体,认为间接否定言语行为的特征可以总结为:基础性特征是重语境博弈性,交际者之间具有强交互性,表现形式具有灵活性,信息传递具有丰富性,发展变化具有动态性的特征。

      • KCI등재후보

        문헌 분석 : 초기 양육행동과 아동의 적응적 발달

        김지형 다문화아동청소년연구원 2021 다문화아동청소년연구 Vol.6 No.3

        본 연구에서는 초기 양육행동과 아동의 적응적 발달에 관한 선행연구를 분석하 였다. 선행연구에 의하면 부모의 긍정적 양육행동은 문제 행동의 감소, 긍정적 정서 반응과 인지기능 등 아동의 적응적 발달과 관련이 있음을 보고하고 있다. 또한 초기 돌봄의 경험과 이후의 발달과의 관계를 설명하는 매커니즘으로 애착 이론으로부터 내적작동모델의 개념이 제안되었다. 즉 자아와 타인의 정신적·인 지적 표상인 내적작동모델은 초기 주 양육자와의 관계의 경험으로부터 생성되 고 이는 이후 타인과의 관계에서의 인지와 행동에 영향을 미치게 된다는 것이 다. 선행연구 분석을 통해, 공통적으로 어린시절 부모-자녀와의 관계를 설명하 는데 있어 이들을 둘러싼 환경적 맥락과 부모와 자녀가 서로 영향을 주고 받는 다는 양방향성의 중요성을 공통적으로 보고하고 있다. 따라서 추후 연구에서는 아동과 부모의 역동적인 상호작용을 고려한 방법론과 이론적 틀을 채택할 필요 가 있을 것이다. This study reviewed the literature on early parenting and children’s developmental outcomes. A vast body of empirical evidence indicates that positive parenting is related to adaptive developmental outcomes such as fewer externalizing behaviors, optimal cognitive functioning, and positive emotional response to relational events. The literature suggests the internal working models concept from attachment theory as the underlying mechanism of how early caregiving experiences continue to later relationships and adjustment. Also, the literature emphasizes the importance of the bidirectionality of the parent-child relationship and the context surrounding parent and child. Based on this review, future research needs to adopt the appropriate methodology and theoretical framework in addressing the dynamic interactions between children and parents.

      • KCI등재

        Akan ATR harmony in serial harmony: No direction-specific blocking effect

        Minkyung Lee 한국음운론학회 2013 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Vowel harmony (VH) as assimilation through feature spreading is not parallel but serial in Harmonic Serialism (HS), a derivational OT model. In HS, harmonic feature propagation is iterative via the multiple passes of Gen and Eval loop, thus VH in HS guarantees serial harmony (SH). [ATR] harmony in Akan is controlled by the [ATR] value of a root vowel. If a root vowel is [+ATR], all the vowels from a root to affixes agree in [+ATR], otherwise the default [-ATR] takes place, instead. In an HS derivation, harmony-inducing constraint Share-Domain causes root-internal VH while Share-Juncture incurs root-outward VH. At a juncture, feature spreading operates in different path of derivation, i.e., unidirectional in each path, thus it is further split off to suffix and prefix given Akan morphology in which a prefix is added to the stem with a suffixed root. Furthermore, low vowel varies in its behavior; /a/ undergoes [ATR] harmony before [+ATR] while it is opaque after [+ATR] with no its [ATR] agreement. [ATR] harmony in low vowel is not attributed to feature spreading, rather to feature licensing and top-ranked grounding constraints. In essence, direction-specific blocking effect and bidirectionality that Align in parallel OT reveals are not supportive in HS. (Daegu University)

      • KCI등재

        Akan ATR harmony in serial harmony: No direction-specific blocking effect

        이민경 한국음운론학회 2013 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.19 No.2

        Vowel harmony (VH) as assimilation through feature spreading is not parallel but serial in Harmonic Serialism (HS), a derivational OT model. In HS, harmonic feature propagation is iterative via the multiple passes of Gen and Eval loop, thus VH in HS guarantees serial harmony (SH). [ATR] harmony in Akan is controlled by the [ATR] value of a root vowel. If a root vowel is [+ATR], all the vowels from a root to affixes agree in [+ATR], otherwise the default [-ATR] takes place, instead. In an HS derivation, harmony-inducing constraint Share-Domain causes root-internal VH while Share-Juncture incurs root-outward VH. At a juncture, feature spreading operates in different path of derivation, i.e., unidirectional in each path, thus it is further split off to suffix and prefix given Akan morphology in which a prefix is added to the stem with a suffixed root. Furthermore, low vowel varies in its behavior; /a/ undergoes [ATR] harmony before [+ATR] while it is opaque after [+ATR] with no its [ATR] agreement. [ATR] harmony in low vowel is not attributed to feature spreading, rather to feature licensing and top-ranked grounding constraints. In essence, direction-specific blocking effect and bidirectionality that Align in parallel OT reveals are not supportive in HS.

      • KCI등재

        문학교육 제재로서 <방한림전>의 가치와 한계 -젠더 일탈과 동성혼 화소를 중심으로-

        이상일 ( Lee¸ Sang-il ) 한국고전문학교육학회 2021 고전문학과 교육 Vol.48 No.-

        본 연구에서는 <방한림전>이 지닌 문학교육 제재로서의 가치와 한계를 검토하였다. 이를 위해 먼저 문학교육의 제재로서 문학 작품이 갖추어야 할 요건을 ‘문학성’과 ‘교육성’으로 나누어 살펴보고, <방한림전>의 서사적 근간인 ‘젠더 일탈’과 ‘동성혼’ 화소를 중심으로 작품의 문학교육 제재로서의 가치와 한계에 대해 고찰하였다. 문학성과 교육성의 개념은 지금까지 문학교육의 제재를 평가하고 선정하는 관습적 기준으로 작용해 왔는데, 본 연구에서는, 문학성에 대해서는 작품의 문학사적 평가 및 갈래의 대표성, 해석의 다양성과 확장성을 중심으로 살펴보았고, 교육성에 대해서는 교육 목표 구현성과 교육 활동 적절성(내용의 적절성, 활동 추동성, 학습자 적합성)을 중심으로 논의하였다. <방한림전>은 소설사적으로 여성영웅소설의 서사적 확장 과정에서 파생한 작품이지만, 젠더 일탈과 동성혼 화소를 중심으로 하는 이야기가 여성영웅소설의 서사문법을 차용하여 창작된 작품으로 볼 수도 있다. <방한림전>에서 젠더 일탈과 동성혼 화소는 가부장제 사회의 가치와 규범에 대한 저항으로 볼 수 있는 반면 가부장제 이데올로기에 대한 순응과 옹호의 의미로도 읽어낼 수 있어 양방향적 해석이 가능하다. 이러한 양방향적 해석의 가능성은 학습자에게 다양한 해석의 선택지를 제공함으로써 작품 수용 과정에서 활발한 소통과 다변적인 성찰을 진작할 수 있다. <방한림전>은 문학교육 제재로서 다음과 같은 가치와 한계를 지닌다. 첫째, <방한림전>의 서사 근간인 젠더 일탈과 동성혼 화소는 현실 세계의 일반적인 규범과 윤리에 무비판적으로 순응하는 수동적 태도에 대한 비판적 성찰의 기제로 활용될 수 있다. 둘째, 여성주의적 관점에서 <방한림전>의 젠더 일탈과 동성혼 화소는 ‘자아와 세계의 대결과 갈등’이라는 서사문학의 본질을 탐구하기에 적절한 제재이다. 셋째, <방한림전>은 다양성, 양성평등, 젠더의식, 소수자 배려 등과 같은 범교과적 교육을 위한 문학 제재로 활용될 수 있다. 그러나 <방한림전>은 두 여주인공의 관계가 동성애 관계로 해석될 여지가 있다는 점에서 현재로서는 그 교육적 활용 범위가 제약될 수 있으며, 젠더 일탈과 동성혼이라는 파격적 설정이 여성의 주체적 삶에 관한 대안적 담론을 형성할 수 있을 정도의 치열한 서사화로 나아가지 못했다는 점에서 문학교육의 주 제재로 활용하는 데 한계가 있다. This study aims to examine the value and limitations of the Korean classical novel BangHallim-jeon as a material for literature education. To this end, the effectiveness of literature as literature education material is divided into “literary value” and “educational value.” The value and limitations of BangHallim-jeon as literature education material are then considered, focusing on the basis of the narrative, gender deviation, and same-sex marriage. This study focuses on the literary historical evaluation of the work and the representativeness of the genre and educational value regarding the implementation of educational goals and appropriateness of educational activities. BangHallim-jeon is a story centered on gender deviation and same-sex marriage motifs that can be considered to have been created by borrowing the narrative grammar of female hero novels. Gender deviation and same-sex marriage motifs can be interpreted as resistance to the values and norms of patriarchal society, but they can also be interpreted as compliance and advocacy with patriarchal ideology. This bidirectionality of interpretation can promote active communication and multilateral reflection, providing learners with various options for interpretation. As literature education material, BangHallim-jeon has the following values and limitations. First, the gender deviation and same-sex marriage motif that form the basis of the narrative can serve as a mechanism for critical reflection upon passive attitudes that uncritically conform to the general norms and ethics of the real world. Second, from a feminist perspective, the gender deviation and same-sex marriage motifs in BangHallim-jeon are appropriate subjects for exploring the essence of narrative literature of the “confrontation and conflict between the ego and the world.” Third, BangHallim-jeon can be used as literature education material for cross-curricular education highlighting diversity, gender equality, gender consciousness, and minority consideration. However, the scope of the educational use of BangHallim-jeon may be limited in that the relationship between the two female protagonists can be interpreted as homosexual in nature, and the novel’s unconventional setting of gender deviation and same-sex marriage does not achieve a strong enough narrative to form an alternative discourse on women's independent life.

      • KCI등재

        외국어교육에 있어서의 번역의 문화 매개 기능

        김귀순(Kwee soon Kim) 한국통번역교육학회 2003 통번역교육연구 Vol.1 No.1

        Those who want to know about the position of translation in foreign language teaching (FLT) approach a problem which has recently been intensively discussed in interested circles. The aversion to translation as a sensible tool in FLT is interconnected with the breakthrough of the so-called language transfer. Throughout this paper, we emphasized the issues of the pedagogical structuring of translation teaching for future professional translators with much more weight and curricular topicality, because, here, translation teaching is not just one problem within the many still-to-be-solved problems of FLT, but it is an issue of primary importance. This paper shows translating across cultures and cultural proficiency have become significant in translating by showing various examples. This paper tried to suggest a framework for translators working between English and some other language by introducing practical examples of cultural negotiation. John Callow(1974: 160-161) points out: “A statement made in the translation-even if grammatically and lexically correct -may still clash with the belief system or the cultural viewpoint of the readers”. In summary, as for translator as cultural mediator, we should note that the problems that arise in translation of meaning here are twofold. First, meaning is not inbuilt but interpreted according to individual and culture-bound beliefs. Second, there is the widespread belief that translation of the denotative meaning automatically assures a good translation.

      • KCI등재

        “O madness of discourse, / That cause sets up with and against itself!”: The classical notion of discordia concors in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida

        서동하 한국중세근세영문학회 2017 고전·르네상스 영문학 Vol.26 No.1

        Much has been written about Homer’s description of the shield of Achilles. The spread of the humanism and the development of a print culture in the final decades of the fifteen-century England made people widely read Homer’s text in translations as seen from the case of George Chapman’s Achilles Shield. Our understanding of the description of Achilles’ shield is largely confined to its interpretation as the primary exemplum of ekphrasis, and our attention to Achilles’s shield, in this regard, is drawn to how classical texts provided the English renaissance poets with a rhetorical model to imitate. In this paper, however, I explore the extent to which Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida and Chapman’s Achilles Shield talked to each other in order to advance the notions of discordia concors (unity in diversity) and multum in parvo (greatness in little) both as a cultural phenomenon and as an experimental form of dramatic genre. Looking at Troilus’s speech “O madness of discourse, / That causes sets up with and against itself!” (5.2.140-141) in Act 5 that best captures the paradoxical situation, I argue that Shakespeare’s Troilus and Cressida, like Chapman’s Achilles Shield that represents the whole (good and bad) of human life, can be seen conceived as a manifestation of the notion of discordia concors not only as a thematic framing of love, but also as a generic reconciliation between comedy and tragedy. The striving for realization of discordia concors in Shakespeare’s imaginative space is so important, but it has much difficulties in its own meaning-making. Nevertheless, the notion of discordia concors deserves our special attention to understanding of Shakespeare’s philosophy of life and his generic development.

      • KCI등재

        양 방향 강세 시스템(Bidirectional Stress Systems)의 재고

        조혜성 대한언어학회 2018 언어학 Vol.26 No.4

        Cho, Hye-Sung. (2018). Bidirectional stress systems revisited. The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 26(4), 203-223. Bidirectional stress systems characteristically have their stress work to demarcate both edges of a word as well as to embody the rhythmic patterns within the word. Unlike unidirectional stress systems involving forming feet from either end of a word, bidirectional systems start building one foot from one edge and the remaining feet from the opposite edge. As a result, over ternary stress configurations bidirectional systems incur lapses in word-medial positions. In this paper I offer a reexamination of bidirectional systems within standard alignment theory (McCarthy & Prince 1993), but whose inherent symmetry is partially suppressed to accommodate their typological iambic-trochaic asymmetry. I contend that the interaction between asymmetrical ALIGN-WD constraints and symmetrical, foot-forming ALL-FT-L/R constraints not only makes the correct typological prediction, ruling out iambic rhythms from the bidirectional inventory but also provides an adequate account of the bidirectionality’s demarcative and rhythmic stress properties. I also argue that although they have mixed directionality orientation, bidirectional systems with a word-final three syllable stress window, such as English and Spanish be on the list of unidirectionality since they consistently maintain final lapse rather than medial lapse.

      • 배전계통 운용을 위한 양방향성 피더모델

        김세호,김일환 濟州大學校 産業技術硏究所 1998 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        This paper presents two distribution-feeder models to simplify complicated distribution system calculations. These equivalent models are developed to simulate the total series voltage drop at the end of the given feeder and the total line loss of the given feeder accurately. In addition, the proposed models are bidirectional. This means that power infeed can be at either end and the model is accurate. This feature is important for a modern distribution system in which the power infeed of the switched feeder may change from one end to the other during service restoration or feeder reconfiguration. These bidirectional feeder models are illustrated by examples. The simulation results show that it is possible to reduce complex feeders to simple equivalent models in the study of feeder-voltage profiles and losses with negligible error, even if the power infeeds of the given feeders are changed.

      • 배전계통 운용을 위한 양방향성 피더모델

        김일환,김세호 濟州大學校工科大學産業技術硏究所 1998 尖端技術硏究所論文集 Vol.9 No.2

        This paper presents two distribution-feeder models to simplify complicated distribution system calculations. These equivalent models are developed to simulate the total series voltage drop at the end of the given feeder and the total line loss of the given feeder accurately. In addition. the proposed models are bidirectional. This means that power infeed can be at either end and the model is accurate. This feature is important for a modern distribution system in which the power infeed of the switched feeder may Change from one end to the other during service restoration or feeder reconfiguration. These bidirectional feeder models are illustrated by examples. The simulation results show that it is possible to reduce complex feeders to simple equivalent model in the study of loader-voltage profiles and losses with negligible error. even if the power infeeds of the given feeders are changed.

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