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      • KCI등재

        낙동강 합천창녕보 주변 습지공원지역에 서식하는 자생 초본식물과 귀화 초본식물의 기능 형질 분석

        손민정,남기정 한국하천호수학회 2021 생태와 환경 Vol.54 No.4

        The two main hypotheses that explain why invasive alien plants successfully colonize new environments are: 1) invasive alien plants are functionally different from native plants in a community, and 2) the plants can adapt well to new environments because they are functionally similar to native plants. The present study investigated the functional traits of naturalized alien herbaceous plants and their native neighbors in a riparian park area near the Hapcheon-Changyeong weir along the Nakdong River to determine which of the two hypotheses applied to the study area. According to the results, leaf functional traits, such as leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf thickness, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf carbon content differed between naturalized alien and native plants, which could be attributed to the higher leaf nitrogen contents in naturalized alien plants than in native plants. The high leaf nitrogen contents are associated with high photosynthetic rates, which lead to effective resource use and rapid growth; therefore, naturalized alien plants growing in the study area were considered to have such functional traits. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that the successful establishment of invasive alien plants is attributed to the functional trait differences between invasive and native plants.

      • KCI등재

        Multivariate Associations between Environmental Variables and the Invasion of Alien Plants in Floodplain Waterfront Parklands along the Nakdong River

        박정수,윤종학,최종윤,김정철,이정효,송해룡 한국식물학회 2019 Journal of Plant Biology Vol.62 No.6

        Riparian zones are more susceptible to invasionsof alien plant species than other ecosystems. Plant invasionis determined by multiple interacting factors, such as thecharacteristics of the invasive plants, the climate, disturbancepatterns, and competition with native plants. To investigatethe multiple interactions of environmental factors with regard tothe invasion of an alien plant species, we considered a rangeof factors, including the topography, accessibility (oranthropogenic disturbances), competition with aquatic plants,and land-use history in 115 waterfront parklands along theNakdong River. The waterfront parks were constricted aftera river restoration project from 2009 to 2012. The mostcommon alien plants were Oenothera odorata, Erigeronannuus, and Coreopsis lanceolate in our study areas. Alienplant areas were negatively associated with aquatic plantareas, which indicated that dominant alien plants mainlyoccur in drier uplands in the area under study. Accessibility(or anthropogenic disturbances) to waterfront parklands hada positive effect on the proportion of alien plant species. Weassumed that frequent human visits and disturbances mayincrease the potential for invasions of diverse alien species. In addition, historic agricultural areas were positively associatedwith an invasion of an alien plants species. Our results suggestthat invasions of alien species to waterfront parklands depend onmultiple factors, including the characteristics of the alien species,the degree of accessibility, the topography, and historical landusepatterns.

      • KCI등재

        금성산(충남·금산)의 관속식물상

        장경숙,김중현,이병윤,황경록,류수노 한국자원식물학회 2017 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.30 No.5

        본 연구는 금성산의 관속식물상을 밝히고 주요 식물들의 분포를 조사하였다. 2015년 7월부터 2016년 6월까지 총 30회에 걸쳐 수행되었으며, 그 결과 관속식물은 112과 358속 417종 8아종48변종 8품종 2교잡종으로 총 483분류군이 확인되었다. 본 조사에서 발견된 483분류군 중에서 국립생물자원관 지정 적색목록식물이 3분류군, 국립수목원 지정 희귀식물이 8분류군, 한반도 고유종이 4분류군으로 조사되었다. 또한 식물구계학적 특정식물은 29분류군, 귀화식물은 42분류군, 귀화율은 8.6%이었다. 관속식물의 유용도는 식용이 190분류군(39.3%), 목초용이162분류군(33.5%), 약용이 154분류군(31.8%), 관상용이 58분류군(12.0%), 목재용이 14분류군(2.8%), 공업용이 2분류군(0.4%) 그리고 섬유용이 5분류군(1.0%)으로 나타났다. This study was carried out to investigate the flora of Geumseongsan Mt. (Geumsan-gun · Chungnam). The vascular plants were collected 30 different times, from July 2015 to June of 2016. The results showed that there were 483 taxa in total, included 112 families, 358 genera, 417 species, 8 subspecies, 48 varieties, 8 forms and 2 hybrids. Of these vascular plants, red-list species managed by the Ministry of Environment of Korea included 3 species, and 8 species Korea Forest Service. The endemic species to Korea were identified to 4 species. There were 29 taxa specially designated floristic regional indicator plants by the Ministry of Environment of Korea. The alien plants were identified as 42 taxa, and their naturalization ratio was 8.6%. Usage of 483 taxa were consisted of 190 taxa (39.3%) of edible plants, 162 taxa (33.5%) of pasture plants, 154 taxa (31.8%) of medicinal plants, 58 taxa (12.0%) of ornamental plants, 14 taxa (2.8%) of timber plants, 5 taxa (1.0%) of fiber plants, and 2 taxa (0.4%) of industrial plants.

      • KCI등재

        국가지정 문화재 민속마을의 외래식물 식재 및 발생현황 -하회,양동,한개마을을 대상으로-

        노재현 ( Jae Hyun Rho ),오현경 ( Hyun Kyung Oh ),한윤희 ( Yun Hee Han ),박경욱 ( Kyung Uk Park ),변무섭 ( Moo Sup Byun ),허준 ( Joon Huh ),최영현 ( Yung Hyun Choi ),신상섭 ( Sang Sup Shin ),이현우 ( Hyun Woo Lee ),김효정 ( Hyo Ju 한국전통조경학회 2013 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        역사공간의 진정성 제고와 보존관리에 활용될 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 국가지정 문화재인 경상북도 소재 안동 하회마을, 경주 양동마을, 성주 한개마을 등 3개 민속마을의 외래식물 분포현황을 조사 분석한 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 민속마을의 전체식물상은 127과 430속 614종 5아종 100변종 33품종으로 총 752분류군이 확인되었으며, 그 중에 목본식물은 263분류군(35.0%), 초본식물은 489분류군(65.0%)으로 나타났다. 하회·양동·한개마을의 전체 식물상은 각각 총 534·479·408분류군이 확인되었고, 외래식물률은 30.1·38.2·37.0%로 나타났다. 유형별로는 관상외래식물이 135분류군, 풍치외래식물이 21분류군, 경작외래식물이 64분류군 그리고 귀화외래식물이 80분류군으로 나타나, 관상외래식물의 비율이 탁월하게 높았다. 마을별로는 하회마을 161분류군(30.1%), 양동마을 183분류군(38.2%), 한개마을 151분류군(37.0%)으로 양동마을에서 가장 높은 비율의 외래식물이 확인되었다. 2. 하회마을내 단위문화재로 지정된 고택 정원에 식재된 관상외래식물은 총 30분류군이고, 옥연정사(8분류군)·양진당(7)·하동고택(6)·충효당(5) 등의 순으로 외래식물수가 높았으며, 백목련·능소화의 식재율이 탁월하였다. 양동마을에서는 총 51분류군이 관찰되었는데, 두곡고택(16분류군)·수졸당(14)·무첨당(13)·상춘헌고택(12) 등의 순으로 나타났으며, 수국·불두화·상사화 등의 출현율이 높았다. 그리고 한개마을의 관상외래식물은 총 62분류군으로 진사댁(35분류군), 교리댁(25)·한주종택(20)·하회댁(16) 등의 순이었으며, 골담초·뚝향나무·백목련·불두화·산당화 등의 출현률이 높았다. 3. 정원 외부를 살펴보면 하회마을에서는 만송정 숲 하부에는 환경부 지정 생태계교란식물인 돼지풀이 높은 우점도로 생육하고 있어, 겸암정사 인근의 가시박과 함께 제거대책의 마련이 시급하다. 또한 만송정숲 주변 낙동강 하상으로는 아까시나무림과 양버들군락 등의 풍치외래식물이 하안식생으로 띠숲을 이루고 있다. 양동마을에서는 마을 안길에 자연 발생한 가죽나무군락과 아까시나무와 족제비싸리가 비향토식생경관으로 인지된다. 또한 한개마을 외곽에 산발적으로 분포하는 가죽나무와 아까시나무의 세력 확산이 문제점으로 드러났다. 민속마을 간 발생 외래식물의 유사도는 47.0∼48.6%로 이와 같은 이유는 연구대상지가 모두 경상북도에 위치하여 있는 관계로 식물의 생육조건이 유사하며, 관상용으로 판매되는 외래식물이 제한적이기 때문으로 판단됨에 따라 외래식물에 대한 마을별 관리대책과 공통 관리대책의 병행이 요구됨을 암시하였다. This study was carried out to analyze distribution situation of alien plants and to propose management plan in the 3 Folk village in Gyeongsangbuk-do which is Cultural property designated by the State; Hahoe, Yangdong and Hangae. This research is for improve of sincerity of historical site and provide basic information which use about administration of preservation. The results are as follows. 1. Overall flora and alien plants appearance The total flora in the 3 folk villages were listed total 752 taxa including 127 families, 430 genera, 614 species, 5 subspecies, 100 varieties and 33 forms. Among them, woody plants take 263 taxa(35.0%) and herbaceous plants take 489 taxa (65.0%). Flora in the Hahoe, Yangdong and Hangae village were total 534, 479 taxa and 408 taxa and exotic plant index was 30.1%, 38.2% and 37.0% respectively. In types of exotic plants, ornamental exotic plants were 135 taxa, deciduous exotic plants were 21 taxa, cultivating exotic plants were 64 taxa, and naturalized exotic plants were 80 taxa and those result lead that the ornamental exotic plants is the highest ratio. According to the villages, Hahoe village had 161 taxa(30.1%), Yangdong Village had 183 taxa(38.2%), and Hangae village had 151 taxa(37.0%) that Yangdong village showed the most number of exotic plants. 2. Planting of landscape exotic plants in the unit cultural assets Meanwhile, Ornamental exotic plants in old house`s gardens in Andong Hahoe village which is designated as a unit assets, those are total 30 taxa; followed by the Okyeon house(8 taxa) is highest and the Yangjindang(7), the Hadong house(6) and the Chunghyodang(5). Magnolia denudata appears the most as for 4 times and Campsis grandiflora etc. each took 2 times. Based on the Yangdong village, Gyeongju, that are found total 51 taxa; followed by the Dugok house(16 taxa) the Sujoldang(14), the Mucheondang(13), and the Sangchunheon (12). High appearance rate of ornamental exotic plants were Viburnum opulus for. hydrangeoides, Lycoris squamigera, Caragagna sinica and Magnolia denudata etc. Based on the Hangae village, Seongju, that are designated total 62 taxa; followed by the Jinsa house(35 taxa), the Gyori house(25), the Hanju head family house(20), and the Hahoe house(16). Taxa with high appearance rates were Caragana sinica, Juniperus chinensis var. horizontalis, Magnolia denudata , Viburnum opulus for. hydrangeoides, Chaenomeles speciosa etc. 3. Problems of exotic plant landscapes in the outer spaces of the folk villages Problems of exotic plant landscapes in the outer spaces of the Hahoe village are as follows. In lower of the Mansongjeong forest, Ambrosia artemisifolia, which are ecosystem disturbance plants designated by the Ministry of Environment, live with high dominance value. This should be have a remove with Sicyos angulatus immediately. In the Nakdong river bed around the Mansongjeong forest is covered with a riparian vegetation forest belt of Robinia pseudoacacia L. forest, Populus nigra var. italic community, and Populus x tomentiglandulosa community colony. Based on the Yangdong village, the planted or naturally distributed Ailanthus altissima colony, sporadically distributed Robinia pseudoacacia as well as Amorpha fruticosa are detected all over the village and ecotones. Based on the Hangae village, Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudoacacia are sporadically distributed around the village and there is a sign of spreading. similarity of exotic plantsis 47.0% to 48.6% and a reason why this happened is all of research site in Gyeongsanbuk-do and that is why growth norm of plant is similar, exotic plant which is sales for ornamental and it infer to require related countermeasure of each villages and joint related countermeasure.

      • KCI등재

        드론과 이미지 학습을 이용한 생태계 교란 식물 분포도 구축 방안 연구

        김동우,진대용,송영명,손승우,윤정호,김근한 한국지리학회 2020 한국지리학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        The invasive alien plants that cause ecological, economic, and public health disturbances are highly reproductive and thus must be controlled at the early stage of development. This study is intended to establish the system to construct the invasive alien plant distribution map based on spatial DBMS (Database Management System), obtain ortho-images using drones, classify invasive alien plants using CNN (Convolution Neural Network)-based image learning, and present how to generate the invasive alien plant distribution map using them. We obtained ortho-images by photographing the area where Sicyos angulatus, one of the invasive alien plants, inhabited in two test areas of Daejeon to examine the applicability of this system. In the first experiment, we conducted the image learning and classification using only the images photographed in test area a. In the second experiment, we conducted the image learning using the image photographed in test area a and classified the images photographed in test area b. In the last experiment, we conducted learning using the images photographed in test area a and the imagse of Sicyos angulatus on web sites and classified the image photographed in test area b. The analysis results showed the average classification accuracy of 95%, 45%, and 61% in the first experiment, the second experiment, and the third experiment, respectively. Construction of the distribution map of invasive alien plants requires the metatable of the ortho-images that contain various invasive alien plants. Additional information on the search targets of invasive alien plants in consideration of the expansion of new invasive alien plants can help to manage them with the spatial DBMS and carry out the automated classification of various invasive alien plants and to manage various ecosystem disturbances. Using them in the analysis system would help control invasive alien plants. 생태계 교란 식물은 생태적・경제적・공중보건적 피해를 입힌다. 또한 생태계 교란 식물은 번식력이 강하기 때문에 발생 초기에 대응해야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 생태계 교란 식물의 발생 초기 대응을 위해 드론과 CNN(Convolution Neural Network) 기반의 이미지 학습 기반 생태계 교란 식물 분포도 구축 체계를 제시하고자 했다. 이러한 체계의 적용 가능성을 검토하기 위해 공간 DBMS(Database Management System)의 활용을 검토했으며, 생태계 교란 식물 중 가시박을 대상으로 실험했다. 실험을 위해 대전 일대 중 가시박이 서식하는 2곳을 선정했으며, 해당지역에 대해 드론을 이용하여 촬영하고 정사영상을 구축했다. 이미지 학습 실험을 수행하기 위해 첫 번째 실험에서는 실험지역 ⓑ에서 촬영한 영상만을 활용한 이미지 학습과 분류 테스트를 진행하였고, 두 번째 실험에서는 실험지역 ⓑ에서 촬영한 영상을 이용한 학습을 수행하고 실험지역 a의 촬영 지역을 대상으로 분류를 수행하였으며, 마지막 실험에서는 실험지역 ⓑ에서 촬영한 영상과 웹상에 있는 가시박 이미지를 이용하여 학습을 수행하고 실험지역 ⓐ를 대상으로 분류를 수행하였다. 분석결과 첫 번째 실험에서는 평균 95%, 두 번째 실험에서는 평균 45%, 마지막 실험에서는 약 61%의 분류 정확도를 보였다. 이러한 실험 결과를 바탕으로 정확도 높은 생태계 교란 식물 분포도를 구축하기 위해서는 다양한 생태계 교란 식물이 포함된 정사영상의 메타테이블을 참조해야 할 것으로 판단된다. 그리고 추후 신규 생태계 교란 식물의 확장성을 고려하여 생태계 교란 식물 검색 대상에 대한 추가적인 정보도 공간 DBMS 기반의 관리 및 다양한 생태계 교란 식물의 자동화된 분류를 수행할 수 있을 것이라 판단되며, 이러한 분석 체계를 활용한다면 생태계 교란 식물의 방제에 큰 도움을 줄 수 있을 것이라 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        국내 외래식물의 현황

        강은수,이수랑,오승환,김동갑,정수영,손동찬 한국식물분류학회 2020 식물 분류학회지 Vol.50 No.2

        Species invasions have rapidly increased due to the substantial growth of global trade in the recent past. As the awareness of the negative effects on natural ecosystems derived from alien species has grown, many countries and lawmakers have enacted rules and policies on the conservation of indigenous plants. Unfortunately, in Korea, research on species invasion is seriously lacking despite the growing number of alien species. In the current study, we report alien plants that have intentionally and/or unintentionally been introduced in Korea and also presented a checklist of invasive plants found both in the literature and in field surveys. We reviewed all documented records of alien plants, i.e., scientific papers, illustrated books, and annual reports. We also categorized alien plants by origin, time of introduction, naturalization, and the rate of their spread. The results revealed that there are 619 alien plant taxa (96 families, 353 genera, 595 species, 6 subspecies, 11 varieties, 1 forma, and 6 hybrids) occurring in Korea. Among these, 30 taxa are archaeophytes (Arc.), 214 are potentially invasive plants (PIPs), and 375 are invasive alien plants (IAPs). In addition, IAP taxa consist of grades 5 (widespread, WS) to 1 (potential spread, PS) of alien plants according to the rate of spread in Korea. Our results suggested that the number of alien plants is likely to keep growing; thus, the distribution should be regularly monitored and the list of alien plants must be updated. 세계화에 따른 국제교류가 증가함에 따라 외래식물의 국내 유입 또한 증가하고 있다. 외래식물이 자 연생태계에 미칠 수 있는 여러 부정적인 영향들이 알려지면서 전 세계적으로 자생식물의 보전을 위한 국가 차원의 관리 및 여러 정책들이 수행되고 있지만, 국내의 경우 이들의 현황 파악조차 미흡한 실정이다. 본 연 구는 국립수목원에서 수행하는 ‘외래식물 다양성 변화 및 위험성 평가’ 과제의 일환으로 수행된 연구결과 중 일부로, 국내에 유입되어 정착화되었거나, 재배지로부터 일출되어 자연생태계로 확산 가능성이 높은 외래식 물의 현황을 파악하였고, 산림청 국립수목원을 비롯한 타부처 외래식물 목록과 관련 주요 도감 및 문헌들을 재검토하였다. 또한 이들을 원산지, 도입시기 및 정착 여부에 따라 체계화하였고, 침입외래식물로 분류되는 외래식물들은 국내 분포정보를 바탕으로 확산정도를 등급화 하였다. 그 결과 국내에 분포하는 외래식물은 96과 353속, 595종, 6아종, 11변종, 1품종, 6잡종의 총 619분류군으로 파악되었으며, 이 중 사전귀화식물 30 분류군, 잠재침입식물 214분류군이었고, 침입외래식물은 총 375분류군으로 5등급(widespread, WS)이 19분류 군, 4등급(serious spread, SS) 16분류군, 3등급(concerned spread, CS) 19분류군, 2등급(minor spread, MS) 37분 류군, 1등급(potential spread, PS) 284분류군으로 나타났다. 외래식물은 앞으로도 계속 유입될 것이고, 이들의 분포 또한 환경 및 기타요인에 의해 변하기 때문에 지속적인 현황파악이 수행되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        DMZ와 인접한 마산(강원도 고성군)의 관속식물 분포 연구

        윤호근(Ho-Geun Yun),이종원(Jong-Won Lee),정수영(Su-Young Jung),황희숙(Hee-Suk Hwang),박기쁨(Gi-Ppeum Bak),박진선(Jin-Sun Park),김상준(Sang-Jun Kim) 한국자원식물학회 2022 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.35 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate the vascular flora of Masan, located in Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do, and to comprehend the distribution of remarkable plants such as rare and Korea endemic plants and invasive alien plants. The survey was carried out the distribution of vascular plants 11 times per season from 2010 to 2018. A total of 619 taxa in 93 families, 328 genera, 529 species, 6 subspecies, 78 varieties and 6 forms were identified on mt. Masan. Among them, Korean endemic plants are 21 taxa including Saussurea diamantica Nakai and are plants designated by the Korea Forest Service are 20 taxa counting Saxifraga octopetala Nakai. Invasive alien plants were classified a total of 35 taxa inclusive of Trifolium pratense L. (WS), Aster pilosus Willd. (SS), Coreopsis lanceolata L. (SR), Rumex obtusifolius L. (SC) and Lindernia dubia (L.) Pennell (CS). The naturalization rate was 5% and the urbanization index was 10.0%, respectively. Although this study identified the diverse distribution of major plants such as rare and endemic plants around Masan, it was confirmed that invasive alien plants, which pose a great threat to forest biodiversity conservation and promotion, spread and distributed in a specific section Therefore, it is urgent to establish a conservation strategy and countermeasures.

      • KCI등재

        해명산(인천광역시 석모도) 일대의 관속식물 분포 및 주변 산림의 침입외래식물 비교에 관한 연구

        이종원(Jong-Won Lee),이진동(Jin Dong Lee),백원기(WoenKi Paik),윤호근(Ho Geun Yun) 한국자원식물학회 2022 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        This study was investigated distributed the vascular flora of around Haemyeong Mt., located in Seokmodo, Incheon, and compared invasive alien plants in the surrounding forest 14 areas. This study carried out to be established a monitoring system for the remarkable plants etc. and used as basic data for biodiversity enhancement and conservation. The survey was conducted 19 times from April 2019 to October 2020. A total of 107 families, 382 genera, 616 species, 15 sub-species, 55 varieties, 8 formas, and 694 taxa were classified in the flora around Haemyeong Mt. areas. 17 taxa for Korea endemic plants. 12 taxa were classified for rare plants, and a total of 79 taxa were identified for floristic target species Ⅰ~Ⅴ. Halophytes consisted of 37 taxa. The invasive alien plants were classified as 66 taxa, and also there has been 126 taxa of them in Seokmodo and surrounding 14 forests. Plants that appeared in all 14 areas out of 126 taxa were classified as 7 taxa, such as Erigeron annuus. However, 48 taxa appeared only once in some areas, but it seems inevitable that they will spread in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare a long-term conservation plan for native plants.

      • KCI등재

        제주 성읍민속마을의 귀화식물 분포현황 및 관리방안

        노재현 ( Rho Jae Hyun ),오현경 ( Oh Hyun Kyung ),한윤희 ( Han Yun Hee ),최영현 ( Choi Yung Hyun ),변무섭 ( Byun Mu Sup ),김영숙 ( Kim Young Suk ),이원호 ( Lee Won Ho ) 한국전통조경학회 2014 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        제주시 성읍민속마을을 대상으로 관속식물상 및 귀화식물의 현황을 조사하고, 여타 민속마을과 제주도 전역에 분포하는 귀화식물의 분포양상 및 발생특성과 비교 고찰함으로써 이곳의 귀화식물의 관리방안을 모색할 목적으로 시도된 본 연구의 결론은 다음과 같다. 성읍민속마을의 관속식물상은 93과 260속 298종 44변종 12품종으로 총 354분류군이 확인되었으며, 이 중 귀화식물은 22과 46속 53종 2변종의 총 55분류군으로 이는 제주도 전역에서 확인된 총 254분류군의 21.7%에 해당된다. 이에 따른 성읍민속마을 의 귀화율은 15.5%로서 이는 경북 안동의 하회마을, 경주의 양동마을, 성주의 한개마을, 강원 고성의 왕곡마을 그리고 충남 아산의 외암마을에 비해 월등히 높은 수치였다. 마을내 발생한 귀화식물 중 분포지가 제주도에 한정되어 있는 것은 양장구채, 국화잎아욱, 애기달맞이꽃, 긴잎달맞이꽃, 솔잎미나리, 자주풀솜나물, 선풀솜나물, 큰참새피, 등심붓꽃 등 9분류군으로, 귀화식물의 이입 관문이자 선구 발생지로서의 특성을 살린 적절한 관리전략이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 한편 본 연구를 통해 제주도 기준목록에는 포함되지 않았던 까락빕새귀 리, 삼, 눈개불알풀 등 3분류군이 성읍민속마을에서 처음으로 확인되었다. 단위문화재 정원내 발생한 귀화식물은 총 20분류군으로 이 중 유럽점나도나물의 출현율이 62.5%로 가장 높았으며, 미국자리공·선개불알풀·망초·방가지똥·큰방가지똥(37.5%)도 비교적 높게 나타났는데 이는 제주도뿐만 아니라 대부분의 민속마을과 레크레 이션공간의 공통된 특성으로 보인다. 한편 경관관리적 취급이 요망되는 식물군락은 유채를 비롯하여 귀화식물인 코스모스, 토끼풀, 잔개자리, 긴잎달맞이꽃, 애기달맞이꽃, 서양벌노랑이, 호밀풀, 양장구채, 서양금혼초, 미국질경이, 큰이삭풀, 유럽점나도나물 등으로 분석되었다. 성읍민속마을의 단기적 귀화식물 관리방안으로는 경관농업적 차원에서 식재되고 있는 코스모스와 유채의 임내 침투 현황과 개화 후 활용 방안의 모색이 필요하다. 환경부가 지정한 생태계교란야생식물인 돼지풀과 서양금혼초는 우선적으로 제거하고, 재발에 대비한 추가 발생과 확산과 팽창을 염두에 둔 모니터링의 실시를 제안한다. 특히 서양금혼초는 서식밀도 파악 및 제근 등 물리적인 방제방안이 강구되어야 할 것이다. 또한 시각적으로 녹시율이 높은 정의읍성 외벽에 자생하는 방가지똥, 약모밀, 주홍서나물, 개망초, 자주광대나물의 제거가 시급하다. 이와 함께 폐·공가에 귀화식물의 분포와 우점도가 높음에 따라 공가에 대한 보존관리 및 민박 활용방안 등을 강구해야 할 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of vascular plants and naturalized plants growing in the Seongeup Folk Village in Jeju and to consider and compare their distribution patterns and the characteristics of emergence of naturalized plants in other folk villages and all parts of Jeju, thereby exploring measures to well manage naturalized plants. The result of this study is as follows.11) The total number of vascular plants growing in Seongeup Folk Village is identified to be 354 taxa which include 93 families, 260 genus, 298 species, 44 varieties and 12 breeds. Among them, the number of naturalized plants is 55 taxa in total including 22 families, 46 genus, 53 species, and 2 varieties, which accounts for 21.7% of the total of 254 taxa identified all over the region of Jeju. The rate of naturalization in Seongeup Folk Village is 15.5%, which is far higher than the rates of plant naturalization in Hahoi Village in Andong, Yangdong Village in Gyeongju, Hangae Village in Seongju, Wanggok Village in Goseong, and Oeam Village in Asan. Among the naturalized plants identified within the targeted villages, the number of those growing in Jeju is 9 taxa including Silene gallica, Modiola caroliniana, Oenothera laciniata, Oenothera stricta, Apium leptophyllum, Gnaphalium purpureum, Gnaphalium calviceps, Paspalum dilatatum and Sisyrinchium angustifolium. It is suggested that appropriate management measures that consider the characteristics of the gateway to import and the birthplace of the naturalized plants are necessary. In the meantime, 3 more taxa that have not been included in the reference list of Jeju have been identified for the first time in Seongeup Folk Village, which include Bromus sterilis, Cannabis sativa and Veronica hederaefolia. The number of naturalized plants identified within the gardens of unit-based cultural properties is 20 taxa, among which the rate of prevalence of Cerastium glomeratum is the highest at 62.5%. On the other hand, the communities of plants that require landscape management are Brassica napus and other naturalized plants, including Cosmos bipinnatus, Trifolium repens, Medicago lupulina, Oenothera stricta, O. laciniata, Lotus corniculatus, Lolium perenne, Silene gallica, Hypochaeris radicata, Plantago virginica, Bromus catharticus and Cerastium glomeratum. As a short-term measure to manage naturalized plants growing in Seongeup Folk Village, it is important to identify the current status of Cosmos bipinnatus and Brassica napus that have been planted for landscape agriculture, and explore how to use flowers during the blooming season. It is suggested that Ambrosia artemisiifolia and Hypochaeris radicata, designated as invasive alien plants by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, should be eradicated initially, followed by regular monitoring in case of further invasion, spread or expansion. As for Hypochaeris radicata, in particular, some physical prevention measures need to be explored, such as for example, identifying the habitat density and eradication of the plant. In addition, it is urgent to remove plants, such as Sonchus oleraceus, Houttuynia cordata, Crassocephalum crepidioides, Erigeron annuus and Lamium purpureum with high index of greenness visually, growing wild at around high Jeongyi town walls. At the same time, as the distribution and dominance value of the naturalized plants growing in deserted or empty houses are high, it is necessary to find measures to preserve and manage them and to use the houses as lodging places.

      • KCI등재

        담양군 치재산(가마골) 일원 관속식물상

        신순호,윤경배,김상미,김현석 한국환경생태학회 2024 한국환경생태학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 담양군 치재산(가마골) 일원 관속식물상 조사를 통해 자생식물, 희귀식물과 특산식물의 분포를 밝히고 효율적인 생태계 관리에 기초자료를 제공하는데 있다. 현장조사는 2022년 3월부터 2023년 6월까지 총 21차례 실시하였 으며, 그 결과 101과 304속 444종 10아종 35변종 3품종 총 492 분류군의 식물표본을 채집하여 목록화하였다. 제작된 표본목록을 분석한 결과, 산림청 지정 특산식물 14 분류군, 희귀식물 9 분류군이 확인되었고, 환경부 지정 국가적색식물 7 분류군, 식물구계학적 특정종은 68 분류군으로 등급별로 보면 I등급 45 분류군, II 등급 5 분류군, III 등급 16 분류군, IV 등급 2 분류군이 확인되었다. 국외반출 승인대상 생물자원은 155 분류군이 목록에 포함되어 있으며, 외래식 물은 38 분류군으로 7.7%의 귀화율과 6.1%의 도시화지수를 나타냈다. 외국으로부터 인위적 또는 자연적으로 유입된 생태계교란식물은 4 분류군으로 조사되었다. 이번 조사를 통해 치재산의 특이식물에 대한 자생지 보전과 증식을 통해 정원식물로 활용한다면 담양만의 특색있는 경관을 연출할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study aims to reveal the distribution of native plants, rare plants, and specialty plants and provides basic data for efficient ecosystem management through a survey of the flora in Mt. Chijae (Gamagol) and its adjacent areas in Damyang-gun, Jeonnam-do, while also identifying useful plants in the eco-city Damyang-gun for distinctive garden plants. A total of 21 field surveys were conducted from March 2022 to June 2023 to collect and identify 492 taxa consisting of 101 families, 304 genera, 444 species, 10 subspecies, 35 varieties, and 3 formas. The analysis of the prepared sample list showed 14 taxa designated as specialty plants, 9 taxa designated as rare plants by the Korea Forest Service, 7 taxa designated as the national red (i.e., endangered) plants by the Ministry of Environment, and 68 taxa with phylogenetic specific species, of which 45 taxa for Grade I, 5 taxa for Grade II, 16 taxa for Grade III, and 2 taxa for Grade IV were confirmed. The list included 155 taxa of biological resources subject to export approval by the Ministry of Environment and 38 taxa of alien plants of which 7.7 percent were naturalized, and the urbanization index was 6.1 percent. Four taxa were ecosystem-disturbing invasive alien plants designated by the Ministry of Environment introduced artificially or naturally from abroad. This study is expected to contribute to creating unique and attractive landscapes in Damyang if the specific plants found in Mt. Chijae are grown and planted in city gardens.

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