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      • The Yellow Sea Warm Current and the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water, Their Impact on the Distribution of Zooplankton in the Southern Yellow Sea

        Wang, Rong,Zuo, Tao The Korean Society of Oceanography 2004 Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography Vol.39 No.1

        The Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC) and the Yellow Sea Cold Bottom Water (YSCBW) are two protruding features, which have strong influence on the community structure and distribution of zooplankton in the Yellow Sea. Both of them are seasonal phenomena. In winter, strong north wind drives southward flow at the surface along both Chinese and Korean coasts, which is compensated by a northward flow along the Yellow Sea Trough. That is the YSWC. It advects warmer and saltier water from the East China Sea into the southern Yellow Sea and changes the zooplankton community structure greatly in winter. During a cruise after onset of the winter monsoon in November 2001 in the southern Yellow Sea, 71 zooplankton species were identified, among which 39 species were tropical, accounting for 54.9 %, much more than those found in summer. Many of them were typical for Kuroshio water, e.g. Eucalanus subtenuis, Rhincalanus cornutus, Pareuchaeta russelli, Lucicutia flavicornis, and Euphausia diomedeae etc. 26 species were warm-temperate accounting for 36.6% and 6 temperate 8.5%. The distribution pattern of the warm water species clearly showed the impact of the YSWC and demonstrated that the intrusion of warmer and saltier water happened beneath the surface northwards along the Yellow Sea Trough. The YSCBW is a bottom pool of the remnant Yellow Sea Winter Water resulting from summer stratification and occupy most of the deep area of the Yellow Sea. The temperature of YSCBW temperature remains ${\leq}{\;}10^{\circ}C$ in mid-summer. It is served as an oversummering site for many temperate species, like Calanus sinicus and Euphaisia pacifica. Calanus sinicus is a dominant copepod in the Yellow Sea and East China Sea and can be found throughout the year with the year maximum in May to June. In summer it disappears in the coastal area and in the upper layer of central area due to the high temperature and shrinks its distribution into YSCBW.

      • KCI등재

        중등학교 교과서 황해난류 오개념 분석 및해류 데이터 시각화 수업자료 개발

        김수란,박경애,변도성,정광영,최병주 한국지구과학회 2023 한국지구과학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        Ocean currents play the most important role in causing and controlling global climate change. The water depthof the Yellow Sea is very shallow compared to the East Sea, and the circulation and currents of seawater are quitecomplicated owing to the influence of various wind fields, ocean currents, and river discharge with low-salinity seawater. The Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSW C) is one of the most representative currents of the Yellow Sea in winter and isclosely related to the weather of the southwest coast of the Korean Peninsula, so it needs to be treated as important insecondary-school textbooks. Based on the 2015 revised national educational curriculum, secondary-school science and earthscience textbooks were analyzed for content related to the YSWC. In addition, a questionnaire survey of secondary-schoolscience teachers was conducted to investigate their perceptions of the temporal variability of ocean currents. Most teachersappeared to have the incorrect knowledge that the YSWC moves north all year round to the west coast of the KoreanPeninsula and is strong in the summer like a general warm current. The YSWC does not have strong seasonal variabilityin current strength, unlike the North Korean Cold Current (NKCC), but does not exist all year round and appears only inwinter. These errors in teachers’ subject knowledge had a background similar to why they had a misconception that the NKCC was strong in winter. Therefore, errors in textbook contents on the YSWC were analyzed and presented. Inaddition, to develop students’ and teachers’ data literacy, class materials on the YSWC that can be used in inquiryactivities were developed. A graphical user interface (GUI) program that can visualize the sea surface temperature of theYellow Sea was introduced, and a program displaying the spatial distribution of water temperature and salinity wasdeveloped using World Ocean Atlas (W OA) 2018 oceanic in-situ measurements of water temperature and salinity data andocean numerical model reanalysis field data. This data visualization materials using oceanic data is expected to improveteachers’ misunderstandings and serve as an opportunity to cultivate both students and teachers’ ocean and data literacy. 지구의 기후 변화를 유도하고 제어하는 가장 중요한 역할을 하는 것은 해양의 해류이다. 황해는 수심이 동해에 비해 매우 얕고, 다양한 바람과 조류, 강물의 유입, 동중국해에서의 해수 유입 등 외력의 영향으로 해수의 순환과해류가 상당히 복잡하다. 황해난류는 겨울철 황해의 대표적인 해류로서 겨울철 황해와 동중국해 바람 변동성과 밀접한관련이 있으며, 황해의 수온과 염분 분포에 큰 영향을 주어서 중등학교 교과서에서 중요하게 다루어질 필요성이 있다. 2015 개정 교육과정 기반 중등학교 과학 및 지구과학 교과서의 황해난류와 관련된 내용을 분석하였다. 또한 해류의 시간 변동성에 대한 교사들의 인식을 조사하기 위해 중등학교 과학 교사들을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 대부분의교사들은 황해난류가 우리나라 서해안으로 연중 북상하고 있으며 일반적인 난류와 같이 여름철에 강하다는 잘못된 지식을 가지고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 황해난류는 해류의 세기가 강한 계졀변동성을 가지는 북한한류와 달리 해류 자체가연중 항시 존재하지 않으며 겨울철에만 발생하는 해류이다. 이러한 교사들의 교과내용 지식에 대한 오류는 북한한류가겨울철에 강하다는 오개념을 가지게 된 연유와 유사한 배경을 가지고 있었다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 황해난류에 대한교과서 내용의 오류를 분석하여 제시하였다. 또한 학생들과 교사들의 데이터 리터러시 함양을 위하여 탐구활동에서 활용할 수 있는 황해난류에 대한 수업 자료를 개발하였다. 황해 해수면 온도를 가시화할 수 있는 GUI 프로그램을 소개하였고, WOA (World Ocean Atlas) 2018 해양 실측 수온 및 염분자료와 국립해양조사원에서 생성한 해양 수치모델 재분석자료를 활용하여 수온과 염분의 공간 분포를 도시하는 자료를 개발하여 제시하였다. 이러한 해양 자료를 활용한 데이터 시각화과정은 교사들의 오개념을 개선하고, 나아가 학생들과 교사들의 해양 리터러시뿐만 아니라 데이터 리터러시도제고하는 계기가 될 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 서해안 표층수 온도와 기온의 상관성 연구

        김정철 ( Kim Jung-chul ),김도균 ( Kim Do-gyun ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2018 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.30 No.1

        This study investigated and analyzed the correlation between sea surface temperature and air-temperature. Using sea surface temperature data observed between 1982 and 2014 from the yellow sea. The correlation between sea surface temperature and air-temperature was high with a correlation coefficient equal to or greater than 0.92. The highest correlation coefficients were average air-temperature, minimum air-temperature, maximum air-temperature, average sea surface temperature, minimum sea surface temperature, and maximum sea surface temperature. Sea surface temperature and air-temperature differed by region. The distribution of sea surface temperature and air-temperature in near and distant seas from a similar latitude was different. The extreme lowest air-temperature in the coastal area was between -17.90 ∼-7.70℃ based on latitude and the air-temperature was higher from north to south. It was warmer as the sea surface temperature became more distant from the coast, but the area which is 40-60 km away from the coast showed lower air-temperatures due to the influence of sea surface temperature. Regression analysis of sea surface temperature and air-temperature in winter showed that at the mean sea surface temperature intercept of -2.94℃, the slope was 1.124 and at the extreme lowest sea surface temperature intercept of -7.24℃, the slope was 1.262. In the west coast, the water level was shallow and the air-temperature of the islands rapidly fluctuated due to the influence of Yellow Sea-Littoral Current (cold current) in winter. However, in the distant seas, warm regions influenced by the northward Yellow Sea warm current were also detected.

      • 제주도 북서해역의 해수분포의 계절변화와 여름철의 황해난류

        방익찬,이재학,노홍길 濟州大學校海洋硏究所 1995 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.19 No.-

        제주도 서방해역에서 1994년 2월 17∼18일, 6월 20∼22일, 9월 6∼15일에 관측한 CTD 자료와 제주대학교에서 고나측한 기종의 자료를 분석하여 해수분포와 해수순환의 계절변화를 알아보았다. 겨울철에는 대마난류수가 제주도 연안역을 중심으로 제주도 서방해역에서 제주해협으로 연결되어 분포하고 있으며 대마난류수가 제주도 서방해역을 지나 모두 제주해협으로 유출되고 있다. 황해낸수는 소흑산도 이남해역까지 분포하며 한반도 서해안을 따라 남하하는 구조를 보인다. 황해난류수는 대마난류수와 황해냉수 사이에 분포하며 소흑산도 서쪽해역을 지나 황해중앙부를 통해 황해로 유입되는 형태를 보인다. 여름철에는 표층에 대마난류수는 보이지 않으며, 31‰정도의 저염수가 나타나 양자강연안수의 영향이 6월에 이미 시작되었음을 보여 준다. 이러한 저염수는 남서해역에서 제주해협까지 나타나있다. 한편, 대흑산도 부근의 한반도 남서 연안에는 비교적 차고 높은 염분의 해수가 분포한다. 저층의 황해저층냉수는 황해중앙부를 통해 남하하며 황해난류수를 제주 근해로 압박하는 분포를 보인다. 자료분석 결과는 대흑산도 부근 해역의 해수기둥이 갖는 높은 염분은 이남의 고염수의 공급을 받아야만이 가능하며, 하천수 유입의 영향을 받지 않는 수심의 수온분포를 보면 황해난류수가 제주도 해역에서 대흑산도 해역으로 유입되고 있는 것이 보인다. 황해난류수가 서해안을 따라 황해로 유입되는 형태는 바람이 강할 때만 간헐적으로 나타나는 현상일 수도 있으나 순환구조의 가능성을 보여주었다는 점에서 매우 귀중한 결과이다. 이러한 결과는 Pang et al.(1992)에 의해 제시된 겨울철에 연안을 따라 남하하고 황해의 깊은 골을 따라서는 북상하며, 여름철에 연안을 따라 북상하고 황해의 깊은골을 따라서는 남하하는 계절순환의 구조를 뒷받침해 준다. With CTD data observed on the north western sea of Cheju Island in Feb. 17∼18, Jun. 20∼22, Sep. 6∼15, 1994, and CNU(Cheju National University) data observed previously, the seasonal variation of water mass distribution and circulation are studied. In winter, Tsushima Warm Water(TWW) is distributed near Cheju-do from the western sea of Cheju-do to the Cheju Strait, and totally flows to the Cheju Strait. Yellow Sea Cold Water(YSCW) is distributed over the western coast of Korean Peninsula down to the southern sea of Soheuksan-do, and flows southward along the western coast of Korean Peninsula. Yellow Sea Warm Water(TSWW) is distributed between TWW and YSCW, and flows into the central Yellow Sea through the western sea of Soheuksan-do. In summer, the upper and lower layers show different distributions. In uper layer, TWW disappears and less saline water of down to 31‰appears, which shows that the influence of Yangtze Coastal Water already begins in June. The low salinity water is distributed from the western sea off Cheju-do to the Cheju Strait. On the southwestern coast of Korean Peninsula near Taeheuksan-do, relatively cold and saline water is distributed. In the lower layer, Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water(YSBCW) southeasterly expands from the central Yellow Sea and pushs YSWW to Cheju-do. The result of data analysis shows that the homogeneously saline water column in the cold water area is possible only by the northward supply of southern saline water. According to the temperature distribution of deep layer, which is less influenced by river runoff, YSWW flows northward along the western coast of Korean Peninsula from the adjacent sea of Cheju-do. YSWW's influx along the western coast of Korean Peninsula in summer might appear intermittently, however, the possibility itself is important at present. The result agrees with the seasonal circulation structure presented by Pang et al.(1992) : in winter, southward folw along the coast and southward flow along the central Yellow Sea.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Two Cases of Strong Increase in the Bottom Temperature in the Yellow Sea in Winter

        Lian-Gang Lü,Guang-Bing Yang,Zong-Wei Liu,Ying Jiang,Chunmei Yang,Chao Zhang 한국해양과학기술원 2015 Ocean science journal Vol.50 No.3

        Mooring observations were carried out on the western slope of the southern Yellow Sea (YS) to observe the Yellow Sea Warm Current (YSWC). Strong increases in the bottom temperature (about 3°C within 1 day) were observed at mooring M5 (shelf break) on 8 January 2007, and at mooring A2 (mid-slope) on 5 December 2008. The strong temperature increase of bottom water at M5 was closely related to the burst of the YSWC. The bottom temperature at mooring A2 increased and decreased alternately from 7 November to 14 December 2008, and the strong increase (about 3°C within 1 day) occurring on 5 December was one of the four rises during that period. The significant semi-diurnal-oscillation during that period indicated that the thermal fronts outlining the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass (YSCWM) boundary was very close to location A2. The notable rises in the bottom temperature at A2 were associated with bottom eastward currents, while the distinct falls in temperature coincide with bottom westward currents. The distinctive distribution in the bottom temperature associated with the YSCWM and the bottom eastward currents were mainly responsible for the strong increase in the bottom temperature at A2. The variations in the bottom temperature described here are valuable for understanding the time evolution of the YSWC in winter and the YSCWM from late autumn to early winter.

      • KCI등재

        2006년 9월 황해저층냉수괴의 분포 특성

        최영찬(Young-Chan CHOI) 한국수산해양교육학회 2011 水産海洋敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.3

        In order to understand the characteristics of the distribution and the nutrients of the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water during summer to fall, temperature, salinity and nutrients have been investigated in the fifteen stations in the Yellow Sea. In september, the Changjiang diluted water with more than 20℃ distributed in the surface and the Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water distributed in the layer below 30m depth with less than 10℃. Specially, water mass with less than 5℃ in the layer below 50m depth expanded southward down to the north latitude of 35˚ with expanding more to the coasts of China than to the coasts of Korea. The salinity of the cold water mass with 8℃ in the deep layer of more than 50m depth was relatively high as 33.5 psu and expanded northward forming fronts of temperature and salinity. The concentration of total inorganic nitrogen was two times higher in the cold water mass than in the surface water, which means that resolution and consumption were low due to cold temperature in the bottom layer. In conclusion, the cold water expanded southward down to the north latitude of 35˚ by September and had high concentration of nutrients.

      • KCI등재

        흑산 니질대 코어퇴적물에서 산출된 규조를 이용한 고환경 연구

        박영숙,장태수 한국지구과학회 2016 한국지구과학회지 Vol.37 No.6

        Three diatom assemblage zones were erected from HMB-103 core sediment of the Heuksan Mud Belt. The paleoenvironmental changes were reconstructed basing on diatom analyses using indicator species, cold and warm water species, and salinity. Seventy-six species belonging to 41 genera were identified in the core sediments. The number of diatom valves per gram of dry sediment ranged from 0.1 to 15.4×10 4g−1. As a result, diatom assemblage I in about 45,000 yr B.P showed a high abundance in cold species indicating a major influence by the Korea Coastal Current. Diatom assemblage II from 14,000 to 11,646 yr B.P is characterized by rare abundance and indicative of the cold periods at Younger Dryas with the lower sea-level. However, diatom assemblage III from 11,646 yr B.P to Holocene was more affected by the Yellow Sea Warm Current while the progressive sea level rise. 흑산 니질대에서 채취한 코어 퇴적물 HMB-103으로부터 규조를 분석하여 3개의 규조 군집대를 설정하였고, 산출된 한랭수종과 온난수종, 염분도에 의해서 고환경을 해석하였다. 규조는 총 41속 76종이 감정되었으며 규조 개체수 농도는 0.1-15.4×104 g−1 의 범위에 해당된다. 연구 결과, 약 45,000 yr B.P.경까지의 규조 군집대 I에서는 한랭수종의 산출이 많은 것으로 보아 한국연안류의 영향을 주로 받았으며, 14,000부터 11,646 yr B.P경까지의 규조 군집대 II는 규조의 산출이 거의 없는 추운 시기(Younger Dryas)로 생각된다. 그러나, 11,646 yr B.P부터 홀로세까지의 규조 군집대 III시기에는 해수면이 상승하면서 황해 난류의 영향을 더 많이 받았다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Relationship between the Distribution of Water Masses and that of Demersal Fishes in the East China Sea in Spring

        Cho Kyu Dae,Kim Hee Yong The Korean Society of Fisheries and Aquatic Scienc 2000 Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Vol.3 No.1

        The relationship between the distribution of demersal fishes and that of the water masses was examined by using the catches data and hydrographic data in the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea on May 13-19, 1996 and May 10-17, 1997. During the study period, the dominant fish species were Cleisthenes pinetorum herzinsteini, Lophiomus setigerus and Pseudosciaena polyactis. These three low temperature water species accounted for $21-24\%$ of the total catches. The percentage of the low temperature water species was high in the Yellow Sea and the coastal area on the continental shelf of the East China Sea but was low in the vincinity of Kyushu during the study period. In the East China Sea, the isotherm of $15^{\circ}C$ at 50m, mid layer depth, was located more southeast in 1996 than in 1997. The bottom water temperature was about it lower in 1996 than in 1997. The direction of the detided current on the continental shelf of the East China Sea was southward in 1996 and northward in 1997. Yellow Sea Bottom Cold Water (YSBCW) strongly expanded to south in 1996 when the northward current was weak. But, Tsushima Warm Current (TSWC) strongly intruded into the continental shelf of the East China Sea in 1997. As YSBCW expanded strongly to south in 1996, the percentage of the low temperature water species relative to the total catches was high. But, TSWC strongly intruded and the percentage of low temperature water fishes was low in 1997.

      • KCI등재

        2015년 4월에 제주 서부해역에서 발생한 수온역전층 특성

        김성현 한국해양과학기술원 2020 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.42 No.2

        In-situ observations were carried out in April 2015 to investigate the occurrence of water temperature inversion in a region west of Jeju Island. Analysis of in-situ in the western part of Jeju island showed that cold water moved to the southeast from the surface to the middle layer and warm water moved from the middle to the lower layer of the northwest direction. The water temperature inversion occurred at 84 stations (63.1%) out of 133 stations. At the boundary of the water temperature inversion layer, it was formed in the middle layer and disappeared. In the strongly appearing, it started from the middle layer to the lower layer. The shape of the water temperature inversion layer was different. As a result of horizontal water temperature slope analysis of the water temperature inversion zone, maximum 0.23°C/km was obtained and the mean was 0.06°C/km. The role of water temperature inversion as an indicator to determine the formation of water front. As a result of the water mass analysis, Jeju Warm Current Water and Tsushima Warm Current Water of high temperature and high salt intruded from the middle to the bottom. In the middle layer occurred as the Yellow Sea Cold Water of low water temperature and low salinity expanded.

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