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        한자어 단어 구성에서의 두음법칙과 경음화

        여채려 ( Caili Yu ),김양진 ( Ryangjin Kim ) 민족어문학회 2015 어문논집 Vol.- No.73

        본고에서는 한자어 단어 구성성분을 이루는 형태의 구조가 두음법칙 및 경음화와 관련됨을 살펴보았다. 한자어 중에는 두음법칙이 적용되는 양상에 따라 단어 구조가 구별되는 경우가 있다. 두음법칙의 대상이 되는 음절이 어중 음절인 한자형태소는 ‘신여성(新女性), 처녀작(處女作)’과 같이 단어 속에 포함될 때, 표기상 그 한자가 소속 단어(1차어)의 첫음절일 때만 적용되고 첫음절이 아닌 위치에 있을 경우에 원래 발음대로 적는 것이 한자어 두음법칙의 주요 내용이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 ‘軟綠色’과 같은 단어의 경우 의미에 따라 ‘軟-綠色’의 단어 구조로 이해하여야 두음법칙이 적용되는 이유를 설명할 수 있다. ‘일주년(一週年)’과 같은 단어의 구조는 단어의 의미에 따라 ‘일주-년’ 혹은 ‘일-주년’으로 이해될 수 있었다. 한자어 ‘ㄹ’뒤에서의 ‘ㄷ, ㅅ, ㅈ’의 경음화는 사이시옷의 개입으로 인한 경음화와는 다르며 원칙적으로 한자어 1차어 내부에서만 나타나는 경음화이므로 발음의 실현에 따라 한자어의 단어 구조를 구별하는 기준으로 활용할 수 있다. 2차어인 3음절 한자어의 음절 경계에서 이러한 경음화 현상이 나타날 때, ‘1음절+2음절’의 경우에는 결합 경계가 분명한가 그렇지 않은가에 따라 경음화 양상이 달라졌고 ‘2음절+1음절’의 경우에는 의미 차이에 따라 경음화 양상이 달라졌는데, 후자는 ‘일반적인 의미’(비경음화)를 지닌 경우와 ‘특정한 의미’(경음화)를 지닌 경우에 따른 구별로 보아 한자어 경음화의 양상을 세분하여 논의하였다. The aim of this paper is to describe the relationship between the Structures of Sino-korean Words and the Word-initial Rule as well as Fortition. The Structures of Sino-korean Words can be differently analysed following the different aspects in the Sino-korean morphemes which observe the Word-initial Rule. A Sino-korean morpheme which is in the non-initial positions of the words, especially in the intermediate position of the word, such as ‘yeo(女)’, we can find that ‘sin-yeo seong(新女性)’ is subject to the Word-initial Rule, but ’cheonyeo-jak(處女作)’ is not. The distinction between the aspects is the structures of them. Also, the Structure can be differently analysed by the meaning of the words. We take a good illustration of the difference between the word -- ‘軟綠色’. which is subject to Word-initial Rule and the structure is ‘軟-綠色’, with the meaning of ‘light green’. When describing ‘the light green color’, it is not subject to Word-initial Rule and the structures is ‘軟綠-色’. Also, The Fortitions have various aspects in Sino-korean phonology d(ㄷ), s(ㅅ), j(ㅈ) of plain souds become fortis after r(ㄹ), this rule applies to all bisyllabic words, but not Native Korean words. For that reason, the Fortition also can analyse the Structures of Sino-korean Words. but the Fortition also be observed in the three-syllable. Specifically, the different aspects of the ‘one-syllable sino-korean morpheme’ are found in the ‘two-syllable + one-syllable’ structures. and we can distinguish the difference by analysing the word meanings.

      • KCI등재

        ‘사이시옷’과 ‘두음 법칙’ 재고(再考)

        최형강(Choe, Hyeong-Gang) 한국어문학회 2018 語文學 Vol.0 No.140

        This study focused on interpreting ‘Insert-s(ㅅ)’ and ‘Word-initial Rule’ the examples while maintaining the framework of ‘Korean orthography’. Also, they study examined the problem of expanding or modifying the ‘Korean orthography’ framework. The findings point out that the case of western loanwords in terms of ‘Insert-s(ㅅ)’, should be supplemented with Sino-Korean words, and also mentioned that ‘Word-initial Rule’ should be modified with regularity. Whether or not the western loanwords can be handled with Sino-Korean words in ‘Insert-s(ㅅ)’ should be reflected in the rules and commentaries, and if the western loanword should be distinguished from Sino-Korean words, the reason should be specified. ‘Insert-s(ㅅ)’ and ‘Word-initial Rule’ are used in this study because the use of western loanwords raises problems not only in ‘Insert-s(ㅅ)’, but also in ‘Word-initial Rule’. In addition, the class of ‘lyu(류)’ being treated exceptionally needs to be reconsidered. The class of ‘lyu(류)’ can function as a noun, and it should be explained why it combines without the application of ‘Word-initial Rule’ in any conditions. As mentioned above, the rules of ‘Insert-s(ㅅ)’ and ‘Word-initial Rule’ of ‘Korean orthography’ need to be revised and supplemented. This study focuses on that necessity, and the issue of specifying necessity as a regulation will be discussed in more detail through further discussions.

      • KCI등재

        북한 문화어의 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ 규정을 통해서 본 언어 정체성 구축과 차별화 방식 연구

        안미애 ( Ahn Mi-ae ),홍미주 ( Hong Mi-joo ),백두현 ( Paek Doo-hyeon ) 한국문학언어학회(구 경북어문학회) 2018 어문론총 Vol.76 No.-

        이 논문은 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 실현 규정을 채용한 북한의 문화어 규범이, 국어사에서 일반적이었던 ‘두음법칙’을 위배하면서까지 남한의 어문 규범과 다른 방향을 선택하게 된 이유가 무엇인지에 주목하고, 그 원인을 ‘언어적 차별화를 통한 언어 정체성의 구축’이란 관점에서 규명한 것이다. 본론에서 언어를 통한 정체성 형성의 의미, 문화어 규범의 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 실현 규정과 그 제정 배경 및 이 규정과 조선시대 평안방언의 ㄷ구개음화 미실현과의 상관성을 분석하였다. 우리의 연구 결과는 다음 네 가지로 요약된다. 첫째, 북한 문화어의 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 실현 규정은 세종 이래 나타난 조선시대 ‘正音’ 의식의 현대적 변용으로 볼 수 있다. 둘째, 북한은 남한 발음과의 차별성을 확보하면서 북한어의 정체성을 드러내는 상징으로 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ 실현 규정을 도입하였다. 셋째, 북한이 시행한 언어 정책에 의해 현실 발음과 괴리된 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 실현 규정이 북한 사회에 어느 정도 정착되었다. 넷째, 인위적 성격이 명백한 어두 ㄹ 규정은 역사적 전통을 가진 어두 ㄴ 규정보다 북한의 현실 발음에서 확고하게 정착되지 않은 것으로 보인다. 북한의 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 실현 규정은 조선시대에 평안방언이 ㄷ구개음화의 미실현을 통해 언어적 정체성을 드러냈던 경험을 바탕으로 한다. 평안방언이 세종대왕이 세운 ‘正音’을 지향하며 그들의 언어 정체성을 형성하였듯이, 북한은 국가적 언어 정책 차원에서 문화어 규범에 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 표기와 발음 규정을 도입한 것이다. 북한에서 시행된 어두 ㄹ, ㄴ의 표기법과 발음 규정은 그 결과가 귀로 들리는 북한말의 특징을 형성하였고, 남한말과 쉽게 구별되는 북한말의 정체성을 구축하는 데 기여했다. 우리는 이 논문을 통해 평안방언의 ㄷ구개음화 미실현과 북한 문화어 규정의 ㄹ, ㄴ 표기 및 발음 규정이 북한 지역의 언어 정체성 형성과 관련된 것으로 보고, 이것이 갖는 사회언어학적 의미를 밝혀냈다. The objectives of this study are to examine why the phenomenon of ㄷ palatalization arises in contemporary Standard North Korean language despite the actual pronunciation of the Pyeongan dialect spoken in the vicinity of Pyeongyang, and to understand why spelling rules regarding word-initial ㄹ and ㄴ have recently been included in language policy[in socio-linguistic aspects]. Previously, the language policy of Standard North Korean rejected unrealized ㄷ palatalization, which is one of the characteristics of the Pyeongan dialect. North Korean language policy has now introduced a new rule to realize ㄹand ㄴin word-initial position. Such a rule stands in marked contrast with the rule of word initials, one of the strongest rules in the Korean language. This study suggests that the motive of North Korea for introducing the realization of word-initial ㄹand ㄴas a rule is underpinned by one crucial extra-linguistical factor, namely the ‘linguistic discrimination to construct linguistic identity’. In other words, to establish its own linguistic identity, North Korea sought to diverge linguistically from South Korea. The motive for implementing the realization of word-initial ㄹ and ㄴ parallels the one for rejecting the realization of the ㄷ palatalization by the Pyeongan dialect speakers during Chosun dynasty. Thus, in order to ensure the implementation of such new rules, North Korea has repeatedly revised the rules of Standard North Korean since 1948 and consistently promoted their language policy. As a result, the implementation of the rule regarding word-initial ㄹ and ㄴ can be considered as the most significant difference between contemporary Munhwa-eo and Standard North Korean.

      • KCI등재

        광양 방언의 성조 연구

        강흥구 한말연구학회 2009 한말연구 Vol.- No.25

        The purpose of this paper is to describe the morpho-tonemics of complex nouns of Jinsang dialect, Gwangyang City, based on the side-dot theory. This dialect has three tone system, which consist of an unmarked even tone and two marked tones, which are departing tone and rising tone. The even tone ‘phyeong-sheong’ is symbolized as □ with no dot, the rising tone, the departing tone ‘geo-sheong’ as ·□ with one dot, and the rising tone ‘shang-sheong’ as :□ with two dots. The symbols □, ·□, and :□ are common signs in Middle Korean and all its modern daughter tone dialects. The five main morpho-tonemic rules of this dialect are the neutralization rule, the 1nternal tone-sandhi rule or external phyeong-sheong assimilation rule, the word initial position phyeong-sheong assimilation rule, and the rule chainging final syllable into cheuk-sheong (·□). The symbols □, ·□, and :□ are decided according to the neutralization force exercising upon the following syllable and on the basis of phonetic complexity of pitch. The three tones □, ·□, and :□ can be opposed to each other at the word initial position. Both even tone □ and marked tone ·□ can can be opposed to each other at the position after the even tone □, but rising tone is neutralized as ·□ except at the word initial position. Marked tone ·□ only can appear at the position after ·□, or :□. The neutralization has the highest frequency and the wide scope of application as shown in the other Korean tomic dialects. The neutralization rule is characterized as follows. Rising tone and departing tone are neutralized as one dot tone (·□) behind unmarked plain tone (·□), and all the tones (□, ·□, and :□) neutralized as one dot tone(·□) behind marked tones (·□ and :□). There are no changes with side-dot when plain tone pattern (□₁) combines with following unmarked plain tone pattern (□₁) or complex pattern (□₁·□n), to which we can give a name ‘default rule’. When a plain tone pattern (□₁) combines with any verbal inflectional form in marked pattern (·□1)or :□₁), all syllables in the verbal form are essentially changed into plain tone (□₁), we give a name external tone-sandhi rule or external phyeong-sheong assimilation. This rule is essential in southeast Gyeongnam dialects, and it is the same as in Gwangyang dialect. Phyeongbok pattern (□₂·□n), ‘mixed pattern’ is almost essentially changed into phyeongsheong pattern (□2+n·□), ‘simple pattern’ in this dialect, to which give a name internal tone-sandhi rule or internal phyeong-sheong assimilation. We cannot find out, however, phyeongsheong pattern (□₃) that have more than three syllables in the last side-dot representation. It’s because of the rule chainging final syllable into cheuk-sheong (□₃→□₂·□). In the final chapter, when a compound is generated with one or more of the rules above, we first divide the generated side-dot pattern into phyeongcheuk pattern, geosheong pattern, and shangsheong pattern, and redivide the word into derivations and compound, put the data in order again according to the rules that are applied, Phyeongcheuk pattern was 60%, geosheong pattern was 24%, and shangsheong pattern was 16%, especially neutratralized rules was 99% of the rules derive compounds as geosheong pattern, shangsheong pattern.

      • KCI등재

        남북 전문용어 통합과 어문 규범 몇 문제

        이성우(Lee, Sungwoo),신중진(Shin, Jungjin) 한국사전학회 2017 한국사전학 Vol.- No.29

        This article aims to overcome the heterogeneity between the South Korean language and that of North Korea, based on the fundamental terminology of the field of sport and the fundamental and the advanced terminology of the field of mathematics and natural science. Especially, this article is argued the direction of integration in relation to the Language Standard. As a result, we can confirm that the word ᐨ initial rule and the KoreanᐨRules of spelling of foreign language are the biggest problems. In this article, I have argued that word ᐨ initial rule of South Korea is more reasonable than that of North Korea. It is based on the fact that it complies with the word ᐨ initial rule in real pronunciation. The problem is serious about the KoreanᐨRules of spelling of foreign language. Most of the difference between the foreign words of South Korea and the foreign words of North Korea occurred according to the imported original words. Especially Japanese terminology was the most influential. Such a problem will become more serious after reunification. Therefore, in order to prepare for unification, the solution should be discussed before unification.

      • KCI등재

        본음 복원 두음법칙 단어의 학습

        배성봉(Sung Bong Bae),이광오(Kwang Oh Yi) 한국교육심리학회 2013 敎育心理硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        한글 철자 학습에 영향을 주는 요인들을 알기 위하여 두음법칙 단어들을 이용한 실험을 실시하였다. 두음법칙 단어들은 어두 환경에서 본래의 자음(본음)이 변화하는 한자어들이다(``소녀``의 ``녀``는 ``여왕``에서 ``여``로 변화한다). 이러한 단어들의 어두 자음을 본음대로 표기하여 철자가 달라지도록 한경우(예, ``녀왕``), 새로운 철자의 학습이 이루어지는 과정을 추적하였다. 자극 단어의 빈도(고, 저), 학습 여부(신, 구), 검사시기(3)를 조작하였다. 학습은 새로운 철자에 대한 설명과 예시로 구성되었으며, 3-4일 간격으로 어휘 판단 검사를 실시하였다. 실험 결과, 학습 단어에 대한 반응은 비학습 단어보다 신속하였으며 철자 학습의 가능성을 보여주었다. 학습 단어에 대한 어휘 판단은 빈도의 영향을 받았으나, 검사시기의 영향은 비교적 적었다. 비학습 단어에 대한 어휘 판단은 빈도와 검사시기의 영향을 모두 받았다. 철자 학습은 비교적 빨리 일어나서 1회의 훈련 후에도 즉시 효과가 나타났으며, 학습의 전이는 이보다는 늦게 나타났다. 실험의 결과를 심성어휘집과 어휘접속의 개념을 이용하여 설명하였다. An experimental study was conducted to explore some variables affecting orthographic learning in Hangul. Sino-Korean words were selected whose initial sound changed according to the so-called ``initial sound rule`` of the Korean language. Frequency (high vs. low), exposure (old vs. new), and test period (3) were manipulated. The lexical decision task was administered to evaluate the learning of a new spelling for an existing word, In the task, participants were required to decide whether a given letter string is a word or not. Participants visited the lab three times on different days with an interval of 3 to 4 days. Before tests, they were given an explanation about the initial sound rule and then exposed to a set of study words with the initial sound restored. They were requested to focus on new spellings of these words. The results showed that orthographic learning was possible but time-consuming. For the study words, the effect of frequency was significant, but the effect of test period was not significant. For the new words, however, both frequency and test period had a significant influence. Orthographic learning seemed to proceed rapidly but not easy to complete for a short term, and the transfer of the learning was observed at later period. It was shown that the concept of mental lexicon and lexical access was useful in explaining the orthographic learning of Sino-Korean words.

      • KCI등재

        3음절 한자어 색채어의 배열순서와 단어 구조

        여채려(Yu, Caili) 한국어학회 2016 한국어학 Vol.72 No.-

        This paper aims to investigate how is the relationship between the combinatorial order of Sino-Korean morpheme and the word structure in trisyllabic Sino-Korean color terms. The subjects for study are ‘XYsek’ and its mirror symmetry ‘YXsek’ in this paper. The ‘XYsek’ were classified into 2 categories, according to whether the precedence morpheme describes value or not. One is ‘XvalueYhuesek’, which means that ‘X’color modifies ‘Y’color. unlikely, its mirror symmetry ‘YhueXvaluesek’ explains that ‘Y’ color is mixed with ‘X’ color. And the other one is ‘XhueYhuesek’, which means that ‘Y’ color is coexists with ‘X’ color. And the same as its mirror symmetry ‘YhueXhuesek’. According to these analyses, we can known that due to the combinatorial order of Sino-Korean morpheme, the type of meaning is difference. Therefore, the word structure in these types of words are analyzed as ‘Xvalue-Yhuesek’, ‘YhueXvalue-sek’, ‘Xhue-Yhuesek’ and ‘Yhue-Xhuesek’ respectively. On the one hand, the word-initial rule is observed in ‘XYblue/greensek’. In this case, the word structure should be differently analysed. It appears like ‘X-Yblue/greensek’ as if ‘Yblue/green’ is subject to the word-initial rule, and appears like ‘XYblue/green-sek’ as if ‘Yblue/green’ is not.

      • KCI등재

        〈신창맹씨묘출토언간〉과 관련된 몇 가지 국어학적 문제

        배영환(Younghwan Bae) 한국중원언어학회 2014 언어학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        Sinchangmaengssi Eongan, excavated from the Tomb of the Maeng Clan of Sinchang, is the oldest letter written in Korean Alphabet, hangeul. This study discussed unique characteristics of Korean shown in the letter, written at the end of 15th century, by comparing with the other materials from the 15<SUP>th</SUP> century. First, the notation of jungcheol (double spelling) only appears at the final consonants ‘ㄱ, ㅁ’. The second characteristic, yeoncheol (liaisonism), represents the intermediate phase between the 15<SUP>th</SUP> and the 16<SUP>th</SUP> century. Furthermore, nasal assimilation appears within a word, and even at the boundary of morphemes and phrases. Another characteristic is that this letter does not show h-deletion. On the other hand, 마니(mani)’ in the letter can be assumed to have been derived from ‘만?-’(manha) by losing ‘?.’ Also, the letter shows ‘?소’(haso) ending, and the initial form of which was known to appear in materials of the early 16<SUP>th</SUP> century. Finally, ‘이라 (ira)’ used as conjunctive particle alongside ‘-ㄹ라(-lla)’ and ‘-일쇠(-ilsoy),’ where ‘-리-(-li)’ is reduced to ‘r,’ is found. Some other interesting characteristics that can truly appreciate Korean are further discussed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        ‘례’의 발음과 어문 규범의 일관성

        차재은 한말연구학회 2018 한말연구 Vol.- No.50

        The aim of this paper is to research the inconsistencies between Regulation of Standard Korean Pronunciation and Rules of Korean orthography, focusing on the pronunciation of /rye/. By doing a critical analysis for Regulations of Standard Korean, we can find several mistakes and inconsistencies within the regulations. We conclude that Regulation of Standard Korean Pronunciation #5 should be modified because the pronunciation of /rye/ is derived by the same phonological rule that applied to /gye, mye, pye, hye/. The real pronunciation [ke, re, me, pʰe, he] are the results of monophthongization.

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