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        피의자 호송·인치 제도의 문제점과 개선방안

        정현미 경찰대학 치안정책연구소 2012 치안정책연구 Vol.26 No.2

        “Transporting persons under investigative agencies’ custody or in jail” refers to transporting to place like the court. In Korea, the police have provided the transport as routine practice, but it is unreasonable practice without a legal basis. It is more desirable if the issue of transport is approached separately from the prosecutor’s direction of police investigation. In light of privatization in the criminal justice area in developed countries and private companies provide transport in the UK, it is necessary to pay attention to practical solution. Since the police, the police under the prosecutor and the special police shall execute warrants and special provide the transport, transporting tasks can be divided through consultation between legal institutions. The prosecutor’s office shall be responsible for providing transport of the suspect of prosecutor’s case. It would be more efficient if the police transports the suspect to the D.A’s office nearest to the arrest place, which transports him/her to the D.A’s office that wanted him/her. The reason for conflict of transport between legal institutions is that the fundamental legislation for transporting -the Enforcement Rule of Prisoner Transport- has not been updated yet. Revision of the law is needed for prompt transport. Issues of transport are aggravated due to absence of detainment facilities in the prosecutor’s office or the court. They should secure their own independent detainment facilities to reduce. ‘호송’이란 수사기관 또는 법원 등에 유치·수용된 사람을 다른 장소로 이전하는 것을 말한다. 우리나라에서는 호송 업무를 관례적으로 경찰이 해왔지만, 법적 근거가 명확하지 않으며, 실무적으로 불합리한 점이 많다. 호송을 수사라고 보고 경찰에 대한 수사지휘권을 행사하고 있는 관행도 수사 및 수사지휘권을 확대해석한 데서 유지될 수 있었다. 호송은 검사의 수사지휘권과 별개의 문제로 접근할 수 있는 영역이다. 오늘날 선진국을 중심으로 형사사법 영역의 민영화가 하나의 추세로 자리 잡아 가고 있고, 영국의 경우에는 호송업무를 민간업체에 맡기고 있는 것을 볼 때, 관심을 법리적 논쟁에서 벗어나 현실적 타개책으로 돌려야 할 것이다. 영장을 집행할 의무는 경찰관만 해당하는 것이 아니라, 검찰청 소속 사법경찰관 및 특별사법경찰관도 포함되는 것이므로 기관 간 협의에 의해 호송 업무를 분담할 수 있다. 각 기관에서도 자체 특별사법경찰관을 통해 호송업무를 수행하고 있는 것처럼 검찰도 호송업무를 부담할 필요가 있다. 우선 검사사건 피의자의 경우나 검찰에서 피의자를 조사한 후 구치소로 호송하는 경우에는 검찰에서 호송을 담당하고, 검사지명 수배피의자 검거시 경찰이 검거지 인근 지검·지청까지 호송하면 검찰아 자체 인력으로 수배검찰청까지 호송하는 것이 합리적일 것이다. 그리고 교도소 또는 구치소에 수용되어 있는 자에 대한 감정유치까지 경찰이 담당하도록 한 것도 개선되어야 할 것이다. 호송과 관련하여 기관 간 갈등이 야기되고 있는 가장 큰 이유는 호송에 관한 가장 기본적인 법령이라 할 수 있는 「수형자 등 호송규칙」이 사회적 변화에 따라 수정되지 못하고 낙후된 채 머물고 있기 때문이다. 호송을 수사기관 간의 갈등으로만 생각하고 내부적인 조율을 기대할 것이 아니라, 호송업무의 합리적 분담을 담은 호송법률의 입법이 마련되어야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        고대 이탈리아에서 상품의 수송로

        배은숙 호남사학회 2009 역사학연구 Vol.35 No.-

        Transport over land was much more expensive than transport by sea. While the cost of sea transport was 1.3 denarius, the cost of land transport was 36.2~54.3 denarius per 100 Roman mile. Although we have to think over the costs transported goods to a harbour, the risk of a sea route, the possibility of a shipwreck, and the misfortune of being robbed of goods by pirates in the case of sea transport, sea transport was more profitable than land transport. The time of transporting goods by sea was much more quicker than land transport. Under favourable wind conditions the ancient vessels could navigate 333km in a day, but if they were working against the wind, they could sail 92.5km at a minimum. In the case of land transport, the time of transporting was various in accordance with the weight of burden. Animals could draw to 108km per day at a maximum, but when they transported a heavy, or bulky goods such as marbles, grain, wine, and oil, they moved to 25.2km at a minimum, to 44.4km on the average. And aspect to the transport capacity, land transport could not be compared with sea transport. When Romans attempted to transport by land the goods that could load in a vessel, they had to prepare for hundreds of carts. But whatever the weaknesses of land transport, it played an important role in the region of being distant from river, or sea, in the occasion to have to carry loads from a producing district to a harbour, and in the winter of a storm arising. When the traders and the cultivators transported heavy and bulky goods such as building materials, wine, oil, and timber from a producing center to a selling district, it was a land route that they used first of all. Therefore, sea and land transport was the concept of not mutual opposition but mutual supplementation. 수송 비용에 관해서는 육로 수송이 해로 수송보다 비싸다는 것이 대체적인 견해이다. 다만 단편적인 문헌에 의존하다보니 대략적인 비용만 파악하고 있을 뿐이었다. 그렇다고 하더라도 대략적인 수송 비용만으로 수송로를 결정할 수는 없다. 수송 거리와 시간, 수송 방법의 편리성이 함께 고려되어야 수익성을 평가할 수 있다. 100만 명이 거주하는 로마시가 티레니아 해에서 내륙으로 35.2㎞ 들어간 지점에 있었기 때문에 티베르 강은 로마시와 바다를 연결하는 주요 통로였다. 그러나 해로 수송에 필수적인 안전한 항구가 티베르 강 하구에 없어서 거룻배를 주로 활용하다가 오스티아에 거대한 인공 항구인 포르투스 항과 티베르 강에 내항이 건설되면서 해로 수송이 훨씬 용이해졌다. 육로 수송은 주로 소, 당나귀, 노새와 같은 동물의 힘에 의존했다. 마구가 발명되지 않아 소에게 사용하는 멍에를 당나귀나 노새에도 동일하게 사용하여 끄는 힘이 크지 않았지만 여러 개의 멍에를 사용하면 육로로도 상품 수송이 가능했다. 또 군인과 군수품을 원활하게 수송하기 위해 잘 포장되고 사방으로 나 있는 가도가 있었고, 가도마다 이정표가 있어서 육로 수송을 위한 제반 여건은 충분히 조성되어 있었다. 수송 비용과 수송 시간을 고려하면 육로보다 해로가 훨씬 유익했다. 육로의 경우 밀 1모디우스를 수송할 때 100로마마일 당 구입 가격의 36.2~54.3%가 수송 비용으로 소요되는 반면, 해로의 경우 구입 가격의 1.3%가 수송 비용이었다. 수송 시간 역시 육로의 경우 하루 평균 최소한 17로마마일(25.2㎞) 이상, 일반적으로 24~30로마마일(35.5~44.4㎞)을 움직이는데 반해, 해로의 경우 하루 평균 92.5~333㎞를 항해할 수 있었다. 해로의 경우 난파 가능성, 해적에 의한 약탈 가능성, 겨울 항해의 어려움 등 여러 변수가 있지만 육로 역시 적은 수송량, 도적에 의한 약탈 가능성이라는 약점이 있으므로 수송 방법과 비용, 시간을 모두 고려하면 해로 수송을 선호하는 것이 당연했다. 다만 이탈리아의 모든 지역이 강이나 바다를 끼고 있지 않으므로 강이나 바다로 가기까지, 내륙의 시장까지 가기 위해서는 수송 비용이 비싸고, 느리더라도 육로를 이용할 수밖에 없었다. 해로 아니면 육로를 선택하는 것이 아니라 여건에 따라 해로와 육로를 모두 이용했다.


        Molecular Aspects of Organic Ion Transporters in the Kidney

        Seok Ho Cha,Hitoshi Endou 대한생리학회-대한약리학회 2001 The Korean Journal of Physiology & Pharmacology Vol.5 No.2

        <P> A function of the kidney is elimination of a variety of xenobiotics ingested and wasted endogenous compounds from the body. Organic anion and cation transport systems play important roles to protect the body from harmful substances. The renal proximal tubule is the primary site of carrier-mediated transport from blood into urine. During the last decade, molecular cloning has identified several families of multispecific organic anion and cation transporters, such as organic anion transporter (OAT), organic cation transporter (OCT), and organic anion-transporting polypeptide (oatp). Additional findings also suggested ATP-dependent organic ion transporters such as MDR1/P-glycoprotein and the multidrug resistance-associated protein (MRP) as efflux pump. The substrate specificity of these transporters is multispecific. These transporters also play an important role as drug transporters. Studies on their functional properties and localization provide information in renal handling of drugs. This review summarizes the latest knowledge on molecular properties and pharmacological significance of renal organic ion transporters.

      • Thermally stable efficient hole transporting materials based on carbazole and triphenylamine core for red phosphorescent OLEDs

        Braveenth, Ramanaskanda,Bae, Hyeong Woo,Ko, Ik Jang,Qiong, Wu,Nguyen, Quynh Pham Bao,Jayashantha, Pothupitiya Gamage Sudesh,Kwon, Jang Hyuk,Chai, Kyu Yun Elsevier 2017 Organic electronics Vol.51 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In this work, a series of hole transporting materials with carbazole and triphenylamine cores have been synthesized and characterized. In the carbazole's 3rd and 6th positions, two site tryphenylamine para positions are end capped with the same types of branching derivatives to compare the overall performances of constructed devices. All of our hole transporting materials showed good thermal stabilities without any crystallized features which expressed in higher decomposition temperature (Over 500 °C at 5% weight reduction). All synthesized materials revealed HOMO energy levels between −5.62 and −5.48 eV, which values are lying between HOMO energy values of anode and emission layer; as a result, it made an effective path for hole transportation. Higher lying LUMO values between −2.51 and −2.31 can block the electrons from adjacent layer to ensure the perfect recombination in the middle layer. Triphenylamine based HTMs indicated better performances than carbazole based HTMs. Further comparisons were done by using NPB as hole transporting material with the same red phosphorescent based OLED device. HTM2A based device IV was exhibited higher maximum current efficiency of 30.6 cd/A and higher maximum external quantum efficiency of 26.7% than reference NPB based device. Measured Hole mobility value of HTM2A with hole dominant device was 5.3 × 10<SUP>−4</SUP> cm<SUP>2</SUP> V<SUP>−1</SUP> s<SUP>−1</SUP>, which was better than NPB. Synthesized HTM2A would be a promising hole transporting material for various phosphorescent based OLEDs.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Triphenylamine core was shown better performances. </LI> <LI> All synthesized materials based devices revealed higher thermal stabilities. </LI> <LI> External quantum efficiencies and hole mobility of material 2A based device was higher. </LI> <LI> Our designed materials will be promising candidate for future applications. </LI> </UL> </P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>

      • KCI등재

        조선 선조대 柳根의 대외관계 활동

        이숙경 (사)한국인물사연구회 2011 한국인물사연구 Vol.15 No.-

        Yu Geun was an excellent scholar in writing as well as a diplomat dealing with international negotiation in the rapidly changing times of trouble during the reign of king Seonjo. He solved the problem of provisions for the army that was the most worrying thing during Japanese invasion of 1597 and made his best efforts in restoring Joseon's stance between Japan and Ming dynasty. He made active diplomatic activities before and after Japanese invasions of 1592 when the international relation took the important part. In 1580 and 1587, he worked as an officer of Seonwisa whose role was charging of Japanese envoys. At that time Hyeon So, who came as a Japanese envoy to detect Joseon, was excellent in poetry and prose. It was said that he was surprised at Yu Geun's poetry and prose and recognized his ability. Even though there is not concrete reveal of Yu Geun's view about Japan, it seems that he would suggest the positive preparation against Japan. When Japanese invasion of 1592 took place, he received a Chinese envoy, who came to detect whether or not Joseon had intention of invasion, and informed him of the stance of Joseon. It was that Joseon had not intention of provoking a war by holding secret communication with Japan and did not want the army of Ming to be stationed in Joseon. After that, when the reinforcements from Ming came and Seoul was recovered, he visited China as a deputy delegate of expressing gratitude to appreciate this. Even though there was somewhat difficulty in informing China of the situation of Joseon, he did his best as an envoy. In 1601, he visited China as an envoy for the affair of reinforcing relations between Joseon and Japan and then informed it of Joseon's will of reinforcement. During the peaceful period after Japanese invasion of 1592, he received a Chinese envoy and let him know high level of Joseon poetry and prose by revealing his full writing ability. At that time he was known as a person versed in China. During Japanese invasion of 1597, Yu Geun took the charge of transporting provisions for the army provided from Ming. In the early stage of that period, there was difficulty in transporting provisions from Ming because they were made via land road but he solved the problem by using marine transportation. He made ships personally for the transportation of provisions and made it easy by encouraging sailors. And also he made large ships with thick wood so that the transportation of provisions was available even in winter. Owing to his contribution to the transportation, it was possible to provide provisions for the army in the battlefield even in the difficult situation.

      • KCI등재

        조선 선조대 柳根의 대외관계 활동

        이숙경(Lee Suk Kyung) 한국인물사연구소 2011 한국인물사연구 Vol.15 No.-

        Yu Geun was an excellent scholar in writing as well as a diplomat dealing with international negotiation in the rapidly changing times of trouble during the reign of king Seonjo. He solved the problem of provisions for the army that was the most worrying thing during Japanese invasion of 1597 and made his best efforts in restoring Joseon's stance between Japan and Ming dynasty. He made active diplomatic activities before and after Japanese invasions of 1592 when the international relation took the important part. In 1580 and 1587, he worked as an officer of Seonwisa whose role was charging of Japanese envoys. At that time Hyeon So, who came as a Japanese envoy to detect Joseon, was excellent in poetry and prose. It was said that he was surprised at Yu Geun's poetry and prose and recognized his ability. Even though there is not concrete reveal of Yu Geun's view about Japan, it seems that he would suggest the positive preparation against Japan. When Japanese invasion of 1592 took place, he received a Chinese envoy, who came to detect whether or not Joseon had intention of invasion, and informed him of the stance of Joseon. It was that Joseon had not intention of provoking a war by holding secret communication with Japan and did not want the army of Ming to be stationed in Joseon. After that, when the reinforcements from Ming came and Seoul was recovered, he visited China as a deputy delegate of expressing gratitude to appreciate this. Even though there was somewhat difficulty in informing China of the situation of Joseon, he did his best as an envoy. In 1601, he visited China as an envoy for the affair of reinforcing relations between Joseon and Japan and then informed it of Joseon's will of reinforcement. During the peaceful period after Japanese mvasion of 1592, he received a Chinese envoy and let him know high level of Joseon poetry and prose by revealing his full writing ability. At that time he was known as a person versed in China. During Japanese invasion of 1597, Yu Geun took the charge of transporting provisions for the army provided from Ming. In the early stage of that period, there was difficulty in transporting provisions from Ming because they were made via land road but he solved the problem by using marine transportation. He made ships personally for the transportation of provisions and made it easy by encouraging sailors. And also he made large ships with thick wood so that the transportation of provisions was available even in winter. Owing to his contribution to the transportation, it was possible to provide provisions for the army in the battlefield even in the difficult situation.

      • KCI등재

        Highly crystalline bilayer electron transport layer for efficient conjugated polymer solar cells

        Cheng Xu,Matthew Wright,Naveen Kumar Elumalai,Arafat Mahmud,Dian Wang,Mushfika Baishakhi Upama,Faiazul Haque,Ashraf Uddin 한국물리학회 2018 Current Applied Physics Vol.18 No.5

        Solution processed solar cells are a promising renewable energy technology due to the low fabrication costs. The most commonly used electron transport layer for solution processed organic solar cells is ZnO. However, sol-gel derived ZnO is amorphous, which limits interfacial charge transport. In this study, we demonstrate a ZnO bilayer, composed of a nanoparticle ZnO and sol-gel derived ZnO layer, as the electron transport layer in polymer solar cells incorporating the novel polymer poly [(5,6-difluoro-2,1,3-benzothiadiazol-4,7-diyl)-alt-(3,3‴-di (2-octyldodecyl)-2,2′; 5′,2″; 5″,2‴-quaterthiophen-5,5‴-diyl)] (PffBT4T-2OD). Compared with the single layer sol-gel ZnO, the bilayer displayed enhanced crystallinity. Consequently, the interfacial transport from the active layer was improved, as evidenced by dark J-V and PL spectroscopy measurements. Solar cells incorporating this bilayer ZnO layer achieved PCE values exceeding 10%, a relative improvement of 25% compared to the sol-gel ZnO devices.

      • Development of Dopant-Free Donor–Acceptor-type Hole Transporting Material for Highly Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells

        Heo, Jin Hyuck,Park, Sungmin,Im, Sang Hyuk,Son, Hae Jung American Chemical Society 2017 ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES Vol.9 No.45

        <P>In perovskite solar cells (PSCs), overlying hole transporting materials (HTMs) are important for achieving high efficiencies as well as protecting perovskite active layers from degradation factors. This study reports the synthesis of a dopant-free HTM based on a D'-A-D-A-D-A-D' (D, D': electron donor, A: electron acceptor) conjugated structure and incorporation of the HTM into a PSC. The resulting PSC exhibits a high efficiency of 17.3%, which is comparable to that of the device based on doped spiro-OMeTAD HTM, and exhibits much improved stability: without encapsulation, the PSC based on the new HTM was found to retain 80% of its initial performance over 500 h under the conditions of 60% relative humidity/1 sun light-soaking without encapsulation. The high performance is attributed to efficient hole-extraction/collection and hole transport. We demonstrate that the extended pi-structure of the D'-A-D-A-D-A-D'-type HTM slows moisture intrusion and protects the perovskite layer better than smaller D-A-type molecules. The improved stability is primarily due to the hydrophobic nature of the HTM; the relatively large pi-conjugated molecule forms denser films, which effectively decrease the spaces between the molecules and retard water intrusion. The dopant-free D-A-type HTM with an extended pi-structure is effective not only in improving device efficiency, but also device stability.</P>

      • Bis(1-phenyl-<sup>1</sup>H-benzo[d]imidazole)phenylphosphine oxideinterlayer for effective hole blocking in efficient phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes based on widely used chargetransporting layers

        박성종,안은수,김명종,( Kuppusamy Thangaraju ),김윤희 한국공업화학회 2014 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2014 No.1

        We have developed the efficient phosphorescent organic light emitting diodes based on green-emitting Ir(ppy)3 dopant with widely used charge transport-ing layers. PHOLEDs show the electroluminescence emission from the dopant emitter at 512 nm with CIEcolor coordinates of (0.30, 0.59). We investigated the roll of a 10-nm-thick electron-transporting type BIPO interlayer in the device efficiencies. BIPO with the deep HOMO energy level and higher electron transporting ability effectively blocks the holes from EML to ETL and improves the charge balance in the EML of the device.

      • KCI등재

        Consensus Report of the 4th International Forum for Gadolinium-Ethoxybenzyl-Diethylenetriamine Pentaacetic Acid Magnetic Resonance Imaging

        이정민,Christoph J Zech,Luigi Bolondi,Eduard Jonas,김명진,Osamu Matsui,Elmar M. Merkle,Michiie Sakamoto,최병인 대한영상의학회 2011 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.12 No.4

        This paper reports on issues relating to the optimal use of gadolinium-ethoxybenzyl-diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid magnetic resonance imaging (Gd-EOB-DTPA MR imaging) together with the generation of consensus statements from a working group meeting, which was held in Seoul, Korea (2010). Gd-EOB-DTPA has been shown to improve the detection and characterization of liver lesions, and the information provided by the hepatobiliary phase is proving particularly useful in differential diagnoses and in the characterization of small lesions (around 1-1.5 cm). Discussion also focused on advances in the role of organic anion-transporting polypeptide 8 (OATP8) transporters. Gd-EOB-DTPA is also emerging as a promising tool for functional analysis, enabling the calculation of post-surgical liver function in the remaining segments. Updates to current algorithms were also discussed.

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