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      • KCI우수등재

        Trans-spatiality: Commonplace and Differential Totality in Ethnic Women Writers’ Voices

        김대중 한국영어영문학회 2023 영어 영문학 Vol.69 No.1

        This essay explores literary relations in ethnic women writers’ writings introducing the concept of trans-spatiality. As two morphemes of ‘trans-spatiality,’ ‘trans’ is a form of ‘relation’ and ‘space’ is a geo-political axiom. The essay aims to cut through the thick ambiguity of images and discourses to behold the space of imagination in ethnic women writers’ literary works which bring to the fore a mosaic of the truth of the actual world. As theoretical scaffolding to reinforce the idea of trans-spatiality, the essay introduces Édouard Glissant’s “poetics of relation” and ‘commonplace’ (lieu commun) in conjunction with trans-spatiality. Glissant’s relation makes it possible for each agent not to be separated but rather to hold a “common” positioning while avoiding universality. Then, the essay discusses the meaning and spectrum of ‘trans-spatial’ experience and relations by analyzing several ethnic women writers’ writings. In ethnic women’s writings, differential totality can be found in intentional ambiguity or hybridity that avoids traditional Western narrative or genre. I argue that the relations between the collective experiences writers present set forth differential totality with some common patterns and styles without ignoring difference. Then, the essay analyzes Myung Mi Kim’s poem in order to expound on the potentiality of the commonplace. The essay concludes with projections for further research on how to weave a tapestry where the voices of the oppressed can burst into a chorale in which we can feel the strength of this newly emerging literary space.

      • KCI우수등재

        Becoming Traitors: Survival Stories of Trans-spatial Beings in Native Speaker

        김대중 한국영어영문학회 2022 영어 영문학 Vol.68 No.4

        This essay explores the survival of Asian Americans and its significance in term of globalization through a close reading of Native Speaker by Korean-American writer Chang Rae Lee utilizing the idea of trans-spatiality. Henry’s journey to find his true identity has two directions: endoscopic and telescopic. Henry’s introspective journey to find his identity is endoscopic. As a profiler, a spy, and an analyst, Henry—a sort of human endoscope—moves in and out of others’ psyches and emotions. Through this journey, Henry uncovers his true identity and that of Kwang as traitors. Henry’s endoscopic analysis of others widens to a telescopic journey as he moves through the spaces around him. The interpretive lens of this endoscopic/telescopic spatiality is ‘trans-spatiality’ in which a person who wanders and functions as an agent of speculation and cognitive mapping becoming a ‘trans-spatial being.’ Through these trans-spatial movements in urban spaces in New York, Henry spatially explores, maps, and scopes out spaces and ideological apparatuses within systems. While drifting across urban spaces, he can telescope them by diagrammatically and ideologically drawing ideological colors and segmentarities within the social spaces he occupies. Henry eventually discovers that the largest picture of the world is under the dominant influence of the big Other, the Empire. Henry then acknowledges that he belongs to a multitude that, without a fixed identity, perseveres and decentralizes the power of Empire and differential racism. In the end, Henry refuses to be assimilated into any apparatus in society after he quits his job. He abandons his ambiguous identity and becomes a trans-spatial stranger.

      • KCI등재

        Trans-spatial/subjective Storytelling in Comfort Woman

        ( Dae Joong Kim ) 미국소설학회(구 한국호손학회) 2010 미국소설 Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper, I analyze Nora Okja Keller`s Comfort Woman and prove that the novel is based on so-called "chronotope of congregation" as literary totality where images congregate to reflect the witers` concrete experiences in the actual spaces. In this chronotope of congregation, Soon Hyo and Beccah expand their intersubjective relations into trans-subjective relations, reflecting and contrasting voices and experiences from many women who had to suffer from colonialization and patriarchal violence. Soon Hyo, as a trans-subjective/spatial narrator performs and practices shamanic rituals that create poetic relations among women across various spaces. This poetic relations also bring up poetic totality among all beings-in-the-world who/which suffered. In the same token, Soon Hyo`s storytelling supplemented by Korean folklore subverts the hierarchy of truth and lie to resist historical interment of comfort women`s stories and to disinter hidden historical violence. Beccah, as a narratee and translator, contends with and translates stories told by women including Soon Hyo, Soon Hyo`s mother, Induk, and so on. Beccah`s hybrid identity ontologically, linguistically help modal translation across various painful experience women in different spaces testify. With Soon Hyo`s storytelling and Beccah`s translation, the chronotope of congregation turns into a trans-subjective, trans-spatial choral for healing ritual.

      • KCI등재

        Trans-spatial/subjective Storytelling in Comfort Woman

        김대중 미국소설학회 2010 미국소설 Vol.17 No.1

        In this paper, I analyze Nora Okja Keller’s Comfort Woman and prove that the novel is based on so-called “chronotope of congregation” as literary totality where images congregate to reflect the writers’ concrete experiences in the actual spaces. In this chronotope of congregation, Soon Hyo and Beccah expand their intersubjective relations into trans-subjective relations, reflecting and contrasting voices and experiences from many women who had to suffer from colonialization and patriarchal violence. Soon Hyo, as a trans-subjective/spatial narrator performs and practices shamanic rituals that create poetic relations among women across various spaces. This poetic relations also bring up poetic totality among all beings-in-the-world who/which suffered. In the same token, Soon Hyo’s storytelling supplemented by Korean folklore subverts the hierarchy of truth and lie to resist historical interment of comfort women’s stories and to disinter hidden historical violence. Beccah, as a narratee and translator, contends with and translates stories told by women including Soon Hyo, Soon Hyo’s mother, Induk, and so on. Beccah’s hybrid identity ontologically, linguistically help modal translation across various painful experience women in different spaces testify. With Soon Hyo’s storytelling and Beccah’s translation, the chronotope of congregation turns into a trans-subjective, trans-spatial choral for healing ritual.

      • KCI등재

        트랜스-로컬리티: 포스트모던의 대안적 공간정치

        이상봉 21세기정치학회 2014 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.24 No.3

        글로벌화와 로컬화의 동시 진행을 의미하는 이른바 글로컬라이제이션(glocalization)은 근대적 국민국가 시스템의 변화를 수반한다는 의미에서 공간구성의 관점에서 본 전형적인 포스트모던적 양상이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 양상을 유심히 살펴보면, 이는 ‘경계(border)’와 ‘단위(unit)’라는 2가지 측면에서 중요한 변화를 내포하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이글은 이러한 변화를 ‘트랜스(trans)’와 ‘로컬리티(locality)’라는 용어의 결합인 ‘트랜스-로컬리티’로 포착하여해석하고자 한다. 여기서 트랜스가 ‘경계에 대한 재고’나 ‘경계 넘기’의 새로운 방식을 의미한다면, 단위로서의 로컬리티에 대한 관심은 국민국가의 상대화와 공간 스케일의 중층적 재구성을 의미하기 때문이다. 이러한 문제의식에 입각하여, 이글은 트랜스로 표현되는 경계에 대한 재인식이 어떠한 경계의 재구성으로 이어지는지와 로컬리티에의 주목이 스케일과 관계의관점에서 어떠한 공간구성의 변화로 이어지는지를 구체적으로 고찰하였다. 나아가 트랜스-로컬리티라는 새로운 공간정치 전략이 가진 대안적 의미를 분석하였다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘事大’와 ‘交隣’과 ‘小中華’라는 틀의 초시간적인 그리고 초공간적인 맥락

        정다함(Chong Da-ham) 고려사학회 2011 한국사학보 Vol.- No.42

        Since the liberation, ROK historians have depicted the history of the Korean peninsula as that of an already-always, bordered territorial entity, evolving in a continuous linear progression into the modem nation-state. This paper seeks to challenge conventional nationalist Korean historiography and the territorialized imaginary and Confucian civilizational bias that support it, and to elucidate the complex and dynamic historical relationships between the peoples and states inhabiting this geographical space. I do so through scrutinizing South Korean historiography on the early Joseon period, analyzing the ways in which the models of political, economic, cultural and military interaction between Joseon and its neighbors inhabiting its peripheral spaces have been reinterpreted in modem times to underpin the dominant nationalist paradigm and the boundaries of Korean-ness it polices. South Korean historiography has constructed a model of the Northeast Asian region based on a Neo-Confucian hierarchy and conceptual dichotomy between “civilized” center and “barbarian” periphery, which has been combined with contemporary understandings of the nation-state. Through this process, these dogmatic frameworks, so called Sadae(事大; 사대) and Kyorin (交隣; 교린) that relegate the complex web of dynamic relationality between early Joseon and its neighbors to a fixed hierarchy based on Confucian civilizational biases, have been established and they are still dominating South Korean historiography. By providing a new trans-temporal and trans-spatial approach based on transnational perspective which enables us to profoundly understand how South Korean historiography re-appropriated traditional Confucian civilizational paradigm early Joseon dynasty had appropriated from Ming under the hegemony of U.S. in late 20th century. I assert such frameworks which have substantialized hierarchical set of the relations among Ming, Jurchen, Joseon, Tsushima, Muromachi Bakufu are the invention of South Korean nationalist Historiography, and have categorically denied the fluidity of spaces and peoples.

      • KCI등재

        섬사람들의 탈경계적 공간인식과 지적전통

        최성환(Choi, Sunghwan) 국립목포대학교 도서문화연구원 2013 島嶼文化 Vol.0 No.41

        그동안 한국사회가 지녀온 편견에서 보면, ‘섬’은 ‘고립의 공간’으로 인식되어 왔다. 그러나 정작 섬에 살고 있는 사람들에게는 자신들의 공간을 ‘소통의 공간’으로 인식하는 유교이념이 존재했다. 본 연구자는 이를 섬에 대한 탈경계적 공간인식이라는 측면에서 주목하였고, 본고에서는 유교이념과 신안군 사례를 중심으로 섬사람들의 知的傳統이 지닌 특징에 대해 고찰하였다. 연구 성과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 섬사람들의 생활상과 유교문화의 관련성이다. 현재 남아있는 ‘문화유적’, ‘고문서’, ‘民家의 구조’ 등에서 섬이라는 환경에 수용되고. 변화 발전 된 섬 고유의 유교문화가 존재했음을 확인하였다. 둘째, 유배인․은둔학자․토착 지식인들의 기록에 섬에 대한 탈경계적인 공간인식의 다양한 사례가 남아있음을 분석하였다. 하나의 지적전통으로 형성되어 왔으며, 학문적으로 발현되는 발전 양상을 보이기도 한다. 셋째, 하의도 ‘김연’의 사례를 통해 독특한 공간인식과 지적전통이 지속적으로 계승되었음을 살폈다. 김연의 삶은 섬의 인문환경과 지적전통에서 많은 시사점을 주었다. 본 연구를 통해 섬은 문화적으로 단절된 공간이 아니라 소통의 공간이라는 사실을 확인하였다. 섬 환경에 맞게 변화 발전된 유교이념은 육지에 비해 受容性이 강하다는 특징을 지녔다. 이는 섬사람들의 지적전통에 많은 영향을 주었고, 독특한 인문환경으로 전해오고 있다. According to the prejudice that Korean society has had so far, an ‘island’ has been regarded as ‘space of isolation’. However, in fact, those living in an island have Confucian ideas that they recognize their space as ‘space for communication’. This researcher focuses on islands from the aspects of trans-border spatial cognition, and this article considers the characteristics of islanders’ intellectual tradition centering around Confucian ideas and the case of Shinan-gun. And the paper has gained the findings as follows: First, it is about the relationship between islanders’ lives and Confucian culture. It has been found that such things as remaining ‘cultural relics’, ‘ancient documents’, and ‘the structure of private houses’ accept the environment of an island, and there exists an island’s original Confucian culture that has been transformed and developed. Second, the study has analyzed from the records written by the exiles, hermits, or native intellectuals that there have been various cases of trans-border spatial cognition on an island. It has been formed as a kind of intellectual tradition, and sometimes it shows the aspects of development that emerges academically. Third, the study has examined with the case of Haui-do ‘Kim Yeon’ that the unique spatial cognition and intellectual tradition have succeeded continually. Kim Yeon’s life has a lot of implications regarding an island’s environment for humanities and intellectual tradition. This study has verified the fact that an island is not culturally isolated space but space of communication. Confucian ideas that have been changed and developed according to the environment that an island has are characterized by having stronger acceptability than the land’s. This has affected islanders’ intellectual tradition significantly and has been transmitted as unique environment for humanities.

      • KCI등재

        로컬 시네마의 개념 변천과 아시아 영화에 나타난 로컬리티 사례들

        김시무(Kim, See Moo) 한국영화학회 2013 영화연구 Vol.0 No.56

        The purpose of this paper is to define the concept of locality shown in the Korean local cinema and the Asian Film. What is the local cinema? Really able to apply the concept of Local Cinema Korean movie? What is the condition of the local cinema? Local / locality appeared to an topic of the domestic academia is not that old. The background has been functioning in the post-modern cultural logic emerged as a major research agenda locality. In addition, with the socio-economic and spatial variations of the global capitalism, the problem of local came to surface in the main topic. Change as a global role in the decline of the nation-state and its function, the global and the local is due to face directly. In this paper, the concept of locality is accessible in three ways. The Substratum of locality, the hierarchy of locality, and the recognition & value of the locality are dealing with. Only American movie called Hollywood Movie, Korean movie the Chungmuro Film, and the Shanghai Film Chinese Movie in the substratum of locality. But, according to the hierarchy of the locality, Hollywood movies is the global cinema, the Chungmuro film is the local cinema. The recognition & value of the locality is necessary, in order to overcome the hierarchical locality concerning work and the pursuit of the post-modern, decentralized locality. For example, a decentralized and postmodern film “Paju”, dealing with the city of fog as well as the border city as a background, is a local cinema. Film “Jiseul” will fit in the definition of Local Cinema, seen in the various aspects. That movie directly addressed the issue such as Jeju 4.3 Insurrection by the filmmakers of Jeju Island. Also film “I came from Busan”, geopolitical characteristics that best implemented in the work fits well with the concept of a local cinema. In the sense that thoroughly based on the daily spatiality, that of “Pomildong Blues” is true local cinema. Emphasis on local how to escape from the domination of global capital. For trans-locality, based on this study must be followed.

      • KCI등재


        이상봉(Lee Sang-bong) 21세기정치학회 2014 21세기 정치학회보 Vol.24 No.3

        So-called Glocalization is a typical post-modernistic aspect in the views of space composition because it means the changes of the modern nation state’s system. If we inspect this aspect attentively, we can see that it is implying two sides of important changes ‘border’ and ‘unit.’ This paper captures and interprets these changes by the term of Trans-Locality which is a combination of trans and locality. Here, trans means the new way of rethinking of border and locality means the multilayered reconstruction of space scale. Being based on these critical mind, this paper considers concretely that how is connected rethinking of border to reconstruction of border and what changes bring about attention to locality in the post-modernistic space recomposition. Furthermore the paper seeks the alternative meaning of a new strategy of spatial politics so-called Trans-Locality.

      • KCI등재

        스위스ㆍ독일ㆍ프랑스 접경지역에서의 월경적(越境的) 상호작용

        김부성(Boo-Sung Kim) 대한지리학회 2006 대한지리학회지 Vol.41 No.1

        본 논문은 스위스ㆍ독일ㆍ프랑스 접경지역에서의 월경적(越境的) 상호작용과 초경계적 지역정체성 형성여부를 고찰하고자 한다. 먼저 이 논문은 ‘경계와 접경지역’에 관한 최근의 연구들을 검토하여, 이 주제에 대한 이론적 토대와 월경협력의 유형을 구축한다. 이를 기반으로 유러리젼 ‘라인강 상류’의 월경적 협력과정을 분석하고 본 연구의 사례지역인 ‘레기오 트리레나’에서의 일상적인 월경적 이동(통근, 쇼핑, 주택)을 연구한다. 유러리젼 ‘라인강 상류’에서의 월경적 협력은 다양한 활동영역을 지닌 여러 위원회에 의해 추진되며 러시아 인형 바부슈카처럼 중층적으로 구성되어 있다. 스위스·독일·프랑스 간의 경제적인 차이는 3국간의 대량 월경이동을 유발한다. 이 논문은 이러한 월경이동을 울만이 제시한 공간적 상호작용의 3대 기반(상호보완성, 이동가능성, 개입기회)에 입각하여 해석해 보았다. 마지막으로 본 논문은 경제적 장벽의 제거가 초경계적 지역정체성 또는 초국경적 공동체 정신을 창출하기에는 충분치 않다는 것을 보여준다. This paper is to explore the cross-border interactions and the formation of trans-boundary regional identity in the Swiss - German - French border region. It begins with a brief review of recent studies on ‘boundary and border region’, in order to gain a insight into the theoretical debates on this theme and to find out ideal types of the crossborder co-operations. And then it deals with the everyday cross-border movements(working, shopping, living) in ‘Regio TriRhena’, discussing the development of the trans-boundary co-operations in the EuroRegion ‘Upper Rhine’. There are several committees to be defined in trans-boundary co-operation on the ‘Upper Rhine’, with different scopes of action, structured collectively like Russian dolls(Babushka principle). The economic differences between 3 countries trigger massive cross-border movements. This paper attempts to organize these cross-border interactions around Ullman’s 3 bases for spatial interaction(complementarity, transferability, intervening opportunity). In conclusion, this paper shows that the elimination of economic obstacles does not suffice to create trans-boundary identity or a transborder common regional spirit.

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