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      • KCI등재

        한국 웰니스관광 경제적 파급효과의 탐색적 연구: 외생화 산업연관모형을 중심으로

        신미영,나주몽 경희대학교(국제캠퍼스) 국제지역연구원 2020 아태연구 Vol.27 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts of the sub-industries of wellness tourism on the national economy and to analyze the effects of medical services, personal services and tourism services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of Wells Tourism on the national economic impact by comparing the economic effects between industries. In this study, wellness tourism is defined as a fusion of medical service and individual service, tourism service through similar concept survey, and the detailed composition industry of each service is defined. The analysis is based on the Korean Input-Output Table, which is based on the demand driven model and the industry linkage effect. As a result, the production inducing effect was 0.5508 won for medical industry, 0.9268 won for personal service, 0.7738 won for tourism industry, and 0.6861 won for wellness tourism. The add-value inducing effect was 0.2171 won for medical industry, 0.3137 won for personal service, 0.2512 won for tourism industry, and 0.2224 won for wellness tourism. The medical and personal service industries are analyzed as the raw industrial of final demand, and the tourism and wellness tourism industries as the raw indistrial of intermediate demand. The private service industry is expected to generate more production and value-added inducing effect than medical and tourism industries and to find a way to link up with the personal service industry when setting up the development of wellness tourism. The economic ripple effects of wellness tourism will increase when the tourism industry is linked with the medical and personal service industry contents that can induce domestic production and attract consumers. In order to increase the localization rate of the medical industry and the personal service industry, R&D and technology development support measures should be prepared. 최근 한국은 출산율의 저하와 고령인구의 증대로 만성질환, 난치성 질환, 비만 등 질병이 급증하고 있다. 이러한 추세에 따라 전문적인 질병 관리 서비스, 웰빙과 힐링 욕구의 증대, 삶의 질 향상, 건강 증진에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 한국의 웰니스관광을 세부산업으로 재분류하고 외생화 산업연관모형을 활용하여 한국경제에 미치는 경제적 파급효과를 탐색적으로 분석하는 것이다. 특히 웰니스관광산업을 주요 구성 산업인 의료서비스, 개인서비스, 관광서비스 부문으로 세분화하여 경제적 파급효과와 비교함으로써 웰니스관광의 경제적 파급효과를 구체적으로 분석하고 한국 웰니스관광 육성정책의 산업적 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 분석결과, 웰니스관광의 세부산업인 의료산업(0.5508)과 개인서비스산업(0.9268), 관광산업(0.7738) 모두 높지 않은 수치를 보였다. 그중 개인서비스산업이 생산유발과 부가가치유발이 의료와 관광산업에 비해 높게 나와 웰니스관광의 육성방안 수립 시 개인서비스산업과의 연계방법을 모색해야 하는 것도 웰니스관광의 생산유발을 높이는 방안이 될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 둘째, 한국 웰니스관광은 후방연계효과는 낮고 전방연쇄효과가 가장 높게 나타난 중간 수요적 원시산업형으로 나타났다. 특히 웰니스관광 산업은 도소매서비스, 교통관련 서비스, 부동산 서비스 등 중간 수요적 산업과 밀접한 연관관계를 갖고 있었다. 셋째, 한국 의료산업과 개인서비스의 산업유발과 부가가치유발을 극대화하기 위해서 의약품과 의료기기, 개인서비스 컨텐츠의 국산화가 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        Digital Economy Empowering Tourism Industry: Logical Mechanism, Realistic Dilemma and Realization Path

        Liu, Lei,Su, Juan,Xue, Xuanxuan 부산대학교 중국연구소 2023 Journal of China Studies Vol.26 No.3

        The digital economy is a series of economic activities that use digital knowledge and information as key factors of production, modern information networks as important carriers, and the effective use of information and communication technology as an important driving force for efficiency improvement and economic structure optimization(Ma et al., 2021). As a new industrial driver, the digital economy has become a new driving force and engine to promote the optimization of industrial structure.Tourism industry as an information-intensive industry has better adaptability with digital economy and has an important role in promoting tourism technology innovation, tourism information sharing and tourism industry integration. However, the tourism industry in the digital transformation of insufficient cognition, low efficiency in the application of digital technology, insufficient construction of digital platforms, the lack of digital talents in the tourism industry and other problems, to a certain extent, weakened the momentum of the digital transformation of the tourism industry. Therefore, it is urgent to study the mechanism path of digital economy on tourism industry structure optimization and effective countermeasures for customer service dilemma. The study results found that: at the theoretical level, the mechanism of digital economy promoting tourism industry structure optimization is analyzed based on economic growth theory and industrial structure theory, and the digital economy transforms tourism industry development mode through integration and innovation effect, improves tourism total factor productivity through factor upgrading effect, and reshapes tourism industry organization form through spatial spillover. At the practical level, the realistic dilemmas of the digital economy empowered tourism industry structure are analyzed, such as "digital divide", "data monopoly", tourism market regulation and tourism platform supervision, etc. In response to those problems, development countermeasures are proposed to innovate the tourism industry model, upgrade the traditional production factors of tourism, and accelerate the spatial clustering and information sharing of the tourism industry. This paper provides a new research perspective and path for the digital transformation and upgrading of tourism industry from the theoretical and practical levels.

      • 산업연관분석을 이용한 웰니스관광의 국민경제적 파급효과 분석

        신미영,나주몽 한국지역개발학회 2019 한국지역개발학회 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts of the sub-industries of wellness tourism on the national economy and to analyze the effects of medical services, personal services and tourism services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of Wells Tourism on the national economic impact by comparing the economic effects between industries. In this study, wellness tourism is defined as a fusion of medical service and individual service, tourism service through similar concept survey, and the detailed composition industry of each service is defined. The analysis is based on the Korean Input-Output Table, which is based on the demand driven model and the industry linkage effect. As a result, the production inducing effect was 0.5508 won for medical industry, 0.9268 won for personal service, 0.7737 won for tourism industry, and 0.6861 won for wellness tourism. The add-value inducing effect was 0.2171 won for medical industry, 0.3137 won for personal service, 0.2512 won for tourism industry, and 0.2224 won for wellness tourism. The medical and personal service industries are analyzed as the raw industrial of final demand, and the tourism and wellness tourism industries as the raw indistrial of intermediate demand. The private service industry is expected to generate more production and value-added inducing effect than medical and tourism industries and to find a way to link up with the personal service industry when setting up the development of wellness tourism. The economic ripple effects of wellness tourism will increase when the tourism industry is linked with the medical and personal service industry contents that can induce domestic production and attract consumers. In order to increase the localization rate of the medical industry and the personal service industry, R&D and technology development support measures should be prepared.

      • KCI등재

        중국 관광산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석

        전형월(XIN-YUE TIAN),짱신단(XIN-DAN ZHANG),이규창(Kyu-Chang Lee),배기형(Ki-Hyung Bea) 한국상품학회 2022 商品學硏究 Vol.40 No.5

        본 연구는 중국 관광산업의 경제적 파급효과를 분석하기 위해 중국 통계국이 2021년 발표한 2020년 산업연관표(153개 산업분류)를 중심으로 전체 30개 산업인 중국 관광산업의 산업연관표를 재 작성하였다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 우선, 관광산업의 열 합계는 4.8511로 30개 산업 중 화학제품 다음으로 2위이이며, 행합계는 2.2580(30개 산업 중 23위)으로 나타났다. 이처럼 중국의 관광산업이 높은 생산유발효과를 보이고 있는 것은 관광산업이 국민경제 발전을 뒷받침하는 기초적 전략적 산업임을 알 수 있으며, 반면에 관광산업 자체의 효과에 대해서는 코로나19 사태로 인한 관광산업 부진을 보여주고 있음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 중국 관광산업의 영향력계수(후방연쇄효과)는 0.8526,감응도계수(전방연쇄효과)는 1.8317로 중국의 관광산업이 타 산업의 최종수요 변화에 매우 민감하게 반응하고 있음을 의미한다. 또한 중국 관광산업은 감응도계수가 1보다 큰 반면에 영향력계수는 1보다 작아 중간수요적 제조업형이라고 할 수 있다.셋째, 중국 관광산업의 최종수요 7,073.8 십억 위안을 국가 경제에 투입될 경우 중국 관광산업의 생산유발액은 34,315.7십억 위안 부가가치유발액은 13,130.7십억위안, 총소득유발액은 1 7,226.1십억 위안, 생산세유발액은 887.7십억 위안이 발생하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 중국 관광산업의 노동유발효과는 12,626명의 총노동이 유발되며, 이 중 직접으로는 5,648.1명이, 간접으로는 6,978.0명이 유발되어 제조업, 전력, 가스 및 물, 건설업, 수리, 환경, 공공시설서비스, 교육,위생 및 사회사업, 사회보장 및 공공관리 보다 낮은 고용활동을 보여주고 있다. 이는 2020년 코로나 확산과 방역 규제로 인한 여행에 대한 규제 및 지역 봉쇄 등으로 인한 관광산업의 부진 때문이라고 생각해 볼 수 있다. In order to analyze the economic ripple effect of the Chinese tourism industry, this study restated the 2020 industrial-related table(153 industrial categories) released by the Chinese Bureau of Statistics in 2021. The analysis results are as follows. First of all, the total heat of the government-industrial industry was 4.8511, ranking second after chemical products among the 30 industries, and the total number was 2.2580(23rd out of 30 industries). The high production inducement effect of China's tourism industry can be seen as a fundamental strategic industry that supports the development of the national economy, while the effect of the tourism industry itself shows a sluggish tourism industry due to the COVID-19 incident. Second, the influence coefficient(rear linkage effect) of the Chinese tourism industry is 0.8526 and the sensitivity coefficient(front linkage effect) is 1.8317, which means that the Chinese tourism industry is very sensitive to changes in the final demand of other industries. In addition, the Chinese tourism industry has a sensitivity coefficient greater than 1, while the influence coefficient is smaller than 1, so it can be said to be a middle-demand manufacturing type. Third, In the case of final demand of the Chinese tourism industry is 707.38 billion yuan, the production inducement amount of the Chinese tourism industry is 34,315.7 billion yuan, the value-added inducement amount is 13,130.7 billion yuan, the total income inducement amount is 17,226.1 billion yuan, and the production tax inducement amount is 887.7 billion yuan. Fourth, the labor inducement effect of the Chinese tourism industry is 12,626. people, 5,648.1 directly and 76,978.0 indirectly, showing lower employment activities than Manufacturing, electricity, gas and water, construction, repair, environment, public facility services, education, sanitation and social work, social security, and public management. This can be attributed to the sluggish tourism industry due to the spread of COVID-19 in 2020 and regulations.

      • KCI등재

        원주의료기기산업과 관광상품개발방향

        김월호(Weol Ho Kim) 한국관광연구학회 2012 관광연구저널 Vol.26 No.2

        This research focuses on the analysis of the current status of tourism products and strategic industries in Wonju and seeks the way of trying them with regional tourism. Also, I tried to explore the possibility of medical device industry in wonju as a industrial tourism and to seek a way of developing tourism product utilizing regional resources. Especially, medical device industry has a very close relationship with the expansion of health tourism and new seniors who are the newly emerging main consumers of tourism products. I did both empirical and literature study for this research. I suggested to develop a tourism product which combines existing regional, natural, and cultural tourism resources with medical tourism, utilizing the medical device industry as a tourism resources. As a way of empirical study, survey analysis was done on the members of medical device company and regional strategic industry department of municipality, to examine the feasibility of industrial tourism and to search the new direction of tourism product development. The biggest finding that I made in the empirical analysis was showing the possibility of developing integrative way of promoting both the tourism which was underdeveloped in Wonju and regional industry. In conclusion, I suggested a multi purpose industrial tourism product which suits the brand image of Wonju,- hightech medical and healthy city.

      • KCI등재

        한 ․ 중 문화관광산업 비교 연구 - 지역 문화관광상품 중심으로 -

        황균정 한국디지털정책학회 2020 디지털융복합연구 Vol.18 No.8

        In this paper, the concept of the diversified cultural tourism industry in Korea and China was summarized and the research direction was suggested. Also, the characteristics and status of the cultural tourism industry were analyzed. As a characteristic of the cultural tourism industry in both Korea and China, it exhibited similar cultural tourism forms such as performances, theme parks, festivals, and museums. Korea had a unique cultural tourism form called Hallyu cultural tourism, and China is also a rare cultural arts complex in Korea. And has developed cultural tourism. The strength of the Korean culture and tourism industry is that it is rich in cultural resources and possesses many assets with cultural contents, and the strength of the Chinese culture and tourism industry is that it has abundant tourism resources and huge economic power. As such, Korea and China with many similarities were found to be a country with high interest and potential in the cultural tourism industry, which is growing into a high value-added industry in the future. In addition, in order to continuously and stably develop the cultural tourism industry, continuous efforts and interests and proper research must be conducted so that the two countries can coexist with each other. 본 논문에서는 한․중 양국의 다양해진 문화관광산업에 대해 개념 정리를 하고 이를 통해 연구방향을 제시하였다. 또한 문화관광산업의 특징과 현황을 분석하였다. 한․중 양국의 문화관광산업의 특징으로 공연, 테마파크, 축제, 박물관 등 유사한 문화관광 형태를 보였으며, 한국은 한류문화관광이라는 특유의 문화관광 형태가 있었고, 중국 또한 한국에서 희소한 문화예술 단지를 세워 문화관광을 발전시켜 왔다. 한국 문화관광산업의 강점은 문화자원이 풍부하며 문화적 내용을 담은 많은 자산을 보유하고 있었으며, 중국 문화관광산업의 강점은 풍부한 관광자원과 거대한 경제력을 갖추고 있다는 점이다. 이와 같이 유사점이 많은 한․중 양국은 미래 고부가가치 산업으로 성장하는 문화관광산업에 많은 관심과 가능성이 높은 나라임을 알 수 있었다. 아울러 문화관광산업을 지속적이고 안정적으로 발전시키기 위해서는 양국이 서로 상생할 수 있도록 부단한 노력과 관심, 그리고 그에 합당한 연구가 진행 되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        여수시 해양관광상품의 홍보를 위한 MICE 산업 활용방안

        김용완 ( Kim Yong-wan ),이웅규 ( Lee Woong-kyu ) 한국도서(섬)학회 2021 韓國島嶼硏究 Vol.33 No.3

        Jeollanam-do, which does not have many large-scale exhibition and convention centers, is concentrating on the MICE industry, mainly in Yeosu. Yeosu City has improved its incentive system to attract attention as a MICE city with conference accommodations, tourism experience contents, and marine tourism products centered on the Yeosu Expo Convention Center. In other words, the plan is to increase local interest and help the local MICE industry promote marketing through an incentive system for holding MICE. Therefore, this study tried to suggest a way to promote marine tourism products developed by utilizing marine ecotourism resources and contents possessed by Yeosu City using MICE. As a result of this study, it was intensively analyzed that the method of effectively promoting Yeosu marine tourism products utilizing the MICE industry of Yeosu is a way to revitalize the MICE industry of Yeosu. Through this, three promotional methods were suggested. First, continuous efforts are required for the successful hosting of the 2026 Yeosu World Islands Expo. Second, the continuous holding of MICE events related to marine ecotourism in Yeosu was reconsidered. Finally, the expansion and development of marine tourism products that will create time and space linked to the development of dynamic tourism routes were presented. This means that, in the end, it is necessary to approach domestic and foreign MICE officials through various MICE events such as online briefing sessions to promote customized Yeosu marine tourism products according to the change in the environment to attract MICE in the post-corona era. This study analyzes the importance of achieving this through holding MICE events in order to promote Yeosu, such as via marine tourism products. Furthermore, in order to present a strategy of one-to-one wins such as fostering the MICE industry, the reverse idea of approaching the promotion of marine tourism products through the use of the MICE industry was presented. In other words, in order to promote the marine tourism products of Yeosu, MICE events were held and promoted, and this presented a beneficial cycle, such as fostering the MICE industry in Yeosu. In the end, the ‘ virtuous cycle strategy’ in which various marine tourism products in Yeosu are effectively promoted and the MICE industry in Yeosu develops in this process is a shift in the thinking and idea of this researcher. This is because one of the most effective means of publicity in the new media era may be the MICE industry. This can also be confirmed from the fact that the number of companies, organizations, and countries that recognize the MICE industry as a new medium is increasing and are using it as a means of publicity.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 관광산업의 광역시도별 효율성 분석

        마진희,안영효 한국문화산업학회 2018 문화산업연구 Vol.18 No.4

        Although the tourism industry is evaluated as a high-value-added industry with a large impact on income and employment creation along with the national economic growth, Korea’s tourist industry has been relatively stagnant because of political concerns such as the aftereffect on THAAD. Thus, the central government and municipalities are investing in tourism infrastructure and resource development to strategically nurture the tourism industry in order to create additional value-added activities considering particular market types and environmental value of Korea. Accordingly, it is necessary to evaluate how well the management of tourism is managed by provincial and metropolitan governments and to find strategic methodologies. In this study, we evaluate the managerial efficiency of tourism industry by 17 locals in Korea by measuring the ratio of output factors to input factors through DEA and MPI. As a result of comparing each managerial efficiency of tourism industry, only Jeju and Gang-won do are comparatively efficient to perform as a typical tourist province in Korea. According to productivity trends through MPI analysis, the external factors such as global economic crisis affect productivity trends of tourism rather than internal factors. Total 5 solutions to activate local tourist industry are fined out by considering common characteristics between efficient provinces in terms of managerial performance in tourism. First, local governments need to suggest thing to do and see. Second, needs to strengthen relational capability of tourism through DMO(Destination Management Organization). Third, to develop an integrated marketing strategy that can gather several provinces together one united tourist spot. Forth, to utilize particular geographical characteristics such as national environment. Last is to adapt Bleisure strategy which can convert visitors to tourists. It aims to suggest ways to activate each province’ tourist industry in Korea by evaluating managerial efficiency of tourism industry. Ultimately, it is expected to contribute to the development of the tourism industry in Korea by analyzing the efficiency and productivity of the tourism industry by metropolitan cities and provinces. 관광산업은 국민경제 성장과 더불어 소득 및 고용창출에 파급효과가 큰 고부가가치 산업으로 평가되고 있다. 그러나 우리나라의 관광산업 규모는 매년 꾸준히 성장하고 있는데 반해 사드 여파로 인한 중국인 관광객의 감소 등으로 외래 관광객 수는 정체하고 있어 만성적인 관광수지 적자 구조에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 따라서 한국시장 환경을 고려한 부가가치 창출방안을 육성 및 관광산업을 활성화시키기 위해 범정부적 수준에서뿐만 아니라 지방자치단체 차원에서 전략적 대안을 모색해야 할 필요가 있다. 특히 관광 수요 및 공급의 관리를 실제적으로 담당하는 지자체 차원의 전략적 대응이 필요하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 각 지자체의 실제 관광산업 변수를 고려하여 지자체의 관광산업 관리방안을 냉정하게 살펴보고 각 지자체의 관광사업 효율성을 비교 분석하여 이에 따른 한국형 관광산업 활성화 방안을 전략적으로 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 국내 17개 지방자치단체가 관광산업 성과를 상대적인 효율성으로 비교 분석하기 위해 자료포락분석(DEA: Data Envelopment Analysis) 모델과 맘퀴스트 생산성 지수(Malmquist Productivity Index)를 이용하여 평가하였다. 그 결과, 제주도와 강원도가 상대적으로 가장 효율적인 관광산업의 성과가 나타났으며 생산성 추이 분석에서는 내부요소보다 외부환경 요소가 생산성에 더 많은 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 효율적인 지자체의 관광산업의 특징과 생산성 변화에 영향을 주는 요소를 반영하여 관광산업의 활성화 방안을 도출하였다. 첫째, 각 지자체를 방문한 내·외래 관광객에게 볼거리와 즐길 거리를 제시하여야 한다. 둘째, 지역 간 관광연계형 DMO(Destination Management Organization; 관광관리기구)를 통한 협력체계를 강화할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 여러 지역을 하나의 관광지로 통합하는 관광 마케팅 전략을 추진한다. 넷째, 관광자원과 같은 지리적 특성을 최대한 이용한다. 마지막으로 비즈니스 및 회의 참석 방문객을 관광객으로 변환시키는 블레저(Business + Leisure의 조합어) 전략을 활용한다. 이를 통해 향후 지자체들의 관광산업 전략 방향 및 관리 효율성 향상 방안을 제고하고 궁극적으로는 국내 광역시·도별 관광산업의 효율성 및 생산성을 비교 분석하여 우리나라 관광산업의 발전에 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재후보

        나주지역의 차 문화산업 활성화 방안 연구 - 금성산 야생차밭 개발과 녹색관광 -

        김현택,박지영 한국차학회 2008 한국차학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        Naju was the political, economic and cultural center of Honam along with Jeonju from Goryo of Wanggeon to Chosun Dynasty. Natural resources of Naju, like Geumseongsan(M.T), blends well with its pivotal historic and cultural assets. However, the cultural tourism industry of Naju has been still lagging behind other regions despite its superb historic and cultural resources. If wild tea field at Geumseongsan(M.T), etc, which has not been known very well, is developed and relayed to the tea culture, more fruitful and abundant cultural development would be attained. Recently, the green tourism is coming into the spotlight as a new form of tourism. That is a development for environment-friendly tourism industry using the natural, historic, social and cultural resources of rural community in order to highlight the character of the region. This study purposes to enhance the applicability of tea industry along with the rich cultural assets of Naju, as part of effort at green tourism. In response to that, I considered a green tourism which applies tea culture industry to differentiate Naju from other regions. Specifically, this study tries to explore the measure to develop the tour resources based on the green tea culture using the wild tea from Geumseongsan, Deokryongsan, Baekryongsan, and systematize such efforts. Naju was the political, economic and cultural center of Honam along with Jeonju from Goryo of Wanggeon to Chosun Dynasty. Natural resources of Naju, like Geumseongsan(M.T), blends well with its pivotal historic and cultural assets. However, the cultural tourism industry of Naju has been still lagging behind other regions despite its superb historic and cultural resources. If wild tea field at Geumseongsan(M.T), etc, which has not been known very well, is developed and relayed to the tea culture, more fruitful and abundant cultural development would be attained. Recently, the green tourism is coming into the spotlight as a new form of tourism. That is a development for environment-friendly tourism industry using the natural, historic, social and cultural resources of rural community in order to highlight the character of the region. This study purposes to enhance the applicability of tea industry along with the rich cultural assets of Naju, as part of effort at green tourism. In response to that, I considered a green tourism which applies tea culture industry to differentiate Naju from other regions. Specifically, this study tries to explore the measure to develop the tour resources based on the green tea culture using the wild tea from Geumseongsan, Deokryongsan, Baekryongsan, and systematize such efforts.

      • KCI등재

        중국-아세안 관광 협력의 신(新)전략 네트워크 연구: COVID-19 이후, 한국 관광산업의 혁신과제 모색

        정혜영 서울대학교 아시아연구소 2022 아시아리뷰 Vol.12 No.3

        COVID-19, which occurred at the time of the new strategic tourism network cooperation between China and ASEAN, caused a complete break in the tourism network between the countries. While each ASEAN country is nervous about the U.S.-China strategic confrontation and the strengthening of the political alliance network, they are considering restoring the network disconnected between individual countries to restore the tourism economy. Tourism exchanges between ASEAN countries and China have shown a movement to seek mutual exchange amid the uncertainty of the US-China conflict, the development of digital technology in the tourism industry, and the spread of infectious diseases. This is due to the rise of China in Southeast Asia and geopolitical economic factors that have expanded the scale of people-to-people exchanges and tourism industry exchanges. The tourism industry in Southeast Asia has already driven the development of the tourism economy by one leap from Chinese visits, and the industrial power obtained from this has created a new and broader tourism cooperation network. The recovery of the tourism industry, which has been hit hard by COVID-19, and the reconstruction of the network will be accompanied by a multi-layered network in a new area beyond the meaning of the simple restoration of the tourism cooperation network. This study focuses on the disconnecting and restoring of tourism networks between ASEAN and China and analyzes the factors influencing the restoration of tourism networks and the cooperation of the tourism economy between China and ASEAN. In detail, a study was conducted on the political network, economic network, technical network, and medical and health cooperation from the changing tourism industry in the ASEAN region. To strengthen the competitiveness of the South Korean tourism industry, implications for the innovation task were obtained for the tourism industry. 본 연구는 COVID-19로 인한 중국과 아세안의 전면적인 관광 네트워크 단절과 그 복원과정에 비추어, 그 안에서 일어나 는 국가 ‘행위자’의 행동을 ‘구조적’ 관점에서 바라보고, 관광 네트워크 변화과정을 연구하고자 하였다. 아세안 각국에서 는 미-중의 전략대결과 동맹국 네트워크가 강화되는 현상을 주목하기도 하지만, 개별 국가 간 단절된 네트워크 복원을 관 광경제 회복과 직결되는 문제로 다루고 있다. 코로나 이후 시기의 관광 협력 네트워크 복원과정은 미-중 갈등과 정치적 동 맹관계 영향, 기술적 협력파트너 필요성, 산업공급망 재편, 보건의료 및 백신·방역 협력의 요인이 국가 전략적 관광 네트 워크 형성의 핵심 영향이 될 것이다. 그러나 한편, 관광산업의 본질적 특성인 경제성은 관광경제의 심각한 타격을 회복하 고, 국제관광객 유치와 국가 민생경제를 복원하는 데 중요한 의미를 지닌다. 팬데믹 발생 이전, 아세안과 중국의 관광교류 는 아세안 각국의 관광산업 발전과 상호교류에 큰 영향을 미쳤다. 이에, 연구에서는 아세안과 중국의 관광 네트워크 단절 과 복원과정에 주목하고, 아세안 6대 관광국의 네트워크 재(再)형성 행위와 동태적 과정을 체계적으로 탐구, 이를 통해 관 광 협력의 중국-아세안 네트워크 재건이 이야기하는 관광산업 변화 및 영향요인, 협력의 지역성 분석을 통해 한국 관광산 업의 경쟁력 강화방안과 혁신과제를 모색하고자 하였다.

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