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      • KCI등재

        ‘書物 道樂家’ 도쿠토미 소호[德富蘇峰]와 한국본

        박영미 ( Park Youngmi ) 우리한문학회 2021 漢文學報 Vol.45 No.-

        ‘書物道樂家’ 도쿠토미 소호는 1910년 언론통폐합을 위해 조선에 왔다. 도쿠토미는 1906년 창간된 『京城日報』 감독직으로 부임한 이후, 일본어 신문 『京城日報』, 조선어 신문 『每日申報』, 영자 신문 『Seoul press』만을 남겨 놓고 통폐합하여 버렸다. 조선에 체류하는 동안 도쿠토미는 한국본을 수집, 구매하였으며 이를 成簣堂文庫에 소장하였다. 성궤당문고 소장 한국본은 일찍부터 그 존재가 알려져 있었다. 그러나 실사가 이루어지지 않아 구체적인 전모를 지금까지 파악하지 못하고 있다. 본고는 성궤당문고 소장 한국본 조사를 위한 예비 단계로 이루어졌다. 본 고에서는 도쿠토미의 한국본 수집 경위, 소장한 한국본의 특징을 개관하며 아울러 도쿠토미의 한국본에 대한 연구 등에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 기존의 연구는 ‘일본 제국의 괴벨스’인 저널리스트 도쿠토미 소호에 집중되어 이루어졌다. 본고에서는 道樂이라고 할 정도로 책을 사랑한다고 했던 도쿠토미의 장서와 그의 목록, 관련 논저를 통해 그의 수집과 연구를 살펴 보았다. 도쿠토미의 수집과 연구 활동은 1910년 전후의 조선총독부의 고적조사 사업, 在朝재일본인들의 한국본 수집 및 연구도 동시에 고려하여 살펴보아야 할 것이다. 그리고 향후, 소장 서목의 목록화 작업을 통해 일본 제국의 지식인들이 가진 한국본 수집과 그 의미를 통찰할 필요가 있다. Tokutomi Soho came to Joseon in 1910 to merge the media. After Tokutomi took over as the director of 『京城日報』의, which was founded in 1906, it merged with only 『Kyozo Press(京城日報)』 in Japanese, 『Daily press(每日申報)』in Joseon, and 『Seoul press』 in English. Before this, Tokutomi purchased a collection of Shimada Khan and laid the foundation for the Seonggwedang(成簣堂文庫) Library. In addition, he expanded his books by collecting Chinese characters stored in Japanese temples and purchasing Western books. And a large amount of Joseon books were collected from Joseon. Joseon books, the collection of Seonggwedange, has been known for its existence since early on. However, as due It has not yet been properly investigated, the specific scale has not yet been identified. This study was conducted as the first step to investigate Joseon books housed in the Seonggwedang Library. We learned about the old books of Joseon collected by Tokutomi and the knowledge of the old books of Joseon and the inspection to find out about them. In addition, I tried to find the characteristics of several examples of Joseon books owned by Seonggwedang. Previous studies was focused on journalist Tokutomi Soho, Goebbels of the Japanese Empire. This paper attempted to show the appearance of Tokutomi, a collection and a reading. Tokutomi's collection and research were examined through his books, his list, and related thesis, which he said he loved books to the extent that it was called ‘enjoy good book’. Tokutomi's collection and research activities should be considered at the same time as the Joseon Governor-General's historical investigation project around 1910, and the collection and research of Joseon books by the Japanese. In addition, due investigation and cataloging of the Seonggwedang Library must be carried out in the future.

      • KCI등재

        청년 도쿠토미 소호의 정치사상: 『메이지 23년 후의 정치가의 자격을 논함』을 중심으로

        류애림(Ryu, Ae Rim) 한국동양정치사상사학회 2022 한국동양정치사상사연구 Vol.21 No.1

        도쿠토미 소호(德富蘇峰,1863~1957)는 메이지 시대부터 전후까지, 오랜 세월동안 활약한 인물로, 역사가, 평론가, 시인으로 이름을 날렸다. 무엇보다 『국민의 벗(國民之友)』과 『국민신문』을 창간한 언론인으로 알려진 소호는 1910년 9월부터는 데라우치 마사타케 당시 총독의 요청으로 조선총독부 기관지인 경성일보의 감독을 맡기도 했다. 이러한 이유로 우리에게 도쿠토미 소호는 제국주의자, 또는 팽창주의자, 언론인으로 잘 알려져 있다. 이 글에서는 정치사상가 도쿠토미 소호에 초점을 맞추고자 한다. 청년기 저작 『메이지 23년 후의 정치가의 자격을 논함(明治二十三年後ノ政治家ノ資格ヲ論ス)』(1884)을 중심으로 소호가 인용하고 있는, 휘그 사관의 대표적 저술가 토머스 배빙턴 매콜리(Thomas Babington Macaulay, 1800~1859)의 저작을 함께 살펴본다. 이를 통해 휘그 사관의 특징 즉, 상황과 시세에의 적응, 대립적 관계의 두 개념의 투쟁으로서 역사를 보는 시각이 청년 소호의 사상 형성에 영향을 끼쳤음을 밝힌다. 나아가 매콜리의 영향을 받아 형성된 정치사상이 청년기 이후, 즉 제국주의자로 탈바꿈한 이후의 소호에게도 지속적으로 존재했음을 보이고자 한다. Tokutomi Soho (德富蘇峰, 1863-1957), one of the most eminent figures who played a remarkable part in Japanese history from Meiji era to the post-war period, was known as a historian, critic, and poet. Above all, Soho, a journalist who founded the magazine “Kokumin no tomo(国民之友)” and the newspaper “Kokumin Shimbun(国民新聞)”, also took over the supervision of the Gyeongseong Ilbo, the newspaper of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, at the request of then-Governor Terauchi Masatake from September 1910. For this reason, in Korea, Tokutomi Soho is known to us as an imperialist, or expansionist, journalist. In this article, I focus on the ‘political thinker’ Tokutomi Soho. With Soho’s early work “Discussing the Qualifications of Politicians after Meiji 23”(明治二十三年後ノ政治家ノ資格ヲ論ス, 1884), I discuss Thomas Babington Macaulay (1800~1859)’s works. Macaulay was the representative writer of the Whigs history, and his works were cited voraciously in Soho’s early works. Through this, I argue that the characteristics of whig historiography, understanding history as a struggle between the two concepts, emphasis on the adaptation to the current situation and the circumstance, had a great influence on the formation of Soho’s political thought. Furthermore, I intend to show that Sohos’s political thought formed under the influence of Macaulay continued to exist even after his early period of life, that is, after he transformed into an imperialist.

      • KCI등재

        메이지ㆍ다이쇼 초기 아베 미쓰이에(阿部充家)의 궤적 - ‘민권’파 교사에서 ‘권력정치가’에 접근한 정치기자로 -

        이형식 일본사학회 2015 일본역사연구 Vol.42 No.-

        In this thesis, in order to understand Abe Mitsuie's behavior pattern in Joseon, his early traces, which have been less focused on in the studies, were examined in the category of his background of growth, teaching period, Kumamoto period, and 『Kokuminsinbun』 period. Abe was born in Kamiyama family, a fire-maker in Kumamoto, in 1862. In his childhood, he received traditional samurai education in Yokojimasijuku private school founded by Ikebe Kichijuro, a fire-maker in Kumamoto in 1872. After leaving Yokojimasijuku, he went to Tokyo and learned English in Dojinsya. During his days in Dojinsya, he made friends with Utsunomiya heichi, and Tokutomi Soho, who were radical democratic right activists, and became enthusiastic about democratic right movement. It seems like that Abe gradually came to get out of Ikebe's influence and became absorbed in democratic right movement through his study in Dojinsya and friendship with Utsunomiya and Tokutomi. Later, as he started to teach in Utsunomiya's hometown, Kagoshima Miyanojo, he contacted Tokutomi running a Oegijuku, and tried to expand the power of democratic party in Kagoshima and Kumamoto. In 1885, he proceeded to his new post as a housemaster in Oegijuku according to Tokutomi's recommendation and guided students, and moved the ground for the democratic right movement from Kagoshima to his hometown, Kumamoto. His experience of teaching in the school and guiding students may have become the motivation for him to have interest in Korean students in Japan later. When Tokutomi closed down Oegijuku and came up to the capital in order to begin his political life in a full scale in December, 1886, established Minyusya, a media and a publishing company, in February, 1887, and published 『Kokuminnotomo』, Abe participated in it with Tokutomi's recommendation. On the other hand, in Tokyo where ‘standing together movement’ was going in, Abe was engaged in the organization of strong men led by his childhood friend, Inoue Keijiro, and was ordered to leave Tokyo due to his violation of peace regulations. Then, Abe went back to Kumamoto, kept in touch with Tokutomi, and attempted the extension of Tokutomi party's influence in Kumamoto by organizing a young men's association, running 『Kumamotosinbun』, and relation with ‘a gentleman in the country.’ In the autumn of 1891, according to 『Kumamotosinbun』, Abe strived to expand power in the Kumamoto area, and the main figures in Oesya couldn't maintain the newspaper, so went up to the capital one by one and joined the camp of the National Newspaper company. Abe came to go through the second political suppression of the application of Yokairei(豫戒令) by Matsukata cabinet in December, 1892. This oppression by the law enforcement authorities must have become an important reason why Abe to distrust the police in Joseon later. With the Sino-Japanese War as a momentum, Tokutomi changed from democracy and pacifism to expansionism to overseas and imperialism, and during his world trip, he gradually approached domain clique power, and became an advocate for national sovereignty and imperialistic expansionist. Abe also agreed to Tokutomi's ideology and actions, came to change from a radical actionist democrat to a political journalist close to domain clique power.

      • KCI등재

        德富蘇峰의 동아시아 인식 - 청일전쟁부터 한국병합 시기를 중심으로-

        방광석 동북아역사재단 2010 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.27

        The study examines the views on East Asia held by Tokutomi Soho (1863-1957), an influential journalist and historian in modern Japan. This study focuses on his views of East Asian countries like China and Korea especially from the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) to the annexation of Korea (1910), when he shifted to nationalistic and imperialist logics. Tokutomi's views on East Asia were related to the Datsuaron (Advocacy of Escape from Asia) He argued that Japan equipped with Western civilization could be separated from its East Asian neighbors like China and Korea, which were still barbaric and lacked the ability to transform themselves into civilized countries. Then, China and Korea were seen not so much a part of alliance with Japan in resistance against the inroad of Western powers as an object of Japanese expansionism. As an influential journalist, Tokutomi played a leading role in promoting these imperialist views. Such Tokutomi's views remained unchanged even after his firsthand contacts with China and Korea. He travelled China for a long time in 1906 (right after the Russo-Japanese War) and again in 1917 (right after the World War I). Although, he subscribed to the policy of friendly relation with China, rescinding the idea of dividing China, he repeated his unchanging views on China that the Chinese lacked modern consciousness of nation, and that they were imbued with debilitating literary values and private personal interests, which hindered them from reforming their country and society. With regard to Korea, he maintained that Koreans were so corrupt and lazy that they were unable to achieve civilization on their own, thus justifying its annexation by Japan. In justifying Japan's aggression against Korea by its role of civilizing mission, lied his deep sense of disdain and discrimination against Korea, which remained uncivilized to his eyes. The views of Tokutomi were also shared by contemporary Japanese leaders and intellectuals. He tried to be an initiator in proposing a variety of imperialist foreign policy suited to changing circumstances. Therefore, he put forth the theory of harmony of Eastern and Western civilizations, when his Datsuaron lost practical significance due to the Russo-Japanese War and the theory of yellow peril. Later, when Japan pursued with expansionist policy after the World War I, he advanced pan-Asianism, departing from the idea of Peaceful expansionism. His views on East Asia were in line with the course of Japanese imperialism, maintaining consistency in rationalizing and theorizing the expansionism of Japanese empire. 본 연구에서는 언론인자 역사가로서 근대일본의 전반에 큰 영향력을 미친 도쿠토미 소호(徳富蘇峰)의 동아시아 인식을 살펴본 것이다. 특히 청일전쟁 이후 한국병합 시기에 걸쳐 도쿠토미가 국가주의, 제국주의의 입장으로 선회하면서 조선과 중국 등 동아시아에 대한 인식을 어떻게 구체화시켜 나갔는지를 추적하였다. 도쿠토미의 동아시아 인식은 ‘脫亞論’에 근거를 두고 있었다. 일본은 서양과 같은 문명을 구비하고 있어 ‘아시아적’이지 않으며, 중국과 조선 등 주변 아시아 국가는 기본적으로 야만적이어서 스스로 문명화할 수 없다고 보았다. 따라서 주변 나라가 일본과 마찬가지로 구미열강의 침략에 대항하는 동일한 입장을 갖고 있다는 측면은 무시되고 구미열강과 일본의 팽창의 대상으로만 파악했다. 도쿠토미는 언론활동을 통해 이러한 제국주의적 동아시아 인식을 주도했다. 도쿠토미의 동아시아 인식은 직접적인 견문을 통해서도 크게 바뀌지 않았다. 그는 러일전쟁 직후인 1906년과 제1차 세계대전 후인 1917년 두 차례에 걸쳐 장기간 중국을 여행했다. 그 사이 ‘지나분할론’에서 ‘지나친선’론으로 대외정책론은 변모를 보였으나 중국과 중국인에 대한 기본적 인식은 변하지 않았다. 중국인에게는 근대적인 국가의식이 없다든가 중국은 ‘文弱’하고 개인의 ‘이해관계’만 앞세워 스스로 개혁의 가능성이 없다고 파악했다. 조선에 관해서도 조선은 매우 부패하고 조선인은 게으르므로 스스로 문명화할 수 없으며 시대의 대세로 보아 일본에 의한 병합은 어쩔 수 없다며 식민통치를 정당화했다. 그 밑바탕에는 조선사회를 ‘야만’사회로 보는 멸시감과 차별의식이 뿌리 깊게 깔려 있었다. 따라서 일본에 의한 ‘문명화’를 강조하며 침략을 합리화해 나갔던 것이다. 이러한 인식은 당시 일본정부나 대부분의 일본지식인의 생각과 크게 다르지 않았다. 오히려 도쿠토미는 ‘제국주의’국가 일본의 전략을 미리 제시하고 그것을 선도하려고 하였다. 따라서 상황에 따라 구체적인 대외정책론을 변화시켜 나갔다. 러일전쟁과 ‘황화론’을 통해 ‘탈아론’이 논리적 현실성을 잃자 ‘동서문명조화론’을 내세웠으며, 제1차대전 후 일본이 중국에 대한 침략을 실행해나가자 ‘평화적 팽창주의’에서 ‘아시아주의’로 나아갔다. 그는 꾸준히 일본의 대외팽창을 합리화하고 이론화하며 일본제국주의와 운명을 같이했다고 볼 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        明治時代の言説空間における 「平民的」という語 ― 北村透谷と徳富蘇峰の発言を中心として ―

        김경화 한국일어일문학회 2019 日語日文學硏究 Vol.108 No.-

        In 1893, Tokoku Kitamura said that the word ‘HEIMINTEKI(non-aristocratic, democratic)’ was misused in the review ‘Reading “SEISHIYOROKU”’. “SEISHIYOROKU” is a book written by Soho Tokutomi. At that time, the word ‘HEIMINTEKI(non-aristocratic, democratic)’ was used extensively such as ‘HEIMINTEKI(non-aristocratic, democratic) art’,‘HEIMINTEKI(non-aristocratic, democratic) idea’, ‘HEIMINTEKI(non-aristocratic, democratic) literature’ and so on. The word ‘HEIMIN(commoner)’ appeared in Japanese society by the establishment of the quadrant equality in 1872. However, the word was not limited to its concept, and it was used with various variations in the Japanese society of Meiji In this paper, I focused on remarks of Tokoku Kitamura and Soho Tokutomi. As a result, the word ‘HEIMINTEKI’ in Tokoku Kitamura and Soho Tokutomi was not just a word of ‘non-aristocratic’, it was used as a ‘subject’ or ‘democratic’ related to the democracy of Western Europe. They idealized Western European democratic society from the modern era. And they realized that the ‘subject’ of the members of the society is not in the Japanese society of Meiji. For that reason they used the word ‘HEIMINTEKI’ frequently. .

      • KCI등재

        일반논문: 『소년』의 "영웅" 서사와 동아시아적 맥락

        윤영실 고려대학교 민족문화연구원 2010 民族文化硏究 Vol.53 No.-

        이 논문은 『소년』에 흔적을 남긴 여러 겹의 동아시아 텍스트들을 더듬어, '국가적 영웅'과 '산업적 영웅', '영적 영웅'이라는 근대의 세 가지 영웅상이 제국에서 식민지로 '번역'되는 양상을 살펴보았다. 근대 국민국가의 '국가적 영웅'을 기념함으로써 국민의 일체감을 다졌던 19세기 유럽의 건국서사들은 1900년대 각기 제국, 반식민지, 식민지로 이행하고 있던 일본, 중국, 조선에서 서로 다른 방식으로 변용된다. 도쿠토미 소호가 메이지 20년대의 무명영웅론을 폐기하고 '국가적 영웅'의 추구로 돌아선 것에 비해, 양계초의 무명영웅은 혁명의 열사를, 신채호와 최남선의 무명영웅은 국망 이후에도 존속할 '정신적 국민'을 지시하고 있었다. 한편 최남선이 정신적 국민의 양성을 위해 도입한 수신담론은 후쿠자와 유키치의 '독립'을 수신의 목표로, 도쿠토미 평민사회론의 '자조'와 '노력'을 수신의 방법으로 강조하는 가운데 점차 '산업적 영웅'론에 근접해갔다. 1900년대 말 도쿠토미와 우치무라 간조의 복합적 영향 아래 제기된 최남선의 지리론에서 '식민지 민족'은 세계 구원의 사명을 띠고 고난당하는 '영적 영웅'의 형상으로 발견된다. 이 일련의 번역을 통해 식민지는 제국의 담론을 탈구시키고 전유하면서, 제국의 모순(이데올로기의 균열)과 그 모순 너머(유토피아 충동)를 비추는 '깨진 거울'로 기능하고 있다. This article examines 'national', 'industrial' and 'spiritual' heroes in Sonyeon(『少年』), each of which was 'translated' from the west through Japan to Joseon(Korea). Admiring and commemorating 'national heroes' to enforce national solidarity in the 19th century Europe was replaced by the attempt to form 'unknown heroes' in the early 20th century East Asia. Although the idea of 'unknown heroes' was abolished by its first advocate, Tokutomi Soho(德富蘇峰) after he converted from democratism(平民主義) into imperial nationalism, it was appropriated by Liang Ch'ich'ao(梁啓超) to indicate patriotic martyrs and by Sin Cheho and Choi Namsun to interpellate 'the mental nation' without the nation-state. In order to form 'the mental nation', Choi introduced moral disciplines and, as a result, his heroism could encompass 'industrial heroes.' 'Independence' and 'endeavor' which Choi regarded as the object and the means of the moral discipline originated from Fukuzawa Yukichi(福澤諭吉)and Tokutomi Soho. However, the two Japanese intended to make 'civil subjects' with those virtues while Choi focused on them to make subjects protesting against the colonial regime. Finally, under the influence of Uchimura Kanzo(內村鑑三)', Choi discovered the colonial nation(民族) as a kind of 'spiritual hero', who suffered ordeals to accomplish god's mission of saving the world. Through a series of 'translation', the colony dislocated and appropriated imperial discourses and functioned as a broken mirror which reflected both contradiction of the empire(fissure of ideology) and its frustrated possibility(drive for Utopia).

      • KCI등재

        4개의 전쟁과 일본 내셔널리즘의 변용 - 도쿠토미 소호(德富蘇峰)를 소재로 -

        요네하라 겐 서울대학교 규장각한국학연구원 2008 한국문화 Vol.41 No.-

        In general Japanese nationalism is considered to have changed its nature from the ‘sound (or defensive)’ one to the ‘aggressive’ one. But this interpretation does not explain the reason of its transformation, nor the continuous aspects of the two nationalisms. In order to overcome these defects in the traditional interpretation, I will explain, in this paper, the nationalism in modern Japan by taking the example of Tokutomi Soho, in terms of the idea of ‘recognition’ which is used by Charles Taylor. Tokutomi Soho, famous journalist and ardent nationalist whose activity continued for about seventy years, had transformed his assertion as the political situation changed. This paper follows his articles at the time of four wars and its advocate of nationalism, by which I will show the transformation and continuity of Japanese nationalism. In general Japanese nationalism is considered to have changed its nature from the ‘sound (or defensive)’ one to the ‘aggressive’ one. But this interpretation does not explain the reason of its transformation, nor the continuous aspects of the two nationalisms. In order to overcome these defects in the traditional interpretation, I will explain, in this paper, the nationalism in modern Japan by taking the example of Tokutomi Soho, in terms of the idea of ‘recognition’ which is used by Charles Taylor. Tokutomi Soho, famous journalist and ardent nationalist whose activity continued for about seventy years, had transformed his assertion as the political situation changed. This paper follows his articles at the time of four wars and its advocate of nationalism, by which I will show the transformation and continuity of Japanese nationalism.

      • KCI등재

        쟁점논단 : 구마모토 시대의 아베 미츠이에(阿部充家)

        심원섭 ( Won Sup Shim ) 한일민족문제학회 2014 한일민족문제연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Abe Mitsuie(阿部充가) was born in 1862 in Yamazaki town, a castle town of the middle class of samurai in Kumamoto prefecture. He grew up under his widow mother` care, his former name was Kamiyama(神山). When he was young, he went to the private school founded by Ikebe Kichijuro(池邊吉十郞), whose ancestors had traditionally served Higo domain(肥後藩), and who had a good reputation among people. He studied the science of rule a country(經世學) mainly the Japanese reading of a Chinese character, traditional education in Higo domain(肥後藩), and physical training such as martial arts or hunting. He had terrible experiences with two civil wars such as Sinpuren Rebellion <新風連の亂>, caused by the discontent among a family of the samurai broke out in 1876 at the age of 15, and Seinan War <西南戰爭>, set fire to all the his hometown and burned them down, broke out in 1877 in the following year. This was the last civil war in the Meiji era. Ikebe Kichijuro(池邊吉十郞), looked up to as his mentor, led about 1300 people from the group of the New Conservative Party in Kumamoto prefecture into <西南戰爭> as reinforcements at the Saigo Takamori(西향隆盛)`s side. However, they were defeated in war and Ikebe Kichijuro(池邊吉十郞) ended up being executed in Nagasaki prefecture. Abe Mitsuie(阿部充가) stepped into a new world of study after he had witnessed the collapse of a feudal system through terrible civil wars and the death of his master. He came up to Tokyo to study English at <同人社>, where he encountered Tokutomi Soho(德富蘇峰), a lifelong friend as well as his superior. At that time Tokutomi Soho(德富蘇峰) worked in <相愛社>, the association of the civil rights in Kumamoto prefecture. He came back home and took part in a civil right movement of <九州改進黨>, meanwhile he kept on working as a teacher at Eishin public primary school(公立盈進小學校). Nevertheless he resigned his stable position as public teacher and became a private school teacher of Oegizyuk <大江義塾>, a private school with the idea of civil rights, established by Tokutomi Soho in his house in Oe, Kumamoto prefecture(大江、熊本현). He took responsibility for important duties as student manager, dormitory superintendent and head of an administration office in Oegizyuk <大江義塾>. While he pushed forward with handling whole management of business affairs of Oegizyuk <大江義塾>, he mainly taught discipline education related to training both body and spirit through Kendo, hunting or march as he had learned from his master. On the other hand, Tokutomi Soho(德富蘇峰), a principal of Oegizyuk <大江義塾>, had an interview actively with influential figures of the political and mass media, and so he dreamed of the success on the center stage, while he often came and went to Tokyo. In the meantime, he had been encouraged by the success of publishing his private book which he stressed on the principle of commoner(平民主義), and then he came up to Tokyo again, he founded Minyusya <民友社> as his own publishing company to publish the periodical magazine <國民の友>. This was the forerunner of Kokuminsinbun <國民新聞> which later became a typical pragmatic in Japan. Abe Mitsuie(阿部充가) came up to Tokyo too, requested by Tokutomi Soho(德富蘇峰), began to lead his new life as the staff of Minyusya <民友社>. This was the key to decide the deeply connection all his life with Korea, which totally changed his position from a dormitory superintendent in the primary school with the idea of civil rights in Kumamoto prefecture to representative speaker of Tokyo.

      • KCI등재

        구마모토 시대의 아베 미츠이에(阿部充家)

        심원섭(Shim, Won-Sup)(沈元燮) 한일민족문제학회 2014 한일민족문제연구 Vol.26 No.-

        Abe Mitsuie(阿部充家) was born in 1862 in Yamazaki town, a castle town of the middle class of samurai in Kumamoto prefecture. He grew up under his widow mother’ care, his former name was Kamiyama(神山). When he was young, he went to the private school founded by Ikebe Kichijuro(池邊吉十郎), whose ancestors had traditionally served Higo domain(肥後藩), and who had a good reputation among people. He studied the science of rule a country(経世学) mainly the Japanese reading of a Chinese character, traditional education in Higo domain(肥後藩), and physical training such as martial arts or hunting. He had terrible experiences with two civil wars such as Sinpuren Rebellion <新風連の乱>, caused by the discontent among a family of the samurai broke out in 1876 at the age of 15, and Seinan War <西南戦争>, set fire to all the his hometown and burned them down, broke out in 1877 in the following year. This was the last civil war in the Meiji era. Ikebe Kichijuro(池邊吉十郎), looked up to as his mentor, led about 1300 people from the group of the New Conservative Party in Kumamoto prefecture into <西南戦争> as reinforcements at the Saigo Takamori(西郷隆盛)’s side. However, they were defeated in war and Ikebe Kichijuro(池邊吉十郎) ended up being executed in Nagasaki prefecture. Abe Mitsuie(阿部充家) stepped into a new world of study after he had witnessed the collapse of a feudal system through terrible civil wars and the death of his master. He came up to Tokyo to study English at <同人 社>, where he encountered Tokutomi Soho(徳富蘇峰), a lifelong friend as well as his superior. At that time Tokutomi Soho(徳富蘇峰) worked in <相愛社>, the association of the civil rights in Kumamoto prefecture. He came back home and took part in a civil right movement of <九州改進党>, meanwhile he kept on working as a teacher at Eishin public primary school(公立盈進小学校). Nevertheless he resigned his stable position as public teacher and became a private school teacher of Oegizyuk <大江義塾>, a private school with the idea of civil rights, established by Tokutomi Soho in his house in Oe, Kumamoto prefecture(大江、熊本県). He took responsibility for important duties as student manager, dormitory superintendent and head of an administration office in Oegizyuk <大江義塾>. While he pushed forward with handling whole management of business affairs of Oegizyuk <大江義塾>, he mainly taught discipline education related to training both body and spirit through Kendo, hunting or march as he had learned from his master. On the other hand, Tokutomi Soho(徳富蘇峰), a principal of Oegizyuk <大江義塾>, had an interview actively with influential figures of the political and mass media, and so he dreamed of the success on the center stage, while he often came and went to Tokyo. In the meantime, he had been encouraged by the success of publishing his private book which he stressed on the principle of commoner(平民主義), and then he came up to Tokyo again, he founded Minyusya <民友社> as his own publishing company to publish the periodical magazine <國民の友>. This was the forerunner of Kokuminsinbun <國民新聞> which later became a typical pragmatic in Japan. Abe Mitsuie(阿部充家) came up to Tokyo too, requested by Tokutomi Soho(徳富蘇峰), began to lead his new life as the staff of Minyusya <民友社>. This was the key to decide the deeply connection all his life with Korea, which totally changed his position from a dormitory superintendent in the primary school with the idea of civil rights in Kumamoto prefecture to representative speaker of Tokyo. 阿部充家は、1862年、熊本城下町の中間武士階級の町である山崎町で生まれ、独り身みの母親のひざもとで育った。旧姓は神山。幼ㆍ少年期には、代々に肥後幡に仕えてき、県民の間で名望のあった池邊吉十郞の私塾で学んだ。阿部はここで藩の伝統的な教育である、訓読中心の経世学を学び、武術や狩りなど、体育鍛練をも受けた。 彼は、15才になる1876年、不満士族が起こした<神風連の乱>を、16才の時の1877年には彼の街を灰の山にした明治期日本最後の内戦<西南戦争>を経験した。彼の師、池邊吉十郞も熊本の保守党組織約1300名を引率し、西郷隆盛軍に加勢したが、敗北の挙げ句、長崎で処刑された。 封建体制の崩壊を、戰禍と師の死を通して目撃した阿部は、新学問の世界に足を踏み入れる。上京し、東京の<同人社>で英語を学ぶようになるが、この時に一生の親友であり、上司としての縁を結ぶようになる德富蘇峰に遭遇する。当時、德富蘇峰は熊本の民権系結社である<相愛社>で活動していた。阿部は帰郷し<九州改進党>の民権運動に関わりながら、公立盈進小学校で教諭生活を続けていたが、蘇峰が熊本の大江所在の自宅に民権係私塾である<大江義塾>を設立するや、同塾に合流し教師生活を始める。安定した職場を捨てて選択した故郷の私設学校、大江義塾で彼が担っていた業務は学生部長、舎監、行政室長のような役割であった。彼は大江義塾の全体の経営実務に邁進する一方、師から学んだ通りに、剣術や狩り、行軍など、塾生たちの体育と精神鍛練と関わった訓育教育を主に担当していた。 一方、大江義塾校長の徳富は東京を往来しながら、政界やマスコミ界の大物と猪突的に面談し、言論人として中央舞台で活躍することを夢見ていた。やがて<平民主義を>を力説した自家版著書の成功に勇気つけられた彼は上京し、自分の出版社である<民友社>を設立し、雑誌<國民之友>を刊行するようになる。これが後に日本の代表的な御用言論として成長する<國民新聞>の前身であった。阿部は蘇峰の要請により上京し、<民友社>社員としての生活を始める。熊本の民権私塾の舎監から東京の言論人としての転身、これが後日、彼と朝鮮との一生の縁を決定するきっかけとなった。

      • KCI등재

        도쿠토미 소호(徳富蘇峰) 저(著) 『근세 일본 국민사 조선역(近世日本国民史朝鮮役)』속 이순신(李舜臣)

        김준배(Kim, Joon-Bae) 대한일어일문학회 2020 일어일문학 Vol.85 No.-

        In this article, I would like to examine how Yi Sun-sin was depicted in the "Modern Japanese National History" written by Iichiro Tokutomi in the 1920s. Tokutomi was a journalist and publisher who worked in Japan in the early 20th century and had a profound influence on Japanese militarism. The "Modern Japanese National History" that he wrote as well as his influence also attracted considerable popularity in Japan. In the early 1920s, when he wrote his work, Tokutomi maintained the idea of “West defeat” targeted the Western countries, especially the America. He emphasized that the people should try not to rest in peace but to take national efforts. To Tokutomi of that time, Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 was an important event that became the motive of the Meiji Restoration. The "Modern Japanese National History", which dealt with this incident, was the result of his dedication. In it, Yi Sun-sin, although an admiral of the enemy, was exceptionally highly evaluated. In this article, the reason for the overvaluation about Yi Sun-sin was that Tokutomi considered the Joseon as one of Japan"s roots at the time, therefore, there was a favorable point of view about the people in the history of Joseon.

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