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      • KCI등재

        어느 전공투세대의 민주주의론―가토 노리히로의 전후론을 중심으로―

        이경희 단국대학교 일본연구소 2018 일본학연구 Vol.54 No.-

        This paper aims to disclose the whole path of Katō Norihiro’s postwar theory. As one of the first generation ‘postwar’ literary critics, he has deeply examined ‘postwar’ issues such as Constitution, US-Japan relationship, democracy and nationalism. In his latest postwar theory, Introduction to Postwar(2015), Katō reconsidered Nanbara Shigeru’s advocacy of an overall peace and the peaceful amendment of Constitution. Consequently, he proposed the idea of self-reliance from America, which synthesizes the overcoming of nationalism and the reorganization of mystical democracy in a single continuum. As Katō tries to form a ‘national consensus’ on the scheme ‘worldness of the entrance of postwar= idea of democracy and peace’ in Introduction to Postwar, his ultimate aim of Japan’s self-reliance from America seems to be a natural consequence of the previous works America’s shadow(1985) and Theory after the Defeat(1997). 이 논문은 전후 첫 세대 문예비평가 가토 노리히로가 ‘전후’의 문제들과 마주하며 구상해 온 ‘민주주의’의 사상적 궤적을 검토한 것이다. 가토는 1960년대 말, 전후민주주의에 대한 비판적 기운 속에서 ‘민주와 평화’ 이념의 신화화를 부정(전공투운동)하며 사상 형성을 시작했다. 그리고 냉전 종결 전야에 그는 『미국의 그림자』(1985)로 논단에 데뷔했다. 여기서는 ‘반미’와 무관해 보이는 ‘전후’ 일본의 예사롭지 않은 내셔널리즘의 분출을 예감하고 내셔널리즘의 극복을 또 하나의 과제로 설정하면서 ‘젊은 민주주의자’ 에토 준과 ‘노년의 민권론자’ 나카에 조민을 횡단했다. 나아가 포스트 냉전기의 전후론을 대표하는 『패전후론』(1997)에서 그는 ‘민주와 평화’의 신화를 해체할 사상적 방법론의 확립을 시도하면서 이를 적용한 헌법 재선택론, 애도를 통한 사죄론을 제시했다. 또 근년의 『전후입문』(2015)에서는 난바라 시게루의 전면강화론과 헌법의 평화적 수정론을 제고하면서, 내셔널리즘의 극복(『미국의 그림자』)과 신화적 민주주의 재편(『패전후론』)을 하나의 연속체로 꿴 대미자립안을 개진했다. 가토는 현재 일본의 정치 상황에 대한 민주주의 실천의 ‘직접적인 커미트먼트(활동)’라는 점에서, 『전후입문」이 자신의 전후론으로서 지니는 이례성을 언급했다. ‘직접적인 커미트먼트’란, ‘전후’의 기점이 지녔던 세계성을 회복할 ‘국내적 컨센서스’를 형성하는 것이다. 거기서 그가 표방하는 민주주의는 이념 그 자체보다도 일본의 대미자립을 지탱하는 저항의 논리로 작동하고 있다는 점에서 『전후입문』 이전의 논의들과 연속해 있다.

      • KCI등재

        전후 담론에 나타난 ‘고도성장’의 표상 - 가토 노리히로의 「아메리카의 그늘」을 중심으로 -

        오미정 일본어문학회 2019 일본어문학 Vol.84 No.-

        本論文は批評家の加藤典洋が展開した戦後談論で、戦後日本をどのように認識しているかを考察した。彼の批評「アメリカの影-高度成長下の日 本」は、1980年代バブル経済の好況期という日本の政治的、国際的環境の中で登場した。江藤淳の批評に対する分析から、加藤が自分自身の批評を始めると点で興味深い。 加藤の戦後ナショナル・アイデンティティーの新しい構築に向けた視線は、1960年代以降日本の「高度成長期」をどう認識するかから出発する。加藤は、日本社会が高度成長を通じて経済的自立を成し遂げたにもかかわらず、依然として政治的には米国の影響下にあると認識している。この認識は江藤の戦後観と非常に似ているが、同一ではない。両方とも、日本の新しいナショナル・アイデンティティーを再構築しようとする欲望が批評の原動力であること、西欧体験を通じて西欧を相対化している点、戦後日本と「米国」という他者を不可分の関係として設定する点では同じである。しかしながら、加藤の場合は、日米関係に「アジア」という、もう一つの軸を設定し、日米一辺倒の関係に亀裂をもたらすという点で異なるといえる。にも関わらず、一国ナショナリズムに収斂する点で限界も明らかで、1980年代の新しいナショナル・アイデンティティーの構築の様相を加藤の批評から読み取ることができる。 This article analyzed how Japan was recognized and rebuilt in the 1980s discourse by Norihiro Kato, who appeared 40 years after World War II. Kato Norihiro’s literary criticism, The Shadow of America: Japan under High Growth(1985) was published in the 1980s, the economic boom. Interestingly, Kato begins his own criticism from Jun Eto (1932-1997) of his analysis of high-growth period literature. This article analyzed Kato’s discourse on criticism of Eto and considered his perception of postwar Japan. Kato’s view on building a new national identity after the war began with the recognition of Japan’s high-growth period since the 1960s. He recognizes that despite the fact that the Japanese society has achieved economic independence through high growth, he is still politically influenced by the United States. This perception is very similar to Eto’s postwar view, but not the same. Both are identical in terms of the desire to build a new national identity in postwar Japan and this is the driving force of criticism, the relativization of Western Europe through Western experiences, and the relationship between Japan and the United States after World War II. However, in the case of Kato, it can be said that Japan- U.S. relations are different in that it creates a split between Japan and the United States by setting up another axis called “Asia.” In this respect, it may be said that Kato’s criticism is how the new national identity was built in the 1980s.

      • KCI등재

        자유인에서 시민으로: 프랜시스 하퍼의 『아이올라 르로이』와 남북전쟁 이후의 흑인시민권

        박미선 ( Mi Sun Park ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2012 현대영미소설 Vol.19 No.3

        Reading Iola Leroy, or Shadows Uplifted(1892) as a foundational text for African American women`s literature, this article discusses how Frances Harper(1825-1911) represents the Civil War and the Reconstruction era from the perspective of black women while challenging the dominant discourses of mulatto/a subjects. In doing so, this article explores how the author negotiates the issue of black citizenship in the latter half of the 19th-century America since Emancipation in Iola Leroy. The mulatta/o characters of the novel, Iola and Harry, were raised as "white" and then legally redefined as black; however, they are not represented as "tragic mulatta/o" trapped in the American politics of race. As they claim their belonging to black community and participate in the Union army during the Civil War, they emerge as leading subjects of "racial uplift." The narrative of Iola shows both the possibilities and dilemma of black female citizenship, especially in the 19th-century context of Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to U.S. Constitution. Analyzing the conflicts Iola confronts in her process of establishing black female selfhood, this article also traces how Harper negotiates the possibilities of African Americans from freed people to American citizen since the Civil War.

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