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      • KCI등재

        한중인문학 30년 회고와 전망

        송현호 한중인문학회 2021 한중인문학연구 Vol.70 No.-

        The concept, category and timing of Korea-China relations were reviewed, and based on this, the 30 years of Korean-Chinese humanities were reviewed and the prospects were presented. The period of 30 years of Korean-Chinese humanities was set in January 1990 and the period from December 2009 when he resigned as the president of the Korea-China Humanities Association was described as the center of academic activities, and from 2009 until recently, he described the project related to the promotion of Korean studies. Realizing the importance of oral history, I investigated and organized records of exchanges with researchers of Korean studies in the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China. Korea had maintained close relations with the Republic of China until it established diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China, and Korean-Chinese humanities meant the humanities of Korea and the Republic of China. With the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and the People's Republic of China, the Korean-Chinese humanities have come to encompass the humanities of Korea and the People's Republic of China, Korea and the Republic of China. In the Republic of China, the Korean Studies Research Institute was established in 1956 in the East Defense Literature Society, and in 1963, the Oriental Literature Research Institute, the Modern History Research Institute of the National Institute of Korean Studies, the Dong-A Research Center of the National Political Science University, the Institute for International Relations, and the Korea Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Chemical Technology were established or opened in earnest. In March 1980, the Chinese Association for Korean Studies was founded and the inaugural issue of the journal ‘Korean Studies’ was published in 1981. Since then, it has grown into an academic organization that studies Korean studies in the Republic of China and has engaged in practical exchanges between Korea and China. Exchanges between Korea and the People's Republic of China were not active except for visits to the continent by the Korean government's college student training group or exchanges with companies operating on the continent. The Korea-China Humanities Exchange began in earnest with the hosting of the Korean Traditional Culture International Academic Conference in October 1995 and the Korea-China Humanities Association International Academic Conference in December 1996. The Department of Korean Studies in the People's Republic of China, which has been equipped with education and research infrastructure through academic conferences, has recorded the highest selection rate in the Korean Studies Promotion Project. With the discussion of the unification method by the Chinese system in 1982, China was recognized as a concept encompassing the Chinese People's Republic system of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese People's Party's system of the Republic of China. However, the recent exposure of differences over the one-state system has led to confusion in setting up the concept for China, as the situation of claiming the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China as separate countries has developed. It is cautious whether the term ‘Greater China’ should be used instead of ‘China’, as it does not only refer to the humanities of Korea and the People's Republic of China, but also covers the humanities of Korea and the Republic of China. 한중관계의 개념과 범주 그리고 시점 문제를 검토하고, 이를 바탕으로 한중인문학 30년을회고하고 전망을 제시하였다. 한중인문학 30년의 기점을 1990년 1월로 설정하고 한중인문학회 회장을 사임한 2009년 12월까지는 학회 활동을 중심으로 서술하고, 2009년부터 최근까지는 한국학진흥사업과 관련하여 서술하였다. 구술사의 중요성을 실감하고 中華民國과 中華人 民共和國 한국학 연구자들과의 교류에 대한 기록을 조사하고 정리하였다. 한국은 中華人民共和國과 수교하기 전까지는 中華民國과 긴밀한 관계를 유지하고 있었고, 한중인문학은 곧 한국과 中華民國의 인문학을 의미했다. 한국과 中華人民共和國이 수교하면서 한중인문학은 한국과 中華人民共和國, 한국과 中華民國의 인문학을 포괄하게 되었다. 中華民國에서 한국학연구는 1956년 東方語文學系에 韓國語文組가 설립되고, 1963년 中國文 化大學에 東方語文學系 韓文組, 國立中央硏究院 근대사연구소, 中華民國史料硏究中心, 國 立政治大學 東亞硏究所와 國際關係硏究所, 中華學術院 韓國硏究所가 설립되거나 개설되면서 본격화되었다. 1980년 3월 中華民國韓國硏究學會(Chinese Association for Korean Studies)를 창설하고, 1981년 학회지 韓國學報 창간호를 발간하였다. 이후 中華民國에서한국학을 연구하는 학술단체로 성장하고 실질적인 한중인문 교류가 이루어졌다. 한국과 中華人民共和國과의 교류는 한국 정부에서 진행하고 있던 대학생 연수단 대륙방문이나 대륙에 진출한 기업과의 교류를 제외하면 활발한 편이 아니었다. 1995년 10월 韓國傳統文化國際學術 硏討會와 1996년 12월 한중인문학회 국제학술대회를 개최한 것을 필두로 한중인문 교류가본격화되었다. 학술대회를 통해 교육과 연구 인프라를 갖추게 된 中華人民共和國의 한국학과는 한국학진흥사업에서 가장 높은 선정률을 기록하게 되었다. 1982년 一國兩制에 의한 통일방식이 논의되면서 中國은 中國共産黨의 中華人民共和國 체제와 中國國民黨의 中華民國체제를 아우르는 개념으로 인식되었다. 그러나 최근 一國兩制에 대한 이견이 노출되면서 中華人民共和國과 中華民國을 별개의 국가로 주장하는 상황이전개되고 있어서 中國에 대한 개념 설정에 혼란이 발생하고 있다. 한중인문학은 한국과 中華人民共和國의 인문학만을 지칭하지 않고 한국과 中華民國의 인문학까지 포괄하기에 中國이아닌 中華圈이라는 용어를 사용해야 할 것인지 조심스럽다.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 대한적십자사의 베트남 난민 구호활동

        정혜인 한국민족운동사학회 2022 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.- No.111

        The Republic of Korea National Red Cross was founded on October 7, 1905 following King Gojong's edict and incorporated into the Japanese Red Cross during the Japanese rule. It restored its Korean identity under the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea on August 29, 1919 and remained in existence since then. After Korea took back its independence, it underwent many different processes and was finally reborn with the establishment of Republic of Korea government in 1948. It managed to strengthen its organization and display its abilities during the Korean War. Following its efforts to overcome the situations of the times after the outbreak of the war in 1950, it focused on expanding its base of domestic activities and paved its way for organizational expansion in the 1960s. Entering the 1970s, it reorganized its structure and arranged its organization in each area around the nation to unfold its systematic humanitarian activities. The Republic of Vietnam collapsed on April 30, 1975, producing a flood of refugees. The governments of the Republic of Korea decided to accept Vietnamese refugees, and the Republic of Korea National Red Cross carried out the work actively. In the 1970s, South Korea accepted and relieved Vietnamese refugees in two rounds. The first round received refugees rescued through a marine evacuation operation called Operation Cross in 1975. This first batch of Vietnamese refugees entered the Busan Port on May 13, 1975 as the first Vietnamese refugees of South Korea. A total of 1,364 came off the ship and went through the entry formalities before being accepted at the temporary refugee relief headquarters in the building of former Busan Girls' High School. The Busan municipal government and the Republic of Korea National Red Cross continued their efforts to accept and protect them until the end of 1975. It took only a month to accept and protect approximately 1,500 refugees at a time and figure out their situations after the asylum largely thanks to the expanded organizational capabilities of Republic of Korea National Red Cross and the continuous volunteer activities of volunteers. The second relief round for Vietnamese refugees in South Korea began as the second batch of Vietnamese refugees that entered the port in June, 1977 were admitted to the shelter for Vietnamese refugees in Jaesong-dong, Busan in September. Over a period of 17 years until May 17, 1993, 1,382 Vietnamese refugees were rescued, accepted by Busan over 140 times or so, and left for the host country of their choice. In the first round of Vietnamese refugee relief, the South Korean government was at the center of planning, capital, and operation with the Republic of Korea National Red Cross performing these jobs sincerely. The second round was prominently characterized by the agreement between United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR) and the Republic of Korea National Red Cross, which carried out its relief activities in a position of temporarily protecting the refugees until they left for a third nation to settle in. This paper aimed to investigate the roles of Republic of Korea National Red Cross in the acceptance and relief activities of Vietnamese refugees in the 1970s, using its business documents provided by its office as major historical materials and shedding light on its roles and activities in 1975 and 1977. 한국의 베트남 난민 수용과 구호는 1차와 2차로 나누어서 이루어졌다. 1차는 1975년 십자성 작전으로 불리는 해상철수 작전을 통해 구조된 경우로 1975년 5월 13일 부산항에 들어온 우리나라 첫 베트남 난민이었다. 이들은 총 1,364명으로 부산항에 내려 입국절차를 밟은 뒤 舊부산여고 건물에 마련된 난민임시구호본부에 수용되었다. 부산시와 대한적십자사는 이들에 대한 수용과 보호를 1975년 말까지 지속하였다. 한 달이라는 짧은 기간 동안 1천 5백 여 명 이상의 인원을 한꺼번에 수용하여 보호하고 그 이후 과정까지 살펴볼 수 있었던 데는 대한적십자사의 확장된 조직력과 봉사단의 지속적인 봉사활동에 의지한 부분이 컸다. 1977년 6월 입항한 베트남 난민이 9월 부산 재송동에 마련된 베트남 난민 보호소에 수용되면서 한국에서의 제2차 베트남 난민 구호가 시작되었다. 1993년 5월 17일까지 17년간 구조된 1,382명의 베트남 난민이 140여 차례에 걸쳐 부산에 수용되었다가 정착국으로 떠났다. 1차 베트남 난민 구호 계획의 중심과 자본, 운용의 중심이 대한민국 정부였다면 제2차 베트남 난민 구호는 UNHCR(유엔난민기구)와 대한적십자사의 협약적 성격이 두드러진다. 대한적십자사는 이들을 제3국 정착까지 임시보호 하는 입장에 따라 구호를 실시하였다. 이 논문은 1970년대 대한적십자사가 베트남 난민 수용과 구호활동에서 어떠한 역할을 담당하였는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 대한적십자사가 제공한 내무문건을 통해 1975년, 1977년 대한적십자사의 역할과 활동을 규명할 수 있었다.

      • KCI등재후보

        从《韩晟昊传》看韩华离散者的身份认同 —— 以1948年后为中心 ——

        양난 한국중국언어문화연구회 2010 한중언어문화연구 Vol.- No.23

        The history of a real sense of “overseas Chinese in Republic of Korea”originated from the Korean War. In 1948, the Korea Peninsular was split into two countries--Republic of Korea and Democracy Peoples Republic of Korea. Since then, many Chinese people have remained staying in Republic of Korea and attained a nationality of “Republic of China”. Those Chinese immigrants who resided in Republic of Korea and were ruled by the Taiwan government were considered the first generation of “overseas Chinese in Republic of Korea”. They were forced to leave their destinations were lack of clear identity, they had long been in a suspending state. They are the “Diaspora” in Republic of Korea society. The overseas Chinese in Republic of Korea are always on the horns of a dilemma. The native Republic of Korean people will always think them as foreigners, but if they change their nationality into Republic of Korea, they will be discarded by the oversea Chinese society. If they come to Taiwan, they are thought as Republic of Korea people, and if they settle back down in the Chinese mainland, they are thoughs as Taiwan people living in Republic of Korea. They want to know who they are and where they belong to. In order to “accommodate”themselves to the environment, they have to give their affections to Chinese mainland, to Taiwan, of course, more to Republic of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        대한민국정부 수립 후 안재홍의 민족통일론

        김인식 한국근현대사학회 2012 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.60 No.-

        In this paper, we explore An Jae-hong’s theory of national unification as a first step to investigate the national movement of the Centrist faction who were in favor of building a ‘unified democratic nation-state’ following the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea. An Jae-hong recognized that the essential responsibility for the North-South division of the Korean people lied in the two powers of the United States and the Soviet Union, especially in the communist Soviet Union. Therefore, the cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union was an absolute prerequisite for the Korean unification, and contended that significant concessions by the Soviet Union were necessary in the cooperation. At the same time, he emphasized that the Republic of Korea, having been legitimately established on the basis of the United Nation’s resolution, set forth on the task of completing the national unification. He advanced a ‘principle of peace through strength’ and a ‘principle of democracy’s bastion’ as a way to unify the Korean people. The ‘principle of peace through strength’ was a plan where the U.S. block acquired an absolute advantage over the Soviet block in all aspects including military power, South Korea held a corresponding dominance over North Korea, and as a result the Soviet Union could be led toward a peaceful solution. ‘Strength’ in this principle meant not only for military power but also for a sense of solidarity, accompanied by political and economic strengths, among the international democratic nations. In addition, An Jae-hong suggested that international nations including the Unites States should aid and support the Republic of Korea in order for her to develop into a true ‘bastion of democracy’. The democratization of the Republic of Korea was a starting point of the ‘principle of peace through strength’ and the ‘principle of democracy’s bastion. The union of these two principles was a ‘true democracy’. An Jae-hong acknowledged that the Korean unification depended on the international relations of the United States and the Soviet Union, but he never ignored the need for Korean’s own independent efforts toward unification. He suggested that Koreans should realize their own conditions for unification internally and respond timely to changing international conditions. This at once extended to his contention that the Republic of Korea would play a leading role in Korean unification by developing into an undisputed ‘true democratic nation’ and securing her ‘political superiority’ over North Korea. The democratization of the Republic of Korea, or the establishment of a democratic government, was a premise as well as a principal means for Korean unification in his theory of national unification. In this paper, we explore An Jae-hong’s theory of national unification as a first step to investigate the national movement of the Centrist faction who were in favor of building a ‘unified democratic nation-state’ following the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea. An Jae-hong recognized that the essential responsibility for the North-South division of the Korean people lied in the two powers of the United States and the Soviet Union, especially in the communist Soviet Union. Therefore, the cooperation between the United States and the Soviet Union was an absolute prerequisite for the Korean unification, and contended that significant concessions by the Soviet Union were necessary in the cooperation. At the same time, he emphasized that the Republic of Korea, having been legitimately established on the basis of the United Nation’s resolution, set forth on the task of completing the national unification. He advanced a ‘principle of peace through strength’ and a ‘principle of democracy’s bastion’ as a way to unify the Korean people. The ‘principle of peace through strength’ was a plan where the U.S. block acquired an absolute advantage over the Soviet block in all aspects including military power, South Korea held a corresponding dominance over North Korea, and as a result the Soviet Union could be led toward a peaceful solution. ‘Strength’ in this principle meant not only for military power but also for a sense of solidarity, accompanied by political and economic strengths, among the international democratic nations. In addition, An Jae-hong suggested that international nations including the Unites States should aid and support the Republic of Korea in order for her to develop into a true ‘bastion of democracy’. The democratization of the Republic of Korea was a starting point of the ‘principle of peace through strength’ and the ‘principle of democracy’s bastion. The union of these two principles was a ‘true democracy’. An Jae-hong acknowledged that the Korean unification depended on the international relations of the United States and the Soviet Union, but he never ignored the need for Korean’s own independent efforts toward unification. He suggested that Koreans should realize their own conditions for unification internally and respond timely to changing international conditions. This at once extended to his contention that the Republic of Korea would play a leading role in Korean unification by developing into an undisputed ‘true democratic nation’ and securing her ‘political superiority’ over North Korea. The democratization of the Republic of Korea, or the establishment of a democratic government, was a premise as well as a principal means for Korean unification in his theory of national unification.

      • KCI등재

        법적 관점에서 본 대한민국의 정체성

        김창록 법과사회이론학회 2018 법과 사회 Vol.0 No.59

        In this article, I try to examine ‘the identity of the Republic of Korea’ from ‘a legal point of view’. I look at the criteria of the judgment, examine the self-recognition of the Government of the Republic of Korea and the recognition from outside, and then consider what to do at this stage, including a check on ‘the insistence of 1948 foundation’. It is difficult to find clear legal standards regarding the subject of this article on the legal identity or continuity of a nation. At the very first time, a similar case to the identity of the Republic of Korea is difficult to find. In this regard, the legal approach to the legal identity of the Republic of Korea can be said to be the process of creating a new law that suits the case of the Republic of Korea. In situation of ‘absence of legal standards’ like the above, the legal self-recognition of the Government of the Republic of Korea is being watched with keen interest. It can be said that ‘the Government of the Republic of Korea is a government of the same country which has continued as the Government of the Korean Empire - the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea – the Government of the Republic of Korea.’ However, there have been objections from the international community such as Japan and the United States on the legal self-recognition of the Government of the Republic of Korea. As such, on the one hand there is the legal self-recognition of the Government of the Republic of Korea and on the other hand there are objections from outside. The former is ‘the recognition from inside’, whereas the latter is ‘the recognition from outside’. What should we do in this situation? There may be a way to break the continuity among the Government of the Korean Empire - the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea – the Government of the Republic of Korea, leaning on the ‘the recognition from outside’. The insistence of 1948 foundation seems to be actually aiming this way. However, there is an established self-recognition of the Government of the Republic of Korea regarding the successive ‘legal identity of the Republic of Korea’. There is no reason to go to the road of disconnection, reduction, and exclusion against her self-recognition, and the road is not desirable in the first place. The Government of the Republic of Korea must continue to establish and deepen her self-recognition. To do this, it is necessary to promote the self-recognition of the Government of the Republic of Korea, and actively respond to the objections from Japan and the United States. 이 글에서는 ‘법적 관점’에서 ‘대한민국의 정체성’에 관한 하나의 정리를 시도해본다. 먼저 판단의 기준에 대해 살펴보고, 대한민국 정부의 자기인식과 밖으로부터의 규정에 대해 검토해본 후, ‘1948년 건국론’에 대한 점검을 포함하여 지금의 단계에서 어디로 나아가야 할 것인지에 대해 생각해보기로 한다. ‘대한민국의 법적 정체성’이라는 국가의 동일성 내지는 계속성에 관한 이 글의 주제와 관련해서는 명확한 법적 기준을 발견하기 어렵다. 애당초 ‘대한민국의 정체성’과 관련하여 문제가 되는 연속과 단절의 계기들은 달리 유례를 발견하기 어려운 것들이기도 하다. 그 점에서 ‘대한민국의 정체성’에 대한 법적 접근은 ‘대한민국’의 사례에 걸맞는 새로운 법을 만들어가는 과정이라고도 할 수 있다. 위와 같은 ‘법적 기준 부재’의 상황에서 우선 주목되는 것은 당사자인 대한민국 정부의 법적 자기인식이다. 그것은 ‘대한민국 정부는 대한제국 정부 - 대한민국 임시정부 - 대한민국 정부로 연속되어 온 동일한 국가의 하나의 정부이다’라는 것이라고 할 수 있다. 한편 위와 같은 대한민국 정부의 법적 자기인식에 대해서는 일본과 미국 등 국제사회로부터 이의가 제기되어 왔다. 이와 같이 한편으로 대한민국 정부의 법적 자기인식이 있고 다른 한편으로 그에 대한 밖으로부터의 이의가 존재한다. 전자가 ‘안으로부터의 규정’인데 대해 후자는 ‘밖으로부터의 규정’이다. 그 양자 사이에서 과연 어디로 나아가야 할 것인가? ‘밖으로부터의 규정’에 기대어 대한민국 정부와 대한제국 정부 및 대한민국 임시정부 사이의 연속성을 부정하는 단절의 길이 있을 수 있다. ‘1948년 건국론’은 실제로 그 길을 지향하고 있는 것으로 보인다. 하지만, 대한제국 정부 - 대한민국 임시정부 - 대한민국 정부로 이어지는 ‘대한민국의 법적 정체성’에 관해서는 대한민국 정부의 확립된 자기인식이 존재한다. 그 자기인식을 거슬러 단절과 축소와 배제의 길로 나아가야 할 이유는 없으며, 애당초 그 길은 바람직하지도 않다. 대한민국 정부의 확립된 자기인식을 이어가고 확산ㆍ심화시켜가야 할 것이다. 그러기 위해 대한민국 정부의 자기인식을 보다 적극화하고, 그에 상반되는 일본과 미국 등의 이의에 적극 대처하는 것이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        사회주의 민족운동과 대한민국 정부

        이준식 한국근현대사학회 2009 한국 근현대사 연구 Vol.48 No.-

        This article shall review that socialist movement during the Japanese Colonial Period in Korean peninsula should affect the establishment of government of Republic of Korea. After it had appeared as a branch of nationalist movement, the socialist movement left, disputed, reconciled and solidified with the nationalist movement. As the solidarity between the two became a general trend since the mid 1930s, a democratic republic and a equal economy would be a core idea in establishing new nation, represented by each group of national movement. Nationalists had never though the capitalism was a ideal system and they had never been in the strict position on anti-communism. On the contrary, they wanted to establish new system which should overcome the contradiction and limitation of the socialism and capitalism. Socialists would be acknowledged to withhold or reserve a proletarian revolution and proletarian dictatorship and to make a concrete solidarity with nationalists in order to liberate Korean people under Japanese Imperialism. The establishment of Republic of Korea in 1948 was extended in the lien with above national movements. A lot of Korean people had a left-wing mind in establishment of New Nation under the disordered political situation after the liberation from Japanese Imperialism. Even the anti-communists gave an assent to the state ownership on several important industries, the land reform and the controlling economy. The Original Constitution of Republic of Korea ordinated under this circumstances. The Original Constitution had the factors from liberty and equality which were core value of modern society, but the Constitution strongly contained and preferred the factors related to equality rather than liberty. This was prominent especially in economic provisions of the Constitution. The current Constitution of Republic of Korea apparently describes succeeding the legal identity of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the March First Independence Movement of 1919. The Provisional Republic of Korea Government showed a feature of the alliance of right-wing and left-wing since it had started. The Government operated and performed its mission and goal actively when the consolidation between left and right was accomplished. The socialist movement had contributed to extend the scope of the national movement as it had in that Government. Through the consolidation between socialism and nationalism, the nationalist movement, before August 15, 1945, had already reached to an agreement on the framework of the newly established Nation. The core ideas in establishing New Nation which presented by each major national movement groups were very similar in organizing a perfect independent state, introducing a democratic republic and enforcing equal economy. And the each movement group’s ideas in establishment of the Nation was succeeded by several political groups and parties’s ideas in describing the Original Constitution, under the political situation after the independence. The reason that the Original Constitution could contain ‘most’ progressive provisions under at that time of the south Korean system, was the historical backgrounds like above. This article shall review that socialist movement during the Japanese Colonial Period in Korean peninsula should affect the establishment of government of Republic of Korea. After it had appeared as a branch of nationalist movement, the socialist movement left, disputed, reconciled and solidified with the nationalist movement. As the solidarity between the two became a general trend since the mid 1930s, a democratic republic and a equal economy would be a core idea in establishing new nation, represented by each group of national movement. Nationalists had never though the capitalism was a ideal system and they had never been in the strict position on anti-communism. On the contrary, they wanted to establish new system which should overcome the contradiction and limitation of the socialism and capitalism. Socialists would be acknowledged to withhold or reserve a proletarian revolution and proletarian dictatorship and to make a concrete solidarity with nationalists in order to liberate Korean people under Japanese Imperialism. The establishment of Republic of Korea in 1948 was extended in the lien with above national movements. A lot of Korean people had a left-wing mind in establishment of New Nation under the disordered political situation after the liberation from Japanese Imperialism. Even the anti-communists gave an assent to the state ownership on several important industries, the land reform and the controlling economy. The Original Constitution of Republic of Korea ordinated under this circumstances. The Original Constitution had the factors from liberty and equality which were core value of modern society, but the Constitution strongly contained and preferred the factors related to equality rather than liberty. This was prominent especially in economic provisions of the Constitution. The current Constitution of Republic of Korea apparently describes succeeding the legal identity of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the March First Independence Movement of 1919. The Provisional Republic of Korea Government showed a feature of the alliance of right-wing and left-wing since it had started. The Government operated and performed its mission and goal actively when the consolidation between left and right was accomplished. The socialist movement had contributed to extend the scope of the national movement as it had in that Government. Through the consolidation between socialism and nationalism, the nationalist movement, before August 15, 1945, had already reached to an agreement on the framework of the newly established Nation. The core ideas in establishing New Nation which presented by each major national movement groups were very similar in organizing a perfect independent state, introducing a democratic republic and enforcing equal economy. And the each movement group’s ideas in establishment of the Nation was succeeded by several political groups and parties’s ideas in describing the Original Constitution, under the political situation after the independence. The reason that the Original Constitution could contain ‘most’ progressive provisions under at that time of the south Korean system, was the historical backgrounds like above.

      • 3.1운동, 기독교 그리고 대한민국 ― 대한민국의 기독교적 기원에 대한 소고

        박명수(Myung Soo, Park) 혜암신학연구소 2019 신학과교회 Vol.11 No.-

        본 논문은 민주공화국 대한민국의 기원을 기독교와 관련해서 살펴보 았다. 민주주의가 본격적으로 도입된 것은 기독교인들에 의해서였다. 기독교인들은 독립협회와 만국공동회의 창설과 활동에 중요한 역할을 했고, 이것은 한국 민주주의의 기원이라고 말할 수 있다. 특별히 미주 한인 교포들이 중심이 된 대한인국민회는 대한제국이 망하는 것을 보면서 새로운 나라는 기독교에 기초한 민주공화국이 되어야 한다고 믿었다. 이것이 명시적으로 한반도에 공화국을 세워야 한다는 최초의 주장이었다. 3.1운동을 통해서 기독교는 민주공화국 대한민국을 건설하는데 매우 중요한 역할을 하였다. 기독교는 개인의 자유, 자치와 자립정신, 대의제 등을 통해서 민주국가의 기초를 놓았다. 3.1운동의 원인이 되는 윌슨의 민족자결주의는 러시아의 공산혁명과는 다른 서구 민주주의와의 관련 속에서 출발하였고, 기미독립선언서의 자주국과 자주민은 바로 이것을 명문화한 것이라고 생각할 수 있다. 하지만 3.1운동을 새로운 국가운동 으로 발전시킨 것은 임시정부였다. 이 임시헌법에 의하면 대한민국은 민주공화국이며, 이것은 주권은 전체 인민에게 있고, 정부 형태는 삼권분 립이며, 개인의 소유권은 보장된다는 것이다. 이 헌법을 만드는데 결정 적으로 기여한 사람들은 기독교인이었다. 하지만 상해 임시정부는 출발부터 시련을 겪었다. 특별히 공산주의자 들은 임시정부를 부정하며 인민공화국을 만들려고 했다. 이런 시련 가운 데서 일관되게 공산주의를 반대하고, 대한민국 임시정부를 지킨 사람이 바로 김구였다. 김구가 이렇게 대한민국을 지킬 수 있었던 것은 미국의 대한인국민회가 후원해 주었기 때문이다. 해방 후 한반도에서 보다 본격적으로 어떤 국가를 건설할 것인가를 놓고 격렬한 투쟁이 벌어졌다. 이것은 미국 정부와 임시정부가 함께 추진하는 민주공화국과 소련과 공산당들이 추구하는 인민공화국과의 투쟁이었다. 결국 1948년 남한에 대한민국이 건설되었다. 이렇게 남한에 민주공화국이 건설된 것은 결국 사람들이 소련식 정부보다는 미국식 정부를 선호했고, 이것은 오랫동안 미국 선교사들을 통하여 미국의 민주주 의를 소개받았기 때문이다. 또한 기독교인들은 공산 치하에서는 자신들의 신앙을 유지할 수 없다고 생각하고, 대한민국 설립에 매우 적극적이 었다. This paper examined the origins of the Republic of Korea in relation to Christianity. Christians introduced democracy to Korea in earnest. Christians played an important role in the founding and activities of the Independent Club and Manmingongdonhoe as the origin of democracy in Korea. In particular, the Korean National Association which is centered on Korean living in the USA, sew through the collapse of the Great Korean Empire and believed that the future of new Korea should be a democratic republic nation based on Christianity. This was the first explicit argument that a republic nation should be established on the Korean Peninsula. Through the March First movement, Christianity played a very important role in building a democratic republic nation in Korea. Christianity laid the foundation of a democratic state through individual freedom, autonomy and self-reliance, and representationalism. Wilson s national self-determination, which was the motive for the March First movement, started in connection with Western democracy, which was different from Russian communist revolution. In this context, the sovereign nation and people of 1919 independence proclamation specified this spirit in writing. However, it was the provisional government that developed the March 1 movement into a new national movement. According to this provisional constitution, the Republic of Korea is a democratic republic, which means that the sovereignty belongs to the whole people of Korea, the power of government is separated into three parts, and the ownership of the individual is guaranteed. The crucial contributors to this constitution were Christians. Nonetheless, the Shanghai Provisional Government suffered from the start. Especially, the Communists denied the provisional government and tried to turn the country into a People s Republic nation. In these trials, Kim, Gu was the one, who consistently opposed communism and defended the provisional government of the Republic of Korea. The reason why Kim, Gu was able to defend the Republic of Korea was because the Korean National Association of the USA supported his stand. After the liberation of Korea from occupancy of Japan, there was a fierce struggle over which country to build in earnest in the Korean peninsula. This was a struggle between the Democratic Republic nation, which the US government and the provisional government were pursuing together, and the People’s Republic, which the Soviet Union and the Communist Party were rooting for. Finally, the Republic of Korea was established in South Korea in 1948. This establishment of a democratic republic nation in South Korea, which had long been introduced to US democracy through American missionaries, meant the people of South Korea preferred American-style government to Soviet-style government. Also, Christians thought that they could not maintain their faith under the communist rule, and they were very active in establishing the Republic of Korea.

      • KCI등재

        대한민국 제헌헌법과 ‘건국절’ 논란

        신용옥(Shin, Yong-Oak) 고려사학회 2016 한국사학보 Vol.- No.65

        제헌헌법 전문에 따르면, 대한민국은 대한민국임시정부가 통치한 잠정국가인 대한민국의 독립정신을 계승해 민주독립국가로 재건된 헌법상의 현실국가였다. 하지만 1948년 8월 15일은 대한민국이 건국된 날이 아니라 대한민국정부가 남한 단정으로 수립된 날이다. 남한 단정은 1948년 12월 12일자 유엔총회 결의로 분단정부로 전화했다. 분단정부인 대한민국정부를 전국정부로 변신시키고 여기에 대한민국을 유일합법국가인 독립주권국가로 보는 시각이 덧씌워지면 분단국가가 탄생하게 된다. 8・15 건국일을 주장하는 논자들은 대한민국정부는 유엔 결의에 의한 유일합법정부이며 이 유일합법정부는 곧 전국정부라는 것과 그 정부의 국가인 대한민국은 한반도에서 유일한 합법적인 독립주권국가라고 주장하겠지만, 그 실제 내용은 분단국가의 분단정부이다. 대한민국과 대한민국정부를 유엔이 승인한 한반도에서 유일한 합법정부와 주권국가로 보는 시각은 북한을 흡수 통일하는 방법 이외의 다른 통일 방법, 예를 들어 1947년과 1948년의 유엔총회 결의에서 언급된 ‘포괄적 협의’를 바탕으로 한 통일을 배제하는 것이며 분단국가의 분단정부를 고착화 하는 것에 다름 아니다. 8・15를 대한민국 건국일로 정하자는 주장의 본질은 여기에 있다. According to the preamble of the 1948 Constitution of the Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea was a nation reconstructed from the spirit of independence harbored by the Daehanminguk Yimsijengbu(Provisional Government). However, August 15th of 1948 is not a date that Republic of Korea was founded ; rather, it is the day that the Government of the Republic of Korea was established as a separate entity of South Korean governance. A resolution passed by the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on December 12th, 1948 influenced the structural characteristic of South Korea’s separate government to the extent where it became a divided government. From then, the Government of Republic of Korea - which is a divided government- was transformed into a national government; and combined with the emerging viewpoint that defined Republic of Korea as an independent sovereign nation with the only lawful government, a divided nation was born. Indeed, others that argue for the 8・15 founding date might assert that the Government of Republic of Korea is the only government deemed lawful by the UN resolution, and that this government is, in itself, the national government; thus, the Republic of Korea -a nation represented by that national government- is the only lawful, independent, and sovereign nation in the Korean Peninsula. However, the true substance of this argument surrounds the divided government of a divided nation. This particular viewpoint that perceives Republic of Korea and its government as the only sovereign nation and lawful government in the Korean Peninsula approved by the UN effectively excludes methods of reunification other than the unilateral absorption of the North -such as one mentioned in the 1947 and 1948 UN resolutions based on ‘inclusive discussions’- and serves to fixate the current state of division. The essence of the argument for the 8・15 founding date lies here.

      • KCI등재

        1948년 UN총회 결의 195(III)호와 우리나라의 독도에 대한 영유권

        김영석 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2014 法學論集 Vol.19 No.2

        이 글은 1948년 UN총회 결의 195(III)호가 독도에 대한 우리나라의 영유권을 국제법적으로 승인하고 있음을 보이기 위한 것이다. 1948년 12월 12일의 UN총회결의 제 195(III)호는 1948년 5월 10일 선거당시 독도를 포함하여 미군정청이 지배하고 UN임 시위원단이 선거를 감시할 수 있었던 지역에 대해 대한민국이 실효적인 통제와 관할권을 행사하는 합법적 정부임을 확인하여준 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 또한, 1948년 8월 15일 대한민국 정부가 수립된 이후 독도에 대한 실효적 지배권과 관할권을 대한민국정부가 계속 행사하여 왔다. UN은 총회결의 제195(III)호로 대한민국이 독도에 대한 영유권을 가진다는 점을 승인하였고, 미국, 영국, 프랑스, 중국 등 주요 국가가 UN총회 결의 제195(III)호를 기초로 대한민국을 승인하였다. 더구나, 일본은 1965년 한일기본조약을 체결하면서 UN총회 결의 제195(III)호에 규정된 바와 같이 대한민국을 승인함으로써 우리나라의 독도에 대한 영유권 (실효적 지배권과 관할권)을 인정하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 독도에 대해 일본의 영유권을 현재도 주장하고 있는 것은 모순되는 행동이요, 국제법상 금반언(Estoppel)의 원칙에 위배된다고 판단된다. 한편, 1945년 우리나라의 해방 후에 연합국은 SCAPIN 제677호와 제1033호를 통해 독도를 주한 미군정청의 관할구역으로 인정하였고, 미국은 대한민국 정부가 수립된 후 UN총회 결의 제195(III)호를 통해 독도에 대한 대한민국의 영유권의 국제적 승인을 주도하였을 뿐만 아니라 1949년 대한민국을 정식으로 승인하였다. 그 이후 한국 방공식별구역(KADIZ)과 한미상호방위조약을 통해 독도에 대한 우리나라의 행정지배권을 인정하였고, 2004년 협정은 이 점을 다시 한 번 확인하여 주었다. 이를 볼 때 독도가 대한민국의 영토임은 국제법상 명확하며, 우리나라는 합법적으로 독도에 대한 주권, 즉, 지배권과 관할권을 행사하고 있다고 할 수 있다. This article intends to prove the UN General Assembly Resolution 195(III)(The Problem of the independence of Korea) of 12 December 1948 has recognised the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea over Dokdo in accordance with international law. The resolution declared “that there has been established a lawful government (the Government of the Republic of Korea) having effective control and jurisdiction over that part of Korea where the Temporary Commission was able to observe and consult...” Dokdo was included in “that part of Korea where the Temporary Commission was able to observe and consult”. So, the United Nations clearly recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea over Dokdo through the UNGA Resolution of 195(III). Further, the Government of the Republic of Korea continues to have effective control and jurisdiction over Dokdo since its establishment on August 15, 1948. On the basis of the UNGA Resolution of 195(III), the United States, the United Kingdom, France, China and other countries recognized the Republic of Korea. Moreover, Japan recognized the sovereignty of the Republic of Korea over Dokdo by providing that it recognizes the Government of the Republic of Korea as the only lawful government as stipulated in the UNGA Resolution of 195(III) in Article 3 of the Basic Relations Treaty between the Republic of Korea and Japan of 1965. In conclusion, Dokdo is a territory of the Republic of Korea under international law. The Republic of Korea has the sovereignty over Dokdo lawfully and has effective control and jurisdiction over Dokdo.

      • KCI등재

        대한민국 헌법의 정통성

        신영현 한국입법학회 2018 입법학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        우리 헌법전문에는 “3・1운동으로 건립된 대한민국임시정부의 법통”을 계승한다는 문구가 있다. 헌법전문은 헌법본문 및 그 외 모든 법령의 내용을 한정하고 타당성의 근거를 제시하는 최고규범으로 기능하고, 또한 그 해석의 기준을 제시하고 입법의 지침이 된다는 점에서 문구 하나하나가 매우 중요할 수밖에 없다. 따라서 이 글에서는, 대한민국임시정부의 헌법문서들부터 대한민국이 광복을 맞이한 이후 현행헌법에 이르기까지의 일련의 과정을 통해 그 의미를 고찰해보고자 한다. 대한민국임시정부의 헌법문서들은 모두 3・1운동의 독립정신을 그 기본정신으로 삼고 있었으며, 전제군주제국가로의 회귀가 아닌 민주공화제 정부를 표방하여 근대입헌주의적 헌법의 특징을 잘 갖추고 있었다. 그러나 대한민국임시정부가 당시 국제사회에서 승인을 받지 못하였고, 국민들로부터 민주적 정당성을 직접 부여받지 못했다는 점 등의 한계로 인해 대한민국임시정부의 헌법과 대한민국의 헌법과의 관계를 설명하는 데 어려움이 있었다. 그러나 대한민국이 광복된 이후, 9차례의 헌법개정을 거치는 과정에서 대한민국의 헌법은 대한민국임시정부의 헌법을 그 모체로 하고 있다는 점을 여러 부분에서 확인할 수 있다. 또한 1987년 헌법개정을 통해 ‘대한민국임시정부’가 헌법에 직접 명시된 것은, 대한민국임시정부를 추인하고 민주적 정당성을 사후적으로나마 부여하려 한 헌법기술적 측면의 노력으로 볼 수 있다. 이 글에서는 위의 내용을 검토하여 대한민국 헌법의 정통성의 근원을 어디에 두어야 하는지 모색해보고자 한다. There is a phrase saying “upholding the cause of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the March First Independence Movement of 1919” in the preamble of the constitution of the republic of Korea. The preamble works as the highest law qualifying the text of the constitution and all other laws, supplying the grounds and the standards of the legal interpretation and the legislation. This is the reason why every word, phrase and sentence of the constitution preamble is of significant importance. Therefore, this article is going to explore its meaning through a series of process from the constitutional texts of the provisional republic of Korea government to the constitution of the republic of Korea. Every constitutional text of the provisional republic of Korea government accepted the independence spirit of the March First Independence Movement of 1919 as a basic principle and had a well-organized structure as a modern constitution, claiming a democratic republic not a return to a despotic monarchy. However, it had a limit in explaining the relationship of the provisional republic of Korea government and the republic of Korea because the absence of the formal approval of the international community and the democratic legitimacy of the Korean people. In spite of the 9 times revision of the constitution, we can still find lots of parts showing that the constitutional texts of the provisional republic of Korea government are the parents of the constitution of the republic of Korea. Also, we should consider the insertion of the phrase of “upholding the cause of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the March First Independence Movement of 1919” in the 1987 constitution revision as a legislative effort of the ratification of the provisional republic of Korea government and the vestiture of the democratic legitimacy. This article is going to examine all of the above and explore where the authentic root of the constitution of the republic of Korea is.

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