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        비정규직 여비서의 고용실태 및 개선방향

        이혜숙(Lee Hae-Sook) 한국비서학회 2005 비서·사무경영연구 Vol.14 No.2

        IMF관리체제에 돌입하면서 국가위기 관리차원에서 노동의 유연성 확보를 위해 정리해고제 실시, 1998년 근로자파견법 등으로 고용구조가 정규직과 비정규직으로 양분화 되었다. 2004년에는 임금근로자의 55.9%가 비정규직으로 전체 노동자의 절반 이상이 되었다. 비서직의 경우도 26개 파견업종으로 규정됨에 따라 여비서의 취업행태가 대기업의 경우에는 정규직과 파견직이라는 이원화된 고용구조를 나타내고 있다. 전문대졸 비서는 파견직으로 고용되고 그 인원이 정규직 비서의 5배가 넘는 사업체도 있으며, 그 수는 급증하고 있다. 중소기업의 정규직도 계약직 또는 파견직으로 전환되고 있는 추세이다. 비서직은 업무성격상 파견직으로는 부적합하므로 비서 관련학과, 비서학회, 비서협회 차원에서의 대책이 요망된다. 임금수준은 대기업 파견비서직과 중소기업 정규비서직이 비슷한 것으로 나타나며, 사회보험, 노동 조건 등에서는 계약비서직보다 파견직 비서직이 취약하다. 파견기간이 만기된 경우에는 정규직으로 전환하거나, 장기 계약직으로 고용하는 것이 기업의 생산성을 높이는데 기여할 것이다. 무엇보다도 비정규직 근로자의 문제는 법 제도적인 측면에서의 개정 없이는 해결될 수 없는 문제이다. 정책당국은 법 개정이 노동자 보호 중심차원에서 이루어지도록 해야 할 것이다. When the system of IMF's administration started. the structure of employment has been divided into two areas, permanent employment and temporary employment by the discharge for management reasons and the enforcement of the Worker Dispatching Act, to overcome economic crises in Korea and to maintain the flexibility of labor supply. In 2004. the ratio of temporary employees in the whole employees was 55.9%. The secretary employment has also been divided permanent and temporary employment in the large enterprises because it is treated as one of 26 dispatching employments. Secretaries graduating from colleges have been hired as a dispatching employee. There are some large enterprises in which the number of temporary employees is more than five times more than that of permanent employees. The number of such large enterprises is increasing in addition, small and medium-sized enterprises intend to change permanent employees into temporary employees or dispatching employees. too. First. secretary employment can not be categorized as a dispatching employment because of its characteristics. It just results from the ignorance of lawmakers and the self-interested mind of enterprises. Therefore the Korea Association of Secretarial Studies is required to take steps for solving the problem as soon as possible. Second, to lengthen the contract period in the fixed-term secretary employment helps heighten the productivity of enterprises. Third, the administrative department should strive to make secretary employment as permanent employment by establishing the section of secretary. The issue of temporary employment causes the problems of labors' lives as well as that of employment. So the consensus that the Act should be revised was formed and the revision of the Temporary Employment Act was proposed may in 2005. The labor field insisted on the abrogation of the Act because it included illegal dispatching, middle extraction and the non -validity of dispatching period limit and objected to the extension of three years' contract period. On the contrary, the enterprise field insisted on adopting the negative way of dispatching employment and supported the extension of three years' contract period. Owing to the conflict between the labor and the enterprise field, the proposal of revising the Act became effectless. The flexibility of labor in Korea is higher than any other member country in the OECD. Therefore. the government should make efforts to revise the temporary employment Act in respect of protecting labors.

      • KCI등재

        조직지위의 이원성과 비정규직 고용: 한국대학의 평가형 지위와 범 주형 지위가 비정규직 고용에 미치는 영향

        정대훈 강원대학교 경영경제연구소 2023 Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Vol.14 No.3

        Purpose - This paper discusses an impact of status on organization’s temporary employment. Status not only offers various opportunities for organization but also places constrains on organization. In this perspective, we propose that organization’s temporary employment will differ depending on the status. Design/methodology/approach - We predict that organization’s evaluated status has a U-shaped relationship with temporary employment because organizational social insecurity varies by the status. Moreover, we predict that organization’s categorical status has a positive effect on temporary employment since organizational legitimacy varies with the status and that the effect will be enhanced by an organizational niche. To verify these predictions, we examined a regression analysis using panel data of temporary employment in Korean universities. Findings - The results of regression analysis show that there is a U-shaped relationship between universities’ evaluated status and temporary employment. This implies that the middle status university is likely to minimize temporary employment because of conformity pressures. In addition, the results show that university’s categorical status has a positive effect on temporary employment and the effect is enhanced by university’s market concentration. This suggests that the categorical status has a strong impact on specialist university. Research implications or Originality - This paper contributes the development of temporary employment theory by applying duality of organizational status and identifies the organizational determinants of temporary employment in Korean universities.

      • KCI등재

        스페인의 간접고용 사용에 대한 사회적 규제: 파견노동의 규제 방식 및 효과를 중심으로

        조돈문 한국사회과학연구회 2013 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.87

        스페인은 임시직 비율이 30% 수준으로서 유럽연합 내에서 가장 높은 국가들 가운데 하나인데 파견노동 비율은 1%에도 못 미친다. 비정규직 연구는 주로 임시직 문제에 집중된 반면 파견노동에 대한 연구는 거의 수행되지 않았다. 스페인은 왜 파견노동 비율이 그렇게 낮은지, 파견노동 사용을 어떻게 규제하는지, 어떤 정책 수단들이 효과적인지를 설명하는 것이 본 연구의 목표다. 스페인의 간접고용 사용에 대한 사회적 규제는 법적 규제와 단체협약에 의한 규제로 구성되어 있으며, 주로 파견노동을 중심으로 실시되고 있다. 이러한 규제장치들은 파견노동자들뿐만 아니라 직접고용 정규직 노동자들도 함께 보호하고 있다. 사용업체에 대해서는 파견노동자 사용에 있어 임시직과 동일한 사용사유 제한에 더하여 사용 금지 사유들도 부과하고 있고, 파견노동자는 직접고용 노동자들과 동등한 처우를 받으며, 사용업체 노동조합을 통해서 노동조건 관련 요구조건들을 제시할 권리도 부여받고 있다. 한편, 파견업체에 대해서는 행정당국의 허가를 받아 설립하고, 파견노동자들에게 적절한 교육훈련을 무상으로 제공하며, 고용계약이 종료될 때 근속년당 12일분씩 보상하도록 한다. 이러한 법적규제들에 더하여, 파견업 단체협약은 파견업체에 정규직 의무고용비율을 부과하고 있다. 파견노동자 비율이 임시직 비율에 비해 월등히 낮은 것은 파견노동 사용에 대한 규제장치들의 효과인 것으로 해석된다. 파견노동자의 동등처우, 파견업체의 교육훈련 책임, 근무년당 12일 분씩의 계약종료수당 지급 제도 등으로 확립된 법적 규제체제가 효력을 발휘하고 있는 것이다. 하지만, 무엇보다도 가장 효과가 큰 것은 단체협약에 규정된 파견노동자의 정규직 의무고용비율제다. 파견업 합법화 이후 파견노동자 규모가 가장 크게 감소한 것은 2001년과 2008년인데, 2000년 말 파견노동자 정규직 의무고용비율제가 도입되었고, 2007년 말 동 비율이 50%에서 65%로 상향조정되었다는 점은 동 제도의 정책효과를 확인해 준다. 자본은 현재 진행 중인 제6차 단체협약 교섭과정에서 교섭의 지연과 파행을 통해 노동 측에 무단협 압박을 가하는 전략을 구사하고 있는데, 이것은 노동시장 유연화와 탈규제를 관철하기 위한 자본의 전형적 전략이라 할 수 있다. 그런 점에서 자본이 정규직 의무고용비율제를 수용한 것은 양대노총의 적극적 연대활동으로 극대화된 교섭력의 압박 때문이었다고 할 수 있다. 한편, 의무고용비율제를 포함한 사회적 규제장치들이 파견업의 수익률을 억압하여 중소영세 파견업체의 난립을 방지함으로써 독과점적 상황을 보강하는 효과가 사측 교섭단을 주도하는 대형 파견업체들의 이해관계에 부합한 것도 또 다른 요인이라 지적될 수 있다. The proportion of temporary employment is 30% in Spain, the highest level within the European Union, but the proportion of temporary agency worker is less than 1%. Academic analyses of non-regular workers are concentrated on the question of temporary employment, while the temporary agency workers have been under-studied. The objective of this study is to explain why the proportion of temporary workers is so low, how the temporary agency industry is regulated, and which policy measures are more effective than others. Social regulations on indirect employment in Spain are composed of legal regulations and collective agreements, mainly focused on temporary agency workers. These regulatory measures are designed to protect regular workers as well as temporary agency workers. In order to use temporary agency workers, the client firms should be equipped with the same reasons applicable to the usage of temporary workers, while temporary agency workers are entitled to receive equal treatment with directly employed workers and present their own demands through the labor union in the client firm. The staffing agency firm, on the other hand, is required to apply for a legal permission to run agency business, to provide dispatched workers with appropriate training free of charge, and to pay severance payment with 12 days’ wage share per each seniority year. In addition to these legal regulations, the collective agreements in the temporary agency industry impose a compulsory rate of permanent employment to the staffing agency firm. The far low proportion of temporary agency worker is attributable to the operation of effective regulatory measures. The regulatory regime built up with such measures as the equal treatment of agency workers, the responsibility of agency firm for education and training of agency workers, the severance payment at the time of contract termination take effects. The most effective of all is the compulsory rate of permanent employment. The size of temporary agency workers fell dramatically in 2001 and 2008 right after the compulsory rate was introduced at the end of 2000 and was raised from 50% to 65% at the end of 2007, which confirms the effectiveness of the compulsory rate policy. The staffing agencies keep pressuring labor unions by means of the no-contract threat in the ongoing bargaining process for the 6the collective agreement, which represents a typical capitalist strategy for the flexibilization and deregulation in the labor market. It was owing to the bargaining power of the two major union confederations in the staffing industry that the agency firms yield to the union demand for the compulsory rate of permanent employment. Besides, the fact that the effective regulatory regime tends to reinforce the oligopolistic market situation of the staffing industry could serve the material interests of big agency firms whose representatives used to lead the bargaining team for staffing agency firms in the collective bargaining process.

      • KCI등재

        판례연구 : 직접고용간주 규정과 불법파견의 법률효과 -대법원 2008. 9. 18. 선고 2007도22320 전원합의체 판결을 중심으로-

        박소민 ( So Min Park ) 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2014 홍익법학 Vol.15 No.1

        이 사건 대상판결인 예스코 사건(대법원 2008. 9. 18. 선고 2007두22320 전원합의체 판결)의 핵심적인 쟁점은 구 파견법상의 고용간주(제6조 제3항) 조항의 불법파견 적용 여부 및 고용간주 조항에 따라 의제되는 무기(無期)근로관계의 성립 여부이다. 이 사건 대상판결은 고용간주 조항의 불법파견에 대한 적극적인 해석과 적용을 하여 사용사업주와의 사이에 직접근로관계가 성립한다고 보았고, 이때 성립되는 근로관계의 내용은 ‘기간의 정함이 없는 근로계약관계’로 파악하였다. 그러나, 대상판결은 파견기간 초과 외의 다양한 형태의 불법파견의 사법상 효과에 대해서는 전혀 다루지 않았고, 직접고용간주된 후의 기존 파견사업주, 사용사업주, 파견근로자 등 3당사자 간의 법률관계에 대해서도 전혀 언급하지 않았기 때문에 불법파견에서 초래될 수 있는 문제를 근본적으로 해결하지 못한 한계가 있다. 이러한 문제점은 근본적으로는 근로자파견에 대한 법령 자체가 내용적으로 매우 허술하고 미비한데서 비롯된 것이라 볼 수 있다. 이것은 돌이켜 생각하면 현행 파견법의 구조적인 결함을 치유하기 위한 입법적인 개선조치가 반드시 필요하다는 것을 의미하는 것이라고도 볼 수 있다. 따라서 다양한 형태의 불법파견에 대해 그 사법적 효력을 명시적으로 규정하고, 직접고용간주된 후 사업주와 근로자 사이에 적용될 구체적인 근로조건이나 3당사자간의 구체적인 법률관계에 대해 파견법상의 고용의제(또는 고용의무)에 관한 법규정을 보완할 필요가 있다. 한편, 모든 형태의 불법파견에 대한 효과로 법해석상 직접고용법리에 의한 ‘직접근로계약관계’의 성립을 주장하는 견해가 있다. 그러나, 당사자의 의사가 실재하지 않는데도 일방적으로 직접근로계약관계를 의제할 수 있는지에 대해서는 좀 더 면밀한 검토가 필요하다. 동 견해가 이의없이 수용되기 위해서는 현재까지는 다소 추상적으로 제시되고 있는 직접적 근로계약관계에 존재하는 ‘고용이라는 사실의 내용’이 무엇인지를 보다 명확하게 밝히는 작업을 해야 한다. 판례는 이것을 근로자성을 인정할 때 사용하는 “사용종속관계”라는 표지의 존부로 환원하여 분쟁사안을 접근하고 있는데, 이런 방식이 양자 관계가 아니라 삼자 관계인 위장도급 사건에서도 아무런 무리 없이 사용할 수 있는 것인지, 그렇지 않다면 ‘고용이라는 사실의 내용’이 무엇을 담고 있어야 하는지 본격적으로 제시하여야 할 것이다. 따라서, 이에 관한 학계의 보다 세밀하고 심층적인 연구가 필요하다고 보여진다. The Supreme Court made a special decision regarding to「Act On The Protection, Etc., Of Temporary Agency Workers」at The Yescos Case(case no. 2007du22320) in Sep. 18th, 2008; First, whether the section 6③ of the Act On The Protection, Etc., Of Temporary Agency Workers providing direct employmet could be applied for illegal temporary agency work? Second, what form of employment would be arising out of the effect in the section 6③? In these matters, The Supreme Court held that the section 6③ could be applied in illegal temporary agency work, and an using-employer should employ a temporary agency worker directly. And it can be allowed that the using-employer make use a agency worker`s service beyond the two years period in changing a employment agency for new one, if the Act have the purpose to maintain the job of the employee. However, The Supreme Court could not review the legal effect in dispatch exceeds other various forms of illegal temporary agency work and the legal relationship between the three parties(dispatching-employer, using-employer, dispatched-employee) after regarding direct employment. So fundamental problems that may result from illegal temporary agency work eventually were not resolved. These problems are due to unclear and incomplete structural Act. thus, it is necessary to amend the legislations regarding illegal dispatch of the Act On The Protection, Etc., Of Temporary Agency Workers. Therefore, in the future the legal effects on various forms of illegal temporary agency work and the legal relationship between the three parties after regarding direct employment should be be defined in the legislations. On the other hand, a principle of the direct employment by the interpretation of the labor law as the legal effects on all forms of illegal temporary agency work claims that the direct employment contract relations between using-employer and agency worker has been established. But even though there is no employment contract between the parties, the agenda that direct employment relation between the parties was formed could be criticized for viewing opinions. In order to be accepted without objection, in this point of view will clearly present what is the content of the employment that exist in the direct employment contract relations between the three parties. Therefore, in this regard, more detailed and in-depth academic research will be needed.

      • KCI등재

        구 파견근로자보호 등에 관한 법률에서 고용간주규정의 위헌 여부

        김희성 ( Hee Sung Kim ) 안암법학회 2013 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.42

        From the discussions so far, the employer has an unlimited interest to have the at-most freedom of business decision making powers from the perspective of fundamental right in the Constitutional Law, Article 10, 15, and 23 (Combined with the freedom of property right and economic activity based on the right of freedom to act, derived from the right to pursue happiness and the freedom of occupation), whereas the employee demands the right of protected existence of employment relation from the Article 15 and the Article 32, paragraph 3 of the Constitutional Law (the right to keep the chosen job). The critical point here is that the direct right of the protection of employment (to keep the job) cannot be driven from the freedom of occupation and the obligation to protect the fundamental right in the Article 15, the right to work in the Article 32 and the clauses of welfare state and the Article 119 paragraph 2 of the Constitutional Law. Therefore the Constitutional law does not request the absolute protection of employment. Furthermore the legislative aspect of the labor law should always respect the constitutional limitation of fundamental right of the socio-economic policies. In such the cases, the legal limitation of the business activities in the business entities, the business operation essence is the self-autonomy in the labor supply. The law that excessively limit the business entities from free labor supply decisions, could be violating the essence of business operation. Since the freedom of business operation including the labor supply is the protected fundamental right from the Constitutional Law, the business decision makings should pertain self-autonomy. The inevitable premise of the business operation is the business decision making based on its ownership. If freedom of such decision making is not permitted, the operation of business itself would become impossible. The former clause of the legal fiction of the employment bears the issue of unjustifiability and over-restriction as it violates the freedom of essential business right. The former clause of legal fiction of the employment seriously limit the freedom of the decision-making power of the business operations by violating the self-autonomy power in recruiting decision makings of "whom at what condition" via ex parte presumption of direct employment. Judging whether the clause of legal fiction of employment corresponds to the anti-overrestriction principle in the Constitutional Law, it should be considered unconstitutional from the perspective of the principle of "best method", "proportionality" and "least restriction". The former clause of the legal fiction of employment did not stipulate the specific condition of the legal fiction of employment. This means that although there should be concrete employment contracts between the user company and the temporary work agency, and temporary work agency and agency worker in order to fiction the direct employment between the user company and agency workers, it was ambiguous under the former law. Especially, the legal obligation of the direct employment condition of the user company for the agency worker is certainly unpredictable. The fact that the present Act on the Protection, etc, of Temporary Agency Work`s fixes the direct employment condition for the user company and agency workers (the article 6 paragraph 3) could be also an clear evidence for the legislative defect of the former law to violate the doctrine of void for vagueness.

      • KCI등재

        경기변동과 임시일용직 고용

        황선웅(Sun-Oong Hwang) 한국노동연구원 2009 노동정책연구 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구는 1980년 이후의 분기별 자료를 이용하여 우리나라 상용직과 임시일용직의 순환변동 행태에 관한 실증적 분석을 수행한다. 분석 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 임시일용직 순환은 상용직 순환보다 변동폭이 크다. 둘째, 임시일용직 순환은 실질GDP를 1분기 선행하지만 상용직 순환은 실질GDP에 2분기 후행한다. 셋째, 임시일용직의 경우에는 저점이 정점보다 평균으로부터 더 멀리 떨어진 진폭의 비대칭성이 관찰되지만 조정 속도는 대칭적이다. 상용직의 경우에는 진폭은 대칭적이지만 수축이 확장보다 빠르게 진행된다. 넷째, 임시일용직 순환은 시간가역적인 반면, 상용직 순환은 시간비가역 적이다. 이와 같은 결과는 우리나라에서 고용조정이 종사상 지위 간에 매우 이질적인 양상으로 진행되고 있음을 보여준다. This paper investigates the cyclical behaviors of temporary and permanent employment using the Korean quarterly time series data from 1980:Q1 to 2008:Q2. Our findings are summarized as follows: (1) The cyclical behavior of temporary employment is more volatile than that of permanent employment. (2) Temporary employment leads output by one quarter, whereas permanent employment lags output by two quarters. (3) Evidence of deepness is found for temporary employment, while the evidence for permanent employment is weaker. Permanent employment, however, exhibits steepness that temporary employment does not have. (4) Temporary employment series is time-reversible; in contrast, permanent employment series is time-irreversible. After all, these results show that the two types of employment, temporary and permanent one, are adjusted highly heterogeneously over a course of a business cycle.

      • KCI등재

        비정규직 범위와 규모에 대한 새로운 고찰

        장신철(Sinchul JANG) 한국고용노사관계학회 2012 産業關係硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        우리나라는 2002년 7월 노사정위원회에서 합의에 의하여 현재의 비정규직 범위가 만들어졌으나 10년 정도 지난 현 시점에서 볼 때 범위의 재검토가 필요하다. 현행 비정규직 범위의 문제점으로는 ① 비정규직 간 중복 계산이 발생하여 정확한 비정규직 규모를 파악하기 어렵고, ② 우리나라와 같은 비정규직 범위는 국제적으로 독특한 것이기 때문에 국가 간 비교가능한 통계를 확보하는 데도 애로가 많다. ③ 또한 2007년 기간제법에 의해 2년 이상 근로한 자는 정규직으로 간주되므로 2002년도에는 예정하지 못했던 변화를 반영해야 한다. 국제적으로는 ‘고용의 한시성’을 핵심 기준으로 하여 기간제?파견?일용근로자를 묶어서 ‘임시직(temporary employment)’이라는 개념하에 통계를 수집한다. 시간제 근로자는 우리나라와는 달리 고용기한의 정함이 있는지 여부에 따라 임시직에의 포함 여부가 달라진다. 따라서 향후 보다 정확하게 비정규직 규모를 추정하여 각각의 비정규직 특성에 맞는 대책을 수립하고 비정규직 규모를 둘러싼 노사정 간의 소모적인 논쟁을 줄여 나가기 위해서는 우리나라의 비정규직 범위를 다음과 같이 재조정하는 것을 제안한다. 즉, 우리나라의 비정규직을 ① 임시직(기간제, 파견, 일용)과 ② 기타 비정규직(특수형태근로종사자, 용역, 가정내근로)으로 대별하여 국제적인 기준 및 간접고용이 많은 한국적 상황을 동시에 고려하는 것이다. 시간제의 경우에는 OECD와 같이 고용기한의 정함이 있는 경우 기간제로, 상용형 시간제는 정규직으로 분류하는 것이 타당하다. 기존 통계를 이용하여 비정규직 규모 추정을 하는 데 있어서는 어떤 비정규직에 우선순위를 두어 중복을 제거하느냐에 따라 비정규직 간 구성비가 달라지는데, 본고는 비정규성이 강한 순서인 특수형태근로종사자?가정내근로>파견?용역>일일근로>기간제 순으로 중복을 제거하여 비정규직 규모를 제시하였다. Based on the agreement of Tripartite Commission in 2002, current definition (or boundary) of non-regular workers was established in Korea. However, as ten years have passed since its agreement, it is necessary to change its definition in terms of several reasons. Firstly, it is difficult to grasp the exact number of non-regular workers due to double counting amongst non-regular workers. Secondly, as other OECD countries do not have such a definition, comparable data is hard to acquire. Thirdly, it is necessary to reflect the change made by the so-called Fixed-Term Contract (FTC) Act firstly made in 2007 which regards FTC as regular workers if they work over two years under the same employer. Internationally, the term “temporary employment” is used for collecting data and it consists of FTC, Temporary Agency Workers (TAW) and daily workers, etc. In judging the temporary employment, the “duration of employment” is a crucial yardstick. In order to apply targeted-policies for each type of non-regular workers based on more accurate statistics and to reduce consuming debate on the scale of non-regular workers between employer groups vs. labor unions, the change of the definition is examined as follows. Considering the international criteria and Korean context showing high portion of indirect employment, this paper suggests that non-regular workers be divided into ① temporary employment (FTC, TAW, daily workers, etc) ② other non-regular workers (special types of employment (caddie/insurance salesman, etc), independent contracts, domestic workers). It is reasonable that part-time workers with unlimited employment duration belong to regular workers. In estimating the scale of non-regular workers by using the current statistics, the composition of non-regular workers may vary depending on the order of priority in getting rid of the double counting. According to the degree of irregularity from standard employment contract, this paper gives the priority in the order of special types of workers/domestic workers > TAW/Independent contracts > daily workers > FTC, and presents a scale of non-regular workers.

      • KCI등재

        청년층 비정규직의 고용형태 이행확률의 추정

        최요한 한국노동연구원 2018 노동정책연구 Vol.18 No.4

        This study aims to examine whether temporary employment is functioning as a stepping stone for or a barrier against permanent employment in South Korea. To this end, this study classifies employment status into temporary employment, permanent employment, non-wage work, and non-employment, and estimates the probabilities of one-year transition between each employment status. The 12th to 19th waves of the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study are used, and men and women aged 20-40 are analyzed. The results show that in both men and women, temporary employment is functioning mainly as a barrier against permanent employment. 본 연구는 한국의 청년층(20~40세)에서 비정규직 고용이 정규직 고용으로 이행하는 징검다리로 기능하는지, 아니면 비정규직에 머무르게 하는 덫으로 기능하는지를 확인하는 것을 목적으로, 비정규직 고용에서 정규직 고용으로의 이행확률을 추정하였다. 이를 위해서 고용형태를 정규직 고용, 비정규직 고용, 비임금근로, 미취업으로 구분하여 1년 전의 특정 고용형태에서 현재의 특정 고용형태로 이행할 확률을 모두 추정하였다. 분석자료로는 한국노동패널 12~19차(2009~2016년) 자료를 사용하였으며, 20~40세의 남녀를 분석대상으로 하였다. 이행확률의 일관된 추정을 위하여, 설명변수들과 상관관계를 가질 수 있는 시불변한 개인의 미관측 요인과, 미관측 요인 간의 상관관계를 고려한 동태적 모델을 사용하였다. 분석결과, 여성과 남성 모두에서 1년 전 비정규직에서 현재 정규직과 비정규직으로의 이행확률의 상대비율은 1년 전 미취업에서 현재 정규직과 비정규직으로의 이행확률의 상대비율보다 상당히 작게 나타났다. 따라서 여성과 남성 모두에서 비정규직은 정규직으로 이행하지 못하고 비정규직 노동시장에 머무르게 하는 덫으로 주로 기능하는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재


        崔勝淏 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.54

        This paper outlines the status of temporary-help work and seeing a look at the features and tasks of temporary-help work in Japan. Temporary-help work employment contract refers to two types of relationship that is established between direct employment contract bearing the dispatch unlike dispatched workers and dispatch companies signed an employment contract between temporary agencies and temporary agencies employed as regular staff. Dispatch of Japanese workers is due, regardless of occupation or form by the later gradually expanded to dispatch passing the other hand the recent parliamentary escalated to almost now all occupations working Amendment Act was implemented in a limited, conditional by the year workers law of temporary-help work 1986 3 years came to be collectively determined. The core of the problem to be pointed out in this paper is that it can lead to cavitation of your responsibilities as a result of the structural characteristics indirect employment of temporary-help work can occur in commerce relationships between the company and dispatch dispatching company. In addition, a variety of starting the worker protection legislation and related regulatory reality is that rather leads to deletion of workers’ wages and various no apply of basic social guarantees, etc. Furthermore, due to the adjustment of short-term employment, and protection of workers, such as loss of employment contracts is that they pose a number of problems that have been operating as far away form. In this paper, what is required for future enhancement of the significance of temporary-help work as a dispatch analyze various issues and further work on this paper, we propose and future developmental direction of agency work.

      • KCI등재


        최승호 ( Choi Seung-ho ) 한국일본근대학회 2016 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.54

        そもそも派遣という?き方は、勞?者個人の職場探しの弁別と選?に基づいた他の勞?のやり方とは違って、職場の紹介を含む人材ビジネス業を擔う派遣會社(派遣元)を通じて、派遣される會社(派遣先)に單なる勞?だけを提供することで收入を得られる仕組みの勞?形態である。勞?者個人にとっては、自ら自分に合った職場·職務探しの手間が省略される反面、派遣元の指示に從うしかないということによる勞?の條件や內容に對する意思表明と選?する行爲は大きく制限される。また派遣元と派遣先の間の合意によって限定される諸條件の側面からみて、選?と選別を放棄する代わりに、都合のいい勞?の條件を選?すればいい派遣先としては、ほとんど勞?の內容には?わりがないものの、通常自ら抱える自分の勞?者ではないため、その分責任は大きく削除される。そして人材ビジネス業としての派遣業務を委託される派遣會社(派遣元)としては、自らの營業力と情報力などにとって確保された多數の會社(派遣先)と派遣という?き方を希望する勞?者との間で?サイドから紹介手數料をもらえる形でビジネスを成り立たせる仕組みになっている特殊な勞?形態である。つまり、派遣勞?とは、派遣という?き方を希望する勞?者(派遣勞?者)と、その派遣の勞?者を希望する會社(派遣先)と、その間で人材の紹介ビジネスを展開する派遣會社(派遣元)という3者の間で成り立つ合法的な勞?形態である。 本論文では、このような合法的に認められている人材ビジネス業務としての勞?形態がなぜこれだけ注目を浴びているのであろうか。また何が問題でどういう經緯が存在するので、數回に及ぶ法改正によって政府や國會、勞?組合や多くの勞?者らが危險を感じているのであろうか。本論文は、このような問題意識の下で、派遣という?き方の日本的な特徵を檢討し、そのあり方や今後の課題について分析を行うことを目的とするものである。 This paper outlines the status of temporary-help work and seeing a look at the features and tasks of temporary-help work in Japan. Temporary-help work employment contract refers to two types of relationship that is established between direct employment contract bearing the dispatch unlike dispatched workers and dispatch companies signed an employment contract between temporary agencies and temporary agencies employed as regular staff. Dispatch of Japanese workers is due, regardless of occupation or form by the later gradually expanded to dispatch passing the other hand the recent parliamentary escalated to almost now all occupations working Amendment Act was implemented in a limited, conditional by the year workers law of temporary-help work 1986 3 years came to be collectively determined. The core of the problem to be pointed out in this paper is that it can lead to cavitation of your responsibilities as a result of the structural characteristics indirect employment of temporary-help work can occur in commerce relationships between the company and dispatch dispatching company. In addition, a variety of starting the worker protection legislation and related regulatory reality is that rather leads to deletion of workers` wages and various no apply of basic social guarantees, etc. Furthermore, due to the adjustment of short-term employment, and protection of workers, such as loss of employment contracts is that they pose a number of problems that have been operating as far away form. In this paper, what is required for future enhancement of the significance of temporary-help work as a dispatch analyze various issues and further work on this paper, we propose and future developmental direction of agency work.

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