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        공간구문론을 통한 공간분석 경향에 대한 연구

        이범동,이종세,김주연 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.3

        (연구배경 및 목적) 공간을 바라보는 인식의 변화는 공간을 해석하는 범위와 방법의 확장성을 가져왔으며, 많은 연구자들에 의해 다각도의 연구로 이루어지고 있다. 개념에 의한 형태론, 행태에 의한 현상론 등 정성적 해석에 의한 기존의 공간분석은 공간구문론의 등장으로 물리적 형태에 대한 사회학적 관계를 정량적으로 분석할 수 있는 단초를 마련하였다. 공간구문론은 많은 연구들에 유의미하게 활용되어지고 있지만 단위공간의 관계성 외 공간의 의미와 현상에 대한 포괄적 분석에는 한계가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 공간구문론의 다양한 방법론적 데이터들의 분석을 통해 현재의 활용 현황과 향후 개선적 활용방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. (연구방법 및 범위) 선행연구의 영역, 분야, 시간적 특성 등 연구의 일반적 경향을 분석한 후 새로운 분석체계로 재검증하여 그에 대한 원인과 근거를 제시하였다. 연구내용의 관계성을 중심으로 통제변수, 매개변수, 독립변수, 종속변수로 분류하고 변수 영역별 공간분석 키워드(위계성 정립)를 도출하여 기호화한 변수영역별 기호체계(SSV: System of Symbol Variable)를 마련한다. 이를 이용하여 선행연구의 영역별 특성과 경향을 통시적 관점에서 정량적 수치로 분석하였다. 키워드로 ‘공간구문론’을 사용하여 RISS, 국회도서관을 통해 검색된 371개의 학위 논문 중 제목, 목차, 요약의 내용에 키워드가 직접 언급된 68개의 국내 박사학위 논문을 연구의 대상적 범위로 설정하였다. 전체 대상의 발표 시기를 시간적 범위로 설정하였다. (결과) 공간구문론을 활용한 연구는 공간의 시대적 변화와 특정 공간의 관계성에 대한 연구가 주를 이루고 있다. 이를 전기와 후기로 분류한 결과 연구의 경향 및 특성에 확연한 차이를 나타냈다. 이를 SSV로 분석한 결과 전기에는 공간구문론만을 활용하여 시대적 변화에 대한 연구경향과 특정 대상의 공간을 분석하는 연구경향이 균등한 비율로 나타난 반면 후기에는 타 이론과 병합되어 특정 대상의 공간만을 분석하는 경향이 주를 이루고 있다. 또한 전기의 연구는 공간 자체만을 대상으로 하는 반면 후기의 연구는 공간과 인식, 행태, 현상 등의 상관성에 대한 연구가 주된 경향이었다. 이는 일반적 경향 분석에 대한 원인적 근거이며 공간 구문론의 한계를 나타낸다고 판단된다. (결론) 공간구문론의 등장으로 공간분석방법에 유의미한 변화를 가져왔으나 현대에는 가시영역이론, VAE, ERAM, 등 다양한 이론들과의 병합으로 공간 구문론의 단점을 보완한 공간분석의 방법론적 영역을 넓혀가고 있다. 복합공간의 시대적 변화에 대응하기 위해서는 발전된 연구모형의 변화와 요인의 다양성, 변수간의 종속성에 의한 다중적 회귀 분석으로 좀 더 신뢰도의 발전을 가져와야 할 것이라 사료된다. 변수영역별 기호체계를 통한 분석으로 선행연구의 경향을 객관적 수치로 검증하였다는 점에 연구의 의미를 갖는다. (Background and Purpose) Changes in the spatial recognition have led to the scalability of the scope and method of interpreting space. Existing spatial analysis through qualitative research, such as morphology by concept and phenomenology by behavior, provides the first step in the quantitative analysis of sociological relations to physical forms with the emergence of space syntax. Space syntax theory has been significantly used in many studies, but the comprehensive analysis of the meaning and phenomenon of space is limited. The purpose of this study is to present the current utilization status and future improvement plans through the analysis of methodological data of space syntax theory. (Method) After analyzing the general tendency of previous research and its re-validation using a new analysis system, the causes and reasons for it were presented. Focusing on the content, the space analysis keyword was derived to prepare the system of symbol (SSV: System of Symbol Variable). Previous research has analyzed the diachronic trend in quantitative terms by using SSV. When space syntax theory was used as a keyword, a total of 68 domestic doctoral dissertations among 371 theses searched via RISS and the National Assembly Library were set as the target scope of the study. (Results) The study using space syntax theory mainly focused on the change of space and the relationship between specific spaces. As a result of classifying them into those belonging to the former and latter period, there was a clear difference in the trend and characteristics. As to the SSV analysis results, in the former period, the research tendency to analyze the space of a specific object and the research tendency to analyze the space of a specific object were found in equal proportions using only space syntax theory. However, in the latter period, the tendency to analyze only the space of a specific object in combination with other theories was predominant. In addition, former studies focused only on the space itself, while the studies from the later period mainly studied the correlation between the space and perception, behavior, and phenomena. (Conclusions) After the appearance of space syntax theory, the methodological domain of space analysis in modern times has been expanded to complement the shortcomings of space syntax theory by merging it with various theories such as visual domain theory, VAE, and ERAM. To cope with the changes in the complex space, it is considered that the reliability of the research should be improved using the multiple regression analysis based on changes in the research model, diversity of factors, and interdependency among the variables. It is significant that the tendency of previous research was verified by objective figures through analysis using the preference system for each group of variables.

      • KCI등재

        서원건축의 공간구조 분석 연구 - 유네스코 세계문화유산에 등재 된‘한국의 서원’9개 사례를 중심으로 -

        이기석 한국공간디자인학회 2022 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.17 No.5

        (Background & Purpose) The purpose of this study is to calculate quantitative and objective basic data on the spatial composition of Seowon architecture in the Joseon Dynasty by quantitatively analyzing the construction and exterior space composition of nine cases of 'Korea Seowon' registered as UNESCO World Heritage in July 2019. (Methods) For objective and quantitative analysis, a Convex map of Space Syntax was first created, and the values of Connectivity, Control Value, and Integration, which are indicative values of Space Syntax, were compared and analyzed by 9 Seowon architectures. In the comprehensive analysis, the overall contents of 9 Seowon cases are integrated and reviewed through 1) analysis of the total average value by spatial syntax indicator, 2) analysis of buildings and external space, and 3) analysis of spatial syntax indicator. (Results) When the space in Seowon architecture was analyzed by dividing it into a building space and an external space, the index value of the external space was higher than that of the building in all of the connectivity, control, and integration values. In Seowon architecture, the building with the highest spatial connection was found to be the 'Gangdang' , and the building with the lowest spatial connection was found to be the‘Sadang’and the ‘Jangpan(seo)gak’. In Seowon architecture, the buildings with the highest spatial control were 'Gangdang' and 'Nugak', and the buildings with the lowest spatial control were 'Sadang'. In Seowon architecture, the area with the highest degree of space integration was the area of 'lecture space' such as 'Gangdang' , ‘Gojiksa’and 'Nugak', and the area with the lowest degree of space integration was the area of 'ritual space' such as ‘Jeonsacheong’and‘Sadang’. The 'support space' areas such as ‘Jangpangak’ and ‘Gojiksa’ are intermediate. (Conclusions) Through this study, the following conclusions can be drawn. It can be seen that the mediating role of the spatial composition occupied by the external space in Seowon architecture is very important. This is a characteristic that appears in most traditional architectures in Korea, and the external spaces serve to expand the auxiliary space and closely connect the interior spaces of the building to each other. In Seowon architecture, it was quantitatively revealed that the 'Gangdang' in the area of lecture space is the most connected, controlled, and integrated building, and the‘Sadang’, the ritual space, is the least connected, controlled, and accessible building. ‘Jangpangak’ and ‘Jangseogak’ are the support areas of the lecture space, and ‘Gojiksa’ plays a mediating role in the two areas in the intermediate position between the lecture space and the ritual space as the support area of the memorial service space.

      • KCI등재

        공간구문론(Space Syntax) 분석으로 본 현대 성당(聖堂)건축 전이공간(轉移空間)의 특성 연구

        권태일 ( Taeill Kweon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.7

        (Background and Purpose) Traditionally, the transition space; the passageway between the Sacred World where the Holy God exists and the Profane World where filled with human greed, has been regarded as an important religious space for Catholic Church Architecture design. So, it has important meaning that the space where the transition of religious hierarchy begins toward the Holy liturgical space. The range of this space usually extends from the entrance of Catholic Church boundary to the Narthex of liturgical space, and it has generally composed of court, corridor, passage, stairs, door, and etc. However, Modern Catholic Church Architecture tends to neglect its importance within the influence of 20th Modern Architecture; Functionalism, and democratization and popularization of Catholic Church Liturgy; 19th century Liturgical Movement and Vatican Ⅱ(1962-65). In other words, By Functionalism which strongly emphasized on the function of space in architectural design, the transition space which has little functional connection with inner liturgical space, was disregarded. Furthermore, the democratization and popularization of Catholic Church Liturgy only paid attention to breaking existing spatial hierarchy and rebuilding free and equal liturgical space structure without any interest in the transition space. Nonetheless, the transition space is still not only a useful point for Modern Catholic Church Architecture design but also an important religious place which symbolizes Modern Christianity. Therefore, it is necessary to concern about the transition space with a new objective and quantitative evaluation method in Modern Catholic Church Architecture design for both the designer; the architect, and the user of Catholic Church Architecture; the Catholic priest and Catholics. (Method) In the context, this paper attempts to propose new guidelines of the transition space of Modern Catholic Church Architecture design by Space Syntax which is based on the objective and quantitative analysis of the relation between human behavior and the space, specially focused on visibility and accessibility in space. The scope of the Space Syntax analysis is that three types of transition space founded on the history of Catholic Church Architecture; enclosed transition space, additional transition space, and liner transition space. (Results) This analysis will show the weak & strong points of three types of transition space and be very useful to evaluate the function of transition space which is often used variously such as liturgical ceremony preparation, access circulation, commune, and community service in Modern Catholic Church Architecture. Thus, this research will suggest a new design guideline of transition space in Modern Catholic Church Architecture design. (Conclusions)It ultimately indicates not only an error of the existing architectural design trend of Modern Catholic Church Architectures, but also a new possibility of architectural design direction toward 21st Modern Catholic Church Architectures.

      • KCI등재

        공간구문론(Space Syntax)을 이용한 한국 주요 성당(聖堂)건축 내부 공간 평면구성 비교 연구 - 제2차 바티칸공의회 전·후로 건립된 한국 주요 성당건축의 비교를 중심으로 -

        권태일 ( Taeill Kweon ) 한국공간디자인학회 2018 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.13 No.5

        (Background and Purpose) Before the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II), most Korean Catholic churches had been constructed following the traditional long, rectangular floor plan (symbolizing the Latin Cross), which denoted “the passage of salvation.” However, many modern Korean Catholic churches have abandoned the “Latin Cross architecture” in favor of the free-type floor plan, such as the fan, circle, and triangle types, in keeping with the purpose of Vatican II: participatio actuosa (lit. active participation). However, there is no sufficient evident that the free-type floor plan is better than the traditional rectangular plan as Catholic church architecture in promoting participatio actuosa during mass. In this context, this study attempted to analyze and compare the floor plan of Korean Catholic churches constructed before and after Vatican II using space syntax analysis, an analytical method for the quantitative measurement of space. (Method) Space syntax analysis is based on visibility and accessibility in architectural space. With respect to participatio actuosa at mass, from the Entrance Rite to Liturgy of the Word and to Communion Rite, the entire ceremony largely depends on the visibility and accessibility of The Sanctuary, the space for the priest, and The Nave, the space for parishioners. As such, space syntax is an ideal method for comparing the inner space composition of Korean Catholic churches constructed before and after Vatican II. (Results) Although Korea has many Catholic churches spread across the country, only 12 churches were selected as case studies because they could be classified into four types according to floor plan form; we selected three churches to represent each form. The first and second types, seen in six churches constructed between the late 19th century and early 1960s, used two kinds of rectangular floor plan: one with an aisle, and the other without. The third and fourth types, composed of six churches constructed after the late 1960s, are the fan-type free floor plan and non-fan type, such as the circular, semi-circular, and triangular floor plan. The space syntax analysis showed that the free-type floor plan is not always better than the simple Latin cross type of floor plan for participatio actuosa. Rather, the latter is superior in some evaluation factors of visibility and accessibility. (Conclusions) Space syntax analysis indicated not only the errors of the existing architectural design trend of modern Korean Catholic churches but also new possibilities for the simple Latin cross floor plan to serve as a new architectural design direction of modern Korean Catholic church architecture.

      • KCI등재

        3차원 공간에서의 Space Syntax

        김동현(Kim Dong-Hyun),최승관(Choi Seung-Kwan) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        This paper proposes a methodology to analyze the connectivity(or integration) in three-dimensional space by developing Space Syntax which is the representative analyzing theory of spatial space. It is general that existing spatial analysis analyzes about large scale terrain with the Space Syntax of top-view form, but this paper proposes a methodology to analyze the space which is complicated, small-scale, and three-dimensional beyond two-dimensional. First, it examines the problems which could be caused from Space Syntax of the forms in two-dimensional space, then it presents the methodology which complements these problems in 3 dimensional space before analyzing the connectivity in the actual three-dimension space. It deal with the methodology to access in three-dimension space, and also develops the program which can actually embody this. In conclusion, the methodology which arranges the objects in space is mostly based on the designer-centered manner according to the use of objects, but this paper present how to obtain the objectivity about the methodology for arranging objects by analyzing the 3 dimensional space where the people normally walk around.

      • KCI등재

        공간구문론을 통한 국내 고속도로 휴게소의 공간변화에 관한 연구

        이범동,이종세,김주연 한국공간디자인학회 2020 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.15 No.4

        (연구배경 및 목적) 최근 고속도로 휴게소의 중요성에 대한 인식이 커지고 있지만, 고속도로 휴게소의 공간적 변화에 대한 연구는 부족하다. 미래 고속도로 휴게소 공간의 변화를 예측하기 위하여 과거와 현재의 공간변화에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 공간변화에 대한 분석방법으로 형태, 면적, 공간프로그램 등의 분석을 통한 계획학적 접근법과 공간인식, 라이프스타일 등 사회, 문화적 요인과의 관계성 분석을 통한 주관적 접근법 사용된다. 주관적 접근법은 개인의 공간인식 경향에 따라 각기 다른 결과가 도출될 수 있기에 변화의 객관적 근거로 제시하는데 한계가 있다. 이에 본 연구는 각 단위공간의 연결 관계를 파악하여 대상 공간에서 나타나는 사회적 특성을 정량적 수치로 나타내는 공간구문론 분석을 통해 고속도로 휴게소의 공간적 변화와 요인을 객관적으로 제시하는 데에 목적이 있다. (연구방법 및 범위) 연구의 방법으로는 첫째, 공간인식 변화에 따른 고속도로 휴게소 공간의 특성별 재 분류 및 공간프로그램의 형태적 변화를 분석한다. 둘째, 공간구문론 분석을 진행하여 공간의 관계성 변화에 대한 정량적 수치를 도출한다. 셋째, 공간의 형태와 관계성 변화와의 상관성 분석을 통하여 변화의 형태와 요인에 대한 객관적 근거를 제시한다. 연구의 범위는 초창기 1973년에 개설된 진영휴게소와 중반기 2004년에 개설된 문경휴게소(마산방향), 최근 2018년도에 재건축된 문경휴게소(양평방향)의 내부공간을 설정하였다. (결과) 분석의 결과 필요공간은 초창기의 진영휴게소가 위상학적 중심성이 강하게 나타난 반면, 충분공간의 경우 최근의 문경휴게소가 상대적으로 높은 위상학적 중심성이 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 이는 계획학적 분석의 결과와 동일한 결과이며, 초창기 공간계획이 주변 공간으로의 다양한 연결성을 바탕으로 단순하게 형성된 반면 최근의 공간계획은 다양한 공간의 형성과 함께 깊고, 복잡화 되는 경향을 알 수 있었다. (결론 및 의의) 최근 고속도로 휴게소 공간의 변화는 라이프스타일의 변화에 따른 이용자들의 다양한 욕구를 반영함과 동시에 효율적이면서도 개인의 프라이버시를 중요하게 여기는 현대인의 공간인식 변화를 반영한 결과임을 계획학적 분석과 함께 공간구문론 분석을 통해 알 수 있었으며, 이러한 결과는 미래 고속도로 휴게소의 공간 변화에 대한 방향을 제시할 수 있다. 고속도로 휴게소의 공간변화와 요인을 정량적 수치의 변화를 통해 객관적으로 제시하였다는데 본 연구의 의의가 있다. (Background and Purpose) Recently, there has been growing awareness of the importance of highway rest areas, but research on spatial changes in highway rest areas is insufficient. It is used as a subjective approach through the analysis of relations between social and cultural factors such as planning approach, space perception, and lifestyle by analyzing form, area, space program, etc. as an analysis method for space change. The subjective approach has limitations in presenting as an objective basis because it can be derived with different results depending on the tendency of individual's space recognition. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to objectively present spatial changes and factors of highway rest areas though the analysis of space syntax which shows the social characteristics of the target space as quantitative figures by understanding the correlation between each unit space. (Method) First, it analyzes the classification of spaces in highway rest areas according to changes in space perception and the morphological changes in space programs. Second, it derives quantitative figures for changes in the relationship of space through the analysis of space syntax. Finally, it presents the objective basis for the shape and factor of the change through the analysis of the correlation between the shape of the space and the relational change. The scope of the study was to set the interior space of the Jinyoung Rest Area which opened in early 1973, the Munkyeong Rest Area (masan-direction) which opened in the middle of 2004, and the Mungyeong Rest Area (yangpyeong-direction) which was reconstructed in 2018. (Results) As a result of analysis, it was found that the required space was found to have strong topological centrality in the early Jinyoung Rest Area, whereas in the case of sufficient space, it was found that the recent Mungyeong Rest Area showed relatively high topological centrality. This is the same result as that of the planned analysis, and the recent space plan in highway rest area was found to be profound and complicated with the formation of various spaces while the initial space plan was simply formed based on various connections to the surrounding space. (Conclusions) Through the analysis of spatial syntax theory along with the planning analysis, it was found that recent changes in the space of highway rest areas is a result of reflecting changes in space recognition of modern people who reflect various needs of users according to lifestyle changes and at the same time is effective and important for personal privacy. These results can provide directions and implications for space changes in future highway rest areas. The significance of this study is that the space changes and factors of highway rest areas were objectively presented through the quantitative numerical changes.

      • KCI등재

        공간구문론을 이용한 박물관 전시공간 분석

        김예람,채정우 한국공간디자인학회 2019 한국공간디자인학회논문집 Vol.14 No.2

        (연구배경 및 목적) 문화에 대한 수요가 증대하며 전시공간이 늘어나는 요즘, 전시공간을 정량적으로 분석하기 위해 연구를 시작하게 되었다. 이 연구의 목적은 박물관 전시공간의 정량적 분석에 있으며, 나아가 직관적인 학예사의 전시계획과 공간이 갖는 정량적인 수치를 비교 분석함으로써 앞으로 전시계획에서의 기준점이나 참고사항을 제시하는 데에 궁극적인 목표가 있다. (연구방법) 연구방법으로는 한슨과 힐리어의 공간구문론을 이용하여 전시공간의 공간구조를 정량적으로 분석한다. 공간구문론을 이용하여 얻을 수 있는 값으로는 연결도, 통합도, 명료도 등이 있다. 이 연구에서는 서사적 전개가 필요한 국내 전시공간인 <국립민속박물관>과 <대한민국역사박물관>을 대상으로 공간구문론 분석을 시도한다. 전시공간의 기본적인 평면분석과 함께 공간구문론을 적용한 정량적인 공간 분석을 한 후 실제 전시공간과 비교하여 전시 내러티브의 흐름과 공간구조가 일치하는지, 전시 콘텐츠의 배치가 적절한지에 대해 평가하고 문제점을 파악한다. 이를 통해 전시공간에 대한 제안점을 도출하려 시도한다. (결과) 국립민속박물관을 공간구문론 분석한 바에 따르면, 세 개의 전시실 모두 전시 후반부의 한 단위공간에서 연결도가 가장 높고 전시 중반부의 통합도가 가장 높은 공통점이 있었다. 각 전시실 현황과 비교분석하였을 때 1전시실은 배치의 변화가 필요한 부분이 있었으며, 2전시실은 동선의 유도가 필요한 구역이 있었다. 3전시실은 전시물의 배치와 동선이 적절하여 관람에 어려움이 없었다. 대한민국역사박물관을 분석한 바에 따르면, 시대의 흐름에 따른 전시계획으로 인해 전시공간 전반적으로 연결도가 낮았으며, 국립민속박물관과 마찬가지로 전시 중반부의 통합도가 높게 나타났다. 전시실 현황과 비교분석을 한 결과 1,2,3전시실의 경우 전시실의 주제와 통합도가 높은 공간이 일치하여 관람객 입장에서 정보를 효과적으로 받아들이기 수월하였다. 반면 4전시실의 경우 다른 전시실보다 규모가 작음에도 불구하고 통합도가 높은 공간에서 5개 이상의 산만한 콘텐츠가 배치되어 시정이 필요해 보였다. (결론) 이 연구에서는 공간구문론 분석 결과로 나타나는 정량적 계수를 참고하여 박물관 전시공간의 현황과 비교분석해 봄으로써 정량적이고 정성적인 분석 관점을 모두 적용해 보고자 하였다. 이를 통해 관람자가 혼란스럽지 않게 정보를 받아들이기 위해 전시구조와 전시내용의 짜임에 연결성이 있는지 확인하였다. 전시공간은 초기의 계획과 설치도 중요하지만, 사후검증이 더해져서 연구자들의 제안점을 부분수정으로라도 개선해 나갈 수 있다면 상설전시가 일반적인 박물관의 전시능력을 높여 더욱 더 향상된 전시를 제공할 수 있다고 생각한다. (Background and Purpose) In light of increased demand for culture and the bourgeoning number of exhibition spaces, the purpose of this study is to quantitatively analyze museum' exhibition spaces. More specifically, it attempts to analyze the space syntax of the Folk Museum of Korea and the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History. Further, its ultimate goal is to present evaluation or reference points for future exhibition plans by comparing curators’ intuitive exhibition plans with quantitative measures of space. (Method) As a research method, the spatial structure of the exhibition spaces at the Folk Museum of Korea and the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History were analyzed quantitatively using Hanson and Hillier’s space syntax theory. Some of the values that can be obtained using space syntax theory are connectivity, integration, and intelligibility. (Results) According to an analysis of the spatial syntax of the National Folk Museum, all three exhibition rooms had the highest connection and the highest degree of integration in the middle of the exhibition. This was also true of one unit space at the end of the exhibition. When compared with the original state of each exhibition room, the first exhibition room needed to change its layout, and the second exhibition room had areas requiring circulation guidance. The third exhibition room had no issues, because the arrangement of the exhibits and the exhibition space’s circulation were correct. According to an analysis of the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History, the exhibition space’s overall level of connection was low. This is due to the exhibition’s planning, along with contemporary trends at the time of completion. The integration value of the exhibition’s middle section was high, just like the National Folk Museum. According to a comparative analysis of exhibition room statuses, the first, second, and third exhibition spaces complemented the exhibition room, and had a high degree of integration. This made it easier for visitors to receive information effectively. On the other hand, in the fourth exhibition room, over five contents were scattered in an otherwise highly integrated space. This was true even though it was smaller than other exhibition rooms, a fact which seemed to require correction. (Conclusions) In this study, I attempted to apply both quantitative and qualitative analytical perspectives by comparing and analyzing the present situation of exhibition space in museums. I accomplished this by referring to quantitative coefficients resulting from an analysis of space syntax. While early planning and installation of exhibition space is important, I think long-term exhibitions can provide even better displays by enhancing the capacity of a typical historical museum. This is especially true if post-verification is added, and partial modifications can be improved.

      • KCI등재

        보행자 기반 시뮬레이션 지표설정 및 공간구조론과의 상관성 분석

        김석태,홍사철 대한건축학회지회연합회 2018 대한건축학회연합논문집 Vol.20 No.3

        건축공간의 실체는 물리적이지만 성능은 물리적 기능에 더하여 그 공간의 용도와 내부에서 생활하는 사용자들의 복잡한 상호관계에 의해 이루어진다. 70년대 들어 공간의 특성을 분석하기 위해 다양한 공간구조분석이론이 제시되고 검증되어 왔으나 목적성(동선, 서비스)과 사용자의 특성을 반영할 수 없는 등 많은 한계에 부딪혀왔다. 본 연구에서는 공간을 복잡계의 관점에서 바라보고자 하였으며, 복잡계 분석 이론 중 하나인 Agent based modeling을 이용하여 가능성을 파악하고자 하였다. 이에 space syntax 데이터에 대입할 수 있는 밀도, 통행량, 에이전트의 존속시간 등 3가지 지표를 제시하고, 여기에 8가지 프로토타입 예시공간에 pedestrian based discrete event simulation을 수행하여 raw data를 추출하였다. 또한 오차 내 데이터 수렴시간 분석을 통해 적정시뮬레이션 시간을 도출하였고, 샘플을 이용한 10차례의 반복시뮬레이션과 에이전트 종속시간분석을 통해 work flow chart를 검증하였다. ABM시뮬레이션을 통해 얻은 밀도데이터를 convex map의 분석결과와, 통행량을 axial map분석결과와 피어슨 상관계수를 통한 관계성을 분석하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻을 수 있었다.1) 10차례의 반복시뮬레이션을 통해 emergence data의 일관성을 확인하였고, 빠른 시간 안에 오차 이내로 데이터가 수렴되는 경향을 확인하였다. 2) 영역밀도(convex map)가 통행량(axial map)에 비하여 높은 상관관계를 보였다. 3) 밀도는 대칭성에 영향을 크게 받으며, 대칭구조가 비대칭구조보다 상관관계가 크다. 통행량은 위상적 특징과 관련이 깊으며, tree 형태가 ring형태보다 상관관계가 크다. 특히 순환형 구조는 ABM의 통행량과 공간구조이론간 상관관계가 없다. 4) VGA는 공간구조이론과 유사한 성향을 보이지만 격차는 작았다. The reality of the architectural space is physical, but the performance of the space is based on not only the physical function of the space but also the usage of the space and the complex interrelationships of users who live in the space. Since 1970, various theories for spatial structure analysis have been proposed and verified in order to analyze the characteristics of space, but they have faced many limitations such as their inability to reflect the purposes of space (moving path, services) and the characteristics of users. In this paper, we tried to look at the space in perspective of the complex system and tried to grasp the possibility by using the Agent-based modeling which is one of the complex system analysis theory. Hence, we propose three metrics, that can be assigned to the space syntax data, such as density, traffic volume and lifetime of the agent, and then extracted raw data by performing pedestrian based discrete event simulation in the eight prototype example spaces. In addition, the optimal simulation time was derived by analyzing the convergence time of the data within the error range, and we verified the work flow chart through 10 repetitive simulations using samples and agent dependent time analysis. By analyzing the correlation between the density data obtained from the ABM simulation and the result of convex map analysis and the correlation between traffic volume and the result of axial map analysis through Pearson correlation coefficient, the following results were obtained. 1) We confirmed the consistency of the emergence data through 10 repetitive simulations and confirmed that the data converge to within an error range in fast. 2) The convex map has higher correlation than the axial map. 3) Density is significantly influenced by symmetry, and symmetric structure is more correlated than asymmetric structure. The traffic volume is related to the topological features, and the tree topology is more correlated than the ring topology. In particular, the circular structures have no correlation with ABM traffic volume and spatial structure theory. 4) VGA has similar characteristics to space syntax, but the gap was small. Four metrics of space syntax (connectivity, control value, global integration, local integration, connectivity of visual graph analysis) were used as a comparison metric with the spatial structure theory.

      • KCI등재

        네트워크 분석방식 선택에 따른 복잡계 모형과 공간구문론의 상호검증

        김석태(Kim, Suk-Tae),윤소희(Yoon, So-hee) 한국실내디자인학회 2017 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.26 No.3

        A social phenomenon that occurs in a physical space is said to be a complex system. However, space syntax, which is commonly employed by researchers to identify such social phenomena, has various limitations in interpreting their complexity. On the other hand, agent-based modeling considers a variety of factors including the personality of the agent, objective-oriented work flows, estimation according to time flows and better prediction of space use through diverse parameters depending the situation, as well as the characteristics of the space. The agent-based method thus has the potentials to be developed as an alternative to space syntax techniques. In particular, discrete event driven simulation(DEVS), which is part of the agent-based modeling method, embraces the concept of networks just like space syntax, which allows a possible theoretical linkage in the future. This study suggests a procedural model of agent-based DEVS reflecting two different connection methods, i.e. connections between adjacent areas and those of the entire space, and attempts to identify the relationship between the local and regional indices of space syntax. A number of spaces were selected as examples—one for a preliminary experiment and eight modified for the main experiment—and space syntax and DEVS were applied to each of them. The comparative analysis of the results led to the conclusions as follows: 1) Adjacent connections were closely related to local indices, while the whole-space approach to regional indices. Local integration shows both characteristics. 2) Observation of the time flow model indicated a faster convergence with the range of 1 to 3-fold of the total time of one lap, with the error of less than 10%. 3) The heat map analysis showed more obvious characteristics of using the space for the entire space rather than adjacent connections. 4) Space syntax shows higher eligibility than ABM.

      • KCI등재

        뮤지엄건축 공간배치의 정량적 분석방법에 관한 연구

        박종구(Park, Chong-Ku),이성훈(Lee, Sung-Hoon) 한국실내디자인학회 2009 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.18 No.4

        This thesis analyzed arrangement and mixture method of function elements, which are getting more important in museum planning. It used quantitative method, Space Syntax and Visibility Graph Analysis tool to analyze five case museums. Through this analysis, advantages and disadvantages of two methods were derived and case museums’ arrangement and mixture attributes were grasped. Results of the analysis were derived differently by two kinds of plan form which were room to room type and open type. Open typed museum recorded similar graphs of Integration, Visual Integration and Visual Connectivity. Since whole space structures were relatively simple and structure of exhibition halls were opened, the results of Space Syntax and Visibility Graph Analysis had similar graphs. Room to room typed museum showed differences in Integration, Visual Integration and Visual Connectivity. In the result, the most accessible space was lobby and Mediation Space became the center of visibility. Also, the exhibition hall, where the opening of room to room typed exhibition hall was penetrated visually, became a center of visibility. Lobby space, which was close to entrance, had the highest Visibility Connectivity. As Space Syntax could analyze the museum as whole space structure, Space Syntax showed strength in room to room typed museum analysis compared to open typed museum analysis which has relatively simple structure. Visibility Graph Analysis could expect the flow of exhibit distance including visibility analysis unlike the flow of exhibit distance with space arrangement. The exhibition hall, which secures the sight to penetration of an opening, couldn’t be analyzed in existing Space Syntax. However, it became the biggest advantages in Visibility Graph Analysis of room to room typed museum. Visibility Graph Analysis derived detailed results in exhibit arrangement so it will be the useful method not only for architecture but also for planning of exhibit arrangement in open typed museum. Through this study, various possibilities on Quantitative Analysis Method of Museum Architecture could be verified. However, the analysis still has limitation of second dimension. Therefore, diverse and liberal following study will be expected to accomplish.

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