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        Security Cooperation between South Korea and Australia: Bilateral for Minilateral?

        박재적 인하대학교 국제관계연구소 2016 Pacific Focus Vol.31 No.2

        Security cooperation between South Korea and Australia has increased in recent years. What has been driving this increasingly enhanced security cooperation between the two states, which are about 7,500km apart from each other? This article approaches the question from the angle of minilateral security cooperation, which has been growing in the Asia–Pacific. It is relatively easier to build minilateral security cooperation upon an existing bilateral alliance relationship or strategic partnership. This practice has been led in the Asia–Pacific by the United States, which has been maintaining the so-called hub-and-spoke alliance network and expanding its security interactions with non-allied states. It is in this vein that this article locates security cooperation between the two US allies, South Korea and Australia, in the larger context of the US-led minilateral security network in the Asia–Pacific. After observing that South Korea and Australia have been enhancing their security cooperation, the article looks into those states’ stances on the US attempt to facilitate security linkage among its Asia–Pacific allies. Then, the article examines the (un)desirability and (im)possibility of developing trilateral or quadrilateral security cooperation among South Korea, Australia, the United States and Japan. It claims that the expectation of a US-led minilateral security cooperation being developed is a key reason for the recent enhancement of bilateral security cooperation between South Korea and Australia. Lastly, it discusses some issues to consider in further promoting South Korea–Australia security cooperation in the context of US-led minilateral security cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        The Koreanization of the Australian Sex Industry: A Policy and Legislative Challenge

        Caroline Norma 서울대학교행정대학원 2011 Journal of Policy Studies Vol.26 No.3

        South Korea enacted legislation in 2004 that penalizes pimps, traffickers,and sex industry customers while decriminalizing people in prostitution and offering assistance to leave the sex industry. In contrast, Australia legally recognizes most sex industry activities. This article argues that Australia’s laissezfaire approach to the sex industry hampers South Korean government efforts to prevent the crime of sex trafficking. Since 2004, pimps and traffickers have moved their activities from South Korea to countries like Australia and the US that maintain relatively hospitable operating environments for the sex industry. The Australian government should reconsider its approach to prostitution on the basis of its diplomatic obligations to countries like South Korea and the need to uphold the human rights of women in Asia who are being trafficked and murdered as a result of sexual demand emanating from Australia. Australia should coordinate its policy on prostitution with South Korea to strengthen the region’s transnational anti-trafficking response.


        Chemical composition of banana meal and rice bran from Australia or South-East Asia

        Natalia S. Fanelli,Leidy J. Torres-Mendoza,Jerubella J. Abelilla,Hans H. Stein Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2023 Animal Bioscience Vol.36 No.10

        Objective: A study was conducted to determine the chemical composition of banana meal and rice bran from Australia or South-East Asia and test the hypothesis that there are no differences in rice bran produced in different countries, but there are differences between full-fat and defatted rice bran. Methods: Two sources of banana meal and 22 sources of rice bran (full-fat or defatted) from Australia or South-East Asia were used. All samples were analyzed for dry matter, gross energy, nitrogen, amino acids (AA), acid hydrolyzed ether extract (AEE), ash, minerals, total starch, insoluble dietary fiber, and soluble dietary fiber. Banana meal was also analyzed for sugars including glucose, fructose, maltose, sucrose, stachyose, and raffinose. Results: Chemical analysis demonstrated that banana meal from the Philippines is primarily composed of starch. Full-fat rice bran from Australia had greater (p<0.05) concentrations of AEE, lysine, and glycine than samples from the Philippines and Vietnam. Full-fat rice bran from Australia and Thailand had greater (p<0.05) concentrations of gross energy and most AA than rice bran from Vietnam. Full-fat rice bran from Australia had greater (p<0.05) concentrations of tryptophan and manganese than all other sources, but full-fat rice bran from the Philippines contained less (p<0.05) zinc than all other sources of rice bran. Gross energy, AEE, and copper were greater (p<0.05) in full-fat rice bran compared with defatted rice bran, but defatted rice bran contained more (p<0.05) crude protein, ash, insoluble dietary fiber, total dietary fiber, AA, and some minerals than full-fat rice bran. Conclusion: Banana meal is a high-energy source that can be used as an alternative ingredient in livestock diets. Full-fat rice bran from Australia and Thailand contained more concentrations of AEE and AA than samples from the Philippines or Vietnam. Full-fat rice bran had more gross energy and AEE than defatted rice bran, whereas defatted rice bran contained more crude protein, ash, and total dietary fiber.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study of Korean and Australian Children’s Literature with a Vietnamese Multicultural Topic

        Jeongae Park,Dongbae Lee 한국동서비교문학학회 2016 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.37

        The stories published in South Korea that have Vietnamese multicultural topics, such as Wandeugi, focus on Vietnamese immigrant women and their children born to Korean fathers, and examine how they deal with issues of successfully integrating and settling into Korean society. The authors plotted these women as ‘marked others,’ having superior qualifications to their husbands, yet submitting themselves to the domestic gender regime, providing a stark contrast to the egoistic Korean women around them. Even with the good intentions of the authors, these set-ups are more likely to strengthen the South Korean/Vietnamese gender regime, and are unlikely to contribute to gender equality in Korean society. Australian authors often note the Vietnamese refugees who have settled in Australia. Noodle Pie adds a possibly new dimension of a hybrid subject—a second generation immigrant born in Australia. Compared to his father, the protagonist of this novel breaks out of the existing order and creates a hybrid third space. The title itself, Noodle Pie, as a combination of the representative foods of Vietnam and Australia, is a symbol of hybrid imagination illustrating a hybrid subject.

      • Persons with Decision-Making Disabilities and Supported Decision-Making in New South Wales, Australia

        Malcolm Schyvens 한국후견·신탁연구센터 2018 후견과 신탁 Vol.1 No.1

        A person’s ability to determine their own future and to make choices about their own life and circumstances strikes at the very heart of what it means to be human. In recent times, these questions have received a renewed attention and focus, propelled by the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (‘the Convention’), which came into being in 2008. In preparing for this presentation today I have reviewed the Korean Civil Act to gain an understanding of the reformed guardianship jurisdiction which came into operation on 1 July 2013. If my understanding is correct, in Korea, applications can be made to the Family Court seeking orders to resolve many of the many questions I have just raised. In Australia, specialist tribunals predominantly exercise the power to answer these questions, using the framework of substitute decision-making. Such matters are only dealt with by the courts in small numbers. However, the existing substitute decision-making model in Australia, a ‘best interests’ model, has been criticised for being too paternalistic and for taking away the right to self-determination too easily. International law and thinking on the rights of persons with disabilities now favours a model that puts the ‘will, preferences, and rights’ of the person concerned at the centre of the decision-making process. A supported decision-making model is preferred to the current substitute decision-making model, in keeping with the Convention. I have attempted to provide a brief overview of how questions of impaired decision-making capacity and decision making arrangements are currently determined and how it is proposed that they may be answered in the future in Australia. Whilst all Australian jurisdictions continue to operate legal frameworks entrenched in the appointment of a substitute decision-maker, there has been a significant policy shift encouraging those appointed to these roles to engage in supported decision-making whenever possible. This policy shift is not unique to Australia and is occurring in many countries throughout the world. In my view, this is a transition more than a destination. It is a transition that reflects society’s ever developing views as to the capability and the rights of persons with disabilities.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study of Korean and Australian Children’s Literature with a Vietnamese Multicultural Topic

        박정애,이동배 한국동서비교문학학회 2016 동서 비교문학저널 Vol.0 No.37

        The stories published in South Korea that have Vietnamese multicultural topics, such as Wandeugi, focus on Vietnamese immigrant women and their children born to Korean fathers, and examine how they deal with issues of successfully integrating and settling into Korean society. The authors plotted these women as ‘marked others,’ having superior qualifications to their husbands, yet submitting themselves to the domestic gender regime, providing a stark contrast to the egoistic Korean women around them. Even with the good intentions of the authors, these set-ups are more likely to strengthen the South Korean/Vietnamese gender regime, and are unlikely to contribute to gender equality in Korean society. Australian authors often note the Vietnamese refugees who have settled in Australia. Noodle Pie adds a possibly new dimension of a hybrid subject—a second generation immigrant born in Australia. Compared to his father, the protagonist of this novel breaks out of the existing order and creates a hybrid third space. The title itself, Noodle Pie, as a combination of the representative foods of Vietnam and Australia, is a symbol of hybrid imagination illustrating a hybrid subject.

      • KCI등재

        디아스포라적 상상력으로 전하는 남아공과 세계의 문제들 —쿳시의 어느 운 나쁜 해의 일기를 중심으로

        김현아 대한영어영문학회 2020 영어영문학연구 Vol.46 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine how the theme changed compared to his early novels, focusing on the novel J. M. Coetzee’s Diary of a Bad Year. Coetzee’s novels have changed dramatically by being boldly out of its past form and themes that have been shaped in the past through later novels and using new issues in a new form. Among them, it is Diary of a Bad Year that is at the center of change. This article is about how the novels of South African diaspora writer is turning to new forms and themes is related to spatial migration and how this fact applies in Diary of a Bad Year. In this discussion, it is considered to be an important issue to study what changes Coetzee, who has embodied the issue of racism and ethics, is attempting to make in his novel after moving to Australia. Therefore, this study will examine how the writer reflects those themes to this novel by crossing public writing and private writing, and summarize the effects of migration of autobiographical space on narrative.

      • KCI등재

        Envisaging an Independent Future: The Establishment of the National Gallery of South Australia in the Early 1880s

        하정연 미술사와 시각문화학회 2019 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.23 No.-

        The Art Gallery of South Australia opened as the National Gallery of South Australia in 1881. Situating it in the context of South Australian nationalism, this study elucidates South Australian leadership in founding the Gallery in order to demonstrate its role in the colonial conception of an independent future. It examines the debates around the establishment, evaluating ways in which South Australians considered various artistic, theoretical and institutional ideals and sources, defined the value and purpose of a national gallery, and viewed artworks forming its founding collection. Their reception of British and colonial paintings is particularly explored to reveal colonial attitudes to the metropole, the empire—the British and as a historical phenomenon—and their colonised realm during the late nineteenth century. The article explains how the debates around the establishment of the National Gallery sustained a focus on art and its capacity to facilitate a community such as South Australia to develop a culture of its own and on an imagined future of South Australia as an independent state. By highlighting these aspects, which could be revealed or conceived only by considering visual art and building its institution, it argues for the role of art and the National Gallery in contemporary South Australian nationalism.

      • KCI등재

        A Preliminary Investigation into the Potential to Attract Medical Tourism from Australia in Jeollabuk-do, South Korea

        Dover, Michae(도버, 마이클),Kim, Sun Mi(김선미),Jeong, Ji Young(정지영) 전북대학교 산업경제연구소 2021 아태경상저널 Vol.13 No.3

        이 논문은 ‘코로나19’ 대유행의 위기에 의해 영향을 받고 있는 국제적인 관광 환경에서 호주로부터 전라북도로 의료 관광객을 유인하기 위한 가능성을 탐구한다. 이 연구는 대한민국으로 의료 행위를 선택할 가능성이 가장 높은 호주 인구 통계학상의 그룹에 대한 검증결과를 토대로, 전라북도가 지닌 경쟁력 있는 강점들을 분석할 것이다. 전라북도가 지닌 경쟁력 있는 중요한 강점 중의 하나는 한국문화와 지역 문화를 의료 관광 분야에 통합하는 역량에 있다. 의료 관광은 오직 의료 절차와 치료 자체에만 집중되는 단기 체류 방문으로 이루어질 수도 있지만, 적응 기간과 의료 치료 기간 및 회복 기간을 결합하는 장기 체류 방문으로 진행될 수도 있다. 장기 체류 방문은 의료 관광객을 한국문화의 독특한 특성과 정서를 이해하는데 충분한 도움이 된다. 이 연구는 한국의 문화적 특성들이 어떻게 전라북도의 상황에서 호주 여행객들을 유인하는 데 매우 효과적으로 작용할 수 있는지에 대한 논리적 근거를 제공한다. 또한, 이 논문은 대한민국 의료관광 분야에 필요한 의료영어 교육의 중요성이 강조되었다. 특히, 이 논문은 의료기관에게 전문적 의료 경영서비스를 제공하는 MSO(병원경영지원회사)의 역할과 국내에 들어오는 의료 관광객과 의료기관들에게 전적으로 필요한 인적자원인 ‘Medilier(메디리어)’라는 새로운 용어의 개념을 소개한 후, ‘메드리어’의 교육 프로그램과 연계 의료서비스 제공의 중요성이 강조되었다. 또한 관광산업 발전전략 의 분석수단으로 샤넬·헤르메스 조건이 새로이 소개되었다. This paper investigates the potential for the South Korean province of Jeollabuk-do to attract medical tourists from Australia in an international tourism environment impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. Following identification of the Australian demographic cohort most likely to be receptive to undertaking medical procedures in South Korea, the paper analyses Jeollabuk-do’s competitive advantages in this regard. A key competitive advantage the province has is its capacity to incorporate Korean and local culture into the medical tourism experience. While medical tourism can consist of a short-stay visitation concentrated solely around the medical procedure/treatment itself, it can also consist of a longer-stay visitation which incorporates a settlement period, a medical treatment period and a recovery period. An extended stay as such allows the medical tourist to fully engage with the distinct attributes of South Korea’s culture. This paper seeks to understand how South Korea’s cultural attributes are best able to engage with medical tourists from Australia within the context of Jeollabuk-do. Furthermore, the paper emphasizes the importance of Medical English language education within the Korean medical tourism sector. In particular, the paper emphasizes the role of MSO(Management Services Organization) and introduces the term ‘Medilier’ which relates to the education program and provision of human capital resources which work to professionally facilitate the interaction between incoming international medical tourists and South Korean health care service providers. The new condition of SANEL·HERMES is also introduced as a new instrument of analysis for development strategy of tourism industry.

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