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        무용 교육에서 스마트 교육의 방향성 탐색

        김연재 한양대학교 우리춤연구소 2023 우리춤과 과학기술 Vol.19 No.4

        This study raises the need to explore the direction of smart education using digital technology in dance education in the smart education era. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between dance education and smart education and to explore the direction that dance education will take in the smart education era. The research method was to analyze cases of smart education through literature research and explore directions suited to the characteristics of dance education. As a result of the study, the direction of smart education in dance education is largely divided into two types: instrumental use and creative use. First, instrumental use refers to smart technology used in theoretical education, and refers to educational materials and content that educators can provide to learners. This corresponds to theoretical education, and smart technology can be utilized through digitization of educational materials and systemization of appreciation materials. The development of such a systemized app for educational materials can be used as a tool for educational materials by teachers and as customized learning materials for learners. Second, creative use refers to smart technology and content that can be used in practical education to learn movements and create. This stimulates interest through experience through technology in dance education and enables expression through creation. Through this, it will be possible to expand the methods of movement and creation in various ways, such as learning and performing movement in a virtual space, experiencing the dancer’s movement using technology, or creating creative movement using technology. . Through this study, new directions for dance education will be found and used as preliminary research for practice.

      • KCI등재

        Combining smart materials for enhancing intelligent systems: initial studies, success cases and research trends

        A. Díaz Lantada,P. Lafont Morgado,J.M. Munoz-Guijosa,J.L. Muñoz Sanz,J. Echávarri Otero,E. Chacón Tanarro,E. De la Guerra Ochoa 국제구조공학회 2014 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.14 No.4

        The combined use of smart materials, complementing each others' characteristics and resultingin devices with optimised features, is providing new solutions in many industries. The use of ingeniouscombinations of smart materials has led to improvements in actuation speed and force, signal-to-noise ratio,sensor precision and unique capabilities such as self-sensing self-healing systems and energy autonomy. Thismay all give rise to a revival for numerous families of smart materials, for which application proposals hadalready reached a stationary situation. It may also provide the boost needed for the definitive industrialsuccess of many others. This study focuses on reviewing the proposals, preliminary studies and successcases related to combining smart materials to obtain multifunctional, improved systems. It also examines themost outstanding applications and fields for the combined use of these smart materials. We will also discussrelated study areas which warrant further research for the development of novel approaches for demandingapplications.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 스마트 재료를 통해 나타나는 디자인 적용 및 표현 특성 분석 -스마트 표면을 중심으로-

        손혜희 ( Hye Hee Son ),최경실 ( Gyoung Sil Choi ) 디자인융복합학회 2012 디자인융복합연구 Vol.11 No.4

        본 연구는 스마트 재료의 개념 및 기술적 작용과 스마트 표면을 중심으로 건축공간에 나타나는 재료의 디자인적 적용 및 표현 특성을 다루었다. 그리고 그 목적은 기술적 진보와 미학적 관심이 융합되어 나타난 새로운 재료를 합목적성을 갖고 디자인에 적용될 수 있도록 하는데 있다. 스마트 재료는 동적이고 융합적인 반응성 재료이며, 변형 가능한 재료이다. 또한 스마트 재료의 특성이 구현되는 스마트 표면은 소통과 실행의 기술적 장이다. 스마트 표면의 디자인 특성은 환경적 요인 및 사용자특성 요인의 자극을 통해 공간의 가변성, 시각제어, 커뮤니케이션, 에너지효율성의 기능적 특성과 위상학적 형태변형, 색과 빛의 변화의 표현적 특성으로 나타났다. 그러므로 스마트 재료는 환경적인 문제를 해결하고 미학적, 감성적 측면에서 표면의 깊이를 만드는 디자인 요소인 것이다. 따라서 공간을 디자인할 때, 스마트 재료를 설계의 근본적인 요소로 재인식하고 자극요인 설정과 그에 따른 재료의 설계를 선행하여 표면의 효과가 단순히 시각의 절대화가 아니라 재료의 본성과 재료가 갖는 가능성을 구현할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. This study focuses on the concepts and the technological aspects of the ‘Smart Material’. Also, it scrutinizes the applications and the traits in the expression of the space design on the ‘Smart surfaces’. The purpose of this paper is to apply to the practical design step the combination of the recent advances in technologies and the aesthetic interests, both in terms of the new materials. The SM is trans materials and responsive materials in that it dynamic and convergence conforms and reacts to the external stimulus. The Smart surface is reacts to the external stimulus, one of which is the environmental and the other is the human stimulus. The functional traits accompany the variability of space, vision control, communication, energy efficiency and the expressive traits include shape transformation and color and light changing. Therefore, the SM serves as one of the key design elements that comprises the depth of the surface as it resolves the environmental issues, and stimulates the aesthetical as well as emotional aspects. Thus, the SM should be considered as one of the most fundamental elements in configuring the surface stimuli. The blueprints of the SM should precede such design mainly to avoid the absolute effect of the vision when in contact with the surface, discoving the essence and potentials of the material in turn.


        Combining smart materials for enhancing intelligent systems: initial studies, success cases and research trends

        Diaz Lantada, A.,Lafont Morgado, P.,Munoz-Guijosa, J.M.,Munoz Sanz, J.L.,Echavarri Otero, J.,Chacon Tanarro, E.,De la Guerra Ochoa, E. Techno-Press 2014 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.14 No.4

        The combined use of smart materials, complementing each others' characteristics and resulting in devices with optimised features, is providing new solutions in many industries. The use of ingenious combinations of smart materials has led to improvements in actuation speed and force, signal-to-noise ratio, sensor precision and unique capabilities such as self-sensing self-healing systems and energy autonomy. This may all give rise to a revival for numerous families of smart materials, for which application proposals had already reached a stationary situation. It may also provide the boost needed for the definitive industrial success of many others. This study focuses on reviewing the proposals, preliminary studies and success cases related to combining smart materials to obtain multifunctional, improved systems. It also examines the most outstanding applications and fields for the combined use of these smart materials. We will also discuss related study areas which warrant further research for the development of novel approaches for demanding applications.

      • KCI등재후보

        Smart body armor inspired by flow in bone

        Melissa Louise Knothe Tate 국제구조공학회 2011 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.7 No.3

        An understanding of biomaterials’ smart properties and how biocomposite materials are manufactured by cells provides not only bio-inspiration for new classes of smart actuators and sensors but also foundational technology for smart materials and their manufacture. In this case study, I examine the unique smart properties of bone, which are evident at multiple length scales and how they provide inspiration for novel classes of mechanoactive materials. I then review potential approaches to engineer and manufacture bioinspired smart materials that can be applied to solve currently intractable problems such as the need for “smart” body armor or decor cum personal safety devices.

      • KCI등재

        사상체질에 따른 스마트밴드 소재 및 표면처리 선호 경향

        서홍석 한국디자인문화학회 2022 한국디자인문화학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        Each person’s constitution is different, and the preferred product material and finishing conditions are different depending on the constitutional characteristics. In particular, in the case of products with a lot of body contact, such as wearable devices, the material and surface treatment are emotional factors that convey the quality and feeling of the product through the person’s sight and touch, and it can be seen that it has a deep connection with the constitution. In this study, smart bands that are recently worn by many people as wearable devices were selected, and 68 college students in their 20s, who are the generation who are sensitive to trends and pursue individuality, were classified by constitution according to ideological medicine, and the same type of smart band was selected. A survey was conducted by giving the band strap a change in material and surface treatment. As the method of this study, 5 types of materials distinguished according to raw materials and 18 types of samples with changes in surface treatment for each material were produced through expert review to select experimental stimulants, and smart band materials were provided to the subjects. Subjective sensory and preference evaluation for surface treatment was conducted. As a result of the questionnaire, preferred materials and surface treatment tendencies were different depending on the type of constitution of the respondents, and it was found that there was a significant difference in the tactile adjectives felt from the same material. Taeyangin has a hard-gloss surface texture of metal material and UV coating, Taeeumin has a hard-smooth surface texture of metal corrosion material and SF coating, Soyangin has a soft-natural surface texture of silicon material and leather, and Soeumin has a soft-natural surface texture. Glossy-Natural surface texture of chrome plated material and fabric material was preferred. For the same material, Taeeumin and Soyangin showed higher sensitivity to surface texture than Taeeumin and Soyangin. It is meaningful that it can be used as quantitative data that can implement more effective customized design if material and finishing are applied in consideration of constitutional characteristics in the development of emotional product. It is expected that a personalized material recommendation service will be possible through the development of product based on these data. 본 연구에서는 사람마다 체질이 다르고, 체질적 특성에 따라 선호하는 제품 소재 및 표면처리 조건이다르다는 것을 알아보고자 한다. 특히, 웨어러블 디바이스와 같은 신체 접촉이 많은 제품의 경우, 소재 및표면처리는 사람의 시각과 촉각을 통해 제품에 대한품질과 느낌을 전달하는 감성 요소로서 사람의 체질과 깊은 연관성을 갖는다고 볼 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 최근 웨어러블 디바이스로 사람들이 많이 착용하고 있는 스마트밴드를 선정해서, 유행에 민감하고 개성을 추구하는 세대인 20대 대학생 68명을 대상으로사상의학에 따라 체질별로 분류하고, 동일한 형태의스마트밴드 스트랩에 소재 및 표면처리 변화를 주어설문조사를 진행하였다. 연구방법으로 실험 자극물을선정하기 위한 전문가 리뷰를 통해 원자재에 따라 구별되는 5가지 종류의 소재와 각 소재별 표면처리에변화를 준 18가지 종류의 샘플을 제작하였고, 피실험자에게 스마트밴드 소재와 표면처리에 대한 주관적인감각 및 선호도 평가를 실시하였다. 설문 결과, 응답자의 체질 유형에 따라 선호하는 소재 및 표면처리경향이 다르게 나타났으며, 동일 소재에서 느껴지는감성어휘에 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 태양인은 메탈 소재와 UV코팅의 Cool-Glossy한 표면질감을, 태음인은 메탈부식 소재와 SF코팅의 Warm- Soft한 표면질감을, 소양인은 실리콘 소재와 가죽의Hard-Smooth한 표면질감을, 소음인은 크롬도금 소재와 패브릭 소재의 Glossy-Natural한 표면질감을 선호하였다. 동일한 소재에 대해 소음인, 소양인, 태양인, 태음인 순으로 표면질감에 대한 민감도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 스마트밴드는 일반 시계나 스마트워치와는 달리, 금속 소재보다는 가죽 및 실리콘소재를 활용한 피부 친화적인 표면질감을 적용할 필요가 있음을 유추해 볼 수 있다. 본 연구를 통해 감성제품 개발에 있어서 체질적 특성을 고려하여 소재 및표면처리를 적용한다면 보다 효과적인 개인맞춤 디자인을 구현할 수 있는 정량적인 데이터로 활용될 수있다는 데 의의가 있다.


        Smart body armor inspired by flow in bone

        Tate, Melissa Louise Knothe Techno-Press 2011 Smart Structures and Systems, An International Jou Vol.7 No.3

        An understanding of biomaterials' smart properties and how biocomposite materials are manufactured by cells provides not only bio-inspiration for new classes of smart actuators and sensors but also foundational technology for smart materials and their manufacture. In this case study, I examine the unique smart properties of bone, which are evident at multiple length scales and how they provide inspiration for novel classes of mechanoactive materials. I then review potential approaches to engineer and manufacture bioinspired smart materials that can be applied to solve currently intractable problems such as the need for "smart" body armor or decor cum personal safety devices.


        Review of seismic vibration control using 'smart materials'

        Valliappan, S.,Qi, K. Techno-Press 2001 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.11 No.6

        For the potential application of smart materials to seismic structural control, this paper reviews seismic control techniques for civil engineering structures, and developments of smart materials for vibration and noise control. Analytical and finite element methods adopted for the design of distributed sensors/actuators using piezoelectric materials are discussed. Investigation of optimum position of sensors/actuators and damping are also outlined.

      • KCI등재

        그래핀 기반 지능형 나노복합소재를 이용한 고감도 임팩트 페인트 센서 개발 연구

        김성용(Sung Yong Kim),박세훈(Sehoon Park),최경락(Gyoung Rak Choi),박형기(Hyung-ki Park),강인필(Inpil Kang) 한국소음진동공학회 2014 한국소음진동공학회 논문집 Vol.24 No.3

        This paper presents a novel impact sensor which can be fabricated with smart paint made of grapheme. This smart nano paint can be easily installed on structures using a spray-on technique and that can make the sensor low cost and practical. The graphene effectively improves the piezoresistivity of the smart paint and that is available to achieve sensitive impact sensor with high gauge factor. The nano smart-paint can detect sufficient impact to cover the damaged energy range of the composite around 1~3J. The voltage outputs from the sprayed paints show fairly linear responses after signal processing. The impact makes deformation of the structure and it brings change of piezoresistivity of the paint and those converts into voltage output consequently by means of a simple signal processing system. The nano smart paint is lightweight and easily applied to the structural surface, and there is no stress concentration. The nano smart paint is expected to be a cost effective and sensitive multi-functional sensor for composites and other damage monitoring applications in the field of structural health monitoring.

      • KCI등재

        자성 분말 기반 소프트 자성 액츄에이터 및 센서 연구 동향

        송현서,이하준,김정효,김지윤 한국분말재료학회(구 한국분말야금학회) 2021 한국분말재료학회지 (KPMI) Vol.28 No.6

        Smart materials capable of changing their characteristics in response to stimuli such as light, heat, pH, and electric and magnetic fields are promising for application to flexible electronics, soft robotics, and biomedicine. Compared with conventional rigid materials, these materials are typically composed of soft materials that improve the biocompatibility and allow for large and dynamic deformations in response to external environmental stimuli. Among them, smart magnetic materials are attracting immense attention owing to their fast response, remote actuation, and wide penetration range under various conditions. In this review, we report the material design and fabrication of smart magnetic materials. Furthermore, we focus on recent advances in their typical applications, namely, soft magnetic actuators, sensors for self-assembly, object manipulation, shape transformation, multimodal robot actuation, and tactile sensing.

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