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        Eun-A Lee,Jong-Jun Kim 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2015 Global Fashion Management Conference Vol.2015 No.06

        Global interest in smart-wear has risen rapidly in the 21stcentury. “Smart-wear” is one application of intelligent textiles and refers to all clothes made with intelligent textiles (or those that are a convergence). New developments represent a positive opportunity for the fashion industry to integrate new technologies to evolve. Smart-wear also includes wearable computers or digital clothing defined as “garment-integrated devices which augment the functionality of clothing, or which impart information-processing functionality to a garment”. The garment is an ideal interface medium between humans and electronic products due to interaction and technologies in the fashion industry. Smart-wear represents the future of both the textile/clothing industry and electronic industry. Smart-wear for transformable garments allow the conversion of aesthetics and functionality into multiple looks and functions that satisfy various user needs and wants. Smart-wear offers a potential paradigm shift. Precedent studies have focused on the role of transformation to understand the relationship and interaction between humans and new digital technologies (Petersen, Iversen, Krogh, & Ludvigsen, 2004). Hussein Chalayan created aa transformer dress that can twitch and reconfigure. The long Victorian dress hemline contracts into a flapper style dress. Berzowska created dresses that use shape memory alloys to move and change in continuous motions (Ariyatum & Holland, 2003).Perocich used a pneumatic approach to lift garments and change the appearance of clothes (von Radziewsky, Krüger, & Löchtefeld, 2015).Lee & Kim(2014) built a shape-changing dress which apply fabric properties and illuminance sensor to fold pleats. The idea of changing the overall appearance of clothes seems promising. Contemporary smart-wear has various functions that include sensing, actuating, powering, generating, storing, communicating, data processing and connecting. Technologies to develop digital applications can be easily controlled by smart-wear using an Arduino (Na & Cho, 2009). An embedded system for using Arduino can be worn like clothing or an accessory that is a favorable for shop window display. Shop window displays of fashion products have cultural consumption and fashioned identities that have developed into forms of art themselves and produce interesting imagery within fashion culture. In recent decades store window displays have become a unique form of advertising and are the first point of contact between the shop and the shopper (Crewe, 2015). The shop window display design might not instantly attract attention until the shopper realizes its interactive aspects. Such an interaction visually reveals a relationship between the store window and shopper's reaction. In order to connect these shop window displays with an interactive fashion design, this paper aims to illustrate how these concepts fit into the prototype. This paper develops a prototype of Wearable Shape-Changing (WSC) that deforms the fabric for pleat making on clothing for a store window dummy. Data processing is created by the motion of a shopper for the input functionality to discriminate between different shopper motions using the Microsoft Kinect sensor. A concealed Kinetic system scans every part of shopper’s joint for skeleton extraction when the shopper is outside the shop window. It is able to detect the shopper’s simple motion and simultaneously deliver information to the Arduino in the system. The prospective fashion display system needs to be devised based on a more serious technical method that utilizes information on the physical properties of fabrics to facilitate development in the store window. There has been some discussion on how fabrics could create foldable clothing items; in addition, a range folding techniques has been extended to e-textile due to useful characteristics (Perovich, Mothersill, & Farah, 2014). The experiments performed in this paper allows observers to examine basic fabric characteristics and physical properties. The behavior changes during fold deformation and the recovery process as well as identifies correlations between stiffness and recovery rate. As an experimental sample, this paper selects 2 types of fabric that have relatively stiff characteristics of a organza (one is 100% silk and the other is 100% polyester). The pleats type selects a diamond-pattern and the pleats finishing process employs a heat-setting method commonly used in the fashion industry. The results were as follows: The Silk organza has 66 weight(g/㎡) and 0.17 nominal thickness (㎜) and the Polyester organza has 39.6 weight(g/㎡) and 0.11 nominal thickness (㎜). Both silk and polyester samples have the large stiffness value in the weft direction. Tensile properties resulted in similar values in both the warp and in the weft directions. Polyester has a great thermothermos plasticity, unique resilience, providing good pleats retention and crease recovery while silk has a low wrinkle recovery. However, silk has identical recovery rate in first and second elongation deformations for diamond-pattern pleats. The diamond-pattern also has a significant correlation with the warp and bias directions. Thus, folding composition should consider the directions of the fabric according to folding technique. Based on the experiment’s results among fabric samples’ physical properties of silk were chosen for the prototype. In the prototype, the shop window displaying dummy wears a long dress, but it is designed to become shorter when the shopper lifts the arm. The mechanism by the operating design pulls the hemline in the front up to the lower thigh when the kinetic sensor detects motion. As a means of visual communications or expression of the shopper’s mood, illuminance may be attached according to the shopper’s discretion. The advantage of the WSC dress compared to a traditional static dress is that the transforming shape occurs immediately by means of interaction. Future studies, different approaches were proposed to clothing both hand and finger movements in a mobile environment. This paper focuses on a set of alliances between technology and fashion/textiles, with the WSC designed as an interface to be used for both purposes. This study represents a bridge between fashionable technologies and informative material properties. It represents a small first step from static dynamic fashion to dynamic interactive fashion.

      • KCI등재

        Quantitative Analysis of Shape-Sensitive Interaction of a Charged Nanoplate and a Charged Nanowire

        Orion Ciftja 성균관대학교(자연과학캠퍼스) 성균나노과학기술원 2015 NANO Vol.10 No.8

        Systems with nanoscale dimensions have attracted great attention for many decades since they manifest interesting size-dependent behavior and have many possible technological applications. While significant progress has been made toward the experimental and theoretical understanding of various phenomena at nanoscale, much is yet is to be explored in fully comprehending how the interplay of several parameters such as shape, size and dimensionality affects the resulting properties. In this work, we study the nature of the interaction in a nanosystem consisting of a charged nanoplate and a charged nanowire. The two constituent nanostructures of this nanosystem represent important building blocks for bottom-up assembly processes. We consider a specific orientation of the two nanostructures and calculate exactly their interaction energy as a function of shape, size and relative distance. With help from suitable though nontrivial mathematical transformations, we are able to derive a closed form exact expression for such an interaction energy. It is shown that the interaction energy of this configuration is very sensitive to shape and depends in a nontrivial way on size and separation distance.

      • KCI등재

        궐수형철기를 통해 본 진·변한 정치체의 상호작용 – 대등 정치체 상호작용 모델(peer polity interaction model)의 적용 -

        우병철,김민철 한국상고사학회 2009 한국상고사학보 Vol.65 No.-

        This study intends to answer a specific question; how can we explain the relationship of small polities of Jin·Byeon Han(辰·弁韓) in proto three– kingdom period properly. Based on the framework of this study, peer polity interaction(PPI) model which have been thought as brand new concept model in explaining social– political relation between regional polities in a certain geographical area, archeological materials in question have been treated properly. Due to the fact that bracken– shaped motif is adopted exclusively in most of ironware unearthed from Jin·Byeon Han region, this study has focused on Bracken– shaped ironware as the examining subject. More specifically, the exclusive distribution of bracken– shaped could imply that small polities of Jin·Byeon Han shared common customs of tradition. Moreover, that distribution also might be considered as the results of interactions such as warfare, trade, competition between polities. It seems like that the motif of bracken– shaped had been the traditional symbol which shows the superiority of elites of small polities. The distribution of bracken– shaped motif implies that internal complexity of organization in small polities had increased, and in proto three– kingdom period, the small polities had interacted each other based on the peer relation. Competitive emulation and Symbolic entrainment were being happened between polities might be seen in particular aspects of burial for ironware with bracken– shaped. These aspects of wooden– chamber tomb phase suggest the peer political interaction between regional polities in Jin·Byeon Han. Thus, the established explanations that have mentioned the superior culture had flew from the set innovative centre to the vicinities need more discussion. 이 글에서는 원삼국시대 진·변한지역 諸정치체들의 관계를 어떻게 바라보고 설명할 것인가 하는 다소 구체적인 질문에 답하고자 하였으며, 당대 사회를 적절하게 설명해줄만한 해석의 틀을 시험적으로 적용하여 고고자료를 분석하였다. 영남지방 출토 궐수형철기는 2~3세기에 집중적으로 유행한다. 또한 주요 목곽묘군 내에 서도 수장급묘에 집중 부장되고 일괄유물의 검토에 있어서도 그 우수성이 인정되는 점으로 보아, 본고에서는 궐수형철기를 각 지역 정치체 엘리트 간에 있었던 대외과시 및 경쟁의 산물로 추정하였다. 궐수형철기는 그 형태의 변화에 따라 Ⅰ기~Ⅲ기로 나눌 수 있으며, Ⅰ기~Ⅱ기에는 각 지역 출토품들 상호간에 공통성이 강하고 Ⅲ기에는 경주지역과 김해지역을 중심으로 지역성이 두드러지기 시작한다. 이러한 패턴을 통해 각 시기별로 궐수형철기가 제작·매납된 의미를 각 지역정치체의 대외적 관점에서 추론하였다. Ⅰ기~Ⅱ기는 諸소국들이 비교적 대등한 위상을 유지, 상호작용하면서 내적 복합성이 증가된 시기이며 Ⅲ기부터 궐수형철기를 비롯해 고고자료 전반에서 변화를 겪게 되는데 이는 당시 각 지역 수장들이 겪었던 對내·외적 위상의 변화와 관련된 것으로 파악하였다.

      • KCI등재

        궐수형철기를 통해 본 진·변한 정치체의 상호작용 : 대등 정치체 상호작용 모델(peer polity interaction model)의 적용

        禹炳喆(Woo, ByeongCheol),金玟澈(Kim, MinCheo) 한국상고사학회 2009 한국상고사학보 Vol.65 No.-

        This study intends to answer a specific question; how can we explain the relationship of small polities of Jin·Byeon Han(辰·弁韓) in proto three? kingdom period properly. Based on the framework of this study, peer polity interaction(PPI) model which have been thought as brand new concept model in explaining social? political relation between regional polities in a certain geographical area, archeological materials in question have been treated properly. Due to the fact that bracken? shaped motif is adopted exclusively in most of ironware unearthed from Jin·Byeon Han region, this study has focused on Bracken? shaped ironware as the examining subject. More specifically, the exclusive distribution of bracken? shaped could imply that small polities of Jin·Byeon Han shared common customs of tradition. Moreover, that distribution also might be considered as the results of interactions such as warfare, trade, competition between polities. It seems like that the motif of bracken? shaped had been the traditional symbol which shows the superiority of elites of small polities. The distribution of bracken? shaped motif implies that internal complexity of organization in small polities had increased, and in proto three? kingdom period, the small polities had interacted each other based on the peer relation. Competitive emulation and Symbolic entrainment were being happened between polities might be seen in particular aspects of burial for ironware with bracken? shaped. These aspects of wooden? chamber tomb phase suggest the peer political interaction between regional polities in Jin·Byeon Han. Thus, the established explanations that have mentioned the superior culture had flew from the set innovative centre to the vicinities need more discussion. 이 글에서는 원삼국시대 진·변한지역 諸정치체들의 관계를 어떻게 바라보고 설명할 것인가 하는 다소 구체적인 질문에 답하고자 하였으며, 당대 사회를 적절하게 설명해줄만한 해석의 틀을 시험적으로 적용하여 고고자료를 분석하였다. 영남지방 출토 궐수형철기는 2~3세기에 집중적으로 유행한다. 또한 주요 목곽묘군 내에서도 수장급묘에 집중 부장되고 일괄유물의 검토에 있어서도 그 우수성이 인정되는 점으로 보아, 본고에서는 궐수형철기를 각 지역 정치체 엘리트 간에 있었던 대외과시 및 경쟁의 산물로 추정하였다. 궐수형철기는 그 형태의 변화에 따라 Ⅰ기~Ⅲ기로 나눌 수 있으며, Ⅰ기~Ⅱ기에는 각 지역 출토품들 상호간에 공통성이 강하고 Ⅲ기에는 경주지역과 김해지역을 중심으로 지역성이 두드러지기 시작한다. 이러한 패턴을 통해 각 시기별로 궐수형철기가 제작·매납된 의미를 각 지역정치체의 대외적 관점에서 추론하였다. Ⅰ기~Ⅱ기는 諸소국들이 비교적 대등한 위상을 유지, 상호작용하면서 내적 복합성이 증가된 시기이며 Ⅲ기부터 궐수형철기를 비롯해 고고자료 전반에서 변화를 겪게 되는데 이는 당시 각 지역 수장들이 겪었던 對내·외적 위상의 변화와 관련된 것으로 파악하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Experimental Study on Dynamic Interaction between Large U-Shape Aqueduct and Water

        Haibo Wang,Chunlei Li,Lijun Zhao 대한토목학회 2022 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.26 No.3

        Hydrodynamic interaction between water and structure plays an important role in the evaluation of seismic response of aqueducts in area of high seismicity. This interaction differs in axial, lateral and vertical direction of aqueduct. Both impulsive and convective effects of water exist in lateral direction. In presented study, shaking table tests were conducted with a1/10 model of U-shape aqueduct, of 30 m long, to study the hydrodynamic interaction. With the analyses of aqueduct and water responses to stationary White Noise excitations as well as non-stationary excitations, impulsive and convective effects of water were deduced quantitatively. Characteristic frequencies and corresponding modes of aqueduct were identified with the transfer functions of acceleration, sloshing frequencies in lateral direction were recognized with the transfer functions of seat force. Impulsive mass was deduced from the alteration in fundamental frequency and the corresponding modal seat forces of the aqueduct with and without water. Convective mass was obtained from the wave height of sloshing and lateral seat forces recorded, or the lateral modal seat force and damping ratio. Comparison was made with those given in simplified methods for rigid structure. Observed hydrodynamic pressure on the structure in the test was smaller than that based on the rigid assumption.

      • KCI등재

        Understanding the Transport Mechanism of Paleo-deposits in the Sonoran Desert with Grain Size Distribution and Shape Analysis

        정아라 한국지리학회 2020 한국지리학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        About tens of meters thick fine sand and silt deposits are observed at the top of the sedimentary logs of hundreds of drilling wells throughout Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona, USA, situated in north-central Sonoran Desert, and likely deposited after ~ 836ka. A hypothesis to explain the paleo-deposits is that the deposits are a wind-blown deposits derived from the floodplains of nearby rivers developed in response to the aeolian-fluvial interactions. The purpose of this study is to reconstruct paleoenvironment and to understand the processes of transport and deposition of the paleo-deposits using modern analogues. This is accomplished via the identification of the paleo-deposits by comparison with modern source-bordering dune sediments and fluvial sediments using the analyses of grain size distribution and grain shape parameters. Overall, the results of sediment drift potential, grain size distribution and shape analyses provide evidence to support the hypothesis, and the deposition of the paleo-deposits may be related with the change of regional climates. Grain shape parameters may better reflect the mechanism of transport when grains traveled over short distance. Given the advantage, the grain shape analysis may provide a new insight to solve the issue associated with the provenance of Korean loess-like sediments whether it was originated from far-distant the Chinese Loess Plateau and peripheral areas or from nearby floodplains of local river or from exposed fine materials in the Yellow Sea.

      • KCI등재

        형상에 따른 주름강판의 탄성전단좌굴 특성 및 경향성 분석 연구

        손수덕,유미나,이승재 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 2014 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집 Vol.18 No.6

        본 연구는 정현형 주름과 마름모형 주름 형상의 전단좌굴 특성을 비교, 분석하는 것이 목적이다. 이를 위해서 동일한 길이의 마름모꼴주름과 정현파주름을 해석대상모델로 채택하였으며, 선형좌굴해석을 통한 전단좌굴특성과 이론식에 의한 특성을 분석하였다. 일반적으로 주름강판의 전단좌굴 형태는 국부좌굴, 전체좌굴 및 두 좌굴에 의한 연성좌굴로 분류된다. 그러나 마름모꼴주름과는 달리 정현파주름형상은 평평한 면이 없기 때문에 전단좌굴의 양상에 대한 경향이 달라진다. 특히 국부좌굴과 전체좌굴의 경계에서 나타나는 전단응력변화와 양상은 주름형태에 의해 차이가 난다. 분석 결과에서 볼 때, 제형 (마름모꼴)의 경우는 이론식내의 전체좌굴과 국부좌굴의 경계에서 연성좌굴모드가 발생했다. 그러나 정현파형의 경우 전체좌굴이 발생하는 구간에서 연성좌굴모드가 발생하는 양상을 보였다. 또한 국부좌굴 구간에는 제형형상이 그리고 전체좌굴 구간에서는 정현파형상이 전단좌굴에 저항하는데 유리하게 작용하였다. This paper aims at comparing and analyzing shear buckling characteristics between sinusoidal corrugation shape and trapezoidal one. For this, I adopted the equal-length trapezoidal corrugation and sinusoidal one for the analytical models, and analyzed theirshear buckling characteristics through linear buckling analysis and on its theory. Generally, the shear buckling shapes of corrugated steel plates are classified into local buckling, global buckling, and interactive buckling from the two buckling modes. Sinusoidal corrugation shape, unlike trapezoidal corrugation, does not have flat sides, which causes another tendency in shear buckling mode. Especially, the changes and different aspects of shear buckling on the boundary between local buckling and global buckling appear in different corrugation shapes. According to the analysis results, interactive buckling mode appeared on the boundary of local buckling and global bucking in trapezoidal corrugation. However, in the case of corrugated steel plates with sinusoidal configuration, interactive buckling mode appeared in the part where global bucking takes place. Besides, trapezoidal shapes are of advantages on shear buckling resistance in the local buckling section, and so are sinusoidal shapes in the global buckling section.

      • Continuous hand gesture recognition based on trajectory shape information

        Yang, Cheoljong,Han, David K.,Ko, Hanseok Elsevier 2017 Pattern recognition letters Vol.99 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>In this paper, we propose a continuous hand gesture recognition method based on trajectory shape information. A key issue in recognizing continuous gestures is that performance of conventional recognition algorithms may be lowered by such factors as, unknown start and end points of a gesture or variations in gesture duration. These issues become particularly difficult for those methods that rely on temporal information. To alleviate the issues of continuous gesture recognition, we propose a framework that simultaneously performs both segmentation and recognition. Each component of the framework applies shape-based information to ensure robust performance for gestures with large temporal variation. A gesture trajectory is divided by a set of key frames by thresholding its tangential angular change. Variable-sized trajectory segments are then generated using the selected key frames. For recognition, these trajectory segments are examined to determine whether the segment belongs to a class among intended gestures or a non-gesture class based on fusion of shape information and temporal features. In order to assess performance, the proposed algorithm was evaluated with a database of digit hand gestures. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm has a high recognition rate while maintaining its performance in the presence of continuous gestures.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Simultaneous recognition and segmentation of continuous hand gesture trajectories based on trajectory shape information. </LI> <LI> Generating variable sized candidates for trajectory segments using shape-based key frame extraction. </LI> <LI> Fusion of trajectory shape recognition and temporal feature recognition to stream gesture input. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        기하학적 방법을 이용한 초기 박판형상 추정

        정동원(Dong-Won Jung),이상제(Sang-Je Lee) 한국해양공학회 1999 韓國海洋工學會誌 Vol.13 No.3(Ⅰ)

        In this paper, method for mapping a three-dimensional shape into the two-dimensional plane will be introduced. This method is referred to geometric modelling and means a transformation between the flat sheet and the final surface. The initial blank shape represents the original configuration of the final shape formed into three dimensional surface. The initial constant area mapping hypothesis was used in this paper. This technique will be applied to the basic data for an interactive computer design capable of dealing with typical stamping process, including deep parts and complex shapes.

      • KCI등재

        요동지역 비파형동검문화의 체계와 사회 - 쌍방문화·신성자문화·강상문화를 중심으로 -

        이후석 숭실사학회 2020 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.45

        요동지역의 비파형동검문화는 이전 단계의 문화 전통이 다양하고, 새로 등장하는 청동유물이나 토기문화의 변천 관계를 바라보는 연구 시각들이 상이하여 일관되게 설명하기 힘든 면이 있다. 무 엇보다 사회 계층성과 관련되는 ‘비파형동검의 기원론’과 문화 정체성을 보여주는 ‘토기문화의 성 격론’이 아직 정리되지 못한 상황이다. 그러므로 요동지역의 비파형동검문화를 일관되게 설명하기 위해서는 먼저 문화 체계를 정립하고, 지역 간의 교류 관계와 사회 관계에 주목해야 할 필요성이 있다. 요동지역의 비파형동검문화는 주된 묘제와 토기문화가 지역별로 달리 나타나는 점을 고려하여 여러 지역문화로 구분하여 볼 수 있다. 먼저 지석묘가 밀집 분포하고 주변 지역의 토기문화가 복 합되는 요남지역에는 쌍방문화가 설정된다. 다음으로 석관묘가 주로 분포하고 미송리식토기문화 가 유행하는 요북지역에는 신성자문화가 설정된다. 그 다음으로 적석묘가 주로 축조되고 이중구 연토기문화가 성행하는 요동 남단지역에는 강상문화가 설정된다. 쌍방문화는 인접지역으로 한정되는 교류 관계를 나타낸다. 대형 지석묘는 농경사회의 기념물에 해당되는 지상식의 무덤이란 측면에서 접근해야 할 필요성이 있다. 지석묘사회는 개인 권력보다 집단 지향적인 면이 강한 수장사회라고 생각된다. 신성자문화는 토착적인 토기문화의 관계망을 중심으로 주로 길림지역과의 교류 관계가 확인된다. 청동유물을 다량 부장하는 지하식의 석관묘 (개인묘)가 주로 확인되고 있어 공동체보다는 개인 지향적인 면이 강한 수장사회임을 알 수 있다. 강상문화는 요서계통과 요동계통의 청동유물이 복합되는 것이 특징으로 주로 요서지역과의 교류 관계가 확인된다. 청동유물을 다량 부장하는 지상식의 적석묘(집단묘)가 확인되나 공동체의 상호 관계가 점차 수직적인 측면으로 변화되는 양상으로 볼 수 있어 약간 다르지만 역시 공동체를 강 조하는 집단성향의 수장사회라고 생각된다. The Mandolin-shaped Bronze Dagger Culture in Liaodong Area making it difficult to provide a coherent explanation. In particular, the “theory of the origin of the Mandolin-shaped Bronze Daggers,” and the “theory of the personality of the pottery culture,”, have not yet been established. Therefore, it is necessary to first as certain cultural systems and then focus on the interaction. This culture can be classified into several regional ones, differ in each region. First, the Shuangfang Culture is established in Liaonan Area, where dolmens are densely distributed, and the pottery culture of its surrounding areasis developed in a complex way. Second, the Xinchengzi Culture is established in Liaobei Area, where stone-coffin tombs are mainly distributed, and the Misongri-type potteries is widespread. Third, the Gangshang Culture is established in the southern tipof Liaodong, where stone-mound tombs were mainly built, and the double-rimmed potteries is prevalent. The Shuangfang Culture shows an interaction that was limited to adjacent areas. The dolmene is considered a chiefdom society that prioritizes a group. As for the Xinchengzi Culture, mostly interaction seem to have occurred with Jilin Area, Underground stone-coffin tombs(private tombs), where many bronze artifacts were buried with the body, were discovered, indicating that the chiefdom society was more individual oriented. The Gangshang Culture seems to have a mostly interaction with Liaoxi Area. Although above-ground stone-mound tombs(group tombs), it can be seen as a gradual change from the mutual relationship within a community, to a hierarchical system. it is considered for chiefdom society to have had a group orientation emphasizing the communal aspect.

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