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      • KCI등재

        세월호의 복원성 논쟁과 재난 프레임

        황정하(Jungha Hwang),홍성욱(Sungook Hong) 한국과학기술학회 2021 과학기술학연구 Vol.21 No.2

        세월호 사고가 발생한 지 7년이 더 지났지만, 아직까지 침몰 원인에 대해 정부와 전문가들은 명확한 답을 내어놓지 못하고 있다. 2018년 여름, 정부가 처음으로 발간한 공식적인 국가보고서인 세월호 선체조사위원회의 종합보고서조차 사고 원인에 관해 내인설과 열린안의 두가지 설명을 제시했다. 세월호 침몰에 대해서는 사고 직후부터 그 원인과 관련된 다양한 가설과 이론들이 등장하고 대립했는데, 본 논문은 그중에서도 가장 첨예한 논쟁이 진행된 세월호의 복원성 문제를 다룬다. 본 논문에서는 사고 직후부터 선조위 보고서가 발간된 2018년 여름까지의 기간 동안 세월호의 복원성을 둘러싼 논쟁이 어떻게 진행되었고, 그러한 논쟁의 원인이 무엇이었는지를 추적한다. 세월호가 복원성이 불량한 배였다는 것은 각종 매체를 통해 보도되며 사실로 굳어지는 듯했지만, 이후 세월호의 복원성이 양호했다는 주장이 등장해 기존의 전반적인 합의에 균열을 일으켰다. 이런 주장은 세월호 사고에 관해 존재하던 각종 의혹과 관련을 맺었고, 선체조사위원회에서 하나의 심각한 가설로 고려되었다. 복원성에 대한 논란이 계속되면서 선체조사위원회의 조사위원들은 상이한 복원성 수치에 대한 합의를 이루지 못한 채 조사를 종결하게 되었다. 세월호의 복원성 수치는 왜, 그리고 어떤 과정을 거치며 두 가지 값으로 발산했을까? 본 논문은 세월호 복원성 문제의 다양한 쟁점들에 대한 과학기술 전문가들의 견해를 검토하고 재구성하면서, 복원성을 나타내는 다른 숫자들 속에 세월호라는 재난을 바라보는 서로 다른 ‘재난 프레임’(disaster frame)이 담겨있었음을 드러내고자 한다. Seven years have passed since the Sewol ferry accident, but the government and experts have yet to come up with a clear answer to the cause of the sinking of the Sewol ferry. In the summer of 2018, even the comprehensive report of the Sewol Investigation Commission, the first official national report published by the government after four years and four months after the Sewol accident, presented two different hypotheses about the cause of the accident: an internal-cause theory and an open plan. As for the Sewol ferry accident, various hypotheses and disagreements about its cause appeared immediately after the Sewol ferry disaster. In this paper, we trace how the debate over the stability of the Sewol ferry developed from immediately after the accident to the summer of 2018 when the Sewol Investigation Commission’s report was published, and what was the cause of the interminable debate. The fact that the Sewol ferry was a ship with poor stability was reported through various media immediately after the accident and seemed to be a solid fact, but afterwards, claims that the Sewol ferry had good stability appeared, causing a crack in the existing general agreement. These arguments were related to the suspicions over external powers that hit and capsized the ferry. Such claims were considered by the Sewol Investigation Commission as one of the plausible hypothesis, and eventually, the commission concluded the investigation without reaching consensus on the stability of the ship. Why did the Sewol ferry"s stability diverge into two different values? This paper will review and reconstruct the opinions of experts on various issues of the Sewol ferry’s ship stability, and will explore what kinds of different “disaster frames” were incorporated in the different numbers representing ship’s stability.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of Systemic Accident Investigation Techniques Based on the Sewol Ferry Capsizing

        Dohyung Kee 대한인간공학회 2017 大韓人間工學會誌 Vol.36 No.5

        Objective: This study aims to survey and compare three systemic accident investigation techniques of Accimap, STAMP and FRAM, based on the application studies of the Sewol ferry accident. Background: Traditional accident investigation methods such as domino models, FTA, etc. work well for losses caused by physical component failures or actions of human in relatively simple systems, but are unable to depict mechanisms generating errors and violations in the current complex socio-technical systems. For better understanding the structure and behavior of the socio-technical systems, systemic techniques have been developed and used. Method: This study was mainly based on survey of literatures through surfing webpages of ScienceDirect and Google, and ergonomics relevant journals. The key words of Sewol, Sewol ferry, Sewol ferry accident, etc. were used in the survey. Results: Three systemic accident investigation methods included similar actors in the Sewol ferry accident including government, Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries, Korean Coast Guard, Korean Register of Shipping, Korea Shipping Association, Chonghaejin Marine Company, crew members. The methods graphically represented each level"s failures or performance variabilities of relevant functions and relationships between them. It was shown that the systemic methods consider the entire system, ranging from the environment in which the accident occurred, to the role of government in shaping the system of work. Each method has its own comparative pros and cons, but the Accimap has advantages in terms of time of analysis, data required, model complexity and degree of comprehensiveness. Conclusion: This study reviewed and compared three systemic accident investigation methods, which showed that there are systemic characteristics and pros and cons in the methods. Application: The results would be used as a guideline when selecting accident investigation methods.

      • KCI우수등재

        재난사고에 대한 공영방송과 상업방송 간 의제 비교 : <KBS>와 <채널A>의 세월호 보도 키워드와 네트워크 분석을 통해

        이완수,최명일 한국언론학회 2022 한국언론학보 Vol.66 No.6

        This study compared and analyzed the Sewol disaster agendas composed by KBS, the primary channel for disaster broadcasting, and by Channel A, a commercial channel, based on keywords and network agenda setting as a theoretical background. In addition, with the theoretical background of network priming, this study compared and analyzed the attribute agendas set for four actors responsible for the accident (Marine Police, the President, the captain, and Byung-eon Yoo). In terms of keyword agenda setting, KBS focused on the agenda related to accident management and victim rescue (keywords such as search, accident, and rescue). On the other hand, Channel A focused on the agenda related to a specific religious sect (keywords such as Yoo Byung-eon, salvation, the bodies of the victims, and missing persons). In the case of network framing, KBS connected the agendas centered on keywords such as rescue, time, missing persons, accident, search, and diving. Channel A, on the other hand, divided the agendas into three groups. Group one was about disaster, search, and rescue with the Sewol ferry as the focal point. Group two was about the Prosecutor's Office, the Salvation sect, Cheonghaejin Shipping with Yoo Byung-eon as its focal point. Group three was about missing persons, Park Geun-hye, the bereaved family, and tears with a focus on the families. Lastly, in terms of network priming, KBS and Channel A primed similar keywords for the maritime police and the captain, whereas the two channels did attribute priming differentially for the President and Yoo Byung-eon. For the maritime police, both channels primed it as the critical player in passenger rescue and investigation operations. For the captain, both channels primed the captain as the target of accusation that he abandoned his passengers and fled. Regarding the President, KBS primed her as the agent in charge of ensuring the comfort and safety of the public, and Channel A primed her as the one who should offer an apology and take responsibility for the Sewol ferry accident. Regarding Yoo Byung-eon, KBS primed him as the subject of an investigation, whereas Channel A primed not only Yoo Byung-eon but also his family and religious groups as the subject of an investigation. This study discussed the possibility of expanding the research on agenda setting for disaster accidents using keyword and network analyses of the Sewol ferry accident reports from public broadcasting(KBS) and commercial broadcasting media(Channel A).

      • KCI등재

        세월호 사건 피해자 가족의 고통 체험에 관한 연구 : Parse의 인간되어감 연구방법을 적용

        김정미 대한지역사회작업치료학회 2014 대한지역사회작업치료학회지 Vol.4 No.1

        목적 : 본 연구는 세월호 사건으로 가족을 잃은 피해자 가족의 고통 체험에 대해 알아보고 피해자 가족의 정신적 외상에 대한 작업치료의 필요성을 제시하고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 세월호 사건으로 가족을 잃은 대상자 5명의 고통 체험을 확인하고자 Parse의 인간되어감 연구 방법을 적용하였다. Parse의 연구 방법 패러다임에 따라 세월호 사건으로 가족을 잃은 고통 체험을 다룬 다큐 영상인 2차 자료를 선택하여 분석하였다. 결과 : 세월호 사건으로 가족을 잃은 가족의 고통 체험에 대한 세 개의 핵심구조는 1) 가족을 잃은 절망과 슬픔, 2) 일상이 무너져 내리는 듯한 무력감과 죄책감, 3) 남아있는 가족을 바라보며 고통에서 벗어나고 싶은 마음으로 나타났다. 구조적인 전환은 세월호 사건으로 가족을 잃은 애통함과 슬픔 속에서 압도적인 무력감을 느끼지만 희생된 가족이 세상에 없다는 것을 인정하고 싶지 않은 현실 부인과 살아있는 가족을 보면서 버티어 나가는 과정으로 제시되었다. 개념적 통합은 가치화와 언어화를 연결-분리, 노출-은폐하면 서 강화시켜 나아가는 과정으로 표현되었다. 결론 : 세월호 사건으로 가족을 잃은 피해자 가족의 고통 체험은 무기력과 절망, 우울의 감정으로 인해 삶 의 의미와 목적을 잃은 상태이다. 가족들에게 의미있는 작업을 통한 중재 프로그램을 개발하여 무너진 일상의 회복과 지역사회 참여를 향상시킬 수 있는 작업치료 중재가 필요하며 이에 기초자료로 활용할 수 있다. Objective : The purpose of this study is to understand Lived Experience of Suffering for family of victim with Sewol-ho ferry accident and to suggest the necessity of mental health occupational therapy regarding of psychological trauma of family of victim. Methods : This study was applied with Parse's Human becoming research method to recognize experience pain for 5 objects losing family with with Sewol-ho ferry accident. According to Parse's research mothod, secondary data, documentary video about experience pain of family of victim with Sewol-ho ferry accident was selected and analyzed. Results : Three core concept for lived experience of suffering of family with victim with Sewol-ho ferry accident as below statements. 1. Despair and sadness losing family, 2. Impotent feeling and guilty conscience breaking down daily life, 3. Seeking relief from suffering for remaining family. Although there were extreme impotent feeling of losing family with Sewol-ho ferry accident, structural conversion presented as process with denial reality which do not want to accept a death in the family and standing for remaining family. The conceptual integration was expressed to powering from valuing and languaging to connection-separation, revealing-concealingl. Conclusion : Family of victim with Sewol-ho ferry accident is losing meaning of life the goal of life with impotent feeling, despair and depression. It is urgently needed for mental health occupational therapy program to restore disruptive everyday activity and participation in community by developing occupational therapy program through meaningful occupation to family of victim.

      • KCI등재

        Comparative Analysis of the Psychosocial Symptoms and Experiences of Bereaved Parents and Parents of Children Who Survived the Sewol Ferry Accident After 5 Years: A Qualitative Interview Study

        Mi-Sun Lee,Hyu Jung Huh,Jihoon Oh,Jeong-Ho Chae 대한의학회 2022 Journal of Korean medical science Vol.37 No.19

        Background: This study aimed to investigate the psychosocial symptoms and experiences of bereaved parents of victims and parents of survivors of the Sewol Ferry accident five years after the accident. Methods: In-depth interviews of 186 bereaved parents of victims or survivors of the Sewol Ferry accident were conducted. We elicited and categorized meaning units relevant to the psychological, cognitive, and physical traits of the participants from these interviews. Differences in responses between bereaved parents and survivors’ parents and between genders were examined using frequency analyses and χ2 tests. Results: Data were organized under seven headings: observed attitude and impression of participants, difficulties due to mental health problems, difficulties due to physical pain, difficulties in relationships, negative changes following the incident, positive changes following the incident, and help needed. Within these headings, 27 themes, 60 sub-themes, and 80 meaning units were elicited. Conclusion: This study explored the psychiatric, physical, and relational problems reported by bereaved parents and those of survivors as well as major changes in their personal and social lives after the Sewol Ferry accident. Differences in responses according to gender were also identified. The results from this study could inform and facilitate the implementation of intervention measures, such as long-term psychological evaluation, to bereaved parents of victims or survivors of disasters.

      • KCI등재

        세월호 침몰은 참사인가? 사고인가? -비판적 담론분석(CDA)을 적용한 세월호 담론 경쟁

        김영욱 ( Yungwook Kim ),함승경 ( Seungkyung Ham ) 한국PR학회 2015 PR연구 Vol.19 No.4

        A discourse struggles paradigm extends the analysis unit of PR communication to include social issues beyond the organization and contributes to expanding the field of public discussions through the discourse struggles among various social agents, while giving consideration to the socially disadvantaged. This study analyzed the Sewol ferry case with the discourse struggles as a framework of critical discourse analysis. The analysis results showed that the discourse that formed aggressive discourse practices is the one about the fact-finding investigations of bereaved families and civic groups, which got to form the meaning of the Sewol ferry case, while being reconstructed as tail cropping, special law and remembrance discourses. The competing discourses by period are also investigated. In the rescue period, the disaster discourse configured by bereaved families, civic groups and progressive media competed against the accident discourse produced by government and conservative media. In the responsibility investigation period, the discourse about the truth ascertainment of bereaved families, civic groups and progressive media competed with the discourse about the compensation of government and conservative media. And lastly, in the countermeasures period, the heated struggles continued between the discourse about the remembrance of bereaved families/civic groups and the one about the fatigue of the conservative media to obtain social support. At first, citizens who were shocked at the Sewol ferry case supported the disaster discourse of bereaved families who claimed the reformation with progressive ideologies. However, with the passage of time, they came to embrace the ideologies of individualism and negligence liability principles of the compensation and fatigue discourses, and therefore the center of hegemony was moved to the discourse of the government and conservative media.

      • KCI등재

        조난사고에 있어서 해양경찰의 부작위와 업무상과실치사죄에 관한 소고

        설계경 홍익대학교 법학연구소 2022 홍익법학 Vol.23 No.4

        When a shipwreck accident occurs at sea, the rescue operation is different from that on land. The reason is necessary to understand the tide, climate, and the situation inside the ship, and it is not easy unlike the rescue work on land. Therefore, even if the Korea Coast Guard do their best to deal with accidents, there are bound to be casualties that cannot be rescued. Of course, it is not easy to transfer responsibility for rescue activities in case of a disaster, even if there is damage to people who could not be rescued. Therefore, in the case of Korea or foreign countries, there have been few cases in which the responsibility of not only the shipowner but also the rescue police has been imposed for a ship's distress accident at sea. Nevertheless, when the Sewol ferry accident occurred in 2014, captain of coast guard‘s Patrol Vessel 123 were the first to arrive and rescue them. However, for the casualties that could not be rescued, the crime of manslaughter by negligence was applied. The main reason the court shifted responsibility to the Coast Guard is that it is a late response. Responsibility for rescue activities in case of marine distress should be analyzed from various angles. The court shall analyze from various angles whether or not damage has occurred due to the fault of the rescue police in carrying out rescue activities due to the occurrence of a marine distress accident. However, it can be seen that the court overlooked the special situation at sea and passed the responsibility to the rescue police by judging by the standard of land. Therefore, based on the above problems, this paper examines the characteristics of the sea in relation to the rescue work of the maritime police when a distress accident occurs in the sea as follows. First, the maritime police officer's duty to act and responsibility for omission were reviewed, and next, theoretical considerations were reviewed on the existence or non-existence of business negligence due to omission. 해양에서 선박 등 조난사고발생시 구조작업은 육지의 경우와 달리 조류와 기후 및 선박내의 상황 등을 파악하여야 하므로 육지의 구조작업과 달리 쉽지 않은 면이 있다. 따라서해양구조경찰이 최선을 다하여 사고수습을 하더라도 구조되지 못하는 인명피해가 발생하기 마련이다. 또한 조난사고발생시 구조되지 못한 인명 등의 피해가 발생한다 하더라도 구조활동에 대한 책임을 전가하기도 쉽지 않다. 따라서 우리나라나 외국의 경우에 있어서도그동안 해양에서 발생한 선박의 조난사고에 대하여 선주는 물론 구조경찰에 대한 책임을부과한 경우는 거의 없었다. 그럼에도 불구하고 2014년 세월호 사고가 발생했을 때, 해양경찰 123정 정장이 사고현장에 제일먼저 출동하여 구조활동을 했음에도 구조되지 못한 인명피해에 대하여 부작위에의한 업무상과실치사죄가 적용되었다. 법원이 해양경찰에게 책임을 전가한 주된 이유는 늦장대응이라는 것이다. 그러나 해양조난사고시 구조활동에 대한 책임문제는 다양한 각도에서 분석하여야 함에도 법원은 해상의 사고수습을 적용함에 있어서 해상의 특수상황을 간과하고 육지의 잣대로 판단한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 위와 같은 문제점들을 토대로 하여 해양에서의 조난사고 발생시해양경찰의 구조업무와 관련하여 해양의 특성과 해양경찰관의 작위의무 및 부작위에 대한 책임과 이로 인한 업무상과실범의 성립 유무에 관한 이론적 고찰과 판례를 살펴보고 그문제점 및 개선방안을 제시하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        재난으로 인한 한국의 관광안전이미지 변화 연구 -세월호 침몰사고를 중심으로-

        염명하 ( Myeong Ha Yeom ) 대한관광경영학회 2014 觀光硏究 Vol.29 No.5

        본 연구의 목적은 2014년 4월 16일 발생한 ‘세월호 침몰사고’를 기준으로 대규모 재난 전ㆍ후 한국인관광객과 외국인관광객이 느끼는 한국의 관광안전이미지의 변화를 분석하여 재난에 대응할 수 있는 한국의 관광안전이미지 제고전략을 제시하는 것이다. 세월호 침몰사고를 기준점으로 사건발생 전과 후 2차례에 걸쳐 한국인관광객과 외국인관광객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 총 600부의 설문지 중 554부의 유효설문지를 SPSS 18.0 통계 패키지를 활용한 독립표본T검증(Independent-Samples T-test)을 실시하여 분석했다. 그 결과 첫째, 전체 관광객을 대상으로 한 세월호 침몰사고 전ㆍ후 관광안전위협요인 항목별 한국관광안전이미지는 13개 항목 중 6개 항목에서 차이가 나는 것으로 분석되었고, 전반적인 한국관광안전이미지도 3.75에서 3.56으로 낮아져서 통계적 차이가 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 세월호 침몰사고 전ㆍ후 한국인관광객의 관광안전위협요인 항목별 한국관광안전이미지는 13개 항목 중 3개 항목에서 차이를 나타냈으며, 전반적인 한국관광안전이미지는 평균이 다소 감소했지만 통계적인 차이는 없는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 세월호 침몰사고 전ㆍ후 외국인관광객의 관광안전위협요인 항목별 한국관광안전이미지는 13개 항목 중 무려 7개 항목에서 차이를 보였고, 전반적인 한국관광안전이미지는 3.71에서 3.50으로 하락하였으나 통계적인 차이는 없는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 분석을 바탕으로 세월호 침몰과 같은 대형 재난이 국가의 관광안전이미지에 부정적 영향을 미친다는 이론과 재난과 직접 관련되지 않은 타 분야까지도 영향을 미친다는 새로운 이론이 실증적으로 증명되었다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 한국의 관광안전이미지 제고전략을 재난과 직접관련 있는 분야와 연관분야의 홍보 강화, 관광안전교육 강화, 제도적 장치로서 관광경찰제도의 적극적 활용이라는 3가지 방안을 제시했다. The purpose of this study is to suggest some strategies for national tourism safety image after the disasters in South Korea. This study is focused on the SEWOL-HO ferry accident occurred on April 16th in 2014. The survey was conducted on Korean and foreign tourists over the age of twenty from 2014 March 10 to 31 and from 2014 May 12 to 30 . After excluding incomplete responses a total of 554 usable questionnaires were collected and used for analysis. Review of related literature suggested thirteen tourism safety threatening factors and national tourism safety image. The factors were as follows; war, terrorism, illegal protesting and demonstrations, minor crime, major crime, sex offense, illness, contagious diseases, poison from animals and plants, traffic accident, facility accidents, sports accidents, and natural disaster. The result finds that national tourism safety image in South Korea is shown as low after the SEWOL-HO ferry accident. Some strategies should be suggested: strengthen the PR of the national tourism safety image, compulsory education of tourism safety for travel agency employees(tour guide & Tour conductor) and tourists, and expand Tourism Police Service.

      • KCI우수등재

        가족이 기억하는 죽음, 기자가 기록하는 죽음 : 의미연결망 분석과 토픽모델링을 이용한 세월호 학생 희생자 추모 텍스트 분석

        이완수(Wan Soo Lee),최명일(Myungil Choi) 한국언론학회 2021 한국언론학보 Vol.65 No.6

        This study examined the differences in the linguistic meaning between memorial letters from the bereaved family and a reporter’s memorial stories. The object of analysis is a set of text recording the deaths of 119 students at Danwon High School in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea, who died in the Sewol ferry sinking on April 16, 2014. Semantic network analysis was conducted to compare the content of the overall memory, and topic modeling analysis was performed to compare the differences between the selected words group. The findings show that the memorial letters of the bereaved family is about a mother’s earnest “maternal love” – a longing to see the lost child even once in a dream, memories of the day-to-day experiences with her children, a father’s helplessness in not being able to save her child from death, and the everyday pain that is difficult to bear along with the current situation of the family. It also shows the memorial letters mainly used family and emotion-oriented language such as ‘mom,’ ‘dad,’ ‘daughter,’ ‘son,’ ‘love,’ ‘sorry,’ and ‘happiness.’ In contrast, the reporter’s memorial stories describe the deep loss of parents who have left their children forever, prayers for their children’s safe return, personal talents and hopes for the future of their dead children, the final farewell scene with their children, and norms such as friendship and social service. Memorial stories by newspaper mainly use words related to social values or virtues as well as events and social relations such as ‘friend’, ‘Sewol ferry’, ‘Danwon High School’, ‘educational trip’, ‘accident’, and ‘school’ along with ‘mom’ and ‘dad’. Our study shows that the method of memory for death is different depending on the memory actor. The family’s memorial letters emphasize the emotional and intrinsic relationship with the deceased, while the media’s memorial stories emphasize the social and normative relationship of the deceased’s death, showing a discriminatory method of memory. In addition, the family’s memorial letter is intrinsically remembered in accordance with the emotional solidarity with the deceased, whereas the memorial record reproduced by the reporter is different in that it emphasizes external factors such as socially recognized and accepted spirit, attitude, and behavior. The difference between the memory of the bereaved family and the reporter can be explained by focusing on the relationship with the deceased. The study goes onto discuss the theoretical implications of how the deaths of young students are remembered (or recorded) according to the memory actors.

      • KCI등재

        재난 이슈에 관한 프레임 현저성(salience) 변화와 상호관계성 : 세월호 침몰사고 뉴스에 나타난 시공간, 속성, 그리고 책임 주체 프레임 분석

        이완수,배재영 한국소통학회 2023 한국소통학보 Vol.22 No.4

        This study examines how the media composes the frames in the report of the Sewol ferry sinking accident occurred on April 16, 2014 and how these frames change significantly during the course of the accident by applying the concept of ‘frame changing’. The analysis results are summarized as follows. First, temporally the current frame and spatially the government frame were predominantly used. Second, the responsibility frame was most prominently used in the nature of the accident, and the government frame was consistently emphasized as to the location of responsibility for the accident. Third, the time, space, attributes, and responsibility frame were not fixed or maintained, but constantly changed in the course of events. Fourth, The Chosun Ilbo and The Hankyoreh, which have different political ideologies showed differences in frame composition and change overall. We discussed which frame the media remarkably emphasizes when reporting a disaster, what structural features are shown in the frame change, and what differences in frame composition and change are made according to the ideology of the media.

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