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      • KCI등재

        수온과 광주기 조절에 의한 볼락 (Sebastes inermis)의 혈장내 성 스테로이드호르몬 농도의 변화

        장영진,임한규,권준영,CHANG Young Jin,LIM Han Kyu,KWON Joon Yeong 한국수산과학회 2001 한국수산과학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        Plasma levels of sex steroid hormones in rockfish, Sebastes inermis were examined monthly in relation to gonadosomatic index (GSI) under a controlled water temperature and photoperiod, The GSI of a control group (C) in female began to increase from November and reached a maximum in January, Sample fish under a controlled water temperature and photoperiod (Tr) were divided into a responded group (Tr-r) and a un-responded group (Tr-n) by the gonadal maturation condition and GSI. The GSI of females in Tr-r reached a maximum in March. But the female GSI in Tr-n kept lower than 1.2 during the experimental period. No differences in male GSI were noticed between C and Tr. The $estradiol-17\beta$ and testosterone levels of female plasma in Tr reached a maximum in October, later than those in C. In males, these was no difference in 11-ketotestosterone and testosterone between C and Tr. When rockfish was reared in September under the controlled water temperature and photoperiod which were equivalent to those in July, that is two months earlier, the maturation of females was delayed in comparison with C. This finding suggested that delayed maturation in ovary was caused by the secretion of sex steroid hormones in relation to the water temperature and photoperiod of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis. 수온과 광주기 조절에 따른 볼락, Sebastes inermis의 혈장내 성steroid hormone 변화를 조사하였다. 월별 GSI의 변화에서 암컷은 대조구의 경우 11월부터 증가하기 시작하여 1월에 최고값이 되었다. 수온과 광주기를 조절한 실험구중 조절에 반응한 개체들 (Tr-r)에서는 대조구 보다 1개월 늦은 2월에 최고값을 나타내었다 그러나 수온과 광주기의 조절에 반응하지 않은 개체들 (Tr-n)은 GSI의 발달이 중단되어 전 실험기간동안 1.2 이하의 낮은 값을 유지하였다. 수컷의 월별 GSI 변화는 대조구와 조절구 사이에서 뚜렷한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 암컷에서 혈장 E2와 T의 변화는 GSI의 변화와 같이 수온과 광주기를 조절한 실험구가 대조구에 비해 2개월 늦게 최고값에 도달하였다. GSI의 월별 변화에서 차이가 없었던 수컷에서 혈장 11-KT와 T의 월별 변화도 대조구와 조절구에서 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 수온과 광주기를 자연상태보다 2개월 늦추어 사육한 결과, 자연상태의 대조구에 비해 암컷의 성숙이 지연되었다. 이것은 수온과 광주기의 자극이 시상하부-뇌하수체-생식소 축을 따라 전달되면서 성 steroid의 분비가 영향을 미쳤기 때문에 난소의 성숙이 지연되었다고 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        볼락, Sebastes inermis 의 섭식상태

        김종관,강용주,KIM Chong-Kwan,KANG Yong-Joo 한국수산과학회 1999 한국수산과학회지 Vol.32 No.5

        본 연구는 볼락, Sebastes inermis의 섭식생태를 파악하기 위하여 경남 사천시 신수도 연안에서 채집된 볼락의 섭식활동 주기와 위내용물을 분석하였다. 어체표본은 1984년 2월부터 1985년 5월사이에 낚시, 자망, 소형기선저인망, 낭장망 등으로서 채집하였다. 볼락의 표본은 0세군부터 4세군까지 채집되었으며, 이들의 주 섭식활동 시간대는 봄, 여름의 경우 이른 아침과 늦은 오후였고, 가을과 겨울에는 특별한 섭식활동 시간대 없이 1$\~$2시간 주기로 간헐적인 섭식활동을 하였다. 이들의 먹이생물은 어류의 연령과 계절에 따라 달랐지만, 주요 먹이생물은 요각류(copepods), 옆새우류(gammarids), 카프렐라류 (caprellids), 생 이류 (carideans), 다모류(polychaees), 단미류 (brachyurans) 등이었다 0세군은 요각류를 주먹이로 섭식하였고, 1세군 이상은 옆새우류를 주 먹이로 이용하였다. 먹이생물의 다양도와 균등도는 어체의 연령이 증가할수록 높았다. 본 종의 섭식기관, 소화기관의 형태, 먹이생물의 종류 등을 고려하였을 때, 볼락은 소형 갑각류를 주 먹이생물로 이용하는 육식성이면서 시각섭식성 식성을 지닌 어류인 것으로 판단되었다. This study was carried out to understand feeding ecology of black rockfish, Sebastes inermis in the coastal waters off Shinsudo, Sachon. The specimens were collected by angling, gill net, small danish seine, and long-bag net from February 1984 to May 1985. The fish consisted of 5 age groups from 0 to 4. Feeding activity was more intensive in the early morning and late afternoon in spring and summer, but the fish showed intermittent feeding activities in autumn and winter. Although the food items of the fish changed slightly by seasons and with growth of the fish, main food items were cope pods, gammarids, caprellids, carideans, polychaetes, and brachyurans. Of these food items, cope pods were major preys for the fish of age group 0, and gammarids over age group 1. Evenness and diversity of the food items increased as the fish grew. In consideration of feeding organs, digestive organs and stomach contents of the fish, S. inermis seemed to be not only carnivore but also visual feeder consuming mainly small crustaceans.

      • KCI등재

        볼락, Sebastes inermis 산출 후 초기 성장 및 눈의 조직학적 발달 특성

        박인석,박혜정,길현우,구인본 한국발생생물학회 2012 발생과 생식 Vol.16 No.2

        어류의 시각 구조와 시각 기능 연구에 있어서 행동적 요인이나 환경적 요인의 중요성은 시각생태학에서 매우중요하게 다루어지고 있으며, 볼락, Sebastes inermis에 관하여는 아직까지 초기 눈의 성장 및 발달에 관한 발생생물학적연구가 이루어진 바가 없음을 고려하여 이에 대한 연구를 수행하였다. 볼락의 전장, 두장, 두고, 눈의 직경과 수정체 직경은 산출 직후부터 산출 후 60일까지의 단계에서 양성의 상관관계(positive allometry)를 보여주었다. 전장과 관련된 두장과두고에서의 증가와, 두고와 관련된 눈의 직경과 수정체 직경의 성장은 거의 동형(isometric)성장을 나타내었다. 눈은 산출단계에 완전히 형성되었다. 산출 단계의 눈은 시신경 섬유층, 신경절 세포층, 내망상층, 내과립층, 외망상층, 외과립층,외경계막, 간체, 추체층 및 상피층을 가지며, 산출 후 60일의 망막 두께는 산출 직후의 망막 두께보다 더 크다. 본 실험기간 동안, 망막의 간체와 추체층의 비율 및 외과립층과 시신경의 비율은 상당히 증가한 반면, 망막의 외망상층과 내과립층, 신경절 세포층의 비율은 현저하게 감소하였다(P<0.05). 차후, 본 연구에 사용된 볼락 망막에 대한 빛 민감성과 공간해상력에 관한 부수 연구가 필요하리라 사료된다.

      • KCI등재

        볼락 (Sebastes inermis) 근육단백질 유전자의 성장단계별 발현양상과 parvalbumin 유전자 클로닝

        장요순 ( Yo Soon Jang ) 한국어류학회 2011 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.23 No.1

        ACP (annealing control primer)를 사용하여 DDRT (differential display reverse transcription)-PCR 방법으로 볼락의 성장단계에 따라 발현량 차이를 나타내는 DEG (differentially expressed gene)를 확보하였다. ACP 120개를 분석하여 18개월령 근육조직에서보다 6개월령 근육조직에서 발현량이 많은 DEG 16개와 6개월령 근육조직에서보다 18개월령 근육조직에서 발현량이 더 많은 DEG 22개의 염기서열을 분석하였다. DEG 염기서열을 BLAST 검색한 결과, parvalbumin (PVALB) 등 18개의 유전자 (PVALB, NDKB, TPM, TnI, GAPDH, CKM2, factor 2 SERF2, AMPD, TRICA, ARHGAP15, ESD, hsp70, COL1A2, GST, Mid1lip1, MYL1, SERCA1B, FTH1)와 69~95%의 상동성을 나타냈다. Real time PCR 분석법으로 6개월령 근육조직에서 발현량이 많은 DEG14와 PVALB 유전자의 성장단계별 발현양상을 조사한 결과, 볼락이 성장함에 따라 발현량이 감소하였으며, 특히 PVALB 유전자는 6개월령 이후에는 발현량이 극히 적었다. 6개월령 근육조직에서보다 18개월령 근육조직에서 발현량에서 많았던 CKM2 유전자는 성장함에 따라 발현량이 계속 증가하였고, 4세 이후에는 발현량이 감소하였다. DEG의 조직특이적 발현양상을 분석한 결과, DEG14는 근육, 간, 신장, 및 비장조직에서 발현되었으며, PVALB 유전자는 근육과 신장조직에서 발현되었고, 간과 비장조직에서는 발현되지 않았다. CKM2 유전자는 근육, 신장 및 비장조직에서 발현되었고, 간 조직에서는 발현되지 않았다. PVALB 유전자의 mRNA 크기는 659 bp이며, 110개의 아미노산으로 구성되어 있다. Parvalbumin과 CKM2 유전자는 성장속도가 빠른 어류 선발에 이용할 수 있는 분자마커 개발에 활용하고자 한다. Differentially Expressed Gene (DEG) was obtained from Differential Display Reverse Transcription (DDRT)-PCR using Annealing Control Primer (ACP) to search and clone genes related to developmental stages of Sebastes inermis. By using 120 ACPs, the nucleotide sequences obtained from 16 DEGs showing higher expression in 6-month-old skeletal muscle than 18-month-old ones and from 22 DEGs displaying stronger expression in 18-month-old than 6-month-old were analyzed and BLAST was conducted. The results identified that DEGs shared 69~95% homology with genes of parvalbumin (PVALB), nucleoside diphosphate kinase (NDK) B, tropomyosin (TPM), troponin I (TnI), glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), muscle-type creatine kinase (CKM2), small EDRK-rich factor 2 (SERF2), adenosine monophosphate deaminase (AMPD), Trimeric intracellular cation channel type A (TRICA), Rho GTPase-activating protein 15 (ARHGAP15), S-formylglutathione hydrolase (Esterase D; ESD), heat shock protein 70 (hsp70), type 1 collagen alpha 2 (COL1A2), glutathione S-transferase, Mid1-interacting protein 1 (Mid1lip1), myosin light chain 1 (MYL1), sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase 1B (SERCA1B), and ferritin heavy subunit (FTH1). Expression pattern by developmental stage of DEG14 and PVALB exhibiting strong expression in 6-month-old skeletal muscle was investigated using real time PCR. Expression was reduced as Sebastes inermis grew. Expression of PVALB gene was extremely low after 6 months of age. Expression of CKM2 showed higher expression in 18-month-old skeletal muscle than in 6-month-old muscles, and increased continuously until 4 years old, after which CKM2 expression became gradually reduced. By analysis of tissue-specific expression patterns of DEG, DEG14 was expressed mainly in skeletal muscle, liver, kidney and spleen tissues, whereas PVALB expression was expressed in skeletal muscle and kidney, but not in liver and spleen tissues. CKM2 was expressed in skeletal muscle, kidney, and spleen tissues, but not in liver tissues. PVALB gene was composed of 110 amino acids, which constituted 659 bp nucleotides. The results reported here demonstrate that the expression patterns of parvalbumin and CKM2 could be used as molecular markers for selecting fishes exhibiting fast growth.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        남해도 주변해역에서 서식하는 어류의 종조성 및 양식산 방류 볼락 (Sebastes inermis)의 행동특성

        안철민,허성회,곽석남,박주면 한국수산과학회 2010 한국수산과학회지 Vol.43 No.3

        Seventeen fish species were counted in an underwater visual census, and the most common species, Sebastes inermis and Halichoeres poecilopterus, were released. More than 60% of the released S.inermis occurred near a fish farm 5 days after release, but they moved to a distant rocky area, and decreasing numbers were seen near the farm 90 days after release. In pots, a total of 722 individuals belonging to 43 species occurred, and released S.inermis dominated with 174 individuals recaptured during the study period. The other common fish species were Stephanolepis cirrhifer and Acanthopagrus schlegeli. The percentage of recapture was 0.23%, but declined to 0.12% at 90 days after release. The potential predators of released S.inermis included Lateolabrax japonicus and Sebastes schlegeli.

      • KCI등재

        진해만 잠도 주변해역에서 서식하는 방류산 볼락(Sebastes inermis)의 식성

        김광수,손민호,박주면,허성회,곽석남 한국수산과학회 2009 한국수산과학회지 Vol.42 No.1

        Feeding habits of released Sebastes inermis obtained in daily and monthly collections from August 2007 to December 2007 in coastal waters off Jam Island in Jinhae Bay, Korea were assessed. A total 151 individuals of S. inermis (6.3-9.7cm TL) were recaptured during the study period. Initial food intake of released S. inermis occurred within three days of released. Stomach content index increased with time, however, the percentage of stomachs devoid of contents decreased. Sebastes inermis mainly consumed gammarid and caprellid amphipods, gastropods and mysids. Diet also included small quantities of bivalves, shrimps, copepods and ostracods. Amphipods were mainly consumed at all size groups and consumption of gastropods, bivalves and shrimps increased with increasing fish size.

      • KCI등재

        광양만 잘피밭에 서식하는 볼낙(Sebastes inermis)의 식성

        허성회,곽석남,HUH Sung-Hoi,KWAK Seok Nam 한국수산과학회 1998 한국수산과학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        1994년 1월부터 1994년 12월까지 광양만 대도주변 잘피밭에서 채집된 볼낙의 식성을 조사하였다. 조사기간 동안 채집된 볼낙은 거의 대부분이 $1\~9\;cm$의 체장 범위였다. 볼낙은 잘피밭에서 주로 단각류(옆새우류와 카프렐라류)와 요각류를 먹었으며, 그 외 새우류, 게류, 복족류, 어류 등을 소량씩 먹었다. 볼낙은 성장함에 따라 먹이생물의 조성이 변하였다 크게 3단계로 구분해 볼 수 있었는데, 작은 크기 (2cm SL 이하)에서는 요각류를 가장 많이 먹었다. 체장이 증가하면서 요각류가 차지하는 비율은 크게 낮아진 반면, 단각류가 차지하는 비율이 크게 증가하여 중간 크기 ($2\~9\;cm\;SL$)에서는 단각류가 가장 중요한 먹이생물이 되었다. 그러다가 일정 크기 (10 cm SL) 이상이 되면 잘피밭을 떠나 인근 바위 해안으로 이동하면서 단각류 대신 새우류나 어류로 먹이 전환이 이루어지는 것으로 추정된다. 대체적으로 계절에 관계없이 단각류를 지속적으로 가장 많이 먹었으며, $2\~3\;cm$ 소형 볼낙이 많이 유입된 봄에는 요각류를 비교적 많이 먹었다. Feeding habits of Sebastes inermis collected from the eelgrass bed in Kwangyang Bay from January 1994 to December 1994 were studied. S. inermis ($1\~9\;cm\;SL$) was a carnivore which mainly consumed amphipods (gammarid amphipods and caprellid amphipods) and copepods. Its diets included small quantities of caridean shrimps, crabs, gastropods, and fishes. It showed ontogenetic changes in feeding habits. In an initial stage, copepods were major food organisms. However, amphipods were heavily selected as the body size of S. inermis increases. Although consumption of copepods increased during spring, amphipods were major prey organisms for all seasons.

      • KCI등재

        볼락(Sebastes inermis)에서 분리된 비브리오속 세균의 동정

        남우화,박재린,표지혜,김정호 한국어병학회 2021 한국어병학회지 Vol.34 No.1

        We experienced mortality of dark-banded rockfish (Sebastes inermis) maintained in the rearing facility located in Gangneung, after transportation. Moribund fish showed various symptoms such as exophthalmia, skin ulcers, tail rots, gill rots, discoloration of liver with petechiae, yellowish fluid in intestines and ascites. Two different colonies were dominantly appeared after spreading the lesions on the agar plates and incubation. One isolate (SI_1) showed swarming movement on TSA, and formed yellow colonies on TCBS agar. The other (SI_2) showed no swarming motility and green colonies on TCBS agar. Both of them were Gram-negative. All of these results are similar with those of Genus Vibrio. They were identified as V. harveyi and V. gigantis by PCR with subsequent sequencing of 3 different genes (16 rDNA, recA, rpoA). V. harveyi is well-known as a serious pathogen of marine fish and invertebrates, while V. gigantis is known to be often isolated from marine invertebrates, but the pathogenicity is still unknown. We suspect V. harveyi as the cause of the mortality of dark-banded rockfish, but challenge experiments with these 2 Vibrio species are thought to be necessary to make a clear conclusion.

      • KCI등재

        볼락 Sebastes inermis 치어의 암모니아 배설에 미치는 수온의 영향

        오승용,최상준 한국해양과학기술원 2009 Ocean and Polar Research Vol.31 No.3

        A study was carried out to investigate the effect of water temperature on daily pattern and rate of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excretion in juvenile dark-banded rockfish Sebastes inermis (mean body weight: 14.8±0.3 g) under fasting and feeding conditions. Fish were acclimated over 10 days under three different water temperatures (15, 20 and 25℃). After 72 hours of starvation, fasting TAN excretion was measured at each temperature. To investigate post-prandial TAN excretion, fish were hand-fed with a commercial diet containing 47.7% crude protein for 7 days, two times daily at 09:00 and 17:00 hr. Water was sampled from both the inlet and outlet of each chamber every 2 hrs over a 24 hr period. Both fasting and post-prandial TAN excretion increased with increase in water temperature (P<0.05). Mean fasting TAN excretion rates at 15, 20 and 25℃ were 8.1, 9.0 and 9.2 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1, respectively. The value of 15℃ was lower than those of 20 and 25℃ (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between 20℃ and 25℃ (P>0.05). Mean post-prandial TAN excretion rates at 15, 20 and 25℃ were 20.1, 22.9 and 23.4 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1, respectively. A peak post-prandial TAN excretion rate occurred after 12 hrs from the first feeding at 15℃ (mean 28.7 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1), 20℃ (33.7 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1) and 25℃ (36.8 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1), respectively. The TAN loss for ingested nitrogen at 15℃ (36.2%) was lower than that of 20℃ (40.8%) and 25℃ (41.7%). Based on overall results, water temperature exerts a profound influence on the nitrogen metabolism of juvenile dark-banded rockfish. A study was carried out to investigate the effect of water temperature on daily pattern and rate of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excretion in juvenile dark-banded rockfish Sebastes inermis (mean body weight: 14.8±0.3 g) under fasting and feeding conditions. Fish were acclimated over 10 days under three different water temperatures (15, 20 and 25℃). After 72 hours of starvation, fasting TAN excretion was measured at each temperature. To investigate post-prandial TAN excretion, fish were hand-fed with a commercial diet containing 47.7% crude protein for 7 days, two times daily at 09:00 and 17:00 hr. Water was sampled from both the inlet and outlet of each chamber every 2 hrs over a 24 hr period. Both fasting and post-prandial TAN excretion increased with increase in water temperature (P<0.05). Mean fasting TAN excretion rates at 15, 20 and 25℃ were 8.1, 9.0 and 9.2 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1, respectively. The value of 15℃ was lower than those of 20 and 25℃ (P<0.05), but there was no significant difference between 20℃ and 25℃ (P>0.05). Mean post-prandial TAN excretion rates at 15, 20 and 25℃ were 20.1, 22.9 and 23.4 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1, respectively. A peak post-prandial TAN excretion rate occurred after 12 hrs from the first feeding at 15℃ (mean 28.7 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1), 20℃ (33.7 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1) and 25℃ (36.8 mg TAN kg fish−1 h−1), respectively. The TAN loss for ingested nitrogen at 15℃ (36.2%) was lower than that of 20℃ (40.8%) and 25℃ (41.7%). Based on overall results, water temperature exerts a profound influence on the nitrogen metabolism of juvenile dark-banded rockfish.

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