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      • KCI등재

        농촌지역 개발정책의 개선방향에 대한 연구

        김강섭,이상정 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        This study, investigated the characteristics and results of the rural development policies, problems, improvement direction etc. enforcing in government meantime. The purpose of this study suggests is that rural development policy should be in improvement direction through literature studies. According to the results of study, first, the rural development policy must establish continuance possibility, locality, variety to main direction of policy. Second, the rural development policy inhabitants and local government should be propelled to become the center, and even if are in logical choice for target area and the propulsion method is more transparent and should be propelled democratically. Third, the rural development policy must select target area from long-term viewpoint and heighten development effect maximum by intensive investment. And inhabitants, administrator's learning system and cooperation system with expert should be constructed for development that the rural development policy does sustainability, and estimation system has to be introduced. Also, the rural development policy should be kept consistency for persistent development. And the rural development policy is correct in characteristics of each department should be enforced efficiently.

      • KCI등재

        The Significant Recommendations for Ukraine policy in sphere of agricultural and rural development : Based on Experiences of US, EU and South Korea

        Stanislav Rieznik,Lee, Hwan-Beom 대한지방자치학회 2018 한국지방자치연구 Vol.20 No.1

        The study aims to examine effective agricultural policies as well as agricultural development sectors in Ukraine, through some agricultural development experience of US, EU and Korea. Based on obtained investigation study provides some meaningful policy suggestions and recommendations for Ukrainian government in sphere of agricultural development. This research is proving that problems which Ukraine agriculture sector and especially rural area are facing caused by inappropriate and inconsistent policies undertaken by Ukraine government. Therefore based on experiences of US, EU and Korea some results of case studies provide significant recommendations for Ukraine policy makers in sphere of agricultural and rural development. On the other hand, this study recognizes that 1) developed countries, such as US, EU and Korea provided substantial government supports or efforts for their agricultural development sectors and for their development policies based on the emphasizing technological growth. 2) Their governmental agricultural policies also changed its focus from price support to direct aid payments that would help farmers improve their farms and care for the environment. 3) In addition, their governments encouraged their farmers to engage in rural development, start organic movements, and pay close attention to food quality. In line with these perspectives, the research also offers some important future direction for Crops and Livestock sector and Organic agricultural development in Ukraine and describes the results of Ukraine agrarian reformation related to SWOT analysis of Ukraine agriculture sector.

      • KCI등재

        주민조직 기반형 농촌지역개발정책시스템 구축에 관한 시론

        윤원근 ( Won Keun Yoon ) 한국농촌지도학회 2013 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.20 No.4

        이 연구는 농촌지역사회의 주민조직을 기반으로 하는 새로운 농촌지역개발추진 정책 시스템(주민조직 기반형 농촌지역개발정책)을 구축하고자 하는 것으로, 현재까지 관행적으로 시행되고 있는 기존의 농촌 공간단위를 기반으로 하는 농촌 지역개발시스템(공간 기반형 농촌지역개발정책)을 보완하거나 대체하는 데 목적이 있다. 특히 농촌 공간 기반형 정책의 근거 가설이라고 볼 수 있는 ‘농촌마을은 소우주이고, 농촌마을이 농촌지역을 대표한다는’주장은 더 이상 유효하지 않다는 점을 강조하고자 한다. 농촌마을에 있어서의 경제적, 사회적 및 공간적인 공동성은 이미 약화되거나, 퇴색되고 있다. 또한 농촌공간 만을 주된 농촌지역 개발의 정책대상으로 할 경우, 현시점에서 제기되는 새로운 정책수요와 정책 환경의 변화를 효과적으로 반영할 수 없다. 이 연구는 농촌공간을 기반으로 하는 정책이 아닌, 농촌지역사회의 주민조직을 기반으로 하는 정책을 추진하는 것이 필요하고 경우에 따라서는 더 바람직하다는 점을 지적하고 있다. 이러한 정책은 이미 EU의 대표적인 농촌개발정책인 리더프로그램이나 일본 등의 마을만들기 정책에서 시행되고 있으며, 많은 효과를 거두고 있고 현실적으로 주민참여를 가능하게 하는 프로그램으로 인식되고 있다. 주민조직체에 기초한 농촌지역개발정책시스템을 도입할 경우 다양한 조직체의 참신하고 전문적인 정책구상을 수용할 수 있고, 마을공간의 범위를 넘어선 농촌자원을 기초로 협력할 수 있는 정책추진 공간단위의 유연성을 아울러 가져올 수 있다. 여기서 제안하는 주민조직은 지역사회의 발전과 활성화를 위해서 계획의 수립, 실천 및 주민역량강화를 실제로 수행하는 기능을 담당하는 다양한 조직으로서 ‘주민협의회’로 명명하고, 주민협의회를 지원할 수 있는 중간조직을 만드는 것을 주 내용으로 하고 있다. 중간조직은 지역의 여건에 따라서 주민주도 또는 행정주도 등의 다양한 형태가 가능할 것으로 보인다. The purpose of this study is to establish a new rural development policy system based on the unit of a community organizations. This study is to complement or replace the existing rural development system which is based on the unit of rural villages. The communalism which is the core concept of traditional rural villages has been weakened or destroyed. Especially, economic, social and spatial communalism of a rural villages has been weakened rapidly in the process of industralization and urbanization for the last 50 years. This means that strong communalism inside rural villages and neighborhood independence from each others among rural villages are already weakened. Rural villages no longer represent rural area, unlikely the hypothesis policy makers have been used to set up rural development policies. Advanced countries like EU and Japan are well known to have a rural development policy based on the units of social organizations in the rural area. These policies have been on the main stream in the era of local decentralization. Rural resident`s organization made rural site`s development plan using local assets and submitted to the public sector. Then the public sector examine its value and possibilities as a rural development projects. And public sector finalize the decision on subsidy grant. These policy patterns are already introduced partly in the field of urban development programme as well as rural development programme. It is time to apply those policies more widely and to examine more systematically.

      • KCI등재

        A Review of Trends and Tasks of Korea’s Rural Life Improvement Programs: Lessons for Ethiopia

        가모 베 렛켓 로바(Bereket Roba Gamo ),최윤지(Yoon-Ji Choi),최정신(Jung-Shin Choi),손주리(Joo-Lee Son) 한국농촌지도학회 2022 농촌지도와 개발 Vol.29 No.4

        농촌 생활 개선은 대부분의 개발도상국 정부의 주요 정책 관심사로 남아 있다. 그러나 개발도상국들은 농촌개발정책을 시행하면서 농업생산성과 기술개발에 중점을 두었다. 본 논문은 한국의 농촌생활 개선 프로그램을 통해 구현되는 주요 과제를 파악하고, 제2차 세계대전 이후 에티오피아의 농촌개발 노력에 대해 설명하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 이 자료는 한국에서의 집중적인 문헌 검토와 포커스 그룹 인터뷰를 통해 생성되었다. 일반적으로 두 나라와 특히 그들의 시골 지역은 가난했고 처음에는 거의 비슷했다. 1960년대 이후 한국 농촌의 상황이 급변한 반면 에티오피아 농촌은 아직 큰 개선을 경험하지 못했다. 에티오피아에서 다양한 농촌 개발 노력이 이루어졌지만, 시간이 지남에 따라 서로 다른 정치 정권이 시행한 변덕스러운 정책들이 농촌 부문의 저조한 실적을 뒷받침하는 주요 요인 중 하나로 나타난다. 또한 우리 정부의 농촌개발정책은 처음부터 농촌생활 개선권뿐만 아니라 농업생산기반 개선에도 동등한 비중을 두고 있었지만, 에티오피아 농촌개발정책은 오히려 농촌생활 개선의 측면을 소홀히 하였다. 농업가공, 농촌관광, 비농업 고용기회를 통한 농촌경제 다변화는 우리나라의 농촌개발정책에서도 또 다른 우선분야였지만 에티오피오티아의 농촌개발정책에서는 그렇지 않았다. 우리는 에티오피아가 농촌 생활 개선 노력에 적응할 수 있는 몇가지 교훈을 제안한다. Rural life improvement has remained a key policy concern for the governments of most developing countries. However, developing countries mostly focused on agricultural productivity and technology development while implementing rural development policies. This paper was aimed at constructing the trends and identify the major tasks implemented through the rural life improvement programs in Korea and describing rural development efforts in Ethiopia after the Second World War. The data was generated through an intensive review of literature and focus group interview in Korea. The two countries in general and their rural areas in particular, were poor and almost similar initially. While the condition of rural Korea rapidly transformed since 1960s, rural Ethiopia has not yet experienced major improvement. Although different rural development efforts have been made in Ethiopia, erratic policies implemented by the different political regimes across time emerge to be one of the main factors behind the poor performance of the of the rural sector. Further, while the Korean government’s rural development policy gave equal emphasis to improvement of agricultural production base as well as rural life improvement right from its inception, the Ethiopian rural development policy has rather neglected the rural life improvement aspect. Diversification of rural economy was also another priority area in Korea’s rural development policy through agro-processing, rural tourism, and non-farm employment opportunities whereas this has not been the case in Ethiopia’s rural development policy. We suggest some lessons that Ethiopia might adapt for its rural life improvement endeavors.

      • KCI등재

        농촌정책 패러다임의 변화와 농촌지역개발사업

        이해진(Hae Jin Lee) 한국농촌사회학회 2009 農村社會 Vol.19 No.1

        이 논문은 2000년대 들어서 한국의 농업 농촌정책 패러다임이 농업(부문정책)에서 농촌(공간정책)으로 이동하였다는 점을 강조하며 다음의 논점들을 분석하였다. 먼저, 신자유주의 세계화의 시장개방 압력, 농업 구조조정 정책의 한계, 참여정부의 새로운 지역정책의 시도를 농촌정책 변화의 배경으로 해석했다. 특히 신자유주의적 농업정책을 정당화하고 회피하기 위한 수단으로 농촌지역개발 정책이 활성화된 측면이 있음을 지적하였다. 그리고 농촌정책 패러다임 변화의 궤적을 검토하여 최근의 농촌정책의 특성을 도출하였다. 이어서 `농촌마을종합개발사업`을 사례를 통해 농촌 정책의 변화가 농촌지역개발사업으로 적용되고 실행되는 과정을 살펴보았다. 이 과정에서 관료주의적이고 경로의존적인 정책생산구조 및 사업실행이 신자유주의적 경향성과 결합하면서 농촌지역개발사업의 실행과 한계에 영향을 미치는 것으로 보았다. 농촌정책 사업이 의도한 목표와 의도하지 않은 결과 사이의 불일치에 주목하여 농촌마을종합개발사업의 새로운 특성과 문제점을 조명하였다. 결론적으로 농촌공동체의 복원과 자생적 마을만들기로 나아가는데 농촌지역개발사업이 고려해야 할 정책 과제들과 후속 연구 과제들을 제시하였다. This article focuses on the paradigm shift in rural policy from agricultural policies to rural community policies and analyzes the following issues, The article interprets neo-liberal globalization, limits of agricultural restructuring policy, and new regional policy as backdrop for recent changes in rural policy. The paper has showed the characteristics of the recent rural development policy through examining the rural policy trajectory. And then, through the case study of `Integrated Rural Community Development Project`, it seeks to highlight the process that the change of rural policy had been applied and implemented to rural community development program. In the process, the bureaucratic and path-dependent policy decision making systems and the tendency of the neo-liberalization are identified as important factors in mediating effective policy implementation and limitation. Then the paper considers disagreements between the intended goals and unintended consequences and highlights new aspects and problems brought about by the Project, Consequently, this study suggests some policy priorities and further research agendas for making rural community development projects progress towards endogenous community-building.

      • KCI등재

        농촌지역개발사업 성과의 차이와 농촌사회 발전에 대한 함의

        이해진(Hae Jin Lee) 한국농촌사회학회 2012 農村社會 Vol.22 No.2

        이 논문은 농촌개발사업 성과의 차이를 발생시키는 요인을 규명하고 이를 통해 농촌개발사업 및 농촌발전의 방향을 모색하는 목적을 가진다. 농촌개발사업에서 경제적 성과와 더불어 시민공동체적 발전이 함께 모색되어야 한다는 문제의식을 바탕으로 농촌개발사업 성과의 차이에 영향을 미치는 요인들을 중심으로 권역 마을 간의 차이를 비교하고, 그 특성을 분석했다. 이를 위해서 농촌마을종합개발사업에 참여한 4개 마을 권역의 주민을 대상으로 한 설문조사 자료를 바탕으로 경험적 분석을 시도하였다. 분석결과, 사회적 자본, 참여도, 리더십, 민주적 운영, 호혜성 등 사회적 관계 차원에서 권역 마을 간의 차이가 나타났다. 특히 농촌개발사업의 성과에 대한 주민의 평가에 영향을 미치는 핵심 요인들은 경제적 이익, 리더십, 호혜성이었다. 이러한 분석결과들은 농촌개발사업의 성과를 높이기 위해서는 경제적 동기부여와 그것을 호혜적으로 공유할 수 있는 지역주체들의 역량과 노력이 필요하다는 사실을 확인해준다. 끝으로 농촌사회발전을 위한 농촌정책의 방향, 귀농귀촌인의 역할, 사회적 포섭 및 마을민주주의, 농촌사회의 시민공동체적 발전을 과제로 제시하였다. This article aims to investigate the factors that influence the outcomes of rural development projects and to explore alternative ways to develop rural development project in order to contribute to the rural community development. Based on a perspective that civil community development needs to be paired with the level of economic development in rural development projects, this paper examined differences in performance of rural development projects by focusing on the variables which are considered to affect those diverse outcomes. This study analyzed survey data collected on the residents living in four village-level rural communities which took part in "the Rural Village Integrated Development Program" launched by the Korean government from 2005 to 2010. The findings are as follows. The four communities reveal some significant differences in terms of those "social relationship factor" s such as social capital, participation, leadership, democratic communication, and reciprocity. In particular, economic gains, leadership, and reciprocity are found to be significant factors affecting the residents` evaluations for the success of the rural development programs. These findings are valuable since they can be taken to confirm an implication that the rural people`s subjective capacities and efforts to achieve economic mobilization and reciprocal gain-sharing are needed to improve the rural development. The article concludes by suggesting that a redesign of public policies for rural development, roles of those who are returning from urban to rural areas, social inclusion, and civic community development in rural areas are important themes to be pursued for the future of the rural development.

      • KCI등재

        박근혜정부의 향후 농촌정책 방향

        소순열(Soh, Soonyeol) 한국지역사회학회 2013 지역사회연구 Vol.21 No.4

        This study is to review and evaluate the rural development policy and its direction of the Park Keun-hye administration. At first, we review the past decade’s rural development policy of the Roh Moo-hyun and Lee Myung-bak administrations, then followed by examining that of the Park Geun-hye administration. We can say that the rural development policy of the Lee Myung-bak administration is basically an extension of that of the Roh Moo-hyun administration. Both administrations have carried forward the expansion and diversification of the rural development policy, and the integration of public services and financing for the success of policy. Both administrations, however, have left unresolved some issues of the rural development policy, including what should be the policy goal and domain as well as the scope and the operation for system improvement and financial integration. The Park Geun-hye administration seems to rather have little understanding of the importance of regional policy and agriculture compared to the last two administrations. The Park Geun-hye administration has emphasized the autonomy of regions and introduced the happiness right of local living, valuing living welfare. However, it also gives cause for growing anxiety about mega-regional economic blocs, establishment of new local zones, financial-support resources, and so on. Therefore, these problems should be resolved in the near future.

      • 논문 - 지속가능한 농어촌 지역개발을 위한 정책 방향 연구

        임상봉,정해창,Im, Sang-Bong,Chung, Hae-Chang 한국관개배수위원회 2011 한국관개배수논문집 Vol.18 No.2

        There are found rare specific alternatives for sustainable rural development although sustainable development has become popular common concept in international development arena. Korea is trying to reform rural development by introducing a block grants system since 2009 expecting for the efficiency of development investment. However, it seems that such new rural development system is far from realizing the sustainable development. The objectives of the study are to identify the roles and issues of the sustainable development policy and to suggest a policy model for realizing sustainable rural development. Based on the policy model hypothetically established, some policy alternatives were suggested: (i) the establishment of land use system considering sustainability perspectives; (ii) the preparation of environment management measures considering topographical traits; (iii) the improvement of landscape support scheme toward increasing biodiversity; (iv) the systematic implementation of agriculture-environment measures; (v) the implementation of sustainable development projects linking production to housing; (vi) the inclusion of sustainability indicators in rural development evaluation system.

      • KCI등재

        통합적 농촌지역개발 추진을 위한 법체계 개편방안 연구

        박창원,김세빈,이준우,이보휘,김은순,구승모 한국농촌계획학회 2019 농촌계획 Vol.25 No.2

        The rural development policies and projects in Korea has been implemented with various related acts. For instance, these acts include Framework Act on the National Land, National Land Planning Utilization Act, Special Act on Balanced National Development, etc, enacted by each of adminstration. However, there are some limitations to encourage the variety of rural development policies due to duplication and overlapping between the relevant acts. Nowadays, the fields of rural development have been evolved and integrated not only by agricultural infrastructures but also in various fields such as multi-functional industry including rural tourism, green care, and cultural welfare, etc. Therefore, the current legal system may not effectively accept and support in various rural development policies and projects at all. This study tried to figure out the necessity of reorganization related legal system through the field survey to planners, residents and analysts regarding the correlation between legal systems and projects. For these reasons, this study tried to find out the problem of current legal system and then, suggested alternative methods related to the legal system for integrated rural development. The scope of the study is as follows; 1)correlation analysis between relevant laws and rural development projects. 2)field survey to figure out the legitimacy and validity for the reorganization of the legal system. At last the result of the research has suggested an alternative method to reorganize the legal system and proposed the new legal system with is good for integrated rural development.

      • KCI등재

        지방분권 확대에 대응한 지방자치단체의 농촌정책 추진 여건 분석- 일반농산어촌개발사업 추진 시‧군을 중심으로 -

        성주인,송미령 한국농촌계획학회 2019 농촌계획 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to figure out the current condition of local governments (Si or Gun) to implement rural development policy in the face of the central government’s drive for increasing devolution. Since late 1990s or early 2000s when scope of rural policy began to expand quantitatively, there has been considerable increase in rural residents’ participation into community projects as a whole. Nevertheless, there exists regional differentiation in local governments’ efforts to systematically support rural development projects (CRDP: Comprehensive Rural Development Programme) and community activities by setting up intermediary organizations or hiring rural development professionals in a public office. According to this survey on local government officials, regions that have made such efforts to support rural policy at a local level, show more advanced level of institutional capacity than other regions in local decision making process for CRDP, role of strategic rural developmental plans, vitality of community actors, etc. In the era of increasing devolution, these differences can be expected to result in diverging performances of each area in regionalized rural policy. The central government needs to introduce EU’s LEADER-type rural development programmes to support community acitivities by various local actors and at the same time promote local governance building for rural policy, adopting institutional rewarding system such as rural planning contract.

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