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      • KCI등재

        중국과 타이완의 문장 부호 비교 - 문장 부호 규정의 성립 과정과 분화

        김미경 국제언어인문학회 2021 인문언어 Vol.23 No.2

        This research aimed to compare punctuation marks frequently used in China and Taiwan, exploring the historical establishment process and differences of the current punctuation rules on both sides. In a large sense, current punctuation rules in China are based on “General Rules for Punctuation” (2011). However, in Taiwan, “The Revised Punctuation Handbook” (2008) is currently applied. They are basically rooted in the “New Punctuation” of 1920. Since 1949, they have been slightly different in usage. In particular, as rules have been revised over time, the punctuation marks on both sides showed a plethora of dissimilarities between both sides. Accordingly, this research fully paid attention to the history of Chinese punctuation marks, then briefly compared both current punctuation rules with reference to contemporary use. As a result, a few differences were found: The Chinese rules are more systemic and detailed than those in Taiwan. For instance, Taiwan's rules have no table of contents, definitions and classifications of punctuation marks. In addition, there were no specific usage and examples in Taiwan. It can be assumed that the policy and regulation of both governments have some impact on them. Simply put, Chinese learners and users should get aware of accurate Chinese punctuation marks frequently used on both sides. Furthermore, the higher similarities of the punctuation rules and usage could pave the way for more bilateral culture exchanges and Chinese learners.

      • KCI등재


        유준방,한용수 중국학연구회 2015 중국학연구 Vol.- No.74

        Based on the 本文基于标点符号在外语教学中不受重视的现实情况,回顾了中韩标点符号的发展历史,并根据两国最新的标准≪标点符号用法≫和≪한글맞춤법≫,将中韩标点符号分成形式相同的、形式不同的和无对应形式的三类,进行了对比分析。通过对比,我们发现,无论是形式相同的或是形式不同的中韩标点符号之间都存在着或大或小的差异,有的是功能上的差异,有的是用法上的差异,还有的是书写格式及与其他符号连用的差异。可见,在作为第二语言习得的汉语或韩语的学习及教学过程中,都不能忽视标点符号的差异,若直接将母语中标点符号的使用习惯移植到外语中,容易产生偏误。我们还针对无对应形式的中韩标点符号,以及形式相同而功能有区别的标点符号,提出了可行的替换方案。希望以此为作为第二语言习得的汉语或韩语的学习及教学、中韩翻译,提供明确且实用的标点符号参照标准。 Based on the circumstances of punctuation in foreign language teaching neglected, we reviewed the history of Chinese and Korean punctuation. According to both the latest standards 标点符号用法 and 한글 맞춤법, we compared the punctuation of Chinese and Korean by putting them into three categories. One is different forms of punctuation, another one is no correspondence in the form of punctuation, and the third one is the same forms of punctuation. By contrast, we found that more or less there are significant differences in either same forms or different forms of Chinese and Korean punctuation. Some of them are the differences in function, some differences are in usage, as well as some of them are different written form and conjunction differences with other punctuation. In a word, we can not ignore the differences in punctuation while learning and teaching process as a second language acquisition in both Chinese and Korean. Otherwise it would make usage error. In addition, we also proposed the viable alternative for punctuations without a corresponding form in Chinese and Korean, as well as those which is in the same form but different functions. We hope this paper can provide clear and practical reference standard of punctuation for learning or teaching Chinese or Korean as a second language, as well as the translation of Chinese and Korean.

      • KCI등재

        문장 부호 규정의 수정과 앞으로의 방향

        신호철(Ho Cheol Shin) 한국어학회 2015 한국어학 Vol.67 No.-

        In this paper, we summarized feature of the punctuation rules as amended, and proposed a vision for future directions for use of the punctuation rules. An amendment to the punctuation rules in critical of punctuation marks weren``t in the definition included on the opening. Although it was incomplete, they are meaningful that they offered us a punctuation mark starting point. There are horizontal writing of punctuation marks 24 species only in punctuation mark as amended. ‘The arrow parenthesis’ and ‘underline’ punctuation is newly registered. Used in vertical writing ‘Gorijeom, Mojeom’ were deleted, while ‘Natpyo’ is modified a horizontal writing punctuation usage. In amendment to the punctuation rules so far that has been confusion of directions for many problems, it emphasized a practical part for user. Punctuation mark, name of ‘a period : Onjeom’, ‘a comma : Banjeom’ with confusion has decided and ‘a period’ and ‘a comma’, also allowed the use of ‘Onjeom’, ‘Banjeom’. An ellipsis in the case of six points that have been recognized only to take over the center also was allowed to use scored 3 or 6 below, center. Also, the punctuation’s spacing rule relevant provisions are added. So the user had to make it easy to write. The provisions also enjoyed on him. But punctuation mark, Regulation as amended, was attaching narrative to be able to resolve these difficulties were.

      • KCI등재

        『성경전서 개역개정판』에 문장부호를 붙이기 위한 예비적 논의

        전무용 (재)대한성서공회 성경번역연구소 2024 성경원문연구 Vol.- No.54

        For this study, we searched for places in the text that show typical situations, considered the punctuation marks for those texts, and then looked at ways to add punctuation marks to the entire Bible text. I think this study offers clues about the things to consider when adding punctuation marks to the text of the Bible. Concluding principles for punctuation: 1) Consider a format that fits the style of the Revised Version text. 2) Think about the punctuation marks needed in the text on the one hand and the ones needed by modern Bible readers on the other. Then determine the direction for the current work between these two different needs. 3) As the base principle, faithfully insert punctuation marks wherever necessary. 4) Limit insertions to the minimum considering today’s Bible readers. This could be a realistic alternative, and in a stricter sense, a transitional measure. 5) Based on the perspective that punctuation marks are forms required by the content of the text, set standards as objectively as possible and avoid subjective standards such as the writer’s intention. 6) Add punctuation marks according to consistent grammatical standards rather than removing or adding them based on subjective judgment that there are too many or too few of them in the text. Grammatical consistency is an important point of consideration. 7) The situation of utterance can become a perspective that establishes objective standards. 8) Ultimately, the current translation becomes the standard for judgment. But without considering the underlying meaning of the original text, punctuation marks may be added incorrectly to deliver a different meaning in the end. 9) The National Institute of the Korean Language’s Punctuation Commentary, representing modern orthographic rules should be used as the standard, but when its rules do not sufficiently support the forms required by the current text, punctuation marks need to be added beyond the given rules to address the needs of the text. Search for the punctuation marks needed in the text and add them. In this case, notation rules will be supplemented later based on linguistic reality. Conclusions that provide guidance for the practical task of punctuating the text: 10) In case of commas, placing them only at the highest level within a sentence is a way to reduce confusion. But when there are cases where a comma cannot be omitted at a lower level, the comma at the next higher level can be omitted. 11) If there are an upper position comma and a lower position comma in a single sentence, use of semicolon (;) and colon (:), etc can be considered. This is not based on the worker’s will. Although English texts use these punctuation marks, this is not to follow the style of foreign languages such as English, but to find and reflect the form required by the Korean Bible’s writing style. 12) Punctuation marks from the traditional era like the base point may be used correctly when the sentence progresses in an analog manner. But even if they are partially correct, they may prevent readers from capturing the sentence structure as a whole, and hinder their understanding the meaning of the entire sentence. Punctuation marks should be added to reveal the structure of the sentence and in ways that help convey the meaning. 13) Rules for the exclamation mark states, “It is used in phrases expressing strong feelings, statements, imperatives, and petitions.” In case of the Bible, discernment of strong feelings should not be based on subjective judgment but on the situation of utterance so as to find the punctuation mark needed by the text.

      • KCI등재

        중국어와 한국어의 문장 부호 비교 - 모호와 쌍점을 중심으로 -

        김미경 ( Kim Mi-kyong ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2020 인문학연구 Vol.59 No.3

        이 논문은 중국어와 한국어의 문장 부호를 비교하여 그들 간의 공통점과 차이점을 고찰함을 목적으로 한다. 모든 문장 부호에 대한 연구를 진행할 계획이지만, 지면 관계상, 이번 논문은 우선 중국어 문장 부호 冒号와 한국어 쌍점을 비교 분석하는 것으로 그 대상을 제한하였다. 중국어의 문장 부호, 즉 标点符号는 点号와 标号로 나뉘고, 점호는 다시 句末点号와 句内点号로 나뉜다. 句内点号에는 冒号 이외에 逗号, 顿号, 分号가 더 있다. 이 논문은 연구 목적을 달성하기 위하여 우선 현행 공식 중국어 문장 부호 규정인 「标点符号用法」(2011)에 대하여 알아본다. 그 다음으로 冒号, 쌍점의 순으로 그 기능과 용법을 분석하고, 그 결과를 바탕으로 冒号와 쌍점의 공통점과 차이점을 비교해 본다. 그런 다음 마지막으로 冒号와 쌍점의 번역 전략을 예를 들어 제시하고 있다. 이 논문에서 문장 부호의 기능을 연구함에 있어 근거로 삼은 기준은 양 국의 현행공식 문장 부호 규정이다. 중국어의 경우 「标点符号用法」(2011)을 기준으로, 한국어의 경우는 「한글 맞춤법」(2017)의 부록인 ‘문장 부호’ 규정을 기준으로 하였다. 이 논문의 결과들은 한국인 중국어 학습자 및 전문가들이 좀 더 정확하게 중국어 문장을 쓰고 이해하는 데 도움이 될 것으로 기대한다. This research explores a comparative analysis and translation strategy in the use of Chinese and Korean colon mark, employing the definition, function and role of the colon in order to find obviously different uses. As known, punctuation marks are considered as symbols to indicate the structure of a sentence, delivering the author's intention. It implies that the correct use of punctuation is very important in written language. In addition, this research compared Chinese and Korean punctuation, colon, since Chinese uses a different set of punctuation marks from European languages, differently derived from both Western and Chinese sources. It hints that the concept of Western punctuation marks has been greatly influenced in written language during the 20th century. Currently, the use of punctuation marks is regulated by the Chinese national standard GB/T 15834-2011 “General rules for punctuation”.(traditional Chinese: 標點符號用法; simplified Chinese: 标点符号用法). On December 5, 2014, the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism announced “the revised the version of Hangul Matchumbeop (Korean Orthography),” including the issues of the regulations related to the revision of the punctuation marks (implemented on January 1, 2015). It has been 26 years since the first version of “Punctuation” was introduced in the Appendix section of “Hangul Matchumbeop” in 1988. With reference to the results, many considerations were found they should be considerably educated.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 문장 부호법과 러시아어 구두법 비교 연구: 2015 「한글 맞춤법 일부 개정안」을 중심으로

        손현익(Hyun Ik Son) 한국외국어대학교 동유럽발칸연구소 2016 동유럽발칸연구 Vol.40 No.1

        문화체육관광부가 2014년 12월 5일 문장 부호 관련 규정의 개정을 주요 내용으로 하는 「한글 맞춤법 일부 개정안」(문화체육관광부 고시 제2014-0039호, 2015년 1월 1일 시행)을 고시하였다. 「한글 맞춤법」(1988)의 부록으로 실려 있는 「문장 부호」가 26년 만에 새 옷을 입게 된 것이다. 문장 부호는 문장의 구조를 드러내거나 글쓴이의 의도를 전달하기 위하여 사용하는 부호이다. 따라서 글의 의미를 효율적으로 전달하기 위해서는 문장 부호의 올바른 사용이 무엇보다 중요하다. 이를 고려할 때 문장 부호에 대한 명확한 개념 정립 및 기능과 용법에 대한 이해가 필수적이다. 이에 본 연구는 한국어 문장 부호 규정과 러시아어 구두법의 역사와 현황을 개관하고, 각 언어별로 기능에 따라 문장 부호를 분류하여 한국어의 문장 부호와 러시아어의 구두법 체계를 비교·분석해보도록 한다. 아울러 ‘2.2. 한국어 문장 부호 체계’에서는 「한글 맞춤법 일부 개정안」의 내용을 중심으로 새로이 생겨난 규정과 관행으로 굳어져 잘못 사용하고 있는 한국어 문장 부호에 대해서도 살펴보도록 한다. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in December 5, 2014 announced “the revision of the Hangul orthography(Hangul matchumbeop)” to the main content of the regulations related to revise punctuation (Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism Notice No. 2014-0039, implemented January 1, 2015). “Punctuation” as listed in appendix “Hangul matchumbeop”(1988) changed in 26 years. Punctuation marks to reveal the structure of a sentence, or used to deliver the author’s intention. Therefore, the efficient use of correct punctuation is important in order to convey the meaning of article. When considering the importance of the efficient use of correct punctuation, it is essential to clear conceptual understanding of the establishment and functions, usage of the punctuation. The purpose of this study is to outline the history and current status of Korean, Russian punctuation rules and punctuation, punctuation marks are classified, depending on the features of each language and try to analyze, compare the punctuation system of Korean and Russian punctuation. In addition, in chapter ‘2.2. Korean punctuation system’ take a look at usage of the Korean punctuation marks that are used incorrectly.

      • KCI등재

        중국어 문장부호 교육방안 연구

        진현 한국중문학회 2017 中國文學硏究 Vol.0 No.69

        The order of this paper is as follows. First, we decided on the principle of selection of punctuation marks and the principle of arrangement of education order. Second, according to this principle, the contents of education were selected and the order of education was decided. The principle of selecting punctuation marks is as follows. First, only the sentence code standards proposed by the Korean and Chinese governments were analyzed. Second, only the necessary contents are selected in undergraduate classes. Third, we selected only the most common usage among the contents to be taught, and selected only the least possible. The frequency of punctuation marks was investigated according to the above principle. As a result, nine sentence codes were confirmed as educational contents. Of the various uses, only general and non-substitutable ones were selected. The principle of punctuation order is as follows. First, punctuation marks and commas are shown before other punctuation marks. Second, we first teach Chinese punctuation with the same usage as Korean punctuation. Third, we first teach the punctuation mark with the mark. Fourth, The punctuation marks where both the second principle and the third principle exist are first taught. If there is only one of the second principle and the third principle, it is positioned in the second place. If both the second and third principles do not exist, they are placed at the end. According to this principle, the educational order is classified as follows. Beginner: Periods All usage, comma all usage, question mark 1 type. Intermediate: exclamation points, a slight-pause mark, colon, titl, question mark 2, and quotation marks 1 and 4. Advanced: quotation marks 2⋅3, semicolon.

      • KCI등재

        仁祖代 承政院日記 標點 事例 小考

        朴殷嬉(Park, Eun-Hee) 한국고전번역원 2010 民族文化 Vol.- No.35

        본 논문은 고리점, 반점, 쌍점, 따옴표의 네 가지 표점부호를 중심으로 인조대 승정원일기의 표점 사례를 고찰한 것이다. 각 부호마다 일반적인 용법을 먼저 설명한 후, 승정원일기의 특징적인 용법에 대해 거론하였다. 고리점과 반점의 일반적인 용법의 경우, 우리나라 현실을 감안하여 표점과 懸吐방식의 차이를 위주로 설명하였다. 우리나라에서는 한문에 吐를 달아 읽는 懸吐방식이 오랜 전통으로 자리잡아 왔기 때문에 현대식 문장부호인 표점을 적용하는 데 어려움이 많다. 그 차이가 어떤 것이고 어디에서 어떤 오류가 발생하며 무엇을 자주 혼동하는지를 구체적인 예문을 통해 제시하였다. 한편 승정원일기의 특징적인 고리점 용법으로는 ‘入啓’와 ‘入侍’ 관련 기사를 검토하여, 승정원일기 서술 가운데는 국왕이 아닌 승정원을 중심으로 서술된 것이 있음을 확인하였다. 또 승정원일기의 특징적인 반점 용법으로는 ‘~事, 傳敎矣’, ‘~之意, 敢啓’ 같은 구문을 검토하여, 우리말 語順式 倒置가 어떻게 활용되고 있는지 살펴보았다. 쌍점은 한글문장에서는 잘 사용하지 않지만 승정원일기에서는 용도가 매우 많기 때문에, 일반적인 설명은 간단히 하고 승정원일기의 특징적인 사례를 많이 드는 방식을 택했다. 따옴표는 한글문장부호로도 시용하고 있지만 표점과는 적용면에서 다소 차이가 있다. 그래서 직접인용문과 간접인용문의 표점방식에 대해 일반적인 설명을 먼저 한 후, 승정원일기의 특징 적인 예로 ‘以(因)~~, ~事, 傳敎矣’와 ‘某以~, 某以~, 竝引嫌而退’ 구문을 들었다. 한편 승정원일기, 특히 개수본인 인조대 승정원일기에는 동일한 기사에 대한 서술이 다양한 형태로 나타나는 경우가 많다. 그 각 유형은 다양한 전체 유형의 틀 안에서 이해하고 표점해야 하며, 만약 개별적으로 떼어 판단한다면 자칫 잘못 표점할 가능성이 높다. 그런 기사유형에 대해 각 부호마다 예 한 가지씩을 들어 그 양상을 살펴볼 수 있도록 하였다. This study intends to examine punctuation cases of Seungjeongwon ilgi in Injo Periods centered on 4 punctuation marks of period, comma, colon and quotation marks. After explaining the general usage of each mark firstly,it mentioned the characteristic usage of Seungjeongwon ilgi. In case of the general usage of period and comma, after taking our countrys reality into consideration, explanation was done centered on the difference of punctuation and Hyeonto. Since Hyeonto, which reads through supplying particles to Chinese Characters, has settled as old tradition in our country, there are many difficulties in applying punctuation of the modern punctuation marks. This study presented what differences are, where and how errors occur and what are frequently misunderstood through the concrete examples. And, as for the usage of period specific to Seungjeongwon ilgi, through examining the articles related to ‘入啓’ and ‘入侍’, it identified that there are descriptions centered on Seungjeongwon rather than on the king in the descriptions of Seungjeongwon ilgi. Furthermore, for the characteristic comma usage of Seungjeongwon ilgi, through inspecting constructions like ‘~事,傳敎矣’,‘~之意,敢啓’,examined how inversion of Korean word order is used. Because colons arent frequently used in Hangeul sentences but used much in Seungjeongwon ilgi, this study selected the method to give thechar-acteristic cases of Seungjeongwon ilgi while mentioning the general explanation simply. Quotation marks are also used as Korean punctuation marks but there’s a little difference from punctuation in the application. So after giving the general explanation firstly on punctuation method of the direct and indirect quotations, gave constructions of ‘以(因)~,~事,傳敎矣’ and ‘某以~,某以~,竝引嫌而退’ as the characteristic examples of Seungjeongwon ilgi. On the other hand, in Seungjeongwon ilgi, especially in Seungjeongwon ilgi of Injo Periods as the manuscript, there are many cases that description on the same article appeared as the various forms. Each type of them must be understood and punctuated within the diverse frames of the entire types. So if judged individually, it’s much likely to do wrong punctuation. On such types of articles, this study aimed at examining their aspects through giving one example for each mark.

      • KCI등재

        한문번역의 측면에서 바라본 표점과 현토의 차이

        박은희(Pak, Eunhee) 한국고전번역원 2012 民族文化 Vol.- No.39

        중국에서는 1950년대부터《자치통감(資治通鑑)》?《이십사사(二十四史)》를 비롯한 방대한 고전자료를 표점하며 표점원칙을 수립해왔다. 우리나라에서도 1990년대 이후 한문 자료를 정리하거나 논문 등에서 인용할 때 표점하는 경우가 많다. 그런데 이 표점원칙을 받아들이고 적용하는 과정에서 많은 논란과 시행착오를 겪고 있다. 그 논란과 시행착오의 원인 중 가장 큰 것은 ‘한국식 표점’에 대한 고민인데, ‘한국식 표점’이란 현토와 표점의 절충을 말하는 것으로 이해된다. 절충을 위해서는 두 방식의 공통점과 차이점에 대한 분명한 인식이 우선이므로, 본고에서는 표점과 현토의 차이에 대하여 논의하였다. 현토와 표점의 차이는 반점(,) 등의 다른 표점부호에서도 나타나지만 고리점(。)에서 특히 두드러진다. 전통적인 구두에 기반한 표점에서는 간결체를 지향하는 현대의 문장과 마찬가지로 고리점을 ‘문장’(sentence) 단위로 찍지만, 현토에서는 서술형 종결어미를 ‘절(節)’(paragraph) 곧 단락 단위로 단다. 따라서 현대어로 번역하자면 이 절 단위의 글 이해방식을 문장 단위의 글 이해방식으로 적절하게 바꾸어주어야 한다. 현토의 연결어미 중 일부를 종결어미로 전환해주어야 하는 것이다. 그런데 그 전환 과정에서 종종 오류가 발생한다. 이에 본고에서는 그 오류를 조선후기 학자 임규직이 제시한 ‘구두와 현토 관련 16항목’ 가운데 여덟 항목에 맞추어 살펴보았다. 현재 우리나라에서 가장 널리 읽히는 현토?번역본 중에서, 연결어미를 종결어미로 전환해주지 않아 생긴 오류와 잘못 전환해 생긴 오류 등에 관해 구체적으로 예문을 제시하며 설명하였다. 그리고 결론적으로 글을 ‘문장’ 단위로 보는 표점과 ‘단락’ 단위로 보는 현토는 서로 절충할 수 없다는 점, 절충을 위해서는 현토의 현대화가 필요하다는 점을 서술하였다. China has established the punctuation principle by designating punctuation to vast classic resources including 《資治通鑑》 and 二十四史 since 1950 onward. In Korea, there are also many cases of punctuation in arranging classic resources or in the reference of them in articles from 1990 onward, but there have been many disputes or trials and errors in applying and accepting the principle of punctuation. One of the greatest causes of such disputes or trials and errors is on the Korean type punctuation, which might indicate the compromised one between punctuation and Hyeonto. For the compromise, it is foremost necessary to understand a clear awareness between common feature and different feature of the two methods. Accordingly, this study discussed the difference of punctuation and Hyeonto. Though the difference between the two appears in other punctuation mark such as comma(,), it is apparently shown in the period (。). Like the contemporary sentences that directs simple style, punctuation based on traditional punctuation method marks period per ‘sentence’. But Hyeonto creates descriptive final ending by ‘paragraph’ unit. Accordingly, if it is translated into the contemporary language, it must be transformed properly from a paragraph unit to a sentence base in understanding the writing. It means part of Hyeonto connective ending to final ending. But there happens some errors in the transformation process. This study examined errors in 8 items out of 16 items on ‘punctuation’ and Hyeonto suggested by Im Gyu Jik a scholar in the later Joseon period. It attempted to explain the errors caused by non transformation and wrong transformation from connective ending to final ending among the most widest translated edition of Hyeonto with specific example sentences. In conclusion, this study argues that there is no compromise between punctuation which treats by sentence, and Hyeonto which divides by paragraph, and there is a need to modernize Hyeonto to achieve a compromise.

      • KCI등재

        영어와 한국어 문장부호의 비교 연구 -Colon(쌍점)과 Dash(줄표)를 중심으로

        김도훈 ( Do Hun Kim ) 21세기영어영문학회 2010 영어영문학21 Vol.23 No.1

        Building upon previous research on punctuation, this paper aims to expand the current literature by exploring the functional concept of punctuation and comparing English and Korean "points." Although punctuation allows for and must guarantee a certain degree of subjectivity, even arbitrariness in certain cases, it would still be useful to rebuild the concept of punctuation by exploring and accommodating the diverse perspectives and by reflecting the modern tendency. Based on a clearer notion, this paper then seeks to illustrate how individual "relationship-building" punctuation marks-English colon/dash, and their "form equivalent" marks, namely ssangjeom and julpyo, in Korean-take on the functional role as unique linguistic entities: they will be addressed in alphabetical order, with their functions and usage presented, followed by comparison and analysis. Although there are a number of punctuation marks in both English and Korean language systems, this paper limits its scope to colon, dash, and their equivalent marks in Korean, since more widely-used punctuation marks, such as comma and period, tend to be "fixed" in punctuation practices in rigid molds and the functions and usages of such marks share much similarity with the equivalent ones in Korean language. On the contrary, the punctuation marks that are dealt with herein often invite confusion and disagreement of interpretation, and the functions and usages are different.

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